The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, September 25, 1867, Image 2

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    She Wap wburjj $fpuMicm
Wdneday, Sept. SS, 07.
vuruiiT and county ticuet.
Oj Alttyieny t'vunfy.
nn. John htone,
Of MbaouguhuU Ty.
ioitN ii. WAr.To.H,
uf lu.juum it.
Wf Cuntru Tp.
Of Oilniur Tp.
I r k t coif m issrovgn,
JOAU'ilUS II. MuKrlll,
O Greens Tp,
roo Hotrw miRcroB,
Of Dunk.ird Tp-
xtrtt from Ills Opinion Intho tone of!
Ilorlo vt. Trett.
On the whole. Hum I am nf Hi nnnlnlnn thnf
he provision of the act of t 'omcn-si ol February,
Vith. ImiJ.dcclnrlllu tll.!llote.4lM..ii.d In t.iimn.iiw...
nf that ant to Im lawful reoncy.oud a legal tender,
"This renders it unnecessary that I should con
sider tho other qucttlon which has burn mad",
M to th eiroct of agreement topay In
lawhil money of the Imltedstntes. I am In fa
Tor orruinrliigludgmcnt for the plaintiff, hiitan
Judgment for the defendant." (Copied from thu
n majority oi inn conn am ola rnirerentopinlon
i lom iHipiim -,go-- m ifvi ni February, MM,
wlioro thu oplnlou is published in full).
It may also bo found In tho "Legal Intelligent
r" of March 1, I)l, papo flit
Inthosame copy of tho "Ago" Un carefully
prepared eulogy of the Judge, and this
which is tho following : .
"Jndeo Sn. iwwoon reasons nnon and decide
thoeoseas II lie wero some lofty spirit sitting
far nliuvc and out of luv uuuteuUuua aud t riles
oi me worm. '
Will not the uoldors of green-backs and Gov
ernment bonds consider tho Judge as unltu too
elevated and cthcrln! for snrti earthly honom ns
a seat on tho Supremo Henri, 7
-" . . . j
lion, ITonry W. Williams.
From tho Pittsburgh Post. Juno St.
"Thn nomination of Henry v. Williams nn n
candidate for Judtfonr iho Supremo Cotur, is a
Kondoni'. Hewn the li-.-,t 111:111 iitiiiinl before
llie Ksptlhlli-nn Convention, und possesses ltrjral
and moral iiuuliflculi'uis !r Iho reiHmsible po
sition towhieh ho ita. been nominated. IIoth
parties have now lin-scutcd Hieir candidates.
An important duly lias been railhliillydlKchnr?.
ed by llie roMpoctivocouvrniionu. Tliucninpaiici
may now hocnuliieled without personal asper
sions, iiikI deelded upon Ihe principles of the.
two great piutlo. This Ikum It .should bo."
N''rom Ihe I'llUliiiivli I'osl. Auijnst
"inhnnntleeof .Indue Williams' uomluatlnn
wllehaiieared In luc "I'ost ' at Iho time and
now kent ntHiellnnt llieh. ndoi ihe Itepubliean
prper. Is Intended una rebuke for any supposed
IneousUleney Klnee, H fal Is in lis purpose. We
have nothing In take hark or inodlYy. nf.lude
Wllllnius' privalo or lotfal leputatliai we have
nothliujhut wordsorpraise,aii'l hou-everil may
Knltsonie luitmaeloilK "nd head'.' politii'lans. wo
wo eannot brini cnii'selven lo view personel ns.
atilts as tdtlier wise or polltle. 'llie lieintsa'aey
pianu llxell upon prineiple niel .le.iis with f.iet.s
ami disrusseslho piihllennd otlleinl a-ts ofean
Thoso who are not already assessed
should remember that Friday Sep
tcmber 27lh, is Ihe last day when it
can be done. Attend to it.
ir.nocit v io niii itt:m:f,i,io.
The American Standard, of tJnion-
town, rakos from the musty record of
ihe (to Democrats) haled pixt, the fol
lowing episode in tho nnti-war history
of Fayette Dcniwvacy :
The GeniiM of Lihnbj of the 1st No
vember, 1NWJ now iM'torc ns, contains
an article, in winch it is said, "it Lin
coin, Seward, C'haxc, &e nhonld prrraif,
ty tiw lwrnai, wan Una nullum of na-
tinnal mm (Ikmwralx) who dillretiutin
in ftc JSnrthcrn Stales tlwn voulc umtc
frith the South'TH Slil:s, heart and
hand, lead unlisted!" Again, "Our
voice m for a union of l'enmilvania
mth thcua fifteen, law abiding Soutliem
Stolen" whoso "Southern hnsU are
eallcd in tdf-defctwe by forty yeart of
tnsmt ana tnjnry i
It is apparent from this article, that
the Fayette counly rebel leaders, knew
of this arrangement that Pennsylvania
was to go with the South, and this
article was preparatory to the step.
The newspapers containing this article
were mailed here, to Mason and Hun
ter, Souators from Virginia, and no
doubt Jeff. Davis had seen them.
Shortly afrr this Mr. Senator
Willcy, then just returned from the
Ijccislaturc at Richmond, in n anonrli
iu Morgautowa stated, that while he
was speaking against . Secession and
urging tho unity of the Northern
States, ho .was 'answered by members
thrusting in his fiicc tho Geniux of
rn ...... .. l k i . . . . J
imcjny as evidence oi ins mistake.
And so out went Virginia, Mr. Willcy
bxrely escaping with his life.
Those principles, at that timo open
ly avowed, are still nursed by Copper
heads everywhere. It is desirable
that it should bo crushed, mi ! not by
bayonds but by ballote ! . You will never
have atnorcopporlunctiinc lo strike titan
ihe Slh xf October! Hon. Henry W,
Williams, bears onr standard, and tho
loyal hostd .'' of Pennsylvania must
stand shoulder to shoulder triih him
in the Btmgglel .
The Pittsburg Gcudtt remarks, the
Democrats find it convenient to have
short memories." Professing to be
filled with alarm at tho increase of
taxation in this country, they alto
gether ignore the tuct that their own
conduct led to tho war and oil the bur
dens it imposes. ' , :, 'V-'.,'- .V :" '.r
Every Stato that .weut into the Re
bellion was a Democratic State. ! In
io going they yielded to the natural
tendency, of the l3mcratic partjv '
AH tbo men at the North , who sus
tained or sympathized with the Re
bellion were Democrats, inspired
thereto by the dootriitee f the party.
If there bad bach no Rebellion there
uld W DO-' -taxation. If there had
been so taxation the " RebelKon would
fto bv bei pot down. , ,
Ko. wonder the Democrat are anat-1
tktQMfcbJeetof taaatiorf.,. i '
, 'TVBX. : v
TonosTf, 8'i)teaiber 20. The cele
L'roteJ Dr."BliujkburD, of yellow fuver
noionerr, icit Uinada for New O-
leans ycstonlny, having obtained per
mission to do so under the late amnes
ty proclamation.
Dn. Blackbuus, notorious for his
attempt to infect Northern cities with
aiuall-pox and yellow fever, during
tho war, goes back to New Orleans by
President Johnson's permission. More
than likely, if "Zly Policy" Is success
ful, Blackburn will represent a district
ot Louisiana, or perhaps, the State in
tho Congress at Washington. Those
who favor such proceedings should
vote ior Sliarswood as tho party he
represcuts undoubtedly throw their
weight on that side of tho balance.
Pennsylvania!.:, does his coming have
your sanction ? you have a chanco to
speak at the polls ! Yes, for Sliarswood I
No, for Williams !
"It has now becoma a self-evident fiict that
these HaMical leaders aro determined lo (.ret
any wpmye upon t He norinern xmtet tnj Von
(jressionaltiuKlMMtnijaiwit lh wilt of iki jitojile.
To prove this yon hava only to road our own
Itepubliean papers the "VViiyneshurg Re
publican" among tho number." Jleuavtr,
We are at nil times willing that the
majority should rule. Wo have said
ami say again that tho question rests
solely with the States and that Con
gress has never signified its intention
ot forcing it upon the people by word
or act. The Southern States brought
it upon themselves, if tho Northern
States sec fit to adopt it can any citizen
do more than vote fur or aiinst it ?
As a mcasuro of justice we aro in favor
of intelligent suffrage, but as one of
necessity tho time has not yet come,
neither will it, unless Democracy by
lis persistent treasonable efforts to de
stroy our States shall compel tho peo
ple to take it as it was accepted by the
South as a dfrn-vrc policy.
It is not strange that Copperheads,
now that tho North has conquered
rebellion, should seek to disguise their
infamous conduct during its progress,
by hypocritical acts and assertions.
This is in consonanco with tho insidi
ous spirit animates tho party.
There are unfortunately too many who
from mercenary, or other motives of
evil, were (bund at one time in the
Union army, now joined with so-called
Democracy, in its efforts to annul or
destroy the fruits of that victory,
which thoso whom they seemingly
fought with would perpetuate. Con
ferring emolument upon Soldiers is
mt in their creed as the most superfi
cial observer can testify. Their course
in this county is testimony sufficient,
Iserks, lork and tho Democratic
strongholds of the State confirm it.
On the other hand, in Allegheny,
Schuylkill, Dauphin, and other coun
ties, Republican soldiers havo been
elevated to tho highest political emi
nence, and to-day, soldiers hold near
all the high offices iu the gift of tho
Commonwealth. Our advice itiraiu to
the Union Soldier is, bo not deceived
by tho hollow pretensions of scheming
traitors. But plant your colors on the
tower that guards tho principles for
which vou fought and resolve to de
fend it by casting your ballots for the
Republican candidates iu October next.
The ceremony of tho dedication of
tho Antietam Cemetery was conducted
in the interests of Gov. Swann, and
the traitorous clement of Maryland.
Tho Union soldiers present felt that
their cause was humbled and instic-
tively resolved to put tho stamp of
condemnation npon the proceedings by
arrestinj; them with loud erica for
Gov. Geary, whose presence, by special
invitation,' with that of other loval
Governors, was ignored and themselves
treated with undisguised contempt.
The Pittsburgh Gazette, remarks that
"ho was hailed as ono as the reprc-
sentative.'of all of them, and of those
great constituencies by which they
were elevated above thoir fellows. The
wrath of the people against the! Presi
dent and his co-plotters, expressed in
thoso calfe upon Governor Geary, was
tho significant circumstance. Those
calls came from bosoms that felt a holy
ground was desecrated, no matter what
semblance ef respect was maintained ;
tliat the sacred causo for which the
honored dead, lying there, lost their
lives, was traduced ; aud that instead
of canonizing the Blain, tho real de
sign was to lift treason out of its
humiliation, to endow it -with' power,
to make it potent for mischief, and
even to crown it with the garland of
victory.' 1 : '' , '' ' . , ' '-:
The President, doubtless, compre
hends better now tliat it is not easy to
deceive tho people in a case like this."
The hardest ; hit Mr. Johnson has
received yet was from a negro. He
made a formal offer of the Freedmon's
Bureau to Frederick Douglass, the
well-known negro and ex-slave, who
declined the offer, substantially because
Ko- could not associate with Andrew
hc Hffqgncsburg
- i . - i, .,'
The Calhoun doctrine pf nullifica
tion and State rights ,imd the former
prescriptive policy' of the South have
become thoroughly imbued in Demo
cratic principles. Tho dangerous sen
timent is urged upon the people in the
present judicial contest.. Hon, Thoa.
Williams, a native of New England is
not considered suitable for preferment.
He has lived with us for the greater
part of his life, but in their eyes u
suQiciently tainted with tho , hated
dogmas of Connecticut to cxoludo him
from our offices and from the State,
were the argument followed , to its
rightful conclusion,, ;This must be
poor consolation for tliat largo pprtion
of our population who cannot claim to
be natives of our State. According
to this theory they aro not, only not
amenable to tho rights and privileges of
citizens but had Democracy the power
they would driccthan from their Iwmi.
Not per force, necessarily ; but what
considerations would there be for livbjr-f-
among those by whom you aro ostra-
iscd politically and talwocd socially ?
Tli is narrow-mindedness was the
prompting of tho recent assault mado
by tho delectable organ of that party
upon tho President and faculty of
iiynesburg College. The Commence
ment didn't suit them. It being next
to nu impassibility for a young man to
complete a course of study in any in
stitution and coino out a latter-day
Democrat, why should they expect
favor at tho hands of intelligent, clear
thinking and independent men? It
is time, long since, that they should
1 1 i il ? 1 n .. r.o
iiavcccasett m iniiiiv oi it. . limy are
fond of denouncing sermous from the
pulpit, breathing pure Gospel truths
and teachings, and literary exercises
that aro m keeping with the ailvanc
cd age, as "political harrangues," nnd
would if possible shut out the light of
knowledge iu our midst, or conform
its" teachings to their own peculiar
Ti. 'll . , t . .
J-c win not uo to let tiio canvtws
drag its slow length along as you seem
inclined to. The coming election, in
respect to tho issues Involved, is of the
most superior importance. Aro you
prepared to surrender the just fruits of
past victories ? Are you ready to give
over tho work of reconstructing the
Union into the hands of tho party that
came near destroying it '? As wo do
not believe you aro, wo appeal to you
at onco to make good your faith by
1. V Ml .
ma ivuiiis, .rH)r win it answer tue
purpose to come out of the contest with
a meagre or diminished majority,
there are fields upon which the victors
arc the vanquished. A small Repub
lican majority this year will earrv
many of tho worst consequences of a
Urge forward the IaW of organiz
ing the boroughs and townships, so ns
to ensure the presence of every Re
publican voter at tho polls. In this
way, disaster will not only be arrested,
but wo shall meet after the day is
over to exchange warm congratula
tions. ' ' "
The legal tender ourroncy of the
republic is generally admitted to bo in
all respects tho lest paper currency we
havo ever had. It has answered :hc
purposes of trade in every way .that
no bank paper ever did or could. It
has furnished a circidating medium in
which everybody could rcposo an
abiding confidence. Tho basis of vat
ue being certain at all times, it oidy
required tho restriction of the volume
of tho issuo in order to place it above
the reach of injury. Congress and 'the
government together secured this great
desideratum, and established, it as a
legal tender for the payment of nil
debts. Unfortunately, however, there
existed a great political party all over
the country opposed to nationalization,
and especially in favor of handing the
paper circulation , over , to , the . State
control for thp purpose pff fostering
State luniks, and jthis party,; whih op
posed greenbacks in , tho beginning,
has consistently continued to do so ever
since. ' T ., ,. , is.
Two plans were resorted .to for the
purpose of destroying; the value of this
currency, and each Jiad its respective
advocates among the enemies of do
mestic freedom and harmony. ' ' By the
ono plan it was proposed to keep on
issuing greenbacks, and to use them
in liquidating the national debt. By
the other it was simply proposed to
repeal tho provision: .makinori thes
notes a legal tender in "payment of
debts. ' Uotn amounted to repudiation,
for while the one would dilute the
currency to such an extent as to render
it worthless, and thus prevent its ulti
mate redemption, just as the confeder
ate currency wns rendered useless, the
other, by removing the obligation upon
the people to accept this currency as a
legal tender in payment of debts,
would have led every creditor to de
mand payment in gold . Valuer so that
the price of gold would rise constantly
with' the' demand,, and the standard
beinir crone, the value of the maibacka
would sink rapindly. :a o ttA .'.".n..:
As Conrntmwa overwhelmineiv
Republican, and could not listen for
cpubHeau, ethigsbag, September J8GT;
moment to any proposition calculated
to impair the value of the currency,
the opiqier heads resorted to the dodge
of c laruing that the legal tender net
was unconstitutional, and therefore
null and vdid. Had such a judgment
been pronouueed by the Supreme Court
ot ,tne j united (states, a death-blow
would have been civen to the creeii'
heck eurrcucy.. ; Banks, fiscal institu
tions, municipal corporations, etc.,
unable to uso it under such a decision,
would soon havo placed it at an enor
mous discount in consequence of the
suuuen oeiuanii lor gold tor the trans
action of business. Of all tho forms
of repudiation this one was the most
dangerous, the most insidious, and the
most plausible. It rested upon legal
quibbles about constitutional law. and
sought its way to success through the
courts, in which the people Lave little
Yet this form of repudiation was
gravely adopted by the present cop
jierhead candidate for JStiprenio Court,
Judge George Sliarswood, who, in his
capacity as i'rceidcnt Juilgo ottue
District Court of Philadelphia, deliv
ered a ' written opinion, nreuinir at
length against tho constitutionality of
tnc act, declaring it Invalid on that
ground, an opinion fortunately over
ruled by tho loyal majority ot th
same court. It niattcrqd not to Judge
Sliarswood that this currency was the
basis upon which was reared tho whole
liuancial Inline of tho civil war ; that
upon it was based the banking system,
the general trade, tho revenue policy
and the debt of tho government, and
that in the value of that currency were
destroyed tho most ternblo ruin must
overspread everything. Ho only saw
his old State sovereignty theories, Ins
antiquated antipathy to paper cur
There were all the old worn-out
cries about rug money nnd rng barons,
and nil the stupid clamors about the
danger of the national government
grasping the purse and the sword, and
all the exaggerated notions about the
value of hard money ; nnd although
these notes were issued by tho govern'
incut and not by banks, and wero has'
cd upon all the'resourecs of the nation,
the Judge could not see that they had
any special or important value. He
still clung to his old faith that State
issues were tho best and safest. The
control of tho currency is ono of the
greatest attributes of sovereignty, and
the Calhoun school of politicians, to
which the Judge has all Ins lite be
longed, insists upon this point more
strongly than upon any other, ns es
sential to their idea of the Federal
character of the government, ns against
she theories and principles of nation
ality. This is why the CaUmunites have
so strenuously endeavored to invalidate
the greenbacks by taking saway from
them their legal-tender character. All
the onslaught upon tho legnl-tonder
provision had this aim. For tlitt
reason they ransacked till tho resources
of legal quibbling to prqvo tho act un-
u'liusiauiLivimi, uiu nivitrmuiu resort oi
this party at all times and under all
circumstances. ney prolonged the
incessant cry they havo kept up for
iniriy years against every measure mat
tended to strengthen the national pow
er or give efficiency to tho government
aery that has licon so abused as to
lead people lo pay no attention to ar
guments about constitutionality, even
when well tounded. Ihey have held
tip the Constitution as a thing so re
stricted in its grants as to give to the
national government no power even to
defend itself against destruction. They
alleged that we had no constitutional
power to coerce a rebellious Slate ; that
we had no authority to liberate the
slaves, even when they wero being
nsca to build reiicl torts and to sup
port rebel armies; that we had no
right to raise national armies by con
scription when volunteering failed, but
must depend solely On tho free action
of tho States separately for men ; and,
as a corollary to tho rest, that wo had
no right to issue a paper currency,
without which wc could not have car
ried on the war. Most appropriately
they now pf onounce it unconstitutional
to refuse to allow tho conquered rebels
to monopolize entiro control of their
States, and to oppress tho frecdincn
and the Uuionists, and insist that we
have no right to prevent their usurp
ing the representation of thoso States
in ttongress.
: This is tho political school of con
stitutionalists to which Judge Sliars
wood belongs. Iho constitution to
which he addresses his endeavors would
be a most clastic instrument for all
State sovereignty purposes, but a most
ngid nnd unbending one for all na
tional uses or necessities. , With the
same facility that these men could re
pudiate tho control of tho national
government over rebellious Statcs,they
repudiated the right of that govern
ment to raise armies for its own de
fence, and sought to repudiate the cur
rency upon which tho civil war was
conducted, and upon winch' the entire
business and credit ot tho nation rcst-
od. : ' . ' .'
Had Judge Sliarswood been able to
manage the affairs of tho republic to
suit himself, his decision in the legal
tender case shows beyond all dispute
tliat he would have repudiated the
whole greenback currency, and thus
rendered it worthless. Every man or
woman in tho land would have been a
direct loser to tho full amount of that
money iu hand. . All the banks wonld
have been obliged to close, as there
would no longer havo been any es
tablished circulating medium. - In the
public ' finances, national, State and
local, nothing short of anarchy would
have existed, for all the business of the
nation had passed into that .' channel.
and where we sluiuld all have brought
up no one can now telL -
; All this for the sake of hair-epUt-
&ig abstractions about ' constitutional
powers, originating in a partisan de
termination' to weaken the national
government and to strengthen that of
tue States. .All flnS to Embarrass and
if possible arrest he progress of a war
for the siipprcssltm of gigantic re
bellion nntf the liberation of an en
slaved race. All thu) to humiliate an
administration tliat won the admira
tion of the civilized world by its sub
lime courage, its heroic devotion to
freedom and huinjmftV, and its undy
ing zeal . for tho integrity of tho re
public. All this to give aid and com
fort to a lost and perishing Cause. All
this for tho sake of that nlmminable
institution of slavery which was so
long the curso of the nation, and for
the defenco of which the constitutional
quibbles were all coniured im. All
this to endeavor to revive and sustain
a ruinous system of localized 1 bank
currency, the ttiost infamous ami atro
cious that ever blasted the fitlr fanio of
a nation. -AbWA -flromean. 1 ' "
Sheridan Is receiving ovations nt
every step of his journey from Leaven
worth to Yi aslungton. He passed
through Pittsburgh last week and re
ceived a warm welcome by tho People
and authorities, of both Pittsburgh and
Allegheny. Can therd bo any mistak
ing tho feeling that moves the loyal
masses of tho North who so honor the
true-hearted Sheridan? :
Let every Union man remember
that Friday next, September 27th.
will bo tho last day upon which he can
be assessed. The election will take
place on Tuesday, October 8th, and
tho law requires every voter to be
assessed ten days before that time.
General M'Clellax has been
telegraphed to by tho President's
frieuds, and it is expected he will re
turn to this country. It is not known
what Johnson wants of him, probably
to throw up fortifications nround the
White House.
The Copperheads deny they arc in
favor of repudiation, and yet they
neglect in every instanco of nn avowal
of their principles to assert tho justice
of paying tho public debt.
"Repudiation, or armed Rebel
lion !" is iho slogan of Copperheads.
Oppose both, and voto for Hon. Henry
AV. illinnis, in Octolcr next I
w . . j
A monument to deceased Confcd
crate soldiers is to bo dedicated at
Rumncy, on the 20th instant.
lilt Him Agnln.
A Montana editor curries Brick
Ponicroy down in the following lively
style. It hits bo close and sums him
unm so short a space, tliat we ennnot
rclrarn from publishing it s
lo Whom It May Concern :-
Came to litis office by mistake, one
la Crosse Jemoeraf, edited by one
Brick Ponicroy. Description, the
most contemptible kind of journalism
on this continent : obscene, profane.
libelous and filthy ; insidious as a ser
pent, venomous as a tarunttilu. Con
tents Beast Butler, Brick Ponicroy,
Spoons, Treason, "Only this nnd
nothing more." Character of Brick
compiled from his paper a - conceited
rebel dog ; too cowardly to fight for
the Houth nnd too big a tool to keep
his mouth shut when they are whip
ped ; nn accomplished idiot nnd mani
pulator ot brother slang, coupling to
his nouns a etrins or ndicctivcs. like
filthy cuttle cars after a locomotive,
Having exhausted his supply of vitu
perative epithets nnd . Five . Points
billingsgate, ho has gone to New Or
leans to hang around the back yards of
rebellion to glean and ton up every
greasy scullery and slop house, to give
tone to his filthy paper. Tho paper
claims an immense circulation. So had
tho frogs nnd lice of Egypt, and the
small pox and cholera and the Venus
Miscellany. As long as men will
stone Sunday School processions' sc
dnce women, commit murder, roll in
the gutter, talk treason, engage in re
bellion, etc., it will probably bo well
patronized. Any person who is short
of such a thing as described above,
can have the eamo without charge, by
calling very early in fhc morning.
nnrriftii .hinmteb dead.
Sir Frederick Ilrnrn Died mndilroly la
xtotou jiouors ki mo uewi.
Washington, September 19.
Senntor Sumner telegraphed to Secre
tary Seward tliat Sir F. W.' A. Bruce
died in Boston at two o'clock this
morning from apoplexy. ' 1 ; ' ;
Jaaron Stocck!, tho Ktusiari Minis
ter, and Hon. Henry lloward, Secre
tary of British - Legation,'' have just
gone to Boston to make arrangements
IV t.- .,m1
The British Lwntion here is closed
and draped in mourning, in-respect to
the memory of the late Minister. Tho
sod news of his dcnthr has been tele
graphed by cable to (London and to
the Queen in Scotland. ! ' - ' '
: The death of Sir Frderick Bruce, in
view of the present relations between
the United States and Great Britain,
is looked upon as a serious calamity.
It is not seen how, under the existing
temper of tho British t nation, exhibit
ed by the press, ho can be replaced
Pitts. Gazdle, -i . ' .' - .. --i-
I ' ' e m
PPNS8YI.VAS1A, Ohio, Indian,Iowa
and Minncssota, i will hold their gen
eral elections 0a Tuesday, October 8th,
."West Virginia" will bold an election
on Thundayi I October 24th New
York,- New - Jersey, , JIUcom,' Wiscon
sin, Massachusetts,: , Michigan -Mia-Tduri,
Maryland, and : Delaware, n
Tuesday,'. November . 8th, Kansas on
Monday, November 1 1th. . . : 3 ' ;
s Patriot, please tcmembor if Judge1
Sharowood had been Bh tha Supreme
Bench, with Jhe. two fUippcrhcails
already there, the draft ' wpufdr never
nave been sustained, the bounty and
currency laws would havo been de
clared unconstitutional, and tho re
bellion would have proved a success
instead of a failure. It was tho draft
which equalized tho service due the
Statu by all citizens iu time of war.
Before tho draft, tho armies were filled
up by Rcpuldicans and AVar Demo
crats, Tho draft eonio to force Cop
perheads in the mnks to defend thu
laud from i traitors. , , Which is the
reason tho Copperheads ; liko : Sliars
wood, who so bitterly .denounced that
process of making soldiers. Jlarrin
ourg Tdegraph.
Tub Hnrrisburg Tdtymph makes
a sharp point on William A. Wallace,
Chairman of the Democratic State
Committee. : It states that he procured
a negro to go into tho army as his
substitute j and it argues that it is in
decent in him to abuse the race, one
member of which hud the courage to
stand between him nnd the bullets of
a common enemy. The Idegraph
thinks if Mr. W allaco considered a
colored ninugood enough to be his
military sultitute in war, ho ought to
consider him good enough to be his
political equal in peace.
Tufc Cookstown Murder. The
Grand Jury ofFavetto County have
returned a true bill against Fleming
Britton, Cunnard and John Shaw,
Imrged with the murder of Mr. Evans,
at Fayette City, (Cookstown.) ono
nignt several weeks since. J ho ease
will 1)0 brought up for trial at the
present term of Court.
Get assessed !
WAVNESUt'BU.Bept. 21, 1807.
Corrected WocUly for the UF.ruuLioA.
Ilnlter (frcwili roll,) T SI
Kkk V "Ion. luu
l'otntoex ii IiiirIi 1 35(.l Mi
Iirit w IU
'1'iiUow Tf lt , l"l
Country Honp V lb IN
liried rc-iWliut n lh in
Flour p Mil i .- 10 50
Wllfllt Imsli . 1 w)
K.VB lillNll Ni
Corn hiiHti 70
Corn Muul V bash 73
f'niroo V It) StM.YI
Te n 1 Wi
llrown snisir Y Ih l'i
Helloed Hhriir y th l
Hyriipngnl 1 no
Molnsxes (N.f)rlentiii,) 1 an
Sori(rnim gul 1 (at
Knit y hhl.... 8 10
Hieev tti 15
S.VTunnAY, Bnpt. 21,
The!)t of somnof the leftfltnat nrllelenof
iroonep, per river umi rnii.Minee our mm were iih
'oilowm f lour 1.770 bblm smile 108 blilH: wheat
55 Maeha ; corn I,os4 Httckn ; oliei'KO 18U boxen, uml
WitmeM: bHi-ley 1.200 miekrt; rye 1S5 nueksionlK
Dtuicr 20 puuitunos.
Wr, ouoto ns follow, which nro tho wholesale
tore prices t
MtlAITi It ri'''l'll.
Whent. renn'n. hikI Ohio. Wlnlor llcl a2 20
Rye V biiHh 9 if I 21
Ontjt? tmh fis
Cornn IhihIi 11 iio
Sprlnu Whent Klonr. nw.0 75
Vi inter vtiieui ii man uu
Shonlilern ;
iSuwir Cured lluum . ,
Mul'JI iJ
Potato?, ia,
Apple H obl
Clleeno i
. 7-tt IW
.. 2 OIKo.t 00
l-.UI!H 4 UOZ
CmCAiin. Scut. 2, 1807.
Fritrn A01
Warat Morn notlvft nnd hlulier
ve Rt $8 5O19UI V) I'or xprlim otrai
11 miwi 811 for No. 1 1 1 72-n.l 70 for No. i.
1.011N upeneo uriii mil eioneo mine nno 'y-iie
n.ul. t ...Aa M.. 1 .1 til l.l.rAl I.I . M.. O ... l A.
Hllc.nn'ilelosiusat tl Ol'dll 01 for No. l'i 17''8no
ior no, z,
Oats Actlvoand MOehlulior. oliwlmrnt Vi
llvrJ-lr lowo(, closing qulol attl 09 for No. 1;
1 IR for No. 2, .
ikpyk qnlot nt Zl 71.
1 .A nn r 1 rill ill, i.e. .1". 1.1 - j,.
llr.Kr Oattlc liiill nl ft (MtA 1A for fliMfc rilnmi
iiimis r irm win rusi.-sc nighcr, ni fu 7!KJ7 m
u Misinuiiy prime.
Nrw York. Renlomlierai. Drv noodll mnrkel
menoy. inouuntieiy Hi'iive win lllieiinilKeil,
YVx. Binoiiam. Jh.. Hi Fifth Strut. ntt-
bnrph, Ii ln authorized agent for the ItKPiKLtpAit,
Greene crunty, I will Hell at puiilto outcry ,;on
Uy Tlrlimofnn order of thoOrnhnnV Tourt or
t 1 ' ' ' ' . 1
that vuluiiblft real 08tu( In Wtiviifiabn nr. At thn
nomur of Orceue nad Morynn utreets, kuowu an
UIU ...
Inte thn property of DAXIET. OWENS. rtenM.,
wltll ihe UAMkfl. iMUernrt ml HimurtAiiAnonB.
Thin fontulery In now in operation aud doing a
auwcMful and
There I a PRAMR HOfTHE ereelnd on th lot
wmcu wiu ue wiia wua uio Aiuudury. .
' ,' T E II M 8:
KHrmation nf aafa, tlw balanne In two equitl
annual payments with Interi-nt from confl riiuv
Oon. JVnufaiiion given Immediately. The ptir
ohneertonu'iirethe pikymrnt of the Ursl inslall-
One-third of thn trfltrhane rhnnev In Irnnil nl.
wii uiva rouumuuiuD oi wiie.
Xl Ouardlnn.
By vlrtne of order lamed nf th Orphans'
Court of the county of (Jrccnc.I wllloxposiito
Pnblio tale, tn front of toe Court Uouae, In
Waynesburg. I'a., on .
-. i
next, th following described Real Estate, lata
the property of Susannah Heeler, deed., U wit:
ate lu the borough of Wnyneshurg, onthii south
id of Greene street, adjoining lot No. s cn the
east. Bouth street on thu smith, ami the other
A certain mesaiing anil nan lot or groana suu
kalfnT Ui.mIi! lot nn the west il belnc the east
kalfof the lot marked IM In th original plan of
ihe said town on which there Is erected a eunt
: table one story . . i
Coal House, a'ndotfieonnithdlrigs. A well of
good water, aud soma axoelleot fruit tn are
t"t. ""rti" it m rn !:- uco
c iJ7o i K It Br :
wira rf ills' (. 'iiril ",.) f v",
The aaoT described piopert wtll be
AsUoo coooxtaaUon. A. Kl
it i ' ; i i 5 - i ' J 1 1 i - I '
I -.:.!
ADMSldTIUTOH'8 KOTlCli. , . ...
.... ., .. -. , : ' ..... ,i
Lctton of administration having been ftmnt4 .
to the undersigned nion the osute of Hunannarl '
lleeler, late Pf. the Iwrouuli of Wnvneshnnr, '
drad.. not loo Is herenv given to all pwsiin i
kuowlng tlu-mwilvvs IndiifiUHt lo mid estate t
make iniiiieitlutij pnyuieut slid those nayhia ,
f lulms uprni niiil ysito to preserit tbam prooec-
r :i. 1 ."V ya." io prwieni uium propac-
Iv aillheitllejill ft m4t i..... .
" w- m IKVIHCIII. , .
nissoiiunoN or txji'AHTSE'liSiliiC
Theflrm nt ft A wntitm A hnn ...
dliiiiolye.1 (August 1st, HOT.) Or. mui'ual consent.
n. A. routs retlriim.
thortzed to settle flie business
, U. K. KOUT36 ls,herehyau'
. uu.ui.'h ui mo into nun.
Bl.ll Will lta..lll.. .k. ,.....(.. ii. ... 1
-- - - . ....u in. ..un , iirwi i u iiipuwo naino.
... .-. reu kit.
l,l!.rsn.lmn ,n ,h" WHOI.ESAI.Bl MtTfJ
Av,F .fJi'-i iJEI'SISrSW MANUFACTUB-M,U,!'J,i'1-.,,.MKDK'II"!,St
hold plaoa.
No. llil rrunklln struot, under the name aud
style of
llnltlinnre, Md. .
Ta ConanmplUea. The Ravi ttoVfAtid
A. WILSON will sond (free of charge) to aU who
desire It, the prescription with Uiedlrftotloni flft
making nnd using the simple romeily by which
ho wns cured or n lung arTuction and that dread
disease Consumption. Ills only object Is to ben
eflt the ntntrted and ha hones every anflerar will
try this prescription, as It will cost them noth
ing, and may prove a btossing. fleas artdreeV
Iororinntlon. Information guaranteed Ui
iriHtiiee a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald
icaii or beardless face, also a roc I pe for the re,
muviil ot I'iiiihles, lllolehes, Krupl loun, etc., on1
the skin, leaviiiK the same soft, clenr, nnd beau
1 1 ml, cnii be nlilnlnol without charge by ad-'
driving TIIOS. F.CHAl'MAN, ( lismnT.
Dli'lTi-lychOjls RSI Krisulwuy, New TorW.
44-lletuibold- Fluid F.xtrnet , , , ,
buohu '
Is a eortnln cure for diseases of the '
nnd nil discuses of llie Urinary Orgnns,
whether existing In
from whatever causo originating nnd no matter
nisenses of these organs require tho use of
iltnretlc. , .
If no treatment Is submitted to, Consumption
or Insanity ueiy ensue. Our Flesh nnd Illood
arc supported from these sources, nnd the
nnd Hint of l'osierlty, depends upon prompt usa
of n relhililo reineily,
Estalillslicil npwnrds of is years, prcpnrcd by
51U Ilniiidwny, Now York, nnd .
101 Soiilli lotlisu-jct, I'hllnilelpltln, ra.
ff llelniliold s Concentrated F.xtrnet
litlfllll, Is Ihullrrnt liluretle, : ,
ntt.T.A, .
Is thcClrcnt niood lurlfler. '
Both nro prepared nccordtng to rules of rhar
liuiey nml Chciulstry, and are Iho most ocllvv
that can be tnude. U; l.i.-iiw-ly.
OS. For Nfln-Kctontlon or liirnnllnw
etieoof I'rinc, lrrltiiMon,iiinunnnntlon,nr ulcer-
ntlonof the lilielder, or kidneys, dlsenscsof tho
prostrntc glauiN,stime In the hlnildcr, cnlrulos,
gravel or brick dust deposits and nil disease of
Iho lilnddor, kidneys nnd dropsical swellings. , ,
1'hk lli:t, II HOLD'S FLt'iu K.vntAcr Dccitc, , i
l.lgnle t Co':
a n n M A
In mruMifPfthirCfi from I'tlRK
M t'1'f.'fMnlU nn.l k,
roimUIrcil the RT A N l A Hi) OK JXt'Kf J.KNt :K. )
rur wuv ity nit uroprtcs. o;ly, r
Jn feofclMl mid dc I Ira te const 1 1 nl law.
of both sexes use Ilelmbolds Extract Iluoha It
will glvehrlslc nndencrgrtlefeelljiKs.nnd onnblo
lo you sli-np well. 3;l3c4wlr '
Tho nerhnllst-Or the People Ihelr
I'hyalrlan bytlio nse of NATTRK'i Rkx g
IiiKSlsn now t'opyrlght Hook, comprising MS
Inrgo octavo psges, by Ir. O. P. Browi.
This vnlunblo work Is now liolng Introduceil
hero by Mr. B. P. Spltmngle, who hoi th-Kola
Agency for (Irceno county, Pa., and Monongalia) .
counly, W. Vn. Pincis, Si percopy, . ,
Tho dlstlngiilshe author of tho hook Isssufn
clent gtmrnntee for tho rellnhlllty of Its tesch
lugs und nn nmple recommendation of Ita char-
aotcr. ,1.1.,
It tonehes the cnrntlvo properties of all th
native nnd forel),-n nicdlcnl herbs, plants, gum,
bulsams, hnrksnnd roots known In tha world)
describes them; tells wbon to gather thero ; how
to prepare them ; what dlscnses they aro design
eil to euro; when nnd Itow to npply them. '
It discard the nse of all mineral, nnd other'
harsh, cruel Mid violent methods of treating;
dlscnses nnd promptly furnishes a remedy for
afflicted Nature In Nntnre'sown Apottiocofy.
Its langnngels plain English, addressed to th '
understanding or every person who can read, .
and It dnscrlljna,!u teiliinot lo be mistaken, ths
symptoms of nil prevnlcnt dlscnsm and furnlh
esn remedy In every cnseV ' 1 ' " ' ' '
entlrecntnlogncof diseases from a bnld head or
freckle fnco up to thn most mnllirnnnt form of
peHtllence. II iimki-s very inlleaUve rokr. oT
Its piuies n eonipleto lliysleliui, secures hi
health, snves hli tlmnnnd his money, end Isnn, '
tnvaiiifililn hoiiselioid itrtiel Unri, no one who
regards his t-st Interest, and the welfare and 1
haiMincss of his rurally ciui allbrd to do wltliput. t
ie.TIio Iory of Mna la Strength.'' '
Tlicrerore tlw nervous- nnd deblinated shord't
Immediately uso Utelmbnld'l Extract Buohu.
JjWtlT-eowiy . : , ,,t. , , ,
- i -
STThe irealing r'aoi, anal nonae))f
ey-JIowanl AsaociaUon Report Tor Yopnar j
Men, on the crime of aolltudo, and the error.
abase and disease which destroy the manfjr''
powers, and create Impediment to marrrsgev
with sura means of relief. Bant In sealed letter, ,
euvclopesrce of chrge. Address DR J. BKIl
LIN IIOITOUTON. Howard AwodnUon, 'JMuV '
delphla,ra. i' vj , "KMy'l
as u
tH.To my Frlenda and Patrans -I bar, ,
as mnny of yon are aware, sold my Dental firae-
tlce to Dr. t. 8. Hertlg. . He hat born angaged In-.
the practice of Dentistry fbr seven yeaas, UM kttr-
terhalfuf, which time I have boon acquainted .
with hlrti nnd his professional career, and know '
him to be an honoralile, upright, energetic nunc !
as well as one of tue most enrePal and suocossfa .
operators I have evef known. I eon eonsclentl,
ously recommend bird to nil my patron, reotlntf.
insured that bo wiU reader tha 'vary beat aatla 4
hcUon to aU. I must now aajr fureWull to all a?
(rkends nnd pleasant aoquaintance. ,1 geito,
seek nnpthor home, expecting to but few1 Vf;
you ngnln tn the present atete, bat cherishing
(md hope to meat yon all la tn land Of trwjnas)w
With every good wish, bellov me truly your.
:L2-3m ' . S. S.Pattob.
, , i. ....... ,1. i , ii it-.tin
' Sa-Rrrm ef Taath. A MtlaaaamtlMl ,
suffered for year from Nervous Debility; Pr-
nature Decay, and all (he effects' oTyorrthful lrW '
discretion, wUk for thsJ(ofsuJIrlabnraaatri1
ly, tend free to all who, need U, and receipt ,jta )
directions, for making tho simple reineily bp)
which be was cored. Sufferers wishing tn pronV'
kv-UieadTertlser'aakneMpnea. OUi SakdfesradisT perl eouailen , f
wrtj t, i i - TT'I .sw
koalth and vigor to Uw rraaie and ,Wooa to th
palldcbeek. Debility 1 accompanied ty many
alarming aympvnt-a, and If no tretlsU MsttbMl
nltted to, eonanmpvtaa InaaaUtr r pUaMart
tUaaaa. ,., 1V7-)wIj..ji
aefnl re medio for nriplawaai and, dSfro
diseases. Use UttmboWi Ba tract Bu:htt aaVI 4
tnrproTd Rom wa"1-'1 I''lalficat
(I-. l I "T ' ll';-vf ft
M.XMM aisd YMiafl a4rarfr TY
y steinow'aHinaaawantav iii.wui