IShc 'SSttgnesbimj QftcpiiMicau, Hgcbncsttag, cpcmbgr , .86T. 5nwwt. &r. Educational. Clothing. T. i w. noss, rTMClS add traoeas. Office In Jewell's building, Weat end of Main St. Waynesburit. 4;1: MMf. 1 LATEH ODENBAIGII, DIALEB I!) DKCTjf AM) HEIiICISM, Liquors and everything pertaining, to a first chiss Drug Htorc. Prescriptions carefully com pounded. "Crolgll's Old rJltuid," Wnytiisburij Pa. fttfcaw-ly. QEO. 8. JEFFEHY, KOTART rUDLIC. All business pertaining to the office attended to promptly. OHUe with p. dt A. Telegraph Co., east of the Court House. l-lt. I IIOUTVlTtnuil Divtr Or WAWKtBrjBO. DISCOUNT DAY. TUESDAYS. 1). Hon icr, Pres'L J. C. Flennikk.1, I'ushlur. Mn.v lit; 'mt-ly. 1 .1 A. BALL, Dealer In Dry Goods, Groocrlcs, Hanlirar, lev, etc. AT McCOY'S OLD STAND, flrecnshoro. Pa. JEWIS DAY, D1ALKB IK BOOKS AMD STATIONERY, (Vail Paper. Window Paper, Ac. Bunday School : looks of all kinds constantly on hand, room In Urs. Hush's bulldlnK, formerly occupied by Cot erell A Taylor, Way neaburg, Pa. May 9, 'W-ly. ' tyM. BAILEY, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, sfAH STREET, OrTOSlT COURT IIOl'JI. Ceeps on hands nlwnvs a cholea and select as sirtnictit of Watches and Jowulry. Impairing done at the lowest rates. 4;l:'67-ly. IJIIIE M0N0NUAI1ELA HOUSE, bice's laxdiko, oreksie coumtt, ri., OLIVER it BAYARD, rROmiETOHS, Tha heat accommodations furnished the travel ling public. House and appurtiumiices complete. Table always spread bountifully with the delica cies of the season. Horses for hire; feed and tabling at reasonable rates. oy.1l-tf. w 31. T. WEBB, JR., IADDLI AMD IIARXESS MAKER, (IN WIL90N 3 BUILDING, MAIN ST.) Baddies, Bridles, Harness kept on hand and made to order. Work done lu the best style, and St reasonable rates. s-Hi palrlng a speciality on short notice. farmer friends go look nt his stock. i;'-'-ly. D ENTISTUY. I have lncnted In Wavneshursr. and am oectt- nylngthfl late residence ot lr. S. M. I'ntton. Ilitv iiu taken ureal mi Ins to become thorouulily ne- liialntcd with both the theory and practice of lollltsiry. aim iiuviuu mm no espci ii'mrem sen ears In too profession, I feel warranted In auy ng that my patients shall qavt' no cause to com 'luln of Interior operations. Kxtrnctiiui will he endored painless, when dt'Slred.hy the niliiiltl ttratlon of "Laiitflilng kjih" or other anesthetics, 'harues moilcrute. ami all onenitlims warranted s represented. I will be nt Iionie wiTitoi'T I'KR DVKNTiMtR from llio llftceuth to the thirtieth f overy uioulli. JUS.B. heiu lu, C;ia-tf JAHliLE WORKS, BUMMERSGILL & BRO. TIWELL'S OLD BTAMD, ITPER ESD or TOW.) "h rmhlle areresnectflillr Informed that Sum nersgillJt llro. uuvo Jukt received a lurge slock of til luuat ot MARBLE WORK! sjiioh as Grave Stones, Monuments, Mantis vnfrk, Ac. We are prepared to furnish work at reasonable terms on short notice. Call and ex amine our stis:k, styles, and prices, before pur- raising atsewiiero. o-.o-u. g HERMAN HOUSE, JCST OrEKED BT THOMAS BRADLEY. Poattlvalvthe moateomnlete Hotel In our town Every thing combined to furnish thelcat accoiu- Dlisinuon ever jri uhui-th oi hit- ,iiimi. Meals furnished at all hours, table provided with the heslnf the season. Traveller and those d.'slrons of refreshment will do well to call. "Tom still retains His. old reputation of an accommodating gentleman, and hiwpltahle landlord. House, tlio oue formerly occupied by th "Messenger" Office, 5;Ifc'i)H-ly. TOHN H. HOFFMAN, M0R0AST0WN, WEST VIKOISIA. ATTORNEY FOR COLLECTING riKSIOtlS, B0CXT1ES, ARREARS OF PAT, AND ALL MILITARY CLAIMS. Having had 17 years experience In prosecuting such claims, I have become familiar with the various Laws and the large amount of record evidence In my mscsalon enables tnctotie very successful In prosecuting suspended claims, and In many Instances have proved successful when theelaimant hail long given them up In despair. lo matter now difficult the claim so It Is Jul t, .-ly. JJOBERT DOUGHERTY, CAtllAOE stAMUTACTUREB, WATNESBt.RO, PA. Reapectnilly gives notice that he has located In Waynesburg, Pa., where he Intends to manu facture CARRIAGES Of very description. Tfrrm his experience. In the business he feels confident that his work, tn style, finish and durability, will give entire sat isfaction. It Is his determination to purchase the beat material In market, and employ none but competent workmen. W All work warranted for one ycr.-" frlfc'lW-tf. yyAYNESBURG MARBLE AND STONE WORKS. SAYERS'& RINEIIART. Btlll continue to carry on the Marble and Stone enttlng business at their long established stand Immediate east of the Pnhlfo Bquare, between High and Oreene streets, Waynesburg, t'a. This establishment has been in constant oper ation slnoo INS), ami the long experience and en ergy of the proprietors, linked with ;the exer cise of sound Judgment and good taste, have won tnr thm b wMo anrMil mnii anvlable renUUltion. An extensive stock of the various varieties of the beat marble kept constantly on nanu. rpe- ciai attention paia to pousmng, prnniun, Ing and engraving. i U orders promptly Ailed. '$-1. O SOROS. C. BTTROI8B, Attorney at Law. Jon C. Waonkr, notary i-uuuc, turgiss Wagner, UNITED STATES CLAIM AND GENERAL 9-Forthe aillnstment of CLAIMS, of all kinds against the United Htutos, sncn as PENSIONS, INCREASE OF PENSIONS, BOUN TY, I10O KXTRA BOUNTY, and thorn of any other class rail on or write; to tb Military and Havai Aseaey nr STITRtflHS A WAONER, Walnut St-1 door below Hamas' earner, (Up Stairs,) RJI.'sT-am MOftGANTOWN. V. VA. E. A. TINKER ....1L L. MAPEL. IJUNtEK MAPEL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOB THE SALE OF HOGS, CATTLE AND SHEEP, AT THEIR OTm TABUS, WEST BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. t -.ansassaryi WS aw VPA'tr' Mf A T CHL - MUMwm'-T''" CoMlgnDenta reapeetrulrr sollelted. All eom- lSZ2Wim7m Vry EW EXCITEMENT) tna PRorotin ixrEAcniBitT II. R I N E II A R T ! FOR SELLING CHEAP GROCERIES I ITavlntJust returned from the city, he has open ed tliu largest NE W GROCElt Y! In town, He desires to Inform the cltlsens of Waynssimrg and vicinity of the care ha has U- Kcn til seieciing uissiuck, iiis uiu " v supplv of COS I'ElTIONS, TOBACCO, ClOAItS, TAR, also, 1'ROVlliIOSS.riACON 1)111 fcu UCr.r , r- Fl lor--, noil. UK1K1) PKACUKH, Ac, 4! c, Ac. Call and sec him as he has been gottlug A N E W SUPPLY!! Yon will find him accommodating, and can sell lower than auy one In the place. He sure to go to the right pluce, lu LEDWITH'S OLD BUILDING, Opposite the ronrt House and formerly occupied by the Pout Office. 4;l8: tlo-tf. RECONSTRUCTION! kot irr tub cxio, b dt or IBAAC nOOPER'3 OBOCERT AND COf ECTIONERT I Mr. Hooper would still have his friends and pat rons hear In mind, that he continues In theCtro- oc ry und Confectionery tradeat his usual place of doing uusluess, aud that helms Just received- A FRESH SUPPLY of tho best quality of all articles In his line. TOYS NOTIONS, and a great variety of useful articles always ou hand. REFRESHMENTS. In connection with the above, Mr. Hooper keeps a Itcstuurant, where ICE CREA3I, BERRIES, And all the luxuries of the season can he ob tained. The most attractive and most popular resort In town. il;ll:'(V"i-ly. w ILLUM WALLACE, G ROCERI ES AND PROVISIONS! f P. POOR WEST Or rETER BROW'S STORK. We have Inst received a well selected stock of Cholea FAMILY OltOCKK IKf. which we pur chnscd for i'Ahh and are continent that we can supply our customers and all who may favor us n un a can, as cnenp, u noveneaper, lunn auy other house In the county. L'Oi'r'KKH, rlU'UAns, MOLASSES, BYiirrs, IE AS, RirR. BOPA, To B Arms, ClOAItS, SNUFFS, CANDLFS, SOArS, EXTHAlT.t'OF KEE, Ki nAWliEltltUM, JELLIES, Ac, Ac., Ar, Don't fall to examine ourstock and see for your selves, for wo are determined to sell as cheap as the cheapest. 6;H-tf 87 Jou.x IIiioiifs. Thomas Lucas. Ml LUCAS CO. X. 70RWAR11IN0 AND COMMISSION MERCRARTI. And dealers In Groceries. Hani ware. leather. Shoe Kinilinss, Iron, Nails. Salt, Fish, Ac. Also, aeenta for Aubrev. ( rontlow A Cnnl 8 Window Susti. A supply kept constantly on hands. Rice's j winning, ia., auove me kun. c.-vn. JAZEAR BROTUERy, WHOLESAll OROCERS AND COMMISSION HE- CUANTS. N. 77, EXCHANGE PLACE, BALTIMORE JAS. R. I.A7EAR. WM. L. Laseak. fclS-lT. JUBUC NOTICE. As the firm of HUGHES A LUCAS Is dissolved bv mutual consent, the Commission business will sttll be carried on at the old stand, tn good order, and on the most reasonable terms. In the name and style of L. HUGHEH A CO., (senior partner.! They flatter themselves by having the llonse snd the best location In the place for that business, that they will rsx-eavb a liberal share of the public patronage. 1 ney will also Keep n gisjo uiiim.t in i)inA.n- lEson hand to accommodate all who may favor them with a call. w .... . 1. ill v ii r k v w.. ;IO-tf. Rice's Landing, Pa. s OMETHING NEW IN WAYNESBURO, PENN A. THOS. BRADEN & CO., i A the store room formerly occupied by Andrew Wilson, or., next aoor lu vrauea urug oiure.; Resoecthilly Informs the good people of Greene county, that they have opened HARDWARE STORE! Ami invitee aeall from their friends and the pnb lie generally. ThekrsUkre la tilled with everything In tlielr line needed by the farmer and mechanic. Being practical farmers, they know exactly the wants of their termer friends. Among their var iety ol-iis win oa lounu iron, nans, or all Ac. Tuttle toothed, cross cot and null saws,' nana saws aim tuuis 01 sn uss. notions. AGRICTLTCRAL IMPLEMENTS. Mowing Machines, Cnttlng Braes, Cora Snellen, i-iows, miiivHion, Duoveis, roras. anu every thing In their Hue. , BADDLERY HARDWARE. : A genu nf aasortment of saddlery hardware, to wfuoa uivy ibyiw sai aiissuoa m pnrenssers. WOODEN WARE OF ALL KINDS Tor, Buckets, Butler Bowls and an kinds of Kitchen wooilen Kixln s. willow ttnket, rooms. Brashes, Coal Buckets, Brass Kettles. Binrny whips. Snot guns, Boyi Wagons and Hleds- JM persons deslronsof pwrchasias; any of the above articles and snany esliera not mentioned, wui ceusn wetr mteseas y . ALUNO BOON. . Ukt tfmmn In shmrln. their stock I stall times. rloglveUieuacsJlwbmynneoma to town. Semeuibst the plM.oppoaluthe First Jrriii 1 bsVaden oo. JEW SUiUfER GOODS, SHIRK A SUTTON, (SUCCESSORS TO A. WILSON, n , WATKESECRO).) We have removed to Waynesburg, and respect- fnllv Inriinn nur frfenila and the Dublic that We are now receiving a beautiful aasurtnieut of CHEAP DRY GOODS, For the Spring trade, tn which we Invite the at tentlon of our old customers and all others to an examination o( our stock, which embraces the LATEST SUMMER STYLES, Of Dress Goods of all descriptions, very pretty snd at very astonishing low prices I Ami are de tnriuluod uo oue shall sell BETTER GOODS at less prices than we do. We call attention to our stock of Millinery Trimmings Balmoral and uoop nicirts, rioBterj , uioves anu tuuixiua, CALICO AND MUSLINS ! And every variety of goods usually kept In a Brst class Store. Men and Boys' FURNISHING GOODS! of all kinds, Men and Boys' lists, Caps, Boots and Shoes, GROCERIES, NOTIONS, QUEENS WARE, Ac, Ac, It would be useless to undertake to enumerate alt our goods. We will endeavor to make it to your interest to deal wttn us. .We hone by iilvlnn strict attention to busi ness and honorable dealing, to merit a liberal share of putrouage, I)rop In at all events. DONT FORGET THE PLACE, st A. Wilson's Store room, In Wilson's New nuiiuiug, weyncsuurg, ra. s;n-ii s s 0METH1NG NEW! MRS. i. 8. SAYER9 A HOSKINSON Have Just arrived from tha East wllh a large assortmunt of foreign and domestic DRY GOODS, SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES ! which they propose to sell at the lowest. CASH prices! such as Dress Uoods, Dress Trim ltilmc, Dress Buttons, Ladles Hhuwls, Uoots and HIiihis, Hilts and Caps; also, a great variety of nice art Idea, al very low prices for GENTLEMEN AND LADIES' WEAR, Wares of all kinds, and a complete variety of the best IIItlH'KIUH.H. Allnf which they propose to sell at the very lowest figures, depending on the quality and cheapness of their goods to gain litem custom. Give them a call before pnrchastng elsewhere, and thev will prove that the above Is correct. Itoniu In AIUhou'r building, nearly oppoalta the court House, vtayncsourg. ;i, o!-u gEAUTIFUL DISPLAY 1 DRY GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, Ac, EVANS' ESTABLISHMENT. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT EVERYTHING IN THE LINE! Wishing to close out for the Fall trade, he of fcrs htsgoods at astonishing low rates for sash. The sto.'k Is as lale as the latest aud the best in mnrltel. Minor's Building, opposite the oreene unnae. N EW STORE I FRANK. M'GURGAN IIm Just oponed ft Art oUm STOCK OF DRY GOODS, CLOTHINO, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, AOVAC, In ths more Room of George E. Minor, and nearly opposite the Farmers' A Drovers' Nation al Doua, WAYNESBURG, PA This stock Is ALL NEW AND FRESH ! ne would respectfully Invile the nubile to call and examine hie large and fashionable stock. Ills taste and exDerieuce 111 selectins roods : his energy and determination to pleas the public naa rennereo nis a FIRST CLASS STORE! HI stock embraeas a Urea snaortment of GENTLEMEN'S' CLOTHING ! of th most fiuhlonahto and dmMqriltlM. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, HEAVY DRESS BILKS WITH WHITE EDGE, and a hill assort msnt of Fsnry Flgrrrerl Silks of aticcsors. Also, Mnprfs v I'l 11, j-opuns, aio ssanbhiaes. Wool Detains douMe widths. Silk Hhawls, Bistort Hnawla.Hllk Hanqnea lateat style. rmrasoin, r array rana, cngimn njumoi ana other ribbons of all colors and widths ; Rats, wreaths and Flowers, Laos HandkerrhlsBi ana Embroiaerlssv mm a sail sasuilaisnt of TRIMMINGS IN GENERAL, Also, fonnter Panes, Tats Cnrtalns, piano Lwvers, Meionecm i. overs, nine 1 ante i wars, ana in short a ftsll stock of all roods asoaily kept In a flrst cJass Trlnunimi Store. Don't forget the place, la the XIW STORE rii") oxveo. at. svaor. - . ttf-M. J'KAJfK. troOMAV. EST VIRGINIA COLLEGE. 11,1a ItistUiitlnn la nnw filllv OttK!Bed Arid ready to go Into orotlon on the first Monday In Bepiemoer. we can anemiuu i ,. lars lu connection with U deaervlag the altea tlou of students and the frlendsof education. I. The design of tne college is pi"' beral snd practical Education of the youth of our country In the several pursuits sua prows- X, The Buildings consist or nrsi,iuio lumi', built originally by Col. Thomas P. Kay, agentle nienof taste and means; aud aubswnieutly much a..lnmu.l tliu 'Wnmihlini" aSSOI'lutlon. TllS grounds Include more than !8 acres, tuatofully laid out: tnat pan not in cuiwthii w"a mented with forest and fruit trees s beautiful hrubery, flowers, etc. heconuiy, tne aiwnij, l.raa in, I .nl.alanllal hill I 1 1112. Conveniently arranged for study, recitation and lecture, and surrounded with ample grounds, shade trees, etc. Both of the above have been thoroughly renovat ed and made as good aa new. Moroastowm, the seat of the College, Is un surpassed for health, good order, and morality. The views and scenery, embracing mountain, river, forests, and farms are exceedingly attrac tive and plcteresque. roaches leaving every morning to anu irom r airmuu, " ,v , n u ir Th.M i. finiiv fMiiiiiuunleatlon. by steamboat, between Ptttshurgh and Ueneva, 12 miles below Morgantown. A boat Is being built to ply regularly on the upper Menougahela as often as the stage of water will permit, which Is usually several months In the year. There Is also conveyance, on nlternnte days, between Morgantown and Unlontown, Pa. A place more elegllile for the quiet und. successful pursuit af science and literature Is no where to be found. 4 Tub Drfauthekts or Instruction aro as follows, vis i , , n i Prnnit.tner wtisfsvonni men and laolcs are thoroughly drilled and tuught In the com mon English branches aud other studies requir ed foreuterlng thel'ollege classes pmper. (2.) Literary, embracing a Full Course In the ordluury curriculum of our best American Col lin Scientific designed lor those whose enr- snlts require thorough culture snd discipline, and an extenslvo acquaintance with the sciences. (4.) Agricultural, in WIUCIl special siwinnm win I. iftiwii ti the vnrlnita branches of practi cal Agriculture, Horticulture, Rural Economy, ana tne aiecnauic Aria. &) Military Tactics. (8.) Htudenta preparing to Tench In our Com- m.n Mi.iin.,1. win rHwivn esneifliil attention and assistance. It Is designed to establish a Normal tJiassotinngoneorraore ierm iuvii jwi .u which theordlnary school studies will be care hilly reviewed, exnetness and n-adlness In ex planation and deilnition acquired, and Instruc tion In the most approved methods of orgnnls ing and conducting schools Imparted. K mum k'Ai-oi.Tv oerna l.tii.LEOK Is composed of the best Educators that could be found. All the Professors are experienceu ana pracueai men and earnestly devoted ta.the several depart ments of study assigned them. Thr L'ollkuk Yeah consists of 39 weeks, di vided Into three Terms of thirteen weeks earn. A short vacation of aboutono week Intervenes between the first and second, and second and third 1'nrnia A Inn a nwesn Of OHO Week Bt Christmas, The following lathe Calendar for tho College lcor IfTO-st Heiiwmner a, rirsi. i begins. November , First Term ends, lie ocinberl, Beiiond Term begins. Decemlier R, Winter Iteceas of one wwk. Mnrch l, lns, Hec ond Term ends. March 10, Third Term begins. Junel7, Meet'ngof Iksird of Visitors. Juliets', Third Term ends. Commencement. Tills Kates or TUITION, per Term, ore as ioi- InM vl. I'rlinary Classes, payable in nuvanco, j.j.mi Premimlorv J m ii.!"! Collegiate " H.IJU Btuileiits In the Preparatory Department pay one dollar, and In the College, two dollar, per Term, contingent lee. Tins laacarcuiy iiauwnai. Is churned. for oilier schools oi simitar graue. i.rwMi nrmrtiiiiir. ineinoini' everv loiiiu. e.ii'eiit lights mid washing, can be had, In the College, for ttUO per week. Those In charge of this ar rangement are entirely reliable. Home Teachers and their families, wll ulsooeeunv the building. V Thb Library Is ahoullto receive a small hut choice seleotiuu of vuluuhle works In Hclenee, Literature and Art. Hiioh apparatus as the means and deinaiids of tliu College admit and reiiulre will beurocured. We earnestly request our numerous friends to makecoiitrlbutlims to our Library shelves. Also to collect and for ward to;us specimens inr me lieoiouieaiMioinei, llltTJUUWlllin VI .llllvimi,. unniiui iummji "vi Hueli conlrlbutlona will bu tliankiully receiv ed, carfuily preserved, and tbedate of reception, UM'ailty whence procureu, auu naiuu oi uuuor permanently nttacneii. Tiikiie aro two l.lterarv Societies In conncC' tlnti with the College, furnished with suiUihle IltlllH, HIIU WllU-e WVVIIll tWOIUBOl II. Ill I.111I1J respetts, of great advantage to the student. The authorities of the College will all'nrd every facili ty inr increasing tne nccoinmmiui ions unu use fulness of these valuable auxlllliirles. CutcuLAKH and further Inforiiiation can be had by addressing the f rcsiueutoi the college or any one oi ine iinnersigneu. FAf'ITI.TY UFTIIE flOLLEOK. Rev. Alex. Martin, I). D.. President, and TrofcS' sornf MenUd and lond l'lllloNOIinv. Rev. J. W. Scott, II. U Vice l'rccldeul, and Pro fessor of Ijilmtlauea. Col. J. K. Weaver, A. M., Professor of Mathe matics and Military Tactics. Pnif.H. I). Htevens, A, M. Professor of Natural Sciences. Prof. H, F. Lyon. A. M., rrofessor of English iiiierature and rrincipui oi rrcparuioiy ve-purtiui-ut. Geo. M. Hacans. Esq.. one of our most success- hit business .men. ami an exnerienced Aurii'iil turallat. has consented to act as Siiiierlnteiident Tutoraand Assistant Teachers, In tho various departments, will bo employed by the Exifcu tlve Committee, from time tu time, as there may bo occasion. uoAnn or visitors. No. ofDIst. Member of Board. P. 0. Address 1 T. II. Logan, Wheeling. 2 V. It. Uoiwkv, Fairmont. 8 Gko. M. Haiianh, Mornniitown. 4 ItM.u.NctMi.F.Y Mlildleliourne, 5 ..V. E. HrKVKNSiM,...l'arkerBburg. g ..J. Looitis (iotn.t) lhieklinnuon. 7 W. W. IlAni'Bn,...Polnt I'lensant. ft Mark Pooh,. i.'eredo. 9 ..Samiifl Yot'" Ed ray. 10 Iomkpii T. HoKK,....Martlnsburg, 11 -JAMKaCAKSKADON, New Creek. ExEcrrrivE Committee. Geo. M. lliiKMis. Geo. V. Hturglss. Ashbel Fair child, F. M. Durbln aud J. A. Uille. K;'Jl-lt. DUSINESS MAN'S COJDIEKtlAL COL LI LEGE, Nos. I audi St. Clair Sthfrt, ritttshurgh, Ta. This institution has been lnnneratlon forannm oeroi years, anu tsconuncteu snccesaiunv or an able corps of teachers, whose nhect Is to make encn pupu unuersiana tnorongniy every oraucn of a BUSINESS EDUCATION, ta prepara them fat BUSINESS MEN! Book-keeping. Tenmanahin and Arithme tic, (time unlimited,) ,00 Book-keeping. Penmanshlnand Aritlime- tic 3 months,. 90 00 Business and Ornamental Penmanship per month ... 10 00 Comon English Branches per month 10 00 Aigeora, rnonograpny and Hnsinesa correspon aence aocoruuig lo agreement. All out specimens are executed with a pen. A rail coarse can be completed In eight weeks. For circular or specimens, address S;7-3mos. N. SHAFFER, gcttdmts' Citato. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of sdmlnlstratlnn having been granted tome DnaersiKneu onon ineesiateof John ftior dock. Kr.. of Greene eountv. Penn'a.. dee'd.: notice is hereby given to all persona in- ur-iiM-ii mi miic, enMifl to nssi immeniaie iw.t- meni ana innse naving claims will present mom properly auineuucaiefl lor sememeni. JAi.XlB H. Mi IKDOTK, JAMEH.H. FORDYCK, ft;14-Aw af Greene tp., administrators. T EGAL NOTICE. Letters testamentary npon the estate of John Fisher, of Rtckhilltownhlp, Greene county Pa., having been granted to the undersigns notice Is hereby given to all persons Indebted to said es tate to make immediate navment. and thoM having; claims acnlnst the same will present uwh ucvjauij auinemiraica mrsemeraens . u JOSHUA ACKLEY, x ecu tor. s-.t-st. JsV nt Jefferson Agricultural Society, of this County will Bold lu next annual Pair, at Jeffer son on Thursday A Friday the ITth isth of October, prux. TMif'u Mobbdock, Pres. eVHec y.,E.H.DRiir. .. zM-tt. w gUERIFF 8 PALE. Ry Vlrtm of a writ rvf Vehdltlonl Exponas. Issued out of the Cottrt of Cuiiiiiiims. Pleus of Greene coHaty, aud to me directed, there will be exposed to public solo at the Court House, In w ayncsiHirg, ou TCE8DAT, 17ta DAY OP SEPTEMBER, next, nt one o'clock, P. M.. the following proper ty.vls: All tlierlglil. tine, mieresL anu claim of defendant of, In and to a certain tract of land situate in Aleppo uiwusiup, urecuv vuuuiy, is, VUUltUUlMB EIGHTY ACRES! more or less, about Forty acres of which Is clear ed, on which Is erected one Hewed Iog Dwelling House, LiogQtaoie ana oiuer oui nuiiuiugs, su Applo Orchard, Ac. Adloinlng lands of Jumcs Parson, Archibald Cleuuennlug, Ell Jacobs and others. ALSO, f 1 1 -u .. n.u it... . A 1 1 1 . uate In Aleppo luwushtp, Ureeuo county, l's., containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES! more or less, about F.Ichtv acres of which Is cleared, and has erected thereou one Log Dwel ling nonae. one Tenant rinuse, i,ng narn, eaw Mill and Choppers nttuched; some Fruit Trees on the premises. Adjoining lauds of Henry manners, Juhn Wood and the heirs of James maimers, dee'd,, and others. Taken in execution as the property of Nehe- mlali Woodruu.altheaullof It. w. llnwuey. H;at-3U HEATH JOHNS, Sheriff. s HERIFF'8 SALE. Rv virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas. Is sued out of the Court of Common Pleus of Greene county, and to me directed, there will lie expir ed to public sale at the Court House In Waynes burg. on TUESDAY, 17x11 DAY OF SEPTEMBER, next, at one o'clock. P. M the following proper ty, vfx: All the right, title, Interest and claim of defendant, of, In and to a certain tract of land situate In Jefferson township, Ureeuo couuty, 'u,, coniuiuuig FIFTY ACRES! has erected (hereon ono Iair House, Corn f'riba anu some h run Trees. Aiijoiniug iiinus oi win. KHicald, Hughf. Houlsworth ami others. Taken In execution as the uronertv of the Clif ton Petroleum Oil Company, at the suit of Mor gan w. &ouurs. c;?,-dt licuwxi iiuii-q, oueru:. VALUABLE GRIST MILL AND D1S- V TILLERY FOR BALE. The suliscriher will offer at public sale In front of thecourt house, in waynesnuni, ou jw DAY, Hie 17tu uuy ui nepieiuuer, next, THE GRIST MILL AND DISTILLERY. situate on the Stato Road, ono mlln east of Wnvneshnrg, known as the"l.ants mill." ineie will he soli I w Hi t ha nronertv all the unit Iv tic nortli nt the Htate mud. ami enat of (he road across Ten Mile creek, containing about three acres. The machinery is driven bum tiy STEAM AND WATER POWER! and Is a desirable properly for persons Inclined Ui engage In such business. The Terms will ho oue-thlrd In nanu ami inn balance of the purchase mono In two annual payments, with interest from the sale, licier tiijonn I'neiau, s.sq., in waynesuunj, r to me suuscrioeron tne premises. Bn-is nuiux-iiurjih JXECUTORS' SALE ! The undersigned Executors of Tetor A. Myers, deo'd., will sell at public sale on SATURDAY, 14TII DAY OFbEPTEMBER next, the following described Real Estate, iltu ato In. Oreene towtiKlilp, Oreeno comity, Pa., one TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, The homestead, and ten acres of land adloinlng, nt Garrard's Fort, there Is ou the preinlsea a gooit stable, smoke-house, wihki-housc, sueti nno cribs, orchard and small frulla. Tills property is wen caieuiuicu torn PUBLIC HOUSE, STORE OR ANY TUB- LIO ULrJlJNh.'W. (lond mils, stores, shops and churches la the viciuiiy, A L 8 0 One fiirm containing sixty adjoining hihih on or i v tinrriiru. a. ,iem son anu outers. fifty of whli.'h'are cleared, ail undergood fence anu wen watereii. this isexceiient gnuunirjiunu. TERMS : niude known on nay ot sale ny JAI'OII HAMER, A. UMYI-.RS, 8;2S-ts Executors. AND SALE. J ua timore anu oiuo itnnroau. near i,iuieun Ur.u.t 'a An u.hl-1. IU I- a Qaa a Kaw Af III, Tannery and abundance of the best klndofHtave, lluililliig and HtnvcTimlier. Is rich and well adapted to grazing, and will be em in parcels in sins piircnasers. oppiy lo i. Marsniin near tne premises, or m uawson Aiiinns, wayucsourg, urcene county, in. u;.ij-uiu nOUNTY TAX REPORT or the Auditors of Morris township. Greene county, i a. Pit. Implicate No. 1, Issued November 20,1801. to V. K. Lewis JI4M7 80 Exonerat ions to Collector...,..,. Collector's fee .1 8) "i t 100 w Net amount, JWOU 77 (It. Hv cash to F. 4 D. N. Bank of Wnynoi- UllTK -HAMAMMTAM 11 For stamos... Stl 4 00 For blank bonds 1 1H 00 10 00 Rycash for making outdupllcate Bv cash to Commlllee-menMA-AA. Paid by cash to treasurer tin. 11 34-4096 77 Duollcate No. 1. Issued June 4th. IMS. to Samuel S""1!""!! smo m Exonerat ions to collector. Collector's fee Net nrooont. ............. A......A...........tOi0 01 tit. By ceah to TV lams.., .....I 00 00 hi OS Interest paid. By cash to James Fouor. 6n0 OU Interest a. a..- HM. 80 00 By cash paid Thus. lams. Com.... 10.1 70 By cash to Wm. Foner for sub stitute 400 00 Interest IS M iiv cash to John Kiigor . aun no I... . " A AA m!H-AI. a. B , cash to Ephrlam Oongi.r. 400 10 Inleiest I2H 'JO By cash to James Foner 67 1- 40U 01 DR. Implicate Ko.S. Issnod Jane 4th. 1800. to J. N, Clutter A-A2720 00 Exonerations to collector.... Collector's fes a. a. a. ...a. 91 47 S8t Net amount . .aaa... ..i5e7 70 in. By cosh to .Tames Foner ....I 810 M By cash for Attorney's fee ., l'i 00 Bv cash on dividend 10SS S4 Balance In Collector's hands 3M 70 9M7 70 Paid for nineteen recruits at three hundred dot lars each, for the first call, in 1MH tSJW 00 Paid for ten recruits at four hundred dol lars each, . the year 116 .... 4000 00 We, the undersigned auditors, do certify the aoove to oe correct as suueu t. ii wwn, PRTEJt Hhaps. t;4-3t Auditors. LASTIC SLATB roa ' ROOFING AND OTHER PURPOSES. Asa Roofing Material It stands unrivalled. A mastic It adapts itself to every shape and slope. Non-oomhostibte, Impervious, non-expansive. ana HuaecaywK. FROST DOES NOT CRACK NOR BEAT DISSOLVE IT. The only roofing material ever discovered that will resist the action of the elements as Ions; as the strnctare it protects. Being susceptible of little, tf not any wear from exposure, and per fectly FIRE-PROOP, It Is unequalled as aooat Ing for Manufacturing and Farm Buildings, feu QM, enugv, isnHiinnui i m i w, auiu, cc i. i nlv.n In n ku rt nt I lu aaa-aJw specimens shown toTlsitors, Apply by totiai or in person go R L. JONES, mnunwnii, Wasb. Co Tx . S. H. DOAK. , R. U JONRSv . Licensees of Wash, snd Oreene counties. I mi invm - - rM-tR Wsyrur.rV W ONDERS NEVER tlEASEl ' AT THE CLOTHING STORE or N. CLARK & SON. It Is no longerllmnoaalhls lo set a full suit for $7 fill, of giHjd material, that we will warrant to give entire satisfaction. Light Casslmere Pants nn vcsi.iorn on, nneanu nice style; euuimer ants auu vest tor w ou, ine very oest an wool CA3SIMERE SUITS ! frnm '20 to 2fi dollars; the same that has rost you K uuiiars. A large anu ueuuiuai siuea ui II ATS AND CAPb! The newest snd liest styles, the more elegant are M1U UOllI levill, 131, V IUUU 1U1.I1I, J1IUHUWH BUU I'EABODY CAP ! The cjip deriving ltsnamerroni ENGLAND AND AMERICA'S Mtlhincent benefactor MR. OEO. TEABODY. Every Anierh'an youth who loves her greatest Hem-factor should not fall to haweone of those f'AI'H. A full and coiniileto assortment of lien tleiucu's fiirnisliina sissls. We have the New lor a Mill ami wainsuttn Muslin Nnirta; two oi ine uesi uruuusoi muslin uianuiaetureu. TIIE CELEBRATED ENGLISH RUFFLE SHIRT. Wool and f'asslmere Shirts, Fine Corset Jean lirnwera aim Hummer undershirts. Linen lA.1,rA.,lAfA OlAttlA A A.I II.Al-.- -Allh . 1 AA bows and scan's. Inendless variety. rfhe Kitaene! Victoria, and IsnlHdln How, the very newest, the Zephyr Henrf, 7W Fapcr f'ollarH,nf all styles, ivmpi s nnaKcspeare, i,inen jmtlallon, water PriHif, Embroidered, Keystone, Goldsmith's iireuix, irays,e,, p. A'few late styles casaiinerea that will be sold hv the yard. We kindly ask you to compare prlnes iiMlur- uuyiug, o;-- oi-iy tti.!S(cllanf(iu.J. J M P O R T A N T TO BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS! WAYNEflBL'RO STEAM PLAN I NO MILL. It gives us pleasure to annonnee to the nubile the completion of this work and the readiness of tne proprietors 10) RECEIVE ORDERS! AND MAKE CONTRACTS! The best Improved machinery Is nsed. Plan lug, Ploughing and Grooving, Bash and Door Making, Pannelling, Ripping, monldlnc Ac., rapidly and skilfully executed. Kullng prices ALL KINDS OF LUMBER! They are also prepared to do all kinds of Carpen ler Work, with the utmost promptness, and In tne most suosiantiai manner. lliev reanecrnillr solicit a share nT nnhlli patronage, and flatter themselves that they will iu mi vnv vm autv M GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION I All orders promptly attended to. BRADEX, WALTON ft SAT ERR, ajK-tt Wayneshnrg, Pa. $3,00 TO $5,00 PER DAY. . AGENTS WANTED FOR TIIE GOLD EN PEN. A BETTER PEN THAN GILLOTS PEN. These nena sell ranidlr wherever Intmdaced. to all classes of people. Are fully equal to the Sold pen for ease and beauty of writing. More exihle and durable than any steel pen ever manumctnrea. wiunotcoroae. nena nirsani- uie i A A . 1 .11 1 J m qmu.ur iwu win i' 'i w u va, No, 1 for general use. No. J lor Ladles. Schools ana choice fentnnnsnip, nem rree oi posuge. Money relaiKfed If ther do not aire satisfaction, Aaureas xa. v.u. wwJM,jusuayetw,Aaa. Tm following Is a sample of hundreds of let ters from parties who have ordered these pens. i n i i,-iin iA rfuij win, lom , M.V. R.fTWEN. Lattvett. ImL Dbab Si: The box of Mo. 1 pen ordered by me soma ten days sines has arrived, and I am so much pleased with them that I have eoacluded lo lane an Agency e'l inuir me, mj ar, at leaei as to onler three aross No. 1 and one arosa Na.: for which I eoelosf jrpnr price toAgeats. Ad- aresa sir, n. aiMirHirn, , A Of RxnniucAUr, WarranterT to last flra times as long, and glvs better satisfaction than any steel pen manufao tnred. Bead tar errcolar of tesMmanlala from rroieasora oi ocnooia ana wtegss. and fre promiusnt bnalneat house. 1C V.u sta-an "IERUIII3N0WAT SLATER ODENBAUtJH'S DRUG ST ORB! , He respectfully Informs the ellliens Vid physt' elans ueuemllv. that hu has received the lament aud liutwt stock of . DRUGS ArND MEDICINES ,i ever one-rod In this morkot .which he will , SELL CHEAPEll than rati be purchased anywhere elsa lis tha county. ... .-...- . ' . r PAINTS OF ALL KINpS ! Dry and In oil. of the very best mmtlh'i rlicniVr thun the chetipesl. , DYE STUFFS, ' "' of the very flncst selection; ' ' ' 0t.DLI0.U0R3! of all kinds the finest that can be procured Hi tiioHtuie, The UNYIELDING LUNG SYRUP I A nniitlv iinRtirivutfHVl for thnjurn nt hlsAtiln. of tliu imiRH, HpiiUnu of IrlostMl. BnrtnpB9 of thq coniplitxtuti toononf ht'nllb,Hn(l will cur Iya? pepmiit mm KTrup (ine oi ina nitwi nttriu mptlli'lnenof tho (luy Tht In a lata miMllrlnA and we do not know of It lullllia in a si Dal km -try it. A No. Mil nth of rrrhilrPTit bntpfil mn(lllnal nlwiivH on hnhd, Tnttcthfr with the Cough Kx uTuiiiitinir, uipi'iiuu use ior auneaaoa oi wo thrf,.t,roi.jl.M, 4u. Alwi, n nyrup tho only remedy for hnoplnji conKh. till for stdo at 8. Ouoiihttugh' Drug ltori FOUTZ'8 eilllBATIS Hn antl Gallie Fowiu Thlf pmiaratlofl, long uid ravorabljf known, will thor oughly rHnTlgrorttw broken-down and low-iplrltttl fcorau. bf itrenRthooiitc tad tlt&riitng lit tomaoh aatl latet lineo. It li a tmro prtv tentiro of atl dia MHMi Inoldrnl tit thli aalmaJ, intt. I ?E LLO w WA RR, H B A T F S, 0OU0H8, PIS TEMPER, FB- tos or appe. TlTB AKDTITAIi EMKROT,o. IU m linprovel Lh w I o d , Iftotvue Iht lrpttlt-glTe mooth and gtofiy tkln nd tranfformi i a mltftrablt ikIcton horM. . lata tn loo.ini and rpiilie Te kemeri of Cows this nremreHoa Is InvslasM. tt iatreoKI the qusatliy sad UaproTsa ths asslity or ins mils, it ass been proven by so tusl experiment to Increase the qusn titjr of nils snd eresm twenty per cent, sad naks ths batter arm and tweet In fattening esttlt, it gives litem sa appetite, looaena Juieir a i a e , ana : makes Ui Urlte eon mater. la all dlatues of Swine, luch ss Conglif, Clean Id ths Lansa, Mrer, lie., tliis article seta sa a epeeillo. Br putting front ent-half s paper" te s paper in a ssrrel of swill the shore oleeaae will he eradicated er entirety prevented. If flren In time, a asrtsm prarenltrs ana mire tor ine nog unoiers. ttif U Crot per Paper, or t Paper fcr L ISDIEIS BT s. a..fouti nno., AT THEIR 'ffHoimui DRra n mkdictxi depot, Vo. 118 Franklin Bt.. Baltimore, Md. For Hale hy Drnsalitl ssd ItenkaepaTS UirsugU VI the United 8 la us. O. W. Riilierls Ato., Agents, Waynesburg, Ta. ll;2l,i6-ly Special Notices;. Climax i Climaxii Pace's Climax Snlre, a Family blessing for 25 cents. ' ' It heals wlthont a mar. ' no family should be without it. We warrant it to enre Scrofula Sores, Salt Rheum, Chilblains, Tetter, Pimples, and all Eruptions or the Skin, i or oro urease or Nipples, Cuts, Sprains, Braises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, tc, it makes a perfect cure. It has been used oyer fifteen years, wlthont one failure. It has no parallel haTing per fectly eradicated disease and healed after all other remedies had failed. It is a compound of Arnica with many other Extracts and Balsams, and pot np in larger boxes for the same price than any other Ointment. ' ' (old ay DmswKts arsrvwhera. Whit EowlaaaV rnrrurtera, Ui liberty Itnai Krw York. Ahattered Canslltutiotu Restored by Helmbold s" Extract Buchu. S;13,'67-eowly. DB. "sCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYEUP. This sreat medlelne eurei Dr. A H. Boosmok, the Preprieter, at Puhaoeary Goi-sflmpllesvwhan h bad SMOtned lla noet lonaidabla arvect, and when speed eealh apoaarad to be InerlUhle. Hla physicians pre annfea laa ease incurable when be eotnmeneed the ess ef this aimple bat sewemd remedy. Bis health was restored la s very ehort time, sad so return af the dlaeaae hsa bean apprehended, tor all the esBptotns quickly susepesrad, and Ma proasnt welaht is mora tbsa two tmodrod pound. lines hla recorery, ha bsa devolad his sUontlan sxeluslvely te the ear et ConaamfAion snd the dhesses which an nasally mtnstlealad wtlk M, sad ths enrea aflceleil by his medietiuM have bean vert numerous and truly wonder: uf. Dr. Bohsscs Biskoa proieajloiisl rlaila tOBBversl of the Isnrsr dnet weeklr, where be baas lerce ooaoaarae of paaleote, snd a la truly aaonisbing le aee poor oosasiasnvee that hare le be lined eat of their carriages, sua la a aw monthe healthy, rulnnS persona. Da W.'HKlfUK'S PUI.MDNIO aYBl'P, HEAWEKCr TON 10, snd MArlDRAKE FILLS are pencrslly ' all raiwired hi carina Conausiptlefi. Fall dlres tioae aoaaenpsny Mrs. aa that any one can take then wtthoot aaoan Dr. aoussos. but wnea K si oook rea lent a a best te see Mm, He les sdviee awe, est tar slaaanasb esvallaaUoB with hla 8plromeur ski aaa a Ihrsa sal Ian. .... Pass sbaarvo, wbes purehaelu, that ths tare HkeosMa oi tha Doatsr-sinawlioa in the kvauw of Cenaamptlos, sad tbe ether ss be now la, la nerfbot a:ft;tlira ea II is Government atsmp. Bold hy all Drasiriata and Dcslera. Price flj par kettle, ar fu the half oasen. Lettara Rnr sdrtes anon Id alwsre be dlreale le Dr. Schenea'l Prlnelpal Orhea, U Mortk mil St. Philsdolphnl, Pa. General Whole-tie Assets! Dsmaa Barnes 4 Co., K. T.v . Uaasa, Balttssars, Md. t Jobs D. Park, OrMtmaatl, OUei Walker a Tsylsr, Chloaia, IU. Collins Braa. AL Unia.Ma.rid w. ea. ma. 1 rr. sHelsarawld'e Estraet Barha and Im' proved Rosa Wash core secret and delicate die orders la all their stares, at little expense, little Of achanoEe In diet, no lneonveulsnc and no Sxposursr It Is pheasant In- taste and odor, lm axasliata la Us action, and tree from all Injurious proprhrble SUeow-ly sTrHeriaa bsa lot's riald Ks tract Baeha lit pleasant la last and odor, free from all injrirl on msertles, and lmmcdiat In Its aetiao. M t UaV