'he r2pub(icrt'ti, febntafcttf,, JbeyUmbev W, 186T3 gu$tnfw Card! T. W. ROSS, FIITSICUS AND SOW ROW. Office In Jewell's building, Wost end of Main St Wayncthurg. 4j I: ao-lf. jt LATER ODKNBAUU1I, DKAI.gR IS Dhl'Of AND KIHCIHr. Ltniinr and everything pertaining to a flrat ulabH lrug Store. Prescription carefully eon pounUe.il. ' eiulah Old Bland," Wavuesburg IJii. ftfemt-ly. P EO. S. JETFERY, NOTARY PUBLIC. All business pertaining to Die office attended to promptly, oillce Willi P, t A. Telegraph Co, ea&t o the Court House. 41-tf. .MUST NATIONAL BANK, Or WATKKSBCHO DISCOUNT DAY ... TUESDAYS. 1). IIOMKH. ITWl U J. C. FLKKNIRXM, (Jashlor. May 11; liO-ly. Y A. BALL, Doalor lu Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, etc.. ulu. AT MCCOY'S OLD STAND, 28;-ly. Orecnshnro, Pa. JEWIS DAY, DIALER IN BOOKS AND ITATIOKCBT, Wall Fa Hot Mr tor Mays, 'iw-ly. yyM. BAILEY, WATCHES AND JEWK1.RY, Mil BTKKtT, Ol'rOSlTK COURT HOLS. Keeps on hands always a choice an J select as sortment of Watches and Jewelry. Repairing dune at the lowest rales. 4;l: 7-ly. rPHE M0N0NGA11ELA HOUSE, T rick's landing, okkkme county, n., OLIVER & BAYARD, FROrRIETOR9 The bpl nccnmnioilHtloni rnrnlfrtiM th travH l(ng ptililtu. Iluui.o umt npui tnH(nMH i!omplPt. TiuiloulWHys HprH(llMiiiitllul)y with thdell cIm of tho Htiirtim. HfnM-i fur hire; teed and tnbllnK at rwtitoimhlf, mien, &.M-U. w M. T. WEllU, JR., IADDI.K AND IIARNKSS SIAKKH, (IN WILSON'S BUILDING, MAIN 8T.) HM4.Mli, Bridles, Harness krpt on hand and made tonplci-. work done In tho licet style, and at ras'toiiiiblern.ti.N, -ltemlrlnn n speciality on short notice. Farmer friends uo look at hi Mock. 4;'2l-ly. 1) ENT1STUY. I have located In W.ivnclmre:. and am nceu- r, ylligthu laic rovidencoot' Dr. H. H. I'altnll. Hav im taken urcut iwiliiH tii become Ihoriumhlv ac quainted with both tho theory and practice of Iienimtry.an.i tmvini: nan nn i-xiicrieiu-eoi seven years In the profession, 1 fi-cl warranted In say ItiK thatniy patient shall ipiveiinriiuaolocoiii-plHliiorinferlirnp.-nitlnns. Extraction will lie rendered painless, when desired, hy the admin istration of "laughing gas" or other anesthetics. t'haryiH moderate, mid all nieruUnns wim-nuti-d na represented. 1 will he at home witiioit vkr AovKNTt'RK from tliu lll'loenth to the thirtieth of every month. JOH. 8. HKKTIO. ;l?-tf JJARBLE WOHKS, SUMMERSGILL & BUO. (JEWILL'S OLD STAND, ri'l'LB END Of TOW.) Tlie nnhllc nrprmtxylfnllT Infnrnipd that ftum- menKl 1 1 A llri). have Jul received a lare atock of Ull kiucu oi MARBLE WORK! gfii-h n Grave fHonea, Unnumcnta, Mantle WTlrk, iVo. Wo an prepared to lurmxh work at roanonnlilctetms on "hort nottee. Call and ex Miilliuoiir atMk, Htylea, ami prlceH, before pur vImmUik elaewhere. 6;8-tf. gUEKMAN HOUSE, I I'BT OI'ENKD Bt TUOMAS BRADLEY. roaltlvely the mrmt complete lintel In our town. KverythliiR combined to furnlKh the beat accom. niodauon ever yet otl'ered to the public. MealR fiirnlHlied at all houra, table provided with the bent of theKeuMon. Trnvullent and thiwii deniroue of rnfreahment will do well tocall. "IViin "atlll retainable; old repntaltotiot'an iiecotmnoilulineKentleinaii, and Imapiuible. landlord. IIouno, the one formerly occupied by the "MiwHetiKer" Olllec, Sjft'tltt-ly. TOUN U. HOFFMAN, MOHCJASTOWN, WEST VIROINIA. ATTORNEY FOR COLLECTING PENSIONS, DOrNTlEB, ARREARS Or PAT, AND ALL MILITARY CLAIMS. ITavlnn had 17 years experience In provnitlnx eurh rlainm, I liavu becomo lamlllur with the varloua Ijiwh and the lare amount of record evidence In my poHKcaHlon enable me to tie very aucnefwful In proHeculliiK HusHnded elalma, and In many InHlancea have proved euccveaful when the claimant had Ions Kl van them np Indeapnlr. Ho matter how dlUlcult the claim so it la Jiuu (WS-ly. JOBERT DOUGHERTY, CABRIAQK HAlvDf ACTtJRER, WATNISBCRO, PA. Reapectfnlly gives notice that he haa located In Wuyneeuurg, 1'a,, where he Intends to inanu facture CARRIAGES Of very description. From hla experience in tbe bueinesa he feele confident that, lila work, in style, nniBh anil durability, will Rive entire uO lehicUon. It U hi" deteriittnution to purchaae tbebestmaterbil In murket, aud aiupluy none bat onmpetent workmen. -All work warranted for one y ear.-t ,ai:au-tf. yyAYNESBURG MARBLE AND tSTONE WORKS. SAYERJ3 & RINEHAMT. Still eontlnne to carry on the Marble) and Stone (ratting bnaineaa at their Innn eetahllahed stand Immediate eaat or the Public Irkiuare, between High aud Greene street, Wayneaburg, Pa, This eatnbllaluncut ban been In eonataut oper ation alnee 1KM, aud the long experience and en ergy of tbe proprietors, linked with Zthe exer cine of sound Judgmentand good taate, have won for them a wide unread and enviable remitAtlon. An extensive stock of the various varieties of be beat marble kept constantly on nana, ripe eleJ attention paid to poUsUing, proaslog, carv ing ana engraving. All orders promptly filled. trV!'M-K Osrmn. C Srrntaias) Altomey at Law, John C. Waowcr, QTCHaiSS A WAGNER, FITSD STATES CT.AIM ANT) GENERAL r trm adlnntment of CLAIMS, of all kinds gainst the umteu nuiics, sncu as MNBIONcV INCREASE OF PENSIONS, BO0N TY, flW EXTRA BOUNTY, and those of any other class call on or writ; to ma Military ana navni agency oi BTUROIHS 4 WAGNER, Walnut St., 1 door below Hagnns' corner, (Up Hlalrs.) ft,H,'T-m MOROaNTOWNW. VA. E. A. TINKER .H. L. MAPEI rpNKER MAPEL, . , , COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOB THE SA LB OF HOGS, CATTLE AND SHEEP, . . ax vaa, o mt tajum, . WIST BALTDJORE, MARTLAHD. AWOININO MS. LIVE 8T0C1C tVCALBI. resoeot fully soneti AB uos Honsyw i el or per, Window rnpcr.&n. Rnndny School k or all Hindu constantly on nana, room In h. Huh'Mbutldiiig, formerly occupied by Cot i 1 1 A Tuvlor. Wu iicsburir. la. KW BXCITSMENTi tdi rnoroiui israAcnarr H. RINEIIARTI FOR SELLING CHEAP GROCERIES! Harlngjwst rstnrned from the ally, he has open ed the largest NEW OROCER Y! In town. Tie desires to Inform the ettlsens of Waynesbnrgand vicinity oi me ear ne nsa ta kes In selecting his stock, having on hand a good SViXmONVTOnACrncTOARfl LTAR, also, raov miun, a.vn irnicu BEEF, 1-OTATOKH, FISH, DRIED PEACHES, xe., xc., Ae., An. Call and see him as he has bee getting A NEW SUPPLY!! Yoe will find him aecommodatlng, and ean sell lower than any one In the place. Be sure to go to the right place, In LEDWITH'S OLD BUILDING, Opposite the Conrt Hotue and formerly oecnpled bylhePostOfflue. i;W:'tlt-lf. RECONSTRUCTION I MOT OV TBI ONION, or or ISAAC HOOTER'S OROCSRT AND COIirSCTIONERT I Mr. Hooper wonld stilt have his friends and pet rous heur In mind, that he continues In the Gro cery and Confectionery trade at his uinal place of doing business, and that he has Just received A FRESH 8LTPLY of the best quality of all articles to his line. TOYS NOTIONS, and a groat variety oi useful articles always on hand. REFRESHMENT 8. In connection with the above, Mr. Hooper keeps a Restaurant, where ICE CREAM, BERRIES, And all the luxuries of the season can be ob tained. The most attractive and most popular resort In town. Bjlt'ftj-ly. w ILLIAM WALLACE, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS! eg nooa west or rrrtn brow's storb. Wo have lust received a well selected stock of Choice KAMI I, Y tUMH'Mti ff, wnicn w pur chased for CARii and are confident that we can supply mir customers and all who may favor ns with a call, aa cheap. If not cheaper, than any other house In the county. COFFEES, HUOARS, MOLASSES, UYKCPS. TEAS, RICE, 80DA, TOBACCOS. CIOARS. SNUFFS, CANDLES, SOAPS, EXTRACT, COF FEE, STRAWBERRIES, JELLIES, Ac., Ac, An. Don't fall to examine our stock and see for your selves, for we are determined to sell as oheap as the cheapest. 6;H-tf 67 John Hboiies. Tbomas Lotas. IJ1 LUCAS 4 CO. rORWARDIRO ADD COVWSfflON llERCTtAIITS. And dealers In Groceries, TTardware, Leather, Shoe Findings, Iron, Nails, Salt, FIkIi, Ac. Also, agents for Aubrey, Cromlow A Coon's Window Sash. A supply kept constantly on hands. Klco's IjanuiIlK, I lftui.ii viiv Kin, JAZEAR BROTHERS, wnOLRSALB OROCERS AND COMgttSION MEB- CHANTS. Ne. 77, EXCHANGE PLACE, BALTIMORE. Jar. R. Lacear. . L. IiASKAB, S;lS-ly. pCBUC NOTICE. As the Arm of RTTGHKS A I.HCAS Is dissolved by mutual consent, the Commission bnslness will still be carried on at the old stand, In good order, and on the most reasonable terms, In the name and style of U Hl'GHKH A CO., (senior partner.) They flatter themselves, by having the House and the beat location In the place for that business, that they will KKCKVS a liberal share of the public patronage. - I nflv will mini) Bp-n n luini bui'dit ui xnv'r.n' IE8 on hand to accommodate all who may favor them with a eau. . 410-tf, Rice's Landing, Pa. s 0 M.E THING NEW IN WATNE8HUR0, PENNA, TnOS. BR ADEN & CO., (At the store morn formerly occupied by Andrew Wilson, Br., nut door to Bndcn's Drug Store.) Respectfully Inmrma the good people of Greene county, that they have opened a HARD WARE S TOREl A nd iwYMse a eall from their friends and the nub ile generally. TheirsVorels niled with everything la their line needed by the turner and mechanic. Being practical farmers, they know exactly the W nil Ot of uieir nftriuCT hiwiu. niuuiig iwn tim- lety of good will be foand Inm, Natla, of all kinds. Planea of all varieties, Angora, Braces, Ac. TutU toothed, cross cut and mill saws, hand saws ana uui a eu asMipwuus. AGRICTLTCRAL IMPLEMENTS. Mowing Vsehlnes, Cutting Boxes, Com 8 he! I era. flows, uniMvasoffm, aMwvww, sura, eon t thing In Uwlr line. BADDLEKY HARDWARE. A general assortment of saddlery hardware, to WUaOU Uiey laras isismnwii ywuMMs WOODEN WARE OF ALL KI D8. - I . r .. . ; Tab. Baskets, Batter Bowls and all kinds of Klteuen woooen nxio'e. wmow mww. Brooms, Brashes, Oanl BsMkets, Braes Kettles. Boggy Vkipe. s&o gnne, Boyg Wagon and All persona oeslrowsof pwrehssdag any of rhe anovartlcls and xoaay ethers aw USSitkmed, will ssnislt their iuessest ky CALLOW BOOR. Ttuer sake si mai l ht sbow1n Dutt stock t all Ujbm. BiUTetSBASAl wfcsstyowsMne T gategei N T. MANOrstOO. D HY G00D8 y : 4 '."m . I ( 'i; AT WHOLESALE. M'ELROY, DICKSON & CO. NO. o4 WOOD STREET, riTTSBUBUIl,PA., Now eflbr to dealers their FALL STOCK, AT LOW TRICES FOR CASH. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, IN GREAT VARIETY, ftll-am. OMETHING NEW I MRa E. S. BAYERS. A IIOHKINSON Have just arrived fmm the Esst with a large assortment oi loreigu auuuouissiia DRY GOODS, SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES I which they propose to sell at theloweiit CASH privca i Hiwu w xnT wmii, vnMi trim- . nilnic, Lirens Buttons, Iullcs Hhawls, Hoots and Shoes, Hntsand Caps ; alno, a great variety of ulccarllf.lea, at very low prices lor GENTLEMEN AND LADIES' WEAR, Wares of all kinds, and a complete variety of llic beet Hit! X'F.RI KM. All of which they nruose to sell at the very lowest figures, depending on the iinality and cheapness of their goods to gain them ciiKtom. (Jive them a call before purchasing elsewhere, and they will prove that the above Is correct. Room in AlllNon'i building, nearly opposite the Court House, Waynesbnig. 4;l,'67-tf gEAUTLFUL DISPLAY ! DRY GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, &o., EVAN'S' l-STABLISIIMENT. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT EVERYTHING IN THE LINE! Wishing to close nut for the Fall trade, he of fers hlKgnoda at afttnnlKhlnK low rates for cash. The stock Is as late a the latest and the best In mark el. Minor's Bnlldlng, opposite the nreene Honss. 4;X-3m. U K. EVANS. N EW STORE! FRANK. M'GURGAN, Has Just opened Art elass STOCK OF DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, AC, 'AC. In the Store Room of George E. Minor, and nearly opposite the Farmers' A Drovers' Nation al jaws, WAYNESBURG, PA. This stock Is ALL NEW AND FRESH ! He would resseetfullr Invite the untitle to eall ana examine nis large ana msnionanie siock. His taste and exnerienoe in selecting goods : his energy and determlnaUon to please tbe publio nas reuaerea uua , b . FIRST CLASS STORE I His stock embracss a hugs assortment of GENTLEMENS' CLOTHING J of tag most fuhlonable and durable qualities. , Also, tue noes tioeutj oi LADIES' DRESS GOODS, HEAVY DRESS BILKS WITH WHITE EDGE, and a full assortment of Fancy Figured Silks of an colors, aiso, r.mpi i uioin, rnpnne, mo samblquea. Wool Delalns double widths. Silk Shawls, Ristori Shawls, Bilk Hacuues lateststyle. Parasols, Fancy Fans, English Ribbons and wreaths and Flowers, Taos Handkerctalea) and Kjnbrolaerles, sod a roll assort mentor i. 1 TRIMMINGS IX GENERAL, Also, Oonnter Panes, Laos Cnrtslne, Piano Covers, Metcdeon Covers. Side Table Oovers, and in enen s mil eiecn at ail gooo oswiy aept in Kl-A slaMi Trimming Store, uoni ewgetuM Mpiae,ui w sis.w oiuas ROOM of See. I. ssissvr, rT-w FRANK. fcrOtrltOA!, U & INTERNAL REV. NOTICE. AO parson wisKtnt Gorerncaent Ucense or Injormatton as to IM payment of other Govern MMitnus nMidiiit In Division No. k. eonume- MotrtsTowasttip wtU fios im at my office lit neshi V,9.At v.o.tVltthDist.afrV Haadkerehlef ritrtattosk The following will doubtless interest some of our local readers : Drawing across the lips Desirous of getting acquainted, i -, Drawing across tho eye I am sorry. Takingly centre you are too wil ling. Dropping We will bo friends. Twirling in both hands Indifference. Drawing across the cheek I love you. Drawing through tho hands I Date ' you. ' ' ' Letting it rest on tho right cheek Yes. Letting it rest On tho loft cheek No. Twirling in left hand I wish to get rid of you. Twirling in right hanil I lovo an other. FoldLntT it I wish to sneak with you. Over the shoulder Follow me. ' Opposite corners in both hands Wait tor me. Drawing across the forehead We are watched. Placing on right ear You have chnng- Placing on left ear I have a message lor you. Letting it remain on the eye You are cruel. Winding around the fore finger I am engaged. Winding around the third finger I am married. N. B. Practice makes perfect. Hon. G. W. Schofield illustrat ed the usefulness of the Democratic nartv fit a ramniiicii mcctini- in Ohio. by relating President Lincoln's anec dote ot tho Iittlo boy 8 yellow dog. Tho cur had become a nuisance, and some mischevious fellows, to put him out of the way, partly filled a Madder with powder, stuck a quill In it with a lighted slow match inserted and fasten ed it to a piece of hoof. There was an explosion. Tho Iittlo boy went to hie father with his trouble, desiring to know what was to be done. 1 ho lath er, who was a pompous man, and was in tho habit of using big language, said : "As regards that dog, my son, if you wwli my opinion about him, I think he is of no more use as a dog. Our Fourth of July orators, cxpa- cialing on the "progress of civilisa tion," ami the strides of American ingenuity, never fail to class the mow ing niachino with the telegraph and the locomotive, as tho greatest of modern inventions, but history lnlonns us that reaiiers were in operation be fore ColunibusdiscoveaHl the Western Continent, and tliiil the sickle and the scythe, in sonic ot tho oriental coun tries, had been superseded by reapers that were worked by one or two oxen, in tho early part of the Christian era, There is nothing new under the sun, TnE party which nominated Judge Woodward lor Congress as a represen tative of the Luzerne district declared the war illegal and the war debt of the nation unjust. Is Woodward's elec tion to be the boginingof a repudiation of that "injustice ?" Is Sharswood's election to lie a step also in tho same direct ion ? Is the triumph of the Cop perhead party at tho polls to be the consummation of repudiation ? All voters should havo these questions fat- islactorily answered bclorc they vote. Har.Tcle. ' Keeping Cider Sweet. A far mer in Oneida county, New York, gives Hie lollowing uirccuons lor keeping cider sweet : ' "' "Allow tho citlcr to work until it has reached tho state most desirable to the taste ; then add grated horse-radish in the proportion of a tumbler and a half to the liarrel of cider, and shake up well. This arrests further fermen tation, and after remaining a few weeks may be racked off in clean casks, and the air excluded by closing the bung. Cider preserved in this way : has a pleasant agreeable flavor." J. B. was a stingy old creature, eager for money, but he was a zealous member of the church, and ostenta tious in hisreligious exercises. "John," said Catherine to her brother, "what could havo made that stingy old wretch a Christian V "I can tell yon," said John, "he has read that the streets of the new Jerusalem are paved with gold, and he is determined to get there. Two school teachers in Indiana fell out and had a fight. A great crowd was, oi course, tho necessary conse quence. A nervous individual came up in breathless quired of a wag the cause. "Why," said he, "they fell out about spelling the word bird." One said it was "byrd," and tho . other contended it was "bird." A Scotchman went to a lnwver once ior advice, and dctaileo the circum gtaneea of thn ense. uVfnr wm trAA mo the tacts ot the cose precisely as they occurred ?" . asked the lawyer. "Un. av. sir." renlied he 1 thoup-ht it best to tell ve nlain truth. Ya can tin f ilia Una srti-rk if UAnnaol " " H If MW stav-w IUIH JJUL f3UAA ,..-'- I ' Wben an Irish nirish nricst re buked his parishionwf for drunken ness, and told him that "whenever he entered . an . ah-Iiousii . in . drink. . his guardian angel stood ' weeping in the doorway. "And if ha had slxnenoa : lm'd be in nimseii: said I'ut. y,,:,Z, I 111 . .. " . A MAS who won a Hit : lor Lev at a raffle, and whoso pious wife was very :,M:ni..A i ..l . .i i Aa uituiaiuvo auvut tliu Jllifllliju ui vir tgoning the poultry, sgtisfieJ her at last, uy in remarktat ue vsnacers gave K to.him. -;';j:;-:,''''.-:;,;;-::;r, ..I. ' - hi ' "Pb1y, madam, . why did you name ywit ld hen.Mlunffr:' 'eiaase, sir, Inutted her to lay on." ) j. , :v IJUUS WORLD RENOWNED ( " - BINUEK ' ' SEWINO MACHINE. '"" OUR NEW FAMILY MACHINE, . . Has been over two years In preparation, and which has been brought to perfection regardless of time, labor or expense, and Is now eoutldent ly presented to the public as incomparably the best Mewing Machine In existence. The Machine In question la simple, compact, durable and beautiful. It Is quiet, light ruunlng aud capable of performing a range and variety ot work never before allempled upon a single Machine indna either SUfc, 1'wlet, Linen or Cot- ten l urea-i, ami sewing wita equal meiiity me very fluent and coarsest materials, and anything between the two extremes. In the moat beautiful and substantial manner. Its attachments for Hemming, Hruliltng, Carding, Tucking, Quilt ing, Kel lug, Trimming, Biudlng, ete are Novel and Pracltual. and have been luveuted and ad- Justed especially for Hit Machine. new uenigusot tue unique, useiui ana popular folding tups ami cabinet rases peculiar to the Machines manufactured by Oils Company have been prepared for enclosing the new Machine. These are gotten up In every variety of wood, such as Black Walnut. Muliogany. Rose woo. I, and the like, and from the ulalniwt tnth miml elaborate pattern and finish-the Machines themselves being more or lees highly ornament ed, to eumwnond with the Table or Cabinets ior wnieu uwy ore In tended. A few reasons why SINGER'S latest Imnmv- eu Bsainu MAt;iuxirjtare tue neat for t am tiy ana ueuenu mrpaees. 1st. You can sew anything from the finest sin- fie thickness of Swiss or Nsnsook to sere rat hlckneiiaes of the heaviest Beaver clotli, using anvklnd oralse of thread with euual nudlltv. from No. 9)0 Cotton up to the heaviest patent or Linen thread, id. It uses short, straight needle, easily set, nnu uuuie tuepoiuuvLiQi'KouicuaiiK.eou ooui sides. 9d. It has an even self-sdlristlng tension which requires no change n-rdliferenl thicknesses of material or different sites of thread. 4th. It Is free from all springs, wires and other complications, and Is almost uolselesa, silt. No threads to hold or wheels to turn In starting. sth. It does not have to be taken sport to ell and clean It. 7th. It has nerfljiAt feed whenibv von ean area the flnest materials without having to keep your work stretched to prevent Its "puckering,'1 and you never nave ui assist uie worn tnrougn as tu all other machines. 8th. It will hem any width, sew a straight seam.ormnkealell In the most perfect manner, with leas skill than Is required to sew a straight seam on any oinermaenine. Its attachments for Braiding, Cording, Quilt ing, uinaing, lucsiiig, c., are novel anu prac tical, and reoulr but little skill to use them. Careful Instructions given at the house of the piirenaser. Money refunded If the machines are not as represented. Every machine warranted and kept In repair uiruv years wituout cnarge. H. P. UNOAPHER, Agent for Greene County. M-tf. Waynesbnrg, I'K T10UNTY TAX REPORT Of the Andltors of Morris township, Greens cmiuty, I I, I)H. Duplicate No. I, Issued November M, ll, to V. Jr. Lewls................. (HS7 m Exonerations to Collector.., .4 SM Ml Collector s fee............ list W Net amount.. ..turn 77 Cll. liy cash to F. A D, N. Bank of Waynes- ourg.... xvi ik For stamps... 4 no I Si For blank bonds . Ry cash for making out duplicate lly ciihIi to tVjminltU-e-men..., 1'ald by cash to treasurer...., DR. 600 in oil 18 84 401 77 Duplicate No. 9. Issued June 4th. 1W1. to Bnmuel Bundcni,.. ....tints ys Exonerations to collector..,..... Collector's fee .......! au) Si uo Ni-t amount - I40M) 01 :il. lly cnh to l. lams ......$ SOD 00 Intercut paid , 03 05 lly cash to James Foncr.M Moon Interest ., 83 ng lly ennh paid Thus. lams. Com,... 1021 70 By cash to Wm. Foner for sub stitute, 400 00 Interest 15 S3 lly cash to John Kllgor..... worn Intercut. g 00 By cash to I'.phrlam Conger ) 00 Interest.... 1M 911 By cash to James Foner.. , 67V 01 4050 01 pit. , . . Implicate No, 8. Issued June4lh. IMW. lo t. N, -' ""-" 00 As a RoofliigMaulrTnTTOanTIsTnTr inaatlo It nda nta Itself ti every shape and slope. Non-oomluistlhle, Impervious, nou-expuuslve, auu uuuucoying. . FROST DOES NOT CRACK NOR HEAT DISSOLVE IT. The nnlv ronflnir material ever discovered that will resist the action of the elements as long aa the structure It protects. Being susceptible of little. If not any wear from exposure, and per- locwy r 1 ne.-i'iwaie, 11 is unequnuen aa Boom ing for MallUTacturtng and Farm Buildings, fen ces, bridges, riottomaof Vessels, Vaults, Ac. References given in any part of the county, or specimens shown to visitors. Apply by letter, or in person mi R. L. .ION EM, llRTrrLETSVlLLS, WASH. Co., PA. B. ft. PUAK, R. L. JON1-JI, Licensees of Wash, and Greene oon titles. L. W. JONES, AK.TT 4t24-tf. Wayneaburg, Pa, AND SALE. J naitimore ana unio ruiiiroau, near umeion IM.tlM. UT. Vm. M. H.I.I..I. .).-,. im U , .... n. Saw Mill, Tannery and abundance of the best l , 1 ...... - 11 .. 1 1 .1 . u,., Tl.lu, T iiiuvi nui.r. niiiiuiiiK uu iim.c . i.ii,., i rich and well adapted to grazing, and will be cut in parcels to suls purchasers. Apply to O. .waninaii near ine premisea, or to uawsoa Adams, Wayneaburg, Greene County, Pa. tr,3Hmi BUSINESS MAN'S COMMERCIAL COL LEGE, No. ahd I St. Cusra Srr.xr, !!.-.'. PltlUburgh,r. This Instltntinn has been inoperatlon iwr a num ber of yeair,and laeondorted ocoeafully byan ableoornaof teachers, woes object Is tomak each pupil understand thoroughly every Dmnen ofa . ' BUBINEaa EDUCATION, t j ,; ;i! : j'u 1 ii. ,-i'.: -I'J 1 BUSINESS MEN I -i -- ' i - i ' . . -:-.. I .. t ,q j... ft -I ol.i Book keeping, Penmanship and Arithme tic, (time uulluilU-d, . n k.k,nlnrt PMnuBshlBand Arlinma Boirinessdneaeaff J r.An.nn EuluJi llMnnlu. lia tMlOlLlt u U I mourn ww Algebra, Phonography andBuelness Corrsstxin- i denes aoonruinei wagreessenw - , , Adoor specirnenisresxecuted with a pen. . A full eourse oast be eoaapieted In eight n 47 1 WONDKR8 NEVER CEA8EI ;l .. . .1- -. -.: V;--i . 1 - , t ,: j I- 1 ..: ' ' (- ,! 1.; h 1! ''" I AttME1 ' '.- '! : . :Ji. ..11 m .! .- , ,. ... 1 1 - : 1 . r -i.il .., i' . I 1 , ' 1 : !' .-. li 1 t, - I' .1 , : -i' ! H- 1 1. l I V 1 . ' -i CL OT II I N 0 8 TOR E ,1 ... 11 ! , , or N. CLARK A SON, - 'I ' I : ' " ' 1 It la no lonsermDosalbla to ret a hill suit for 17 AO, of good material, that we will warrant to give entire satisfaction. Light Cesslmere Pants ana v est, ror rl an, nne ana nice siyie : Hummer ranis ana vest ior h w, tue very nesi ail wool CASSIMERS SUITS I from 30 to XI dollars; the same that has cost you 10 uoiiara. a uuge aua neaauiai siosk of HATS AND CATbl The newest and best styles, the more elegant are ins Henrietta, tit t iouu, lacm, Broadway aud I'EABODY CAr I The cap deriving Itafeiam Jroai ENGLAND AND AMERICA'S Munificent banefactor-MR. GEO. TEAnoDY, Kverv Ainerlciin vouth who loves her ureati-st llenefnclor slmulit not ull U have one of those f'APH. A full and ooninlet assortment of Gen- tlemen's fnmlslilns kiKids. We have the New York Mill and WnniHiitta Muslin Shlrta; two of the best brauds of muslin manufactured. THE CELEURATED ENGLISH RUFFLE BIUHT. Wool and rnmlmefo Slilrls, Fins Corset Jcnn lirawera and Hummer linderslilrts. Linen Handkerchiefs, Gloves and Hosiery, with ties, Imws and searlk. In eudlesa variety. The Eugene, Vlctorlainnd Isabella How, the very newest, the Zephyr Scarf, 7UU0 Paper Collars, of all styles, hVerd's Shakespeare, Linen Imitation. Water rooi, emnroiiiercii, Keynume, tiuldsuillli A'uw iate styles casslmerea that will be sold by he yard. Ws kindly ask you to ooninore prices miure uujing, o;a-- iH-iy MPORTANT TO Guilders and contractors! WAYNEHUUIIO STEAM PLAN 1. NO MILK If. trivtm n nlaaantrsk tn nnnnA 1A Ih. i.u. the nfiinnlptltm of Uilft wmk ajiiI ihi rm.n... n was.si I v -kSSjUgUe-Wgg wi llg. J'l VfS IWtlMg ia RECEIVE ORDERS! AND MAKE CONTRACTS! The best Imnrrrved machlnerv Is nsI. Plan- in a. rioogning ana urmving, Bsn ana uoor Making, Pnnnellina, Hlpplnv, moulding Ac., rapidly nndskilfuUy executed. Ruling prices ALL KINDS OF LUMBER 1 Thn ua alut wmwI Im fir, -1 1 bMj- wC-.imw. ter worn, witn uie almost promptness, and In Liir- mm, suuaiamiai manner. They reanertfullv solicit a share of nnhll, patronage, and Batter themselves that they win in am casts, ue note to GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION I . i - '. . i -1 i- i ;k : . S1UDEN, WALTON A 8AYER3, -I. . ftM-tf. Waynesbanj, Ia. $3 00 TO i,0 ; V , AGENTS WANTED G OLD EN;PEN, A BETTER PEN THAN GILLOTS FEN. Thasa nena sell ranldlv wherever Introduced. to all chime of people. Are fully equal tu the gold pen for ease and beauty of writing. More flexible and durable than any steel pen ever manufactured. Will not oorod. Bend for eant- Sle box. Only st cent, or two boxes tor aoeeuta, o. 1 lor general use. No. t mr Ladles, SchooU and choice Cenmansnip. sent free or postage. Money renvadad li thev do not give satisfaction. Address M. V. B. CO WEN, Uuayi Th Mlnwlmi la a aamDle of hundred af let ter from parties who havs ordered these pens. i in irjios , rA., fur wml inn, If. V. B. mw KM. Laawette. Ind. Da a a Sin: The boa of No. I pen ordered by me some ten day sine Bat arrived, and I am so aMti pleased wile them that I save concluded to take an Agency tor IMf Sale, eo fcr, a least, aa to order three groat Jia.1 and one gross No. 1, .r ,U .',i W.WSSVUOASV Warranted to last Ave UmeS sa long. betlaraatlsCsetlon than any ateel Bats menu ttsred,. Stnd to olienlst ef leeMntualaaS from rroatetor of Beoweto aast ODpsasawaml am prominent laslavi Sonss. ItVTRMItkn, riut Ruauld now aT- - t , . 1 '4 I- : I '..i'l 1 1 IS I, '.-I .-.- "i 01 Jill' ' l i ie.''4 SLATfiU Dt)i3l4BAUGH.'s:: : DRUU8T,0RE,,,r-:;V' ne raspectnilW 1)1 (linos the eltlsrnt and pbyeV is generally; that ne ha received the tsigael eisns aud liuvst stock of lli! - 'i . ,.11 Jm DKUGS ASD BkEDlCINE .n s - -, . 1 1 ever ottered In this market ;Vthtch newllf ' ' , :..;w8ELi; 'CHEAPEtt .s , . - . h than can Uo purchased anywhere elsnilt, this uu,,,- .w.isrJ "Faints of all kinds h' - " '. -j) 1 i : 1. v I- ; 1' -r-i'M iijo tmrhnd In oil. of the venr beat nuallt v. ahsses 1 than the cluuiHisl, ., 1 . .. ..-o v ' ' :.';.' '. - '.-- r ion. i-.iin,: !!' A DYE STUFFS, 1 " 1 .-' . ! 0. . ( of the very flnest selection, ' i i ' ... I.' . I- .-'I OLD LIQUORS I . "" , . t .. .11 . 't 1 of sll kinds, the finest that can tie procured lit , Ihe.Htiite. The UNYIELDING LUNG SYRUP I- A remedy unaurnassed for theenreof hleedlne : of the lungs. npitMiiu of blootl, soreness of the lirenat anil rlient. Will chmige the frail yellow ' coinplexioii tonne of health, and wlU cur dye. . pep-da. This svrnp Is one of the moat useful medicines of !h day. This Is a late medicine ' and we do not know of 11 falling In a single case . -try it. .. .1 ..... 1 ' , '. !..,-;i,....-.i.e-.t Also, all other Prominent natent medicine. Itrm-Bfiit I111II1I Tiiuetlinv wlfl, tiift r-..nh V - tnrmiuator, the Ileal in use for !dlsaes of the 1 lhroiil,mlu;liB. Ac Also, a iiihIi, all Oilu-liin. Also, a Bvrnn theVmlv remeilv mr I. coiikIi, all for sale at 8, thluuhaugb's Drug Si POUT X8 - . ctiiiatTts i - . " " 4 m ! " Horse anfl Gal Mien Thlj prtpSrstlSB, , long sad fttvemsly kaews, will lk eughly Rlavigsrsa) . krokm-dewn and ' ' low splrl US korst, hy itmngtlitnliig aad elsanslsg ate i tloBtoh sag latte- ,., tinst. ' t II Ii turs . i nll Aff .11 41b 5iJ& s ssts Intisnt s 'i this tnlm.l, rack as I. UNO rKVGB, eisiMVSM, TRLLOW WA T'R, II gATHS, conn IIS, D1S- TRMPr.B, rg VKUB,ri)iiNh:s loss or Acrg- TITRAND VITAL ENKKOY.tD. II ntt Improvet the wlad, Inmate um sppelits-iiTiifl a t di o o t a snn Slony tkln sad Iraniforms I h a' mltrsbl ikelttott horn. . Into ft fltH-looklog ftod iplritoi To ktvp4?rs of Covi tlili BiMitioft Ii tn waaMft ' It locrctuvi tb qutotitj mid Unprorac Ui (.aallty MIMMIII. It Ml beeo proTfB bf M- . tanl cxperlnetit to Buoh hsttr. IaslldlsesMsef Swine, sues si Costhi, Clenl le the Lungt, T.lrfr, ae., Ihl arlkla seta tt s rpMino. oj encung rrom eat-half a ptper to s paper in a baml 'if twill Uie abort d llfltlet wlllbteradktttd or tntlrely prevented. If givra la lias, a eartahi , prertntivt sad tart for the I log Choltrs. " Price 85 Cents per Paper, tn-IItpsrgfcr 11. ' . u- PIlABJID T )-.. ili-tJ.1 nil' S. A..FOIJTZ V ORO., -ii , AT THRIK . i . WnOtrsila DRCfl AB HKDICIXI BtTOT. No. 116 Franklin St, Baltimore, Md. gor Sal hy Drussltls sad SitriktanM thieegar y out the Uoikil SUUt. r ... , ,,,,, O. W. Roberts 4t'o.,Agenta, Wsyncshnrg, Ta. ll;2l,'tio-ly ' I A Climax ! ClimXX ii . Page's Climax Salte, a Famllr m blessing for 25 cents. n "' It heals without a sear. " Mf family should be without It. " 1 We warrant it to enre NerofWa " Sores, Salt Rhenm, Chilblains; " Tetter, Pimples, and an Eruptions of the Skin. For Sorp Breast Of ' Nipples, Cuts, Sprains,' Bruises;' Burns, Scalds, Cnappea Juanaa. , &c, it makes a perfect cure, -,, , ,,, it has been nsea oyer nrteea years, without one failure .1 i :. n..i It has no parallel naTLng! per fectly eradicated disease i and i healed after all other remedies had failed. Itisaeomponndof Arnica with many other Extracts - and ' Balsams, and put up In larger boxes for the same price than any other Ointment. .,' ' ; Sold by Drarriitx mrywhtra. WMt Htwlsni, Proineton, HI Litwrtr Strstt. Mtw York, i ' - r, m m m ' ' ' ' ';' ' l -IJShnttered ronatltetlOH Best red by Helmhold's Extract Buehu. t;i3,'7owly. : , - ' - 1 V SB. SCHEKCK'B ., ' MANDRAKE 1 PILLS.'; " A HubKtltiUe for Calomel. """ r - Then PR set twiipowMef vaieot nta, kevUir ' '' Ins power I nlsx Ike ttcnmoei ef nat kver is . pramptlr and sihetaaua ai Slut put or marearr, snd wfllioul produehis snr of tooai disMjftallilt ts , singrreoj cllbcti wlneb eOca fcuow to ast ef Iks lottsr. '" ' : ' -' 1 ' la sll billout dltorden theio PHI nsy b mod watt eonfl'lcfice, t laoy promoui ui dkeasnie at vklaM Ma, snd rseitr hum) oustaeutat from Ik aver ' asd kiuanr Suou, whluh art Iks sum ef ktllras SITeiiliono kiiniiioral. SOHESCg-B MASngAKB PILLS ear SUh ' ' i Haiesclie, aid all dkorderssl the Llrar, laalened ky ' aglow tka, sttltd tongas, aUManv dawdaasi tad a acnorsl ftellag at vtarlotit tad haassds, 1 tkswlBs last Ike liter tt hi a torpid or ebaraoHd "'' . Mdili, i 1 ' .-! 'ft 1 -11 O 'I 'J li.U in skerl, Ikon rait aw he and with sdesar a as In sll ctett when suritliv r allcrati aieitMn It rtqalnd. i - "' "' Piwa ttk lor "Dr. Seotodril Mfarate- tUlhfi : d sad btarfs lost the tw UI of la Paster ,( j art oa tht flsTeniaiini asms oat when la tat Isst . tee of Uuunuptloa, and Ik. eMarts nttawuwa keslth. v :: -.r.-i.j t i - Ihiik 1 m laili . goat by sll Droiflttasad deslsnv Print IS stats , -4 fur box. Prlno!il Ufncs, No. U Berth k Su-aol, PhlMelpbls, Pa. - ' - ..)" - (lesersl W luteal Asattsi fitaiei kno t Onu-ti II Park Bow, New Yorki S. a. Uaaos, lot IkuU nor. at-, BtiUiDsri!, Md. i Job D. rsrk, If. B. Mr. r gautk sod Wsrsat OaMuaaa, Ohk)l-i''3 Walker Tsrtor, US aad ltd Wsatak Au, -t , Vbieaise, Ui. i Coilioa SBrtUwn, tank .ssr. Seoeud sou Ylat Stk, W. Loati. K. '. ' ' , - .. i..: ..r--.il tkhkleWies.tolraP'! - Vi wai i : a ' ' I ' '' ""1 gw-HetaibeU' EnSraed Bweka and Im-,i proved Rots Wash aare eesrst aad delloaU ei., order la all their sktges, M tU SWens. Um, or no change in dlet. no inconvenience and no . expoanre. It Is pleasant in tnsle and Bdor, lm'' mediae Ik Ma sctloa, Mad fre0xieklaiwtovl psearlatiek ,i,,u -sji.'. tu!l io ' s3enaT-lTikl satelahld-rhild BsiWe'i ttiUTi pttaeaat In last and odor, are from ntt tnfnrWi cos properties, and Immediate in Its artaea.'fak klieow-ly J , -a I o n ' tie. .1 rT """r. 1 mere" nass iUi 'J I tity of milk tod eresa twenty s . W 1 1 sent tad rsskt lbs W r,rB3rIl kutlsr Urn and YfWOlil "M ItktKilX II I (17 If estllt,llgivtuism uj It Jl sn sppftue, kwetafl Cl.- ..Wllitir kids, tad -1 i m mrS? staltei tbta Ikrtv ii i i- -'I (!- I: I fbt fax iHt. J7,W. A-