The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, October 16, 1867, Image 3

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    SwWagiwurg itcpubto.
.. u-aviiesliiira lo Waym-shunt. arrival,
w!2KJaS."'i P "'l-u.lur-, Wuduclay..,
WSw-AiTw 'Willow Tree arrival.
'Vrom Washington I, to Wnvnisbunj, arrival
ui' in (fi(i-itBiin.lHy. , , ,
From ItUua l.ifllii to Waynchnri?, rrtvil
dallv p. .. ''-'Mt Sunday ,j iU-inirliiro dully,
a a 'lii .' exocptsimdavi.1.
'Knini Waynwiiiiirn. !' to ferneron, W n.,
arrival Tui-liivsaiidsaliirdns, p. in., depar
ture, Moii'liiys nnd rridiiys, H.ii. m.
Vnim Wnvnesbiini to went Alexander, Wn.
Co., Pa., arrival, sridays, 7, p.m., departure,
Frmo':vn'esnrt to, W. Vs.,
arrival. Wo iiu-wlu s, 5, p. iu., departure. Tutirs-
-Trom Wimii-slmrR to Mlddlr-bonrno. W. Va.,
arrival, Wednesdays, , p. m., departure., Tues
laays, 4, a. in.
Now AnvKKTHKMBNTs. Tho attention of
tear readers is specially directed 10 me lotiow
InK advertisements, which appear for the first
iiiSe in our paper to-day.
Amlltnr's Notice .1. 0. Flennlkcn.
llank Hcport J. C. Fliiinikeu.
Two MnsTiia tor Normsn Loos at this
V)kfkb. V Imvo recelveJ the Amerien Ajri
Winruffor October. Wa wUU that all our
trlenU could sea this pip-ir. Wa know of no
Way in which s i larj; ) an annual of truly
Valuablo Intcrest'mg, an1 intniutiva rcA'lliis
matter cwM hi given to a f imily ittsi smill
a pries as Ilia sulni:rlptim to tlio Arul:urint.
Etch number contains 32 to 4') l iri;o quarto
pajes, ami 30 to 5) fine euravin s, muiyoC
them very costly an I beautiful. Hero, In tins
October mim'tor, we fl r I In alti'l'in to the,
great amount of yaluaM j Inform itioii, h'mU,
tijKesliou, etc., morn than SI enmviii;s,
several of which aro aimn the most expen
sive ever found In an Illustrated Journal
This number is of Itself really wortli a year's
subscription. Tlio CJstol'the .1 u wii Ann
rultantt isonly f for a year, iu mlvvi.'e,
or four copies for Tiia publishers oil.r
Hut valuable Journal free fr tin remain,' two
months of this year to all subseribcH for
1 SOS, (Vol. 2T,) who send in th-lr mliscrlp
lioil d'lrin i (its month of October. We n.lyiso
all our readers to STOUie H 0.1 t'.ieso term. It
will b sure to bjn.atall f.illieri an.l nntliors.
and Interest and instruct the children. 8 ib
icriptions should be sent to the publisher,
Orange. JuJd &Co., "15 Urovlivay, New
York City.
We will send a copy of the Ajrinlfwht,
undoubtedly tho lies', j lunvil ol tho kind pub
lished In the country, to nny ononfour friends
for fotrttcn woi,if they first send u tho nanws
of three nw Snbtcribert for qiic ijfir with money
inwlmim. This proposition open for f'li'.i
month ony. Ki. Ki.Pt n." .
Evans says his pi.oils ami prices will bear
Inspection ami exlond' the broad invit-itnn to
everybody to come and examine them. Coiac j
one, come all.
A New supply of Alcohol. Turpentine nud
Varnish, for at O W. Huberts Co s.
fciroricuof.Dnus Tiki: Noti.x. Tip ro will
be an elcc'ion held on tho 1st Tuesday r.f
November next, at the ollleo of A. A. 1'ur
snan, in Wavnesbur;?, to elect live nmnagers
and ono Vrcsidcirt of the Waynesburg turn
f ike 'Co- for said road for tho ensuing year.
lly order of thu President,
A. A. Pcnmv, Secy.
15kai;t:i;i. The fashionable Cloaks at i
A New assortment of Fancy Soaps. TT ilr
Oil and Perfumeries alU. W. K iberis & Co s.
Urug Store.
Hoilkr Explosion at Camkiion. Tho
Moundsville Xttiioml, of Kuh, Inst., says
one of the boilers attached to tho keg and
atavu factory of Messrs. 0. II. Mender & Co.,
At Cameron, exploded last Friday at 1 1 o'
clock a. m. At Urn limn of tlin explosion
about thirty m"n an I boys were cngigcd at
work, but very fortunately only three were
injured. Tho engineer, Mr. Spears, was se
verely scalded about fuco and body. An old
citizen, Mr. Williard, and grind child, were
ailllng in the ongiue room at the lima. Mr.
Williard is badly seal led, arm broken ; the
child severely scilded and cut about the head.
Uoth tinilers wcro carried somo distance,
through the front of the engine room, making
a complete wreck of it, and tearing an im
mense hold in tho base or Iho smoke stack
Tho losj will bo severly felt here as a larg
number will be thrown out of employment.
Taints and Oil of all kinds, for Bale iU G. W
Robcrts A Co's Drug Store.
MAf.siriCBNT. Evans tilocUof Ladies Dies
A ORTn.siiA: of great medical knowledge says
that a mora genial, wholesomo and effjctnal
tonic and appotiier than Duke's Celebrated
Plantation Bitters was never discovered. Ho
recomondsit Tor Dyspepsia, for Liver Com
plaint, for Exhaustion, Weakness, for a want
ofAppo'dta, and forMmt d Dr-pressl :i. Tt
Is an agrcoablo stimulant, and is equally
adapted to young and old. Persons of sed
entary habits, clergyman, lawyers, merchants,
and delicate females are particularly benefited
by Its use.
Magnolia Wateh. A delightful toilet arli
clo superior to Cologno and at half tho price.
Alwats For.sMosr. Evans is just opening
the fullest and best arsorted stock of Full and
Winter goods eve; brought to this market.
Robertson's Liquid Dentifrice for cleansing
and preserving tho teeth for sale at Q. W.
Roberta 4 Co s Drug Store.
A Stranoi Ai'r.uu.
At twelve o'clock, one summer day,
A handsome man, In fino array,
Vina seen to be in pre at dismay
His eyes they wildly rolled
lie strode around in deep despair,
And savagely be tore bis hair,
And smote his brow, all lined wilh care,
Willi hands so damp and cold ;
What was his grief? List to his tale t
Last week, In a tremendous gale,
As his clothes wcro bleaching on a rail,
They all were blown away.
He stormed b vain at the blustering thief,
And mourned his loss with direst grief,
Till a good friend came to his relief.
And took him ln a "ono horsj-shay"
tight up to James Guiher's Dry Goods and
Famishing Store where his loss was soon made
good; since which time this Individual has
been enjoying his im aim Jlgnltoit.
Sam Davcanau. The sale nf the "Eagle
Fonndery." (Owen's) was postponed from
Jbrmar day or sale to Saturday ucxU
No Tint to If you desire any
thing from F.van's New Stock von had better
go toon. The People know who sett cheap
mk and will make a rush for hi choioo se
lections. Wilburs Pure Cd Llvor Oil and T.tme cure
for Consumption for sale at 0. W. Roberts
Co's. Drug Store.
Pastt. The "Sensation" Hats, at Evans".
Wasuishtox C'oosrr Tae Washing
ton County Agricultural ajeloty held their
animal exhibition . on the fur grounds at
Washington, on Wednesday, Thurslay and
Friday of last week. Tho attend nice is sal 1
to have been unusually larijc, and the exhibi
tion a very flnl one.
Bats Ui.NvtNU. The recent rains have
caused a rise, In tho river and the packets are
now making regular trips.
in fccTa no w Wliitrt Load list received at
Q. W. Huberts ifc t'o's Uru,' Sim.
Ciikap. All sons of cooda at Evans'.
Mas Staimed. A. dispatch from Vnlou-
town, dated tbc.nth, Informs us that the elec
tion passed off quietly, no special Interest
being taken in it ly any one to secure a I irg e
vote, and it will be very email :AtMi:C'lel
lantown, the day dil not pass so cpitetly.
One or two st sbliin? nllmys occurred. The
llrat was of an iuslriiiflctiit character, but tho
second seri us. A man named Daniel II -tetiler
stabbed and cut another by tho nvno
of Vim cut c.uiie seriously. He stabbed linn
several times hi I he back, but the only danger
ous cut was mi Iho H !e of tho neck and the
throat. It is thought t l-day that Vincent will
recover. Tin quarrel was about p Htio9.
Window (S'.ass of every si.e, f ,r sale at 0. W
Ro'jeits i Co s Drugstore.
Ghaxd. Ladles fliawls at Kvans'.
Oik Srr.isu. The coal " dl;;n rs nf the
"lian!;s," below town were on a strike last
week for three cents p-r bushel, two and n
halt' bein? tho price paid for minim;. Wo
know not'iin of their (riievane", or whether
Ihn nartl -s have arran 'ed it a'liieably. It has
had tho t-mkney to r.iis; thepi lce of coal.
Tun cq'i'noctlal sl irm bccnn on Wednesday
last and we have been li ivie.g alternate rain
and uuirky weather ever sluce.
"DisTisorisiirn AitnivAi.." -Kvans' New
floods have just come from Philadelphia, and
are meeting a most hearty reception.
Gi-niER can heal them all selling Cioodi!
('AiiMii nvr.i.s Faiu The annual exhibition
oflhe tl.eene Omty Agricultural Society
was hell on their grounds at Carmiehacls,
Tli u -'day and Friday, ot last week. The dis-
phy the Irs', day, we underfnud, was not so
profuse but very credita'do withal The sco
ond day liic! o was n l ir; - attendance. Tlw
lower rn'l of our couniy was f-ilrlr represent -
rd bv her youth and bsiiutv. Tho wealher
was somewhat unf.ivor.iblo and fllfiil showers
made it ralber imple.v ant. K itwitlistanding,
cattle, etc., were exhibited the day before,
Ill' display itfnMi Was exceedingb' hrje
and, indeed, the extensive variety of stock
(iiftn) which was on exhibition allonbd a rich
IVisl to the eyes ol tho admirers of the beau
tiful m the works of nature and art 1 Thn
tnte oflhe WcnHicr and the play of the ele
ments wero favorable to this purl of tho exhi
bition. Iu tlui linrK! file although nothing
very last w as entere 1. yet of stock for general
purposes, tlui exhibition was very fair. The
mcchaipcal department presented a good ap
pearance, the collection of machines, farming
jmi,i!m,.iiig) w igonn, cania;:e:i, etc., was ccr-
talnlyjrond. Passing li:tlty through rloral
and Dome -tie Hall, which wero combined ln
one, we displays o llo'.vo'S, fruit,
vegetables, grains, etc, together with som .
ex vllent nvfra , wo ilid'nt taste) speci
mens offline;, jellies, preserved fruits, cakes,
bread, in sleet, almost everything imigl
nahip calculated to plea'i fhf cyn and tempt
the appetite, As wo passed on through the
domestic department we noticed that Ihe la
dles had not been i lie lookers. on in the get
ting up ot this fi.icdipluy. Them were on
exhibition tome of the finest specimens of
quiltimr, knitting, crocheting inf ict. almost
every variety of fancy needle work which Ihe
fertile brain and skillful lingers of woman are
capable ofbriiigiug ia'o existence that it lias
been our pleasuro to "e any where. It has
not been our fortune to attend this Fair for
some years past, but ju lgingfrom the exhi
bition this year wo do n l think t'uo Society
has ln anv in inner retrograde I.
The "National I!ml,"of Carmichacls, was
present and i cndcrc I excellent service.
Notions. At Evans : iu great variety and
cluaper than the clrapest.
Dr.PTCATnN. On Sabbath, the 2e)lh of Oer.,n
new and very handsome M.'thodit Church
will be dedicated at Amity, Waddngton county.
Pa. Tho Ikv. J. D. llerr, pastor or tho
churches at Washington and Aniily, has been
very successful in his ministry lliero as else
where, and is highly appreciated by the com
munity. The K 'T.' John Cowl will preach in
the morning, and the l!ev. Jarns llobinson
in Iho evening of dedication day.
GiuiiF.R has Ilia largest stock of Goods in
the County .'
Acrn CfTtzuNS Dboppiho Off. Tho follow
ing old ni Units of Fayette County, havo re
cently died : Mr Stephen MeClcan of Union
town, aged 81 years, on tho 2nd Inst ; Mr.
John Gano, of Morris X Iloads.aged SC ears,
Aug. 1st, 13(1 ; Mr. John Miles, of 3prin;liill
Furnace, aged 80 years Sept. lilth, liWJ ;
Mary A. Gregg of Uuioutown, aged 72 years,
Oct 1st. 9i.
The work on tho Penitentiary of W. Va.
at Moundsville is steadily progressing.
Exj:;isits. Tho Winter style of
Tiik r.ioc.EST Tiiinu Out. Evans' stock o
domestic Dry Goons.
The greatest v.iri -ty, ofFIviuol at Elans'.
Oct West A general renewal of busness.
Cause good crops. .
Comfort a Bi.a. The
Evans'., ' V
Splendid Fras at
$12,009 wottUof Ooods at Guih'jr'a, cheari,
for Cash!
NnncKS Afftrrvtrjn n4 DtK imtritH fr4
bill Trilit'n of Jlrtpid and Uhihnrin chiryrri
eifjht ctntt a Kn. ' 7i Monfy miu bt advnnd to
terure their, iwertioii. , t
WAT30N-W00LSET-At Gray s Lan
ding Pa-c. September 5Ui,. IK67. by Kev. H.
O. Koaberongli,' Mr. P. U. Watson, of West
moreland county, and MU EKza Woolsey, of
the former plaaa. i . - ., ..
1 LEMLET-LiPINO-sOrl pt.' 42if, IW,
nt the residence- of tho bride's Mother, Mr.
K Lemley and Mias tikmirar J. Laping, all ot
Greene Do. Pa. .
McDANlElvLcOONiAT'tj'aJsth, JM7, Irr
Jaa. Call Ksq ., Mr. W MeDanlel and Miss
Rachel Coon, botrrof thtro r$i.;' Orfcene C.
)ic liSrtjiucsbicrg
McCTIHDV At tho residence of JI. II.
Leonard, in lirceua Co I'a..ou the fUh, ol Oct.
of Typhoid Fever, Mr. I. 51. McCurdy. of
St. Loiils.Oratiot county, Michigan.iu the Itii,
year of bis ajjo.
TiirnfUi(ir!TnvAt !; r,thr'
dnnce, near Homer, Chainpagne Ce. It's., of
Typholl lever, Aug. B71H, WiJ, in. S.
lhrockmorton, agea Z3 years.
and of tho same disease, Eveline, daughter of
.Mr. Isaac Throckmorton, Sept 12th, li87,
aged HI years.
Waykksuuro, Oct. ,
Correeted Weekly for the ItircnueA.
nutl-r 'fresh roll,) f Hi
1- exH v iloz
1'nliUOfH y huh M
I.ard YVi
Tallow $ ft
O'lnHry .s,ai f ln
Dried reaches B
Flour? Iibl
'limit "r lauh -
live V hush
i .'urn ii IiiihIi
Com Mtl v bu-!i
11 no
1 ('
e ? P
1 Mil
It u
llroivn suirar i
Hi rlrn U suyiir V U
svrnp V md
.Mola-"i i V. uili-aiiH.i
Moruhiiiii 'j grit
Salt t llll
lliell(t Ik
1 Oil
3 s
MoSTlAY, O. t. II, lSITT.
liarln- the week Irii'lu Ii.ah raled dull, lltu at
tenl ion ol" nearly o-tr- per-on heliitjalisorheU in
Ihe L-leftlniis. ilnr Hour dealm-n ni'ii very lino,
ft 1 1t 1 (.lie lellilen'-y ol "pile "S h to llilller nil"S.
I.'oin Its m-ui-ee fiiitl rll'lU. Hef('iplH ol'otils fllnall,
Willi ti liili'dtoiuuiil. Itiltleriiild tKs iii-l' HeaiiM-.
I'oMloiM ii iv H'lvanolii'.;. 'I'lin waul ot river navi
Kiillon Is severely fell lu ull dejiai luiBiits of
fpioio aq follows, whleti are the wholesale
utore prices j
llll.MX AND IT.i if I!.
Vhiat, r-nnn n. and "lilo, Wlnier lied 52 I0 J ei
Hve liiisii
,l l'i
i lam 7" linsii
I 'ol li tl lnisli
pilllit Uliriit FJoiir
Winter Wheat
simur (.'iireii jiiuiiH
I j-i-.l
1'ol ltiM, V llUSll
Al.ple.s i l.hl
I'l se ,
li"-'S ril"'.
! ;u
. 10 TV . II mi
. HV'pt7
.' fl'.,"i.l-
I' I ill
2 2-",H
ill" 1 VI'.UI I.
Ciili'Aoi), Oct. II, I'M".
Flop a Active nml IVaiie liinlier nt is u.'i)
In .17 lor Hii in etrn.
Win-. vr-iijvne, tlnn iind 1. e litiihor t nales
nt m'ii,i i ,r .s i. 1; ik, Jill f,,r .Nu. a,
iiMiiii'sl.iMlv ill lis'i lor No. i.
i ons-etive nii'l v.. Iiln'ier at SI W.'J
1 II lor No. I ; l II.',,. I !.' lor No.
'vrs-Aeiiveuti't 'ue lusher, elosini; aleiidllv
ul Ss' 5c
Itvi; Op'Mieil .steivly an.l 'Jehliflier, itneriVHl'ds
ivenK-eiifJ iin.l uL il U lor Nu. 1, aod
SI 'II lor No. .
I'hovihidns -(inlet ; livsi tiork2l; lard la1;
IlKI- KI'ATrl.K IJUlet Bt ell 0(1 Hid .! fiirg lfl to
clt"Ie.- vi 1 t ' i hit.
JloiiHlMill nud unclniP'.T''''!.
nti.Tiuunn situurr.
11 A I.TIM' lit V., Ill'lollfl-1 1, l-'tonr iplletllll'l tlrm.
Wh' iit Hrni nt 2 s.1 ror prime. I'oro .1.
(Illleil :le ; lillxeU Western Si II. I llltl iwir It t
"erie, l'ro (.lions 11 cm nlnl niiehniieU.
I'llll.tDll.l-III A.
rilir.APCT.I'niA, O.-t. I I. I-'Inlll' lll!l. M'lienL
ipllel. I.. Ml 'lull; yellow l VI. 1 .1 1 s 7 I J.'S.'.
(' el' "'unlet, llio IIU i,l,'e. rtusnr Hlea Iv; rullu
lliK lli'i il'.'e.
Tile I'ltii'lilii Knot's.
Tlio fitlluwlno; aiv A;j;a.ssi,'s otl
inuto of tlm i'liriimliiiii mnl nPot'tlH'
riiirMi ivpI's nu tlio l'lot'ida pii t d:
'1'Iip-p reel's iiff Imilt u;i y tin in
pro! tlvil licins to workon thfgrotiti.l in
wtitcf ol twelve or tiUeon liitliuiiH do op,
tui'l In; ciiiiiiot live; unless ho hu.s tlio
roiist'int ticliim nf the npoii sp;t iii(in
him, so that lie flops ul the height of
hi;rli title. J!y niiineroiw PXiPi'iiupiits
it litis Ikvu n-eriaiiieil that the cnral
luiililiii:'; constructs at about tlio rate
(if h.iif nu ini'h in a century; but in
(inler to err, if at ull, on the safe side,
Agassi?, dotil)!es his estimate in his
eal.Mihtion, making it in an inch in a
eenliliy. IS'ow (uit-ide of the Florida
Kevs there w a mx ri'of villi an
average Iie!;ht of seventy feet' which,
thcretoi'C, must have been liejfiin 7000
veai's ao, or 10(10 years before Adam.
.Seeoiullv, the kevs themselves are
nothing but an inner reception nf the
same sort of coral reefs, of at le.i.4the
same avenge height; ami the builders
must have finished them, before thev
betran the outside rwfyis appears from
the neeesslly of havinr; the open foa,
and trom the iaet tliat there are none
outside of the one we have mentioned
above. The keys, therefore, swell the
record to 1 4,00t years. Next we have
the shore bluH'oftheniain hind, which,
is also ol the same construction
and which carries tho earth's record
above 20,000 years. Moreover, there you go inluml,seven veil defined
and, of course, successive coral reels,
which added to the forogohijr, would
make the work 70,01)0 years old.
And l'rofcsor Atrussiz rer.irds this a
very moderate estimate.
Tlio Monthly KIHtement of tlio Putillr
The Statement for Oetober sliows an
increase in the debt of 2, ID 1,1380 Do,
compared with tlint ot b'Mitember
The Greenbaek currency has boeti coa-
ti-acted 1,'XIO,000, inakiiiir the total
reduction since April, lSbb, when
Congress limited the amount to lie
withdrawn each month to four mil
lions of dollars. $d 1,58 1,108. The
sum of.522,74i(,2.j'2 was withdrawn as
btlongino; to the original g50,000,0OU
Greenbacks providd to meet the eon
tintrenciea of the Demisits in the Treas
ury, hearing from 4 to 6 per cent., and
which Deposits have been vhollv paid
off ciuee April, 18o'G. The further
sum of gJ8,,lob has been with,
drawn from time to time of the oriina
issues ot iHUW,OW. -o eiiange
has been made in tho maturing Com
pound Xotcs. These amount, as on the
1st of September, to 57S,:jU,")80 and
the new 3 per cent. Lcrtiliejites ot Depos
it havo been provided to the extent of
$50,000,000 us the substitute of so
much of this sum as hills due tins month
ami In Decemljer. Of the 7-.10 mj
cente.,outsUmding on Sept. 1,$29,G70,
000 appear to havo cone into tlio new
5-20s of 18G5-'C7, and 'jf 4,250,000
transferretl to the past uua debt uion
rfi'U interest and the.riirht of conver-
j i '-j . .
peion nave oe.wei.
?pub(ican, ScDuesbnii, clobcr 10, I8CT.
( lirUtlna omenllon.
A call, signed liy the oluecrs of
tho young men's Christian Assix-iation
of Pittsburgh, and ull tho officiating
olergv of the city, has been issued for a
convention of all tho churches of
Christ, in Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio
and Western Virginia, to be held iu
l'ittslmrcrh, on Tuesday, Mednesdav
and Thursday, October 22d, 23d and
2 Hli. All Christian rliurches ot ttie
sections named are requested to send
delegations ot a pastor ond two or
three laymen. No Credentials will be
rcouircd. The object of the conven
tion is to promote the harmony of
( liristian denominations, and stimu
late each other to greater activity
in the cane of Christ. Similar con
ventions have been held in Maine,
Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Illinois and
other States, and been followed with
good results.
Xoiiilnallon nf UctK'riU Grunt by Mary
The following resolution, was adopted
by the Maryland Republican Conven
tion tit its session Thursday.
"iV.Wjw', That the Republicans of
Maryland, in convention assembled,
earnestly recommend to the Republican
party "t the country the nomination til
General Ulysses S. Grunt as their can
didate for President of the United
States." .
The Itnllnn Iteviiliidiin.
LimiON", October 8. Garibaldi,
from tho island of (,'iiprcra. has ismed
a second proelanintion, coui'heu in very
violent words, lie urges thn revolu
tionary force to go on and capture
Wt i
ItoiVU't finildn.
Counterfeit 7-!!0 bonds are in circu
lation and have but recently been di.-
coveiid. 'J'ho Treasury department
luriitsiies the lollowing description ol
delecls in the imitation. Hie omls
of the star forming the sea! are longer
than in the genuine and have a
slightly blurred appearance, and the
re 1 ink of tint seal is a shade lighter
tliiui in the genuine. Tlio imprint at
the bottom of the bond is set dililrentlv
in the margin. There is ail,ob.scrvable
difference in the expression of the
vignette, representing a female figure,
upon the taee ol the bond, the hues
being not so well shaded nor as smooth
and uniform iu color; in the counterfeit
the figures denoting the number of the
b n laiv3light;yiinevriiaiiilth.'blui'ink
in which they are printed kicks the
metallic and glossy appearance ol the
genuine. .1 lie red lieu res in Hie eon-
nun attached designating their nuni
xts are larger thtui in tho genuine.
Tin! borders and ornamental lathe
work of the coupons appear blurred
nil inililieiviifly executed, and the
white space between the margin of the
Mind ami the coupons is wider than in
the genuine bonds. The Govi.Tment
will Juso nothing by these eoiusterliuls,
itsalls"Von-tliirti are. undo payable to
older by the holder when presented
ir indorsement.
D.v YrFTii.ivsitm:;rj Through
out Canada, Thursday next is to be
observed as a day ol general than ks
giving lor tin abundant harvest. Cana
da has been as fortunate in tne plente
niisness of her clop this year as the
United Slates.
"Admiral" Scmmca Ii;, from
iirot! til itii'i'iinistuiifc, liccn to
sever liis cnnutvtiim with tin; Alwiiiiliis
hr.Hilm. An fjxiiiauo-o f:yi tntiC lie
iikuIl' ti very go'iil fiiratu, Init u uiility
poor cilitor, tliouh In; did uhuut itii
oiiuai iituouut ot hUtilni'' 111 both iro-
8 I X CI E It
His Tirjfm ov r twoyenrs In prvparntlnn, nri"!
whifh Iim.i I it.''n hroimhtto i rhvtion r-'irar'UfsR
if t itiio, i;iUir or XMM)st', ami Is now froii lihiiit
ly ir"cnt'fl to tin-put. lie im Inrouiparulily th
lfM,Mwmn MiirhiiU' ltnistcii''o.
Tlio Mtii'iniif in qiii'.-stion h hmiip!p, rornpift,'
ilnr ihlcantl lnvmiliiih It isonit. lixht niuiitmt
mill t;:ipiil)hk of p'Tioj niSii': a r;inu" mi-l vuri't
Ot WoUt llt'VtT ticl'or. al i'l)ltM.( A H.flljIiJ
.m ii in 11110; Uiui'Trtf in, i wimi, i.uian or ioi
tciri'h'va l.nnl st-WMii; with .'iiml facilitv thn
vrry lineM Hii't coarsest matt-riitiH.ii nil uitythlinr
ni'twtM-n 1 in 1 wo t-.i ri-m'-H, !! t h.' uvm ie innini
iiutl fl'itiHtjiiIUI man nor. JU niiat) f-r
Hfniinim;, Jiruiilin:, (.'nnlinir, Tn:ii.inr, tjuilt
im, in;?, Trin 1 tiling, Itiii'lin, ot., nr" Novi;l
anil I' uii'l liuvrt Iwen invt ut;-l ainl
jiiftd onDC'iallv for tills Maclikiit.
?w Ufsimis of mo unique, ii-trail nti'l popntv
fniillm; topn a:vl vUiiK't c.-a i'fiiltar tu tho
Mib'hitM ri uuitHitaJ tuifil hy thi- Coup my hnvo
't o pvi-p trt-'i mr tn.-ioiii me inv Jianiiu;,.
ThHrnri' KfttT up In pv rv vrrt"fv of voyvI, ltd ltlj. It ll',.:inr l!.y,.,,.l
an I the like, ni(l fr-m tho nltini's?. to tli mrf
I'lnhorato pattern nud flnisti the Mi'iinwt
tht'iiivlvcs b-'in.; rnirij or U- -. hiuhiy oru nm nt
:i. to rorrt's)nnl wltti Uit TahiLst or CahinfU
for whit i tln-y ure inUuih-tl.
A f w rffin whv Hi NUKR'1 lafit iniwv.
KW!VO MA fFIM-r tho Ih-,1 for Vain -liy
nail ( i"ii--ral l-ufK('.-.
lt. You an n.-w unytliina from fha flnt In-thirkns-i
of SwIih or Nank to wvral
uncline! of tin.' hc:ivitst lit avor chtli, nmuu
Hovkln-I ortz of thr-fvl wth u faitiy,
from No. 2 i oUoa up to thu huiA test pit nt or
Llnn fhriMfl.
1. It uh-h a Mhort.Ktntifht nHn, poaIIv Kft,
mill mnkt the popular Lut-kStituhaiikf on both
Mi. It hnsftnoron!'istinKtrnion whlfh
ro.i;irtnorlnni I r tliilW'-nt lhlckntiM of
material or rtiili-rvnt mz- t of thrt ml.
4th. It Is frt from nil prlni, w.rnn and othrr
complh4ttitn ami in hIiikmI iiodyits.
Vh. Xo thri-atU to hold or wlituU to turn In
vart ln ir.
th. It does not have 10 bo taken apart to oil
and olfan IU
"ill. It linan pfrfiTt fed wliorfibyyon oan mw
t!nt'nf!t inatrrf-fclHwiihtit havinjrfo kwpyour
work ttetlil to pivvni iv "ptickfrlnic ' hii.I
y.n nvir have to Jiwl8t tho work tuxougU as in
all other miirl.tncn.
"td. It will hf'u any wl'lth, sew a stmhrht
nctim, 'trninkpa iii 1 the mint perfeet rn innw,
with nkill than In rei.'iivd toaew MHtrnight
murn on nnrothr maehin.
Itn tiahiii"nti for Mmldlne, CorJinir, Qnltt
ln. H'n Itmr, Ttifkln. nr. novel nnj pruc
ttcit, nni retttilri but little nkill tonne tliem.
1'i.rfdil lnslructkm given lit tho house of the
Moih v refunded if the mac'irnoa nro not m
Kwrv muchinfl wnmntwl and kept in repair
three yWa witliout chnnre.
Ag ut for OriAiiAl'ountr.
Vaynehuri(T tM.
E. 1
jr. siAYEHs; ' ; ' - ;
ATtriH"! T ASB forSKltOll At IAW.
In addition 1.) other tness will fc'tend fo all
enealn-Re'-wimptevtliot fnATheerKmete'l to his
fnre. OJice.oppunlte Drug ftuire of O. W.. Itoai
ens it Cs.
l) I C A L .
PNi'iu-'i, liitiii p-rm-in.Mit nflln In ri5hhnit'Ti,
PfiiiiMiVHiiirt, wlii-rw tin Ihh Ihimi euuHUni l"t
Ui- iMwLkwliytArlul,iitiuouuwrul trt'tilmfut
Ot (til
trio Iitvtnr mtfiht itrr-nnt olunift nf rerttfl-
tin must rmtUti.i'tin v t'-tliiiMiiliU will bo ((ivt n
Uic Mihlitr iit h irhi! nf hlniiit.ll. Ir. V. iltnutf-n
(JXfhishf ntit-nti'Mi t'" Allnniit", In
Wlilrh tils prarilci luiN uniformly mi -jh-
nil. rtr(Mtntc cures in miiiiv oh.i tliftl Uuvo
hutllcHl till olner systems utt rent taunt.
Pi'.r.ilysK niirum.'stNm, nraripliltl, Cntnrrnh,
l)v tlnt ss. l)iMfUS'" ni th" p!nr, Shinn'-h,
HnHI t, I.tVl-r, UoHi-Ul, Kiiillt'VH. I.uhkh,
t'umaiu l)N"ari, t; tn-ml Lk bll
lly. Am,, Ac,
Atp all promptly nn-1 prninnantly rt.r(tl by tli
Ij h-liii nv-o.'tti nf trivifuiftit. Purinu tin r:Ht
few yt-tirs, llm iVn-inr Uuh nnM'nM tiiiii'lrfls nf
(iiirt's to w Ii Iflt In; wlil l to iri v tli'
n-rT -wv wliu nriy cull up"u lilin. ln In vitcn
nil Hilli' tt v 1 r 1 1 t.tiy initn nf t'liruuiu Uwuubu
mi l Uuvititf fiilktl tuutjtniii reliol', to
lltu nrlnrlpnl nccnti nro U?Mp ent'rly from
iho Vet'tante Ktnu't'jni, mid ttnonre . rom-liiiH-'l
H-t to tiimli'' Mm vital lorrcM of
titi'l tli'-n-'iv ri'stoif U t t pt-rtiH't tifitllh, 'iiw
D'H'tor lm'- ht n upucially b'.m'c-iHiul In thn
HeuLUKmL ul nil
F K M A L K D J S E A 9 E S
Womon r IHoncorfl frtil vNItm tonin1mllo
en lint t'i t'iii' Mi-x, tntmv nt whn'ii tniulit io
sjp-i'il fr.m livi of wr. trhivliii-'tini'l ni'iimtiiri'
ur.tvfrt hv i'.pch inu l;i linn- to I r. W. Tin- rt'in-t-U,'H
I'liucoinl In tlm priK'Hir ol I r. V. an
jnnut.u inr-il PxchKlvly hy htm frm,i )h own
M mUhI Ijttinriitnrv mi' l ftr niwuyt pur in
iiuttlitv ami Hpoclilij In 'lh-ct. Or. W, ifiii(ims
ili-i -ihi' I iv nii.iutsnt thtt trln. tltcnnlv int.tMI-!i!-'
t"t nf ill CUM', iii-vi-r f lillmx Ktl..vnvr (k
ii:itur-, l-r)tlity un rtimhUity, thu;) l-iuiIjUhk
him lu I'liiplti; u
(if fif nllM'f pptl'ilntr of hl moilr nf illncrno.
st-s In- cm it miIMV i'Vitv (vitluiit who lv.'i him
a tiia', In-iu lh.' iirltii'itUiin; h wilt ti ll nrr-nruti).
I ull Uinl fun ir known ni ttny iliKi-nse. Ill I Im;
I'xainiii ttioii tf thiHst- rs'iion, ho emplt'yri nptl-
. t-lifllllt'lil HTI'I llli TO- lOp;i-ll ltlM, ll'MJUHC
iM-iny prt'fiitfl in vlii''ti oiit-o' tin's ti-HtiH
not Ktiiti. it-iil to an iit rmnltt liiiL'iio.Hi-4, The
piM'iui h f not laim to n- ii "i-uif nil," nor yl
"lln'i itfhl nrm of thtt Alioltility urelrhfl forth
to oi vc tin woi hi ttt'tit jiiviintl tint ilistmhit Ion,'"
lint ii ilue ptoiLns lioin Si U iiLilli: iiC'lulri'iimnts
DiM'otM oxrlti'ilvHv to th trcatoiPiit of chronlr
UN, vit'i liii infill 1 1 hi tMUnf iIU'-hsm tohtMihl1
to r.'l em nii'l i' i nriiii'iiilv t ur" nil I mi casi-H
riiiii mu iiulHliwly buyoiul tho u-uoli of ruin
Ori'iiSITKTlIi: V.VNHFON' iioi;hb
r it 7. r; a k i.i c r i n t t i a r, .
o. i-t r. r. wim n.rcsv.
LETT K H.S F It O M E U R 0 P 11
KfHToii or Tin: "nt it.APF.r rnr i-nrxV A!d
"WAHI-N'iroN I'll HoN (l l.K," AMI Hi: 'KKI AKY
Of llli; dNAili Uit" ill"! L'MUli HI A I Kit.
Hlnv tho(niu!n"n','ni"iit of th pnhll'nti't!i of
(''loii"l Kofi'-v J.-ih ili'im l.inoif in i hk
Cm 1 1, wn.i'iii Uaii.v nii'l Wkcki.y 1'itv-w, thti
pi i oil -ii'r oi ttioni- pa; i. i t lias hi't'ii ill I In 1'i-n'ipl
tt iiiiiiiiii'ruoit' iii'iiitt hs ft'om t;io-t' who wimi
oil to know li 'too n.rri'HponilritfO wonhl not Hp
pi'arin tuttitt t'tiin. In ucconlaiH'' w.i tht'ir it
i'lr-sli, wowlll noWHl.itf tliat llit'M IflloM, rnr-
luliv r' i-t 'l, ami ri-wi iltfn, with iiiiporiLUit I
ii'itlttlon ., art-now in prom, ntul will Hhortly lie 1
Hivcn t 11 law ilno Imi-uuo vol-i
uni-' ol .: i'H'4- hv tin' 'ii.iiMmiK Itoii"!- of T.
H. IVtTS'Mi.t Itrntfipps, Imlln'lPlphla, who nre
tp,iriiu noi'Sp-Mirit to m iUcof it a bwk which
iiinll fomhliif t-vt-ry irattirn nf typttjrruphifal
fxfih-nn WiarH-'tfri it ho( tii''l)"i pu:lh'allnirt
01 t ii In tit hi. it will contain an I'M'i'lh'iit Htn-I
porir.ilt ot tin author, fiiiavnl in thu tiiinu t
4t vh- of t h" art, hy oii'of tii" h.-it artirtt.H In thn
.outilry, itn-l it will ht-In every nptM t a wrk
a'Tcpiulilt to tlio nuuifToiis (rli rMH ftf t'ohtnt i
Korii"y. rtif'niri'i'spoii'h'iH t' ntvt- thpatirhor
imitr'-.-t tuiH nt various round i 0 wlih'h h vinit-
I ilni ,mr an Kurpfaii tour o M-veral inonttm,
rii h 'hprvait'iii iijion vii-icty, iioiit !, amu-iu-ni'
iMH, uiatnilai'tiii'tM, p lu' ktt'tnal iin-l n-llnio'iR
iiitiitilioii-t, in Knlaii I, hraii't', iSwit.tTiali-l,
Cm iiii imv, HfUhnu, mi I Ifollan l. 1 hi vurh'ly
fit t In H lei ttrn nny Im-jw lii'-'l from tin fa'-t that
ttit v wTf wiittt-n iVoiu ttii'ton, l,ivti-p'f 1, Ox-fta-.l,
Wiii'Nor, ll'illtax, Wratforil-uii'm-.Woii,
I'hi'HitT, IMrin, Hiiiv, I.nrniin, Hihru
tiiMh-n, U hl.-Iltorit, U ir-l-l.-n. On tin llhirio
I'olilt-ni, iirU'S'N, Anfweip, thn IIjvum--, iiJ
varioin tthi-r p'.a.'i-s on tlno out hn-nt oi Kiii'opp.
Tii wort; will W pulilliii'.l In on.' laU'i iIikh
ilr-rinio voluiii"of ovr pa-n, prititf-'l 'in th
flm si p ip r, un l IiuiilIs oiii.ay IxjuikI lu cloth.
I'riftt, I'wo 1'oliarH.
1 Ii ftkt'l lfpi, iirwi aiiTi'f, pnnva"nr, nnl all
othppi,arrtfli'ittf to orlnr t oihh what tht y
iiuiv want of tin niKivt iMk.o that thHrortlor
Pan" ! Illiil out tort lit tir.-t rtlilion. A llt'C--..i
a 1 nnlfnt, whotviaiu mi-l retail, to the puhliiili
vrsuflu 9t.(;;iP5:rint Ptrpt, rhll.i l.ilphia. Pn.
Aii'l t!iv will rw!v linmHl!nto attention.
NMini.l.' ((.- .if "i'oI'itii 1 rtrru-y'"i J,'-itPr
fr..m l.or.p. " will l m nt to any one: to any
pi t- !!, .n li.ivt' n." ' ! 'l iy f'f laiblh-Htioii,
p-s; !'. pai'l.ou rc.:r;j t ol ihe rntxtll price ut the
V AN'TKrv Aarrrrsfti I C,ATVrtv arp wtirt
p?in pvpt c'iiniyf tnr-n, nnl vilt i'tn thp
I'nitfil ta':pH an'l an",i. to PTinj(' In tjfttmg
up n lii-t of ubpnlhTi to tne ulxno work.
l;M-tf. .
(.It-hr'n KxrelHlor lJ'(iiil t Pinpnt, will poiI
ttv.'lv mpii'l hiithpn, Cr'rk", liin-s, &'.. In onk
miitk. nd makft thm strong n pvpr. It
utaiut warm wwr ad'1 all ordinary h; ami
will hnk Hnvwhnrp n p;ily n at l hp Joint, I
wiil Mi sii Aniily riK'it toninkpit rr .Vn, or, a
hoith for tiieanip, LruiMl-t keep thelnifrp
ilit nt; only two arth !. mixM. Ax nu tlo
well by inuitliitf a lid rolling it. Allrin,
Ort. 2-"t 8h.rprn.iiilo'n, lVnn.
Tho firm of P. A. T'rXZ A T7n., U thN day
firasolvt-J fAuyiHt It, 17,- by mntual rnm.
s. A. Foalz rvtirtiift. V. K. FoUTZ Is harphvan tutettU tUe baninfsno the latn Ann,
ani wltl cutiUuuc tli buiiii' m lr. I.tiawn naiue,
m.a. roriz,
T will prftiMnn In Hip TTOT,liAT,n pnt'O
SCi Vl; MKI'IfTIXBS. at (lie oM plup.
So. 1I FranJcllii airuet. uinlr t!i nn'ii ana
ivnr davip r. foctz.
aVA . Rjltlraorp, Md.
.O. UK 0, V.
noonniKA iiixiE, xo. w. -
Hll.ln (lsnenr'a rinlMlitir, rnt Mnln mreet,
'aviieslmrK,l'a. Ttiii4,Tliarsilay evening. oh.-h
weak. - dh.
T . 0 OF 0. F. .. i
' " WATTfliUDUIta UiDOr, xo. . I
..;.-. -
IT4 lu Giineer s BnlWlnf.- emit M(i!rt Ulreft,
Wnrnenburg, Pa. Tlmrtueadar TtUug,
wetku da.'
13 1 H H T ARKI V A h
. Wa rtrstrn to Inform oar otwtomera aud all
Qiusu wliu ifili tu buy
TlialwaAMi rrwAlvlner A fimnltA Stock of Fnll
ik.'i ui.ii.p i1(mmii. which ith ar(iletfmiInM to
mil, If you will como aud see lUeui. our st.jcli of
diiy aoobs,
amhntra th but stniilrn, xtra htaTjr hrown
nuilln. Irlllln. eHntnii ttnntirla, hlwi'lied
nul!ii, u'lHl1""'!. BogUaiwortuiciitor
Inn. r.nidnil nnt'ons. boslerr. nlovcs. trim
mhiic. rilib'Mn, I'ti'toliK, At; Also, h V'l ef
sxini il'iniioii, wiiiis, roa, gray, nguioa ami
n-iotimil Shop., rxirn, riesvy.lmn'l mii'li bnot,
for iifii iiul b" 8. uiul mi ivisortiufut if fine nnl
hi'iivy Kbnn ''iiii'ti, MtBHen an.l tlhtllrt?n.
( :nm tu us to liny your lioolit und shoes for tlie
n.vra AND CAPS
fur mfn an t l'ivs, a crfiit tnrlcly nml nl jirloe.
tiiNiill nil. Kit 1 1 lyli. nf I". in li', wreiitliH,
Ii-iiii'TH, nowi'i-H, pri trtiiiiiiincK, &v.
J. ..... .....I.u lfa
(-" IIIlffllllMH )JI IB I'.rK W , .....
Nmln. ln'PMi'r, flplce.t'tmid llhlluo, itu. C0U19 tutu
scouur uioi'k,
A. Wilson Jr.'s bulMlnrt.
Miimrr .tstTi'ov.
D-.lS. r-Sf Vaylii-s!'UiH. I'a.
Ity virtue of nn ortlr of th OriilinnH f'onrt of
Or "enti roiinty, I will well at pubiti outcry, un
lUu prumittt-s, on
PvrcnoAY, ocTom-R itTit, isr,r,
ttitil n.ittnlila rnnt oufnto In Wnvrtlitinr nt ttiA
rortUT ol (..ri'one un i Murau mrwis, Known hk
late the property of PANTO. OWI'V!. ilee't.,
wttli tlm llask. i"ittcnii Mill auoiii'U'Oancnft,
ThU foaii'liT? in nw In opTtuion and dang a
bUOVUHillll Hli t
ruon TAnnn business i
Tltereh ft FIIAMR Ifnt'SK eretel on th lot
wiiit uwili bo Mold with tho foumh ry.
T K li M S t
One-thlnl of t'i" mnne-y In linl nt
eoiilli uiattoii ol hiih thn hnlance in two etjtml
atiiiuiii paynifiiti witn iuif-ri'.i rrom cr.nnrui.i
tlon. 1'o-iKi'sion Kiveti linmeillnlfily. Tho pur
rhamtr to Neciirc tliupRynti'iit of thu first Iil-Uili
inunitipwii oufirnmtiuu or huh.
ftW-ti Oimrdiarv.
Iivvtrtupof im onh-r ImiiPfl of tbfl Omhann'
roiiil of Un county of .i ffj'-in I will cxpoHL'to
Piihlir aal', in front of tlm Court Houku, hi
Wayip himrir, i'u., on
iK'xf, fir follo,7lnix flPKt'rlltPil Ual TltntP, liVa
thi- pn."ity of Kiannali isvHtir, tlt-: .(., to wit:
A 'l lalll lai" :iiti;i' ami Imlf lot of arotitio! s.tu
nfi in tnu iiortiur'.li of Va ncNituiij, on th" aotifh
;-ti.'.' of UrP'-nc hi r'ft, a-1 loin I m lot No. I"-" t-n th
oj,4t, HuMtli vtri'ft on tn tioiith nti'l tli" other
half of tJu" hiiI I tot on tho TVps: It IipJuk th- cuit
liulf of thi' lot marker! 11 In tho orfthal plan if
thp tovn on whh-li. tliei'o Is Hecto'l a ou
foal IToi!rf nn1 othoront Imll'lliici. A waII of
te m I water, nul nomo excelh nt li tut tre ar
also uu tl pri:mfH'n.
Thp abnv nVscriliM property will 1 oT4 ftir
CA!Ion Bnnrtrmallwu KA. K)Xt
9-2b-dt Aflia r.
Knr ,.it. rn-rns nf TlmliT tjnl, on tti
II iliiiiiuif nn. I ilil Itiillnwl, tinir I.IIUi-t'.n, 'rii whli'h tltr I, n Hfiiin
Sun .IIII, TiuiluTV mi'l nlMin'lnii', of tlio Im-hI
klii'l f stuvo lluil.lliiK iin.l Hinvi Tlmhor. I
rl' l I wi-ll n.l'ihli il to eriir.inK, nn.l will l.
f-nt in porfi'l, lo miIm piiri'hHwr,. Applr to O.
M itVmli iii-ur lli prfinSiics, or ti Iiawsun
A.Iiiihs, Wiijutslyuru, (Iniuiie Couuly, i'n.
T E l i: o n A V II I C !
The rr"!il"nt hiw not yt born Impeaeliel, but
Hiia pnrc'iasod an Imrrlcnsa itoeic of
.'!., ETC,
of tli latMt style arnl tt worltioamhlp. A
ftu.p?n'lpra, rf?.,
al'S or. hr. I, wliloh will be sold at av.onlnta
Call anJjc hltn lfor yon bn'swhre. II,
lurariaiily s:tisnA all
Koom In Allison's bnU'llnfr. WaTtiaolmri. Ta.
A. J. SoWEiaS
.. .
fn Mnwn4ien ofthedalh of MIlo II;iln", of
the (Inn oi iliae ktil, of Wayrfeibar. lb
liiHk iKTonnt, and all buiim-M connivted with
the lu'e nrm will bo M'tileil up by the under-
n-nnl, thranrrlvliis; partner. All persona har
Iiik rlnliin airolnst the Arm will priwrnt them
priperly anUii-titl'-ated foreet'kmi-nt, and pr
aon krmwini( themntdvea tndehta.1 totlt aaine
forfurntturo ot otherwise will le nniilrHl lo
mke linmedle-te pnvmenton or before Ifct,
1-C, or the same will be collected according to
'Tna Frnsircnri Braisr!s will be carried on
at tlie old stand by the undemuet, aaniial.
All orders fir work will be promptly attended
to. Work warranted suiMtanuaL ana lu give
aatlstactlon. riit.l mall ei tm aixiye. Bend lor actrealar
faurnrtrtm earnestly sollelte'l, to which i whl-h aires full particular. None senoinena-apei-ial
attention will he ttvrn. A fine hearse j 1mt brand-1 In a trade mark Orafon sttneMT '
tu conslaul tsadiueaa toatu-nd fnnaraie. -
Vte-ow - ucunuiiriBiiUi
afci -"
gounty utii
.Taini'S .. Iil:vk, Ciminltto of Monongalila,
lowiwhlp, onilrmflof Maroh, mu ,
1 .'u . , .
1) normwrn monfiT.-. . ........wiw w ,
mii'scriptloti moDny 1770 fa
recruiiinii iin w m
I6M0 N
liy amount paid out as pnr Tonohsra ap-'
ruvii MOO M '
C. A. Stestreiat lirmimltte or draft of Sept. ISM. i
To Hmount rrclvr-1 from F. A D. Batiky...tM l
To ninount of sulmcrlptlon money paid ft
nun .r nvf w
l'o onlur from 9b'l Dlractdra -
By nninant paM out as per votlolier ap .
pruvuu.....w riM m
Amount of nhoTa rnnntlonrl ordat fVtfmi
Scli'Ntl Olret'tora imt (nl;reil la proper plaoo-
vwiimiiii iiiKiK, uui auppuaca 10 d euouga vo
Stiiitu'u too account.
Jiimta A. Ulauk, Treasurer of Bounty Tax'lbf
r inmonnlof dunl eal u.. -...TrMl rs
fit. , ' t
Bynm'tpaliloutaspor Tonchers !
apiirovuu s7oaj n
Py iiin't. cri"litel on his nola '
attnmst 1110 townnnip vi nwivn tb ,
Ainoiitit nf ruiKicrlptlou mnnajr raoalved bf
AiioriivT i7iiuitip, t.Mi.. onaruit 01 Muroa ipotfc
toHiiintint or suiisnrlptlon S3PJI m
f.i NiiliH.'i-ljitlnn mciiicy riH'elveil by him .
nii'l iui now mii'HiTipuon papern, as
1'JUIIi; &lllll!ij U1IU!M h. ...... .........
lly am t prtll C. A. MistrMt...-.8TM on
Uyau't puld W. U. Motioy ........ &jH 0OtU.t7 M
C. A. Mcslrczat, Committee of draft of Malta
T'liimount of inonoy received H..tlOfiSt Is)
IJv amount pnlil out 1X5M n
Pr. tionrae K. Iliroli. Treasurer of Uountr Taa
fir thu yeur lt'xi.
r.iuui'imit ofiliiplicati' ,.W77n sa
to amount of auWrlpllon..
u ss
liy receipts rrom F. . I). Banlc...K70O 00
Uy ur.l.-i'H Irnin 1. It. Gray fur
mil'' Hull' 800 00
By ttiuinmt of Cti)fh Hurwnll,
crt' litfil "ii lilsonlcr fir hiiIi.
stltilft.' 2130
11) innimnl uf V. M.M..Cy,i'i..
it .ni tun crtli r f'.r Miiiitititti'.... 81 is
Hy niiiHiitit of i, T. Wcltiiur,
crcllt un liln order for sulisll-
tilti- S5 SO
lly TrcailnM-'B prr crtitiuji il 01
lly .lnlin Do ii limn, col lector's pr
ccutiie to OS
tr.fil M
121 71
natlnnco due Mononculiolft tp.
In Hie nntter of tlir netllement of tho awwnt
nf Wlllium clcvciigor.oulleulur of bounty taa tt
i'o liinotmt of diitillcufe ba specified ln the bofkd
i.rkald colloctor duteJ Muy 11, 'W fittuv lt ,
lly nmounl tlmt Wm. Mestreal, Trens
iirur f tlie Ijriitnly tux. n!fiiita that
I'i-ftveii4r p;iUI to lilin hh per vmcliers
in 't ro.ii(..l', hirp:ivniii:t.r.s hands 130109
Tlie uit'llloM luivH rciwion to believe that W.
r'l. itveii'.'er tiimt pufil to thn F. A IJ. BauK of
Wnyn?-Hiirn, nl)."it pfjthf liundreil nntt fifty nol
lar. but hnve liad no vouchers produced befora
The mi. lemoned, nudlturnof tononp(lliola tp.,
eerl 1 fy t he nh'.ve itntenient to he correct acoord
ing to vouchers, nlaciii before them
Vt 11. 1
MAM nnroHVEfl.
LU !Lg
LfttprHnf fylmliilstrHtton upon th Mtat tt
Daniel Owen, Introf Waynenhur((t rlWtl.. hav
m h-rn untiit'"! to the unrlrlrip4, not toe to
hon hyulvuii lo nil peraont iutlebtcl to Hhla
rotate to mako iituiidiatP payment, ana (ho4
liavinc e!aitn n;iiint t ho name to prnaoat th)m
proiierly authtintii'ited foraettleim nt.
P;l-Tt AilmlnlttratoTt
l.i Hits of nilinlnhlnitloti upon thn fatnW rf
r.iijHin Min n, r i nnuir township dsfi ti..
hiwliiheen Kt'antetl t thfl uno'ernlgn-d, notloi
Ik Jii.j.-Iy liivrii loail purNoriH liiilfhcivl to said
iMtitii lo iimkii liniiii umli pitymt-nt, and thosa
huvitii 'Jiiini4 Htiiiinst thn sum. to prmMot tbam
pi.ilK.-liy ullUit;liLli:uLltU f.jr n4tlloilll:rit.
d;K-i', A.lmliiiHlrulor. ;
V.ll,.n la l.nri.htf nli-.n thn llu nb A.a
A'., of .Minor A l.'o. havo bn loft with, Hlmoil
Itiiif Iiin't. liiHiiPii of tlie 1'uiwe, in Wayneabnra,
for iMMKoiATK, 'lolli-i iion. All claims not paid
by the Istuf UUTUUUt nfxl, will bo ollxnt4
Willi cut. II. CI.AYMIMOH.
AihnlnUtrator of I'lillip Minor, doe'iL
I.i'ttpni too'amcnlary nnon the natal nf Jon a i
KiHlmr, of Kli-htilll townhlp, flreeba enunty Pa.,
tliivlny Ihii Kmiitfd to the nnrlermvne nottetila
hcrehy alvrn to ull porsons Indehted to said
tiite lo imike linnirrliale payment, and thoast t
vmi.ii- niim, ' nniiiw will prmni
tbfin properly eotlii-riftiiled fomettlernenf.
W-tlt. ' . , ;
letters of a'tmlnlstratlon haTtnlteinirant4)rt
to theniiderelRiird iixn the eslata of KunDh
lliMl'T, In'e of Iho borough of Waynesburg.
d'il,. note f, hereby Kiveri to all parson
knowing Hiemu-lvee Indebted to said esiato ta
m.ike inim'dl.-ite pnyment and tlloftf having
'Inline upon inld e.tHte to present tfleiri propar
miui-inn mni lur ,i;i.iiEjiivui,
Warrtosbarsr, Ha. Adm'r.
1) LEGE. !
.Von. t ana I Ut, f tira tranarr,
PiUUknrta. PV
Tb'.slnstltiitlon hm been In operation fnraaom
berof year,an 1 is eonducted snceeeefully by an
aiile corps of teachers, whose object Is tomaka
cHi h pupil undar.tand thuroughl tTarj kranea
of a
ta prepare Uam Aw
rioolt-kerplnff, rnmsnshlp and Arltlirae
tlc.ltlme nnlimlte'l l. ttt.M
Book-keeplna, Peutaiuislilpand Arlthrae-
tle j) month,. mm
Buslneea and Lrrnamemul Penmanabip par
month r... loot.
Comin Enirli,h Bmnhee ppr month It to
Alaebra; Phonography and Bnaincea Cmiiaapaw
dcni-e accorling to agreement.
All ear tpeclmen are executed with a pew. -,
A full coaraeeanbe completed In eight weeks.
For r I "-Mlar or speet mens, addreaa
fcT-fJmoB. K. HKATTXtk
The Oraftm Mineral Taint Co. are now raann
thetnrtng the lient, t heapeet, and moat Dnrarda
Pnlnt tn u; twoeta w,H put on, mixed wHh
pure Unseed oil, will laat ID or kiymr; It taof a
lUht brown or beautiful ebocotale color, and oaay
be eliann"l to areen, lead, stone, drab. oUto or
eream, to uit the ta.n'.o of the consumer. It la
valuable for Ilouiea, Harna. Fenree, Oarrtagaawt r
C'ar-mitlier, l'uiU and Wootled-ware, Agrtcnl
tarnl Iinnlemenls, Canal Boata, Veaaela and
MUlps' Kottoimi, tanvaa. Metal and Bblngla
Itnufs. 'it b- ln? flm and wator proof.) Floor oil
Cloths, (one manufacturer hartng need MOt) bbla.
anurpase 1 for bo.ty, durability, elasticity, anVt
, ailhenvenea. Price jfl per bbl. of tnu whlea
will enppiy a mnnnr ror joara m eome. war
1 P!n',
TiAWtrt, Rrnrm.i.
i vris
i51 Pearl Brawt, WowYarTO '