" ltKIV.U.S ASH IlKl'AUTritrM lF THE d MAIWWAXUKIWM Ay.Ni:silL'Ui: t UFn! VKvyjiMbaiNf t Wis- i'itt-1.1 errtVal, Wiilm'sitavs, "',p. in.: ilipaiiuro, Vu.liuidy, .. a. in. (via Joflt v t--n. i From- jl H M-spilM W VOIM Treo, arrival, WeJnti'layi, 11 u. lu.; lit luirlure, Vcdilualvs, I'Am. i ,-, . Vtam Waahlimon P, fo Wnyn"hnr, arrival . rjaily,7p.in.;itieptind4yN,dt'paruirod4ily, I'An. in., ii-xi-i-pi huii.lnye'. ' f rom tun' s J.lil'ilillt io i .lyni'mnrir, Hmv.il yi :-uiiuv,iUuiwfljiie(liily, .. nil. ilti)t8un 1M. to t'limcrnn. W. vn arrival-Tnci'lays an 1 Siturtl.iys, o, n. in lure. Mondays iinn rriilaya. j. n.'m. .' - ' ' I .I..V..tf- Friim Wayiiestmri tu Vi.-.it Alexander, Weill. Co., I'y., itrriyal, pilday, X, p.m., di-pa. tliro, MuinrnSiyn. , a. hi. - .. J . I From Wavm-aliur to Momantown, W. Vn., arrival, WlJulSS.UyS.i, p. lit., iu)wlu:. Imrs sHye, it, a. m. 1 1 , . , , Irom Waynesburn to MIiMIehonrnc, V,'. Viv, arrival, Wednesdays, 5, p. in., departure, Ttliis lys, , . an. v i 'i ' ' ( . f Nw Advkbtikhmesjs. The attention of ' or restr-m In speehlly Airoctetl tq the ftjllpw lng advertisements, which appear Tor tho first (line in otar rnymr lO'tliiy, The 1n(e9t sensation A. J. Sowers. Hook .Agouti .Wanted Pnniilee & Tiro's. Col. Forney's Letters from Europe 1 li. Peterson ifcJJrntui'rs. , f No Tmn to t Dali.y. If vqu desirq nny- Hhlng from Evan's Xew Stock vou. had better go loon. Tlia People know who sulk cheap- jjwt, and will miko a rush for ila chotcj so 'lections. Cnrhon Oil, wrrantd not to KtpIoJc, a 0. W. Koberts A Co's Drivj S ore. Attkntio is specially directed to the ailvoi tUeracnt of "Colonel Fjrtmy's iLctturs front KuropcV'to bo found elsewhere. The ehtvrao tcr of the letters Is briefly sta(e 1. They su rolys "will prove Interesting to' the pcopfe. . )tiotios on lh Moflnngnhala la don for tUo present Two tow boitU oriy freight up 'id down, but tho tmvel, whit ttwre js, Is ctom tho country Thehta nlns nnyput the river iri'gToJ tniihlng tonAiii'th- Wltiflhw filhwahl Pnt'y, tfir'sa'.o at Clj W. fiobcrls & Co's Dru" S'.nrc. I hii aVoiWis'fchower on i last Wpdnesday rghjf.' JJTeytr was rain piore op Xft'iW 4Kh wks"prifi6d,' veietation : ihtiri(l4d1lll:m:V inei .idiiinj, no --'Waleioc mnltuals,. irpier8 turned uplrfwi ; .Vlth.lht! plo'ty vWhce this proTddonCe,howeyer t": ll natiwhybenvhjTratedL y t J, tt'iM-. sons of tooils al Fvans ' it T"H!-.l. f", 1 "x fcw'or';tr.rrKsl'ininiog liitlio t -i,Offlc at Wnyneifturg,!.,' October Ttb, tS07. ., , ' A4-J"5cpu Adojjon,T4jilel M Itebn. r.Si'iBiHTheoh' B ieliraoluS. ' Filii Boyle,! t ....... ' 'I - aim ni iuy nraoioru. C HiilusOttOn.5 D jjorg Pplinny. , Georgo li'.el. (JTV J-UrUerrakea.41. "l (Wohn A. GH,.l"4, J-.-l .i: .1 .':v 1 '. . - .i . 1.7 1.' ) ' S T v &-UKQfi 4IiIino V eil S. tiuiy 2, ; ,. Thoaus ilagiuv John F. Jloi'e, ; ' , - K)Jnlm M. Kent, do mm Ifi Kmt. .. L E. l.I.m'.1ley 2, HiCliard I.oh, Cora Suutoti,,Lui4 biiwis CiiriUiaa Leuckiey. M-Siatdfl MeN'ay, S. Montgomery, An 18. MoCl'ejlan, yiuJJLiii, Bi: VV'llion Miller, J, Meek, Huncy Miller, Mrs. Mar Morrls.l , ' Okat(.i !!$ 8hawlat nufe'. ! ' ' 1 "" -- ' ' ) "i 1 11 l 1 , ' -Van Whttii Wart and l.inKtd Oil, fir sale , by .' W. H.b srts Co. " . I ; '. iv .1 - . k, j -, -. , Tvm Eu:cTio!i. Vt tUii writiaj, (Tues lay) " Sbvbbb 'Aocrnrfr.- Otrr NtWlOWB-CorrM-. the polls n otjon and the Citizens qiticlly do ,1 pondeat, ,"C'. C H,,", tuidox : .tkifat of the Into positinc; their b illnts. B lib piirtioti arowoi. Ml', HIV IWNII'VIl-. UK ,'l'll (WOB B VUIU'IGIS IVUll. ll'.IJi n I llll- mtmmtUfKi of people pr nt, and irpite a number of proaehf a:meg thoin, '. One .cas- oalty occuredMr. Joab tjilfma'u, was cf 're-1 Vlninred on "Sahhath t wlne, bvhts liiirse rui.hiug ov. t aWop:tian;imit thirty' feet r8hl;r. Itie wav-knled' out-risht, jnnd 31r. Coleman had one arm broken and set Tal rihs crushed in, besides bcinj otherwi' .wely bniiscd. ." I- -, : ' j",'.1' MaddiT naS W-.trast LTiivft'i'd,1 w..rtaittd. BoId atG. 'W". It,iberU& C'. JO. as Suirij. ' Btato Ocenramim. Oorrespon ltmtj "J. W. M.," of Cameron, W. Va. s?nds us tha fol lowing: A very singular occurrence tool: piace wouructguiiiriieUine western pan of; Alleppn Township) one hk-ht Inst Summer aomenWlceof which maybe Intercstiiig to , , yiir, radars, .Sometime in Uicnight rtf,.T- i, r. 1ftifcariAU!,Si,fcVmSuto from the pl.ee'otrieetlnna for' Aleppo t,,wn- Hf. ahm, ityro1W(tm.-.OciaTh kUrlbef the wawwnajirwH- ma ; me . 4aanlAal ami illncu . KbiVi m km 111..:... A. l...t.i, 1.!,. RIVwK..iOTn . wei rf r.lfl. 7WI cr,U.im.ie wasjiewiKriiirgn .atuiup wi n.aiAWiumi'nse r' ',11 ofit.VnS ''1,5 Cai nLl.,ni,!i ,v,;t- f...,l aUffe- 1op..Af tljo- aiial In a . flt-l&'il.Mr. T.AtHr.'SliiS.rflV' nll ill foV-'vi.lo'rlt llm Tiiiti'ln !'f'Wafi: A'ifiyerrW'elimp there ti hole oii !Ujiltll ''lifrftiimiilnr. 5 'eyftltcspvfaihigfirf ' WiabHrilhttidi mans which 1 1 a A'tlt J..iJ -a i rrti -,. t . ... a ..i . tao0.ai-.m,ea wtw .Vatt.toiiefiop TU.. ,!2-!!iln ? i . mrL MtfifcitW Jitef,if.;irt h aUt im9?H rTfWl'lt Wtjlyinf MTa its fcc .'JftS11 V,?Is1,H 4"-" f"W' nrc i that Iran Joterestinijubjegt df: TJifro'!ny"The' Wrvcl 'nr ounrl:, Vrt 0. vr.' Jlobcrts it C Jrug Store. ''pirt rti5tA!iiT Our "'Yclto'-tnwijsman, Capt. "Vf. II.'Stoy. Ts actively cngageij in making atTjingmehts Tiir giving Tils prizo ton certs and announces iliat the t!me wall hf dc flnitcry fixed Try the last 'ofiliis week. (The original proposition wiis to fjlvo only ourjcoB .eerts, ho now pro uses to give U, one at -each of the following naamd places : Wnyneslnrg, Washington, Uuiontowa, BrownsiIle, pmiZsZ'tJT'Z?? I, li.ll.vUle and Monongahela City, Ui, two kU er places having merited it by the sale of tickets in their respective localities.. Tis last ' (Concert will come off at Brownsville, whet the j jprizes will bo 'awarded consisting tf $j,000 i . n musical InsUuments, xamjiug fium a tf .",00 piano down to a 91,00 mouth organ. ,500 . tickets arq to be sold and 100 will entitle us i tc-Ji concert, u Wo are loth to -believe I ' an that the Capr. - numerous friendsihere, SViu reanity taice them. - V TVefltuffs, of all kinds.' and rlf the i Best' ... -flual"y. .'OW at tj. vv . Uoborts 4 Co's, Drug , fitoro. , , , ' T.. " Tm: Rrrrrt Ajmlrma Case. The case 'tit ' .. uui anu wiue lite Washingtou cojioty in i rogier-iawyars, was decide -on he3d Hit honor Judy a Isiieaan dulivared an 1 able -Mt (0)tuUmMkithirtM, yu waflltrtiiiftporn itkaa rotkTWS:'nii m,M Imvi I ... , -Tt h' thereiM wrderefl anditrlHidgeilitUit' " 'e'wipTi(lTjt 't.'Tl. W: Utne ap,: -tt" rrom the pfMfse Witie taw as tttmorneyof ""'hla 'Cwrtfhf thV!nitfr'yw from '- ite, and that the rcspontWIHf iarnc ft' Hi ouq rqni iivin una liaie. TTB imtie I SmSl - mrWCtfnB OCKkBSV tM miter eunn occasav ttie afrwarte tarel leas active and culpable In tula Oiagrace-T All transaction than his colleague,' Lorfi. Ev-anj Is just opemngs tlie fullest n,d.B aiigrtei jtpcjf o ,!l:and Li n icier goo.is cycr unuini n tins uwi i For tho ItErcnLic.uf'" I r. ExAMtxATtos or TBAcmsRa Prof. Thoinaa J. Teal, our present Superintendent of Cbm mon Schools, ScVi auxaminatlon for tediJ; era tor .11 mon anti r ran Kim lownsuips in Ula Union School llcuse, In this place, on M -1 d ly of last week. We bad the pleasurb'of aitA.i:nr i. :3 n.A...tnni,.r. Hn.i ict tal bbservAnon, tlfat K wm o CTit1(:a) and thorough, showing a great advance $ojli in matter and method over former examina tions. Kot only was the Superintendent ctitAJ. ful and conscientious In the discharge of ttift1 duties of his offleq,,Jut tho teachers pre(cn,t all showed noblj spirit of enthusiasm ,nhcj emulation, each striving hard to securer a "No. 1 Certificate." )"!! Tha auendanc) 't is ill f.fllowt : Gents John 8. Uiighes, who assisted in the cxamto ntlon of on Mental Arithmetic ; W, F. Orr, who assisted in various duties of the cxamlnaV tionjO. W. Iloskiiwn, I?aiah II. Lawver, Thomas J. I.oar, J. V. Crumrluo, B. II. Clark, and J. Jackson Purman, who conducted , the examination -on Uiu llktory of tho United States, which is now a required branch on each teacher's certificate by Act of Assembly of list April. Ladies i!!s:s Similda I.lzzio C. liim-cr, Cynthia Graham, Rell tnle nian, Klipbeth Bubbett, Slury S. Bradfdrd, Mattiu II. Parker, Mullio IC. Hedge. Anna M, Cosgray find Jnlis; Owgray.' ' lircwrs from Franklin: Jacob Shiiver, Thonifts Ilobk, J.)JiaIirau l Cephas Grimes. ,' BUes, those there were sjveral vUitors from town nnfl vi cinity. Kncqrt, . Pot Asb, Soda Ash and Sl IvU, for sVc'a O. V. It ibeits & Co's I)ru? Store. : ' "To ornot In h? tit it's t!i o.TTsrmii.' ( ' Whetlier tusiiifjr witlimwJaloanguishj ,, Fuveiinh Hicrackmit )ui, dTspoptio gonly3, And nameless bodily snff ring t "' ' Or whether, with sudden dash, Sei.'J 11 bottle of Plantation Bitters, An.ns (AiiiheVsweirs.fco'nrysHfa man ngaiu' Cunther naid my eyes were hollow. ' My visage haggard, my breath tremendous bad,- !:. My disposition troublesome iu fact, ' Hb 'gehtVj- itlnted t wos fast becoming "Z ' " (imte a nuisance. Four bottles now beneath my vest havo dis appeared, ' I My food lias relish, roV appetite Is keen, : 1 1 My step el istic, my miud brilliant, and , '' N'i.ie pounds, nyi-irdupoi, is added to my neigiu. .. .: 31 10x01 u i Area. A delightful toilet arlr elo supeil ir to Coojno and ut hall'tho lirice, ' Evixs sys bla gidls :d rM-ieoi IU licar inspection and extends tho broad Invitation to everybody to come and examine them. Come one, come all. I- ; In?al and Hpauish Float Indigo, for jilc at J. Roberts & Co's. Drug Stoio, . ' .' I M. I I f; ' "nisTrreonsiiBD Aanivi,."-iKvans' New G'oodi have jisl coino from PiiiHdelphl:!, are .meeting a most hearty reception. ! . ' M.rnc;K!it. .pvans StooiYrtl l!Bc's Pros goods. ' 1 . 4 T . rf. "1". W1 I' . . ,. X UC 1 UUI l VII , I III 'TI'HI-ll wi.IJ ,111 1, II HQ m ty Jlllljje lllClj. aetivlty M.wherc by IIiuI in Marion, wo pro. j diet'.tlie'poiinty and Stato will give a guiHl;ae cmnt of thenw.dvis. ' - ; ----"" ! Tub nim:nT Tias.Ot t. -Evans' stock of ai'mu',l"; OryO.io.is Tin: greatest v iri -ty. of Fi'iii'ial at Evins'. r-rf Nrifnys. At E'.Mnt: ii( great Vhrfetyi fthd cheaper than Hie cli"apest. t For Hie UKei'ut.rrAW. I As Ttkh iv N'ati:rl Histouy. A few 'days ago a tortoise, or land turtle, was. pU'kr tip on the firm of ,1. C. Flenniken. Km., above town, bearing the followine mserintionsj cut . int t!l0 v,- .',, of the n,Uil- .f -O U:i.5," and M. . J., mi," and some other him-lvphir, which resembled th-: numbers ortheecletitifie olis,J,ver, O.klUule icrustacian measitrimr abt seven ichesln length by four or Ave 'lit breadth Is an object of interest. Our first question' n ... 1 i twnuhr is, whocutMrse, inkrila and dates' p.'j. R. j.' stand' for. Tames S Jennniflgs ' ? or for JohnS. Jennings ? or fir some ono else having the samo initials? Our second iues. i;.... . .ii.i.. r .n . i. . ..' . ' ;i .im. ..nin.y ii'iiuiv.-, which really is a frrin rutiier tnaii ono rjuesliou : It -.v oldis'tliii iniiat.lf alait nni dtadiaUis-of Hfe? ()old sniith in liis "Animated Nature." nublishod Tiv J. B. Ltppencott, ISill-., Vol. 4. p. tv,-r '1 4 a ,hf.rt, succinct ani popular 'aCco.mt ol thr whe am,w,g other imals,' we W "M rM it1ivM eighty fo a hundred and LvIlty VMr r,n fnim on( to aeT(n f(,t , length, can have ils brain extracted an.l vet i ''V-namlhlsHttlSrlontilftiijIhito carryamaii on its back with case. All, who, like the writer ot this article liven study natural oili"ctr-nd pl'leVi , or In'fci;l'ta''f: acicti , 4r history, will liir! iiirtv.ir'more properly vrq ttuyy, uoin IHtOWMllllil nuU pla3ttlt. Ir .',1 ExiirtsiTK. The Winter style of B mat Kfn.,' :.' .,.ur)t im Uu. anti Gni.n. Tlie oil excitcmcntJ the rmsbnrgH tT-i.-info'niis' lfs,Mn this1 cfmty nas loiiina new impetus in a recent strtk uiadt at.tii. ilie olii-Bobtaiwell, which i hm owned by tho Birmingham Oil Cominy. me vreii is nt uZ ZXZ?! L -..t , I1 . . . us"'"lT,i. 7 Are cnlHHIas a,iury' Insi.T A (' O i 1 '.' Tho gold shaft has been sunk 'a C.fiifferild ' ueRWrtch fold ijnarjz ;li,ited quanri ;: ties has been obtained. The shaft is gukrded and the operations are kept from the pfiblic Toe (lrohietiCorirt Ih.lrtjaitti rich of goMquiirtis ypry erpat undno land in -the ncighbo'rtiood can be pOrcliasefl"" ' ( - I JiJ 'illlt Vt" :T.,'Jmsatwn,, Bt , Efans' . it hi "$yK&4Jpi&r-l!piii ttrrlvefl fctIait, hrjine,'oar (lib placey- aiat wekl ltn nh ab seao. of a Star jnontii' 'aura tho witcr." He Visited Great BrKaW, and tndk a short mi ifis"fihB comjaen, .rraBce,,, visltiig. me furW -vnifviMt Jucpntttran .tae-cjassie fields of iUfr,', tHMfut ifjrf miinft,- ,nnd v ILAand. Th. Snfkfnf cpfeat;; hloisMf maehf ltaaad win ra-nr asm mnrna moaing w.eu. , x .lib J. l .1 , lttawsf a? fajakli siiaiV'aati at ill Ov WsaridiTuisilif. sasncss. ZJ-f-T!'' "'" ' - m wxi or9anBtfr Lertew1aW'Fm, Evans'. will he an tlcthh &1T on th Uf Tres3'y of November n'ex jtt ilie office of A. A. t"ur man, Ja.W'uvueUWA. tu tk'tt live iiian4gara ho frpidentjOf tlw )Vyh'Iiirjijttirot- '" 1 ii . 11 1(1 WH jiiko co iko co iora a roTiei i.ir me iusuibj t eaf.j uy uiutu ui inv l iuflueni x, SeC'j Sect. a siiiftf!i L Hoiv inTwiTisuirMTs . W)a.--Ai (French paiicr thin tracoB ike tLDjatiun tif a, reader, vf 1 fti!r1Uimiht4. ' 1 ' ' 1 uinMtl,rf-tallttoiMfc K u but l,'t ine iiutu insertion - ne rca'is. . 1 1 The 'fourth lrertkiO--he-lnolrsn1 thooriee 7 'Dio ti th I kirtlKoho meak bt it 10 his niln 1 . . t . . .1 "'ir'fl .1 I iTvoi .... " 'iM.- 1 The sixth, Insefctlo-he Is fmw to huy. neeevenin tnsBrnm nf pnrerraiee. .-.-I'lil 1 h 1 1 mi 1 1 .-i 1 1: t . GtvK8i.,GBixT; since Jt'fina into tha 'ar Depanm'ent. has rec leved a iiimht'r of ietters, some of them' anoriymioiiai 'and When from uakvnwo Bstiortsn'ttrnntr bim Ut'irroal can fiir Ills nersooal saLty, 'J'Ue jrltera represent gehernjly that hi life Is Vnf the. plmoSt 1m pwt mr to the untWrf.' Borne nrlvhw him M refrain from Roing about the city AioalteiutecL Others knowing his penchant for fast liOraea heg him to IiAYitlTe thnTwlth every poasible ptvuHution, Onop at-l viimttm to .kaep away from theatres, and anothpr urges caution-ha tho adnofsiion of riprsons who. wish private interviews, ' , ri . IH:rsol. Uoq.., .Win,: fyftt$n;p.ory,- of ,Ujitvgton. caA'.niy, pdveijtisea all, hw, real and in:inniii jiriiperiy Vi 5H -i . ",llt 11 13 sl,A , Via lie ami his family intend, to leave the canotrt (o: "l.'l : c C? i t1- Not ne as ofAfatriine ami Jri iiufrtrd Mc's tut art 'J'riti'tfrt ff'J".jv'4ii Mwritf. c'lsreW ri'7'i( ffn ts a I'nf. The moifrV mist be dv'anud to e.M leir tnsteHvn. -n '.'ii i m, (in- ',ii. 'fn ii. ii, n .i Kill 'i'n' ll. II. ill .i;i CAMPEKLT-UNy-ulMMiilav,.. Ke.pt.' a:t,'JHii,l, .(jyiU'V. Alex. WUii-...JlV. ivni: Cam!di;ll, of. ft'iivneflnir;!, Pa., and Mita F.HflOutin, cA' Biiriijvlll 'Was!mtit(jn U). i. i'i jiurj.31 tlx' '! '" ' R VI., I't ill'.; -I ,1 i In li there fa mnuy desert tvaste) and wfe applaud the sense that prompts one to secure a Vmphtlt atnl ttm 'fit'.ler'k Oinn, thds prortih ing mutnal :protectl n ftoiti phindering Be- dotiin( as they vroiyeffl iri tlie ) onm'cy. Vie trnst that Burt''. wilL Bn-It lit-r .a,!oilmlrable Jirainii, )mt dangtrous to luwdle, . vr likely to j9iff witliout wainmii. , yil , ; -y HOC El.S-OIUUU ICK-rQo w. of Bc'pt last, ,ljv Jtev., -, Ji'iil. Jno. Itoaers, of Centre tp., and Mi ','Canie" McCoraiieH, ;of our town. 1 - i'i ' ; B.naFAXTAir'Kr,F.r-sCp'tv'i5th, -C7, at the house oil the h ide's tirtlier: Joshua Aek- loy' by But. Alux. ,W. .White, 1 lirui geant 4 lit-alsviile Pa,, to, Jllis Miaerva Ackiey'of vn uem: vo. AVUITLATCH-On OcU Mh, Barni t Uilluch, of Franklin tp. SA V El On TlinrmUv, the3rd Inst.,' ' WH lio," tildust child ut' lijiij. F.j and .Margaret payers, agon n years. ' . 1 1 m aym:biii iKi.itAttiiKT. : '" " WAWtsM.ii.nB, Oil: J, llii). (toriTtril Veelify fiir'Hie rtni'flir.teA. ' , '"' ' .rnorivcK,"'" 1 r.iiltorfrresli.ri.lU ? It... Kwafl ilo.. .....J ...x... i'n aloes . l'uJi. ....,.,, I.itrii v. :......!.'......, Tfilli.w ji It. I '.illlilry Sn -fi h Urieil IVaeln s y It.. :i"i , i 7691 00 10 1 ' IS Flour T bit u.i...... WhlHt tili....i..;..; ,, Ilye r hnsii. ...... 14.... ...;,.'. i "orn "w tuih , Cora Meat bujli,..M..A.u..,4..i,...i.. to no 1 Ml . m m - Ii ritt'icKrttK-). I -I" fftrree ' K, :.'..!.. 'yuy It".,...,,.; '.;,...., flt'i-n Viliiav V IN KeDii'il hupir THIS ..... Syrup;-. B,il MoIiUm t-S. i"rlenn,l sonjiJiuiii ii uni nh M.i fkWI.1 j IM )."' : ' i Cm 1 20 ; i ) I S 411 ' 15 Hlp; By.. PITTMRt 'KH MAKKETIS. i iuinawi out. ,, isor. tunaw, Oe. riK" reeolptafif some of til- lt-ltfllftur iii-I1..1h nf pioMiif p-r river iimii iwi.'Kme our n-prl ua l,iilo : 1-loiir Ml' ihU, al.n ,.u l:u -1,l.lu. etno llm hx : eonil.A-i) nnf)n wheat 7X1 snelta : !ry Jl'laneksf oiital..WlMBekiiii(lliutti)r77 pkua, W'rrpvite us follows,' wlik'h aro Uiu wlioloaale nt'rt-e prhpM ! ( . , en.vix and ruu'tt. . r Vtient,T.'iin-n. inuiohlo, Wlntei Reil J f.S Ti Hye-f huah.i,....,,.,.,...,.,.... .. j ii lu . . .inn ri i.i,i, ha misiii.;,;. i........i........,...,. i ' at 2r tprillK wiii'in J- luur.. ..,,. lOWfcli) 7-i w inter Wllmt 12 Jn47t2 7.i vji '.." PUOvwtoNia.l.iiii 1 j MinoMcr lff'.n siiiiiir rureil Hums '.. idciiR ?:'.i',Vl ll'i V" '"if"-i v--...i-4 n):i.l4 I .mumw-s, r , (lJj fin PPl Y M1......jl. DO . ''.'"'' "I -V-f .,-!! . 1T'".IS lirTtnoiii ,.l ..;.,... .I l , sua , I'"-"- :- t---t.ri- cv ii..' Ciiioaoo, .Oct. ; . JSH7. Closhmsleinly ut i !I.Va for No."-.' '.."' 1 0, i,,r So. 1 ; $1 n, 1 iv? f.,r -V't !- '"-AlveBnii.j hfaher, t-l is'lhi MamllU ' ivelpAl Jf'niM- irftH fttirfr, Mefriirdi VT.T1' ''''1 W '"i1. fi ' 'iwtf lot ;aem pork Kiritarjl'i i'i "i-lllll lino llneliiLiiiiri'i :':i,' 'BiiVnt'erRi' r .' to in. . - siinnrr. ill MAT.TTMonK. Oetotlfr fi. fin, ir r.nt.l il wt Wheat ptroncer: prlm-v Hltii S3 fti ,.n,i verv si'nrr'p ; prinio ii tl ateaJy. Itye llrm at ;:.HlY:.i7iTfrAtaI:r:"'. ' rlW,A.1r.;-nfr.r( 111 6lr 1i atitl Suf-l'illol!iowjiiliiuai aUaJi-iWu. , - - - - J.f. ? I -"-i i Six jrpgimpnts and i;o batcriwinf Ro vTcrmfiii! who Tins liivi'toa riirj Tros- ( went fltid . Uca..liimnt . to,m-tc-hm -! ' '?.: - .1 - ' I- -11 ""?wf'.WWP"-,Wlt'r. J'B.Y V. A NEW DHOOVERT SOMETllINO UftEFCUFOB EVJiKYf Ami.Y.! -,(,r (felirV Kxec(lof T.trOiM t emcnt. will rml- llveatuivad a)ieliM,iies,.OI, ie,. rt -ojntf pn.oir iiuiii niitKe wipin mniiii us ever, ii btamla warm .atr awlt 1ll ortl.nary aw; tiM win nrniK anvwlier an ewiilv ne at the Jo.it. I wJllaceUaniiiiilyrlalit to make it tar ill r, a tlMI'llHiUAWUiMa I'rtlRKh-ai ktp 1h Ingre. (Ilriu;iiiy twu artleli uliK't. ; : Aryiia do wnt ' 'f lunKiiignnq iwi 1,1..,.' 'fiiirw,' J. tWOkHKi.i, Oct. 2-St KlilremnhTliwn, i, mitrat' i jisBOuiiiJiii of cta'ABiarosiu? ttl)W 4,4raarmi,l', JOTrVvjiaiui aalmateiit.' f i; a. ruuinrfiiruiK, 11. r.. riwis. la unreh.v au-1 thqrtawl loaptlle tho hnsltieaa of the latu rlrm. auA,'Wl(l wenie &JmmmlHju aanv iVf DAVID F.. FOirTZ. Haiti more, Md. SroctBi l ii rtist.i 'Sir. llic jTiiHtirftfl. SlitAdrtI In grnv, d're t'o'iirriilc .sliprily khU ifi 'inf (f'oftrrip tor a li'tv .(Livs. 'imiler'1 AMnVupntTtd . ... :- - :.:.,nMliNrniie . 'niii hW. o !.-. hleh I .1. i Will eonttpiie.in la".. wij'iuyAfcE nrtrn I W"' "UW'y rnxmrr f.r year to nm ..... i fl mi Kiwwswi m H aru ua.mvw a i miii),i.M . a i i - c m . I I i?;u K.itrr.'H mkih:ixkm. ai thnia. a,inw I whifh ivie roil mptimi No. lit Franklin strait finWtfhT'liIrril anri I Iran branded In itiaie atrleor 1 :3t-tt g aili.l A- MEUI t;ti E U I C A L- miiii!' r;tr. ev-nl oflli.1 toi l iiif i!'m(! i .iinNf ,ri!t.H Mi ihjiie 'l tn?Tr1-ii ."".i!! ! iii'nuni l.tf! Ti ! in-rHt .,(:( ii miifl' ! '!lt in T 'lirjrnn i.' e lit . t . i:'r;--. l-i ('lie .,..it,,r! ;-l' !0 I t fin! e:;!i:'l 1 bR. F.ntrf.-rW, 't-hystnlrtn W'riliinle jitoaaAua, naa parmaiieui.oawiii wasnuieton PKniis'lvaftia. wtiera liA has lieen etiiiaefl tin the jtaiiitiritlvayeeDitallia idieeaaMi.trotaieut P.ri-il fiti-tv ni .fn.r.n! .J i-i i.-!ijrii i:t :!.! I Jjitl'i' DISEASES' -Or A' bHKOltlO HATtTBE. ".j!'iil :.IM".!!ril '.(If Ii '!!- f 1 1 j ,!"lniri it ,!' jinifiim ii- ,i im it I Thn'Tlntnv m lirkL lirAAnll avoliima nf Ara-ttfl- earn ofruroH, eomplirnentnrr notltm, e.l but tlw iBMtatlaialur) test tumnlal will Im ill veil the iiulilk ln.n trial of his aclll. ir. VT. ileeotea exetaMM otiemion to i.'nrnnie lAUinrate, m u hlrh liid nnujlleuha.s benn unlformlv suei'esK- fut, nt'eeiltia ee,r In nmny i-aes that (uivc iaiiueuiujoiuiT,ayiiwiu laviifniuiiu,,,, i l4rirrtilL, TtliettmhttHirt,'' tlroncHttl",' lrt'arrali ( JJealiuo. Llin.aiHtMol'tUvSllllie.riUaAaea,. . , lfeart, I.lver ltnwi la, Klidim J, lump,, .' 'ii! - ,-r'omalo lilnepses, Uenrl liebil- i . ,..iivr.v ... ."'f-v ".v.,! Are atl promtitty an peTtianentljr roreri by the lluctor'H nvti!innl tri uliiii-nt. 1 uivlnir lie lust . I few wan". Uiu) l't' link nulntcrna UontnU nf UwiiuUVutl?" Wwf1 V" P'aeji if iiiyq uywu I ri'rcrfnies wtio may rail nrion htm, rirt nvvltrS nil uiltwtAI who ny i.inu of Otirunto uitouau iiml nuvliiij lullnl looutaiu rilllt'I, ill V ' ' Vi :i i i: ., ,i , 1 1 .ft (i'v I li I; J : ,M j ' OIVB HIS MEBMKB9 A'JIUAi -cl i' ).. f r;t'.( ! ur -il -i; i'i ihtn nlr!" n !( .!' !nt .it llll prlnnlpa re Rehiotwl optlteJf Irom Uk' Veii-'laltle KinniJ.iin, ainl tlie.e are si) iniii- aineii ni io euiian7i iiirviniin'rewni mri.v i.n.1 IhMn-Lv r..lf,i- it. to lILM'l'eet llElllllJ 'J ill' vit..r Im lirrn TftnioctAlly ui arul lit tho jKHVtUUjpl.01' i ,1 ,,y ,,,:! ,, j .'..!' . ..- t '' ?.' 5.K ,-t- vi 'P15 M A t) E l,BI S E' A's jtS. r; i 0 ' "' mi ft" ' i j r, -' in' ;!! "I r -. ' t.i ' i tVnmen )vt aoof Ml vlottmti niaViit'lfs pi-, oullur tatUuir ux. luuuy ol whom inlilit In; unveil from liv, sut wri li-litMlucfsaniliu-elimluro wravm n.vMirlytlu(ln time t, lr. W. 'Tlie.nim-e.lti- eiiitiioyf'lijii. lUe pruetlce of lr. W. are lllilliniaeiTirei I seinivi ly n.r null in.iii inf ,,v .U-illeaj jUib'.rnt'iry nwd nie , iiliniyjju -, nuiltltV II 1 1 CI apatite In ett'eet, Pp, W, illa'dllis (Ifsmse by aienne "1 the I'rtnf, tlioonly liiiai iniiunfaetiireft Schwvely ny Illhi ivmn Mf own in loses mill lile lel of iliseasu, never rnlllliif toilrieovei' lis nnliira, liH-allty mil cnrabi Illy, ttuM uiiuIiIiiik min.iueuipivj ii ,j . -( '. j HATIOjaK, Bt7IKVTIKIci!TI" ClilUtlVE ,.,.;u (...iMj.xii,'.,! ,ii ... i ; , ..! ... , i Of ilm at'ViIutq cot't-Uti'ty of his lAoita of illrano Hush.eiiirtiili'ytii'ri- putt.:ot who alvea him at I'll! L from I lie lll'lli4illnue lie will I "11 lU'eUnitt--ty nit Tiiiitea'ti be known or nny ilUenn4.' In-. the taiillmitujli ot tliniHU'-retitin; lie eiuiilnysniptl- eol, i,'h.imt'':il nii'l mti-rniipoiii.nt tests, ne cas beliuripnisenu1.! u wiiten one ni .iiiiMii iq.sih la nut sullli'lent -lo.iill lieciimjo dttltln3es.; Uho Iwtordoes not elalm to lie n i"etiro nil," per yet "tlie rl-riit urnl oi lue-Aiiiuuiiiy siron-iii'a liorui to giive tht. worM t'roiw pnniitnre illswillitlon but Im iiuats protvaa iimu dvtp)!le ncqulicnienU unu I ..i ! ::.' . : - - ' v .1-1 - YFAEH OF RXPI'JRIILKCV, .i.-i ,:) ! ' i :, i Iifvoti'dexi'lvulviily to tb-tvoulmeiit of cUronie Ills, with his lnfalin.lt. tin of itlneaae. tnlii-ulile tor-.. ore and permfiiwuul,v. mint all thone'iiises u ace noi ai rrauy 'iijyoini ine kuicii on rem- oUlin. I l ;i ii VI I,- -I' ' I "i OPPOSITE TnE MANSION HOUsjli WASlllSaTON, PA. - ' . 1 ' CONnrLTATTO'' FBEEiAND CONFIUENnAL, I t. rrtTj.KsY.-j I -u F I R 8 T A n HI V All OF A FLLL HTOUK OFi ?AtZ AS'D YtSTr.R ' :- ' Il A AT' i., DRY G0d(lS! . -:'' ' I SlI l.K JC.A ;s Vt? 07S. tt'e flestre to lnforrrf our cnslofnors apil all tlioeo who wish to buy .. ,. -i . . '(Gbot) abo&i at. low' rnicES TbafwniiriVeflil4ln(t a wmplnle Woelttif Fall iinU Wlntiir Oooila. ivhieli we urn dutormlned Lu sell. If you will comcanit seethem.' (mralpek of 1:'i '! . DJIY, GOODS,,, ; v. . ii i embrace the hot staple, ex'ra tieavy brown nuiMina, - nriuuiii. caninn riftdineia,. pieaeneii t . piikllin, Kinniitiin, uKOOduSAortmi.'nt of : FINE 'PRESS 'GOOtip! Also. ffAiierfLr tioliolia.- liriirv irtmca. trim. peuerat notions; hosiery. nilnp, rihhons. tiilttoiiif, Ac., Ala.i, a lot of exirn nauneia, sviuce,. hm, gmy, , nnuieii anil huu'etl, t " ' ' 1 I "-: ' ' " ' voiI;! A liX'X DANC EI I Ttoo'fs'nn,;! STioes'.xtra, tieavyhand nia'to boots. tor nieiijma iioya.aua ail tiHHoiinioni oi nue mm tllMVV k!iii. U,r l'olU"iw MiMS,'H nu.1 Clulilnnfti. A. uif.lv in Ii, lm yofir .irana unil aiiauaiar the atfi-it 1..-.. .-.:. r a.. -.i 'f'l n't ir'ft-a',iinm fAttti :i '.r.! ! I' - -,At,i. if"i ? i r.' z i.- ir i'i!."'i" : for men nitd ImjS, a trt at nfletarIaa Vli tirlees to Mill nil. Full .tvli'Of Inilies nra, wti'iiUiak fc-tthi-m, rtrrrw?Trrtrimmliiir. An. f , ferine chmuit aroeurlvs. P a, roili-a, aiigal, rlee. so.la, pepper, Sillcegood.lu.tiiro.e. Coinb anil iw'.wi uwf , ,-iy J,:", ...,ii -,ll"- I A. WHton JK'ebutHllhdi''! i il(tIlK AStTIOS-. : -' Wftyneahurii, Fo. fcta.W-tf' lJ, O.TI OB,,(', : .; iii'i I'll''.! i.i-n.,"i .iti ij Mil! ' IT1 aonarTTtt1riil'oritii.4nAll4Ar 1 11a Yf.tH'nu t tliollrm or ilnuu it iiatHihuf Wiu'iuMiMif. Idp. lik nreotniwnnit nirtmsmnsa rirhrrected with lliBlate- Brjai willfco ai-ttlci db)W tti iinili-&. iUKii.it ..HiesaivlvJiigpurUier.. 'Hi"rsnnl liii. ""'"'" wiiM it.' tlHia Will i(ttit them pi ounrla ulhellliraU"! f, . tl leliwol Hull n..r. Oil awln Uir.,4l rn,i;i,l.rt.ii,11, . 'tor iiunitnn, inrwi. wiii a,. ,hh to IUI 11UUI1L make tmiar DinKr imiarMinra a-imah, n. i.. t... " " '.".V i" ".VY,r "' i''"'!'' " H'e'"MIetoJi ifi 'r,i -LV!i.",iB"ii'i utvUrirrK"i. .WSiml. All onlenftn- trarle win !. prompt tv atieuJwt !irltIaltMon'"f''"''A . V'aMrKajis dnrnratlr, UofleiL , trftlel. .pi'l'Ittliitlcnll.in will tax kIvimi, A fine lUMUae In oiiiataaVraaiUueawiaattantt foai-ra!.' JJ ' ",l!H(w i.f 'nit f.; UOUUtrffaU 1 piitfrs pgr rArtMEHi kxt) OTiifcns. I. ..'t'l fl U' J!H.'.. fhe draruShlfflerriTriijni f. ore now rJisnav fifiiiirilia Ub Bwit, Umhim'sI, anrt tnoax Durable Paint In uan; tiyrj couia well pu'on,mlKl w'tli piiMUBamHtoieeillJutiironl-Snairsi tile rata 1 litiWii-owi or henmUnl ehourtaterolor. ann can WrawrM to .rM.',. laayi, awni,ilraii. otiva.r citiuil toault Uie Uuy m; tiio consumer, it 1 tmliniijle for Ifouaea-, IWrii, Fenrm. Carrliieahil v ur-awaf.'v, iianaaii winiirRia, Kncui tural Implnmenta. Canal ttoiita. Voaaela and Mlitpa'.iliottoaia; Uaairsa, iMi4-sn aiiinalo ltooiaflt beimr Arc ami rnlr nmnrifl.MIr tMna, o tnaiMiatettirar HaVlrat'iUMd . bfii- : 'Tr. pWtTne'ra. srlae l'alnt. Adilrms nimrr nmu'iiii HH.'at-em 251 Peart Street, Kew York. ma lamyearw Jiia a a patut tor anw uurnoed Is rHrrnrDal IMt tJortr. HiimrrtHV. ajflMle. ahit art TIEI OUT OP THE AUMTOUS OflB.N- ONGA1IKLA TOWNSHIP, IN ItllLA. T10N TO BOUNTY TAX. James A. Itlaei.fVommlttep of Monongrfic Iicia towiuiilp, on urail ot March, 14b 1. lilt. To horrowed money -lX 0) To Kiiliserlptlon money ST0 is) Tu-a'roitiiiiifeea, ...;v..-..w...tji IV IX) rn. Itv amount nald out as ner vouchers an- proved .T.r. 6-f I 00 C. A. Mcstrcznt committee of draft of HeptJlSH. $ aiirilie6Btvdii Hoin'sH A'ftBaruVl .li) 00 hiin SK) Ot) lu order Hum liehoul liireelurs ill'H tUH:l ) .(' Uj- ornount paid put as per vouchers ap 11 vad i..l.,..J 7 73 00 Aioount ot ab.v Sehooi ntreetort not ei lUcuUuiieil order from ntcri'iT In propor nlatmni township book, but supposed to On euouiiti to ipiunMbaaeuiMUi, 111' Jarae. A. lllick, Treaaurir of Bounty Ta 'fof ISfil, mi To amount of dupllento F7V4 7ft. Itv mn't. credited on hla notti iigalnst the township SO 86-M'il 78 Amount of subscription money received by Aiiurew iimitap, tip. ouuraii oi .uaren ituo. lilt. . s' .1. t -.l.,... Mi'.l I Toarhotmt Ar anba.'rfpitWi.y.... l.jIW3 a To aiihsei-lptlon money received liy him 1 ftil'l nor ll"w Mioseripiion papers nn m. , ,i llv ntn't rnl.l l . Veitr,.?..it Wrll fW ilyain't paid W..U, 'MeOw-.,. il OOril! 17 0") r. A. Mestrczat, Commlttoe of draft of March .silk mi To amount of money received (liH lu liy 'nmonnt pa n.n I'yii 'Si 1 r. (leoi-.je F. llireh, 'I'reamirer of liouuty Tax for the your lw. j i'ii. ' ronrnoiintofdqpllrate.i....., To amount uf nuliseiiptlon h.....;iro jivi .a Total Sl'."l Hi tty receipts ft-.aaV.'i f. I5aniu.934rOT',, Tiy ordeis ri'ohi I. It.tlhiy for 1 Klllislllltl .i0 00 llv aiaon.tt ufii.tileli nnnfUl, : rieoiieo on in.', oroer lor 5UU- Hlllllll 24 20 Ily inn. unit of W. II. Met '.iv.eri -tilt oil I. 's oilier fur .sllhsMtllli'..,. ftiniiiijlf.hr I. 'J. iW-liiiir, ereilll mi Ills onli-r for hubsil lllte Tty 'I reaiu-.-r's per eentie,e lly John l)llllllalll,eolleelot-'s pi r i etutu4;e.'...i.t.l..;.....t....i at h IJI'H Si 30 1 Ut W M - " t ' .it '.''' ' ,. Jl-"l Dt r..ll....-n r . i.i.. l.. , ,, -. tmimiiuc uuq .ui'iiuuiiRUVm vj. 1.1 II I r a i.i-,m ?r:rfo Tn lliemiitrof tlinsetthMnent of the nclount nr Wllllttiitrtvvenjjmfnlleetoi' of twuuty lit for nit To iininiint of ibfoHente :ii siieellleil In thehinnil of sniil eolleelor ilnti-il May II, 'SU iiCKi n;i f it" nmiin'nf 'Mt ytefTe-nV,' Tris. nrer oi me noiunv tux, ii'lnins Hint t 'lHiivuniior imhI Ito hi in. as prr, .m leliura liV'lpri'liiiuU.,lin'J.-:ia!iiiair'luiiet. lt.'nini ThpnnjHt ira havo renimi to bell.ivl thlt W lliAimni'.ar aNa imliV f 'tlie''.. , 1). HuliU , Vnyiie-.btirii, iiIhimI e!i;ht Imll.triHt ami -llll J- dol- larai Din iiuvn nail D.l vilucnurs pro luucll Qelnre them. . '."I . 1 ''M i... The iiiideralitnuit. nnflMiranf Mimoiicnhela tp., eerilfy tlieaii..-oapitinentif MilieudiTiie.ta'I'.-uI'd- 11IU lO VUUCHeril,.Vi' I'lil t ln-loi-e lllem. ... WILLIAM nofflllXl i ..l UOy ik lUH IlAUTf I ID;IMt ,fl4itoni. E. JI. SAYKK: I ATtOllM V Mta COl'XSi:! I.OK AT LAW w;t i' .; . 1 1 i ' 'i ii i y. Innddlllonloolhf.r holiness will alien, 1 lo' Wit eimes ill l!:illkril'tey 1 1ml limy heentl-nsleil lo his eiiri'. Ulllee, oppoilto lnu Sloreol (I. .lit,h ciisaro. L.-i',-':J,Ir.""f rCXF.Ii.Vl, K LECTION r II O C I, A M .V T I 0 X., AVMKIi:: In hvitntiff it Kin liitTmntl Assoinlil.v nf III'' Cn'mih tiuvftiUh of I'cnnivlVjh.'l ii in, fit 1 1 1 m-u .n mi-l i f" i i 1 1 1 1 1 ii oi 1 1 ir ric'i i pi in n tin Comiiinnwalth," phk-m1 L'tl tiny of Jtllt' A. I).. ls:(!. it Is M:ilf tin duly of tin sh.-rtirt.f ovt'ry I'ounty within t hi- rnininniiwi'tillii tt v(vi i punin' imui-o oi nto wi-acrai iutTitom, nii l in tiri iTjimv w Hoiooi.tniH :, , , , rf v 2, ifitjiiatu llu ptiicoat wiiich tlir clccti'in U tohi'h.'M. T I, H KAi'If .loll.vs, HinhWhrrlirof thoroimtv of tln-i-n.'.ilfi tH'i':Uy in. ike known, umlnitp I'm puhlic nntli u to the Uontlon of tho county ol trU'en'1, that OX i THE 3KD i TUESDAY. oF.ocTdnEii nxt, ("hf-lntr the Sth day nf tho month) a Cufncrai Klt'ctinn uJl he lii'I-l at Hip M.-v.-nil flivtloti tljj.. trlctH t'stifflishcdhv law in wniil count v. at iiik-h timo thpy will vnt hy Imllot lor the Hevt-riil otlU (t'l-H hpn-insuttir nuniiul viz: i ONH PKltuN for tlw otllco of Judan of tho Sllpii'iiinCoiil t of tho Stall'. ONK I'KIisuN for mi-inh"r of Assoinhly of tho Coinmoiiu'i'iiltli of IN-nnvlvatiia. ONK i'i:itM)N for tin) ullli-c of SherliTof th count v of firt'cnc, I ONK IM:IIpmN ft.r Uie ofllo of TraaHiiivr of thnctinnty f Hrwiifv-i - - .. . , t ,, i t ut tN M, f;usiK for iltaVolll)ixO tommlHr-V.iipfOf 1 lit rii'iin . in i m t i nt" , i . ii' ' 1 ONK KKItsoN tor. tlieorllu of (Amner oHh ertiuiiy nt lireene, .,'. ! 1 T t rr.ltsnNM for thPnfTleeof .lurvfoipifllf.- stoner, of the pomity of (rrene, m"h tloetor votliiK for hut one. i ft t r yri y om-: ij:ii.son iorihrf6mcft of Atmityr tho county ol ureene. i )XK I'KltsoX for ihpom-p of Mreetor it tl)( i-oor oi iiiucouii oi (rcciie TiiPsaid Pleptlon will ho held tlirotiuhoilt. th. couniy ai iou'ixps? n ".. t,e i no ueeiors oi v raiiKiin townsnip will rneut at the Iioiimp of Hin tth i Jreen. 1 The KltM-tors of Marlon township wilt rnpet nt tho W'CHt window of the Uuurl House lu Witynctt hurit. I ne l itM'torq of hltoiv townfihlp, nt the house rormprtj-ftr irpww Hmiiip Kmi., in Neuown. The Kleeloi-H of Iliiukird towoshio. ut tint dwell inn house nt Ku.iii-L k Mills. i . . Th KhH'tniMof (dee i io township, ut tho Offlro of .Icrenihih gUirtirt, . . I ... iiie Electors oi .Mouonjahola townrhIp.M inn iiduv) oocupiiM uy in, jiesirt'ai, in MiiptP lo" n. ... Thw Elwtoriof Jeftrson townslilo will mefc ni i ie- iwufte-T 'n ni, ivo.iy, in .icn.'rs'm. Ihe hlector.iof Morifan towiifihip, ut ttietehtiol house near VV'.T. II. Pauley'. i ' Tlie Klo'tors uf JackjoiLtowuahip, at John son M-honl hrme. m. 71 rt . ; rne- KmrfAA or cum twin nl thWHuhrp, httlw wiiiiii.wfiT a "'ni uiu oeuiiDien uv .itiHiaii Thij-:Lel'rii oi dm )!rnf(h of raarmivtitsVTff A tha Mst wlnJorhh(iUrte c(piefc Dy Jo- senlMiore, Ini'armlehaels. , U'Mr, III (il UllClltWTiat, Til? Klectormif tVntre townnhio. nt tholiouHe oi inrnuta wnon iniinion, I'he Kleetorsot W uvne township. Rt PhilllnN' ROJlfMll poUer . - V,',;r TTl i I Tip KhctorH of Morris tdwnsirtiJ, at tho liouiij of Kdward Itarkcr. Xhe Klei:torof WiUlJncton town shin. t, tho brick n-.'hool hoitA' 'IteWGeii (He ftirm-i fit flfwuJi Johns and HenJ. lt's. '' ' '"' -Thp Hectors of AHerrhn f nTrh.-in rrtHr Imusp of Ad?nM Millpr.on WhPllTmf'rc W. " ' ' ' l ltlehit!!townMp,rtfithriii ph I'uuk, .Uokstmviile. f fornierlv of .lose lflmranrirot Herrvttrirniriimt the liouso winpfly wurpHt MfltiHMMH,hi Mt. MrrKi 1 1 io k lectors ot tti more towiiMiup, al UieliUeV' t iaiocii Ip hiif-it, In JoUej'town, i ..rtufhtnwniVhif;T Stephen TV Kt: Whltia Mill. f I rriiiki WnoVn MA oU r t? aid hy the I iih section of the aforesai'l act I am lllwt- nun ' jja i r fit. ri 'M'aiiitt u univinut rm- IPC. t, tr tn nhsll holit Htut'ooW r Wrfmiiint of prrifltortTiist-tinHiTr tn (loviiriimi'nt MtlwP t'lili.'d states or ol t I'liliiit Htatw or ol tills Mute, or any city hr He. eoirorat.it. iiirlu.-,wliiri a mij .redone 1 1 oinoof or wllwi wk-, i nWvliili' oin r, or Burnt who- la or aflall he ilifiploj'Hl unilerllj.' hn- nturi'. lu.iteliirv or exe,-utlv di'imrttn Ir in-1 .i.,,i...r HiiauMA'ir UNiiaiimaKm.iiroi aiiw ci.y uurporuUtl i)l.u-i.ii.jiwiit uitiaihiitvti'v la-nnl of lAwnaiauai iwimi. mi. Inluiii.iuiilMf t'li' aiuami. auu uufiuilMiicuuiauil ol huj aik' iwinm 'H hiu iiii-wrpiiriiUiil'Uasiauiu. .la, hr In ur ilM-oUtO" os UMHiiUUntuMH JUd jiisptu Wenllh. tiltii Ihul n.. Iii.ii,.,l..rnr tti.lu'.. ..rl.tl. """rVi.'!11 (''H AiaotithiillB itlia onrlh.al.lon of -the tel. Af' Aaariulily,ii4iUtiiat "Aa.li reiallan uwfcerii- n. 7.. iwpaa.''.apieii.i III. l"4i . It la liaaAlAi ihul i.rM.la.rAt Altlh 'w -wiur'iiit)moiinneim as wtrcveni nny nlllll In oltleer or hOfUOttli .lUaaa loan aon-lni. fm Witi tanpaXiarot clerk at any xenestttar aptfelBtl . . .7.1 ' mi-iiu-imn innH-m W UMtl IN (llifTOR01OU.l'J , Also, that 11 the 11 st anet on of tald npl II 4,i.Aiual,.Airftr,r nim.uu,.Hi... u , .if M n . 'paetM t.it MMy teint iKiiiMi-lii lltcttou j hull beoii'nil butween tlie hour of till an! ten In the forenmin and ahull eontlnfl .fir 2rT"!PJi?otJLv'Wr"iuttA,wqn''l'ck indf townshlB..i'..'Ctiotis ajlnH W : JiBdaMiCl by InarfMlimnnn binnaelfcAiia'iili iVl,,i i. vit aPPQllltMiafinrilTllvfter DrOVlitia.' .' te 'tsrj, J. -IT faaat - a uTiJf el action dlatt-iet where h olrr'to vota at least rMlHM m III ta .1.. Mlnn.f.A mA - - 4 TV zx vn (iiivu imtiifdiittflv itritfiT-Iriiu mtrli W ii suet i Wf"!m iiimI w ithin two yiimp:ilil u stutnor cMit tux, whU'tt sluttl have bevu asSe.ttil ut ivait lfiiltiy iitMurfiiie Pit inn : bill u omsiin nf tno rattiti oiimmtriinrwovMl'tt rrtnni ami n trn ri, iiiki wilt riimu auvo lvNitt. ti tu ttio vh il aisiru'i ami puui tiixtw as iitnrt'vuttl, wliull p. uiiti 10 vtn uiitT rrsi'iinu in iiiw si.n hix Ultilltli: I'lOVl'ltiL Tllllt UllltH ficciut'ti. rit fc-ntta ni' thi I'nUtHlKmtM.lvtw.'t'ii lluMi-;'S.f twiuy- uiit' miti iwrmy-iMn, ltlll llttVlllV nWlUO-l 111 eiifuimuiMru'i uiu ti:tysiisaioii.-.uui,Ntiiin ' M-ri A U .l i' I L: ..II L nanio U nt t'tmtttiitt'tl in t lit' list of tnxuli'r lii.i liiihliuiits, furiiivlitil by ttiit ('oininiKHlom r nit los tlrst, ho pTD-ltift' aivrt'lpt l.rtlm p;ivi?it'Ut o-l tn tho in Hint Hut in, ana nive ttls- fiiftory n iilonii', cithiTon his own oalli orptllr mat tnn (Jt'un'rtJujrtXUaivholm.s pahlsnrh uttlx.nr on failup' tn pnwiui'c u rnct ipt HlaOl make Mtb ll' the It.lVTItetlt IhlTOllf. Ml Mlx'Mltil If li4A nl-ilui , fnU- lw tmlrtaT an rtnr b-9hi tlio bA-s of tuiiity-oniMtml twenty-two ymrsta bechall tl- vw tm iKiui oi aiuniniiinii mat 110 luw rt'itltM vnr on o:itli ot altirnnitiot tw ptjoro jus ijn(iu-a- mftiu'i itn (i-iitiMttt ii hiin ui'i, nun diai ntmoty verily hi'llt'vctn.iu Hip lu-fiumts tvi'ii hitivthat n1 ftt titttirm ,iini L'tvwurWxM'ir ryU rlerv!- rv in rmh'e! by thin ml : wbreop(Hi (hp TiRniAtif tblwtTtim nn mtmltH'i to votestuH hp tlifWU.H v!,'lll'ilM'l''tl MM hy lh3 mpoc WTKi irtvl h n-tk nia'di 'o)ii)uwfto t!itn ta hy; writ lnyj thl'.M"tax1" Ifhrt Hlmll Ik a'lmiitytl to vt;i UVrtVon'tif hvrlh4 pnld tux, or Urn word "aan" It UhIi;H 1p mlmiutl tuvnio hyniinoti otsuch ay; tViU h.ilt v pullf I nut to the rU rk. who stinll mtv tlitbliko B.Jto In 'the lift ol vntt'n kt'pt hy IhPta. nli vk- wluT.Mhp inmn nf tltn p4rsnn clalmiiu tn voto is fittiml on thoINt tiinilslikwl H iy tin (.-mu viiyhvfs luitj at.'s44r, or liinr!n!d a vW4' wliflliff found thf-riaon n tmM i.ih ... i. t tohy any nualltlfd cilit'ii, it si, nil 1h thcdatvol Ihti iiisihctor, to oxninlno sn -li ii,Tvno mi tiit as to hisqunlith-iKiniis, and if liiM-lalms ti3iav.i ri'iuliKl wilhtii tho .SUaofor- uuv var ur mnro. liUo ail Khali il jt Ih eitilllt:fi'iit i.rool tli.Tt. hnr 1h Hliitlt idnl;ipi-o-.f tln'i-toi'Iiy t ! -xiAt C iiii- uvu-oi, fl iuu'M, who hirtii in- it ttn.tl im:ii l t'ltolor, i uiu o'' uit t i cmi i iv i w ii inn i no ii i i r.t i, ionium' 1 hurt ten day mtxH 1W0 ) 1A Hwl Imu im. I mIihM also lilin.-lf swt-ar that Ii Im hona ild.-Jii't-(h-nt'p, In imiNiiniifp of U lawful rullltju', Ih within ihMiwtrlftinna Mmt'lm dld'nnt rphmve lnTotsaiii diMtrut rov uui in uf rtitmtc Uiciv tn. - I "Kvpry p('i';on!tnirjftr. IWBhtmIW, ii l' who xtiau liuiKt' din1 pit.ni, u.h n tiuin u, ot ins ri-si-dciK'o nml payuicntof taxi'H afnivKiil-I, xhdlt hv ii'inniif'i io voi i in t in townsiitp, ward or dt. trict in wUis-hikMsMiU E itiiili i "1 1 Uny prrsnii h;ilf pii-vt nt or ntfrinnt tnrc- vent any otllivr.-i ofim i'l.'-llon under thin act from ho!dlni:v'M'l r'-M-ithiTi, or iwnr tlmntt uny vp.ifiicf to :inv sii'h oitlfer, or nhn!l tiii-r-rupt or iniproncrly InhT'cif with him in 1 1 i-x-ccult of hNJlOirs..: W.i:inptht' wiirlow orawnui lottiiv window vli-rllip s.um nuiv Ik? holdlmr, or sh ill rl'.lnusiv dNturh tin- f--Avc nr,nH'titf('ctto!Mr hU uh jht pm !' nj- Ui 11 mid itliu! t ill-cats,!'. .lvc or vio!. tic-, wit h W ln ti lntliM;i. ; unduly or ov"-awo i:i.v id-'.'tii-, or foprpvpnt htm front iSntl n ot F'tmlu the: f.vu tlom fhnh-ir, fncM pt-Ann 011 c-nvt ulon 'shall h.nnwl in nTiy mini nof vrppdint nv handrilt (tollHtnnd fmprlMinhiitiit iVir nuv lljn nt ,1( si Ihmi otn- Timuth nm- inm-i than twi'lvi- niJnMis, ;uid if il tiitl hi, hluiwib Ui' court wlicii dii-' trial ot v-h otl'f4pe(!inM Kp h id. Dial 1 1 mi p-T-nr.il tn olli ndi ni' was not a ri'sid' iit of thri c it v. pvtirl.iaitiU'yr Uij'-JUiuUip niav Mi. i t::iid 'in ii"' i. ,t. t muni i it' u it mi in m l'tl ; n :eu II VOII' ttn-ri'lu, tln n on ennvk't ion lie slmll h fj. ijii'iic W t(J pny unuivot tinMcsA thsuoioihnnfli.il nor iiirirc than n?u- tiioUHHiidtl'illiir, vial Or it'tprln Suli'-d tin! Ii-hs tliau .X llinuWlM linl' notMllmn tJnr.l''!ilf,rU)MhA KPm-al iw.f'MnH, r.p 'cHvi lv, In nil. n I -it til'- pla. i of Imlllrt iitirno.-i' of irlvirl (Tif -nnnf fnn t' 1 h lrtrii-torr and .iitd'-fs, wlit-n c.'ilii d on. in iv!;;ti-m r. t!n- riuliLrOfJl-,J)')fi.n-W,''fv't hy th.-tii to.v nt si icli i-li r! ions, oi si i ii i! if, f mhtli'i'-i tu I'ciit I'.n totht' i's-csnii-nt of vot Tsa-t the said 1 1 jvppp. tiii-Hor fiiiiHi ofihiriasJiaU ii'nu t.nu t U'li" ro tjilif.'." ' ... .j rf any ppTNonor pi-iuf tyhn'J mnKciipv tptor VflHOf tlp.O tlK'M'fUllt of lillV I'tcctfjU UUll jl thtft i iiotinoiiwtuiiih or shall odor to uinko iiuvj uch 1d or wa(;ij' Jtlfc? V THind nr ;i'is.M1on then-toor In any pr!tfti I w a r J f f K idv.ittii.v nunt, ciiiillcutcc or in vile uiff j I'Miii Ai'fp.lixttiitr inniano rsii'-n ih-t or watri'r, up-m couvt.iion tlii-rcof, In- or tMcy shall ii.r:'.ii';tui pay (ih!0 tlmi t ii'Miinnniit so niiorrd to br- bt. t . If any IicmuVuoI y iaw !i;i liil.-d, shall frin-ln-leutlv vnlc at nay oli'- tion (n tlii.s ('onwaoii wt'iilth, or bfiiiLi oUa rwisf ipntHll' d, shall voir out ti ids pn 0' rdit : iil.oi' 11 ait p''isnu. It now am Uo' waul ol i,iif;h. nualilli utvn, 'li'llaid or ptiicUiV tMWii pAitvn (tiuli( tl.fl'pti-Ti. iii l ou- id inn, shall b- tin. d la an;, sum imt .-vi-i i1iti two huiidrt 'l dnlliti s and ho linot iMjm-d tot any term tint rx-'ci iliUL; tiiii'o months. Il anv p rsi.n shall vnl-- at more than on ph-o tlon dl' trict, or othi-rwi'io tYuudiiVti! Ii vnfp ni'H tlnm oiuo on the ainf clay, or hall Iiand-uk-ntiv told ali i d-'llvcr lo !ti iiHpwbiV iwd llcUcts tooth-r, with tin- lutein illegally tftvoti', oradviNe and prnf-mv unother solo do, lie or they shad he lined in nuv wuni tift less than fifty tmr nvi;v t ban 11 w hundred dollars, and N im' pilsom d ti'ii i.st;iuuitliree or more llian twelve in ml! i-4. ; Ifany person not iU:i!ilh'd to vn'e ! this I'ntuinntiweallh. a'-reiab!;,- tn l:iw. fe.yeepr fhj Kttns of (pialiili il (1 ; i.-n.t shitll iippcnrnt ftiiT plaennf eleetina, for the purpose of UsuIm t If It J yts or of , lufhleiii-huj citizens qtrillMi'd to vofo. , lihidi.nTi t.'mii-!'ton.fortcMniid tv'anT -urn li'it fcx'&sillng onr hmidr"d lnl1avi for Vvi-rv such Mi'Mi'r.Mnd h lmpriAiiii thr nntiteiiii wot c!rjptcl monfUN.- " i IniifihfrtV'r.ohTfltn i dl hiV-rrn-rMd tlie second hkdi-st w.prlhpr f'VotM -.t' hKpector shall not at tend on the day ol lri't,nn', fli.-i the p'-i-'oti who shall him: u'c-dvcd tftP neconddili;!t est llMlllher of Vnti S toC.liift' (it the next Mprhuj election "hall art us insp-tor in hi pln.-e mid IticaMp i he UtTsqn riio shall havi ret eivi! tli hiidiest inimlMTOf vote for Insp-'ctor mm1 j.ul, Hilhiud. the person elected jud'e Iiallnppnlnrnn iiispfefor in his place; nnd in pa,a tho nV-rnno CiC'jM:i4.(uih:o luall nut ntU'Jhh tUi-U tho 11Jpi'c iirwiio rccpivcit rna tiiftiiisr uuini'pp or ViiOna ihn(1 hppolnt ft Jiid-iMn hli p!fte; or ttf unv vacanoy fiudl poritinup In tho hoard for the Rpnef (if one hour'nller thh tl rn ncd ry lav for thu Voters optfrriT of thv eipotlf.n, he t(n of th townsldp, wurd nt diHtrf lllled whleTi Rneh ' nTTteer stint! hnvn hron rtfesfnf M Ih" plueo of ehvfton, Ml mil Wh it ono ted, our. or ineir numner-ToiiUi hic:i rrvatifVJ i lirHii'iniio rue provisions eoniai 7tit)i seeliim tf thn act llrst afforesali eoritalncfc ih the I'lflne'judK- en of the tiforesnld dlstrlcls Khali reHi.oc tjike ylnvrc of IMe cvrUlcaips of return t rlr'ptTnn of fhdr YMiW-rfl f if dMrT'tV aiui f the pro- dueo (hetn nt anie-tlmiof oneju-tno froinj paeh ui'U-iutni. wip lit.roi Third dsr nftpi th diiv of iT-etioii. bnintf nvk f, VCTOJWr.rt lUTlf. JUf. LU ii mil Umru top..jio(jii tjiudtdjAei.iotiiiifcd by UlW if vain .) lot.' Also, t-lwit wher a lu lf. try ftrIaiejis or- nrt'i voiuaiuo neeitoipt, in unrH.ln ritervt fti!ch metin of ,lrtd','es, t Heh the' crf IfHtf dr re turn shall he t;iUi n eharr," of hy oiieLtttip 1ft- KpetorH or clerk .n of toe election of tip' diif'rlet, io tiiiiiii U' nh't P riorin ne (ropes rcditired fie inWhfi-fr'WHnl.' : ' Al., PYN A'T HCI.MINft TO TUB I t. FTT ION VT rfl IKil-H. AHfUoVliU AJ'Hile Ittll, iVjJj n w TrtWffrTnir- Kf,1.oV-l ' ' . '' 4. tho election ,..r ju.luteM h".Il he lieljl and cofidueled In tne never,., eloekhm diilrifld' in ijennine nmnuer in all ivspeeW t4 eNctiojis for Jlcpii.-aeiitiitlvfrt are of shall Ut held ami (,Jv dueted, and hy tin: Kami ludip S iitsji - totUantl other oitlcers; and th p5.rsiriOj it4 jt&" n't of too general ascmb;y, entitled "An 'V't r'' intiUK tnlhittioiw vl (his Coiuuiou1retdt;i," ttpiiiovi'd Ui 4id day of July;, Vt'.)r uuJ 111 iev.-r-hi HUppIeiaviilB. and allolbt -r ilko Uv us far a (Ik'sxAiuu rtiiall bo in, force and pp!U.abIorth,iM hedtM'iuod anl tUtk -n touj.plv to rtie. elcciionH for iii'Uo'Ki l'rovldisl. liuit the iLfurcsaliL oIm. tor vote fyif IiidKoi oftlp' Supiinm Court oil si uutr.i.tii hli'i'ii nf ii iti.f r- 7 r-ar " i'v -j- r"a' "J una. tor ail. other io'ii;i .s ri (pur u t'i itiuiio'i iu joo Liftv oi armriier iMtnitii iiletfo a!" fiab ir. . ' " i Ait iu.;uUiao the. r.tiUfu' Ju;aVir the rV-veral eteerh.h d'trh ts In 'teJf.'oimVI uV i (w nr i.y ;iiat' ni'i iierei n nen ire rnei, sjiipn- c.ule letiuiui of all tlie votes Ltiveii in attic h eotin- iy for.Tdd-t-fl id thr.supreinerourr. hhd'nIL'jutlu- W W(lWl-tlWrwMni'd' vulnni rkwj "'"t'H;1 Kuyif Ivuuwi any other'cmtrty nf Joiirk neUi m-tmiy uie nu;i;te' with . IW Hii ie out by tho clerk n, the board ot return I'Jni'fr one f)rrhwrthr forhtp .1.,.,... ..f .H...V,,?., A. i'. ., n i.i....:, l '.'Tl 'Hinnll' tattrf 1 liAr,l (,,vh,..ltii 1 1 . dimI'mb In ..n.T relrti.', irtiMi nwt.ir Ih- HlihllW-iit unil liirtiui io inn fiopminry or tun luinmuuwtiaiiiii and rlaci'it lu.Uiu mairi'st post uilt-i;.. . I ij. In ciisii'iirtliOftlofi of' PretMJitnR, mt' fiiitirtnl ill.trli't emnpiwrt of to oifi tKbf imy juairmi hipitiit emnprw'ii nf two oriuvrii tllukuoil It taMlvHteiUA Ilf Oaf 1 Miiall h.ive heeililVMii at hfieli ihiii "lam n e 'timivt tw uri efiui tJHU' I JiaMil iMMllfrt Mui tUMMi UO MMlU on ileHVullUlUi.V jaUif LiiftJ P e tiajO. Iklaiaa! UOUri -iaaJliatai J tl 4ilaai lit tlm fislDOllHt iW.-lio AmW by iMlftnii mk-1i Mmati uiU'antei' ' , i . ' . -." . I ".". oiiikio.i rr. . ,r i .'(!.;. ot trt$w4l ajttea'liie1nai' PM "tl liHitl.t i NJMWiiail.oou y.VflnriM ernl ri till it ol nil tne von ui'v.-ll TiTfSv Illi.TIU-e n i i-t.aTMI-ii4-W HUM) a,. ii 111 Ml, II I I it I'I,' I. n nr u-li r i lli.v l,ll ,..,.tliv all of wli e i tlmv alinll I'ti-tuv. u uioy main uusje Rninwiuvin ""' ""' "'" "' ! t'.'inliii'iii Plena i the ProthohotHi-v of tlm l-Vhrt of lean of ciieh of snid eonntieK. ntid one iU,Wn',k'--''-'-"-'''.!, thy eonnlv lor every person voe for t4 u:li-1 : t liW'V'MtltMifc liift.4b Imlid.l-MaliLii - . " ' JilIj"fi iiihl alti-Mted by tlieelOrRfl; ' ftirf ine till , . " nald hldirew slndl tako idiaiup of Kiieh wtittt friipnr I 1 i TXiDMt9 Uiw rtiiw;U MdiltwUlltf irm H 1 l' 'V. IU MltMa its' aMaltaaeoUll ! li-H. whioh metinir ,v. coiiiiiMr;b'UCWo.4ii; Wui.kirt.mwnln, Jnu.biincr l'a-inM-' .j iiik oiii wild UI J OU ; I Wtf UPH' exipUn or hreatter to he Wit hill lllld Uol UU'llldlllU Hllol III1V eOUtltfV- Lilu i twlVO J'rU iaVI "r' retiirnM liV,l. faflilt hwrUM 4o'M4Traia..ln aii'l ahall, at" the siinntim,.' nnd iilnei'tr tduii., naeeiisid or rae'i-ajani Wlt iluV'"l(S'.iiii.-l-i-:V-r. .vt V. v; i '.l.il.i v J I rt.,.,..nn a .in Tl....r. ... .1 ' ' ' r lion aula lemnre'i or tne county honril In Hie ill u aa'iitliiMe,fe'Atf4-atii.tAI.talnJU,Ml..l ual. mm of I" rtaplieim. rotnun id Mot.rtaof slit Vlrrk The OonirrpaaioiMl lletui n JuduM trill ajcVt In novo hi a wo wirm aoiAet apova ,my lit, i"i;i, W MaiUsiar Hans tn llna.er, in tlia bnrainih ot Heaver, in tits ,nouatruMtaxiM.aD-aiiL ai.A-i'iith ihiTarter tlie olevilon, belug Xumduy, uetobc The'tSlrfilRWirioires will meet, In ao cprdaneo with an Act appnivitl May 5th. ll, a .oy'wrrt n"oaaiit usiwyni llA'tfi.witiS'y of iwiVl'j w&fc rof the tallowing provisions of an Act approved rttrvtiiii'mrnt?. June Ith, ip nititlt'd "A fuhtvnr fiuiiitliiui'nt to theelfcthm lawn of this I'ommonw.unth :" II VJLILLil XIV Uuitu.'tiilL'uuitrL'Hsnl' tliPlinltPd PtattH, pntlthM, 'An Act to nnumtt the wrvprkl ai-ts lu!vtofnrp Divs.Hi''l to urnvidp for tin tnroll- innUiUnjriyj tbu u-toiiHinw ! for other iiiin.si'a.''nn(t attprovoU MaruLi tlilnt. onn f - UMHiHii4 iKlithnilfAl iMi'l iiit-(H, nM Pt- nons who havti tiiutUd tlw 'uuhtvryeAr'nnvnl KirvirtMttho I nit'(l HtHti-n, and who im not n'i,u.UL'-uarm'ior. tyu'.vcj Lryin.1141' pi-niuiy or dtHahllit v fhPTri! Timridpil, nro ttui'inwl ainl ta It rn to Irnvt vohintnrilv rfllnaiitslu-d nu'l f.- sV i aUta 1 tijtuiriuUluit'.aiiuliip-iina lluilririshtit btKaiua iidizuiu. ulid lU'u Iuniy rlthLM pi vUi.lifitJriof: wul , AtatsM, Hr iMrfr uitjpr(iiioHtUUHfrion And hiwn nt ivnii.yivanla. uvaUllu'l clvcUirof tlilitoui- monwpalth, 1 iskctioji 4. Belt rnacti'4 hy the flrtTmn nnd IIouhp of ItpprpsPutflttTPii Mthnt.'niuiTiouwPidtli of Pennsylvania in lit in ral AHsctnhly nud, ami Its IsJioiuby cuiirtrMilhy hc4U,UoJrtly ol tihtsnnic, 'i Ualln all LLn-nm itMreHlfr to bo held in thin mniiii li in tan. ii. lwtaltli IL pha(L,.it mUwJia ivr tho lusaLictjturs of uuy biKh t'let tiuu to rr- ceiviMiny httU'qr j)lloiit pvifl u-i rr on or wrnons v envHTuva in inr provisions una iimcta In thedisahilitv ImnoNcd bv Huld net of loifriMri a .proved March third ctn thousand elylit hun divtl and lxtyilvo, and it shall he utiUwtul for Hj-yudt poison tu oUcr yyCjpii tMllotor Kw. i TtmHf AVtf sneli Indife ,p!lioctnni of ohvtion, or uny gn.' of thdm,hftll ivitjivo or consent to receive any Kunhjinlawiul lllot or hiillohs Irom unv Kiieh dipia1thYd persoi, lie or thevKootrcndiuKKhidlhp guilt vol niUcutennor. and upon conviction t hereof. In unv ourt of Qnartgr HmnhaiH or tlii ttuntimitiwiilth, h Miiall tor cacliotienw lw Kchteucett toyny n ftiifl ot lull Huh thaii on hnndrpxl ftblturH uml tn im. dericoan Impriuoiimcut in the Jail of the propor .munly for not less than sixty day hkc. :t. Thnf tf Hnrpcrwin nejirtvcd of cUlnon NhipanddiKuallllcdaM iuaiW:4, slut II ht nny election hereatter to he held lu this (ouiuon wt ulUi, vgluoj: tender tu the oiUnu thereof and offer to vnte a halhit or hidtors, nny person soof feiidiuk! tdialt he (teemed sullty of a niisdemertn pr, fti id n eviviottfu hertxf it uriy ogurt of (fiiarutr koiskIoiih of Ihlti Cojuuioaw wu!U, tduitl lor each oil"iu-) bopimihti In lUo ro;uiurr hkIn pvovidrd lu the piccodiuif tuiioj ut thin act In ca!c of nineem or i h cilon rtowlvuiu mich uu Inwtitl ballot or hrtlHtr - ski. 1, J hat If any pyWpUfllitiU IiTffpr per suade or mivlsenny person or pcrrsontjl prfved (d C-tUonihip.aud UMiUaUtUil tut nfolel.ud, to ipavm (UMjuaiiiaiii ti Hot or hfiifnt! to tnft ouprnny nnnot or hnitntstn tnft nmceiH of nnv Cieellnll in l-eaflPrto he held in this (Ymwnnii- cer in receive any n.iuoi or naiiois rrom unv per son deprived of elll.enshln and (lisnintliifi-fl nt t-rtfoiTHAid, Much karmm mi oUt'ipliun tdiull Im uuiiiy.oi u luisdi'iin uiioc, noi upon ?uuilotron llieroof in anv e.nirt 1 mirivr .mloiM vf thin l4Muuuiiiv.';iJth, khall bu putiihhul lu like muti nerasUiprovMed tu the ntKw.d tteoilon: f thin act in the ca.ie of oftlcers of siteh clcctloiftruculv InyFiich unlawful haltot or ballots. ' f i i a xo k "ix ' "m m s6r votixcj. ,A-itJivri'iultrcclri.l,I ii1mi;!yo offl-4iU notleo hi Ui Uviv lnif (.foMsUm of n rt Approved March :aitiNn, entitled "An Act regulating tha Pioiteot voting at aU the election lu XUo wvoral t-o1tnrleof this rvmrtntnwefllth ' T ' 'PKfTitrt 1. Un tr cmietPd by tlip P?nntft nnA llQitn' Of lt.'prf-.i'titnfiTw of ttim CommqTiwcaltlj (if Vi'tnWvlViintft In (li nral snemhlv met. ami It la Ii. -ri-liy i'im4MNrhirtrhmrwtWe!iint Ttmt tii(,T.imt!'a v,ter$ of li a.-iyrL.-iiniiin iiniilM'DuiiiKiim'Pnlih, nt ntt K"tTnt,-Bia-natii iLiniimh im I si,'i'inl li.,'l Inns, arc lu-il-lfy Ucri nit'.IiiuHicrltut mill reiiutn.il to vntn liy tli'kote lli fill ilm M'l'llli'ii, wvi'Rilly clnsnllii'iliisfnlliiwal l Hi" tn'ki't ahall I'liilini".' tin' ilium's nf nil ln.UA a; ooiulli lilgJi ir,niM tuise hlnjllnl ont-sl.li- ",li!,i,-:ny " ulii' li.-k. l Klnill I'liiln-urii til n:iiu.'"i iill siiii oilli-t'i-H vol.-iUiir, imj iHin-Urd "Hlili ,J' "' tfrkfit .lnill vmliriHi' itw, iintnna of nil initnty l.tlli'iiN vntl i,,r lnlnilin nMh-a of "I'liiiui'i iii'-inli.-r iiii.I m"Miimra nr Aawmlilv, If vit for, unit iiicinrwrH nl Ciiirnan, If votinl fnr, nn.t ho lull. Iliil "Xiniity;"tiiiiD firki-l ahull i-m-I'lat-.' tin- n:iiiit-a nf nil tuwU4lijli, uHli'ul'a vnlmt I'll", ""'I In- IliU'lli'il "JinHllfi ;'' oaj.aj t.('.ClT. mull rini.r:i'..i'ilio rmini's or nil hnroiiiK bltti'ora rntr t. fnr.mul uh Inl.ell.'il .Hoiimnh;' IiilI pncli alma Hliail m UitKialtril lnai,ii,mii!liiifclit-lioxi.'. KI El't'triX Ol' JUR V t'll MISHION BUS. 1 Hlaoitiuki kiaiwn tluilliy aaiuvenlllle'l "An i AM lor tiiuittt-r unit iuoi-a .mnnetiHl ai'i'0tlon ol iiiirmm. lu aarei. im Jiu-um In uni-kol tup oomi liiai ot tliH HiiiiuiitiiiM'i-Mliii," Bpiirnvwl tlm Intli il vj in Ainl, A. IL, 1"07. lite ilirentett aa Inllowa: " I H it. ut l hv mi nU cildctlnn to,b Imal on tha amwiiii neailny ot IK'Uilmr, Alili i LUiinlnl oim tniHr. wiil miit lnmiln-4 unci aixty-mvun, iiii.I lrl-annolly UiMtnitor, at- Hsnh , eln-tlon, tho iUidlii(iloln.'!iiiHol Hi.' Ki-yorai ontlrti( tlila r.iiiimi;iiwi-iilili Klioll plei'l, In tin. niaiimir now trr,vlftr'lr tnw for tbn rlni'ttrin of othrr cniintr nilli i rx, two siilmr,. inlellliMuV ant) iailli:loii'a li'-rsniii, tos'Tvi' ns Jury ciininUsiuiiif e in i-ach nt n:yvl iMtinm. fi.r tlm iiprjori of tliro vi'iira . iisittr.t'itif Irflrrtlnn ; hut thr- mmn iii'raiiii.nr i, ioiis, Nlnill not lin i-.-u'il)!o for ri'-elnrtlnn ijnoi'i' tiriii.onw iu any pcirioil of six yi'ara : IVitnVtrFi.,'TiMt i-arti of until ,iinltrpit plirlora Mii'iH voio (or oiii- p,t'Non only aa jury ooniinta. ii voio inr oiii- p,.t'Non only hh nrv ooininta. I f l,.HJi i two iiiimoiia hiivuni iliuarii-Bl iiU'f ol V"lrl. f"r Jury .'oiiiiiiiaaJoii.'i-n, uliall ililly i li'i nil Jury comiiiiaaiuuera fyf iu,:li iiua 1 I lluniL ti.' ililly county. 'HvMntctef mp liiutaj Ayeincn,ln Wavnra iiuru, HiU Mtli ilny .if i,.pTiiiiii'i', in tlm vtir of "'ii' l.oiil or, thoii'inii'l eiirlit liun.lrnl nnd uixtv k"V.n, nml In fim nlli.'lv-nrHt n ur of llio luil'c jr niton.. of Hm I'ltlfft sir. U:il-ti'. - i HEATH svnsf, rMMtrrr. i)CCCdCRt.5.'l(l'fitiltC.l5. l4- T K aTitt'' f ICE, 1J 1,1-tUrHilf 'iMtllnli.Mi.ifrim ilooii llm oil. 1 1 of Iwnii'l uwi'iii, Intl. of WnyiiPHlnird, ilra'il., Iniv- UK bi'iin Ki'UiitoJ tu tin-1 li(.ritti,vil'fti to Alt, Wrs "ttatn to rniilrii tmmi'illnt. ui'tm KiuiiV J lu lir uu.iiirMliiiit.il, nutlcn te ili'runlit lnrli.t,rt in Huiil ettatn to rtviki tlrtMi'iUntepuympnl. nntt tlirwA liuvltiKoliilrnA tirnlnil the miiiip tn nr"ont tlioiu pMpnrly airtltomlcatril forMctilittiii'nt. JJJtl, f. r I.EN.VIKF.X, , . -'.,!. , .Administrator. eq A i.i? on 3e7 .HtMS M ftdmlnltrnlMMl unrm !. a.iitit nt I'.lljnii rhiircli. hin ioe tvnti r kiwnau.rt. t il, linvinahi'i'li Krnnt. il tn tlm lll.,-rlun -il, noli'M liMiliyaiwu U. h.1 iiBrauim iml, l,tfo unlet stntit fiink'frnm.'n'lnfi' tmrmrnt, unit I Inmn tiuviniii'laiiiie aiinlnat llm aitnic in prnannt tlnun pr.ipsrli antlieulUatoil for antllnmrnt. J.NU. (.. H.KNNIKEN, - - , . ,.A4nUn 1 k t ra tor. T , Q T t ..! f 11 ' A ' UI, .Notice I. rmri'liv given ih;it tlif Ttonk aivnunta, ii,nf MlnKf , CiiJWi. htien left with Hlmon Itlnehurr, Tiitl'tif tlie Pmii. In Wnvntabuni, of i-itnrtnATpoili-riiort. All rlalmwnot paid liV'ttl lt of (XTOBKK noxl.Wltl hr rn!lU'.J wltlieo.r.1' if. ci.ay Mlxoit, . A.lmlnliilmtoroffhtHp Minor, One it. VioAt KaniK.' ' " l-i ,1 ' I",!;,,; Li'ltrni ti-'rnmentary upon tlie audita f John Klsln r, oi Itli lihlll tou nlilp, rii-i'i-tiR ortlitlly l'n. iarla lan umnlarf lothrtniilrairnrio'llenla lii rel.y Klvi n tonll ppmnnN linli lili il to aiiPl ea tnU' to .inultj innii'-'tiutii payment, and t horn having .'I.i.me iicnlnrt tho anmn will prceent tltnn properly nnthenilrnt-i. foTRrttlement. ; " t"V.IL;A a-,k,'ky. E"""r. A JilUlWltA'roU'l KOl'lUt. Irfltnrof lmlnlatrntlonhnlna'tMwtnTatnil tn the and-rulirniil nam tNeemnm of Hiianniiah Belr, law of tho tvn-otuh of Wvnlntri, ili e'il noiieo la hri'hv irlren lo aU anraona knowlnif thmaaalvtw la Mrfml u anli) entatn to Link" liiin"illatii paym.'nt na.l thiw having; ui Ji npnn ui'l culait.' to praaiuiC tlu'in oropar Iy hiirHenllented fr wlUeifi.nt, P. A. f Jnx. ftUi-llie - m , TVayiienburK, l'n. A.lin r. aAJJ'SWIIXffiRt'lAL COL- .nr;l', oi.!-; ;.m . Ir-i ." ' " W 1 "i ' " ... ' ym. 'ft xnht .t. ( ,Atn d-raanT, v e,.f t ;TO I. nhln' rn .-; rntUUnrh, Ta. This rRfltl tntjnn has tynMi In rmerntt'i.n Sif n n..m. hi'rot yi'iirs. nnd la I'onilui'teil aiieeeahfully by an 1 tarli uuuil uiuloi.lmmi IIioioukIiIv Han hr-neh " r - of a y'i i t-' ' -' 'i n-, .' "V .tliii 4 1 . . .-.. :-- ; l if Vt f ,.1.1 JJ.i. .V " - ! Ii"!.'? I ' ' 'fcl l 1HISES3 MEM ! 1 Bo.ik-keepliiK,l'e.niniiusiiipana Anlhnie. BmiU'Mi ansl 4''fiiiwUliKaS LM. ..I VSLV..' 1 'VV.? J '.-1 w J1U1UIUII. M 111 III 111 unuue aeoorUlui torucreeniitiii . . ,. ,s mjuCV1UOUK MAir.L:.:.,ii'': j : r - iv au our apsciiaons ara exut4KI win a pen. ."xleee csatn.sitkiua kaladit wkf. jVTor elrcnlar or apccti ho . . - , T tit' I To Jl