lit r'i-''I - WAKJiBCKO, PEXX'A. Wednesdoj-,' Oct. tl.'flr. STIIJL-JiOVSi-J . BCnOL-HOl-M:sr Hon. Geo. V. Lawrenoe, ever a thorn in Democracy's sMo, lias opened tho wound nfi-csh, mid, according to the last issue of the Messenger, has forever placed a barrier between him- " -If and, his constituents of tills coun iy. Soe in what he has offended : "At a Radical laortiiig in Lawrence villa, Allegheny county, Pa.; on the evening of the 2-tth nit., George V. wrene", member of Congress from this district, was present and in the course of his remarks, ofl'ered a gross nnd gratuitous insult to 'the people of Greene county. XIr, Lawrence said : "Go into Greene county ? and you will find somcthintr to cut' if von are hungry, nnd something to .drink if you are dry, for there are plenty of still-nouses in that locality, (laughter,) and it is upon such as that the Democ racy depends. Tliey pay but little attention to education there, and in such places the Democrats have a ma jority. This is the case in reference to the low places in New York city, nnd in other localities. Whore you find ignorance and crime you find Demo crats." Without attempting to apologize fur, or, in any way screen Mr. Lawrence, for this censuro upon the intelligence of our citizen, wo cannot but express our supriso at the furore seemingly ex cited in the breast of our "chaste" neighbor. Why docs he take up the gauntlet so readily, in this instance, in dc-fenco of the character and learn ing of Greene, county? Mr. Law-j rence but gave expression to the senti ment which this would-be vindicator, and his parly, have all along labored to impress upon the public abroad. They arc champions of dill-houses and the cneinie of school-house They are ever r.aily with a word of com fort fur the illicit distiller, hut let a Bohojl-teaclicr oileud their sensri of i propriety, and immediately they put in hiotion a vicious go-rounder intend- dd to durn.'i.i'e him and his profession. Tf the render-- of tlu Mwspr haven't bad lucinoriw', they will readier t -n recent nrlit-lc upvii the College Com mencement., noticed by us before. Tlii noticed eb" where, n Demo-vatic exchange, of nn adjoining countv, seized it :ts n munH of hnfe nt'ninst tie, onlW.r.-nrnt-, aWt j of our county-ami .1 t..e f IU- , lnc- irratUllOUs notice : : IViuticat. ( 'oi.t.Knr.. The com-1 Dcmocoicy to reclaim New YnrkJVom menccrjierit i-xon-ii-. of V.'iiviiesburg misrule and corrnptioii, as the . tiist (Oreena county.! College came oil' J;it i to( tolho restoration of the Union week. The M wengrr informs us that j and cnu.-tilut-ional (Joverunient; the the moet of the exercises on tile oca-! demanding economy ot'iiiliuiiiistratiun; pioti were mnu "pvfitimf harrangites !'' ! thu colleetion, and appliea The same pater adils: "Too manv of j timi of the revenues, and equably of Mil literary institutions of our country taxation and currency for the benelit ':"(, being marie the hot bods of Kadi'- of the peojdc; denouncing the eflbrts of 'ism. and perhaps non': mon so than the Kepiililican party to retain the i tile institution rt tins pkv?. '. !us is the opinion of our institu- .'ions t!.a,. they would have circulated "tittff l'' Now, we ask our readers, and tho readers of the scngcr, in all candor, isn't there a vast d'ea! of dissimulation in their defence of your intelligence aud morality? They would disable your institutions of learning and at the same time repel an assult mxni your intelligence I The hungry jwok that thus assails your aommon sense should be taught better I "KItXIEH-' H(:f'-RAF.. Our choloric, but "exquisite" neigh bor,, over the way, must have taken an emetic last week and thrown up nearly all the "nigger" he had on his etoniach. We hope he feels relieved, although we haven't tho- least doubt but he will be seized with another at tack before the holidays are passed. To our assertion that the question rests solely -with the Stales, and that Con gress never signified its intention of forcing it upon, the people by word or act,.he replies, "does the Republican pretend to sr.y that Mr, Rumntr did not offer a bill in Congress, at the la.-t eovsion, to establish negro suffrage throughout the Northern States ?" He did, but is Mr, Sumner the Congress of the United States nnd was his bill not only rejectm! by Congress but re- jiudiatcd by the leading liepublicans of tltchtndf' No, it was our neighbor's desiro to enforce the conviction upon the people that the present canvass in volved the issue of negro suffrage rind trusting to the credulity of its readers to make political capital. Would it not bo as well, now that the election is over, to relieve vour conscience and make an nek nowicdgincnt ?;';! . . CiiNUGO has, been decided on as the place for holding the' National Republican Convent iqu.,. f The time for it ; has . not . yet been fixed. General Grant is . oportcd . to, have aid that, alllwvgli not willing 'to be acajididate'for.the Presidency, !'ifU should be thwill of Proj idenoe and the desire of .the American people that he shouVl Jc. president, t he would not feal at Jiberty to resist the onie nor di- appej&t the other." He wiU be-all.-, M b t9"go up higher"Bd he'll go I Tub temporal iscmmbl vanecnientofthcage. Garibaldi, at the request of the Pope has been placed in arrest by the French Emperor, nnd it appears to bo the signal for a general uprising of his followers. It is stated that the Italian Government will Au-niak no assistance to the Vapal power for the suppression of nn insurrection'. This insures the downfall of this dy nasty. The insurgents have defeated theloyal troops in nn engagement intlie pro vi nee of Viterbo.. Warm work and startling results arc expected.'..' ;! " '.' ... . i. .Hi I.X.- ! 1.. K Mrs. Lijwolx, has scandlized her self in the eyes of the American People, by offering her wardrobe, presents from friends valued at ?2 4,0 00, at auction. She represents that ingratitude and necessity compels it. Her broker in New York raised but two hundred dol lars from the sale last Saturday. The people were disgusted nnd slow to pur chase. She returns to Chicago evidently satisfied that she has not benefited her self nor gained an enviable position in the popular mind. "Scxset''Cox,px -Congressman from Ohio, and every where n recognized leader of Democracy, opposes the pro position of paying the National debt in paper. There will beagreat dif ference among Democrats on this ques tion. The present arrangement of the mails is such that we cannot delay pub- ieation for tho returns of the election. We niiullglve t!teina.s complete as pos sible in our next issue. Our "rooster" has illumed himself for the oceaion! TtTR Legislature of Tennessee met on last Monday. Thcelccioa of Gov. Brownlow to the United States Senate is generally conceded. A sweet plum for Andrew .Johnson! F.i.ias llowK, Jn., inventor of sewing machines, died at Brooklyn NV.v York, Thursday night, the '3rd hist. Yam-vsiiioiiam has declared ! himself a candidate fr the. United States Senate, which in a good thing for the Kcpuhlicans of Oiiioi SiDW vh:k Vl A i E. MtrV.i.venlmnHvn.Mn2oliit loiirt ' 'i'-.i'lli M Xouiliialcil. M y .,l1ie pun-nili.; convention met this innrn- in mill missr.! l-..-;.ilMli,in.i nloiViiiir tlio I power it has usurped by establishing negro supremacy in thcnoiith. iv mil itnry force, and disfranchisement oftho whites, as an outrage on Democratic principles, and an attempt to under mine and destroy the Republic; stigma tizing the refusal to submit the ques tion of negro suffrage to the people as a cowardly evasion of the Republicans that incapacity, corruption, ligislative degrcdation and revenue demoriliza tion is proof that tho Republicans are incapable of governing the country call ing on the Federal Government to en-, lbrce the doctrine that adopted citizens arccntitled to protection opposing the the Excise Law and urging its repeal and winding up with thanks to thesol dicrs and sailors. The following ticket was nominated. For Secretary of Stale, Homer A. Nel son, of Dutchess; Comptroller, Judge W. F. Allen, of Oswego; Treasurer, II. Bristol, of Tioga; Attorney Gen eral, M. B. Champlain, of Alleghany; Richmond, of Wayne; Stato Prison Inspector, Solomon Schcn, of Erie; Canal Commissioner, John D. Fray, ofGenessee; Judge of Court of Ap peals, Martin G rover, of Alleghany. The Republican, Jsey York State Convention met at Syracuse, Wednes day the 2 3th, and nominated Gen. McKcan, of Saratoga, for Secretary of Stiito; Calvan T. Hubbard, of St. Lawrence, Comptroller; Geu T; , C. Gates, of Ulster,. . State Treasurer;: Judge YancoX, of Kings, Attorney General. The platform embraces an affirmation of impartial suffrage, a strongly-worded protest agaiust mal administration and corruption , in the affairs of the State,, and uu emphatic declaration in support of Congress and its policy. Recognition is given to the services of Union soldiers, and the official conduct of Mr... Stanton. And thanks arc accorded to 1 Gov. Fcnton and Senators Morgan aud Conklin. A resolution was alao'adopted favora ble to a modification of the Excise and Sunday Laws. .- C. V Culver, of Reuo; Pa., form erly member of Congresj, whose failure for $4,000,000 caused such commotion, has been fully , released by all the Court, aud .with.-heroic .purpose liars consu mated a plan to settle hisoebu and placet bis railroad schemes ill living condition again.,. -t, . The largesteirculatioli .among jiive nlle papers, not'grafuitously circulated,1 is enjoyed. bytliiXwiMji Csmmriion, paper start4 by. 1 annv.Fer'Vs- fath- h- : 1 iLJ.i:.ii.l j.i pijoiiwr vvima. biuk n umw iu iu l- ..Y i i ' I J T-i . r .i 1 I: :s . ?l . "... VI"' n'7T: VI'i' iiik "cik.-:hu nm liinii una au- (, -, . ,... , v-..-. tt.i .v. .. n a y ieM vm itk5;ci.-.,ni twaxus aim oiiu iv-Dae;kiin,ecnsi'nin VjO TA. WIlrlUinarrl, r- r ' , i JL .rtj,' w,.i . I .( . . T ,f . I I . t . ' t XtiisAh wbjiwytiwiilf lf kiiAypfrvc tkoiuand. ler State Haltimoi'e- list week, but it wa not presented Ixx-ause of the uTisence of the person to whom, it was. al(rgsse.lj. The following is the' ctmeluMing por tion thereof ! - . ,x i . . publican vernment.--lr'-tw411Janui: aud-Uouo of tho-rcbeLi..iuto which enfranchises bvthetensof thou- t;mds every man- who bora-arms to destroy the nation;' nnd along with them every rann who took ofiicial al legiance to so-ealll - EiHernment, which could onlv exist on the ruins of the Kepublic, and fit tho sniuo-time disfrnnehise- by theteiWof thousands other men who aro free citizens' of the United Staites ana unmisiakably loyal; if such a Nttito hns a Republican gov ern mcnti I wonld like some learned jurist to inform ns what would bo an anti-Kepulilican government If a State whoro loyalty is made odious and devotion to the Union in itB darkest hours of trial is punished by ostracism, outrage nnd dishonor, and the bitterest enmity and bloody hostility to the Republic is the surest passport to social distinction, to pul lic honor and to official trust, if that kind of government is tho one that the United States is to guarantee, nnd that means, to secure, to cudnrsc, to protect, our .Revolutionary lathers must have sadly misunderstood the meaning of the language they placed so solemnly nnd emphatically in the Constitution. I will not insult their memories by believing it. I have the fullest, faith in that Congress which has dared to defy the rebel hate and executive obloquy, and believe they will not allow such conduct to go un rebuked. It is their duty' to protect loyal men even-where, mid they will doit. Sneered at nnd denounced fir sending investigating -committees South when the President's policy had ripened into that horrid crop o'f riots, outrages nnd ma"meros. The legislation which grew nut 'of these in vestigations 1ms been endorsed since by 'nil who love loyalty and abhor re Mlion throughout ' the hind; and though their first duty when they re assemblewill lie todeicrmiiie whether tho r.vcnt Executive acting so flag-, raiirlydofinnfc of the will of the people, and persistent obstrnction : to re construction by law, and a persistent defiorofthe expressed will of the na tion; yet t cannot doubt that they will also execute that constitutional guar antee so wisely and so, thoroughly that hercaucr men in the isomer states, as elsewhere, shall no longer realize that devotion to the conn try has brought upon them dishonor, .'tyranny, and oppression, but 'throughout the whole Republic every one who has proved his love of the Union,nnd who rejoices in its preservation, shall be adequately protected ' again..'! all eiiemics by the power of the land he helped to save. i mni DAKQT.YIT. IJTi'ly Timr4)ti tlo Ituriler Two Tlior mind ltit!ei-M i'.vn!ef l.v 'S'lirci vin p:t!0"i of V, 'H Trowps AitACk oil n I'l-nlti. flrn'-lnl Corretponfl.-rico of Pitts. Commi-rrlftl. F.inT Pun,. KK.iiivi-v, D. T., 1 " i--I-"4i: August 20lh, 18(57. : j ' ; f" (SinVJc my last writing, matters have been' quite lively in this vicinity. A fight, took place with the Indians in the pineries, about six miles from this post, oit the morning of tho second of this month. One small company from I this post was attacked by from fiftecu hundred to two thousand Indians in a small corral, , aud were repulsed, charge after charge, untill reinforced by two companies from tho Fort. Such j an example of fortitude and bravery as was displayed by the little bind that was attacked, is worthy of great praise. Nolhing saved them from annihilation but their coolness. The company had with them a new army breech-loading gun, which was a terror to the redskins. These guns can bo loaded and fired eight times a minute, and are tho dread of all the Indians on the border. Wo .whipped the red skins badly, nnd . forced them to leave tho field. ' They left on the field three of their dead, which they' could not get off, ami wlifch they, seldom do, as they risk-a down lives to secure one from our hands. It is plain to one accustomed to tlieir modo of fighting to see that it was nothing short of ex pecting total annihilation that caused them to leave their dead with lis.' Shortly after this figlit,Compaivy B, of the 27th United - States Infantry, of which I am a member, was sent to coort a train nnd Paymaster to F ort KeiiOi - We did not see an Indian un til we1 'started on our return to this, post, '.when at ;;"Orazy Wonicii," a small stream twenty-eight miles, west of Reno, a largo number of - redskins made a1 dash -fur 'the wagons in the rear oftho train. They got so fir as to commiTTlM? "emptying the wagons, wlien oiir soldiers poured sneh a'volley into' them 'that' they- were forced to retreat in gi-wt haste. ' As soon ns the alarm Was given to the front part of tlie train, we corraled as- soo:t us possible. and twenty of us, with tme-' piece of artillery, went uaeit to' reintorce those in the fear. '- On going back, the' Ind ians attacked us from the HlurBi,'hnd we cut through ;thpmr One man was shot but not killed; '' We Wriest to sec livelier times on tbe'boi'dCr,it the Qov- ernjent does not senJ reinfiireVnlcfits, and do' something to' bhock thesd rod deviln in 'Jjich-'t-arcer' of bloqrl and plunder., '',''' "' ' " J. P.'Jf. - - m m'' '-' -. . ' The Chairman of the. -'Democratic CfJm'mlftco for Colutftbia county ''has issued anjadcbeMjjJemanding th:tt "the past ir'jfojyoeii?'-, ( !rrq don ponder the Democrats, want burr....thcir furmcf.dislfjyalr in ob&vfn.rj,crc I shameful .. record was never madd Ut. are not ready thujioni icir otlnos 1 uTrcsident' Johnson's recent proclama tion has infused new spirit and cour age into the opposition, ami lias hail thi eflett 'to aWi-mj knl to 'some! it- that -of triumnh. and manv of tlicm believe t that thcr may. have to. fight yet again befbrerhoir li'berttes are fully secured;'1 CJeneral Alcorn' (Senator elect Under the-Johnsoh Government), spoke" here last night, fn . the- iSeuate Cliahibef. ' His speei-h- reniihded': me Vif one hf the mighty efforts' of Daniel M'ebster.- IIe toesnofc call himself a Repnblictin, brrt savs he is a "reccn structetl ally."-"He-declares as fol lows : " 1 intent' to toW, for a Jtepitbli em President ot the next election." He is a host in himself. They abuse him as a Republican; " 'He is doing more good than any ten men in the State. The Republican party will certainly win in this State. At a meeting in the interior, the Rev. J. P. Jacobs, of Xatehez, spoke Al though thirty years a slave, lie acquit ted himself with honor,nnd established the fact that the colored man is sus ceptible of civilization. The meeting was addressed by several of our color ed friends, satisfactorily to nil. A letter from Virginia says : Won derful Radical changes have taken place with us. Rut the removal of Stanton, Sheridan, Sickles, nnd the pardon proclamation have made the unreconstructed more defiant than ever. Will Andy fight ? The rebels all think so, nnd we have had the rebel General Rosser here, evidently organiz ing for the conflict. Tell our friends to "pipe all hands" nnd stand ready to five them a broad-side,' between wind and water. . , . A florida letter says s Registration will bo complete in this part of the State in a few days. The Union men are well organized, and I think we will carry the elections. lhe irCed men will all vote tho Union ticket solid. ;'....-' i From South Carolina a eort'ospond- ent writes : Everywhere in our State Republicanism tho tree of libcrty-- is growing rapidly; , , Everywhere the white laboring man is falling in with the overtures of Repub licanism. ; As soon ns' the ' nomina tions arc made the canipnigii wilj opch with much' activity. ' In some of the districts, where the white and the col ored are nrtirly eqiial in numbers, the contest yill be warm. ' '1' -' ' ' OulruK" In MHrylnml... The following letter, appears in the New York- Tiibutit! Oils of the grossest outrages cvci perpetrated in . this State was enacted at Cliesterlown, Kent county, . last week. The victim was a young inau named Sulliynui wli,o-had' been there Hover.udiys sol. tag r-iliious , uo jks and picture":?. . Aliiumgli Sullivan had coniiecte.i n uiseu in n most c.xemiii irv manner, and never once, indulged in the luxury of expressing his. opinions upon, political was not long before he became "stis pet-ted" of being a. Radical, and the young blood? at once determined to punish and drive out the intruder. . lie was invited to join a party to- gather - fruit, clandes tinely, from a ueurbonng orchard, and after arriving there, by previous ar rangement, pel-sons who had been sta tioned in. the orchard firad blank car tridges, when all the party except Sul livan fell, pretendingly,' mortally wounded. Frightened out of his wits, Sullivan ran for his life. . The next day the matter being explained he ac cepted it as a joke. - A few davs after ward a young man named William Houston called at Sullivan's hotel and invited him to ride with, him into the country. rhe invitation was accept ed, nnd thev drove, to the . house of Benjamin Beck, Jr.,. some fivo or, six miles . (Uctant, .where they rcmauiou until after tea. , ... ... After nightfall Houston proposed that they return, which was done by an out-of-the-way road leading through a largo jod used as a" camp ground. in tins wood ticy were meci ny 11. W., alias Doc Yickers, Milner Jones, ami xuonias i icks, wuo loreiuiv toik Sullivan from tle carriage, tied him to a tree, blackened him, destroy ed his clothing, and beat and bruised luiu 111 aiiiost unmerciful manner, and, putting a pistol to bis heaL, threaten ed to blow out his brains unless he promised to leatc the next day before ten o'clock, and not to, .divulge any thincr i about tho affair; To all the entreaties of Sullivan for help Hons- tou replied that 110 was "on parole and. could not. assist him, Left in this condition, bujlivsa .made his way to town tho next day; and lodged com plaint before, a justice oftho pcaoe,who held tho; parties to bailior. tliour ap pearance at thu.. next torta of Kent county Court. , Nowj that your readers may. understand wAo.tlKyo parties-arc, and.,iuure oi tho prospect . of flawing justice meted out to theu,. I need only say tliat icketi- u the son ot GenoraU scryativo, rcbeLparty.. in. tliut county, and the , prospevtivc.' Chief Justico of her court.... Houston is tho son of Dr. Houston, ex-Register of-Wills a lead ing rebel, and. nephew.. -,of ..Richard, iiyuson,, a prom;nuiH, -.aavycF,,:pi. in sanie .pontics-.. ..Jfoncs, was a member ,bf, Sloshy's',, Cavalry. ... Vigkes jis.a brother -wtJpsspU A. Wa-'kes, a ro- oiuvnt, layyer,. ancDibgr,,, the. late Cprtstitutioiial , .Convention, '.and prr- pectively ah associate judgo-;of tliej same . ciim.HrtaP(ifleu .and all aro "pinks", ,rofi .iionthern ,,hivaJiv, and memlorsT of.-, tUp.. ".fir6..fainibc'' of J .-. Now. with . tin's; iuftu-arvw i at tlifb 'I -. 1 " v'.r . ' 1 TV11 " " r kV&U Rn4;.rlS.JgW) i,crks,.jn,rorsl and every ouq eofuweted twish. tlio nd- ininistration of justico approvers if "not streniious eflbrts being ' mado 'by flic relations ot these young outlaws to induce Sullivan to compromise the Itfhfr.for a sjum of owilet, nnd the fact that no lawyer among the old residents f( tjhrftrtMrn could bo found to counsel ...fiiUUvau, l.amiurccd.Ui the .ooncliisiim . thnt; this outrage was known, approved,- and encouraged ; hy the parents, relntives, 'and friends ; of theso 'voung 'highwaymen. ;lf anv- thlng more is needed to convince Cou- press Ot tho necessity of roeonstrncting Alnrytaiuii ' and that, without ' it, the life of ft' loyal man is unsafe: God oidy knows what it . ... This is the first ! fiuits of our new Constitution and if nothing is done to relieve ns'it; 'promises to 'ihcrciisen hundred fold. Will Congress do itS dutv? ' i ' ' Yours, truly, Maryland. Baltimore, Sept. 27, 1857. Demorrata la the Army. . Judge Thnrman, the Democratic candidate for Governor of Ohio, and an out-and-out Copperhead, in one of Jus speeches propounded tho following inquiries: , , " hen the war broke out, I appeal to every mau acquainted with the filets to say, where did the men for the army come from ? Did not nn equal share conic from the Democrats?'' lite Columbus journal answers Mr. Thurinau's questions a3 follows: " e assert, without hesitation, that oftho 110,000 soldiers raised in Ohio in 18G1 , and 18G2, not 20,000 were Democrats, and we doubt if there were 15,000: and of that number there arc not five hundred, who have ever claim ed to be Democrats, or who have voted the Democratic ticket from the time thoy.eutcrcd the aruiv: until tits day.. The Democrat io presses and the De mocratic leaders, m 18'ii. and 18(52. declared that it was an Abolition war, and advised JAjinocrals to let the Abo- itionkts and black Republicans fiuht their own battles. .This mK-icn ded so well with iVmocrulic instincts that it was followed by every Demo crat who had not resolved to abandon the party, ' ... . .:,-'' ltisa.lact, palont to every intelli gent inaiij that tho Democratic party wiueu is now opposing ,iuo reconstruo lion measures of Congress opposed the war, nnd denounced the , .soldiers in unmeasured term.. 'Is'obodv 'knows this fact better than tho soldiers thqm-iseIves.--GV."r;r lu:public. ..!',,...'' . . : - .!'-.. Iti'iunvnl o f ttv : Itvmnlii'i of Vs'.nsNlii.itlnn .... i oitKilrulorM. Says a Washington dispatch oftho 3d lust.:; On J. lies. lav m acee-i'dauco With order received at. .Washington Arse nal, by General Ramsey, commandant of tho post, from.. Urn. Grant, Secre tary ot y ur, 1Uu bodies ot the assussi- uatigii : conspn-atoi-d and of J Ielu-y Wirx, the Andersiiuvillo jailor, .were removed from thejr graves and rciuter i cd in another port Lou. of the grounds. I Ins rctnoviU'was. itnrleieil, ,peecssiin by tha projected .improvements of the arsenal grounds. . Tho body of J. W. Booth was buried in what was known as thu waroi'ooro, oftho . Penitentiary building. U was enclosed m an am munition bo?. .' , After . the grave was filled up with dirt, the brick flooring was replaced; The. burial having been accomplished, tho windows wore boarded up and the door, made secure, Secretary Stanton taking the key with him. The key was kept at the War Department until a lew weeks ago, when it was returned . to the arsenal ollieers. On receipt of orders for the removal .of the- bodies, including Booth's on Tuesday; laborers were at once set to work,, which soon accom plished taking them lrom the graves before mentioned, nnd carrying them to 2Co.. 1 warehouse, where a trench was dug a few feet from tho north wall. I u this trench the-bodies were. placed, and as secrecy had been enjoined, but few persons were aware that tho re movals had been made. It would seem from this account, that the Gov ernment does not intend to give up the bodies to the relatives, The bodies of Booth, Payne, i Harold, ; Atzcrodt, irz and Mrs. Surratt .were placed in a common grave. Mill.AOri.I'llIA. Auollirr It ..Id on tin' IH-Olllcm-Xuinber ol MciznrcM. pHiADKr.t'mA, October 4. Uni ted States Marshal ! J-JImaker, with Lieutenants Fagannnd Pields in oom malid of ei"hty-six marines from ' the nnvy yard, went to-day to Port Rich mond to take possession ot illicit whis ky stills and capture the parties en gaged in resisting the-olfiecrs yestettlay The:marincs hfrving ; their mnskcts loaded, over-awed the still owners,aud tho Marshal's olfieers' were not dis turbed " except ' by threats add groans, The work is yet going ' on, and 'over : .. ... ntw Itmii nvf I pintl an la will lie.lxviken fup before nights"" ";". . Thp. JIiu-rMiLu-irTWaA. savs1. Daved - Paul :Brown, wlm ha made more failures in politics than : ahyimart of hisnge in tho- Stato who -has been all things to all tnen, a sort of literary Paul Clilford. a legal ' fop, a spend thrift and a political weathercock; has boon -hired .by. the iiJopuerneaUB ol Pliilddebaliin to puff Bluirswood. i Af ter . bhariwooil uctcat liroWn . will jT.wi,M ftiril! tin nr.r.1 K!.a -nhvit inn. it ' "i;i'f . i i ii . . m m m i i . i '. ! Thb .rebel :.ncwsuai)ers ,fGeorffia andiAhdwiia pntaiiA -JllnVals to the sout lem wintes .iw xoie sxs inaom- i'ug leloctiooiforrU' CouvmuIooq-i ta ro" qrgaiufcatlwj fetatesH ui,., -4. it! 1;;tl , v a m m 'ii. i til JJaaJlEjJcuuTaiu5ianiay often bo seen pron(njulhig.;.IrQal;jray ou, wcariiiffnJjuVciMsii otiuii jockey hat ind nark kid gloves, f ue. HOWARD atnel In all t I, diwlr It, tlprrarlprtii wiBHliidtrectlon for making ami (Ming the ulinpln remedy hy wklcb he h ciin?d of a lung arfrotlon and that drea( disnwe Conttraptton: Hl only ohjoct is to bu eHt tho ffllcto,iatr,ht n every itirerwlU try this prescrfpllon, as It will cost them ni.tli lng, nnd may prove al.Wialnu. flaHW aildnus Rkv. Enjf .Jttn AtlWON, i . ., Jfo. liCSnuthSi!ConiS .'lamsbijrXerbrk. e';5,'id7-i.v!i9-ij" ",. . ", i .-. ,. .-,, ri i I- : 1 1 Jurnrmiilton. lnfi'minllun SuantMeeJ to pnturo a luxurtuTll linir or Ix'.irdtaMt fiice, alnta .rej-lp UP"n a bald )A frtr thn n- th.- akin, ieavintr tlmiiiHue soft, -Uar, and beau- nt.ivulol I'li'ni.U-H, Hlutdic!!, th.- akin, lea vine tlm mine i n.l.n. lilotolK S. F.runtl F.ruptioiui, etc.. on lli'ul. win be ohtainfd wllhout clmive by ad- .1 .. , I . . Lj DliiltlDULV n u ... i.i i. n.Ti r . i m ... , , n rv t n i , i; (ijj. W-lv'i-as ,: ,il lH".lwuy, Kj,w.Y,rk '. ; : ; as. . , f V'ISMl rM' ' t f. tl '-fui.l br! ' : "! (' i.' -A' :i .lo'ii 'i.-ti y'.piiiV ijitAvi2s'0i.p I'l'mnnnflwittred frothrmK M.VIKUIAIA nn.l mat be nmsl.lerp.1 llipSTANIiAliUOl.' EXCU.LK.Nf'E. For aule by ull Uroeorlea. ;5.jr, Sj-The lleallnf Pool, anil llonae of Wer. ey. Howard Association neports fiir Young Men, on the crimp of solitude, and tha errors, abniu-s nnd dlvlura which dostroy the manly powers, flml crrato linpodlmenta to marrliure, with sure mr-am ofrollcf. Pent lu sralid letter envelopi;free of eharg. Addrods Pit, J. SKIt l.IN HOUGHTON, Howard Aasoolatlon, Phlla delphla, To. . . '.- ;$-ly V-Errors of l'ontb. A itteinnsi who suncred for yioim from Nervous lVlilllty, I'ro lnntiire lioony, and all llio ciroulH nf youthful In- Usrretlon, will, fori hrunkoof HitnVrlnu hiininnl- ty, send frou to nil who need It, nn.l reipt and .llr.'. tt'ins mnklng tlio simple rvmeily by whli-li ho waa eun-d. Siiir.Tiirs wlsliln? to prollt by tlon.lvertlwr's experli'ivo, eimdosoby nd dr.'slng, lu ptTfuet in-.', ft-Vly rt r' Kt., Now Vm-k. Jlcw (U;frtiocmfnt.!S Wm. Hiscmam: Jit., ol Strml. IHttt- Imrrih, i.i the hutmuni aijtnt far the Hkpcbuca.v, in that dli). !.,,,..! . -.,,.' T ;1IIE IAIi:.ST.SE.NSATIO.N ! : r T E L E G II A P. II I C I . . . -. i . 1 1 . i i ; : '.' I . , .... '- .' i- . . - ., r i. .'' .!' Tho Proildont tins liotyat been Impenc)ied,lMil . , ,ii . . , . ' . , ' . ' , ' !. .A , , j . S OiWli R 3 . . ' ' i . ' ';:. : Has purclmscd nu Imiurnso stock .of ' FALTj AND WI5T1SB CLOTHING! , '.- ' ' . - - I. .!:.'. : OVERCOATS, ' ' , l'ANTS. i ; i , - Vli'T.s, : .; -v t'Ars, . .. KiC, . I ETC., of IhelntiDt BtyM nndbtt wnrlcnianslilp. A Yd T i n x Hosiery, ..j , UiHar.i,' I Ilau.lknroliU'f!., . Kci-lt Ties,- '.' ' ''i-s, ol -., . alnn on Imn t. whicsh will In hjI.I At nstoiUNli- LOW .PJHCES l' (,.-' i. Call and s.-o him bofore you buy elsewhere. Ilo luvnritiiiiy.iiaiisueiiaa .'.'.. ,i ..''.- wno wish to prncitASKt ( - - , ft'Kim In Alll's.m's'bulIdlnK, Wavnesburc, 1'n. , A. J.' SOWK1W, . ftOLONUL FOU.SEVS l - I LETTERS FROM EUROPE. LETT G It 9 F. K O 31 EUROPE, IiV .10HN W. KOltSF.Y, KniTon ok tiik "I'niLATiFi.rniA pbkss" AMD "WAHIIIM()TO-til HiKK'Ut," AND BF.I Bt.TAlllf UK JJ1K SKNATK TIIO C.M'KI) HrATtM. Mince tlleeominencemcnt oftbe nublleation of Colonel Forney's letters from Kurope In 'J'HK l'llii.ADiil.niii Imilv and Wekki.y 1'iifim, the piilillsber of those papers lias been In the receipt ol liiiiuiiteraMe-IU'juiriH,fro.ii! those who win.'i- Know n .lie coi-1'..sp.iliil..-llcc wnuiti juii up- oearln book ftu-m. In aue'rdiiiinwUh their i-.-- Itiliy revised; an.l re-written, with hnimrtunt ad.Uii.dis, are now lu pruds, aud 'will snortly lie clven to the world. In alarae 'luotnelmo vnl- now slaLe t int these let l.-rs. ear- ullleofaiJA pilK.w, liy the p.l.islllli house of T. II. Peterson , Hrotiicrs. .Ptiiliiflclphla, who ura parlnu nocxtsnse to iniiKc.jl It abouk whluh siiall eoiuliin.. every l.-.uui'U of excel leneoehnraeteri it k. of the liesfrlilt .Ileal ions ol this hi in. it will eouu.lii an cxA-ullimt sie.-l rao iirnl siyleof the art, by ouiof. tlw best, itt-tjats la the country, a.iil it niil lie in ev.-rv respect a work un eplitble V) the nimitr .us friends of (.'filoiiel norlralt ..f the niithor. nurraved in tlio linest l-.iraey. ,.t lie e.ii'r.iii.ti'li.-iiceiiiv.t'S s Impress ions of varlMts eouittH.-s u-fiieh he vislt- with nbsenati'Mi it p. si H.ieiety, io!, iiinuse mciHs, niiii.iil'ni tin.Ts, edunitotial and religious n uurinc an j-.ui.hh mi. nmr uxsovhivi uioiuns. (iermkny, hi-lK.uin, and flolhind.' Tbo variety oi iiu;kh i.-Di.T.s may oejuucefl irom ine met mac they were written from lmdon, Uverpo., ox f'r.!,, ilaltia, Hlrauord-iipoii-Avon, Cliester. Ilirls, hern.'. Lake l-man, n.i.Ien linden, iioidolboru. Wiesbaden, oa the rtlilne. i.-.ihl.-ntz, Brussels, Antwerp, the llas-uc, anil nrloiiH other plaees nn the(.ontlii.iilof Kuri.po. ' Tiic w.irk will bepublhdied in one larira (lurt ilHrlmo volurm?ofeT.TiipBjjes, pi inieii on Uie lineet paper, e.n.1 haniWoiuMiy Isiuud in. eloth. Price 1 wo nollars. H.ioltseH.irBnewt nients. canvassers, and au others, ure soln-iled to order at once what they iiMiv-wunt'rif the thsttheirorders oin'belltlud puirnrthn Unit edition. Address all nrtlei-s, wnolesnle and retull, (or the pnblisli' rsol It, i ' ;i ,-; , ;. V I . i 1, D. PETKIISON A tlttTHF,R.: ' ' 'aKI(hestnutetrot,rhnadeIphl,Pa.r Ami thoy will receive ImmerTIntn atlerirton. ' Hatnole conie as,"OokMHil l'orney's Li'llers from Kurope"; will lie sent to any one: to any place, in adwnone of one day ol puhlieatloii. postage paid, on receipt of the retail price of the VV'AXTF.D-AriRKTsanvtCATVASSEns are warii ed'ln overy county town, and vlHutHtln tlio up anal oisuoscrioers to uie uuvve wura. lu; BOOK A0EST3 Wi'STEDii' ,;, ' )... ..... . ..1 C..-.- ! .li ."I J '1. I , r ' f ., i tl'. TO SOtlCIT onDtltS tb A" WHIT tiLTJSTRATEP $. BT j'I)') jfy O X: A-B ' This rHr-noXAKronibnolftS the result of tbs most, research ahd InvestlKutlon, k of about sbctv-Uw of the m.wl.einlnunt and Jf Vanned BUjIleal Bcaolars lor llvlui. L'loruc aud re men sard It'as elite host work of Ha kltitt in tlw s.n- if ull slctiisiiimitinns unnn.VM It. imd jista Uutaaatf Sud ..wtilli st work of Ha kltitt in tlw I ad ..wfilu oiikkt tollji eyerj In . Ir.ulat In tin. an.l .Men al Ui,seji.uf OlBftr ijrukijUl, not ls t, wl( wnn fYicnd-itfwl1Utt IW.iWfc.andlueratViy. t j KnSi.An I'm. eontrnise. rfmenirMffMaent andi. nf5 ijwiies, retired, uergymcu, enoc.i rcae new, anary ttriarslcmfr.lifiaiiMliMa; stand.aattf bro WiuAimm Plaelt .'.-I -..liifl mUK WOULD IiKKOWtuKil SINGE It : i. it mi 1 r r , . - . -M lol.l,'' ' OCll SEW tf AMIL? MACinNB, L?l!f ??'n " lw. years In prrparntlon. and wlil. h bnskteeti i., ni.rC.f..., .,..ii7... lime, latHtror expenw, anrt Is mi rofilMont- : v " ' ',nl'"uue as incomparub y tha beijl WwlliaMarhlliB In MlBlenw. ' lhe Miu-liute Is simple, ivimpaet, "itWu J"J"if"liilnatiime and variety 0 work nevrn.r.r',.ntt.Tihtl.d iip.ii. a ainVla i.r ' .?v,ustn? "wSHk.Twlst, Linen or very nnest an. coarsest matur -tlilnar mi aW!J.h,?1lB?r? "",n. ' "l l"m,t ,1 aim siiiiKtuntliil iiiimn..,-, 0, attueluueuta HiK. fcl In ,'lriuiiniiig, BmUiiis;. ale. ami tTarticil.und have bein hJv'iilJd ud aii Jujieil esiwlully fortius Ma.-hliie fi.fif11: f "nlqo, tuwrutan.1 popular J .Una tun ami cahtnet vamo ieWllar tu tha Mttehhies rnannfaetunrt by this t Vmpmiv h:. "o 1 nine are g.ilt. nuii In every vnrlttv ui n.l , "Black Wulnat, MafiixjinV ftwSStJ tlH ...elveWl more or hnTi S i !'." e.l.toe.irreiip.iiia with the Vablua.or O 'fables. or Cublnot ittiii.iii. lorwuicu iney are lul. iiik-.L A few reasons why HINORR'S latost Imni e.l SK WI N(j M ACIlf N Its nr. tho Ct f ,Tf II v an.l Genera Cut mine. " rov am-' thlekn.'ssea of Hie heavlost Denver eloth, uslnii linvklM.I o( llire.ul w-Hh euual taetlltv--nTeii th'reml' ' "p,o,h0 '"'"vl'-st ilenloi '.'.I. It uses ii short, straight nee.Ue, eaallv sef sl'i'ni" " l'1"'H,llu1'"' l."ekSUtehulike on bulb l. It has an oven self-nillustlnu loimlon whleh re.iilres,nge f r nltl. I lileknessw of material or ilill. i-i-nt of ir,.n, , lilt. It Is free from all sprlnMS, win s nn.l other ompli.-utlous, ana Is almost ii..Im-I,-ns Sih. No tlireiula to hold ur wheels to turn In start Ins. . , , th. It does not have to he taken apart to oil and el.-au It. . 7lh. It liana perfee.t feetl wherebv von enn sow thellnest mat. rials without liavlnUi.i keen your work Btretelied topruveut Ha "piit-lt. rinu;' and you never have to assist the work throUL-n as la all other in. ii wm item any width, new a straight seniii ur mane a leu lu the most perje.-t manlier w nn skiii limn w to sew a Ktralitht seam tui any itli.irjiia--liiuv. Its nttaelimeiits for riralilliii;, CorJlhit Quilt Ini!, llllidlnc, Tuekinr. e.; are novel and iirno-tl.-al, an.l r.-.miro but Ultlt slt.Ul t.i use tliem. I nr. liij luainu-Uuniii-h.iu ut the house of tha purchaser; ' 1 Money refunded If tha machines aro not an ri-nreseiibid, .. . . f-nry mhehlne wrirr.inte,1 an.l kept In repair three years wllhoul rhsno., n . -, ii. j r.vrApnrjn, .-f i ARl-nt for (Qreene Cmluiv. ; -. j .( i t Wayeslinrg, 'i'a. ) L A S T 1 (3 'S L A T -T-TT : -i ' .-i: )" ' ': 1 vY." ,' i.i.,-.-. vein .- .. .ii n o b pi's (? , AM OTUEH ri;itl'l)SK& : -r -1 As a RnoflnK Mn'.crlnl it stan.Ui mirlrnllerl. A iiiKt lo It adai'M Hs iir to every shape anil slope. Nnn-eoinbiMllbte, liupervlotls, ti.iuexpAnslvo, au-iutl'l..-caylliy. Fi:f bors Nn;f t-iV.rk n heat lllliSOLVK IT. el Tlie nnly ixiftiiK material aver (llsrovere that wlllrisslfi Hit- ii.-tluu ti.' Uie.c!"M.-utH as l.ijitf as Hie sir.l.-lliri" It 'proleels. IIcIiik ausi-eptlblo ol llulo, if nt'fjuuy wtnr fi-omexttirtiire, ami ner re.t'y Kil'.K-Vnuiil'. II is tin. uiiaU.-ii iw acoal initfor Diiiiiiiu..iii lnit ;u.l i'al ili IIuIIiIIiirs, fni ecs, bridges, iinltomaiif V-s..s, Vaults, Ac, KAf.-rmem'ftiven In imv pun of the e.mnlv, or spueliiienss.u.wn to visit. ir.s. Apply by ' li-'ller, or In pers-iit l.l " ' ' U. I.. .lu.s-1 ;. iii-x i t.uvivi i.i.k. Wash. i n I'a. h. if. ihiAk, r n. i,..Kivl-.H, , I.U-rnseirs ol Wunli, and flrrne eoiintles, ,1,. U-..IONKS, An kxt, 42ldf. n i . AVnynesbill'K, I'a. riniR Vo.sfKit if T:i ft Adj-; C ...r TIME, MONEY Afll) I.AII'ill MAVRIII TUN LATEST A- HEHT tltVliXT I ... , ..-1 .i f? One of thelnlenl Patents, insiie 1 -opt lhe Ilia (lay of Hepieinbar, l-.iC, to' Vni. n,'jf.-l uteheon, f Wasi:iiit!ton, Iowa, will bs un e.tilliilniii In a fow.hiy.i at . , J O II N MUII N T? L L ' 3 , '11 :' ' . , .' , ' In Wayneahunr. Pn. This f'lirRN must sunsr- iHde anythinu ofllieklnd lierefofore prodll.-ed. jne siiiiucii.-ss in iiseoiisii-ueii'sif nminsiwo fold or i-eversQ.1 motloii, thai nr.i.iu-.-s butler froia thren to six minutes uiusthi'iuee the ram. inuiilty lo ...xsuiine Its .iiinlitlee, It saves time -It saves work.-aiid nrfiduees as much hotter as any churn In existence. Mr. Mniuiel! lias foil Dwerrosni rixnts ror cetinsyivunla or ew 'ork Hlat.i us well as to fnrninli f 'hiirna to- oitl-. i..nsif this oounty. BHIKllia, ui. i,iim a tw S;'"-tf. Aant GUA11I)IAN'.S SALE, .'I-''...: ; - ': ,.' Ry virtue of na orflnrnf thf Orphnnn' f'onrt nf (Iruciti' fumty, I wlUsfllift jmbllo jriulcry, on til" primilfit-ft, on ("; -Mj' WEOXESDAV, OCTOIiKIt "tpni ki7t jlitt-va1imlivr,linffrtii :tyrtM'M")r. Off thrt forai-ro (irL'fine ttn.1 Mtufcut Ntiyi'-lt Icnowa n tho .... " E A (IK E F O U X D E R Y ! " late Hie property of DANIIX OWKNH. dee r., wltti the liases, n.-tttci-ns nnd anuurtenanees. This founil.iry isunw ill .penitinian'l- .iotiic a. I -: .- PltOflTABLE BC:5IN fcss 4 ' ? : -t i -,i .- f . ( It Tliercls a FRAMK HOI'ftR ers-te.l on tU lot wtil. liwill he sold with tho fiumlery. - I . : I- - . ... ,- : ) .-' '. ... .... ;TE Ii t 3-t .... .,, One-llilrd of the purcllase money in hand at confirmation, of sale, thn. liitlHOdS'ln- two eouat annual payment-, with Interest, fi-.iiu enntlrma ttotl.i ivissessioii givn Immeilistbly.- Tim pur chaser to scesire l.iie po'ui.'iu .tf Ujm I first lustall ntstUmKin enriflnnaU.mof sale. j. A DMI.N'IiTlUTOH;S.SAU!.. t iiyvlriuaof an nrirerlsstieiT of rha fhirians' .Oairtof the county of lireone, I will expose to lltblle sale. In front of the Court House, In :Wayueabttfg, l'a.,oa ; .;-r',--i SiTCITDAtr 2i DAT. OP TfOTifltBER .. '.... i . - i. -. t. '; f' next; the t.nowlmt deserlbsit Real Eetate, lata tha property of rlusmmajli Heeler, dee d., to wit: A eertnln meMsnoae ami half lot of rtni'af situ- ale in tbbbonMiull of Wrlesburo, on Uie (ontli aide of Oreene stfeet,-rrftnrtnji lot Tit-. IsSon tha eo, Month street-ra Uie mirth, and thf-ivhcr fialf of llissiiid lot on the It lielnn tha east hair of nwU marked rw In the orlsinU plan of the said towivr-on whicli Uiura l oraiitsd. it.ora rortablBOljo story- ' - - - v- OJ -.'(i!i T-il ".it 0 -"I FRAME DWELLING nOCS f. ; .. r . '- ' Coal Tiouss, anil otliWout hnlMlflirs, A well of -Hood water, and soma aoolluaV fruit tnasa ara ,-ThsakovaileaeMtieJ miert wlU sold for CAsnonoflrnalon. , A. KNOX. . nifr; ; .i. ..: -M I I'-t i.i lUm'r. t toDfJALE. "', 0..I1 , ; - r.'ii.-M x.i') il -i ui ,'i i,:s vn ,9? rta of Tlmrier. tanJ. on tha niUUmoBo and Ohjo rbiilroad, near. Littleton Mntlea, U'ss. Va. Raw alilL.Tannenv and abundnnee of Ui best wiunn trisra a sites ro. klndof Ntave,' BinMrfia ant mavs trrtHe. Ia. Wlch aml weU jKtopVwt to1 usasUii, aud .will ba. MsrsUlListns Uie i ttferflis., -.en tu' 64' Ail!U52l.V ayrtebufg,X(roi)e County, fa to O. WSOB. r " - . - A a; rrm-rWUn". . ... f ,. . i. m. n r n mm . mrvis. - pemtiawBrtnaanirerSfitBiiirii'm1 AjwypoTown-. OekLW.