The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, September 11, 1867, Image 3

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    Che VamKsbuvg Republican.
AmtivAm AiniKp.Rn!iRii'? of the
From WnytH'uhurn to Wayttesbiitv. arrival,
Wodninillva, 7Ut. ln.j departure, Wednesdays,
a. mi. 1 tin .loftcytown.)
Krom way mm to Willow Trow, nrrlrnl,
WednemUya, U a. 111.; departure, Wediit.-hdnyii,
r'rom Washington IX to Wuvneshtiru, Arrival
'' IVi V- ": ' exeepl Siiudayn,) departure daily,
fo p. III., lexcept Kllllilliy.v.
From Itleu'H LnttilliiK to Wavnnabttrir, arrival
""Hy. a, p. in., (cxi'. pi Huudayi,;di'partureialtjr,
I, A. lll,t (l-XefptHllllilltvxI.
. From Waynexhiirit. I'll, to Cameron, V. Vn.,
rrlval,Ttie-sitnyK muf Stituplnys, fi, p. ui,, depar
ture, Mondaya iiml Frldayi, H,ti. m.
. Kfom WiiynrHliiirK to Weal Alexander, WiiHh.
Co., !'., nrrlvul, Fridays, 7, p. m., departure,
ltiir.lay, 7, a, in.
From Wayoi-sliurg to Mnruantown, W. Vri,
arrival, WeduuMtaya, 5, p. m., departure. I'hura
Anv, 6, a. m.
From Vitynabiirg to Mld.lleliourne, W. Vn.,
arrival, Ww1iiuuIuh,S, p, rn., d'-iuirturu, Tuta
taya, 4,A.'in.
trwwi . 1 . . i
Nw AnvKHTMuMKNts. The" Mlentloii of
nr readers ia specially directed to the follow
ing advertisements, which appear for the Oral
Uine in oir paper lo-duy.
General Election Proclamation.
Dry Goods M Klroy, Dickson & Co.
now H'.ock ot Dnijj3, Just received, at
Iiradcna Drug Store.
. .A PAUir of tlm Indies and genla of our
town devoted a few hours to nodal dancing
on last Saturday afternoon, nt Mark's Grove
These .are pleasant occasions. j
Examine our Uooda, learn our prieoa i rn
Uiemlier, we defy competition I at braden'B
Dnjfi Store.
In Town. ltcturncd to their linmea In this
ph(;-Tri Thoinp, Minor, Mr. It. K. Ile1plnn
atino, Maj. Jus. li. Lindscy, to escape forn
iliort time the tiresome- round of city life al
tlio Capitol, I). C. The gentlemen look well,
will Biend a t-li.irt time among us and return
lo their duties.
A lme atoc of Window Ghvs for saJo at
O. W, ltohcrts & Co's. Dru? Hloro. ,
i',rrtitt Attkntion. The "old willow treo"
on Washington street, recently blown down
by the storm, should bo disposed of in some
way. .It Is, at present, a dangerous obslnid
tlon (ft Hip highway auS might prove the can;
of Infinite Imrui'. Will the council wait until
after the aeldent occurs to have It removed ?
Finns. Ono day of last woek, the stable of
"Tim" Dougher, near the jail, caught Arc
from a lamp being knocked from the hand of a
groom, by ono of the horses. It was prompt
ly quenched without damage. Mr. John C.
Fleunikcn'B barn, over the creek, was set on
fire by a mischioyoiis boy, and for timely dis
covory would have been burned to the grouud
rUcCM.AUHF.iTK. The Haecalanrcale ser
mon, iieforc the graduating class, was preach
ed lu tho CoHeyo Chapel, on last Sunday rve
riins, by Dr. A. 1). Miller, Prod-lent Tie
Hall was crowded and the exercises, two
hours in length, tvero l'ntene 1 to with intent
interest The Doctor's subject, "Lord, what
wilt Hnu have me to do?" was handled. In u
mastu'rvy mar.nef. His sermon wua full of
sound, wholes Miie advice, good b'gic, clcitr
and concise illimtmlion.
rrcscrlptlouR carefully tilled at Q. W.
Koberta i Co s. Drug Htoro.
TiiBRUtnmer. of 1H(;7 has waned nnd au
tumn 4a.; hcri-.' ' 'Funereal autumn, which all
me siKiy urcau. me Kftiyuw, p.'opniiesi-'
of frosts, baa been alnging her norigs fur a
week past - She means what fho aays with
liergreeii lips, that the white frost Is coming
this way. ,Bhe says to the man In the hurvcit
fields, J-lillid ,uj yiur aheuvi's," audio tho
man In tlu; city, "vo some of your Bummer
dollar for the cold weather is surely com
ing." " -
"Observe tho circling year. How unpcf-
' $6?a&.'..:.:
Her scasiraa change! Eeho'd! by. 6loy do
greos, Btorn Winter tam'd Into a ruder Ppring
Tho rlpeu'd Spring a milder Hummer glows ;
Departing Vununer Bhcds Pomona's store, j
And aged Autumn braves tho winter storm,"
1 1 Tuo 'best hrnndi of Whho load", Uii.ied
.Oil, Viait,aw.GUs and Putty, at Bfwlcu's
'Drag Store. i
,)'. Piikm Lirs,-k-We, have received a forty
pago pamphlet having the foregoing title, with
two iteol ODgraviis. uOne tlio "Urant Famt
, Uy" and thttothor of "Cpt J..E. Midicnef,
,' of Co. D, 85th.Pa.. Vo!b.." .finely executed
. and very, b'alural. It la the first, iuVallmujit of
a BerjeB uT rnofithly publications to contain
' ."lull and authentic, accunu of tlirilllng aiV
' ventures, ;fai cxfierienccs and trajmnllehifl
sutTcrings' of tne thntisiimlS of Unimi soliIrerB
who- passed flrrone 'lhe horrors Af toitiirij,
pestilence' and famin m Sonthoni prisons iiirf--Ing
tl0 ira-'witli Vkiw for dilferent isona,
f tlaltlo (lelds, Bldibra; statesmrn, xt4;.l It
Ixatlt:tookusfibck to fe) ono 'of the fold
i f.W.' Written ;;ia a. bwk'i,aivl;e were di)t-
ttH uutilfur rariml that,lt ojyjil be go,; jfcrj-
iwut resrence to Xopiiliur scenes, jiiifi jpd
, donta cnvjitteeJ.n8,libvroyerj t)ja6iir.'wo'ilQf.
''friend andcoturadb"'iii:arni had,.fcafiy!i!ecii
j, assigned a niche in History. ' "In s!) fur ' tis ye
' ere acquainted -ivMi tlis sketch,' whiojtljvas
previous to" the" capture of tho Captain, the
portraiture ftnd statements of the author are
remarkably correct . The work is profuse in
Its eulogy of "Mich." and his Regiment,
Which, by -tie-way; are all deserved. ; It ia
edited at Washington, C. in monthly parts,
bjT. J. Simpson, and can bo had for fifty
cents a copy by addrcsslng him there. " Tho
number anofctnv Would be highly interest
ing to the members of tho 85th as It is rcplote
with anecdote witii -which they are all famil
iar. Instance' the following, which occurred
at tho battle of -Williamsburg after Keira'a
brigade, commanded by Col. J, . B. Uowoll,
bad relieved that of Sickles,, and had halted
'la column bf. division? 'Tflthln seven hun
Ured yardaof Fcrt'Magrtider, under a heavy
Are of grarHj a4 ltfusketry s j
"Haltlng'for a moment for further ordew,
General Surunef 'canie dashing up, and Inquir
ed 'who commanded that brigade?''. 1 do,
bit,' replied Colonel Howell. 'Colonel, ' said
General fluuiner, 'I want a good and reliable
mmi 4ue ot Dattic
without a moment's delay.' GcJooel Howell,
plunging the spurs Into the aides of his nobis
bone, Charlie,' wheeled and ahonted, with a
voice rising high above the roar of musketry,
Forward, the Eighty-fifth!' and forward they
Went Into the thickest of the fight, led by their
gallant commander. The battle raged wah
unabated fury until darkness closed the dread
ful contest the Eighty fifth Pennsylvania
Volunteers remaining in line of battle Qndcr
the fire of Fort Magruder." ,. , ,., j
Nng's, Hall's and BemttaUair Bestrativra
for aale at G. W. Koberta & Cos. Grug Store.
' ' - ' -T:
S. B. notiAirr' the gentlemanly aalesmab,
jreprofcntlng the wholesale drj'goodlliouK l)f
'. Darcroft & Co.,- Ph'uaaSlpula, ia again at hia
(wet ready to receive ordera from.or wait p
ea Western merchants. He 1 a clever, whole
touled fellow and' deserves to be jpatroh!d.
, t S. isTa.vAi Ha. Jenfe of al) kiada, it
ihe EfeputyCollctoi''s Qfflcay
6lL Pox.-Jjst week we had nothing lo
aay on this aimject, because we knew nothing
definite and hesitated to place burself ia a
false position bctore the public. This week,
If we rely on the opinions of physicians, wo
arc left as much in the dark. Left to us, we
say, it it tow talk that we have an Inert aso in
the spread of the disease. And tint this was
brought about partly by carelessness, super
induced by a general feeling of security, and
by the indiscretion of attendant physicians in
not giving the public the warning in new ca
ses. Messrs. Drown and Temple have so far
recovered as to be about, the latter, having
resumed business. The new cases are those
of n child of Mr. Alex. Wallace, a loose char
acter named "l'rea' Uinehart and a colored
woman Clayburn by name. Proper precau
tion is observed In tho first case, and the lat
ter, but tlio case of Uinehart has had no
treatment and accounts have it that he wan
ders about the alleys of the town staying in
barns nnd at times he has been Been in tho
fields near by. Tho attention of the council
has been called to this and we lenm that
quarters and a'tendanco have been provided
him. The peop'o have been too inditfereut
in regard to this matter. They should be
more cautious in visiting tho sick until tboy
learn tho nature of tlm disease, and those
visiting should bo extremely careful about
cliangi! of nppirol and mim-ling with the
crowd. The contagion is far from epidemic
at present but It might become ao if there I?
not mor.i precaution. It is highly desirable
that cold weather should find us Ireo nfits
inllucncc. It cannot be denied that its pres-t-nco
Is becoming Irksome, and although
"The mlscrablcst day wo live
There's something better to do than die !"
wo have no wisli to live miserable. Apprupo,
we dip from an exchange the Billowing rem
edy for the disease, which Is simple ami
mldit lie worthy of experiment:
The Loudon H'iihI, the highest medical au
thority In the world, gives the following as an
infallible cure for small -pox and scarlet fever:
Sulplmtu oi ziuc, one grain j fox glove (i'i(i
.,) one grain; half a teaspoonful of sugar,
mix with two t iblespoonsful of water. Take
a spoonful every limit. Either disease will
disappear in twelve hours. For a child,
smaller doses, according to ago. If countries
would compel their physicians to uao tlila,
thcru would be no need of pest houses.
Tiirkr Months roil Norutso Iyiott at
this Ort-ea. Thu Publishers of tho Amer'unit
Aijnniliumliii show their enterprise by oflVring
that valuablo Journal frre for the remaining
three mouths of this year to all new Biihscii
bersfor ISiiS, (Vol. L'7,) whoj Bend in their
subscription ilnrinj thi month of Snilnulier. Tho
cost of tho iyriVrW;.t Is only ft. BO for n
year, or four copies for $.", so that fl.r.O (or
$1.2." each for four person?,) if sent to the
publiiliers this mouth, will secure tlio paper
for fifteen mouths. We adviw till to make
h:ute to accept this oiler. The money could
not ha better invested, for that paper, nt its
present subscription price, (none of tlio cheap
est in tlio world. It is designed for tha Farm,
Garden and Household, it has readers al
most everywhere, among the old nnd the
young, nnd not Its least recommendation in
the fact that the children nro delighted with
its Boys' nnd CirU' Department Each num
ber contains .12 to i 4 large, quarto pages, full
of interesting nnd valuable matter for renders
both in couiitiy nnd city. Its Engravings are
diKlly and beautiful, and calculated not only
to plciiso the eyo, hut to improve the taste.
Wc have also seen from month to month ex
posure of tho various Humbugs nnd Swind
ling Operations of tho day, which must linvo
saved tens of thousands of dollars to tho un
wary. Wo arc suro you will thank ua for out
advice if you send your subscription ut onoe
to the Publishers, Orango Judd & Co., II
Park How,. New York City.
N. II. Wo will send tlio Ayrimiluralixt fip
tken months, liogiiiuliig with October, to any
ono sending us tho names of Jmr mm nihsrri
hen f,n- (An Ui:runi.icM, with the cash for one
year m advance. Who will avail them of
this opportunity to secure the beat Journal of
the kind in our country and thereby aid ua?
This proposition is open for September ony,
For anrthiiii in thu Drug lino go to G. W
Roberts & Cos. Drug Store.
To tub Tax Patkus of Orkknr Conrrr.
Wo received in Juy last from Win. 11, Kem
blc, Esq., Treasurer of the State of Pennsyl
vania, what purported to be n Htatomtnt of
tlio Taxes due from this County to tho Slato,
lor the year of IKiiii, in which it is claimed
that there is yet due Two Thousand and Nine
Hundred' and Ninety Dollars aud Six Cents
(2,'.e.i0,0(i.) with interest from tho Second
Tuesday of January last.
In view of tho fact that this eamo officer in
Juim :18;it,'8nt' tis a, icincuiir in which lie
claimed about Eyht hundred Dollars as the
Taxes from Ibis county to tho State for that
year, and for w hich our Treasurer hold:! a re
ceipt in full, we confess that this latter de
mand excited in us no little surprise. Ilaviup
assessed, collected nnd paid over tlio full
amount of the Taxes then demanded, wo Very
naturally supposed the whole matter settled.
This demand for Additional Taxes for lSf.R,
having beon made after the duplicates for thu
present year were made out and placed In tlio
hands of our Treasurer, and after a consider
nbh portion rtf the taxes had been paid, r ri
ders our situation an embarrassing ono. Hut
as wo have no funds in the Comity Treasury
beyond what was deemed ut the time of tile
assessment necessary to meet the ordinary ex-'
penscs of the County, nnd as we nro udvisod
of no mode hy which this additional demand
can he regally evaded, we see but ono way by
which the County can bo relieved, and that is
bytholuvy and collection of a Special tax
sullident to pay off tho additional demand.
Wc have accordingly placed in tho bands of
Thomas Iams, Esq., our County Treasurer, 1
new Duplicates for this puiTHwe.
We make this explanation in order that tho
Tax-payers of the County may place the re
sponaibiliiy of this act w hero it belongs. The
money ia not collected lor the County, but lor
the 6tato. ,
We of conrso do not know what necessity
may exist for the imposition of this additional
burden upon the people. We only comply
with tho demand made on the people by the
pmpcr officer constituted by tho laws of the
slate, ovor whose actions w
we have bo auper-
Titoa. Sew,
Commissioners' Orocne Co.
V V '.'" ,' ! i
( ' ' 9;ii-3t:
J. il. Mwaata.
Ex'!. liOgwood. madder and Indigo, war
ranted, for sole at G. W. Roberta b Co s. j
I ." Wmi Foe . Mhialuo QouLiriCATioxa a
man may. be pretty aura of earthly auoccaa.
These are Gold in hia pocket, Silver in bis
tongue,' Brass in hia face, andiron in hia
heart.-:';;.,: '.'. ';.;.;., ; i
But for a Vtnlo appetizer, and as a gentle
stimulant, there if reliable virtue ia Plantation
Bitters. ' - No artide has ever been ao popular
or done half ao much good, all who, have
not already tried this great atomaohio, at once
test' its tmaiity.-.,7W understand that the
Draggtata and Grocetfof this taction are1 sell
big vast quantities, and that scarcely a family
to without it',;; . a ..'."j :
.'. -rt-.. -I o ."i ..-u;. I ;i..'l r . ! ;
Uxmrnw. vATBa.-A delightful toilet ariT-Cle-ruperior
toCetogBeand ti hair the price.
jl'- - ' - - ' ' , 1 ' ' - ' 1
Palate, Oto, ed : Varaiahea, foe tale at 6.
StW. Sober eTaOfra. TJn Iton:
' i
lie 2rtMncsbur0 Ulcpublicau, 1i5cbtic&t)ny, vScpiembctr li,'
Has ir Unas Dona? OurtXchauges miu
tion the fact of i new school law passed lost
winter by tho Legislature, making it the duty
of the Trustees of the several districts to make,
or caus" to be mads, a correct census of tho
childrefliu each district between the first nnd
twentieth of July, In orSer to ascertain the
numtier of children admissible to tho public
schools. A report of tho ccusus Is also to bo
returned to the County Superintendent. If
these requirements are not complied with, the
district an falling will be deprived of the
amount due it from the State appropriation.
Rkv. W. II. Watkms, delimed his dis
course on "The Unity of Human and Divine
Science," last Monday evonlng, In the College
Chapel. As a part of the closing cxercisea of
the school it was Largely attended and none
regretted it who went. Tlio research, pro
found good senso, rhetoric, made'up an eve
ning's entertainment that wo rarely have in
this section.
Oi-rt columns aro necessarily crowded with
advertisements and somo nro held over until
next week. This U a complalut priutors gen
erally are uot troubled with. If our patrons
can stand It we can.
finishes of all kinds at 0. W. Roberta &
Co's. Drug Store.
Bad Bbsixes. We notice that count ry
mca frequently hitch their hons to shado
trees on somo of our streets. Those guilty of
the practice aro requested to pernio the fol
lowing lines, and heed the very delicate sug
gestion they contain :
. "Horseman, spare Uiat treo I
'Tis n it a hitching post '
Though iu its infancy,
It soon will shade a host ;
Thou spare, oh, spare that troo,
For he who placed it there,
Meant not it should bo
Hy beast of thine gnawed bare."
AcgcriTKii. "Joe." J ethics, charged with
the killing of Stephen Spioer, (colored) on tho
steamer Franklin, In April last, was arraigned
and declared "not guilty" by tho court at
Culontown on tho .1.1 Inst.
Dye Stuffs of all Muds sold at G. W. Roberts
to s. Drug fttnro.
55, A. Whitb, Deputy Collector, has remov
ed his office from tho Treasurer's Oliiee, in the
Court House, to that of Simon Riueliart Esq.,
cast of the Public Square, whero patties hay
ing business may cull.
P. L. 8. Tho Philomathean Literary So
ciety of Wayncshnrg College, bad public ex
ercises in tho College chapel on Friday night
last. Tha performances were creditable and
the audience largo and appreciative. Diplomas
were presetted to tlio members of tha Gradua
ting class, belonging to thu Society. The
ytitleinen distinguished themselves.
Skvkral cases of fever prevail in our town,
among thciu oao ot two of typhoid, soyero
Now of ,firri'i)f ,m4 wf fa!. he ;
tint nit Trilitii of t'''if-f Ofiitwti'ii'f rltwnd
eiilit rent a ow. The inoni-y mm, lie mtvancvit In
Ho nre ti'.ili' iitn'rlton.
PMITH MOORE- -On tlio 17th of An-.,
by I!uv. P. Axlell, Mr. John Smith to Miss
l.ydia Ann Moore, both ol Centre tp , Greene
Co., I'a.
Among tho relations of tho brido wcru a
babe, Its mother, grand-mother, great-grandmother,
and grcat-great-grand-molhor fivo
successive generations, all prevent. The last
named lives ulone, docs tlio mimt of her own
labor, frequently walks a mil'! to church, and
visits her children and neighbors on foot.
Citmlwl'uitt li:liiitvr'vtn.
YOI)10IW-TU,TON-On the 2,1 of Sept..
IRii7, by Rev. S. Kendall, Mr. A. Yodora and
Miss Ubbio Tilton all of Groene Co., Pa.
R1NEIIART Hi:SH-0n Tuosday, tho 2d
Inst., by Rev. Mclntyre, Mr. Juo. Rina
henrt, ami Mrs. Eleanor Huss, both of Frank
lin tp-, tliis county.
WAVSiaiiLUO.Hipt. 3, 1X1.
LXjrrectwl Wtvkly for tlio Kki-uiii.iuas.
ni:tW(freHliMll,) ? i
:l:ns ia oiz..:
I'oIhI-m Y btlNli ...
I.nrcl -,' Ih
Tallow a,..
rouniry sip i t
lined I'tuieiif-i y iti
l--IL"Il ANO (II'.AIN.
Floor libl
Wlunt ? tm-H ,
Uye r tnili....-
, -..rn H b'tsll
Corn .Me.U y busli
Coffho H &......
brown Kuttar lb
IU-ilu-a .siiu.u: Iti
Nyrup n Kill
Molus.s,ji lXAlrluiuui,)....
SorlllllO M Kill
M ill I'lH.l
lUco n t
It (m
i l
1 Ml
1 'JO
t tl
pirrsiirittni vK'tr.TS.
HATfitnvT, Sept. 7, ISC.
We qnote ns follows, which aro tho wholosiilc
store priors :
bent, Pemriv, and Ohio, Winter Hl tl ri& 25
Hye ,i )mh tl 9
OiitSfthiMh ,. , ' f,
Torn htisli ft in
priiiit UIkwI Hoar.,.......m.10iWmliifiii
W1UUT Wheat .1UJ11 ij
S)ionldeni..... lPtfti'lf'
Siutur Cured llitiiM . 2I.'J1S
lHtntouii, it bid . , 1 mlit)
A pplcs y bbl SI uo.i-4 1!0
ln-.-so ......, .. llwlrt
Kijks V doi-.. Isroi'JO
Duller - - S&auO
ClIirAGO XABKCT. ,''.',
Cuicaoo, Sept 7, 1881 :
Beef cattle dull, at $6,22 97 for the best
shipping. Hogs active, at t5,IXV,25 for
choice smooth. Sheep dull, at $3,601,60
for good mutton. .
. . . . T-, .j ! ,
LostlIopa. j i
Aaron Jones,' the defeated pugilist,
is a lost and riiiued nin. Ho staked
every dollar 1 lid posscssetl niwn the
result of tho fight, and lost it, and, in
addition, lias j forfeited i his. political
standing in the Democratic party of
New ork. lie expected to van
quish MeCoolc and tlicn, a la Mor
issey, accept from an admiring consti
tuency, a scat in Congress, as he is a
better Copperhead than iMorrissey,
having served in the rebel army. Poor
JoaesT Clikago Tribune. . - ,T
j. I I I II IMMI '
',' Forty feet front by one hundred
and ten deep, on the northwest corner
of Clark and Lake streets Chicago
sold. for $3,000 a foot, cswh I This is
tho highest figure yet reached for real
estate. Throe years aco the samo pro-.
!jpt;wld2,2cKrx)rfoo., :i I
Segal 3lrfrtlscmfnt-3.
TKMI1ER TfcKM, 18U7. ' j
1 Hook vs Hoolt No. 80, Nov. term, 1T.
2 lll-ilimiii Vi tirHy.elul Na7y,lico. turin, t"Sl.
t lHuili'-rty vh leimiu-dou, .... ,Nu, 111, Miiren
Uviii, isle.
4 l.iui-li s lluseyrNo. H', March term, !CV1.
j lliunt v Knit No. luU, Mareh tt-riii, 1-.
$ liuuithcriy vs Viavcr,..No. lj,isi pt. term, Hii.
7 IjuiIi! vs jnitz,. N'o. 1 in, June term, l-.
5 lorrls vs I.ui--tHr.. N(i.71,Jimt tt-rin. Iit.
H Mill.-r, Mi IcjIs i Co., va CraUr...No. Hi, .Lar-:li
10 Wll.iou vs Downey ...... N'o. M, Hee. turm, 1W
tl Tiiiini-r vs Hughes it KlUL-ald,.....Nu. Ill, Juun
term, li'l.
12 i I) l: 'et vs M. Colt, garnishee, -No. Ul,
June term, ISiil.
13 Miller vs Miller No.ld0 Mnreti term, 1ST..
U Sunders vs .Munis lp., -..No, U, rkptcmbar
term, IHtl'i,
15 I'etili vawuiiP, No. ll.Prpt. term, ISTi.
Ih Colelilatl vs Tn vlr, ...No. Kt, pl. term, l"e.i
17 DeuveH v .Melloveiu, No. 3, Dm-, term, liB.
is F. .6 1). Ibuk v Cteaveuiser, .-No. 0, Dee.
10 Mapl't vaPrloi1. et al No.J7, T)cc.term,16il.
11 outli va Knutu Jt Long .Nil, IT.', Doe. Loriu,
31 Mewieuiior VJ ltlclililU tp.,......-..No, 111, IXi.
term, INi.". . , . . . '
21 I'etili vs aine No, 110 !ej term, ISHfi.
ii Coiiiiuonneallli vn Wilsou.......Mo. 1., .
term, l.-o.
21 Smith v lllll No. ll.Mnreh term,; lS'W.
i Hiuiie vn llirker, NoJ'.', Mmrli term, lfa
y, Hurl, ii vslwln' AJmt'H,.......'olil, Mai eh
lei III, WH
H MiHii-ejiitANellvaMJiK Oil Co NoM,
M ireli term,
'."i Tuvlnr v.- t.- iiili-e NoTi, Abuvh term, I'M
ii l.lo.Uev'H eivonwrs v&tyui'iv..No VD, Maruli
W ( vs lllelitilIHl...No T1, Mareh term, lsfl
31 roller 'n u iioi-'a vs AmUirtiuii.w...Ko U, Juuu
li-ttu, l.-i-o
: Jones MiiiriKtp No 131, Sept tci-lil, li-fKI
'.I 1-AilllS VSHUlll,
i, i.iv lor t i.o jio ucc
;ti WUo'vfc I.mU' OJcne'ra...
torin.Wi 71, ueg term,
V, Knklurt nlvs Kinney etal.......No 11 STarili
term SJkl
;W Klrl Niil l lIuiUc vs Antlll..No 11, Mureh
t.-nii, 1-rr
.17 poller's inlmr'H vs rtliLihart No 1(0, Maroh
term, Ii7
,1, P. Tkmi'ij:, Prolli y.
rmlli'v's oillee, AniiUhl W, 1m.7.
It sii)jn ed l.,v I Iki olturiK-y u at Hit' tlm' to barn
1)111 oim weekot eolll-l, eiimiuelielnu ou llio .til
.Mouiluy of Kepleiiilier, HI7. (Sruiid .Itinnii will
iippunv a- iiKiiul, ou .Monday: mid i'ct Lit Jurors
on Tee-ttday, nl,tli oi-iiMrk, A, M. Pet tit Juror
siironioneU loappe4ir ior sieomt u'eek uetd opt
iitiimil, J. F, Tlilll'l.K, t'.ulu'y.'
l) ems ruts jNtmCei.
tf-s, wiihU, flii'l fthcr pt'trwint ttilcrmri'il, ttiat
tlu f'tlUtwimj fr.ti''itnr, AilmliiiHtrnt'iiM, TriiH-t"t-
Mini (hinitltnti hnvottlfl tiH-tr nct'outtlM In
the lti'!iilfi 'h iiiM', iiinl thut thn mum will Uv
pitscntt-l tn Hit' (IrpliM'iM (Vmrt, n Inwlny,
iMh Ijiv fif Ht M tniiT, Hit;, f'ir.oiittrinntioii
iuv n!lowniHM f'KI'KK I1UOWN, lCHMtftr,
Ittisti'iK iilll'-c, Wi'viMiHliurtf, Ant'. II, Ii7. -Awuunlof
IinvM I'rnvnoniul Hhfi)u n (rM,vno,
Kxi'Hit'ir if tht hot u ill mul tt(aiauiit ti
KiUiilUiH'ruvnn, d-'R'il. i
Accniiitnr id. v. l,uimlon, Adinlnlwtmtornpmi
tli- fstntc of .It'HHo spnmN, dw'tl.
Aucoimt ii ,isb (jMi-nr, Kxt'culftr of tlio liint
will tiiiH tt'rttanicnt of Thorn tin Ijixonr, tlwil.
Arcniinl r It'll hh 1 irnkn, ntiilnHt mlor upon tho
tut (wtl W llllum imirttnli'f'd,
Arormnt nf Jtmiflnl II. (-Innnnii, ndmhilHtrntor
iixin tho crtlntd nf lli'iihinitn Uurniim. itcr'tl.
Amiunt uf Jrwi'tih F. Huiuiolith fiml lliirrtM
1 nvt n-itnlnintrntfin uihiii the PHtutu of
w iinum imviN, in'cu.
Accdiint if Jtthn nlmntmi, H'lmhitstraWr Uvm
tin t'stntrol .liuiM KltK'h, il('(.
ACcmintnf.I(iiin Kly-fititrt-i Kl.v.flti'MnmrMKIy,
Kvi-ciitniHorth' Inst Will HudlvRttiitU'tit or
,1'nm.s Kly, )lc(V(1. 1
AmvMiiit (if Julni iwynf( fi-lmttilitnitnr upon
thccNtnti nf JitiiH-fi Ni-mI, whowitH HnrvliiK
Kxi''M!hir nf I'.nrnct ( t. NtH'l, di-'tl.
At'CMitnt iil -fii'-Hlt II. lirl'-tnr. l'xf'iilMrnf the bM
will nii'l tr-Mtrificiit f INtlifTt Hrtstni
Ac'-innt ff Attn in trrcir". Vlmlnlst mhtr i H. A.,
titiuii tho (t'.ttttc (f .Ml'nnl On -itf, tt.
Ad-mint of J, H. .lonfM, Ji'liiilnlMlrntnr iip)ti tho
i sl-tli' of .Min .hiiii H, HrcM.
Account nr Juno hill, fi'liiilnisl rntrlx upon the
t-htt.1' of .MmIIm imi, ihi-'.l.
Artconnt of Mnmiii'l Itriyiit-'t, 'jiinrrll'in nf Ocn,
Kent, minor i-hihl oi 'l'ltonni1 W. Ki'nt,ihr'fl,
Aff iHinf of H:imM. V. H i vif'l, thinv-llMH nf Win.
''t-nt, ih'uiM'chlhl nl'TtuHims W. k'fiit.dt'p'tt.
A'-coitut' ot Thoi.un Imiih dud A. .1. Hfirlti-r. ftd-
tnhiNf mtnrfl unfit i tli'j cstut' nf Kdwurd lliu-
l';u ll:il a'vnunt nf Rnmuol McNny nnd flcnrsn
Mioon, ndmlut'-'titttoM upon tho ostftto of
J:.:i:i: -! ,i di'i-'d.
Aci utmt of Win. P, ti'rillln.flrunrdlnn nf Mnrr F.
Nicholson, a mlnu chl Id of KUmhi'tll Nlt-luil-
hoii, di'c'il.
Acrnimt of Win. V. flrlflln, ndintnlstr.'ilor ujuni
tin- -l-ti.'ol KH':iln th Nlchnlf-oil.di-od.
I'lirtiiil jifcoimt nf Jlcnry Muriiir mid T u(ias
Kntiht . cntirM of the htt will nuri UH(a-
lll III Ol IjCVI SfcUfTS, d:.'O ll.
AVi'lM'XXVo Kolt KA'lIiNiJ-MOl'SE
Mnr'a MmIIoii, Wrffjlit Trnuc, ;Wtiynt'.il)ur?,
John A. HtrosnldiT, Wnyinhitrif.
Jtl(ii:vrd VoiniK, ,fi'frt'iytn, Onvno conntv, I'a.
K. Ifnndolpti, .Ti'irt-rson, do d'
Jlriiry Jnivnll.jL'irorsou tp.
H;2l-tc I'lcrW.t1
All iieronn rrhlilng fiovernmrnt T.leenie or
Information a to the payment or other Hover n
nient Tuxes, restillim In lilvinlou No. n, rompoi
cd of Marlon, Kiiiukllo, Wayne, Allepo ,ii
tnore.Kprlnutilll, Centre, Jm-kson, lllelihill uml
Morrirf towiiHlilim will eitll on me tit rnv otllee in
Wuyneslmix, IJti.N UlNI-'ltAItT,
U.H. .Vns't AaeKjrl)lv.No. 9,'illli l'lxt. of I'a.
ITui Iicoji nvnr twoy:ir4 in iiropnmtttiii, nnd
which hnstrt'i'ii hrrnyht to pcrrccttmi rcKiirtlI n
of lime, hti'or or i-xtw-iiMi', nnd U now coiitiiliMit
ly prt-KCHtcd to (lit put die ua tucoinpiiruHy tht
htsl Hrwilli; Miti'lilint 111 fXlHU-ncr.
The Mut-lilnn ln()iustion In simple, cninpnot,
dni'Mhlcnnd hctiuthnl. It U iiulci, (iL'hl ninuiiti!
ami riipnlilc fit t t i rrniiiif n runi';c nnd vnricty
or worn ni'ver iit iorf mi it inpri'tt upon n Htnulc
M .ciilut nr-ln'x cither Silk. TwlHt.Lhu-n or Cot-tt-n
Thicud.Mti I scwiin; with ("iiml fiictltlv Ihc
very linevi nnd ronrsc-t nntti'ri;ii(iin, auy'thlitij
m' turn: n 1.1 to I wj fxtri'iiifs. it the itHrst tmi'intii'irfl
ind Mut.lnnthil iiiMiitx'r. Its uttnchincntH for
IJ'-riiMiiii':, linudoii':, (..'orMinir, 'iucklnif, t'.iilt
hiir. lei his'. TriniininiE. Ilindim;. etc.. lire Novel
hikI t'la'-t itul. Mint Iriv- hceii iiivt iitt'd and ad-
Jntlcil cNpcriully for IhW Miu-hinc.
ri-w d 'imotnt me ntiKpic, iisctni nnl popumr
folding top-4 nnd I'.ddin-t fn-H peculinr to th
At'ichmi" timnufiiclun-d hy tins ('oinpriny hntu
Im'Cu prt'purt tl lor tticlonin Uto lu w iMnuhlnci-.
Tltitt'itiii uulUnuu in u.t rv vuiilLv oi wikiI.
ami Uti like, iiid from thu plaiiu-ni lotdu iiu(
cl:it)nt( palti-m nnd ffitUTi-flio- Mftchliiifi
thciiiseivc- iM liiti inonr or hs linrhlv ornuin. iit-
od, to cmnitond with tlm Tnhlta or LubimMn
for whluh they uro Intrndt J.
, A titf TfrVinnt v!iv 81 f;KR'a Ittrnt Ilfiprnv
rd SKWINU MArHLVr.iuro tho host fr 1mio
lly nnd (f'iicrnl I'm p-".
1st. You can Hnvthlnv from tho tlnptt nln-
lo thlcrciiCHS nf KwIm-4 nr (,nv(N)k to w vi fnl
thlcknci"t of thohcsvttwr liPrtvcrcloth. nslnir
uny kind nrsl7c of thrend with coual l'i i;it.
from No. 'jHM'tittiMi up to thu heavk-Ht put tutor
I.lncii thrt'od.
2. It li si ft irtlort, Rlml-zlif flicodlo. pnHv ift.
nnd nmUcji tht Popular IKkSutchuliktum Ix-ih
ft i ilea.
ui. it hna nnovrn Rcir-n'Mu-atitiff fcnsinn whirh
reniifrt H nochjinirn U r ihih-rent thlrkiic't-wt i of
inntcrlitt nriltrt'ercntKln of thrend.
1th. It in frvn from nil Hiirinii. wires and otlier
compMcntlmi, nnd n nlntost irdch..n.
Ath. No threads to hold, or wheels to turn In
atartlnc. , f
mil. it docs not luivo tp ba taken npurt to oil
and denn It.
7th. ft has a perfect ft-cd wherpnyynn oiin iw
the finest mnlorlatB wlthoOt havlns tn keen voor
work stretch-mi toprovent IU "puckerlnu, ' nod
you never linvn to rtsilst thofporit throuyh on In
nil other mnohlncfl..
8th. It will hem nny wldtti, new n utralKht
seam, or make a tell In thonioHt purfentiDanncr,
with less Hklll thnn In required toacw a Mtrntit
Benin on nny other machine.
jumitiwriincnrsior nruiuinir, coraing, vutit
tnjr, nimllnii, Tuckints, c., nre novel and prac
tical, aud rwiuir bul UUla nkill lo ua ihau.
Careful instructions given at tho houso of tho
purchamr. T i
Money refunded If the tnachinea aro hot n
Every maehtn wnrmntH anrl kept Inrepftlr
H. P. ryrArnKTL
. Aseut for Greene L'nunivl
: ff;4-tf,' "t ' ' t Wayneshurg, Pj.
Ono nf thelntontPntontK luuM on tlio 11th iln
or Hi'ptrmlicr, lsiid, tn Win. B, HcUitehe.m. iir
w MAiiinifion, lows, win uu oa exuiuiiiov pa a
fewdujraat n-v.. , - r....i -.-.i ..i .
,:;-jp nn'v h v.ti i-jii'd ; '
'ii ' i --! oi-i- ii-'-o i- l ol n.T4 I ;
m Vf jmMmra;, Vni THIr'rVm'f rhwt' npr
ritw nnvthlnc of tho kind herrtothru timlnriL
Th Bloftikneiw of UflcMnnfroi-lloii, ninl 10 twi-
roui or revonioii ninnon, inui priwmcpw nutmr
froin tti i rw w hi x tttI Hirtf rnnwt Imtiwo ttwonai-
muiiity tn exiinuno iu oimiitien. ii havpa limf
It ive wora unit Drmfuomi iui muVli hntwr bk
nny ehurn in rxlntvnee. Mr. Mnnnell httafnil
pnnrMHii nmu lor ivnanyivmniKfar Hw
York Stat am well aa Ui furuUh churna u, nlti.
aanaor uuaoooni, . .--ij
U-at !'"'
. Agricultural.
or tub
roil TIIE1R I
To tio trnlil at tUo Fair Orouiula, In J
Tllllfcil'AY, 2.vriI4 aoTII, ICGf.
Dt'Kt Stallion 4 yoara old and iipwarda...fl0 00
2nd do do do 8 00
Rest brood mure with foal at ft 4 ra old
and upwards ,. ,, ft no
2nd do do do 8 00
Host stallion a yra. old and upwards. .. 6 iki
2nd do do dn 8 oo
Rent guiding 3 yra. old and upwardg... IS 00
2nd do do do f) 00
lit at stallion 2 vra. old and upwards.,. 8 ot)
2ml do do do I ftO
licit ninre 3 yra. old and npwartla.,., 8 00
2nd do do do I so
Rest stallion I yeiir old and upwards... 8 on
2nd do - do do . ,' 9 00
Host miiro Ivoaroldand upwards.. . 8 oo
2nd do do . . do . 2 On
lle-Jt spring colt ...i 2 00
2nd do do ' 1 Oil
Committee t E. Bann, L. T. Gray, W. Ya.;
Dr. 8. lilac-lily, Washington rouiity.
Rost stnlllon 4 yra. and upwards if 10 on
2nd , - do do do fi iki
Best gelding 4 yra. and upwards 4 oo
2ml do do do J tMi
Rest stallion 3 yra. and upwards 4 on
2nd do do - do 2 (al
Hist guiding .1 j rs. and upwards 4 on
2nd do ; do , do 2 oo
Rest nifiro 8 yra. and upwards 4 on
2nd do do do 3 tin
Rout stallion 2 yrs. and upwards 8 no
2nd tlo do do 1 fin
Rest nmro 2 yrs. and upwards 8 00
2nd do tlo ' do i 80
Rest atallion I year old 2 oo
2nd do do 1 50
Rent maro 1 year old 2 00
2nd do do 1 an
Rent sniiug colt 2 On
2nd do do 1 BO
Committee ; Thos. Hill, Joshua Ackluy, D.
II. Jucolis.
Rest stallion 4 years aud upwards $10 00
2nd do do do 5 00
Rest maro 4 yre. and upwards 4 Oo
nd do , do do 2 oo
Rost gelding 4 yrs, and upwards 4 00
2nd do do do 2 no
Ileal stallion 8 yra. and upwards 4 00
2nd i do do do 2 00
Rest maro 3 yrs. and upwards 4 oo
2ud do tlo do 2 00
Committee! Hiram Bmltli, A. J. Barker,
John Jennings.
Vn'fft pair uuitelicd lior.'!CB....i if 8 On
2nd do do 4 00
Rest pair matched marcs 8 oo
-'iid do do 4 00
Rest pair matched horses or inarc.1 for
farm iiso .1 00
2nd lib do 8 on
Committee : .Tno. C. Fleunlkcn, James Y.
llavrt and J. A. Oray.
Rest par ing or rucking horao or maro.. .$50 oo
2nd do do do 20 on
Rest trotting horso or maro (iO oo
2nd do do 30 on
Rest walking horso or maro 4 on
2nd do do 2 00
Rest riding minimal 4 on
2nd do do 2 oo
Rest single driving horso or maro 4 no
2nd do tlo do 2 00
Rest family horso or maro 4 00
2nd do do dn 2 00
Committer! : .1. A. .1. Ruchannn, J. W.
Walton and (ieorgo KuUcly.
Rest thorough bred stallion for nil pur
poses $13 00
2nd do do do 7 UO
i'odlgron of nil homes on exhibition in this
division must he produced.
Committee : John Parkinson, Esq., W.
Va j Johnson Smith, Esq., nnd Isaac Roohcr.
Rest bull 3 years aud Upwurds $ 8 00
2nd do do 4 00
Rest cow 3 years aud upwards 4 00
2nd do do 2 ot)
Rest bull 2 years and upwards- . 4 oo
2nd do do 2 00
Rest licifer 2 years old 4 oo
2nd do do 2 Oo
Rest yearling bull , 4 00
2nd do do 2 00
Rest bull calf. M.. 2 00
2nd do do I 00
Rent heifer calf. 2 00
2nd do do 1 00
Coinniiltco : Thomas nuglioa, Ellas Houd
ley and John Rurlov, Kq , W. Va
Rest bull .1 years aud upwards $ B 00
2nd do do 8 00
Rest cow 3 years and upwnrda fi On
2nd do do 8 00
Rest bull between two and three 8 00
ml do - do
2 00
8 00
Rc.'t heifer bctwocrt two and throe.,
2nd do do ' 2 Oo
RentbtlH calf. , ... 2 on
2nd do do 1 fin
Rest lii ifcr calf. ...... . Jo)
2nd do do ' ' 1 50
Committee : A. J. Goodwin, John O. Dlns
inere nnd Jelliinion Rillick.
B it yoof oxan
2nd do do
Rest beef animal
2nd do. , do .
Rest milch cow of any kind to be prov
8 00
4 00
4 On
2 CO
en by the quantity of milk and but
ter within any period ot aix aay
wtthltt'a year the cow to beon tered !
on Secretary 'a Rook and produced,
nnd satisfactory evidence given of
- Die fact to tlie Committee. .... ,., 1000
2nd do do do do do 5 00
Committee t R. McKcnna, John Conkcv,
Esq., aud Jacob Loar, Esq. . . , .
Beat Buck... $10 00
2nd do 1 ' ' ' - i - 5 00
Best yearling Butk 4 00
2nd do 'do " 2 00
Best 1 to li Buck Lambs 4 00
2nd do do . do ' . ' ' ; . n. 2 00
Committee 1 Thomas Iaius, Samuel Har
vey and John Patterson.
-- . LAMBS. - ; -
Beat- 9 Ewes.1...;. , " 8 00
2nd do do 4 0
Beat 5 Ewa Lambs...., 4 00
2nd do ' do1 do- - ' - - 2 00
Committee : Wm. II. Cook. James Patter
son, jr. and Rot. Stephen Wingtt ' 1 t
. L!i'.'.l 1 SUEElV
I fi lo
U. M 8 00
...... 8 ao
... ... Oo
..(.' 8 00
1 8 do
S 00
s oo
Rest Lcioeater Buck
Real ,8 'Kweajr. ;,u.i ..u ,
Rest 3 or mote Wimba. ...-. ...
Rest Cotawold Buck
Heat S or ranre fcwes.i.;.. ....
Reat or more lAmlia.;.i: .11,
Rest Southdown Buck ,
Rtat 8. Ewej.,.,.. .,.. ,
Best 3 Lamb...... -.. ,..-,
Beat fat alutep 1 10 in aumbar..',
tod - do - do 1 drjf 1 ,- -" 3 00
Vimmtlti.'. ICInrhmt ' R1AJM1 " r,,lr.i
smuui f raucta tnuuwm. v. va.,
piV.-iNOt, 4. 43RADE 8SIEEP.
Best grade Buck $ 6 00
iwl .do ,.' do .V. . : a bo
Best yearling Buck..... ...... urt. 4 00
2nd do do " a t .."ii - i"' 00
Beat I Eewe....r. . w . oo
Rest 3 yearling Ewea..; 8 00
2nd do do do -300
Rest 3 Ewo Lambs 00
2nd do do do 3 (jo
Committee : Joseph Dutbln, Win. R. Fon
m r, Monroe White, J. T. Elbln, E-q., and
Johu U. MeUlumphy.
Rest 2 fleecca Spanish.... f 2 Oo
2nd do do j On
Rest 2 fleeces grade. g 00
2nd do do do 1 00
Committee: Morgan R. Wise, Sairnel
lama, 8aimil Scott end Jumes All, Wasli
ington county. ,
Rest Roar ;i.i ; 1 no
2ml iln
S 00
Rest brood aow and pigs.
2nd do do do
Rest fat Hog
2nd do do
Rest litter of pigs..;...
2nd do do
4 00
3 00
4 00
2 00
i 00
3 00
Rest pig.:,...
u i.i... .I,.., ,
iUU UU 00
Committee t Roliert Brlator, Samuel Web
ster, John Church and Wm. Kent
1 00
Best pairs of Poland Shanghais, Dork
ings and Dung ililia, each
2nd Oo do do do do
Rest hit of poultry
Rest pairs of geeae, ducks, guinea,
. liens, pea-fowls and turkeys, earn
2nd tlo do do do do
f'omnilltr.n .Timtlfn IT T.mnn
1 00
2 UO
i 00
Rrowu. .Moreau Bell. En!.. nnd Hni.nin.
Realwut. , ,
Rest flannels J yard wide, fi yards 3 2 00
2nd do do do
1 On
Rest pair blankets
4 00
2 00
2 00
1 oo
2 00
1 On
1 00
1 00
2 00
1 00
2 00
1 00
1 00
2nd do do
Rest Caslnett f yds. wide, 6 yds..'. ..(
2nd do do . do do do
Rest Kentucky Johns, S jards
2nd do tlo do " do
Ikst pair worsted socks
2nd do do do
Rot pulr of worsied hose
2nd do do do
Rest carpet 1 yard wide, S yhhis.,; ...
2nd do do do do
Rest rnif carpet 1 yard wide, 5 yards...
2nd do do do do do
'f ;
2nd do
Committee! .Mrs. A. A. Purman. Mrs. D.
M. Walton. Mrs Philip Marsh, Mrs. Drake
Johnson, Mrs. A.J. Hlneriimn, Eiq , Mrs
Dr. D. W. Oray and Mrs. J. K. UughrlcUo.
Best linen I yard wide, fi yard..
2nd do do do do
Rest table linen 5 yards
2nd do do do
Rest linen thread 8 cuts
2nd do do do
3 Oft
1 00
... 3 00
I no
... 1 00
Committee t Mrs. I. O.' Booher. Mm. Rib
iihen Knight, Mrs. John N. Loar, Mrs. Geo.
Kuisely and Mrs. Samuel Harvey.
Best, ooverlet. f 2 00
2nd do 1 On
Rest counter pane..; : i 00
2nd do 50
Rest pair cotton lioso j 00
2nd do do do no
Committeo: Mrs. I. R. Jncobs, Mrs. Ham
ilton Scott, Mrs. Thomas Hushes and Mrs.
Morgan Conkey.
Rest pair of duo boots
2nd do do tlo
Rest pair of coarse hoots
2nd do do do
Rest siii;lo harness
2nd do do
Rest double barnosa....
2nd do do
lie t 2 calf skins
2nd do do
Rest s'ulu solo leather
2nd do do
Rest 2 side of upper leatlrcr.
2nd do do do
Rest 2 sido kip
2nd do do
S 2 00
1 00
. 1 00
. 4 00
2 00
. (i 00
3 00
. 2 do
1 00
. 2 do
1 00
. 2 00
2 00
1 00
I 00
Best pair men's shoes 1 ,00
2nd do tlo do r0
Rest pair of ladies' slippers 1 00
2nd do do do do ro
Rest saddle 4 00
2nd do 2 00
Rest ride saddle fi 00
2nd do do 3 no
Committeo : Wm. Cotterel, J. M. Dilio, T.
1). Vanatta and George Kneety.
Rest wliltd quilt ; ..... ......9 2 00
2nd tlo do 1 00
itest lancy quilt..; 2 00
2ml do do 1 00
Rest scrap quilt 2 00
2ml tlo do - 1 00
ticst leather work 1 00
2nd do do r,o
Host tula 1 00
2nd do r
Heat lump mat 1 00
2nd do . do Co
Rest ladies' collar .... 1 00
2nd do do fio
Best handkcrcliiof. 1 00
2nd tlo s
Committeo: Mrs. Jaoob Loar, Esq., Mrs. J.
W. Walton, Mrs. A. Ross, Mrs. A. J. Boohcr
and .Hrs. iMaa lioadiey,
Rest butter chum $ 2 00
2nd do do , - ,M
Ikst 2 pounds butter. 1 or,
2nd do do do , - r
Rest cheese, fi lbs. or upwnrda ... 1 00
2nd tlo do do do r.o
Rest half doa. corn brooms.... .....'. 1 on
2nd do do do do ' fio
Rest farm wagon...... ,'... ,.i. -... goo
2nd do - do .. 8 00
Best spring wagon.. ... fi 00
2nd do do 8 00
Rest c.4rringe 5 00
2nd do 2 00
Rest dressing bureau 8 or,
2nd do do 1 r,o
Rest bedstead ..... 3
2nd ' do ' j 3,,
Best set of chairs . 2 00
2nd do do-- - - -1-00
Rest made doa. horse shoes 1 00
2nd do do do do ' f' 60
Rest shod horse , 2 00
" barrel of flour , 2 00
" au-ar from Chinese cane, 3 lbs..... 2 00
2nd do - do do tfo -in ' l oo
Best quart of molasses from Cliincso
' cano i.u .....j ...... 1
2nd do- do 'do ' do - do
Best specimen honey , 1
Best maple sngar, 6 poonda..... 1
2nu no ua no
Beat maple molasaca, 1 quart..... ...... . So
" apple " ' '.,.. .to
Committee : Andy Knapp. Jeflcrann Billlek,
John Laughlin, Mm A. A. Htotrt, Mrs, Polly
Dtirbin and Mrs. Edmund Smith.
' MENT8.
Best mowint; machine..
.1 4 00
.. 3 Oo
.. 3 00
1 OO
.. S 00
1 00
Seed drill
" Side hill plow..
2nd do di
Best plow;...;. ....
2nd do
Best harroi...' ...
" Cultrratof......
" Cuttin. hot....
i "
3 00
3 oo
2 eo
t 00
3 00
. aval
2nd : do ' j v
Rest fanning; mill......
Beat Ihreahbg .machine., 4 horao or
. mora....;, . . 'n... ...
Beat horaa rake made by exhibitor
Xrn erustwr..:,' 1....
Hay raiser with horse nower... ...
3 00
3 00
3 00
.uimmittee: Hamaet Harvey, J. il. WbKu
and John C Flenmkeu. . , .
TlmtatrntmernrWi twn...A. J i 00
and 4 . do - - do ai
Itwt tall apple Idueen.,....- 1 00
2ml ilo dn do )
IWwt winter applni 1 aoin..K... M.. leu
2nd do uo 1 do - n
Ikut yarlet r of uramer, tall and winter an-
piM oaea..:.... - j go
Heat cling atono iKineliea M 1 00
2ml lo ilo ilo j CO
liest spai'lmrii of nprirots, nlumlm.qtilnoea.
calawlM urapes IkiiImMIuk, orftraiKtl of
uny kind, Ja gallon of eueli, eoiih
2nd do do do
1 U-t awiul potatoes bushel
2nd dn do ilo
Bent lrlli potatoes )4 bushel
2nd rio do On
H.'Kt spiM'lmcn of beets bushel
2nd do do do
lut variety of puniklns& iwitiasliea of nny
kind, nii-li
2.1 do do
lli'st.invliiu'ii wlillo wheat l bushel
2nd do do do - do
Heat specimen red wheat
2nd do rio - .In
1 00
1 (10
t 00
1 IO
I Kl
liest spuelnun of ryo bashel....
2nd do dn do
- 1
liest specimen of barley H bushel
Hi st spoelinen nf Indian corn Vj bushel
Hest i-pfcliiieii meet, corn 1 ttnlliin,.;;.. j
Hint niwiiiU'i) oata -i Inisbel
liest sii'lnii n biii kwhi-ttt H burliel...;. ..
llcst atieoiinen wal(n-iinloiiK, muuk luolona.
1 uo
t an
Beat Ki.iiiiitn bt'ans, ealttnite,tiirtilpM, on-' I
Ions, riirrotts, tomatoes, ie., ench 110
Best display of vcKetnbles I SO
2ml dn do 1 00
. t'nirimlttee: Jitnin fIllloKlv, Jas. Barns, Ja.
P. MrNay.and l'ait. John Keott. ,
Dost ateelmrn of preserves, tippled, peneh- .'
o, peurs, iiiliHtM, RooHi'brf rif,cherTli, , j
tomatoes, plumbs, Ao., each 1 uullou, t
eueli .... I OO
2nd do do do . dn Ml
Ili-st eoltei-tlon of Dri'flerrod frnll aim
Sod do do do Too
Comniltiee: Mrs, (li'orqe Colston, Mrs. Tl. M.
Wnltoii, Mrs. J. A. Ciray nnd Mrs. ilenjaiiiln
MeCusb. - -
newt enrrant, qulnoe, tipple, marmalade, i
quart of each, eaeli ; t 60
ttent apple tomato 1 nnirrt each, caoh.i .-. ... an
liet lilai-ktirrrv lam I quart r
I 'oiiimill. . Mrs. .lolul l.iuiglilln, Jlm-kllek, W.
Va., .Mrs, Hiram siuiili.Mra, Mary Zi niluiriuan.
liest soft llsllt brea.l
nit do do rusk
Host pouud enko
od do do sjionoiMke ,
2nd do do
Host fruit eiilie
'nd do tlo
Host Jelly cuke
-lid do do
liest limit enke
'.'ml do do
lli-st sniin rnko....w...
2n.l do ilo
t.j 1 00
llc st pli klisnf sny kind
Host wlnos or nny klnd.oii.'li 1 pint, eiu-li
fommliii-..: n. M, Wnlion, Morgan C.
itenjamlii Ownti and Jaim Mc. k, , j
CLASS Nil. l.l.-CL'il IIlN'd. '
Heslnont nude bv exlilbltor .. i
... -i.4r)
.... .... t")
... rll
.". 1 uo
to. I do do do
liest vest mailo bv ex illiitor .
2ii'l do do do
llont limits in. i lo by exhibitor
2nd do. iio do j
Host illi'i't m:i.lo by exlill.itor...'...-
2ml do dn do
Itest bouni't liuide bv exhibitor .
2nd do do do
Host dr.iss made bv exhibitor
3 i."l
1 l"
inil dn do do
Host. el. ink mnile bv esblbltoi
tin. 1 do do ilo
I tl
itest Clllld'HdrcKS muito bv -lilliiU.v. 1 Ml
2nd do do do do
Committee! fi. W.flrny, Tutry Bowers, J. . W.
Wnltoii and Alonao Clark.
Hesteollecllon of flowers.
'iut do do do
Host floral dosli'ii i 00
2nd drt Uu ' j i fyi
llont CnctuS ; ; W,M 1 IJO
2nd do 6o
Itest. KerHidnm ; jM.u iui
2ml do iVI
Host dllllil.... . , 1 (10
-'ml do mi
llest Hat llAIld lKKllut .. 1 (o
2nd do do fill
Host round hand ....... . to)
-in I do do M
Ciimuillbpo: Misses Mnry A. Tmrbln, Jeuiu.i
TenEiiiilen, Mary Walton, Lou. R. Kiksh; I'. Head
ley, l,i.zle (imy, I". Hi b tor, .MukkIh (.ook, .Inlla
A. Conkey, Mary A. M 'It III ln iliy, Mary Nublo.
( LASS NO. li. flNK Alt't'S. i ,
Het. iil.)7.en nmlirotypea . :i 00
2nd do do - I Ml
Host 'jiUmm pttntovmplia It 01
did do do )
lli'Sl. display of aluhvolypeil, pll(itot;i-aidis,
8 l)
Host oil pnlnllii-t x oi
'.'ml do iVI
To be exhibited by the artist.
Committee: H. A. Houston, W. T. U. Tauter,
Jas. I-:. hn.vem,ll. W. l-Vn-el,
nest .ini-k...'. ; ; 3 8 0,1
-'ii. I do 4 oi
best pair of niiitea . i , 4-imi
2nd do do rno
Host mule colt i M. a iw
2nd do do (ii
Com mil lee: Tas. Court rllit,Hr,, .lamod MoVny
and Jiwwib .'iii.k.
IMV, Mi. 2.-ItACi:t( Mt'LEH. i
There will h" a svv-i ii Mal; preinliuti of 0
paid on Ihe slowest ninfe III llio race. All rldAia
to be elmiiL'o'l.
Coiiimlllee: Jus. II. Moniiimptiy, ,1ns; fl. Ilnr
bln, annuel II. Walton, S.imui l clnllor, T. It.
Henderson, N .1. Kos, Flarvev ( tolikey, isninuel
Jewel, .Sr. and Knos .M'Ulolland.
Ruus andIieoulatioxs.
1st. Alt pmnpf-tit'JM for promlnmit on utiwk
miiMt iMilor their iiMmfft nnd plnro r-fsMcn-"!
with Kin Hoconlitiii Hocrotnry, Oil Ihrt flvnt'luy
nf KxlilMtlon, tcthpr with n dearrijition of tlio
nninml tn hoixliM)ltP1. All other urttrlrfirul
things to bo entero-i hy ton o'clock tha nocornl
ifif. No lionrs or vohlelon of nny doflprlptton,
will Wtt tKliitithd iiirl'ielhownetniexrffL to
compete tor rivrulum', ( ,
iil. No pirsnim will ho fttlnwod to crvMA (h
trm-k lnrin; llti tlinn if trulnlng of liorrt'M or
eompi'iiiiK ir prcinininrt, i i ,
4th. Th M('vml citiiHiiiitf-n will report Hmmh
st'lves for duty to tho .S'Tftiry, hy Un o'clock
the sboond day. ..
Tifli. All sI'M-k nitorcd fur prohilum must ho
rttm-o'd on ttitHocnnd duv of ti( cj(hiiikn or
fort'oit rhnlr m-cTiiinuii, 'J'tw hvk Murnlml will
furriKli ft snrnpifnt maount of grain uml hay fur
all ttrk on exhibition. f
6th. Tho KTHtary nd TronsnrcrwIU boat Um
otllfio ut ftti ourlv hour of duv of cxhlhi ton
for duty, Ac NoNtork will Iwadinlttml into Uio
nrrouiifiM until rt-uuhirly ontor-M npon the booii
ut flientHcft. liMMint will ho opn ftt 9 o'oliMjk,
Artlchfi ontor&l for wxhihltioh will hf phu-rl la
tho hiiiidH of the iiutnnKrMnt thAoeiifnic nf tlio
exhibition, runt reintttu in thi-lr rustod v nntll
the rHprt m rvnd. 'I h Knciatv Im4mhh(iiic re-HiKinsild-t)
for their safe foturn to their reHiMrtfvv
fiwnt-rs. .
7th. i 'ommlths on wfoffr will kIvo spccfWl ftt
UmiMotv tnthf f.'lli-wlnu ftnhif, vlf NymTrt4try,
Hize early maturity Mini eticrnl rlmrm-tei iniies
of tilt- hrof-d. Aii't th:y an; rxprowly din ctel
not tri pvp Pitronrntrernenr to over-fed onf null .
Thry nfe fiTrthfr dlrr-f'.r'l topwi nnnotfecd ail
iinlinalft or article whuu UHM xhlhltfirntti-rrtpt.i
touso undiff Intlimnrtoto prorino fnvorahlcdo
clsioiiH. And In noe;inHlitill unnrtielnor anl
inul diHriuud uu worthy rettetvi: uruiuiiiuL,
Mh. M-Hnhe-rsirf thr lionrd Mnpoint-Kl mr fl-.n
purpuso will tiltcnd cactj commlftno In rtfMlvvu
Htock, Ac, and If nny vacancr occnrstHoy -rflll
appoint, MuJuihlr pcrnons to fti! thr name.
Dili. No p-TototT hnll s- rvo on any awfirdjiiK
fiiiuiilttcv who U:iiH any article or wt'tclc hcftiro
Ihf nim A"nd In cn-vthn other ninmlirn uf tho
noiiiiiiitteo uiniit-t a-aymi Itieynmy neleet ftonui
ntlicr j:rou -U rvo with them for thmftiiue
hcinir. -
Hih. Any pcrsf.n rxhihltlntc any artlr!'not
rnimter.ttif) in (fie finny.iiK lint th ftwanllnn
roniiiiitf4f) aro niithorld to recommend adli
er'UUHry preinimuir Uieartiuiu Lh) conskh-rel
woSLhy tiy Haiti ('iiiinitU)e.
Ui h. Com pet it Ion will rwi op-n to ponton fnnt
all fiunrtern, II liutl ho tint dtity of tm (ttlicerM
and M'ronfhvlntffhnftnof th Imll to prtct
oitl defend all articles on exhibition fmiuJictiiic
fonchetl or tutndlixj hy nny perrvm diirlnT"hl
hitlon. V2th. All mannforttirrd artletf mnrf ro ox
hlhltefl hy the maker, or IiIh or her property u
tliorlxAil nvnt. . , -
Thro will haRiifl1eont nnmlW of wrl or
rnn-ffyl tnlla for utoek ofnllkindn. Tho1 new
and Well arranged Klornl Hall ) oetng-nntwhed.
Thobrfwh hnn( will h hi attendanr-',
It In thtetfrm I nation of the Hoard of Mnni
f$rMof theexhlhltlon to mako th orraition -in-M-rmttDH
aa well an instruct I v. C'om-tt mif,-omu
nit ! H M. W A L'VtW, htM.
A. llotto, Ri. H. K mnr, 7or. ra.
J. W. Wat.t o, TretwuTjr -'J-
Jo AM.i'M, WOek Marwhnl,
GB'OHob Kjhely. Floral AInnthal. r i
Bow Wboaff Rye, Oat, Barley, Timothy and
Clover Heed.
'imp ro v;e t'i"
.- , ,; ,.tii
' ' - I
Send for dencrlptlvo Circular, mallei fre. '
Sola Aentfer Woatern Petm'a.'.'1- KiN0X'
137 Uberty Btroet, PttUburgh.
.':.'.''''' "' .; i;t J ",
Wholoaale and Retail Dealer Ja
A full stock ofatnaonaola sooda alwam on
hand, ancb an FASNINXrIII,L 11AT
$StfPr OBAUf tlULL40Uni Ma.