Terms ot I1ullicutlou. Tu WATSssni-Ro Hefuiiucan, Office In Bajrere' baUdlng, out of the Court House, Is pub lished ery Wednesday morning M wr kanum', is ADVANCE, or 14 SO If hoi paid with in the year. Allaerineriitleit acroanla sii'HT h settled small?. No paper wljl he ivut bat of the Stale unites paid for m aijvaice, and Q such Subscriptions Will inrnrlafcly be discon tinued at the expiration of the tithe for which Ihey are paid: poranldnlcatMrlsbn subjects of local or general littoH'ftt lire respectfully solicited. To ensure, kttentlon favors of tills kind mnt Invariably be ftcconipimied by llie name of the author, not for publication, but as guaranty auulmt Imniaiitlitn. All letter portulnlng tohuslneasoi the otllce rnust be addressed u the Kill tor. TTOIJ BET. When you bear loud voices crying ' ' A of women In a pet, And aee furniture a flying . '" There U something wrong you bet. Vhen children stop their riot, ' And seemed disposed to "get," : iteware of such a quiet, There is something wrong you bet. NVtaen a bummer takes to praying, ' Aid goes back upon tho wet, Vatch closely all he's saying, For there's something up you bet. Vhen a fellow comes the steeple,' And talks heavy of his set, Xnd runs down the common people, He's a busted egg you bell Should youth and maiden squabble, If he gets into a pet, Yon may leave them lu their hobble, For it wont last long you bet. And when Romeo Is chanting His songs to Juliet. If anything is wanting, It isn't you you bet. political THE NOLDIEK'N I'ltlK.MlS. Ytiiy siioni'i any soMicr in tim Union armies in the late civil war vote the Democratic ticket at this elec tion ? lie cannot say that the llc pnblieans ever opposed the war or its objects? No part of the record ex hibits sympathy with the enemy in arms against our armies in that war. All tho ransacking of the annals of that struggle that may Imj done now or licreatlcr will not show one sinslt: m- stance on tho part of tho 1'epiiblicaiis iu which they ever refused the appro priations needed to pay, toed, clothe, equip, transport, honor or reward the If-! I I! T . 1 1 .1. . union winners, jnuceii tnc incessant reproach urged against us by our ene mies is mat wc (iiu too mucn lor our armies, that our appropriations were too lavish, that we have swelled our debt too much thereby. IS'o one can point to an instance in which the sol diers ol a national service were better ircd for in every respect than ours. We increased the remuneration to the full extent that wc were able to pay. All that a nation eon Id afford we did for them. If wo bad tried to do any more, we doubt whether it would have been possible to raised a sufficient amount of money to carry on tho war. While they weieaway we voted liberal appropriations to take care of thefanii lies they left behind them. The bounties paid to the soldiers during the war were most unprecedented, and since the close of the struggle wc have, in defiance of Democratic opposition, voted additional bounties to equalize the rewards of all who served m the great contest. . More than this, wo stood by them manfully from the beginning to the end ot the relxMhon. We applauded their achievements, defeated their homo enemies, carefully nursed their sick and wounded, promoted their he roic leaders, and contributed our full share to render their final triumph as illustrious as it should lie durable. Civilians at home could under no cir cumstances do more for an army, or a cause, than the Republicans did during the war for tho Union army and the cause. Fatient under terrible reverses, faithful in every emergency, confiding and trustfully toward their armies ami their leaders, the Republicans elicited the admiration of the civilized world by their sublime devotion and un wavering courage and steadfastness. If we had a fault at all, it was not that we failed to do enough for our soldiers, but rather that in our efforts to insure the triumph of the cause we accumu lated taxation and debt to an extent that tho country is only now beginning to feel. When the war was in progress and our arrays in the field, to whom did the soldiers look for the sinews of the war, for the unyielding determination not to make a dishonorable peace, for Words of sympathy and cheer, for the raising of supplies and recruits, and the reward of the deserving, if not to the pBejublicanjr ? Our devotion, to the' cause was so great that we were never weary of well-doing toward it and the iicroic soldiers who were fight ing its battles and enduring its perils. Ve can challenge any one to traverse this record and dispute what wo say. A more uniform adhesion to a cause was never shown by any political party. We did this, too, under circumstances so discouraging at times as to have led the- Democratic party to regard the war as a hopeles failure. ' No political party.'.' ever . before had to enconntcr such a state of tilings as was created by the3 (Wo defeats of Bull Run, the fear ful reverses of MoClellan before Rich mond, and the failure of Buell in Ken tucky. Yet we bore tip under them all with a courage and fortitude that revived the spirits of Tho loyal people, and brought final triumph to our arms. Daring all this period, what was the cotttM of tn Demooratie Tjarty, that nfyw, seek! to delude the Union soldiers into voting its ticket I ,' Did it not de nojtejs thelkyofooeroing the rebel fitsttfr "Did it not throughout flrmlr $iiknikmmlodi dootriaet of irate w thsjfloion exldiau.'lincolo hircliiMT .DH -knot-keep up an eMail of our armies, underrating every JA3. E. KAYER8, VOL. XI. victory, exaggerating every rebel suc cess, magnifying all oiir losses, cnlc gi.ing the courage and devotion ot the reliel soldiers, and the genius and skill of the reliel generals? Did it not sympathize with and defend every ar rested traitor at home who was giving aiil ami comfbrt to the enemy 1 Did it not send men from its own remit to nam tn the rebel ttrmiet r Did it not oppose ail the war measures ot the government, and hnally declare in its national convention that the war was a failure? Did it not, even in this pre sent campaign, in its convention in Philadelphia, applaud to the echo a man who violently declared that the south was a "nation," and that he was ready to join in another civil war ugninst the Kepttblieans ? We need not answer these questions. Anv man who lived through tha war with his eyes and ears open knows but one answer to them all. 1 he question then is, how can anv Union man whoso heart was in the great cause vote for tho Democratic ticket at this time? What the Republicans did was not to court tho votes of soldiers, but from a sense of duty. What the Democrats are now doing is from a mere demagogic greed for votes. The same men who voted the war a failure and stigmatiz ed the soldiers as ''Lincoln hirelings," ami underrated all their successes, ex aggerated their defeats and their losses and magnified the successes of the cnemv, now seek the votes of these very soldiers for tho Democrat ic ticket. It is natural enough for those desperate demagogues to resort to any expedient to prop their (idling cause; but how any true-hearted loyal soldier can al low himself to be deceived into voting their ticket passes our comprehension. It mat ten not how many soldiers they may nominate toromee; until the party ran purge itself of its undeniable complicity with treason, until it can show that it accepts tho results and the lessons ot the civil war m good fiiith, as it never yet has done, it can not be entitled honestly, (o tho vole of any man who served under the Hag ol the republic in the war which has ren dered tho Union imperishable. Rut we should elect soldiers to office. So we do. We elected General Hart ranft and Colonel Campbell to the responsible offices of State Surveyor Genera! and Auditor General, Colonel John I'. Glass Speaker ofthe Assembly, General Geary, Governor, Colonel Ow en Recorder of Deeds, tho finest office in Philadelphia; we made General Horatio Sickel Health Officer, Colonel Gideon Clark Master Warden of the Port, Captain Conner City Commis sioner, and put in place a whole host of officers and private soldiers in all the departments of the public service under its control. In the present cam paign it has nominated for Assembly Colonel Kicckner and Colonel John Clark in districts where they can easily be elected ; and there are numerous similar cases. Such a record as this does not indi cate any disposition to treat the Union soldiers shabbily now that peace has noon restored. t hen wc confer a nomination on a soldier it ensures him an election, so that our nomination is not an empty compliment, nor a thing to catch votes, tint a minority party like the Democratic organization con fers no honor on a soldier by nomina ting him on a platform of opposition to the Union cause and sympathy with treason, and in a community where no civilian Democrat could hope to be elected. The soldiers, who were not mercenaries in the war,' will not be likely to be bought for a few offices to favor a cause so thoroughly identified with the enemy they defeated in the field. . Wc will not believe so much ill of the heroes whose strong arms and stout hearts won tho battle for the freo.' Vc see them all about in this campaign coming up cheerfully to sustain the principles for which they fought and suffered, unwoocd by influ ence and unbribed by gain ; and it is the proudest feature in their noble character that they prefer a Union civilian to a Democratic soldier. The man who attested his patriotism by his services in tho war has a perfect right to bo a member of the Demo cratic party if ho chooses to do so. The wonder is that any right minded soldier should so choose. Thev can not participate actively in the Demo cratic organization without knowing its dangerous complicity with treason. Under such circumstances the true course for loyal men is to vote against every Dcmocratio candidate whether soldier or civilian. North American. In 1863 the Copperheads clamored for peace at any price. By that course they assorted that the Government was whipped at that time. In 1867 the Copperheads, by conceding that rebel lion was justified and that traitors should be readmitted to the rights of uh,i.l'usiiii wiuiuut Buneruig any penal ties for their crimes, desire to prove that treason 'was victorious during the war. Can a Union soldier vote affir matively on such a question ? Can a loyal man vote approvingly on such an issuo? If the rebels were successful, then is the national debt without a security, and tho national creditors de frauded. These are the questions to be remembered while voting. Ear, Tele. ; - ' " 9 ' ! - A. SARCASTIC writer, aavs i ' "Shut ting one's self up in a convent, ' mar rvine. and throwin onej self over a trecipioe, are three things which must 6 dona whhottt thinking too; Much about them."' ."'""" FIRMNESS IN THE RIGHT WAIKESBIKC, THE ISSUE Was the war right? This is the whole issue before us, stripped of all incidental and outside matter. If it was, we do not want and will not have its effects and consequences construed away. This is now the objective point towards which the Democrats are tending under the lead of Judge Black, and to this end ther are attemD- ting to fill our courts with lawyers of the strict or Calhoun construction school. Woodward tried to construe away the draft. Sharswood attempt ed to construe away our national cur rency. Black boldly decided that the nation had no power to defend Its own life, So it goes. Step by step they undermine all tliat weliave been liv ing and fighting for since 1776, and if let alone, in a short time would have us repudiating every idea or semblance of nationality. ' These men, too, are conscientious in their heresy. Calhoun could not have bean more so, and therein is the great danger. If we believe that our war was right, that our soldiers died in a good cause, and that our bamnets qleamed thronqh Georgia constitutionally, then wc must avoid, yea, spuru all men who consci entiously believe the war to have been wrong, and pronounce it; when they would excuse it, an error and mistake, There Is no half way ground on this question. You must vote for Williams and a constitutional war, or Sharswood and an unconstitutional war. Phila, Press. While the smoko was still ascend ing from the charred remains of Chamliersburg, and tho women and children sat mourning among tho ruins ot their burned homes, the Copperheads of Pennsylvania sat in convention at Harrisburg, and passed resolutions of a partisan character, but uttered no words against the barbarities committ ed by the rebel hordcrs and not one of them ollered to volunteer to prolcct the Capital of our Slate from being destroyed by traitors. I he convention placed m nomination George W. Woodward for Governor, because he maintained the dogma that the soldiers had no right to vote, that the Southern States had a right to war on the Na tional Government, and that rebellion was justifiable. Sharswood is the pro totype of Woodward. Ho too bel ievc that rebellion Mas justifiable, and that a soldier of the Union is not entitled to any political rights. liar. Tele. Somuuiu who survived the war, vote us vuu foiliibt. You braved dan ger and death to save tho Government from destruction, : and you ioiight bravely to put down tha reliollioii which the oiitiruiiirr .ImliM nt'ilioXu- n r .T- " promo Court (Woodward) asserted was i I., .i precipitated and provoked ny tno peo ple of the North, and which' the Cop perhead candidate, for tho same posi tion (Sharswood) pronounced chivalric and holy. Vole as you fought. Vote to put down rebellion. Vote to re buke a usurper. Vote to encourage loyalty. Vote to preserve the integri ty of the Government. Vote to en force the laws. Vole to punish traitors. Voto to make treason odious. Vote tosccuro those who trusted tho nation. Vote to save the country. liar. Tele. , The workinirman who allows him self to be seduced from his fcaltv to tho Republican party will meet the file of the soldier on the nl.iins who strays from the army lie will be toma hawked by utc common enemy. 1 lie effort in different narts of the State. and narticiiliirlv in strnnrr Rcnnhlircin - v 7 o ---i counties, to organize workingmens parties, is a ruse to auicat Republican tickets. It is an admission that the workingmcn all belong to the Repub lican nartv. as if this were not. tho case. I 7 why organize a . workingmau s part ? Tho workingman who votes a copper head ticket commits business as well as political suicide. 7irr. Tele. In 1864 the platform of the Cop perheads of Pennsylvania announced tho bold falsehood that "the war as waged by the Government for the sup pression of rebellion was a failure," and asked the North to admit that the traitors were not only right, but the stronger in military .resources and powers, and that . hostilities should cease. Now that we have whipped the rascals, the same Copperhead dema gogues insist that the rebels incurred no penalties, but are entitled to all honor, Soldies t vote as you fought. and you will vote to d icat these ma chinations. Har. Tele. If every Republican vote is polled in Pennsylvania on the second Tuesday of October next, we will gain a Judge of the Supreme Court, maintain our strength in the Legislature, and re elect every candidate tor a county of fice the term of whose present occu pant cxnircs this vear. But we want all our Republican votes polled. . To do this, and thus maintain a Republi can majority which has more than once struck terror to the heart of treason, we must all go to work at once and in earnest Har. Telegraph, I - ; 1 The Union Pacific Railroad is now finished four hundred and sixty miles west of Omaha; and within fifty miles of Chevrons"' City, Kansas.' The branob Pacific Railroad is completed twlv iilS''ibvond ths' station fast ceeiAedtry tfie commissioners, which am- Ue track? two! hundred and sovetftJfi mttesliwest 'of the". Missouri fiver. .n:i wiz '. r. ,v ! AS GOD G1VK9 US TO SEETHE PA.; WEMESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1807. Sta Wnptt burg grjmMicau. LOOK TO THE AftSKSaUEHTS. Saturday, Septcmlier 28th,' is the last dav on which assessments for the October elections can bo made. 1 Let every voter see that his name is on the assessment lists; and then let him see to it that every one of his friends and neighbors is likewise as sessed, r There should bo committees appoint ed to atteud to this matter. But do not wait on them. Let every man sec to his own ease, and bo sure. rni.M'IPI.KS, NOT ME5. No canvass in Pennsylvania for sev eral years past has possessed more real importance than the one in which we aro now engaged, whether we regard the national interests at stake, and which will bo affected for good or for evil by what may occur hero, or the influence upon our own affairs of a decision at this time in favor of the Democratic party. However design ing copperheads may endeavor to per suade independent men that the con test has no national significance, there can be no shadow of a doubt that they aro earnestly striving now to compass the defeat of the Republican ticket in Pennsylvania, for tho express purpose of making people believe that a great reaction has set in against the princi ples and policy of the Republican party. But, whether this be so or not, a Republican defeat in Pennsylvania will bo at onco triumphed abroad throughout tho length and breadth of tho land as a verdict against tho poli cy of Congress and in favor of the violent course pursued by President Johnson. Yet wo find, observes tho North American, the most artful appeals made to Republicans to throw aside party considerations, on tho ground that tho contest is not a national one. There is hardly an office of any prominence to bo now filled that is not mado the subject of these appeals. Bginning with Iho Judge of the Supremo Court, we arc asked to support Judgo Share wood, the Democratic noiiiince, because ho was twice elected President Judge of the District Court of Philadelphia by his political opponents, although wc all know that on that bench, where ho was in a political minority, ho deliv ered a written opinion against the con stitutionality of tho United States legal tender notes. If we turn to tho Legislature, wc are asked to elect Democrats in prefer ence to Republicans on all sorts of issues. Tho cry thcro is against our financial embarrassments, though no one can show how the election of Dcm ocrats is to reduce them. It is of small account, according to those rea soncrs, that the Republican Legislature has manage! our Stale finances so well as to enable the Stale to dispense with the tax on real estate, at the same time that wo have largely reduced our State debt. Democratic success is the panacea proscribed for everything, on the prin ciple of the physician whoio patient did not know what was the matter with him, as he had a capital appetite, slept well, felt well, and yet wanted medicine. The doctor promised to give him something to change all that, and the Democratic offer in the present instance is about similar. We are getting along prosperously. Our finan ces are well administered. Our inter ests arc admirably cared for. The popular lilierties arc extended and- guarded. Elect Democrats, and they will change all that. If any independent man thinks we exaggerate, let him sit down and try to make np a ticket such as these disinterested advisors would be satisfied with. He would find on it no Repub lican names. From beginning to end all would be copperheads. It has therefore become a question, simply and purely, whether a man means to vote , the Republican or Democratic ticket not as to who shall be scratched on either of these tickets. The attack is. made upon us at all points, and with the same vigor and the same arguments upon each. Those who may feel in clined to listen to the arguments of those men will find the issue to be as we state it, not whether independent men shall vote for Sharswood, but whether they shall vote the Republican or Democratic ticket. . The most remarkable feature about this crnsado is thai : then is really nothing in tho character or 'public services of the Democratic1 candidates to warrant' the extravagant laudation of them that is now indulged . in, and Oiir readers can Judge for themselves RIGHT. Lincoln.. . whether there is anything in the prin ciples or policy of the party they rep resent to commend them to the especial admiration of Republicans or inde pendent men. Nor, on ; the ' other hand, does the record of the Republican party or its candidates warrant the extraordinary denunciation lavished upon them. Nationally tho party has saved the republic from tibsolute de struction, lias abolished slavery and enfranchised a whole race of pedplc; In State affairs it has reduced both the debt and the taxes at the same timd. Under such circumstances tho man who deserts his principles to vote for a Democratic candidate upon any of the grounds now assumed by our op ponents need blame no one but himself if, after the election, he shall find that he has contributed his share towards a copperhead reaction. For our own part we see no more to regret in the general character of the Republican nominations than wc see under all circumstances in the nominations of all political parties. In the main they are good. They are no better and no worse than usual But the man who looks into Democratic tickets to find better candidates must have nn amount of faith in that rotten organization that wo do not possess. It would, indeed, be amazing if Dem ocratic tickets should be better than Republican ones, knowing, as we do, that a large portion of the intellect and the moral worth of Pennsylvania is to be found in the Republican ranks. AST1ETAM t'EMETEKY DEDICATION. Keedysvhxe, Sept. 17, 18G7. Tho dedication of Antieiam National Cemetery took place to-dav. The progrnme carried out was as follows: Military and Masonic bodies escort ed the President and party to the Cemetery, where, in the presence of an immense throng, tho exercises opened by prayer. Governor Swann, on assuming the Presidential chair, tendered a welcome to President Johnson and the Gover nors of other Stales, who came to par ticipate i'ri tho ceremonies. After al luding to the part taken by Maryland in establishing tho cemetry, he said t "Wo are here in calm sunshine to mingioour tears witutiic survivors fiir those who sacrificed lift; for their country upon this field." . Ho involi ed the Almighty to speedily restore harmony lo the whole country. A hymn was then sung by the as scinblago. The corner stono of tho monument was then laid by the Grand Master of the Grand Lodgo ot Masons of Mary land; The oration was then delivered by Ex-Gov. Bradford. After referring to the distinguished persons present, ho stated that in response to a voto of thanks of Maryland to tho army for protecting tho siato from rebels, the Commander of that army committed tho remains of those who fell to the care of the State. The details of the action by Maryland in the matter were given by tho orator. Tho num ber engaged on the field of Antietam on the Union side was 87,6 10, while the rebel force was estimated at 97, 000. Tho previous campaigns of the army were referred to and tho anxiety of the public mind depicted. The disasters to the army under Pope, its shattered condition, its reorganization by ucn. McClellan, and victory won over tho confident hosts of the rebellion by that reorganized nrmy, wore dwelt on at great length, with many corre lative facts and circumstances. He concluded by invoking adherence to the Constitution and said: "Come the peril to it whence it may, from State Rights or Consolidation, let mo, on the anniversary of its adoption, in the name of the men who made it, by the memory of the men who have died for it on this spot, where blood has been so profusely shed in its behalf, appeal to you to preserve, protect and defend it.' The poem was next delivered. Remarks followed from President Johnson and others, after which the services closed with a benediction, and the President and iiarty were escorted to the station. Salutes were fired at sun rise dur ing the procession, and at the close. Everything passed off well. - SPEECH OF THE PRESIDENT. President Johnson, in the course of a brief speech, said : "I am merely here to give my countenance and aid to the ceremonies on this occasion ; but I must be permitted to express my hope that we may follow the example "which has been so eloquently allued to this afternoon, and which has been so clearly set by the illustrious dead. When we look on your battle neidind think of the brave men on both sides who fell in the fierce straggle of bat tle, and who sleep silently in thoir graves yes, who sleep in silence and peace after tho earnest conflict has ceased would to God we of the living could imitat . their example as they lay1 sleeping la pesos m their tombs and live together u in friendship i and peace.. : : Applause.) : You,' my fellow citizens, have my earnest wishes; as you have bad mr efiorts in times' gono by, ir .tlie iesrUctt. and , mot Irving. i .it editor and wnmiiEii. NO. 15. perils, to preservo tho Union of these States, .to restore jicacc and harmony to our distracted and divided country, and von shall have riiv last efforts in vindication of the flag of the Republic and of the Constitution of otfr fathers. (Applause.) V ;' ,;' II A Kl-Eft HKoTilCRS1; . . . i ,1 i JNot tar ironl Where tho present es tablishment of thu Uai'pers Stands, James Harper begau his work. Ho held tho lowest position in the onicc. All mean And servile work was put rljHin him. Tho sons of judges, nlder inen, lawyers and men ol money were in trade and merchandise around the printing office. Those pert, well- dressed and proud stripptings often crossed lie pathway of the rustio lad. His shoes were heatv: coarse and un gainly. Ilis clothes mado from cloth manufactured in the old homestead, were rough In material and slovenly in make. The young bucks delighted to ridicule James. They wdiihl shout to 1 1 1 1 it across the streat "Did yoiir boots come from Paris ? "Jini, give us a card to your tailor. "What did your mother givo it yard for your. broadcloth?" Sometimes tho rude fellows camo near and under tho pre tense of tile fineness of the cloth would grab the flesh. Insulting and taunting as all this waSj ho bore it for a whilo with meekness. This wascon- strueil into cowardice. JAMES FIRST CAliD. Tho young printer saw that he must end this treatment, and could only do it by taking a hrnt and manly stand. He had no idea of wealth or position. It was his purpose to do right to so conduct huuselt that his mothe would not bo ashamed of him. All the success nnd position that could nt tend fidelitv, to duly, he meant to se cure; but lie resolved not ti bo im posed upon. Ono day whilo (Mm soino menial work, ho was assaulted by one of his tormentors. Ho deliber ately set down tho pail he was carry ing, turned on his assailant, booted him severely, and then said : "Take that.; that's my card; take goiid care of it. v hen 1 am out ol my tune, and set up mysell, nnd you need employ ment, as yon will, come to me, and bring (hat card, and 1 will give yon work." . Strange to say, lorty-one years after, that same person camo to James Harpers establishment and asked employment, claiming it on the ground that tho "card ho had given him forty-one years before bo had kept to I hat day. riRTClIS OF Tin: HOUSE. When James was free, having serv ed out his time, his master said f ohirt, "lou have been faithful, and shall always have a good place in myof- hce. 1 Jio master was not a little surprised to hear the young man an nounce his intention of setting rip for himself. Already ho said he could have tho printing of a book if he could get a eertilicuo that ho was worthy of it. If his master would give him the certificate he could get jor. ihis was readily given, and the work begun. In 1817 James and John Harper opened a small book and lot) printing ollice in Dover street Evert Duyckinck, the leading pub lisher of that day, was the first to em ploy the Harpers. lho first book published by tho firm was Seneca' Morals, 2,000 copies of which wore delivered on tho fifth day of August, 1817. Tho second job was of more consequence, lho book to bo printed was tho Episcopal Prayer Hook. It Was 16 be stereotyped. That part of tho cratt in thoso days was in a crude state, and tho work rudely done. They had contracted to do the work for fifty cents a token, They found that they would have to pay tho full sum to have it stereotyped, and no profit would be left to themselves. They resolved to stereotype tho work. It was difficult and slow; but it was done, and gave great satisfaction. It was pronounced the best piece of stc- reotypin? ever seen in JNcw York. The character of the work coming Irom this nrm, its industry, probity, promptness and enterprise placed it at once at the head ol the business in ricw York. In six years the establishment became the largest in tho city. To tho original firm, in 1823. the name of Joseph Westlcy Harper was added. in 18:28 J; letchcr Harper mined the firm. These four make the house of i Harper Brothers. Tho house has now a world-wide fame. It is the largest of the kind in the world. The groat establishments of Europe do not com bine, as dp the Harpers, all the de partments of labor needful for the pro duction of a perfect book. European books are mainly sold in sheet. Ihc binding itselt is carried on as a distinct business. It has no connection with printing. The Harpers embrace prin ting, electrotyping, stereotyping and binding. A roll of manuscript is taken from the anthor, types from tho toundry, a side ot leather irom the currier, and paper from the manufac turer. 1 hese leave the establishment a complete book, printed and illustrat ed in the highest style of flrt.E'wn- Ira lady puts on' ' her stockings wrong .side outwards, it is a sign of good fuck if she docs it unintention ally. If she doca it on purpose, it is a sign me scocKingi tire not as wnite as snow.' 1 In view of tho fact that , ladies do not wear stockings unless they are as white 'as snow; this sign appiles only to "blue stockings. .r.nk Toruia ol AlvM-tiiiis; AND JOB WORK. AnviitTiflKM kntm ltiwrtedet SI SO Pr smiirM for three IomtUdus, and 8 rral prr witwi'5 for each aitrillloruU lltwrtlnii : (Icq lines or li-rt counted a square). All transient advertisement tu to wifi itir in advance. , Hi'MNKsa Notices art under lilt ItCin of lornl news will b charged lnvurlauly IS crista line fur cucli insertion. iniitijrUiu quarter, hair-.vMir or T'r. Mpmiitt nolires charged uue-uul( mure lliun regular ad vertisements. Job 1'uiNTioof cvcrrlclnd In Pliilnand ran. ov uulurs; Hand-bills, Uluuks, Cards I'nniplilf ts, Ac, ot every variety aud stylo, printed ut the shortest notice. Tho HmThi.tcA OiKici! hits Juki been re-rllled, and every thliiff In the Prim ing line can Im. executed m the most artisllo A lllH-ral deduction made to persons anwrn iniiiuicrntKi ar me lowest ntics. llow ttf fact a Husbnml. From an eeelleht t'tftilmuniintion, published in the Coliimbus (Miss.) Index of June 8, we copy the follow ing, "expressly lot the" girls." Iking bill; arid therefore allowed license for teasifig tho girls on matri monial sdhjcclS; I consult them about flicir future prospects bilcn, and find that the opinion obtains with them that the young men were never so slow In proposing as lit these dayg;. whjyh wo must admit, gives them a gddd, not to Sivy all-powerful reason for not hik ing a husoand. Nowj young ladies; the whole secrel witH rtine-tenths of you, of not being, able to got off your' parents' hahils; is limply that you don't know how td work. You tan't keep house. , Ydti can't make a pair of breeches: You can't tell, for the life of you, the diflerertce between bran and shorts, or wliitli cbW gives the butterniilki Theybnngmen generally' camo out of the, war "with the skin of, iheir teeth," with h8 fortune, I might say, but their wardrdbes of grsy and' their canteens, and td marry with thoni now, rest assured, relates more to 'making a living with the assistance of a ldving, industrious help-mate, than indulging in opera music, moonshine and poetry. Do you know what they , say of one of your butterfly young ladies who hiis held them in the parlor engaged by tho hriur listening to "ele gant nothings?" .Nineteen times out of twenty it is this! ."Well, she i9 all right for nn evening's entertainment, but filio will not make a good wife;". There is no possiblo objection to tho accomplishments ot niunie, painting, ' and the like, as such, but tha idea is to be able to Bet these parlor amusements ' aside for tho period. When the stern duties of married life . call for your practical knowledge; Show tho young men tlult you eart do your part of double business j that you ran cook a niertls victuals tm a pinch j that you can sweep up. and dust, and darn old stockings, and save a penny toward an ' accumulated pound ; that you will not ' lie a dead expense to him through life. Iielievo me,young frien(ls,as manyl'rue, heroic, womanly hearts beat Over household duties ns flutter beneath tho soft light of a parlor chandelier. Your kiss is just asswectj your smilo jiist us bright; your heart as happy arid tender, after a day's exertion in a sphere wor thy of true womanhood, as m places of dissipation, frippery and silly amuse ment. Have an ambition to ddyour part in life, cultivate industrial habits and let the parlor accomplishments go i with tha higher accomplishments , which I have roiigbly enumerated. It. , is astonishing how soon a domestic young lady is found out arid appreci ated. It is because sho is such a rare exception to the general rule. ' ' m 0 "', . i . A good story is told of a certain'. Colonel in the late war. Tho Colonel aforesaid was riding in a stago coach, with several other passenger, when ho ' accidentally dropped his hat Out of tho ' window, when he exclaimed, in A sten torian voice : "Charioteer, pause ! I have lost my ' chnpeah." . , . Tho driver paid fio heed to the demand. Again the bombafllc fellow"' authoritatively spoke : ' " .." , "Charioteer, pause f I have lost my ' chapeau." ' No attention being paid by the" driver to this last command, a plain,' blunt man, who had become disgusted with'his fellow traveler's silliness and ' pomposity, put his head out of tho 1 window and said : "Driver, hold oh, this fool has lost., his hat." '' '.:". ' Thi3 was perfectly intelligible to the driver, and the hat was secured. An'Yi"-oiY says tho Tribunct who . entertained a lingering doubt of the ', disloyalty of the Democratic party might have had his doubts dispelled , the other evening, when the Copper heads held a mass meeting in Balti more to ratify the new Maryland Con stitution. One of the speakers, who began by declaring that the negro had ; "no rights except what the white man . chose to give him as privileges," wound , up with the appropriate boast that his , sympathies during the war had always been with "the Rebel army." Among 1 the sentiments which anDeared most ' grateful to the assemblage was this: ; "Little Phil, to fight Indians, and Stanton to rule them." The meeting ) broke up with cheers lor Jeff. Davis and Wilkes Booth. Tub people in the oil regions havo no sooner got rid of one thing than r they immediately freeze on to another. They have at present "base ball on the '' brain, as will be seen from the ibl lowing gem : , A woman (whose name 1 is withheld) was before one of the courts for disturbing the peace while, under the influence of ardent pota-. tions. She had seized a "pitcher"" at the "home base" and attempted to give her husband a "bat" with it; but' by a sharp "run" he evaded the "fly,", and passed the "bawler" to two police-; ,j men on the right and left field. The stars caught Ann "out,"' and the court scored a rem of $3 against her ""on tho' ' second "innings." i . i : ' ! s ii .' ., k toirtlEiU called to see a tni- menb that was; to be let. - It, was, shown to, him, by a . pretty, .chatty, , Vomaj . whose manners charmed her . visitor. "Are you to be let, too?"! inrttiired fceta witiha lannlshing look.'fi 'Yes.'- saTd she ; "I aw; I'm to be. 1st afcae."r i