The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, September 25, 1867, Image 3

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    fthe Wapwlnirj grpubtifan.
iltf. TR P.
From Wayneebura: to Willow Tree, arrival,
Wednesdays, 11 a. m.j departure, Wednuadaya,
rnm Waehlr! tiM f-a! fr! Wiiyricahnra;, arrival
rial ly,7X p. nt.; ( Bundaya J departure dally,
Ua. ru.,(cxoerHKdiiaeya;.
from Rio' landing to Waraeahnrt;, arrival
Jlly P- m., (except rtundays,; departure dally,
I, a. m., (except Hnndaya).
Krotn Wuvnesbunr. Pa. to ramernn W Vn
lure, .
Co.. Pa.
Saturdays. 7.
From wnirnuaburg to Moncantown, W. Va
arrival, Wednesdays) s, p. m;, dmiartare. Tlmra
daya, S, a. m.
Prom Wavnearmre; to Mlddlebonrne, W. Va.,
arrival, WMheadays, S, p. m., departure, Tues
days, 4, a. m.
Nr ADVimsEiit!rrs. Tlia attention of
our readers Is specially directed to the follow
ing sdverllsements, which appear for the first
lirno in our pnpur to-day.
Administrator's bale Estate, of Susannah
Dealer. 'i ;
Oua rdean's Sale ThUte of Danl. Owens.
Administrator's Notice Susannah lieelcr.
. Dissolution of copartnership -8, A. Foutz
xlliro. .. . '
Court rux:t:Eii!os. Owing to tlio ad
journment of tho Civil Mat miulo some time
ago, on account of thd small pox, and the
panic which seems to havo seized so nmny of
ottr country friends on the simo account, tho
last term of court was tho of any
taut we bars had for years. But twolvo of
the Grand Jurors answered to their names.
This la the! minimum number, and as there can
be no bill found without tho consent of at
least twcloi Grand Jurors, it rcii'iired the con
sent of utrg mm. ' It was probably tho small
est Grand Jury, In point of numbers, is tho
Jlo renwkoj, cvor empannelled lit the
county. Ths buiinesj before them was of a
trilling character. When wo consider tho
number and koinosoea of llio crimes commit
ted In the adjoining counties, this speaks well
for ta morals of oar own. Too or three of
tho alleged '0rim being mero neighborhood
broils which a law suit always intensifies, sel
dom pacifies, no bills were found.
A Iran bill was found ngaiast a couple of
colored boys for the whipping of anothor boy.
The Jury found the boys juiliy of anaiift and"
balttry, no words Ijcinj deem'td sufficient to
justify an AWault. , The court then sentenced
the defendant to pay a Ano of ono dollar and
the costs of prosecution.
Slater Orrenlmiigh plead guilty to an indict
ment found at Juno term, for .selling liquor
without license was fined 't-'O and costs.
A number of petitions for llitensa to kenp
rating homt wore presented. Wc undcrsland
that tlif President Judge was oppnsml to the
granting Ttf the s.irfio, remarking that no fam
ily of boys are safe within flvo miles of the
destructive iolluonce of tlieso places. Under
tho pretence of kocplair, art eating house tlioy
almost invariably keep a tipling house. And
If they even do? conflna. thcmsclyci to the
n! of "smull drinks," so called, a taste is
cultivated for something utmnw. The As
oclate Judges, however, woro of a different
opinion or at least protended to bo and
overruled the Judge in a numbor of the oises
The usual amount of Orphans' Court binl
ncs. Ac , was transacted and at Wednesday
noon the court adjourned. ' ..
Pot Ash, 8Hla Ash and Sal Hods, for sale at
u. v. Huberts s CD's twig store.
SmLt-PoT. As this would seem to be
mvla an all-absorbing topic in the county,
however th excitement may have waned
Just among tis and become altogether com
mon-ptsce, IT ever mentioned, it may Interest
thoso who havo such greit dread of tlie rit
case to peruse tho following, which wo ex
tract from a leading journal: "To prevent
its ravages M fcr as posslblo, two means are
resorted to, Ono is vaccination, and Hie oth
er la seclusion of Uie sick There is common
ly altogtthnr too much made of the latter an 1
too little of the former. Tho socKiston Is
generally ovorlone. The alarm excited by
the appearance of the disease occasions this.
As to seclusion, this can commonly be ale
quately secured on the spot where the patient
Is. Separating him from the rest of the fami
ly,, and exercuing due care In regard to Hie
clothing or lliOBo who attond on him, are all
tho measure that ara requisite. The very
common notions about the vims being read!
lypaTrlod jn various ways, even In' the smoko
of a chimney, fur instance, are altogether
unfounded, -'- In a,Ulttion to the seclusion of
tho nationW there should of eourso bo vaccin
atipp of all person who have been in any way
exosoo, even ir they have already been vac -
cinatod.,, Homo doubt the protective power
oPvaccItwiloB.' , But nothing was cvor more
cettainiy dembnstraua.' The fact lit regard
to the present compared : with the past rav
ges'rtf the cliseasp proves it 'It is true that
varioloid, a stuhtod form of it, as we may
ay7Attntttirjei appear la tlie Vaccinated :
buVit is wdlharlly very mild, runs a short
courai -and leave no tmce behind.' Kow
utfitlMW bat ery rarely,. a vaccinatod person
bsnsvaall-pos in full ; b it tho vucination may
not hare bean a proper ono, but even if it
was, flie occurrence is so vory int'requeut that
it ought not lo bring any discredit up u the
protoctlre powor of yacclflatlon. ' It comes as
noar to perfection as auy Uilug does in, this
imperrect worlX Wo may add that re-vaccination
may prevent such occurrences. A
eingle vaccination will indeed protect tho
great majority for a lifetime, but It will not
all; and so, in order to attain the highest bo
curity,;all had bettor be vaccinated twice
In infancy and on retelling adult life. We
do not deem it, however, necaaaary that the
ccond vaccination should be compulsory."
Dve Stuffs, of all kinds, and of tlie 'heat
quality, sold at Q. W. Roberto A Co s, Drug
DanooaATio "Jdbilo." Last Tuesday eve
ning was the standing appointment for a thor
ough overhauling of the tenets of Democracy,
o -called. The "Mother Superiors" cfaided
the novice and consclled afresh thoso firm
established in faith. Empty, honor seems to
be their catch and whilst the select lew bear
way the fat things they make puppets of the
ensnared. " W have frequently stopped in to
be diverted lot time by antic gestures, lu
dicrous contortions and grimaces, and to won
der at the adhesive properties of the books
that are pounded so unmercifully when the
speakers make their jkmIi, or, rather when
the would diaguiae their ignorance from the
hearers by heavy thumps and the significant
"b-HT-r-f-r-r-r-r-t" accompanied by a sclf
ceited leer. This has ceased to be entertain
ing, "wHhoas variation of programme. The
meeting referred to was sUm In point of nutn
bers, a few doaea at the most, and they com
posed in part of curloe Bapubiicaoa. .The
spetumreJiaaademiderrfoot ksarst
aiieac ... The wesdt aMecapts to erecta eathu
siasm made the Btlessness the more observa
ble. Eowever, we would not detract (tan
the ery of ihs) ewejktt, nor. woald we rob
the tasthtui" of the satklactioo they wW
have of reading U tfrmdattftmiif, lie peep
U tm etc, tuta week's
'to; suf-iaiuj r.jt 't-"nv. , mt ,
i Hoo CnoLsuu.-7rhe CUera and Throat
Disease in Hogs ta' prevaUin to a Msrfu1
extent. In some sections. It Is Indeed much
to be regretted that (M farmers arid c-y
owners should, in these pressing times, sunVr
so much luas from these terrible disease.
I It is stated, by some that have used the
preparations, that Fouta's, Celebrated Horse
and Cattle Powders will cure it ; and if occas
ionally used, this time of the year, will entire
ly prevent the Diseases. This is a simple
remedy and easy to get we believe all res
pectable stores keep them for sale. We would
advise owuers of Hogs to giro it a trial, as
great good can be accomplished by Its use.
Window Glass and i'ntty, for saio at 0. W.
Roberts & Co s Drug H:ore.
Bask Ball. Whilst ths fever seems to rage
tlie country over, in our own village, we had
scarcely heard "bat," "ball" or "base" men
tioned tho whole summer, until last Saturday.
Tho "spirit moved," ami ohce more was
heard the cry of "foul!" "one strike!" etc.
tt was a desperate lazy game and more than
likely will be the first and last of the season.
If you want Window (Jlass, good and cheap,
go to liradeii's Drug Store.
"Evcavnour and his wife" aro going to the
Jacktown Fair. Since Ouiheu bought "Hilly"
Toiler out, he says ho can't soo why they
shouldn't g for he believes nearly every
body has been dressed out respectably at his
store, especially for the occasion, Having
bought at Sheriff's sale, hi sells much lower
than "any other man," In fowh. Btop In at
Porter's old stand and see Ibr yourself. '
If you want anything In tlio Drn3 lino, go
to Bntdeu's Drug Storo.
Convicts L'aiti;bki. Three of tlie escaped
prisoners from tlio Sioundsvllle Penitentiary,
A. U. Wmms, Frank Adkius and lieu, liillle,
all new State celehritlej, and, withal, most
clangorous characters wero. captured by. a
citizen named Hood, and two young ladies.
It appears that Sauday night, 2jtli inst , three
men called nthls house on Fish Creek, about
sixteen miles from Moundsvillc, aud demand
ed supper. He, euspecting tlie' party to be
fugitives from the penitentiary, invited them,
very cordially, to partake of ins hospitality,
While seated at the table, enjoying themselves
heartily, Mr. Hoo I, in concert with the two
ladies, demanded an unconditional surrender.
His determined appearance and manner, nt
the same timo telling them most positively
that to move hand or foot would insure instant
death, together with tho two ladies iu tlio
background armed each witli nn a.o, had the
desired elfect. They were then commanded
to lie down on tho bed, mid there remain Im
movable until morning, which they did most
submissively. In the morning they were es
corted to their old quarters in single file, under
the terror of an empty revolver the same one
that humbled them so successfully tho night
before, "lirave boys nro they." There are
Seventeen yet at largo somo of whom will ro
ist "loaded" revolvers, and pay no attention
to sex.
If you want any kind of Cough Medicines,
go to Druduu's Drug tH-ire.
"The perfumed light
Stoals through the mist of alabaster lamps,
And every air is heavy with the breath,
. Of orango flowers that bloom
l I' the ruldst of roses "
1 Buch was tho flowery land filled with heal
ing aim and life-preserving product, when
Dr, Drake discovered the cliiof ingredients of
bis wonderful Tonic Medicine Plaktamob
BirTKKs the enchanted tropical Island of St.
CroW. The Plastatiox Biitkr, combining
all the medicinal and tonic virtues of the heal
ing and life -sustaining products of that favor
ed clime, nrn, without doubt, tho World's
Urt'iit Remedy for Dyspepsia, Iw Spirits,
and all other Stomachic ditlicullles. ' .
Mionoma Watkr. A delightful toilet arti
cle uierior to Cologne and at half the price.
Bengal and Spanish Float Indigo, for sale
aid. W. Roberts & (Jo's. Drag Htuie.
Navioatio Kkscmho. The announcement
is made by the Pittsburgh papers that the boats
of botli lines commenced their regular trips
from that city to Geneva on Saturday last.
Tho present low stage of water would seem
to invalidate this statement, but we learn that
a small boat called the Activo, was launched
a. Brownsville, last wcok, drawing but ten in
ohes of water, and that she will ply above
flint point until the river rnises, when sho will
run to Morgantown, she being designed for
that especial purposo. Words can't express
lie inconvenience endured since the stoppage
ef the boats. Their "pudlng" onco more, will
bring a universal sigh or relief from the valley
ef tlie Monongahela a sigh because wo have
eothing better n railroad, for instance
I i
' If yon want Pirn Drugs, of tho best quali
ty, go to Uradcn's Drug Store.
; . r i .. ? ,'.
To thf. Tax-Payers or Gukkxb CorcsTT.
We received in Juv last from Wm. II. Rum
ble, Esq., Treasurer of the Stulo of. l'ouiwyl
Vania. what purported to be a Statement of
tlie Taxes duo from this County to tlio State;
tortheyenrof I88, in which it h claimed
that thero is yet due Two Thousand and Nine
Hundred and Ninety Dollars and Six Cents
(8,9!io,oc.) with, interest from tho Second
csday of January last.
In view ol tlie fact that this flsmn nfMn In
Juno 18P.G, sent us a circular in which he
claimed about Eight hundred Dollars as the
Taxes from this county to the State for that
year, nnd for which our Treasurer holds a re
ceiot In full, we eonfeas that thia laibtr A-
tnand excited iu us no little turps is. Having
nwwcu, cuuecieu aim paui over uie lull
hmount of the Txes then demanded, we verv
tiaturally suppose! the whole matter settled.
i inis uemand tor Additional Taxes for 186U,
SiaviDc been made after the duplicates for the
present year were made out and placed Ul tho
'hands of our Treasurer.' and after a
jable portion of the taxes had been paid, ren-
uum uuc Biiuaiiun an emDarrassing one. but
iss we have no funds hr the f ."nrmtv
beyond what was deemed at tho time of the
.assessment necessary to meet tho ordinary cx
Ipi'mttsof the Oormtv. and as we nn .ubrUoii
fbf no mode by which this additiunal .demand
p. mu uw icgnuji evaueu, we see dul one way bv
miuuu iiiu voiraiy can dc reiwvea, a$e;:lliia is
or uie levy anu collection of a NnorM ? U-m
WulHclent LO nav.nff Lhn .l.lii.....! a
- i . "i xivunim.
We have accordingly placed 'in the1 bands of
iiioKAs iams, jmc,,.U( uouuty Treasurer,
uuw .upiiuaies lur uus purpose.
We make Ibis cxulAnatioailn r,v- u, i.
Tax-ptiypra of tlie Countv mav nlacn tl. r.
spoosibiuif of this act where it bcwngv Tii
iiioncy is uoi cuueciea tor uie uoumy, nut for
the Bute. - 1 v-;i " . - 'i .
We of coarse do not kno what nncWitr
may ejtiet tut the kopoaitioa of thisautiitional
Irnrden upon the people," We only eomply
with the demand mada rm'tho people by -the
T rooer oflker conalituted hv tlia Ja at u
Buue, over wnoee action' we have ao-tuper-
,"visloir'..-'J'.-. - ' '- r...v
Tho. Scott,
'" "Kuia rVwir. ' V ObA Oreani Cn. 3
.... t;."! t. f
t Vt ;..i a-
r I
Puiw Wlilta Ioj .J - j nil' '
byO. W. Robert Ob"-. t T..
' ... .. .1, 1 , r.t m
TJ. 8. Iimrua BV. Btauo of ill ktarJ. Ik
th Depwtr Oorleietot'a Offlo.
Wayneabntr Pa.
ihto'o&. wwu w.'fl$iiavi
IShe i 8wW,
Lime by the Barrel 91 Pound, at 0. Y
Roberts & Co Drug Btura i-1 , a
To AO. who, n iutCocb.'I .Would
the attention of Soldiers and their Heirs)
the following IWneJtB ,nd Restrictions ot
the Pensions Law with which they are not
Generally acqtmlnteih f ',i '
) 1. There are many persons entitled to Pen
lions who hav not yet applied They should
do so nmeJwtilt, as their pensions will com
mence only from date of appBaiHimt and If sp
plication is Uot made wWd (Aras after
discharge or decease, their pensions will com
mence mlf from date of filing last paper in the
8. Pensions which have bccii ' on file Ibr
more than rarat ysara after discharge or de.
cease of soldiers, will, If allowed, commence
njr frorn date of filing' kit paper) and those
Hot settled withmju f,irt from date of appli
cation will be vary difficult to obtain. .
' 8. There are many soldiers, both ofDcers
and enlisted men, now receiving one-fourth,
one-third,' one-half, two-thirds, aud three
fourths pension, who are entitled to Hgktr
rafasi but not coming under any special act of
Congress, do not know now to get their pen
sions increased. i
4. Orphan brothers and sisters nnderlH,
and ixirtial) or wholly dependent fill hem, are
entitled to tlie same aenslou ts widow or
mother. v
I would say to any and all soldiers and
their heirs, who havo been so far unable to
procure their pensions, - or who have not yet
nppltra, or who wtsn tneir pensions increased,
that I can show them "How to Do it" etfectu-
iiilv acd rapidly. I also - collect all other sol
dicnt' claims as heretofore.
J. Jackson Plum am.
. Claim Agent
Bladder and Er.tract Logwood, warmntad.
sola aiu, v. Uoberts oa to s. Urug btore.
NoTnito conduces more to secure political
success than tho extensive circulation of po
litical papers. Experience proves this to be
the case, From this, we are able to predict
the increase ol the Union vote of this county
n exact ratio to. the extension of our circula
tion. If yon don't beltevo It, try it. '
I ...... - . i .
Eastward, Ho! L, K. Kvnns has gone to
Philadelphia to lay In his Full and Wlutur
Block, and promises to return with tho host
and cheapest yet ,
I - i M
! First Arkival Cr Fai.i, nd Wixtku Ci.orn-
mo, N. Clark & Sou havo just opened a nice
assortment of Clothing ! bought at the late
decline in prices, and are determined to sell
cheaper than tlie cheapest ! We invite nil
our former customers to call and see ns before
purchasing elsewhere, and all olliers who
want a good article for the least money. '
! Thk Ladt's Book. The number of Gody
for October sustains the reputation that it Is
emphatically n book for the Ladies. The new
fashions are charming in style and numerous
in variety, the literary excellence is up to the
high standard of tho work.
A SrccKss. The Juvenile Concert at tho
College Chapel, on Monday evening was high
ly successful. Those In attendance wtis much
gratilled with the perfoimanccs. ' ' !'
riKDOHKo. Skiles Austin, sentenced five
years ago, in Fayette county, lo serve oven
yoars in the Western Penitentiary, for shoot
ing the lobe off thu car of a Mr. Kalne in
Uuiontown, was by tho unanimous rccom
nicndation of the board of Directors of Hint
Prison, pardoned by Gov. Genry.
Inst., by Andrew Duula)), Esq., Mr. WHlmm
uozaru sua miss iuiocv stooe, all ot Mon
piigshcla township, Urccno cnuuty, l?a. -
ADAMSON At his resiJence in Frnnklln
township, this county, Mr. Charles Adanuon,
oriullanunatory rlieumntism, aged 71 yenrs.
He was an old nnd hifrlily esteemed citlawn.
The ILtrrisburg TuMol and Vnt'on
''pitches ...Into" tlio '"cx-rolnil Guiieral
IiWigstfCPt now thnV'rie hrw turnotl
jlimliual. Vliilc lie was in nommanl
of a timitor army he Iiad the full syju
jiathy and support of the' Patriot awi
L'o, but now that he ha repented of
his fcacAJ error that journal denouncea
- u " - .! . . .
. . ALBAjnr, Sept. 22. Last night a
rolieemiirt named Walls shot two
young men named Fitznimmons and
.McAllister, Trho' 'nssanlted him. , id
htantly killing Fitzjiiminonsandwountl-
ang McAllister. It is thought the
litter will recover. The young men
Sverc intoxicated.
j Ttyo or three llepublican journals
p this State have recently recommend
ed the nomination of Mr. Cttrtin for
Vice President. As many have ex-
jireiisfd a, . prcfijrencc for Mr. Grow.
Either will do; but make a Supreme
Judge first.
j Five cent national currency is coun
terfeited Via "CharlcBtdnJ S.. C" Just
Jiko the rebs , thej are always at some
fernull business or other. ' ' ' . .
"Coming oyenta cast their shadows
fore' says'tlio-'Denioenite.K rVonder
if the present shadow isn't a little too
(dark for them. .,
I In eonsequcncirBrthe rlcAfh nf Mllo ITalne. of
h firm of llalnpa 4 Katrll, of Wavnrahurg, the
SKWkacconnUandaU business connected with
the ui'e llrin will be settled up by the under-la-ned,
the survlvlnx partner. All persons hav
iluii claims airnlnat theflnn wlU prcaent them
pronerlyBnUietiilnuad afrtitrrchiVnt, and per
aoua knowing ttaeinalv Indebted to the same
Kwi-imim or BHnwrtfl win n reonirwi 10
imilte Immediate payinniton or hrftm Nov. I at,
100, or me aaotawlll o eolleeted aceardlng to
TrtB FntTm ItlwitVM wltl Slai MrrlMl nn
atthe old aland by the nnderalcnerl, aonraah
All order for work WIN kaprornpUy ataswdari
.to. Work warranted atMUntlal. and to five
It .UHDEBTAjciitn eameatly solicited, to which
aaamauatWoii'wnlM )IWi A llSa kaaAe
an conatant raayUuwa toart.nd ftmcral.. ,
""i . ito
gjtmbiUati, ,gg)ttcfe rPplcmbiojSjJT.
I t-.l-iJ.-NK'lt
li'! - ' " ' -. it
Dllx WiriTTZESY.
Dlt. P. WHITTI.KHY, Physician Ibr rhronlo
Ulaeuw's, liana pNiiiiiiit 01)11.0 hi Wivliiiiijluii,
lVnnsyltanla, whora ha liaa hern ansnnwl r
the iiattwlve yuan 111 1110 sueceaalul truatuieut
of all
' 'I '
The Doctor miRtit present a volume tf nertlrt
ratos of eurea, eoinplinieiitnry notices, Ac, but
the imwl autlafiu'tory tentlmonlul will be kIvu
the puhlle In a trial of his skill. Or, W. devota
eicliuim uttontUia to kliroulq AUmcnlt, In
which his yractlce has been uniformly aiiccow
fol, iffirtlnB eurat In many eaaea that haw
bailluUatl oilier sA'ateias ol' trcatuieut.
Paralysis, Ithenmatlam, HronchltU, Oatarrah,
U.rt, Liver, Bowels, Kldnen. LuiiKK, ' 1'
, b'oiuulu Ulsi'imrH. (leneruj lx un
ity, 4c, 4c.,
Are all promptly nnd permanently cured by tho
Doctor's system of trcutniviit. LJurlnit the past
fow yuurH, ttw LHHtor lius riwlsferea liumtroils of
cures to which lie will 1 plcusea to give those
reft-rcnccH who mav call upon htin. Ho InvlU-a
nil Htltii'ir.1 with any fi.riu of ( liroulo tllauaaa
una having rauea toouwin ranur, to
Ills prlncliml nucnts nro solncto.1 entirely from
thu cucUihl Klnu'iom, and thesoan. sa uom
hlncd tis t.) cotmtizu the vluU foreei of the hodv
nnd thereby It to perfect lienUli. 1'hc
ixjotor nus imn especially .suecosnnu in tua
ireuiiueiuoi an
Women by the pcore full victims tomnlAdteH pe
culiar to their t'X. iiiitnv of wliom miulit In
srtvwl frfnn HvtHfi' wrfUMirrliifrwnnit prtMnntnre
i"tr cmnloynl In th prncttro of lr. w, nro
luaisitfttctiinwl exclusively bv him miin hittuwn
31lii'iti TaHlwmitorv laiiti uro iUwk.vh "puro, In
tnitillty And npnjlttn In etlWt. Ir. W, dlniiosjf
tIlKi4iHi I iv ntuiis of tlu II r I no, ttm only tufulli
ble wt-stof titw'iiutT, itevtT IniUntf tinllwovHr itn
nature. locality iiiul eurabiUtv. Unw fiiubliiiu
iiiiu nufiitjiiuj lej
iiir,Ai jir i.
at thf nbre,olnlo wrtnlnty of liin mmln of ilin-jno
ttr hu 11111 mitisfy t'very paUunt wlii kIvvm TiItu
11 trial, from th iirlnenltmohH will tim Accumtn-
Jy ut I timt ciin no known ol uuy UlMniso. In Ihv
(jxtiiuliintton Di ihmMfcrptlon. he t'miilovN onl).
ml, rliHiiiUnl ati'l nik'ttwiooptiuil UmIh, no rust1
Ih'Iuu urt'st-nttti In which on ol thiwu tuati in
nrt. miftlclfnt to nn nccnrulo illtxunoNffi. 'Hio
cioriiK,H not tiluliu to Iwa "cuni uU,MDorviii
"the ritflit nrm tf th AhnlKhty t ret flirt I forth
to save Lh Worltl from Drrniiitiirto illMMithiMoii."
hut ho dues pi-uftw fioiiiHclt'utillc aO(tUVuiitcuta
itTiq . .
TVvntfvl ptp1iiiIvpU tn thn frnnf mml nf rhrniil
)H, Nv)th his lnfullihlc ttvilNnf fllHtru-n. tolwnhle
to rl (ivwmulpfrmiuiently oure all ciKt i
wiiti'h Hie not nl ready iwyomi the reach of rum
r ; r - 1 . ' ft; 1
... fx -
in-'"' P. WHITTI.BIsY.
The rcnnsylvnnla Bmto Kulr will he held ut
MllslsirKh, the uroundn of thn Iron ?tty
ura, Bc.i'i r.ji
uiiat 21th, aoui, 20th, aud vriii,
For the Kxhll.ltlnn of ltors. s. Cattle. Sheen.
wlnn, dc., A)(ri'Ultiinil Implements. Machln
ry, Inventions Kann Prudueta, Fruits, t'low-
ra, juouscuoiu uouua, iko.
HtEMIUMS OVER $10,000.
Pome of tho rremtums In tho ahstrant, nre as
follows! .
ums from S."j0 toJi; nil other arndes of l itttls
), from Wt SHI: 42. from Jill to SS; lient hcnl,
Ac., not leas than IS head, M)j l heattii); beat 10
yoke of oxen, premium Ui be putd Attriciiltuml
Hoclety of thu County sending thorn, 8100 2d
best lA
ItoRSRR Tlest Imported It prom I n ma, from
to $.s-thonjiiiih broils, in, from (JO to lio-rjpeed
lof lli 1 ol J7.V 4 of Mil,
MATtlHRII llOUNfcS I of .VI, t At JHIi beat
druiiKlit, KcldliiB, ami alinile homes 12, from S-Hl
toSIO. HTAM.IoNHsnd MARKX. IS from $3 to
110. .IAckHhu.i MIIL4 7, from$10i best
imilcU iiniof a.nrS.W . 'M htnl Sl .
HflHRP ANU W.ioL -..rdlircrcnt hmla t2l
fireiniuius Irani I.XI lo 53. BWi.Nli 15 Irom IM
n :
P lULTRVllest collection Slav no premi
um Iivk than )i.
For Aar 1 1 u I n ml Imptementa, Steam Englnea,
riculiH, Ac., but few picmliinui are oltercd. The
JudRca, lurtvever, mny ninkeeompllmenlnrv no
tice, of the niirUvuiur uierlut olaacli uncliiue
For Leather and I la mar.nfrtctnre Flour and
Indian ineul, Rruln end seeds, vegelnl. lea, fruitH,
trmnea. eider, flowers and daaluna, needlework,
t'lnnroiaqrv, au., urcwi cokum, &c.t tireaerve
jelllca, nnduir tlnht frulte and vepinlilex, mer
eautlte dlai.laya Ac liberal uruiuluma are oirur
ed ranlnirl0io, II.
; NTKAM I'IX)V-Thn Ilcvdrlck Ktenm Plow
will i exhibited andopeniie.1 during the Fair.
Forpartlcnlnra, or premfum ttara addreasA.
B. IXINOAKKR. Stvrelary, Plttaburgh, Pa.
RlmtleadmiMlon Tlckefa, JSCenta.
j4tt, A. BOYD HAMILTON, President
' ,'lr .' t I
One of the latent rntcnta. twnerf en fbe 11th .lav
of Heptemlier, im, to Wm. It. Jl.utcheon. of
Maehington, Iowa, will b on exhitiiUoB Jn a
; lVj o H H HTJ N N E L L'S, u
In Waynaahuni Pa. This CHUR.V mtut auper-
riie aliudeneM ot lis ooustruotlnn, and ita two
fold or reversed motion, that pfoduara butter
from Utree to all minute winat Indac tha eotn
munlty to examine Iu nnalltlea. It anvea time
It aavea work-nd MnfnM u mivh .atti.
any churn In exlatence. Mr. Munnell has full
4. "' lor fennayivunia or ew
York State as well aa tafarniali.Cfeuroa lo altl
sena of this eouniy. ,
JfS't. -. .,' . . j ,,,, j...., jAganls..,,
l.l ,'."..; .., . ..... , , , ;, ;.. ,,,.. .
. . I
Tne uranon annerai paiat 00. ar bow raaou-
fkatarlnar th Beat, Cliaapeat, and moat PuraT.le
l"ulut In uae; twoooats wall put on, mixed w'tu
pare llnaeed oil, will last Krof IS yeara ) It la of a
liaht brown or baaaiUol k 1-. , Mn
le changed to graea, lead, atona, drab, ollv or
nream, tp aula Uie taat of tha eonaunwr. It U
vuuania ini rtoiiaea, iiania, renoea, Oaulncearul
Car-inukera, Palleand Wooded-ware, Agrlonl-.
Hhlpa' Itottoma, Canvaa, Metal and Bhlmtle
R0..SI1 (It beta; fkaj and water proof.) noor OU
(Hothsv (oae auuMifaetunr having uaad Wis Mils.
unaurpaaaed tor body, durability, elaatletty, aud
ailhealveneaa. Price N per bM. of SutTt)., which
ranted lpl sU eaaaa aa above, Bend for circular
whleKaetw. fall aartlealaN. None gaanln un-
ilengraiiard ln atntt niark Urafioa Mlnarai
Patn. AddreaS ATirCBIIfS.tT
Jninos A. Black, Commlttex nf Monongalicla
To borrowed money Jjnoo 00
'I'.iHubacriptlon moucy JJ70 00
10 revruiuug leea M.H so 00
r A A . A O W ,ww
lly amount paid out as nor Touchers ap
proved 5)i) 00
ft A. Meatreiat Committee of draft of Bcpt. 1861.
To amount nvelved from F. A p. rtank . ..tJOO 00
to amount ui suoacripuon monuy nuVl 1 .
him.. m .........l..T..:...:.i;..i. si
lo order from School 111 rectors
en. .
lly amount paid out 1
: ..1 f
1 per vouchers ap
7703 00
AmoUnt of abnVM ttientlnnCil nnlep from
School' Directors iwit entcre.1 lit i.ront.r nlacumi
towiiHhlp Iwok, but suppuaed lo b enough to
aiuaru tue acciiunt.
Jnmes A. Ulack, Treasurer 0 Bounty Tux for
JUL ' " '
To amount of duplicate S7351 78
llyam'tpnldoutasner vouchers
approved 17530 W
ui.i 1. .'nni . w 1 00 uis UVM .1
against the township .. M J7M1 78
Amount of snhsorlptlon money received by
Aiiurew xjuniup, to... onurun 01 uarcu isu.1.
To amount of subscription , $Hhi) 49
10 wiowviihkwi itinnry r.H.-.av.m ay- luiu .
mid not lu.vV atil.Ni-rlMiuii nuoura. as
Ka'iuiro Uunlup admits !rl SS
I 1 1
U47 00
llv nni't tifild r A r..linnf ft-rmi no
lly ain't patd V. II. MuC'oy 303 W-'lin 00
C. A. Hoalrozat, Comiulttee of draft oi Uurcli
C(M, '
To amount of money received '10531 S3
lly amount paid out 1HVSI 33
T)r. (leoruo F.ltlruli, Treasurer of Bounty Tux
for the year lKtA 0
To amount ofdnpllcnte 313:0 ft2
'lo uiuouut ot subseilptlou.,., ......, W :ti
5H-1 1S6
lly receipts from F. I). nnk...!700 00
uy oners rroia 1. B. Urny lor
anlwtitnta mio 00
By nnioiint of t'nlch llurwdl,
credited on bis order fur aub
"tltiite..i....i,T...i....i....,.j i 31 oa .
llyilinountor w. II. Mcrov,erel
It on liis order for aiilittllute..., 31 13
lly amount of I. T. Weltner,
en-ilitiui his urdex foraulinU- .
11110........; K sn
lly f rcnsiirei's per c nliiRr ai (il
lly John Imnlmin, collector') per
; centugu K) (W
liuiinnoeuiieMoiionrahelatn... 121 71 - 1
-51.TJ1 ue
In tlie mnttcr of tlie settlement' or n.eiiconnt
of WIIII11111 Clevcnuer.eollcctor of bounty lux for
To amount of itmillnttc: lis sheclfled In the bond
ol wild colleetor (luted May II, '80 ... IW 00
1 11.
lly nmount Hint Wm. Mestrenit, Trena
urer of tho bounty tux, admit Hint
Cleavcnuor paid lio I1I111 iih per vouclu-iS
(not produced), Inl.Tmveniter's hands liV) (JO
Thcniidltors havereaaon to believe that W.
ricuvenucr nlno raid to tlie F. I). Himlr of
Waynesboro, about eiithl hun.lrett nnd tlltv dol
lora, but have hud no vouchers produced ucforu
Thennrtrtnlsned. nndlloraof Mononstnheln In,
certify tlieii hove statements to be corre.-t accord
ing tovouenera, c. pinwl bclnre them.
ItWMt . Audlt.iw.
Inadilltiontonthor l.ualneM will attend In all
cases In Rinkniptcvllint mnvheeritriiatisi trthls
care. 1 Hike, opposite Drug Store of U. W. Rob-
nrm a. i. o.
jcj)iit gidvcvtisicmcni'ii.
WHF.REAS, In nnd bynnnct of the General
ANHcmblv of the Cominoliwcalth of Peniisvivn.
llln, entltliMl "An act relntlint lo the elections of
uie l ornmonwejiuii, lmnHcu au .lev or July, a.
I).. !X.HI. It la made the (llllvof llm Hlicr ir..f
icvery con nly within thia (.'ommonwenlth b.ulve
Mioue noiiiTu 1.1 .no itr.icrui ciceiiuiia, auu in
eilC.l IIOIICC II. ITIIllllllTltlllT,
1. The olllcera to be elected.
!. Ueaianatethepliioealwutoh tho election la
tohehclii. 1 .1 '
I. IIKATII JOHNS. IIlKhWierirrof thecotintv
of Oreero, do nnrctiy muke known, and alve tlie
public notice lo thu lcicctlou of the county of
Ureene, that .
liext, (lielntr the th day nfih'emontii n (icneral
IMcfMlon win ic neiu at uieaevcrnl election illa
t rlcta eNtJibllahtMl by Inw In anld countv, at which
time they will vote by ballot for tho several olll
cera hereinafter nnmed via:
tNK PKIIWW for the olllco of JlldKO of the
Hupremet'otirt of UiaMtate.
(i.NK PKRHilX for memlr of Aaaembly of tho
Coininonwenlth ff Penuaylvahln.
ONE PF.RMON for the omco of Sheriff of tho
county of (Ireene,
ON K PKRho.V for the odlce of Treasurer ot
the county nf ireene.
ONK PERSON flirt IC'offleeorOommlaalonnr nf
the coiinly of Ureene.
ONK I'KRhijn for tha ome of Coroner of the
county of (Ireene.
TWO 1'KIIHONH ror tho offlea of Jnrr Onmtn a-
aloner, of tha county of Ureene, each eloutor
vi. iiiiu inr 1. ill line.
ONK PKR-MIN for tho office of Auditor of the
county of (Ireene. .1
onk PKiuuix for the om or TJIreclorAr llm
Pour of tho county of Ureene,
Theaald election will be held thronnhnnt 11...
county tut followa:
The Kliwtor of Frnnkl n townah In will meet
ut the House 'if smith Ureun.
'1 he Elei'tora of siarion lownalirn w Ml meet nt
the Weal window ol thu Court House In Waynes-
J he F.Ieetnra of wliitelvtnwnshln nf ll.ehonae
io. iiien 01 ij!wia iicaoii-e. r.w., innewiown.
dwelling llouae at Krisanrfa Mllla.
1 ne r.KM-iorn 01 i.uuk ini iowtisi.ui. al i te
1 he r.lectorn of (Ireene IowiimIiIii. nt the nlllce
of .lereininli Htewart.
The Klctora of Monongnheln township, at the
iiixinQ ucvupuxa tjy .lTui. .neairuxui, ia 4iupie
1 he Electors of Jeffhraon townahln will meet
at the hotlaonf Wm. Kelly, In .lelleraon.
The Kleot.ira of Moriun b.w.iMliin. nt Ui.iuiI.iI' T If U..m1..p. '
ino r.iecw. 01 jncaaon townanip, at jonn
son'a achiH.l houa.
The hht'tors of Lumlicrland townsbln. at the
wen wiii.iow or uie nouae occupma ny josepn
Oore. In Oumlchaela. ' " '
he blectora 01 the Borornm orcnrmlchae a at
'the Eaat window of the occupied by Jo-
aeah Wre, Ini annlchaela. ,
rlie Kleotoin of Centt township, at the houss
or Mnniuei wotKia in (.Hilton.
The hlectors of Wayne townah n. at Phlll na'
school hoilae.
The Kloctora or Morris townahln. at the honae
of Kdwaed Barker. ...'.- -
, The K.lectnrs of Waanlntott InwmMp, at the
i.nca Hcnooi iwiwuen ine iaruiaoi ileum
Johns and Benj. Jkiiea. ,
Tho F.iectora of Allepno towtrahlp, at the house
The Elect. iraoRlchhlU township, lit thchomc
inrineriT i.i ii'wiin r una, jneasonvine.
I The Eleetora of Perry township, at the home
formerly occtiDied hv .Inlin Minor In Ml M.trria
I TlieKleetoraofUiInKHntowmliiptatttrahi)uae
.of Knoetl Hennell, In JoHilfwiWll. - 1
I The Electors of Hpnug lilll township, atHtephen
."""W... t.,:J,eM J- sin
I make known and a;lve notice, as In and by
the PltbarsrUrmnf the ujveDilrt 1 un aiwei.
wli "that every nermn, exeennng Jnatieeaof the
iM-uoe. wno anaii noiii anr oinee or Hnm.intmnt
.Of Uroflt Or trUHt Ululer the lliitrurnm..n ..1 llu.
.Liiumi nuiiCT or 01 una iiare, or inv cut or m
eorporated dlstrtrt, whether a commiaalnned
oiui-er or oinnrwiae, a anoornlnate oltlcer, or
aceat'Whoils.jrsliall baamaliwawt nierth 1 -
I? i u IJ tf rj aaeeuuva avparunent of
vji i;,iii.nuti..ii,oroi any cny or ln-
.ii.iihm.i, ami aiao mni every inemiar
ol Onarea and llw Hlote Lwlalatura, lUHl ia llm
select anae.Hoiu.ut eo uiwil ut any aKy, aunuuie
aloners of auy4unuroraid dlalrio. la by Mw
incapable of ivolding or exerolalna at the aaum
Uiiie judge, linip m
toi or vlerk (at any ImUod -nf this Uoaimon
wealtk.ajid Lbat u liuuM.Line Ii.Im ... ... .
iJU'cr ut any eueh alawikMi. aaaU ita aug,!!! kx
"."J "'mo tut-ii i.ini llw. '
1 Alao. DuiL In tha- Bttvth aeahiw n Mu ....
UAaaembly, entitled An act relating to exeou-
rnri. 1?. """.3'?SrPf. apptoaen April
Jf. ) euauted Ual Uie afartaavid lata mv
Uom "all all smK. be eunalnwd aa to pre yefat aa) .
klada. taaanaaar aa rlark Mnii
i.i. ma uii.uer or uorouji a ninaar kvuwi wn 1 n
Lolc'llon Iu thia VmmoWMaivi' ...,'. .-J
Aaaar iaaa la ana. Slat aant 1 r.r .lil i.
tiisaii ira "iit irriwrru IIB nrran Of eiffTTX
ilntoiTaptlonor a.Qjurnmenruntirwvn oelrlf
In the evening when the polU thai) b eloMl,7
In dtp.
MHI6n M rfaM Hi vttlfer 1W 4 n th i
mtrUtm m rfaH fmi
atwetQrrif pvtn
mIM In tfllft titmtm tVt I
w aasvriTv.-wTTTJ Ptfwn T1VTB H
iriat on r M'fk Ua B
iano. iirtrM wArMosUnv.iAWlf
Kn tiavi lniqu,ilutJy i(t4.tiiiig iU'h il.;U qil
ttud within lvf frtktv jmHl A Mo froutny tiif.
ifi'h ttliull have bevn uMueMtnl ut least tcu itwi
foro thu eltM'Unii j but u citlztjn of the Unit)'.!
itm who hiitt prvvtotiHlr bwn a qutil.Hnl votor
thU State mul removed therefrom unci retnru
etl, uiij Uu aliuU liava, rlilytl Lil tiia.clwtiou
Utrttrict ami mid tntes kh nfm"fri!. shnll bo en
lilliHl to voto uttt-r r.'nifliiiK In Uiln Hiate nix
anontli: TrovtiltMl, That while freemen, eltlwns
pfthe VuituUKtaUtt, betwivii the iiK-rt nf -piienini
twenty-two.!, tho
tlpt'tiofiiiiatrietU'n tluyiiiiMulort'Knltl.Hhnll heen-
Eitltxlto votu.ulthougli they uliall uot tiuvu uld
"No putit'm fllnvjl pV'HitteU til vote wlione
laine to uoleoiittiintJ iu llif-llsl ol tnxublo in
Imhilimt.s, ftirulMheU by the t'ommitwloiier. un
ltNH ttrst, he prtHluee n receipt for tha payment
with in two yenrn of h ntute or eounty taxtusef-s-aurnwAhle
bi ihc'wHiMiti'Mt4it.KlvtvtvitH
twtory evMem, i-ltheron hlnwn orttri oYnfllr
pimtlun ofunotlter, that ho turn patdsiu hatax.or
mi failure to protluee a receipt ahull muke txilh
of the iiayiin-nl thereof, or seeoml, If heelalmt.
fvota by being tin elector iMtwueti tho Hiif of
twouty-unu ami twent-twiA huttbuQ div.
lHmo oil oath uf ufllnuatloii that houiui ntitiW
In the Htate at teiiMtoiie your before Til ft rijmllra
tloii.nntl make suehproorofhlH residence in tho
dtHttiet 04 rv)u1h f1 ly iuL nnd that bedot-s
Verily believe from tiniHttWurtU K'Veit rtltrt that
lie U of ate uforesald, add give sitt-li other evl
tlojiefluit ireiiird by thlM uuk; wtu-uum Ui
iiuumuf llm iK-rsim.'i uUiuUUhJ tu vtilcfekiJl b
inwirlllu Umalplialef tloal lijf tlio l;it-.
Itn4, and a nute hmde obiMtHe thereto by wrlt
h)itl.twMM'tiixtM f ho jfiiail 1 itdiuittd to
vole liy nunMUi o linviiuf paid Uxt (ir tU" woTtt
f 'ttue" ir he slnvll bo admitted to voto by reanou
tUuch a.i. hii.l jihall l' ellrd oat, to the clerks.
Who shall rnakti 11 ic LU;t iutck In the list uf
(Votein kept by Uin, , , . i ' . ' . r.-. it..-,
"In nil ertnea vht relhi hanio in tlio person
cliiiiniiiK to volo U fou iu I nn tho lint furuNhod
by tlKH'omintKHlonerH andaHKeHNor, or hit, right
to vote, whether found thereon or not, Isobjoet
JobVkrif tiiinlirii 4itiuf tt fthnll th4duinf
XheliispeebtrH to examine suet I penthti Hn oiith
f s to hiaqualllh-ationM, aud If he cluims to have
iwldetl wlthlu the Htuti for oneyearor moro.
liiHtiath ohall notbemitllelent proor thereif, hut
lia ffhftll makepriKef theref bf At ewt on pmi
poterit wttniwsM, whimbfH bcif. nttnliileit nb'Mor,
Unit he Ini: rrHidfd within the dWtrift Ihrmdre
than leu dayH next. pnM'eillim saiii elK'tiiut ami
shallalnu luoiAtt'lt -wi-af tluit bU boua Hde resi
lience. In TnrriHMife nf hlrt Inwrul wlltinf, 1m
within the dUtrlet, tmd that he dltl not remove
tntu nuid dunuitiur U4e puruosu Qt vglluy Uiurti
"Every ppwou alfle.lisaforoMiit,' find who
shall make duo proof, m re(H,lisjd( JjU resit
dt'tieoand payment ot tnxeS uf-trfNrtld, Khali b
hdmltte-t to vote in tho township, ward or ilfc
4rlet in wliieh heKtiall reside.
"II uny permm ahull prevent nr nttempt tonro-
Vetitany ollleers or nh letlnrl tludor tills net
1mm holding ueh eleetlon. or use or thiealen
any violence to any nueh ollleer. or Mhall luter
Vupt or lmprowrly lntTfVr' "A-ltii him in the ex
eeuliou of his duty, or ahull hloek upt he window
rnveuno Uriy window whep'.tlie miUii) mav
)io holdintf,
of shall ri',trtwlv dltitrl Mie neaee
nt micheleet
u. or iliul I use or it'iiei lee nnvJn-
titntdatlpg threaU. force or viol' nee, with d.Tun
l Inltiieneo nndtiVr nrovemwe nnv plf'ftor. or
'to prevent him from voting r restrain tho fiee
doiuofoliuleet HUi,'U purtwa uu (KUiviuUuu haU
oviiHtJu iu uuy sum uol exueediUK uvo nuutueu
didlaiHUud iiuiirisouiueutfur aiiv iinitt uoL Wk
'than one mouth t)or nwrc thuu twelve luoi.ajM,
atitl If It shall he sh'iwil llio entirt wiu r (tu
jtrlal of sueh oireiiec Kliall he had, that the p-r-
miiii wMn'ii'iiiir wti iiuQf nwi'ini oi inn ruy,
'.ward, dtstrlel. nr the towtishln where thn Kfinl
.otleiue wiv coinmUied and uot entitled to vote
;t I it. rein, thti. nnootivtell'iu hn "Hill I hHnent ne
led lo pay n line of not lev Hutu one hnn ired imr
more urn none, tuousanu tiuliaxM, una u impru
soncd not li flH than six months nor mum than
ft wo years."
1 "It shall h( tlio dufynftho nevera! nssissors,
respect I vply u attt nd nt the pdioi-o' hjnlding
every general, speeiul or townshl)i t-leellon, dur
ing Hie time Hal 1 election in kept open, t'nf (lie
purpowe ot giving ini rntation tj Uto inspn titrs
antliinlges, wueneatled on, iu re la Li on tu tlio
ilglit ol any person assessed by Ihein to vole at
sueh eleetlons, or SIR-h ither muUei-M In relation
to the UHseirmifnil of vilin-AHt thawald ItiNiiee-
jtorsor either ot them shall Irom time to tlmu ro-
If uny rtnVsrt nf peMtrtshnU mHltr nhv bel 6r
wtig. r upon theresull id'iiiy elerUm -itin thh
t'oiuntonwuiilth orihatl ittll-r tn rrtakrnny !iiei
bet or wager, eltlu-r hv verbal proclamation
thereto fir hy nrty rillUylry wrltfeft 4'tvm
tnetit, c)mtleiire or lilvltM any pf-rshti oVHt-4in
to niako Hiieh hi't or wittier, noon eniivifM.ii
1hert;of he or they shall forleil ihhI pay three
uiuen tueanioiint so om-reii lo he tiet,
Ifnny pers'ii;u(it by law'iualllled, Mhall rrandu
lehtlyvoteut any uleetlou lit thin Common
wealth, or being olW'rirVtKd rjrallMed, shall vote
out nf hfs itnHierdlfcti-let iirlriiiiv iihi'mihi Irinnv.
lng the want ftf Ktieb rtualillentioii, shall aid or
jn i m um? mii ii iieiraiiii hi vint', tlif imthi hi, oil eoil-
vtoUf Mi) trinlt b tUvM in tin; sum Pot vxom Ullig.
twohuurlred (iollarsnnd he lirtnriflotir'rl nr nin'
'term not exceeding three months.
If uny iiersoii shall vole ut more thn noun rlco
Hlon dlslrlet, or otherwise fraudulently vote
more than otiee on the sum dav, or shall fraud
ulently (old and deliver to tlie lnjieetor two
iieKPT-yoeiner, wnn in inrenr illegally iotou,
orad"e and pns'itre another so to do, he or
they shall he lined In any sum not less t Imn fifty
nor more than live hundred dollars, and bo I if.
prisoned not less than thrco or more than twolvo
Ifnny person nnt qmillftrd to vofo lo thl
Commonwealth, aurenhly to law, (except the
sous of rjunlltled cjllzenf,) flnall arpearftl tiny
plaeoof Ldeetton, for th tiirposonf Is oilng tlek
eusorof liitlueiK lug eilieiiH qilalirnnl to vote,
h hhlt, on ronvletloii, forfeltati'l my any sutn
riot xoetdlnv one hundred doHni-M for vvorr
siU'hoftnre, niel bt Imprisoned for uny tonn
inv rxiit-tjiiiMit iwmro iikiiujipi . . j. v..
In wise the neraon wliosliail hnVA vptoIvmI ihe
HeeoreJ blaliwt nuinlajf. nf voters fur InsiHTtor
rthall not attend on thu ilny of elertlMt. thm the
jiorson who Khali have received (lie second high--rstimntber
of votes forjudge at. thn next Spring
S-u-vi inn ninui m nn inrffieuior in nm place ; Itlel
n ertsn the person who nlinll have receive! the
nigiiest iiuiniierorvotiH for lteMetnr shall not
nttrnd, tho person olottld Judge shall appoint an
liispeidor In his pltvce : and In case (he person
elected jadgft RhaK not attend, then the Inspec
tor Wlm received the highest nmiihrr or vtes
ftlmll fjppoint ajudfji'in lilff plnoo; nr If any
vnenney rtialt continue In lio iMmrd for I lie
npnce or one honr after Hie time llxfdbvlaw
for the oiM'iilug nf the election, tho nuRlltlrtt
voters or the township, ward or district for
which sue li olllcer shall have hcou eloeted,
present at the plius of eUwitlon, shall mdoot one
out of their number to fill such vaeonev.
Pursuant to the provlsloiiH eotuijitMl In the
7th section of the net Mrst nfforaM,Thri Jtnlg
rs of the nforesaitl districts shall rcMpectlvvly
takecliargeof the eertltlcfiles of return of (lie
election or their respective dlstrictn, and pro
duce them at AJrteelJngnf nnojtidge from eneh
district at the Horough of Wavueshurg, on the
Third day after the day of election, being O.f
KRIIM Y. MTOBKH 10TII. JH?. then and
there to perform the duties reutlired bv law nf
ANn. thnt whntw ft Indce.ltv sickness ftr nnn
Voidable nccldcnt. Is nnnhle in nMnd such
"'"""(t " men, tiiuu niu nTiiinjuii' or nia,
turn shall be taken eliarge of bv one of Mw Uu
ttectors or clerks of the elect imi or the distriet,
who shnll do and twrfurm the duties required
oi saai juogn unanie w fitreini,
AiafW), nv am Arr RKKAtiXn to thk Kr.p.cTrn!
Of .M'lHJKS, AITKOVKI1 Al'JtIL lifll, 11, IT W
4. thtt eieeilon lor Indm shntl YJ KU1 nu1
condueUsl In the s;veral erection dfstrictH In
Titesiime manner in all respfH-tsaa deetloji fi
Iteunsentatives aro or Kim 1 1 b.M nrA mA.
diietcs.l,nhdby tho snmejudgM, Inspectors and
other ollleers nnd the provisions uud tho pet
i uie general iwmoiy, tuiiniea "vu Act rr
latlng totheeb-etinus of this t Vimruonweulth,"
aiiurovod the ttul dnrol Julv. lKi(L jid!L silver.
al supplement, and all other liku laws n Ur as
theHtuiM shall le in firceani applicable, shall
bedeoiinHland taken to epply to the eltctlous
lorjuug.'s: rrovi.ieu, xuat the aforesaid clef
tors sliall vote forJuilgs of tue Munrqme Court
iludgun rcquivod to Iw learned Ui tUo law
1 M-TUavl lain Uan-J Ul iiitusjr. IIIIU i iriui in.
IMir, iui.1 ii.ridl oilii-r
aiK.iii.T fM-inirui nutce ul uauur.. ... . ...
& At a mwtiiitf of tlia miuru judiina ol tha
several eiuluin aistrirts in luunty cni- for liy llm nr-t li(.T' lnli.'fi.ra cllnj, dupli-
rairinniuiuaii ctiw ou'a icivfn III alien coun-
jy uarjuutfcsoi mciupriiu court, anl nllludii
n wlnoh tliu rinikllfl. J voti'ra of each courtly nrc
(ntttlMl o eleet of rhmi;tVMrmrnnna!tert with
nnyothwr county i Uiatrivt-abiUI Uu uiado out
t.y llm clerksof tliatiriarif or r I oris Jail .(, niW
. wiii.-.i rr.urua ilia I'ruai.ieni oi aalil uofiM
Kiiuii mrtnwiii, imiu iu uu oirw ( (ho fro
tlionotary of tile Court of Comniuri rimuof audi
jcoiinty, una tttcothfr hoatiall imcloaf in nn eu-vHimr.-wlileli lat atmltsral annSillrrnt
to flio KWcrmiry of the f.'irmmonTealth, and
iiliwolt In llic ncarRit ixait oIHi'h.
0. iniawuiof the Blccllun of PriaUilpnt luJo of
any Jmllclal dljttrict composed of tw or moro
connttca, at a meeting nfithn retnni jitdirra nr
.wll ofNlli;ll rtailltica. tho clnrka al'finiuiiil mIii.II
rn ''ta falaataannanialalktha voto wUluilitlwa who wish tu buy
the county for vcry ix.thi.h votc.1 for aa aui'li
pn.-ililcntjiidirc. wliii:u almll 1m. Nlinml 'I.vm.i.i
i,y MiJ.l
aaiit Jiiilucs afmllliike c-lmre of aucii alal
uca aliall take cliurtre of wiwh KjurT..rii.iil
Jinn niiiiii nroiiu the aitmci.t a tn.tlniv ..r imo
J"rti"tt"whof kljoiiallH wlaah meetlutr
iv inmun uimavvawaay aiiwuw ww
iwu.a, nrnra nouna uvntuoi uieoouatlta,
to b nxtxl by taking au ii-vuatUat alUraatoly
In tbalr alplialUi'arorU..(; . .. ; .
V'"rM'noaw4nrini hvln,''0
I IMaXaJlWilUHnll UUiMl Lllatt HaWltPaM lailtnLU natlKllat
Jiui ui.aileK KUllu lent liumk. n t,t . tr,-n.
ria)iii-iui,n ni UIOTUM!- MaVa4Q Hit UU UlUue
all SAld district, all nf Wliieh th.v mWUXl rtifv
ndoneof whivditheysliainoIi,e forthwith in
thooulce Bf fljfciWthidOtlu-y WlhstXo-Jrt of
l ommon I'leasof eaoh ol'suid counties, and one
OI wnien Itiev snail I1C1M mil ami iliprt tn
xQ2?f0t?Wf ef. ihe t limmonwwWUi la miuuwr
lnmii w uyii" U WHWS W UU StU -
. aaa aw va ttiv UiVl.alUll VI (ISW Jl""ll" V" fall
tonrt of record now exltln orhcreulliir lb be
rrntte.1, havliialurla.ll:tiopovcrturrilory lyln
within nnj. nJl radiallu alloiuay ooiity. the
Return lU'llcea of tile w.vt.n.1 olM-tlnn illNtrluLa
(wltliln auxli turrltoty ahall conatltutua boiinl ol
Minted lodai. wttlr Tuaneet to stlrh elatlon
ndartair, as trM-aam (Tnw aM-'alaaaoT tit
ninciing ut me return juuaes oi aucn county,
JiioadtnlVrsioata.Jia talatton Utwuah ekvy.
Ion as la raqnlNHl of tre Bounty Boati-d-ln the Sib
kecllon hereof, exoept tliat they shall lodira one
af lua dui)lki.rtu4M Mi UanufQ-aut aUa.clerK
fiauLi ka.k...t at ih..rtir t.MjT?i77iLa..
iue iMuraaauiuai Haw
Kcilrdanee af ltd an Act afrnr&ved
at. , Uaut liauaa, la flaa savi. th
flat iftcl
l i, i' .iwfrmmrvt.
anatnrUl Return JmUre Will
will rrteet, Irl c-
(Conlance with an4 aWJatt:
y oinj inat; at
he eounty of
(the Mtrt Houae In Union town, Tn It
wvaywaia nu mr"M'imWm aana
taafcaaaarortstoas of an icrafcl)uaii
klmicttri, ln6, rntUlcd. ftirther supplement
to theeUnrtlou laws ol this CouiiuotiWeaUh :"f i 1
I W iu:kkas, lly theuet oi Congresof thelfnltro
Hint.!. Hiifil til. "An AeL to iimeiid the several
tieu heretofiHe rstsstsl to rihvide fdf the enroll
ing and calling out tlie national forces aud for
julUcr, put pofe,," pud approved March third, ono
;thuitsund eight .lundreof nnd sixty-tlvc, all pr"
pons who huvu deserted tho nulitnry or naval
vervlceotthe United States, and who have uit
(been diseharged or relievttl from the penally or
ilisablllty therein provided, are divined and'
lakcn tu'tiaro'volantarily nUlnqultihed atid ior
lelted their riuhlsu! uilizeiitthin uiid tlielr rlgliU
to beeonp) eiii.ens, ami aiu dt prlvtnl of exec-
flngHuy rights of cllUehsUieredf; nnd
Wlfi:RrA, VeMn- not cltlrensof the United
ifctte, nt-e nm, undert liecoitMUutlmi oud laws
t tVim sylvan la, miallllcd doctors ot thUCom-'
iii.aiwealtli. ,
I rturnoM 1. Ilo It enacted hy tho Pennto nnd
til on so of ItepresenUitlves oftiiHCoiiuuonwoultll
jpf Pennsylvania hi Clenerul AsseDilily mot, uud
St islhereby enacted by theaitthority ot the same,
fl hat ifiuill vleeUons hcreatier to Imj held in thin
Coin mon weal tli. It Khali be unlawful rur the
judge or InsiHtrmtof any snch election to w
eivenny ballot or baltotM from unv person or
irrsons embraced III tho provisions and subject
o the disability impMl bv said m-t nf Congrees
ipproved March third ouo thimsand eight hun
.lrett and slxly-llvo, and It shall be unlawful for
iny such persuu tu otTcr to voto uny ballot or
juI lots.
iwv t Thntj If any such Judge and Inspectors
iHUviiianyoneo( tlvm, shall receive or
eoiiseiii to nsjclve any such unlawful IsUlot or
ImHotet from any mirh rttsimnlitlcd person, ho or
thevsoottending shall be guilty of tulwlemianor.
nnd upon conviction thereof, In uuy Court of
Quarter Hens t mis of this Commouweatth, ho
sUiiUur ewhoUuuco hv skinteiuud losiyu tlno
inn irnn iihul line itunirvi iitioiim itnti ho mi-
Oerguan tmyuyaiuumt Iu thejailo Ihcpropcr
ton n i v for not loss thati stxtv cinvs.
I tsibo. X if any p.-rwon deprived nf oltlsen-
Hhlpanddik4uaiitlHiua aUwuld. shall ni any
flection hereatter to beheld In this Com mon
M ealth, vote or tendt r to the ollleers thereof uiil
titter to vote a ballt or ballots, any person so of.
feuding shall bo deemed guilty of a misdemean
or, and on conviclioti tliereof In uuy court of
,uurt:;csHlouj ot this Commonwealth, shall.
lore"h offence Optiulslnsl In like manner ushj
lrovlded in the preceding section ol this act In
riwes tit olMecr of election rciclving such on
jawiul halltit or hnllots,
i rJm 4, i'hat If tiny person shall horenftor hr
euade or ndv Iseuny person fir persons ilepi lveil
of cltlr..Mishin und disiuulitlel ns nfoifmtld, ta
oiler any ballot or ballots to the officers of any
t'hH'tlou horeufterlo be hid In UWn CTnuinou.
"wealth, or shall persuatlu or advise any such otll
cer to receive any ballot or ballots from unv per
son tleprlvM bf dllleushlp nnd dUmmlirtAtl Hi
aforesaid, such mthoii so oU'ending sluiU bo
jjulllii' of a mi.jileiuei.nor, and ujou oonvtctlnu
tlioieof In nny court of q tinner sessions nf thin
('oiJimouwealth.sltaM be punished in lit;o man
ner as In provided in the second section of thin
!tr1 (utile ciLseiif oflletrsiif uoetl election riutilv.
ingsucU uulawfulluliot or Uallots.
As (herein directed, I uoglve oftlchil hotlco
ot the t'ollowlmr troisiuti of nn Art mihrovtul
i.lmh, iMifl, eutithtl "An Aetreguliuiini ttui
llinode of vollng at all theeleetioiiH in the several
eon titles of this i 'om mon wealth :"
rrTio?r I. He it enacted bv theSetiftln nni
House ot Kepreseittatlves of tint Commonwealth
ot Pennsylvanie In II en era I Assembly met, and
It is lierohy eniu tvdhy theuulrtorlt vif the mime.
i l l ml the (ualnl. il voters of the sevural i ountlrH
u uus i ommouweauu, at all general, towusntp.
, borough tin t speeinl eluetlons, sre heiehv ber.
iiitterauthoried and required to vtdo by ticltet
pi 'luted or writtcu, severalty ela-SiUiU J im ftlhws:
(hie ticket shall embrace tini names of all
judges of eotirtM voteilior, mid tube bibelK'd out-M-le
'Mi;dirarfy ;' one ticket slititl iatniit p tlio
namr'M'ifftl! stnt. fitnet'i' voted lor arid hihf lied
State," one tu ket shall embrace the names of
'rflieoiliity olHcers votud M tiicludlttfltomee f
SeiutUir, inenitrtTund uu'mhers of Ansetuldy, if
IvoU-d for, aiel met nbeis of Conrer if Voted lor,,
'and h leltelled "County ' Jone ticket stiutt eia
iln;M;tiw names of nil township ftttloei'M volel
for, and he labelled "Township;" one ticket
shall embraci-the names of all borough ortlhfri
voteil for. and be labelled "Horoimh ;" aud caeU
class sliuli be UepoUt-d In fh-jkuuIc ballol-boxtiH.
I ulsomalttiknown thntby anaeLeuti'Ucd "Alt.
Act for thu, better and innro Impartial kclectlou
of persons to servo as Juror in each ofthu conn-,
ties ol this Commonwealth," approved Hid Mb
day of Afirllt A. !)., Itt7f It Is directed as follows,
''X'hat ii the general eleetioti to bo held on tho
sucond Tuesday of (ndoher, Anno IJomlnl ono
tnoUsan.d elhl hundred and sixty-sow-u. uud,
trl-iinnually Ihereaftei, ut mull election, thu
qualified electors of the several cdunlicsol' thin
Coiumrouwoulth shall elect, In the umunur now
provided by law for the election of other county
oi Utter, two Holier, Intelligent and JudlcloiH
)H-rsons, to serve us Jury ooimnlssionvt'H In crfcM
of said counties, fur tho period of .three vtftW
eiiMiiing their oketioii j but thomunu ni rsin, or
persons, shall Mot her eligible for re-election
more than onco In unv period of six vears:
I'hovi OKI). That each of suld qualllled cWtora
shall vote Toi (me person only us Jury eminis
sioncr ; and the two persons having the greatest
number of viU:n, for Jury iiiinUr,lonui, slinll
be duly clcctod Jury commiaslouorn for atuoh
Olvpn tinder my hnndat mvoinee,In Waynes
7mrr, this llth day of Septemlwr, in the year of
ottr IjrOrd one thousnnd eight Im mired anil sixty
seven, and in the ninety-ilrnt year of the InUo
tftdWcfl of the United Htate,
HjlMe. IIKATII .UHINr, RttwnTrF.
j b dXt no i: i cTT. fi
1,1'ltcraof ailmlnlstrntlnn mn tho cslnlo of
tiiinml Owi-na, lateof, .Vayiu-aliiircilPn'il., hav-
luii iaan iirnnteri to the urtdnralam-d, nolico la
Inircl.v aivcii to all porsnua ImlflitiMl to aald
ohIhIo to make liniiualiulu puymuiit, mid tluwo.
Ii iviuu .('Ilium iutiiiiu.1 llio hhiiiii lo proacnl thorn ,
properly iiuthonUcaUiil forw lllonii iit,
' Admlulslrulor. ,
J E Oil N 0 T I C E ; "7"
letters of admlnlatrntlon npon thn estate of
r.lljah (;tilin li, late of Oeulnr uiwnahlp,, dw'd., .
Iiaviuii Imwii KninLwl u llm niMliTrtimi. il, nntli ii
1 lii'n l.y xlv. ii to all pcraona Indi btul to aald
;atiite to luitko liiiiii.'diiiln pnvuu'iit, uud thoii
lutviiiK chtiius aKuluat the aumu to prcsuul Ihcm
properly uutlieulliaitml fur a)tlloni-iit.
. i'-1t. . , Aduilnlatrati'r,
T I 0 It 1
Vntln.. la liAllw nl.An . 1 , - n.1.
Ac., nf Minor :. Iihvb hmi iwt with KnnorS
Itlni lmi t. .hmllcii of llm I'cncp, in Wiiviii alitirx,
fiiriMHaiiiATrnollpction. All rtaliua not latlit
I.y tliclntof OUTullElt uxt, will lie collentud
witlivont. ' II. OiiAYMINOU, ., ,
Administrator of l'hillp Minor, duu d. ,
djliMw ' :
letter nf admtnlatratlon Imvfnirhecn irrantrl
lothenn'tcralencil upon thpeatntfof Jolin Mor
d. k, nr., of (lr ue county, Inii., ileo'd.J
notice la h.'rwt.y p;ivcn to all pr-rnns ln
(l.-l.ied to suid euito to inalto Immvllutn pnV
marr and thme haflnnHnlina will pracfrt tiipril
properly uuth.intitiateil for Kottlctncnt,
.. . v. , i : JAI.'OH U. AllJlllXHiK. . ,
wurnir. fuiYc ' ,-
l-fiar ef firrfrte tp., rtdininlBtrntorri. ' j
J EOAL NOTICE. ; ' '-'
Ittera tMrnrnrnlnry ttnnn the estate of John:
Kialier, of Itielihlll townhlp, Ureene ennntjr Pa.,'
Iinvhtir lieen frrantcrl to the nn.lenlffne notice la
hereby alven in nil peraona Indoliteil to anld ea-
tale to make Immediate payment, nnil DUmn'
hitvln clniiua airnlnat the atin.e will preain
them properly authenticate.! for aetthment..
JUhllL'A A(Jk LEY, Kxeeotor.r
m -. ' ,!,
,. -.-il
shirk' & s utt oNrs:.:
W (lealre to Inform ear ousioiitur anil alt'
i .
5hat we .tM meelvtnx a eompleta stock Bf FalD
and Wlnli r Uouls, whlcli m-u are determined b
Sell, If you will come uud ace thciu. Our auwk of
DRY 066D9,'
embrace tlio heal staples, xlri .hevj''15ro'tfh
luualina, urlllinir, canion iiiinucia, oieacuuu
, , uiusUli, (Ingluira, a good aaaortaiaru ei-ra
i " 1 ' i l " I ten.c)
, FINE D B K S S ;0 0 Q 81a
alio, ceneral notions, . hoalary. iilpvcs, trim- ,
ntlntf. rlbboiia. bnttona. dec. Alao. Hot ftt
rxln Ouuusla, wlilte, rud, grayi ngured and'
Darrea . . : ,
.. .-.' V- : r . '.' '-'!V
Boots'arfiT Shoes, extra, heavy, hand made hoots
jut mm wilu owjn. ou mviiuih-hi. u .me ana
heavy ahoea for women. Miaaea and CblldreiC
Come rtus to Bar yoai dooa aad Snoa tor th
.winter.' - - -
Tor'maS hhi rea aVreail vfiety aid F Sn'esal
toault all. Full atyleof uuliea hale, wreaths,
jfrathers, flowers, Dreas trlruiulngd, Ac.
t Hrueuhoia amoert.!, tea, goBSu,ii4ar, rice,
oda. nepper. SDlov'aoodlndlun. An. ........ ..!
pOJjt't MI33 THa PLACt
AUJrsbulldUiw. ' .-'. .. ''. ..
aia"nl aririi nnrnia, r
npiF v2tJtet
a a