The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, October 16, 1867, Image 1

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    Terra of Publication.
T WAYWSsntma Ur.i'tBLicAif, Office in
Sayers' bultdlufr, east of the Court House, it pub
lished every Wednesday morning, at $3 per
nnnm, in adtasce, or S3 SO if not paid with
in the year. All enberlptton account must
ae settled annually. No paper will bo sent
oat of the State unless paid for is advance, and
all tuoh subscriptions will invariably be dlscon
truaed at the explrutlon of the time for which
they are paid.
Oommnnlcat Ions on snbjerts of local or general
Interest are reapectfully solicited. To unsure
attention favors of this kind must Invarinbly lie
accompanied by the name of the author, not for
publication, but a guaranty aituinrtt imposition.
All letters pertaining to business of the oitlce
mutt be adilrcsHtil to the Editor.
The following poem, appropriately expressing
Mr. Johnson's feelings at the Antletam celehra
tlotion Tuesdny, might have been spoken as
one of the "poems" for the occasion. It appear
ed In the Wilmington Commercial of Septem
ber 19:
My name Is Andy Dictator this Is the place to
I'm living high at Washington, 'mid whiskey,
glu and beer,
My sceptre Is extended to every "F. F. V.,"
Or any Northern Copperhead who'll give three
chMr).fot me,
All hands "smile."
I woa not always president, but once I kept
I "shoved my "goose" of trade along tho back
of many a fop;
They did not call mo Doctor, no; although 1
gave them fits,
And nsed to cut their breasts and arms, and
cabliage. all the bits.
(Cries of "Uood," "good," and drinks for the
But, friends, you took mo from my shop, anil
gave me living fat,
You raised me to ba Governor; I'm 'bilged to
yon for that,
The Union men they thought me tmo, and you,
boys, thought ine queer.
Because I sworo I'd hang you up fur traitors.
fiever four.
Von know I didn't mean a word of anything I
snld ;
'Twos "policy," d'yo seo, my friends, to butter
my own bread,
You know my heart was with the South, "My
own, my native land ;"
I wished to nee her free, my boys. Hero music
by the band.
lireat cheorlng, and drinks.
4'My policy" succeeded, boys, and when they
chose a head
One of nnrcrun, the nolilo IloothtearH he wish
ed old Any dead;
And so ho up and shot old Abo a lucky shot for
Kor It r(iised mo to the. President of tills great
A voice, "Hurray fur Mishtlier Jtmsiin."
Andnow that I am President I'll pardon all my
Dear rebels, If I've duno you spite, como now,
I'll make amends,
And you, dear Vorlhcru Copperheads, Just wenr
n smlllnir face,
'Cause patriots shan't hold otllce, for yuti Hliiill
take their place.
Now don't getslialty, ltrntlior P.clis. at what the
"Humps" shall do,
Vnusn 'tis not constitutional, I know, to punlHli
I'll veto all that Congress does, and show
1 am boss,
Count all their acts as nothingness, and treat
their words as dross.
Ami If they don't Impeach me, boys, we'll have
thta country yet.
The "niggers" shall lie slaves tipaln ; we'll net
rich by their sweat.
And Cotton shall be Klnn, my boys; we'll lord
It o'er tlie"Yanks,"
(Hie) That Is all I have to say ; I give you many
Music llonnle II) uu King-while nil hands
Tiik patient of ft "root and lierl)" medicine
man got tliti following prescription from him
for nud cold : "I'litcher t'vut In hot waiter,
gntohcil anil drink a pint of loot." The pati
ent brought tlio enim:i to us in despair. ''I
cun make mil the. first part well ennuiih," hi;
said. "Put your feel in hot water, go lo lied
and drink a pint Unit is plain enoiiiih. lint
what is loot ?" We wore embarrassed at tlrst,
but a happy Inspiration struck me I. no
tdouble o tuD elder Mow tea. And thai
turned out to ba the explanation.
At a Sunday school celebration recently, on
LoDg island, an inl'inl four years old recited
one hundred and eleven verses of St. Mark's
Uospel. She is u very "pale faced child."
The parents of the" palo-faced child" arn
-ambitious of a heavenly crown for their baby ;
a good blow oa tho overworked little brain
would be a shorter but no surer road to the
Tins Chicago Timet calls upon Democrats
all over the country, to mane up a purse tor
Mrs. I.iueoln. Earning .namo replies that they
had better finish the monument to Douglass
began with such flourishing trumpets, months,
ago. Says the Journal, let them attend to
their own family affairs before making up for
their neigbbota, and keep simpiithies where
they ai e more, needed.
Fkmalb clerks, It is reported by a foreign
correspondent of tho New York KnicktrbovWr,
are extensively employed in Kmope. lie
aavs the women do nearly all the trndiuz in
Ireland, and the same custom prevails in
ureal Mruain and trance, lie praises their
general attention nnd the care they are al
ways found to exhibit for their employers' in
terest Enoi.isii race horses are valuable to their
owners. Lp to the date of the ft. Ledger
race, Hermit had rim nine rnccsand won sev
en, guininjr in stakes tbl2,TI5. Vnuhan at
the same da!o had run twenty-six mcej, of
which he won sixteen, brining his master
$ IS, 737. Thisis of tousre withoui regard to
money won by wages. How many horses
have brought ruin lo their owners?
An exchaneo very tnilhfull remarks that
Whether tho people, will it or not, a local paper
is uiun n:prcBeui,nuvu auroau, ineir cmuassa
dor in foreign parts, by which they must be
Judged. Let them, then, take a patriotic in
terest in giving it news, co-oieratiou and pat
ronage, like every other duty performed, it
will be their gain in the long run.
Soooisstivb. Some wiso man takes the
following view of the economy auostlon :
"When you see a man spending two or
inree aoiiars a wecg loonsniy, me chances arc
five to one that he'll live Ionic enouirh to know
how many cents there are in a dollar ; if he
(loo t he is pretty sure to Dcriucatu that privi
lege to his widow."
"Not Isvmn." We notice from an ex
change that this was the reply given by a
iarmer to a iraacsman. When nskcu, why
don't yon trado with me f" "I bare looked
over your local paper thoroughly, and do not
find an invitation. Do you advertise ? I atn
not accustomed to co wucro I am not invit
ed." Tbi NswepirgR. llenry Ward Bcechcr
speaks thus of the newspaper :
'The newspaper it never grows tlrod. It
new wears spectacles. It never grows old.
It Is renewed every morning, and is hesh
every evening. It goes everywhere. It pen
etnatea toe forest, the mine, and theveiy
shanty of the furthest settler.
' m m '
A' tnwrss not long since, baying been
"flung" by his sweetheart, went to the office
to commit suicide with the "shooting stick."
the thing woulnt go off The "devil," wish
Ins to perfect him, told him to go Into the
sanctum where the editor was was wilting
duns lo delinquent subscribers. He soys the
picture of diapair reconciled him to his tats.
"Nat, what are you leaning over that
empty forr"
"I'm mourning over departed spirits
III' ii? e imiiij ifffj j ijpiil Jil lent!
cUct catling.
"And so you want to marry my
daughter, young man," said farmer
Blit'kin, removing the pipe from his
mouth, nnd looking at tho young fel
low sharply from head to toe.
Despite his rather indolent, effemi
nate air, which was mainly the result
of his education, Luke Jordan was a
fine looking fellow, and not easily
moved from his self-possession ; hut
he colored and grew confused beneath
that sharp, scrutinizing look.
"Yes, sir. I spoke to Miss Mary
hist evening, and slit refered mo to
The old man's face softened.
".Molly is a good girl, n ivry good
girl," he said, stroking his chin with
a thoughtful air, "and she deserves a
good husband. What can yon do ?"
The young man looked rather blank
nt thisabrupt inquiry,
"If you rclcr to my ability to sup
port a wife, I can assure you "
"I know you are a rich man, Luke
Jordan, but 1 take it fur granted that
you asked my daughter to many you.
not your property. What guarantee
can you give me, in case it should be
swept away, as it is in thousands of in
stances, that you could provide for
her ft comfortable homo? You have
hands and brains do vou know how
to use them? Again i ask, what can
you dof"
This was a stile of catechism for
which Luke was quite unprepared,
and lie stared blankly tit the questions
without speaking.
"I believe you managed to get
through college have vou anv profes
sion !"
"Xo, sir; I thought "
"Have you any trade?"
No, sir; mv lather thought that with
the wealth I should inherit, I should
not need any."
"Your father thought like a fool,
then. He'd much better have given
you some honest occupation and cut
you oil' with a shilling it might have
been the making of you. As it is, what
are you fit for? Hero you are, a
strong, able bodied young man, twenty-four
years old, ami never earned
a dollar in your life! You ought to
be almond of yourself."
"And you want to marry my daugh
ter," resumed the old man idler a
few vigorous pull's at his pipe. "Xow
I've given Molly as good advantages
for learning as anv girl in town, and
she hasn't thrown 'cm away; but if
she didn't know how to work, she'd b
no daughter of mine. If 1 choose, I
could ke(j) more than one servant;
but I don t no more than I choose
that my daughter should be a pule spir
itless creature, full of dyspesia and all
manner of line lady ailments, instead
of the smiling, bright rosy-cheeked
lass she is. 1 did say that she should
marry no lad that had been cursed
with a rich father, but she's taken a
foolish liking to ye, ami I'll tell ye
what I'll do; go to work and prove
yourself to be a man; perfect yourself
in some occupation I doa'tcare what,
so it be honest; then come to me, and if
the girl is willing she is yours."
As the old man said tin's, he deliber
ately knocked the ashes out of his
pipe against the pillar of the porch
where lie wassilting, tucked it into his
vest pocket, and went into the house.
Pretty Miry lilifkins was waiting
to see her lover down at tho garden
gate, their usual trystiug place. The
smiling light liided from her eyes as
she noticed his sober, discomfited look.
"Father means well," she said, as
Luke told her the result of his appli
cation. And I'm not sure but what ho is
about right," she resumed after a
thoughtful pause, "for it seems to me
that every man, be he rich or poor,
ought to have some occupation."
Then, she noticed her lover's grave
look, she added softly;
"Never mind; I'll wait for vou
Luke Jordan suddenly disappeared
from his accustomed haunts, much to
the surprise of his gay associates.
But whereevcr ho went, he carried
with him in his exile these words, and
which were like a tower of strength to
his soul, "I'll wait for you, Luke."
One pleasant,, sunshiny morning,
late in Oetolier, as farmer Blifkins
was proping up the grape vine in his
front-yard, that threatened to break
down with the weight of its luxurious
burdens, a neat looking cart drove up,
from which Luke Jordan alighted
with a quick, clastic spring, quite a
contrast to his formally easy leisurely
"Good morning, Mr. Blif kins. I
understood that you wanted to by some
butter-tubs and cider barrels. 1 think
I have some here that will just suit
"Whose make are they ?" inquired
the old man, as, opening the gate, he
paused by the wagon.
"Mine," replied Luke, with an air
of pardonable pride ; "aud I ch al
lenge any cooper iu the State to beat
Mr. Blifkins examined them criti
cally one by one.
"They'll do," he said, coolly, as he
set down the last of the lot. "What
will ve take for them ?"
"What I asked yon for six months
ago to-day your daughter, sir."
The roguish twinkle in the old
man's eyes Broadooed into a smile. I
"You've got the right metal in yon
after all," ho cried. "Come in, lad,
come in. I shouldn't wonder if we
made a trade, after all."
Nothing loth, Luke obeyed.
"-Molly 1" bawled Mr. Blifkins,
thrusting his head into tho kitchen
Molly tripped out into the entry.
The round, white arms were bared
above tho elbows, ami bore traces of
the flour she had been sifting.
Her dress was neat gingham, over
which was tied a blue checked apron;
but she looked as winning and lovely
as she always did whenever sho was
Sho blushed and smiled as she saw
Luke, and then, turning her eyes upon
her father, waited, dtititfully, to hear
what he had to say.
The old man regarded his daughter
for a moment with a quizzical look.
"Molly, this young man mayhap
you've seen him before has brought
me a lot of tubs and barrels, all of his
own-make a right good urticale, too.
He nks a pretty steep price for 'em;
but if you aro willin, to give it, well
and good; and hark ye, my girl' what
ever bargain you make your old Hither
will ratify." "
As Mr. Blifkins said this, he consi
derately steiuied out of the room, and
wo will follow his example. But the
kind of bargain the 3'oung people
made can readily be conjectured by the
speedy wedding that followed.
Luke Jordan turned his attention
to the study ofinedieiiip, of which pro
fession he became a useful and influen
tial member; but every year, on the an
niversary of his man-age, ho delights
his fiither-in-law by some specimen of
the handicraft by which he won what
he tier-lairs to be " the best tnd dearest
wile in the world."
8i:Ait it rou a iti:i'.vii. sinni:.
A green-appearing genius, on his
first visit to this city, observed a sign
over a store, thus, "Wholesale and Re
tail Store." 1 i worked his way
through the crowd of ladies until he
faced one of the clerks, who was ex
hibiting some articles to a young lady,
when he broke out with
"Say, Mister, who's boss hero ?"
"The proprietor has just stepped
out, sir."
"Well, is this u re-tailing ship ?"
"Yes, sir. a wholesale and retail
"Guess vou understand your trade."
"Oyes' replied the clerk, wrap
pingupa bundle for his lady custo
mer, "what can I do for you?"
"Well, as the cold weather is com
ing on, 1 thought I might as well come
and give vou a job."
"I don t understand you, sir," re
plied the clerk, who began to think
that the fellow was in the wrong box.
'"Zn.-Iys.jj well, I'll tell yon,"
"Explain what you mean, my
friend," said the clerk, as he saw liini
pnuhiee a bundle from under his coat.
"Well, as I said before, tho cold
weather's coming on, I thought I might
as well be fixin' lor it. (A.iiie mighty
nearfreezin' t'other winter, tell ye I
did ; but
"I hope you may tell what you want,
so I may serve you."
"Certainly, squire, certainly ; I al
ways do business in a hurry ; and just
as quick as the old master will let yon
I want you to re-tail these old shirts.
Let them come down about the knee,
kaso I don't wear drawers."
The etleet may be imagined, but, as
novelists say; can't be described. The
loud burst of laughter which followed
served to convince the poor fellow he
had committed himself, and his long
legs ware put in motion for the door.
rovi:km AiAixsr rorn.
llinner was spread in the cabin of
the peerless steamer, the Xew World.
and a splendid company were assem
bled about tlic table. A mono; t he
passengers thus prepared for gastrono
mic dutv was a little creature of the
genuine fop species, decked daintily as
an early butterfly, with kids of irre
proachable whiteness, miraculous neck
tie, and snider like cmizinir class on
his nose, nnd the delicate animal turn
ed Ins head nlleetionately aside with :
"Waitah I"
"Sab ?"
"Bring me a powpellah of a female
"Yes sah !"
"And, waitah, tell tho steward to
wnb my plate with a wegetablo called
onion, which will give delicious flavaw
to my dinnah."
While the refined exquisite was giv
ing his order, a jolly Western drover
had listened with open mouth and pro
truding eyes. When the diminutive
creature paused, he brought his fist
down upon the table with a force that
made every dish bounce, and then
thundered out :
"I lore, you gol darned ace of spades!"
"Yes sah."
"Bring me a thundering biir nlate
of skunk 8 gizzards !"
"Sail 1"
"And, old ink pot, tuck a horse
blanket under my chin, and rub me
down with brickbats while I feed."
The noor dandv showed a nair of
straight tails instanter, and the whole
table joined in a tremendous roar.
In tbls neighborhood there are (treat many
persons who hare a perfect mania for attend
ing sales, an 4 like Mr. Toodles, purchase near
It every useless article which their eyes see,
thluklog doubtless, like ber, that some day or
other "how handy it will be to bars It la the
"When I was a poor girl," said tho
duchess of St. Albans, "working very
hard f jr my thirty shillings a week, I
went down to Liverpool during tho
holidays, where I was always kindly
received. I was to perform in a new
piece, a pretty little affecting drama ;
and in my character I represented a
poor, frieudluBS orphan girl, reduced to
the most wretched poverty. A heart
less tradesman prosecutes tho sad he
roine for a heavy debt, and insists on
putting her in prison, unless someone
will be bail lor her. iho girl replies,
"Then I hav-J no hope, I have not a
friend in the world." "What! will no
one be bail fir you to save you from
lirison? asks the stern creditor. "I
have told you I have not a friend on
earth, was my reply. But just as I
was uttering the words, I saw a sailor
in tho upper gallery, springing over
the railing, letting himself down from
one tier to another, until he bounded
clear over tho orchestra, and foot
lights, nnd placed himself beside me
in a moment. "Yes, you shall have
one friend, nt least, my poor young
woman," said ho, with the greatest ex
pression in his honest, sunburnt coun
tenance. "I will go bail for you to
any amount. And as lor you, (turn
ing to the frightened actor,) if you
don't bear a hand and shift your moor
ing, you lubber, it will bo worse for
you when I como athwart your bows."
Kvery creature in tho house rose; the
uproar was perfectly indescribable;
peals of laughter, screams of terror,
(heel's from his tawnv messmates in
the gallery ; preparatory scrapings of
violins from the orchestra; and amidst
the universal din there stood the un
conscious cause of it, sheltering mo,
"the poor, distressed voting woman,"
and breathing defiance and destruction
against my niimiu persecutor. He
was only persuaded to relinquish his
care of me by tho manager's pretend
ing to arrive and rescue me, with a
profusion of theatrical bank notes.
The Trial or J n'. Until
Line of Proceed-
Richmond, October 7. The fol
lowing facts relative to the coming
trial of Jell'. Davis are from tho best
authority : Tho trial is set for the
fourth Monday of November, and as
the Government will not interfere,
there will be no postponement by coun
sel on cither side. The ollense of
levying war against the United States
will bo testified to by Judge Scarbor
ough, of Xorfolk, J on. John Good,
member of the Confederate Congress,
and Captain Henderson, who were
compelled to appear before tho Xor
folk Grand Jury and testify to the
facts upon which the indictment was
made. Thero will be very few if any
witnesses for the defense. The f let of
levying war Icing admitted, the prose
cution will thfii proceed with the legal
argument that the prisoner is guilty of
treason, and counsel for the defense
will argue that he being a citizen of a
State and under its law, a prior alle
giance was due to it, not to tho United
States. It has been positively assert
ed that Judgo Chase would preside,
but as the Supreme Court commences
its session on the first Monday of De
cember, this is not possible. The trial
is expected to fast several weeks,
How to Have Mealy Potatoes.
We find the following credited to
the CrVntriufoiri Telegraph: It is a
very common thing in the Spring to
find strong, watery potatoes on the
table, unless care has been taken to
select and preserve them. A poor
potato is the poorst article of food that
can be had ; ns soon as they begin to
sprout they will begin to grow poor
and watery, the bettor part of the root
going to the support of sprouts; hence,
to have mealy nice potatoes, it is ne
cessary to keep them from exhausting
themselves in this way. An exchange
gives the following method of prevent
ing tho potatoes from sprouting, which
we hope will be tried and approved :
Take good, sound potatoes and place
theiu in a tub or barrel, and pour boil
ing water over them, letting them, re
main in the water until the eyes are
scalded so they will not sprout; dry
the potatoes thoroughly iu the sun,
and put them away in a box or bar
rel iu a cool, dry place. This will
give good mealy potatoes all the time.
Little Savings. We heard once
of an agent for a missionary society
who obtained a generous subscription
from a business man whom he had
heard reproving one of his clerks for
using a whole wafer. The gentleman
told him that by small savings he ac
quired means for liberal charities. The
London I7i, according to Mr. For
ney, of tho Philadelphia l'rexs, a rare
faculty for saving in the same way.
He says :
Xothing is allowed to go to waste.
A-card is kept by the different press
men, and on it is marked the cause of
any spoiled sheet whether it was the
fiiult ofv the paper-market, feeder, or
the press. The very ragi with which
the machinery is wiped arc counted,
and (hose who use them cannot receive
clean ones until they return the dirty
ones, lhe latter are then washed by
a washingmackine in the office, and it
is said that this simple little operation
saves yearly 4150, or near $300 in
Gkneral IiOOAN has delighted the
Buckeyes m his stumping tourthrough
Ohio. Wherever ho has gone ho has
becu greeted with enormous crowds,
In one of hu meetings hn related the
billowing anecdote to illustrate the
oneness of Xorthern Copperheads and
Southern rebels. :
At Kene-aw Mountain wo had in
our command an Irishman by the name
ot Jimmy. I hey had a great many
Irishmen on the other side. Wo had
a little truce there, and tho men on
both sides were allowed totalktogoth
er awhile. Jimmy recognized in one
of the rebels an old acquaintance named
I'addy, and says he : "What tho d 1
aro you doing on that side f Says
Paddy, "What the d 1 are you doing
on that side ?" "Why this is the side
of the governincut, sure," savs Jimmy,
"I am on the loyal side." "The d 1
you are," says I'addy ; "Aint that the
Abolition sido? Bedad, and I'm on
the Dimocratiu sido anyhow I"
Cheers. Ho was satisfied that he
was ou the sido ho had always voted
on, nnd that fie was still following iu
the rauks of his part v.
The perfect nccord of tho Xortheru
Democracy with their Southern broth-
crn, in their course when they went off
in secession, was pointedly and harmo
niously described thus :
As they left the halls of the national
legislature, and their seats iu Buchan
an's Democratic Cabinet Floyd car
rying with him all tho government
treasure he could lay hand on and
sang :
'Thin Is the wny we loot; hn vesouu'lit
Ami mourned U-euuse wu foum! it not."
And about the same time off here in
Ohio, might have been seen Vallan
digham, Thiirman, Pendleton, and
others of the brethren, looking south
ward and saying :
"If you act there lieforn weilo.
Just tell them u-e tire eornlinr too."
We heard a laiighabloaneedotc of a
"man with a big foot." He was a
Iiiilliilonian, who must bo alive now,
for u man with ns good a hold on the
ground is not likely to drop off in a
hurry. He stepped one day into a
small shop of a boot-maker in the
flourishing capital of old Erie, and
asked Crispcn if he could make him a
pair of Boots. Looking at his long
pedal extremities, and then glancim:
at a huge uncut cow hide that hung on
the wall, he said :
"Well, yes, I guess so." "What
timo will you have them done ? To
day is iUon.lav.
"Well, it'll depend on circumstances;
I guess I can have 'cm fur you by
Saturday." On Saturday, therefore,
the man called for his boots.
"Have vou got 'cm done ?" said ho.
as ho entered the little shop.
"Xo, I havn't I couldn't, it has
ruined every day since I took your
"ltaincd !"' exclaimed the astonish
ed pal rou ; "Well what of that?
what had that to do witli it '!"
"What had that to do with it ?"
echoed Crispin ; "it had a good deal
to do with it. When I make your
boots I've t;ot to go out of doors, f ir I
havn't room in my shop, and I can't
work out ot doors in rainy weather 1
On'E of tho (rood si'rns of Yirn-inin
is, the location of Xorthern fanners
within its bounds. Another is, that
this (act is greeted with congratula
tions in V lrgmia itself. A Jlieli
niond paper, of Monday, states, as an
agreeable item of information, that
within a week, between twenty and
thirty farms in different parts of the
State, have been sold to farmers from
thoXorth. This evidently indicates
the expectation, on the part of Xorth
ern men, that the reconstruction of the
Union will bo successfully completed,
and that in Virginia they will be able
to prosecute their plans of honest in-'
diistrv with and peace.
And those of the old inhabitants of
that Slate, who most wisely consider
their interests both personally and po
litically, will rejoice in seeing labor,
intelligence and wealth thus flowing
among them. Acidity of temper and
repulsive manners towards new and
valuable citizens, can have no other
c!lect than to aggravate, as well as pro
long, the calamitous-effects of tho war,
which, on the other hand, tho offices of
good neighborhood and friendship
will, with the advantages of climate
and soil, attract industry, intelligence
and wealth. Tho inducements to im
migration are numerous, and political
passions and prejudices never acted
more absurdly than in arraying them
selves in opposition to so valuable a
publiu benefit. It is gratifying, there
fore, to see such opposition giving
The progress of Sheridan through
the country, and the unbounded en
thusiasm with which he is everywhere
recieved, are gall and wormwood to the
Democrats. Wherever he goes they
wish "Sheridan twenty miles away,
but are comnelled to bo silent. In
speech making the General improves as
ue goes, in urooKiyn no spoke at
least one hundred words, and they
had the merit of being well chosen aud
to the point. Commercial,
A new grass is springing up in
tho Southern States. It appears to be
a dwarf clover, is very thick set, cov
ering tho earth with a beautiful carpet
of green. It is much relished hv rus
tle, and is a complete exterminator of
ljcrmuua, joint, sedge and Other
grasses. In Middle Georgia it is very
abundant, and is attracting much attention.
ISO. 18.
Cincinnati is about to supply
Covington with water for twenty-five
Only one whale has been caught
this season by tho entire Hudson's
Bay whaler fleet.
Italian beggars iu Boston collect
flour from the charitable, have it bar
reled and sell it.
Xegro laborers, while digging a
well in Pensaeola, found a vault con
taining 5?3 10,052 60 in coin.
Tho tanners in Japan nre pres
cribed in society; no other classes will
associate or intermarry with them.
A French journal is to bo sup
pressed for publishing ono of Louis
Xapoleon's speeches delivered in forty
nine. Thirty-three people, travelers and
guides, havo been killed in climbing
tho Alps, during tho past eight years.
Eighteen hundred dollars were
laid upon the corner stone of the
Church of tho Holy Cross recently
laid in Boston.
A Chicago criminal lawyer clear
ed a thief by his eloquence, and the fi;l
low robbed him tho next day of two
hundred dollars.
Three iron establishments in
Franco employ twenty-four thousand
hands, and work two hundred and
thirty thousand tons of iron a year.
Under the head of "Jiymenial"
tho Cincinnati Lvjuirtr publishes the
fourth of a column of names of per
sons to whom licenses were granted
last week.
Tho American Press is recording
the successes and defeats of vations
heroes of tho prize ring, preparatory,
we suppose, to sending another Mor
rissy to Congress.
The people along tho Hudson are
catching cheese which floats off from
the cargo of the Dean Richmond. It
is said to be excellent and uninjured
by the water.
A young man in Dayton, 'Ohio,
is going through tho bankrupt court
with only one creditor a young lady
with a five thousand dollars breaeh-of-promise
The Protestant Bishop of Cork
is a pauper. He has only ten thousand
a year salary. Tho Bishop of Derry,
taking compassion on him allows him
five thousand from his own salary.
Tho Xew Orleans CunmcraUU
Bulletin says that parties capable of
judging c-itiiiiato this year's crop of
sugar, in liouisiana, at 110,1)00 hogs
heads. J Ins is about one-fourth an
antc-bdbun crop.
Tho French Government has or
dered eight hundred thousand waist
belts for the army, with a medicine
box attached, to contain what may be
used for wounds. Why has this never
been thought of before?
The population of Xew York in
17G0 was 3'J,131. It has been four
times doubled in one hundred years.
Paris lias doubled within thirty-two
years; London within forty years, and
V icniia within torty-lour.
In the destruction of two-thirds
of the town of Enos, in Turkey, re
cently, fivo hundred houses, timr
Greek churches, one mosque, and sev
eral public buildings were burned.
The loss is twenty million piastres.
The Bull Run district, near Man-
asses, Ya., where occurred tho first
great fight of the war, and the house
at Appomatox Court House, where
Lee surrendered to General Grant,
were both ths property of one man.
Broad street, Philadelphia, is
eleven miles and a half Ion;,', in one
straight line, and ono hundred and
fifteen feet wide, extending from Lea
gue Island, on the Delaware river, to
the northern bouudry. of the present
city limits.
The Pacific Railroad is graded to
Cayenne city (D.tcotab), the point of
junction with the Denver branch, t!ie
beginning ot the high grade. Jtis
expected that the track will bo laid,
and cars running to that place, on the
1st of .November.
The Knoxville ITir states : "On
Monday Gov. Brownlow was the re
cipient of a wagon-load of coal from
Chamberlain, Richards fe Co. This
was the first car-load of coal ever
brought over that great enterprise, the
Knoxville and Kentucky railroad."
A writer in the Times complains
that England sends bad beer to her
troops in India. Formerly there was
a beer taster for tho army, but the
office has been abolished and the sol
diers get sick from bad beer. In this
country people sometimes get sick by
good beer.
The landlord of a prominent hotel
in St. Paul received a letter a day or
two ago, infbrming him that he was
probably one of the heirs to the estate
of Ladv Townly and others of the
royal blood of England. The estate
is valued at from forty to fifty million
pounds sterling.
A Milwaukee orater recently re
marked that there were in that city
"ono hundred young men studying
law, who had not brains enough to
wheel a wheel-barrowr straight, nor
common sense suffioient to know how
to cross a street without getting into
the deepest, muddiest hole.
TerniM or Alvertiluu
AnvKKTrftKMKMTR insert el at 91 BO per sqnaro
for liiriw liiNerilona. an.l SO rent per KquAra
tor rvti a,ililltionnl Insertion ; .ten lines or lew
e"iiiiili .ioiiiiire). All transient advertisement
U lie tll1 for In wlvmiee.
Ili'fli.vKKt Kurt. M et nn.ler the head of local
newii will lie eluirKetl tuvurialily 10 rents A Uns
for mii-h lttKertion.
A lllieml tle.luetlin maile to pemons ad vertis
Inu by tho quarter, liulf-yeiir or year. Special
nuileeii eliHrj(eil one-hull more tluill regular ad
vertlHeinenlM. Joh I'liis rioof every kind In Plain nnd Fan
cy colon; I'liiiit-MUs, lilunkii. Card! IninphletK,
Ai, of every variety nml fttyle, printed at tho
HluirtiHt notlen. The lUtri'iiMfAX orFicic lias
lust lieen re-fitted, nml every thing lit the lrlut
Iiik Une can lw exeentril III tha most artistlo
luatineranil at the lowetit rates.
The way to (el a Driuk the Way they
Three ragged, wretched topers stood
shivering upon a street corner. They
had not a cent between them, and
neither had drank a drop within an
hour. They debated the deeply-interesting
question how to obtaiu the
next ghts. After many impracticable
suggestions ono of the party said :
"I havo an idea j wo'll all go into
tho next shop and drink."
"Drink?" replied his companions;
"that's what's easily said, but whd'3 to
"Nobody. Do as I tell you; I'll
tako the responsibility."
Following the speaker's directions,
his two companions entered an adjoin
ing saloon, nnd called for whisky
skins. Tho place was kept by a Dutch
man. Al.ter Iio had waited 011 Ins cus
tomers, and whilo they were enjoying
their orthodox beverage at the counter,
iu walked toper .No. 1.
"How aro ye?'' said he to the dutch
man. "I low ye do ?" said tho Dutchman.
Toper No. 1 glanced suspiciously at
Topers No. 2 and 3, and beckoning
the proprietor aside, attked misterious-
"Do you know these men?"
"I know no more its dat dey call for
de whisky skin."
"Don't take any money from them
whispered No. 1.
"Sir I not take any money for tho
whisky skins?" asked the landlord.
"No ; they are informers."
"I fey ! informers?"
"Yes, they buy liquor of you so as
to inform 011 you."
"Ah, I understand," said tho Dutch
man. "Dey not catch me. Tank
you, sir ; you tako something ?"
"I don t object, said inner No. 1.
and he took a swig with his compan
'What's to pay ?" said Toper No. 2,
putting I: is hands into his pocket.
"Nothing," said tlio Dutchman.
"Me no sell liquor j mo keeps it for
my friends."
And havinif smiled thesunposed in- "
formers out of the door, ho manifested
his gratitude by generously inviting
tho supposed anti-informer to tako a
second glss. Of course No. 1 did not
decline tho invitation.
Rules rou Measurement. The
following rules for measuring corn
and liquids will bo useful to many of
our readers :
1. tihuuketl Corn Measure tho
length, width and depth of the crib in
foet : multiply these three dimensions
and their product bv eirrht: then cut
olf two figures to the right ; thoso on
the lett will hens many barrels, and
those on the right so many hundredths
of a barrel.
2. Uiwliwhed Corn- Multinlv ns in
rule 1st iu the nbovo example, aW
the product obtained by 5J : then cut
o'f two figures on the right ; those on
tlio left will bo so many barrels, and
those on the right so many hundredths
of a barrel.
For grain, fruit, herbs, in house or
box, find the length, breadth and
depth; multiply them together ; then
annex two cyphers and divide the pro-
duet by 121; answer in bushels, pecks
and quarts.
3. LuiHid Find the length in
inches from the bung, the under edge,
to the chime: multiply it into itself
twice and the product by 570. Answer
in gallons, quarts, pints and gills.
Measuring 307 feet on each side,
and you have, lacking an inch, ono
square acre.
Whistling Gnti.s Show me a trirl
who will dareo whistle in these days
when every thing natural, even to tho
hair on your head, is at a discount.
and I'll show you a gal who can bo
depended upon, one who will not fail
you in time of need, and will give you
tho true hearty grasp, the cordial hand
shake, the warm, genuine welcome, no
tip ol the kid glove, and a cold "how
do you do" who can brave danger, look
toil in the face without shrinking,
"laugh with. those that laugh, aiid
weep with thoso that weep," as well
as whistle; who can iu short take tho
world as she finds it, rough and rugged,
not go through life as though she was
walking on eggs and afraid of cracking
a shell, who deals in substance, not
The rapid march of history in our
land was never more signally illustra
ted than when the brokers of New
York recently sang "Old John Urown"
during their reception of Sheridan. It
seems only a day or two since tho
gaunt gray-bearded marlyr to an jdoa
swung from a Virginia scaflbld, while
the learning, piety, and culture of tho
country united in applauding the exe
cution. Yet since that time armies
have trodden to the rhythm of his re
quiem, and the legend of his death has
become the history ot the nation.
Pay-Day. An extravagant fel
low, who borrowed money of a Jew,
kept promising and postponing pay
ment till the' Jew lost patience.
"Vonce for all, ven vill you pay
me?" said the enraged Israelite.
"Ou the day of judgment," said tho
"Von't do ! dat vill be too busy
day," said the Hebrew.
"Then let it be the day after,' re
plied the other.
A man in Ohio has been susnen-
ded by a Presbyteriaa church for joia-
111 g uio iuasons.