The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, September 11, 1867, Image 2

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    fltcWayncsbuvfl iUpubUcan.
Wednesday, Hopt. II, Mir.
if AUtijhtnu Loutu,
UI MuuuiiijalKla ip.
of iiiciaau i.
Of U-ulruTp.
W Uilmuia T,
Iitbt COM MhtUONaa,
JOBLi'llL'S II. MoltuuL
room noi-R rrcKuroiv
Of Duukurd Tp.
Extract from Uli Olulon la tba Cm, of
Ilorlo tit. Troll.
On thpwlinlo, tlion, I nm of tlinopliiton that
pun ismu i n i n c iu-i til nii-tvss nt i- tiiinmt '
Willi, l"W!,lll-i-illlinK tll.MMtif, Issued ill UrslUI!lc
vi iimne-i ii i nt my, mi mouu ,unim iiiiui u-ihi.
IK I'milXHT! TL'TIO.N ,t
"This renders il iinhcct-H-'nrylliiit I should eon
Idtr thinitlicr iiili-ill.m wlileli lias liei-n made
as In tun etl'-i-t il tlifsi'.ii'il inj,.,mi-Ml. inimv In
lawful iiiiiiu yi.iiliii I iiln.l Mialiw. I inn In' l-i-Torofi
iix. rlim Juilijni.'iit fur llie plaint ill', Indus
inajomy in inu court urn m n illll. nut opinion,
jiKumi'iii lor the iifii-miitnt." (Oin I- limn II
I -lu 1 11. Ii 1 1 .Ii i it "Airo" of isn of February, Imi
w ni.tu in-. -'iiiii-i:i i.s j. nm n il in nun.
II may u!i bu fuimil In tin- "Ia-iI lutolHuii
Wr" of March is, m;i, p-i.. W.
In tin' nun.) copy or Um "Ann" tin iumfnlly
piepariil eulogy of tliu JuiIkuuiuI lhlniiiluloii,ln
which lHthnriillimlii:
".Iii'li;i! Hi I i:-m-on! reasons tip-m an. I iloi'l.l.
HlAl'nSV l.'l If till U fill Mllillt lully Spil It HlltlllU
uirii'Moiiiiu.i nm oi 1110 iMIIlllllutlH UllU Vim
of Hip wnrlil."
Will nut the holders idgns-nt ImckH niid Gov
wnmont limiil'i cnn::..i- tluiJuilniui (iiilti; too
elovatisl and ethei lul for Btn-li earthly liuuoni aa
e Ml on tin) Hiiproiiio I'.i iii li ?
Hon. Kcury W, Wllllnnt.
From tho ruisliurri Post. Jnnott.)
"Tho nomination of n.-nry W. Williams nn n
mnttldiiltt l..r Juili;cof llio Slijircilui'l'iiiitl, Ik u
K'todiill". Hi-was th lie.! limn llillut-il In-fiirc
till' Itl'lllll'lll'llll rOMVl'llllon, llll'l pilS-H'SSIIS ll'UHl
nun iniinu imiiiiii';iti'iim Tor inn resimn'-llile i
Hltlon III u -hlch 111' tins In-i ll ll'lllllllllli'll. III. Ill
lninii'H ii:imi now pri'si'iiii'ii iin-ir i iiii'II.Iiii-h.
An iniiiiirhiiii iiuty iihh ihtii riiiiiiiniiy iliM-hurir
rii ny Um ri'siciitvi'i-iinvriitionn. 'rhiTnininilun
may now Ih' ininiliu ti'il u llhout roinil npi r
Ions, mi'l ili'. l'lwl ill'. in tin- 'i in'! I'Ii h o( the
ill) uriiiu i'tll lirs, inis IK QH ll Hliouhl Ijo, '
I'Mrn llli'l'itlsliurKli I'osl, AllKlist 21.1
"If tlmimtir-i'or .Tn lw WM'.lnms' nuiiilinllnn
wiiiimi iiiu iiri'il In Ihi' "I'msI" nt tin' Mm', inn
now Ki'in siainllii-iil ihi'li: .ul ! iiii Ki-iiiWii-in
tirM'r4. Is liiti-mli'il nn:t n lnikc lut- nnv
liu-onsi'.ii'ni y i.i , il lai Is in lis iiiii.,si.. v.
Imv,' iiiiiliiou' toi.'.lii' Imi'lc or inoilirx-. I;!
UllllaiiH iniviil.' or li'Uiil i'. I'lihili.iM wo lian
noihlni! but wonts nf pralsi., ini.l imwi vi i ll niiiy
nun Hotiic iiiiuiiai'l.nis ami lifii'ly ,.1111111-1.111 1, wi'
wi riiiiiini lu-ini; onim-lvi'S to vli-w lu'isonii as-
anils ns I'jllu-r wisnnr nolltlr. 'I'lu' lli-ni.ii-ra.'v
jlanis llsrll ii)in ii-Tiilpli 1111 I il.-;is u-1 1 1 1 farts,
mi 111S111SS1.M inn imiiiic ami ollli.-lal iv-u uf can
mkkvimj or loiiinix
Tho Union Icml)lir;ui Conimitfro
of (ircfno County will m;ct for the
tninsui'tion of Imsinos.-', at r.iy olllce i
WnviU'slmrfr, on Ttiifliiv tlio 17th
instant. A general nllciulanci! is re
quctcil. J. II.
n v, rv n I at i o. i w 1 1 t i o y v t i s i y i i
Democracy lias nnotlicr hoMiy and
tlicy arc bonnil to rido it, Tlioy call
il"raviii!oiniirj (iovpriimrnt IJonds
in Legal Tender Notes," oiVm Ki;ri;
IMATIon! The line of nrjjiimpnt runs
in this wise: J fa man borrow n
certain sum of money of you payable
at a certain date with interest, lie shall
not bo mado liiniidalc tho debt if ii
puis hhato any innmratiaic. Or, ho
shall pay so much, us it pleases him,
nohvitJiKlawlinr your prokd ami h!x
wtrhtrd honor. Do you like, eueh
fiiiiKoniiifr wouhl you liko it if niadi
pood in personal transactions? I fami
ly, let this is tho position in which
they would place tho holder of United
.States llonds. AVe are indebted to
Capitalists of this and other nations for
means to crush a pii;,,n(in rebellion.
iliepc men may be the posessors of
luni'lreds or millions of dollars in
bouds, So:ue arc foreigners; somf
citizens of our republic; they embrace
men of all conditions, millionaires,
possessors of competent fortunes, labor
ing men, mechanics. "What devilish
hatred, inspires such a scheme, wc are
ntaloss to perceive. It surely could
not injure tlic nullionare to a great
extent, whilst it would crush the
laborer, or perchance the soldier, who
Las loaned hid all to tho Government-,
beyond the hope of recovery. It will
entail untold injury upon the country,
bankruptcy, an insolvent treasury,
ruined credit. None doubt our ability
to fulfil tho pledges of the Govern
ment who may have observed the
working of our financial system for
the last two and a half years. It has
ucmonsiraieu it clearly. un our
credit ummpaired it will be no difficult
a.-ler to bear the burden, lightening
it by degrees, by loans at a low per
cent, by thrift, and by constantly
expanding resources. Then, let this
peudo solicitude of Coppcrheails have
no place in your confidence. It is not
that they M ould free us of taxes, but
plunge the country into financial ruin!
Mr. Helm, the Governor elect of
Kentucky, will not recover from his
illness. Kc ......
Democracy proves fatal in a ma
jority of instauces !
TWELYB youxur ncrsons were re-
w 0 A - ',
cently killed by poison in Mississippi
r - V-ioksborg.- It- i- net- known
fhether It was tho work of some 6cnd,
? W wftilf of ttcWflfK - . -
Tho news from this Stato is unfav
orable, ttlthoiigh it is attributed to cor
rupt party leaders and tho paralysed
condition of having two candidates fbr
Governor by the ltepublican Party
Ihcro was no cauao, other than these,
why we should not havo had a victory
as completo m that of last year. It
wa.s a determination on tho part of the
people to rebuke profligate legislators
and will havo no significance beyond
tho encouragomeut it gives tho Cop
perheads of tho North and tho rebels
of tho South.
i . .I
Maj. Uussell Ebuet has beou
nominated f ,r Stato Semite by the
Republican convention of Allegheny
eouuty,in place of Hon. T. J. liighiSii,
the present incumbent. Mr. liighaiu,
lists been a truo representative fbr Al-
leo-henv, and a Perviccablo mcmlier
for the State. Ho will liavean ivpmlly
able successor In Maj. Hrret, fur a
moru devoted lover of llepubliean
principles dou't exist,
i j
The Philadelphia i'vw puts the
((iiestion thus: Tho journitl.s of the
Democracy object to Judgo Williams
because lie is a Connecticut man by
hi? ih. AVe object to Judge Sharswood
becmise ho is a South Carolinian by
piincipies, poiitnf, aim preimiiees. is
it better in the eyes of Democrats for
a man to adopt our Commonwealth or
to renounce . it ? Shall wo prefer a
man who coitus to ih, or one who,
horn among us, repudiates us and
abandons our ideas of political and
constitutional law for thoso ofCul
huun ?
Monday's papers contain tho Pres
idents amnesty Proclamation, which is
in point substantially as epitomized
in our news columns. It seems to
create but little remark ns his late acts
have convinced the people that he is
capable of doing anything. They arc
awaiting, Micawber likn, for "some
thing to turn up." Something that
will bring the President to his sen-os.
TiiR Ucpudiatoi'S love to talk of
the stealings)f shoddy army contract
ors, and corrupt officials under tho Ad
ministration during the war. They
have fbrrotton(?) all nlxiut the theiv
ings of I'loyd, IJuchanaii's Secretary of
War. lie stole more than it would
ivc cost to pro.1 e ute. tho war a
year at one pull! Thus opening the
way for these small operators.
Til!'". President has issued a procla
mation calling lor thn respect and on-'
fbrecment of the law in tho Carolinas.
It is "sound and fury, signifying
Filinrsol vk. Jnciisun.
The Sharswood Democracy claim to
be great admirers of (Jen! Jackson.
though of late years, and e.-wiallv
luring tnn war, tlicy hoiii oiniiions m
rcipird to wale hmrnnmhi iliainctri
cany opposed touen. .Jackson s views.
ii i . s. ,
In their candidate for the Supreme
liench they have a man directly op
pose.! in principle to Old Hickory on
this fundamental question. The fol
lowing extracts show Judge bhars-
wood s views on Stato Sovereignty.
and those held by General Jackson as
larbaokus 13.31!-oli
Kslrnrtn fmn ,Tnihr F.itmrt j frnm (tin.
i-5'Mr.iiriio.n tHlfcin ,ili'A'Xon 3 l'rotlwt(l
in April, 1M.1I. f Son in Dn-rmlirr, I M!.
"'e come back ,J.cojj;iider,tlien,
to our starting'lhe power to nnuiil
place, and finding a law of the Unit
nothing in t h ced States, assumed
Constitution cslab-jby one State,ieoi-
limg any tmM iiirtililM'-ithtfier.vit-
judgeofthc cnnm-''i (x! of the Unhn,
crated powers .'cnntratiidolf.rmrn.i
prohibitions, and ty hy the letter of the
reserved rights, it CoiMtitntion,unau
mu.vt rest upon, ihc'thm-iznlhyilxi'jiirit,
admitted principles in convtntl with
of general law, inrivyt prinfiuh mi
uses of rowpnet he-v hieh Uva fouml-
hreen mdie having fit, and thitriietirr
no common superior, of the meal otnert
rjaii otitic, nns mi1 lor irnii'ii u wax
i'M to halic for' fovmnl."
Un-lJ or ttic tJrac-
timtn nfthe compart,
and to choose for
itxelf the moxt proper
and efficient rcmc-,
diet." I
Judge Sharswood holds the same
views to-day on "State Sovereignty"
that, he held in 183 1. How then can
any genuine "Jackson Democrat" give
him support.
The rnorosnn Coxvextios of
Governors, Tho Governors of the
loval States having; dead on the Held
of Antietam, have licen specially in
itcd to attenn the iHxlication ot the
National Soldiers' Cemetery located
thereon, winch will take place on the
17th instant, and the greater part of
them arc understood to havo signified
their intention to be present. It has
been Biiirscsted that the occasion inav
afford an excellent opportunity fbr
them to settle on a time and place for
the assemblage of the proposed Con
vention of Governors, which is antici
pated with such general interest.
AcooRDixa to Frank Moore's "War
Anecdotes," early during tho rebell
ion, notes of a Pennsylvania bank,
bearing Buchanan's likeness became
so disfigured by "Traitor" ami other
written epithets, written under tlie
portrait, that the- bank was compelled i
f ii W ii j i
10 can vnem mi m tuiu maitu a ucw
bmtt, omMng thn obnoxious head; .
xHTUc 'HSayiicsbmr0 3cpub(tcau, j3St'i)iicst)ay, Scplcmbcv- II, JSOT..
I lLllllllMt i:Lt;t-riox.
lrvo Drmorrnf leOnd! 4Jnrlinm f!1f.
lion'k-lsliillo I u lun Mil.
Jorlly I'rububly l.iii,
San FRAXcisfo, Scptemler t3.
Partial returns IrumLs than half the
counties in the State, but including the
most populous, show largo lVmocmtio
gams everywhere. Haight has from
two thousand to twenty-five hundred
majority m ban l rancisco. It
doubtful if Gorham's majority in the
interior will aggregate to overwnelm
this. Of the general Union there i:
prob:tbly tdet'tcd nt least two Con
gressmen. Tho Democratic legislative
ticket in San FruncUeo and Sacramen
to is prolxibly elected in great part,
It Is tliouglit tins ileteats tlio rc-elec
tion of Senator Conness. It is uncer
tain if the Union majority is retained
in the Legislature. If lost, Governor
Ijiw is expected to call an cxtn session
of the present Legislature to ratify the
uonstitutionai Aiucmimeitt.
x no total vole ot aan r rancisco is
17,:J(J5, about G,()00 less than the leg
is'.ereu vote, ooiuu tiioiisana union
votes were lost through the iipalhy
resulting fioin disgust at abuses in the
It Is impossible to give reliable cs
tiniates of the general result.
San Fka-nusco, September C
1' urtlier returns from tho interior are
more favorable to Haight, and render
ins curium toleraoiy certain, bottling
more is known of the fate of the gen
eral Union ticket, thought it is believ
ed to be ahead.
Phelps, Union candidate fir Con
gressman in the San Francisco district,
is pi'olif.lily tli'Icateil. 1 ho Union
local ticKi.'is are generally ahead in
counties formerly Union, no far us
known. The vote for Fay, Indepen
dent Uiumi, is very small, but helped
tlio general ticket.
It is the opinion of Union men that
if Didwell had'been nominated, instead
of Goi haiu,the State would, have gone
twenty thousand Union, and that tin
partial defeat is altogether owing to
the disaffection in the Union ranks.
A great effort will be made to consul!
late tlie Union strength for victory at
tho Judicial election next month, but
the Democrats claim the Slate irres
pective of Union dissensions, althoiml
they admit they could have dono lit
tle against Jfidwcll.
San I' hanciso, September 5.
ijan 1' rancisco gives Haight a majority
of thirty-eight hundred and forty
eight. To tho surprise of everybody,
every ward went Democratic. The
whole Democratic county and iiinici
pal ticket, except two or three, is elec
KeturiH from twenty-six rountii
show Haight over five thousand ahead,
with scarcely a possibility that Got'
ham can catch up,
Ihe Union press deny any political
signitiecnco in the result.
The Anting llaH tin, which oppos
ed Uorhum, savs Jlaiuht s success is
due wholly to the determination of
tlie masses of tlio Union Dartv to re
buke an immoral system of party
management, an t break down corrupt
comliina'ion schemers and ilemago
gues, which threatened to alienate hou-
oi able public properly wrongly and
impose extra burdens on tax payers
fbr the benefit of speculation..
L.VTEit. Fuller returns from the
most populous counties, including the
strongholds, continue to swell Haiglit's
majority, and make the Northern
Congressmen uncertain. Fills. Ga
zelle. Sax Fuaxcisco, September 7.
Haight's majority in San Francisco
now stands ovcr-l,000. This might
have been overcome if tlie full vote
had not been prevented by apathy.
The same apathy prevailed in the in
terior. Nevada county, one of the
strongest llepubliean' counties, polled
only ;?,.r)00 out of 5,700 registered,
giving Haight 7o majority. This is a
representative instance. Several small
counties are to-day reported for Gor
ham by majorities averaging less than
one hundred, but do not change the
result announced. Higby, Uuion, for
Congress is 7W ahead.
A ptnci.E dispatch from Louisville,
Ky., last week conl, lined the following
record (if bloodshed: The body of a
mail named Hicks was fbiind on Ihe
27th banging in tlio woods near South
Danville. A man charged with the
rape of a young girl was taken from
Ilarrodsburgh jail Sunday night by a
partv of regulators nndliaiigcd. An
anti-lynch society, iuMarion
County, captured and paroled several
persons not to return to their homes.
They hanged a man near Haysville,
named Parker, to-day. It is reported
that one of the murderers of Major
JJridcwatcr was hanired near C'iitb
Orchard to-day. Jerry Singler stab
bed in. Lee, probably fatally, at
Bacon to-day. James Lackey disap
peared mysteriously from Upton last
Elfcctriof Ibe linnkrupt Law.
Speaking on this topic an exchange
says : J he shrewdest ot our financiers
have been mistaken in their cumula
tions regarding tho Imiikrupt law;
that enactment has had quite a differ
ent effect upon the fortunes of mer
chants and traders who had tailed than
was expected. It was suppled l'lat
as there was known to ho great num
bers of people who could not go into
business because ot their unliquidated
indebtedness, that as a consequence
there would lie a rush ot bankrupts to
take advantage ofthc new law. It
has not so turned out, though, un
doubtedly, when the fiill terms of the
courts commence, we will sec a much
larger number of bankrupts put
through tho legal mill than was the
case this summer. Instead of taking
advantago of the law to free them
selves from their obligations by being
.1 ,,.I.....t k.. ..l-X,.. . .t T.A
umuivu uaum upi", urn . uw.iituui.iiii
and unfortunato traders aro "settling"
with their creditors'. or ore rrm
who makes application to the courts,
there are twenty who privately coma
to an understanding with their credi
tors. This has been douo to so great
aa extent that throughout the country
thousands of old merchants will re
enter business this fall mid winter.
The law allows practically of three
modes of settlement ; tho voluntary
bankruptcies of insolvent debtors, or a
compromise without legal proceedings,
and this is what is now going on all
over tho country. The effect cannot
but bo good. Hundreds of cnergetl
men will again hud their way into
business, and thousands of lamilies
will be relieved from tho burden of
old debts. The law so liir fieeias to
havo worked well.
rroi-tntnntlon to h Issnpil Scxt Week
I.UI or lvrou4 t-seliiileu.
Washixiiton, September 0, tho
cabinet, to-day, had under considera
tion the amnesty proclamation, and
while it was decided not to issue it till
next week, important official action
resulted. Alter considerably debate
it was decided to exclude the follow
ing persons from tho benefit of pardon
and amnesty.
First, All who nro or shall have
been pretended diplomatic oiliecrs or
otherwise domestic or foreign agents
of the pretended rebel government.
Second, All who havo been engaged
in the conspiracy to assassinate the
President and Cabinet.
Thiol, AlLwho have been indicted
by United States Courts.
Fourth, All who have been military
or naval ollicers of the rebel govern
ment above the rank of IViirudier
General in the army, or Captain in
the navy.
Fifth, All who havo engaged in
any way m trcatiini otherwise than as
prisoners of war persons found in the
United States service us officers, sol
diers, seamen, or in other capacities.
1 ho proclamation will be issued on
Monday, granting amnesty to all who
participated in the rebellion, excep
ting those who come under the above
enumerated exclusions. It will be
noticed that it has been but little res
tricted from the classes teleirraphed
you a day or two since, and pardons
as it now stands Alexander II. Steph
ens and all who left tho Senate and
House of Congress to aid the rebell
ion, except' such as were afterwards
diplomatic agents abroad, like Slide!!
and Mason. But one hidier tirade in
the rebel army and navy is, however.
granted amnesty above the proelama-
matiou ot loU-).
g. -on
At t lie Vermont election oiiTups
lay of last week Hon. John . Patre,
Republican, was chosen Governor in
place of Paul Dillingham, by from
eighteen to twenty t!i'iitml majority.
The Legislature is after the establish
ed pattern; tlie Senate is all llepubli
ean, and the I louse nearly so. Filly
one towns elect 17 I'cpublieans and 1
Democrats. Lat year Gov. Dilling
ham had 22,822 majority; in 1805 he
ad ix.i-jo majority : in I S( 1 tin- Re
publican majority was 18,077 on Gov-
rnor and 122,9 2 on President. I he-I
Legislature last year was: Senate, .'30
KepubhcaiH, no Democrats. House,
221 to U
JHMiviET Di'isoAN, the murderess
of Mrs. Curie!!, was executed at New
Brunswick, N. J., on Auirust "0. She
met her death wilhoutcmotion,w!iisky,
it is said, having been administered to
her in lanm quantities to keen her
nerves quiet. She left a confession
behind her, in which she stales (bat
he killed Mrs. Coriell that she midil
take her place as the wife of Doctor O.
Special llrticw.
Ma Ileliiilinlr toneeulrnted Extrnct
I!f(.IIU, Is the tireal IHurclle.
UBL.niniLu's coset:N-ri:Ti:n KxTitArr BAnf ArA-
Is Ihe (ji-eiit t;iin)d I'm mrr,
I!"(h pn pared necnrdlini In rulin ofriinr-
mneynnil I'lininlslrj-, and aro llio mmit active
that can h-j lnmle. 0;!:le'w-ly,
nrnr Non-ttctentlon or Inrontlmi-
once of Crlno, Irritation, liirtnniniallnn.or ulcer-
allnn of Ihe I In. I,U r, or klilm-yn, illKeasesof the
prostrate kImii.Ih.pIi.iioIii the Idadder, enletilun,
ravel or brick iIu ;tib-iosltsa:id fill ill-Ji-nscfi of
the lihuliler, kidneys nnd dropsical swellings.
t'"F llnr.nniji.u's I'bimi KxniAtT llugltc,
iiJVt'oiKlo I o'h,
O r. R H A M
Is mnnnfflrftirrtt fmrn PfUK
M VI I. Ill IIU .,r..t nik.r I . .
ror Mic uy nu orucunc. vrly.
t.i,rnf(iMt?flnn1 lollrnloroitt (nf Ion,
of both sexes use IfnlinUoM's Extract Bnchn It
will (dvo brink ftiul cn orotic fcoliugn.Hinl enntlo
M you slcop wtdl.: ftiaeowly
Tlifl HcrbnllMt r the People their
Own riiyMieimi by the useof NATriiE'a Heme-
Mrs Ik a new CopyriRht iJorik, comprlslna 40H
Lirsfo octavo pnm-s, by Dr. O. p. PiiKiira Brown.
This vAlunMe work is now bplnit Jntrotlucml
hero by Mr. H. I 8pltsnoRle, who Ima the nolo
iVxency f'r f.reono county, Po..anl Mononanlln
county, V. Vrt. Piuck ?l per ropy.
The dlMlnnuishn author of the bonk In a sum-
ctpt ffBunulteo fortlm rollnbillty of It tench
Intm ana aa ample rocommc Dilation of 1U cUar
ncttT. It tcnrhM tho curntlve proportion of nil th
mUlvennd forelKii medlrnl hprlw, plnntsums,
bolsains, Imrkalinrt roots known In the world;
irAcrnim them; IcIIk when togutlirr them : how
to pn p:uc them ; what dimises thoy nro dudgu-
! o euro; wiioii am how to npiy them. i
It discards tlid of all mliiem., and othor
harsh, oruul nnd violent m4hods of treating
iltnonsosnnil promptly furnlHheri a remedy for
Afltlctod Naturoln Xaturo'sown Apothecary, :
Its lnnnuRjcolH plnfn KnRlUh. ndilrossad to the
nnderstamllnic of every person who can read. I
nnd It dpseriijeaj n terms not to he mistaken, the
symptoinsofall prevalent dlsttaaos and furnish
es a roinoily In every casn.
entlreeatnlomioof diseases from a bald head or
frerklenioe up to tlio most mnltp-nnnt form of
pestilence. It makes every attentive reader of
1(h irnm-s a eonmh-u Phy-lehin, iteonrrs his
heniih, saves Ids time nnd his nionev, and Is an
Invaluable Imimehold nrtlolo that no one who
rptmr-Mtils bent Interest and tho welAim and
UuppiuuKi ol Uis family can aJlurd to do without
9-Tlie Glory of Man in Mtrensth.
Therofore the nerronii and dehlllutod aliouia'
Immeillalcly usetllelmnoM'f Extract Nucha.
ft)'V-aowTy r
l' J5 A'ivVil
.! my t rli nils ami 1'itlroiin. I hnve,
ns miiiiyofynii nrouwari', boM my ln-iilal pme
tk'o to Dr. J. H. llL'i llg. Ho luui Ihmu cngngi il in
Un- pniott.-o of Dentistry for si vin ycnm,tlic lnt-tc-rlinlf
or wliii lt time I hnvKuppu adinnliilcil
with Ulm una hlii iirofcHsloiml cans, nml know
lilm lo I'C mi hoii'iralili-, uprli-ht, eiuTaotlc man;
as Wi ll ns ono of the miwt cnri-fnl ami sii'-ccssfiil
npi rators I linvo ever known. I ran nuisi-li-ntl.
ously miminwnd lilin to all my patrons, fi l ling
as.smv-1 that In) will rt-mlcr tho very lie.U unlla-fiu-lloii
to alt. I must now Nay faruwetl tonp my
frtenil.1 nnil pli'.iaaut neipiiiintanis-s. I ro to
gn.-k unulliorhome, expettliiii tom-o but few Of
youaM-ilnlnllio urcwut stutu, uulcliurlslilmj a
fiiml lioiu tomeytyiiu all lu the lima of tlio Just
Willi Bvery good Wish U-liuvo mo truly yours, '
l--:liu & S.l'ATTOJf.
-rroni at Youth. A Kenllernnn nho
su ilerisl rur years from Norvoiu lH'hllliy, Inris
mature Dwuy, and all the effects of youthful In
ilisrivtl.m.Mlll, fur Ihemikeol tiur.Tlm; huiiiuiii
ty, send free to all who need It, and receipt und
dlri-etloiis for luakliiR the simple remedy by
wlili'li lie vrus cured. Sullerera wisliln to profit
by the advertlKer's esperlenee, can do so by ud
dressrug, ill perfect eoull'lenee,
0;5-ly 42 Cedar SI, New York.
Wm. Ilisiiii am, Jr.. r4 fifth Sirttl. Pint
huriih, i' the aullarUcl njtr.t for the IIeI'L'Blicas,
m tn'ii arrj.
P 11 O C L A M A T I O N .
W'lTKilK.V, In nn-1 bynnfit nf thn Oonrrul
Assctiiuiy ni iu,i ( iiiimnhsvt-:ill!i of i'l'iuisylva
tt in, uim it U I "An rrlulinu l.i tlio elect loiix tt
1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ir i ( 1 1 1 1 ' .l.i. ..f (nil- A
l, !s:?, It fs Ti-ulc tli duty (if tlio SUiTflKnf
evi-ri iroitnty wtlhin this t 'ui tin lUHrttllli toulvc
iioluvot the (iciii'iul Klcetious, utij In
hUCfl Ill'IKt' ItH'UHUllTUHl I
1. ThiM.iHitTK toht- clr.'hH!.
'A ln-Hiiiat.) tht')liiLu ut wiileli thovlcotlon is
!t MDATH.TOIINS, JIliKliprItr nf thormuity
of i in-i'iii'. tin licivbv inukt' known, niitlui v tht-
pui. lie uotit'u to tlio Kloctiuu oi tlio cuiiulyof
Ull'tU", Willi
nt'Tt, 'Itelns thn Pth dny of tbomonth n (lonrral
f-ifctiim win in) lifia at tin st'vtntl rtrcthm (Us
t ricts t stnblilit'd hv liw iiisiililcomit v. at whli-li
time tlu will vMe by ballot fur thu sovcnil olll-ctr-'
tiiTfi'mttcr iiiiinrd viz:
(iNK PKlXiN fir tin oftlco nf Judge of tho
Supivini-r.-iirt of the Stati'.
oN'K I'KllSdN for metnbiT of Assembly of tho
iAmimimvi':ii'M 01 i t-niisvi vanm.
ti.NK PKHSON for tho oMcu of Bherlff of the
eotiiitv of (irono.
OXK I'Kltsux for tha oHloo cf Treiifiirer of
theriiMnty of ( Irefiio.
i-NK PKlLi X lor iho.'onU'eorCoinmlHsIoiier of
tlie eountv ot (h-eene.
tiNK I'KltsuN for thoomVo of Cornnorof tho
cotintv of (Irei'iie.
TWO PKItsoNS for tlioonieo of .Tnry CnmmtH-
sloner, ot the eotmty of Oiuene, ou:h elector
volin- lor tmt one,
UNK t'i-:i:stN torthootlluo of Auditor of the
OfHHltV of (JlVi'lH',
OXK I'KltsoN forthoolllcn of Dlroctor of the
I'oorot Uieeottiiiyot uret'iu;.
Thesnld elootlon will bo hold throuirhont tho
county an loiiows:
Ihe KlectoiH ot M'nnklln township will meet
ii i lie 1 1 on si oi Minn n k re'm.
The I '.leelors of Marion lownslili) will meet nt
tlio i-Mt v. lii'-iowol liiot.iHiri. liott-suln , aynori-
Tlie IMrcttirs nf Whltelv townh!n.nt Hie hoitsi1
formerly nf l.ewi Ifendlee, Km'., In Newtown.
I fie I'.leetors or MuMlfvr.l township, nt Ihu
dweiltn-i house at Kus;irt'K Mitts.
The i',i'etoi-H of (ireene township, ut Um oilier
oi jojvuuiiu niewan.
I lie IA riorn ot .Monoiuritlieln towiiihlp, fit the
liotne necupiid by Wm. .Mi-stivziit, in .Maple
Tint Kleetors of Ji'rer!0!j township will meet
t tlie h-ilise of Win. Kelly, lu .ietliMson.
The I liei-toiH of .Moiirui iownshin. aL LIuhi'IkkiI
iiouv" iieur v . i . ii, run iey h.
'J'he Kit cfoiH of .lueksou township, nt John
son 'm mcIiooI house.
The Kleetorsof Cnnihorland towti-bh. ntthe
WtM. window of the oecopled by Jum oli
ore, lii ( "iirniiehiH-K
'J'he Kleetors nf the It'troM'ih of ('arnilflifiHH at
th" whitlow of thn houso oeeupletl by Jo-
Nl'pil UOie, IIM firillMMTMflM.
The l.h ftor.s of Centre townislilp, at I ho house
of Samuel Wood in t 'Union,
The Kli-etors of Wayne township, nt l'liUHus'
school lioiie.
The Kl. etoM of Mon-iH township, nt tho hoipe
of Kdwanl Marker.
'J he l .l.-etoisot' Wa"hlnu'tm lownhlP. ut the
brie); ;lioil house betwotMi ttu; fnrniK o! I li': Ah
.loimM ami iseiif. ll'ws.
Tl:t; Kleetofs of Aileppo township, ut tht: house
of Au-u M'tlffiin !-."-iifi - Creek.
The Kb otili'Miill towiishlp,et the house
lol m.-rlv of -Inst -pit l-'ltlik, Jaeksimville.
lliif'eto,-. of tVvry towihip. fit the hnnr
f'-nifi-iy oi upted iiy John Minor, in Mt. .Morris.
I in i-.i.-.-toi.-. o! (.iiuiore the house
Of Kltot-h J If -Mill!!, ill ,lnlle mvil.
Tie- Kleetorj,of.Sirini;liill township, ttl Htephon
Ulie rt .'I'll,
f make known nnd nlvonolleo, ns In find by
llie JMh Me'-ttou or the aforesaid net 1 nm d I re-led
, "that cvt-ry per.-on, e.xeept iny .Instiees of Ihe
peaee, who shall hold any oMleo or appoint inent
oi proni or mm miner mo uoveriuiieni oi ini
l;nitei sintt s or ot this Slate, or any city or In-
eoi pt irn ted dl-ti'let, whether tt commissioned
oliieer or ouienvise, a Kitiiorajnalo (t!--r, en
aae'il who Is or shall be eini lovcd under tlu lee-
Iflature, Judif liiry or exeeutlvo depurtnient of
niis iaie or i nueii wtaies, or u any ciiy or in
eoipotated dNtrict, and also thai every member
oi t. oniress mm i no Mine ia nisjamre, ano ! I ne
sided and common council of any elt v, com nils
sinners ot any incorporated district, is by law
incapable ot holding or exercising at tho same
time the odlee or appointment of jnde;e, Inspec
tor or clerk of any election of this Common
wealth, and that no Inspector or Jinlije. or other
officer ut. tiny such election, shall lo dibble to
any oltice then to bu voted for."
Also, that In tho fourth section of the net nf
Assembly, entitled "An net relating to execu
tions, nnd lorotber tMirnose:-,.' unmoved Anril
Hi, lMt, it is enacted that tho aforesaid :ilh sec
tion ''shall not l;c so construed as to prevent any
militia officer or borouyh fdfieer from servlnc ns
jU'iuo, inspector or clerk at any ueiierulor flpetlnl
wieeMon In this c'timmonweaUh.''
Also, that In thu tilst Feetion of said net It Is
enacted that "every cneral and special election
snail bi opened betwe-n Ihu hours of eiht, and
ten in the torcioMm nnd shall continue without
lnten apt l"ii or adjournment until M-ycn o'clock
III 1 he tj veil) III Wiien th1 polisnhiilI tie ein';e.l.'
The general, special, ( ity, incorporated district
nnd township elections shnil be condueteit by
luspcctorsaiifl Judges t-lected Hsnfore;vidand by
eleik-t appoint ml as here! na Iter nrovided, t
"No person shall be permitted tovot nt nny
otei-iion as ntormaltlbut awhtto fnemanof the
aijeof twi'tity-otm years or inoro, who sliall have
rcsidisl In this Kluto at least one year, and in the
eb.-etion til st i let whero he nth rs'to vote nt least
ten dns Immediately preecedln? such rlcetioii.
ami wiimn i.woyf arspiihi s stawtttr cotmtytex,
whieli shall hnve been assessed nt le;ist tenduvs
hct'nretlie election : but a citizen of the L-nlled
stales wl'.obiis prevlcaiiy hi en a rniall(l"d voter
ot t his stale and removed therefrom and return
ed.rind who sliall havo resided lu the election
district.and paid taxes ax aforesaid, siinll bo t u
tilb'd to vote utter resldliiK (n this Stato six
month : Provided, That while freemen, citizens
on he rutted states, bet ween the ihjcm of twen'y
onennd twenty-two and having resided in the
election disl i let ten tfaysaNnforetithl.sIiall tie en
titled to vote, aUhoutfh they shall uot iiavo paid
"No person shrill bo ivrmltte-Ito vote whme
name fs not eont-itie d lu theiiMt. of tnxuhlo in
hubitants, fnrnNhcd by the tViinmlssioners, un
less first, he produce n'r'tdpt for thn payment
within two ycfirs of n ntn.n or county tax iwhsh
d ncreeftbts to tilft coni! 1 r uf loll, uuUglve satis
factory evidenco, eltht ron hlstiwn oalh oralllr
mation of another, that Ih)us iaid such a tax. or
on failure to produce n receipt shall malts oath
oi iiie pavmciu inereoi, or scemm, ir lie eiatm n
voto by Iw-lm nn elector between the a4es of
twenty-one ami twenty-two years, he shall tie
pose on oatli of Affirmation that he has rest do I
in the Htate At lenMone year ticmre his applica
tion. and make such nrool 'of his residence in the
(liKlrlet ns required by this net. and timt hodoos
rruy mriievi' iroin M1H HCCOliriUf (IVOIl mill llini
hnl of nice aforesaid, and nave nucli oLIinr evi
dence as Ik required by thin net whereupon the
nnniem um imtsoo so niiiiiittPti to voiemiaii ue
inserted In tlnialpha)etlcal list by tlie I ns (rec
tors, und a not mado omosltc thereto by writ-
im; the wont "tax," If he shall Ikj. admitted to
vou: iiv roasxiu or liuvlm paid lax, or tho wonl
"luro' If he hhnll lit ndmitted to voto by reason
ot such tut, und shall Ih? ended out to the clerks,
who shall make the Uko notes lu tUoiist or
it'-rs Kent ty them. .
Ml in.l wlS
Kvei-V liel-lll OU lllflr-l :IS uf. iri-lli-I, Oll'l Willi
iti-nrtMinil pnymi-ntii Uixist utiiri'tiiilil, uluill In
nilnilttvl to vnt In thn t'iwnslili, wind or Ul
trlet in'wlili-h linnhiill reslilo.
"If any ihwhi ahull prevent or attempt In p
venl anv nill'-iTs nf an lo-lliin under Dili act
from IioIiIIiik sueh election. or uso or threaten
anv Tloleniss tonnr anrh oiflcr. or .hall Inter
rupt or Improperly Interfere wlthtilni In thert
rs'iiiloo of ni. iltity, orslinll block nptli wlnilotr
ornveniin to anv win-low wlwr llm aain may
be h'iMlhir, or shall rioliumly ill.turli the pejun
nCsitclielis'll.m,orhiUlti or praiitlce anr In
tiinl'latlini threats, force or vinli'ti'-e.witlnlfsltoi
tivlnfliieneo nn-lnly nrovurawn any elcotor,' or
to prevent him from votlrut of rcatniln tho frr-A-rlom
of cholpo, naeti peraon on ronvlnttrm ahnll
kaflmil In ny ain got naaiUng nVa Ipiarlaail
v WvfvtiscmenK
ili'llannnii for liva
than one mil,. Iinor moie lli.n Iwelve i,,n,s,
und li it shiill m shown tits is.urt wi,,.ru the
trial of mn li olli-n.-.. si, ill M 1Hll t,.,, , "
siinsooii.-u linn wi-s not a n-Niii.-iu ,,i t1B .!.,..
iii.l,illslrlel,or ih,. loHiislilp when- I ho mi,!
'w I iin.l not i-uliUiil to vol.-
then In, then on com .ei inn , B, ,,r ,,(,.,..
eil to pay a Hue ol not l.-ss thiin one hundred 11, ir
inoiv, ,! H, Imprls.
winisl not less than six months nor uioro lliitu
two yeiil-H." "
"ItKleill Ih-IIio duly or the several assessors
resi. etlvi ly. In llllelul III III,, placmif liolillu
evei--m'lii-ral,Hpis-liil or tow nsinp (.istliin dur.
in ihe lime smI I el.s-li.'U Is U. T.. pen f!,'r the
purpoNeiif Klvlm I,, u,0 htiHfinin
an.lju.lues, wh. 11 ealli d on, In reliClou to llie
rlislil ol any person itssessed liythein tovolo at
such el, -el 11. ni, or such oilier nt. titers In relation
Pi the assessment of voters us the said in-n- i
tors or either ol them shaUiioui time to liniu re.
If any poroii or ppmons sliull makennr l-t or
waer Usm tha result ol any elect, m wltliln this
t'oiiimonu-ealth orslinll oiler to uiakeuny such
bet or wiincr, ellher hy verlml piiK-lnuiutlou
thereto iir hy any printed or will ten advertise
ment, eluilleuxeor invito any pi-rsinior ihtsohs
iiiiiiiiko sucii ijcl or wiiKcr, up,u eon Viet lull
therisil, ho or they shall lorfell and nav tlnsu.
tint cm
ics Ihiiamounl so olli-rcl to he bet.
ll itnv nersitiiiiot bv lawounlifletl ivn.i..
lently votoat any election In this Common
wealth, or ltolu otherwise (iiallticd, shall vote
out of lib proper distrlct.orll any person, know
Imr the want of such n't'dtficntion, shall aid or
pns-uiomieh iH-rson to vote, the ters,ni, on con
viction, shall In- fined in any sum not exceeding
two hundred dollars nnd be Imprisoned for any
If Any person shall vote At more Ihnuono elec
tion district, or othcrwiso liauduleatlv vote
more than once on thesnnu day, or shall frnud
ultmlly lild ami deliver to tie in)ector two
tickets together, with the Intunt illei;,illv to vote
or advise and prmaire another so to do, ho or
they Mm II bu Hue 1 lu nnv ;.U in, tint less than fifty
nor mori'thau live tuindrd dollars, and be Im
prisoned not less than threo or more than twelve
lfany person not miaMtli-l to voto hi this
Commonwealth, nurctahly to law, (t xeept the
son of iptaMMed citi'ens,) tsliall appear nt nay
phieeof clts-llon, for the purpose of ii-siiln tick
ets or of lulhtenciiiLrcHleiM mtalilled to vote,
he shall, on convict Ion, Jorfe It and pay utiv sum
not exeei'dim; one hundrcfl dollars for every
such olli nec, and be Imprisoned for uny lonii
tl of exceedim; lut lvo inoltliiH.
In case tlie person who shall hnve received the
second highest number of voters for Inspivtor
siiali not a! tend on the ihty of elect ion, then tlie
p. rson wtio shall have rceeh st the second IiIl'Ii-
est number of votes for Juds" at the next prln
election shall act tu inspector in his place : ntK1
In case the person who shall have received the
highest number of votes for Inspector shall not
atieiin, i ne erson eiccic! juoive siiaiiapoini tin
inspector In Ids place; and In case tho person
ciecrc.i .tuitL'o snati not nireno, men mo ihsjm
tor Who received the highest uiimtier of vot
siiall afipolnt njuduclu Ills place: or If an?
vacancy shall continue In the hoard for tho
space of one hour after the time fixed by law
tor tho ujvninvi of the election, the (pia lined
voters ol the tosvnshlp. ward or district for
whlcM nueii oiiiccr Hhnll have tie.-n ciecte
present at theplacn of election, shall select one
ad o their iiumls r to fill such vacancy.
Pursuant to tint provisions contained In the
ii!i section oi iae act ursi nirorcsutn, me .UH
esof the aforesaid districts shall respectively
takeclmrire of the certificates of return of tho
elect Ii m or their respective districts, ami pro
duce them at a meeting of one Judge from each
district at the Horoiiih of Waynehur, on tho
Third 'lav after tlie day of el. el ion, belnv OX
MtlllAY. OCTOIIMt IOXH. 1HU7. then mid
there to perform tho duties required by luw of
sue i junto's.
Also, that whero n .fudijo. hy sickness or una.
voidable ncctdeiit, Is unnbte to attend such
meeting nt JiMues, then the eertlileato or re
turn shah bo taken churirc of Iiy one of the In
spectors orclcrksof the election of Ihedistrlet.
who shall do and perform Ihe duties rciulietl
oi sum juokc unaoic 10 n'teitn,
KliKfTHlN OK Jt'lMlKM.
OK .JI'IKtKS, Al'I'KOVFI) Al'KII, t'ltif, ISjI, IT IS
J I Ivl.t I r.O .n FUI.MIWK I
I. Ihe elect Ion for Indues shall bo held nnd
conducted In the several c!eci Ion districts In
thesame manner In nil respects ns elections for
Ih-presorit.'itivt'S are or shrill he held and eon'i i iy ti:e Ktme judues, Inspectors and
olh'-r olllcers and the prnvbdonM ninl the net
ot tho ireneral a:e,enblv. entitle.l "An A el iv.
latino tothecleeti'ms (if this Commonwealth,"
appiove l Ihe :'tid (lay of , Inly, JK't'i, and lis sever-
pi supplements, nn.t ailoiiier like laws n turns
filename shall be in force nnd applicable, h)iI
ne deetiied nnd taken tonpplv to the elections
mr ju'it-c: I'rovi.Ksi, Thnt the a foresaid 'ltv
tors shall vote for.lud;-s of the Supremo Court
on n sepande piece of p,isr, nnd for all other
.Ind'-es reoiiitcil to be P-uriiC'l in the law on
unolh'T separate piece of paper.
i. nm meeiniH ot tlie return Judues of the
several election districts In each county pro
vided for by tho act hereinbefore cited, dupli
cate returns of all the votes Ivm In such coun
ty forjudges of fie supreme Court, and nil Judg
es which the mialiilcd voters of caeli eonitlviire
entitled to elect of themselves unconnected with
'IUV other eoimtV or ilKtnY!.s)i.ll! bn lieide onl
by the clerks ot the board of nd urn judges, one
of which returns the President of mhl board
II I-Tihvi'h lodim in the otfleo of the Pro-
thonoT'iry ol the ( our t ot I oniiuon J lenm,f tmch
auu.v, mi'l i ne o: ner nc snail encfosc in an on
ij lope, wtilch t-nvelone he tOmll seal and dirts-t
to ttiu Secret avy of the Common wealth, and
place it In the ne:,r. st post othi e.
fi. Ju ens, -of the eh-eiion of I'resbleiit Jtidt.-n of
any judicial district compra'd if two or more
coimlies. at a iiiietint' oiulte return Indites of
encli otaucn couutlo, Ihe Merits aforesnid nbiill
mrd'.eoiil i f iir.a -dein. n" ot ail the votcn wlddi
iiall have 1 'i vii at ste-ii tdection within
thr county tor every p non voted for as such
president tinL-e, wit":i shall be signed by mi id
judges and alte-ied hy tl b r;s; mid one of
sti It l jud-'t'S shall ta!;e elintije ot such statement,
tnd siiall I'lo-lii.-i' ihe tiutcMf a mcr-tiic of one
shafl be held on tlie seveJitli day alter Ihu elec
hull... IV, .1.1 , I. ,.C u.,!.l ,11.,.. ...1. ...1 t i ....
tion, nt the court Ii oui in one of the counties,
to be llxerl by Inkim? -uch counties allemately
in tiu'ii i 1 1 1 in; 1 1 ji'i 1 1". u oi'ier.
7. The Indues of the .several coimtlt's hnvlmrso
met, siiall cast upon I he sevfral coimiy returm
and maib-ji mfiicieiti- number of copies ef a yen
oral lelimi of nil tho voles tflveu tor such niMee
in said dislriet, nil of whih they siiall certify,
and urn of which they shall lodtre fnrthwith in
the olllce of the frotlaaiotarv of ties Court of
Common J'leus f wk Ii of said counties, and one
of which 1 1 iey shall unclose, seal and direct hi
tlie Secretary nt the Commonweal! h, In man tier
pn-sc! ibed by the fit T section of this net.
in ensoul tlie iceiioti ot nnv indue or any
coin l of its-oid now exlstini or hereaflerto bo
M-eatel. havim fuHsflicI ton over territory tv nif
within and not irichidim; all of any county, tlio
return Judges of tho several election dls'trlcts
within sucii territory siiall omstitutea bKird of
reluriK-d Judges with resncet, to mich election
and sh ill, aL the sauto limo and pliua- of Ihe
tiim of tho return Judtxes of such county,
proceed in all respects hi relation to such elec
tion as is rcu uired of the count v board in the Ml h
section hereof, except that thoy shall lodge one
of the duplicate rot urns in thenlice of tlio clerk
of said court. Instead of that, of tho prothonotary
of the couit ot common pl as.
1 be !!turii .liehrrs will meet in
core im c wiih mi Act iiiarovcd May 1st. InU.
fat the Court limine In IJ. avcr, In the imroui'h of
Heaver, In tho county of liVnver. on tho seventh
davatler tho eleelioti. boimr Tuesday. Oelobtr
1Mb, 11,7.
Tfiertemitoilal ilelurn Jiiduoa will muet. In ae-
eovdalicH with nil Act approved May ath, Wl, Hi
i no Main ions'! ;n i iiioiito.vii, in tuo county or
ln etie, on the 7i Ii day alter llieclcctiou, buing
i. ni'-viit, , jciouei i-iui, i.-ii,
As therein dfreoTt'd. IitKucive otrhdul iinfife
of the foltywtnn provisions of an Act approved
lutMMiii. c:itnifd"A fur her suia ement
to the election taws of this Commonwealth :"
S, l!ylhe.iu:tof (Jonuressof thu United
Htate-, entitled, Av Act to amend tho sev.-rnl
le ts lieretolore p-vh ti provbhi for tiio enndl-
i:ii and ( alllnij '.uti the national forces ami for
ittief puri oHea. arid amroved March third, one
l holism ., cli'iiL nuudi'cd and sixtv-bve. nil it-r-
s.ns who have deserted the military or naval
service il the I'm led States, and wiio have not
hen di.M-harmed or relieved from the iienalty or
!ab,!ily therein providisl. Hre deemed nnd
taken to hnve voluntarily relliiuuisiietl and for-
itetl Ih irrl'htsof cltleiishioaud their rbfbls
to bt-'onio eiticiis, and aro deprived of exur
cMngiiny riirhts of ctti ens thereof; and
W iikukas. i'ersons not oitizeiisof the Imltotl
States, nro not, under tlieconstitution and laws
of Peiumylvaiiia. (inaliUod Ueetorsof thit'oiu-
fsKi'floS I. fie t ennoted hv th AenntA nnd
House of KenreHontatives oftha(JitiniiiunwA.aLb
of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met. and
y enacted by the nut hurl I vtf t.bPMinn
That In all elections ii ere after to be held in tills
ComtnoiiwoHitli. it shall ho unlawful for the
jiniKuor niKinx-uirsiM any n.:u viuctlon to re
ueivnany liiillnHir ballots from anv ueraon or
pomonseniiiracml in tho provisions anil mi I. Joel
totlloillsnhllUy ImiKsusl lir salil net of I
approvisl Mircli third ono llioiwund elRhtiiun
ilrtsl ami slxiy-llve, ami It shall bo unlawful for
any audi person til offer to rote any ballot or
MR'.'. X Tlint If anv mcll IllltirA and
of riluctlon. or any ono of tlirm, .hall or
ciins. iit toris-elvo any audi niiliiwfnl ballot or
balloU Irom any sneli rilsqaiilllltxl nersnn, heor
theysooireuilinis shall Ito aullly of inlsileineanor.
ami iiiKin i-.mvl.-tl. in tliroof, In any i.vairt or
Quarter Hi-hhIhuh of thla rikmmoT.we.lil: l.
snail for oueli oiri-nce lio aenteneeil to pay a flue
of not l.-s. Iiuiii out) Inuiilrisl ilollam ami to on
ilernoan liiiprlsoiiinenx In tin-tall or tut' proper
county for not luss than almy ilavs.
Skt. a. That If any peraon ileprivoil of eltlsen
slilpaml'llsipialiiiiKiaa aforasaitl, ahnll at any
election luirealu-r to lie held In till. Common
wealth, votiMir lender to tho ollleeni thcnurand
otti r to villi a ballot or Imllota, any. pi-rsna o of
lellillllK anall lieili-eiiieil uullty of a mlwleliuan
ir, and on esinvletlon thrnxrf In anr iort of
iiiiitrteransslona of thlH Couilnouwuillh, aliall
for each otreneu hepunlalied In lllto 111. inner aula
provided in Uir prueisllnu aentlon of thu act In
oases ot of election receiving such mi
luwrul hnllot or biillola. ,,-
hkc. 4. i li-it if any person alinll hereafter nef
sil'iile or ailvlseany imraon or person, deprfvwl
of eltUcnsliluaud illiUiiUllcvl an nforesanl, to
oirer any or liulloui hi tho officers of nny
.lecflnii hen-nricrto l held In tlila Common
wealth, or sluu ixTsuiule or udvianany sucii oin
cr to ri-eei v. any ballot-or Iwillota from any per
vui dapi-lvvd of cltiix-lislilp aud illwiiiallui-d aa
iiforesai.l, am-h person .0 iilf.-ii.hnu .111111 bo
Ktiillynf n inlMleaieanor, and upon conviction
thereof In auy court of quarter aeasiima bf f Ida
Coininonwi-iilili. ahnll be puniahod- lallUeroaD.
uerat provlde.1 In tho aecuiul -aectlon of Uils
act lnibneaiof oittcera of sn. l aleotlonrMlr
lu.uoliuiUwfullKaiiitorUllot. -,irnj
'OivoTi niutrrtrrv-hiToiiat rrtVrH?e,ln-Wavriea-hunt,
tnla 1 1 1 It iiay 01 Mepicmiier, In the ear nf
our I.4r I oiib lliiiiisiLod eliil.t humirm ihlinii-.
seven, and in tho nluely-ilrst year of toe jndo-
pi.-ri'11'irniiJi wiauDITCll rsttleai.
Dlteil Mtnteai. - -
nv dooDS
Mow oflte to dlitra Umu'
i i
i I -
nn. v. wifi rn.RsT, tirtufi it rhfrnifa
IHhi-hsi-s, lun n iioriiuinonl oin.-.i' In WaalilnaUin,
I'l'iiiisylvaiiln, wliore hn hta Iwon angiumri Itir
tin' niiMtwulvuyuaralDUia.tWuaaaftil toeUmMit
of all
Tho rvwlor mlnlit present a mlama otrartlfl.
intra of ciirmi, t'oniplliiinntAry nolloon, ttn., bat
llie nn isl snl h.riirtiiry Imiilinonlal will
tin- imlilh- In n ( Il ii I nf Ills skill. I. W. ili'Votea
((i-liislvn iitli-lillnii In riiniiilR A, In
which his iniPtli-n Ima Imimi unirnrmly mil-caw
rnl, i-ir.-.-llnu i-iiri-s In ninny enn-n Uiat hava
Imiri.-. I all mlior sj stt-nu ii( Irentmant.
l"nmlrHls, Rlirnmntlsm, tlrnnrhlela, Catnmh.
lii'iifiiess I iisinsi-n uf thti Hplno, rltomaon,
lli-nrt, lilviT, lliiwi'ls, KtifrM-ya. Lnnaa,
tulnulo liw-nm-s, Ih'iuinu lHibll.
Ity, At, 4c,
Arn nil prninplly nnil pr-rmnncinlly mtrA hjr lh
iis-iitk sysii-iii in iri'nuiii'iir. iiiiruiK inn nan.
fuw yi-ars, Ihn Iwictor 1ms riiulstiiriMl hnniln
rnulntiirivl hnmlriMla off
i-;iri-Miii iihli-li In will In iili-iisisl to ill. trHM
n-fori'iirrH who may lull niuin him, fla fnrll
nil nlllit-ti-il Willi nny fnriii nf rtinmlo ilnra
nml liiivlnx In ill. J totililaln rolluf, to
f II- principal fiirrntn aro nclwtwl enllrolr frnm
tho Vi'ifi'liililM KliiKiliiin, anil t)icniam no anm
liliusl ns In ciiimliyji the vllnl foni nf tha bodv
nii tliernliy riislnrn It Ui pcrfrs-t health. The
ins'ior ns nis'ii uHjioiiiiiiiy aucocnaiiii in in
troutini'iitnf nil
Women by the senre mil victims tomfttadlr ps-
cullar to their sex. ninnv of whom mhtht ba
saved from lives of wretcliedneMsnnd pminntnra
graves by npplyinif In time to lr. W. The rem
edies employed In thn practice of fir. W. r
mamuaciureo cxcmihivpit ny nun irom nis own
Medioti I titbi.ralory .nnd ftr nlwaysTpurfi In
italily and siiecttle lu el feet. Dr. W.dtacntMiesj
disease by means of the I'rine, the only Infalli
ble lent of disease, never fall tug to dlwmver tUi
nature, ItN-ulliy and ourublllty, thus enabling
him to employ ft
uational, scrKXTrrrr and cukatiyb
( f the absolute certainty of his mrvloof dlftffwv
ses he erm satisfy every pntlont who (flven nlm
a trial, from the urine alone ho will tetlticenrnt
! v all that, enn he known of nny dlseaso. In thn
examlnidionof this wcnttou, ho employ opti
cal, cnciincai iiiai iiiicroseopicni vmm, doohh
be if ik presented In which one of tboMi tettJ la
not MihVlenr to an accurate diagnoses. Th
iffH'ioruoes not eiatm m ne n "en re mt, nor y si
"tho rihtarin nf tho Alrnhihty stretched forth
to frfivo the world from p rents t tire dtsnolntirm."
but he doeH protest IrouiscLentiito arolfanMiiw
Povnted exclitHlvolv tn the treatment of envofito
His, with his titfullibh; tests tf disoase to le Abhi
to ndiHYoand insrmanentlv cure all tnoM emmm
wiiieh are uotuiroudy beyond thorMohof I
e J ins.
orrosiTB the jf ajouox iiors
, .' -I
ADD CO 5 T lVt WT1 A
W-lt. T. WniTTLEST.
Tho Pcnnnylmnls Btala Vnlr irlll b" hM a
Plttabunrh, npon the aronnda of the Ilea CHf
I'urk, Ki"Tl-.MllKIt Ulh, Kth, 9MO, end 7th,
For tho Exhibition nf Hone. Cattle. Aheap.
Rwlno, e., Airricnltiiral Implamenta, Machin
ery, Invention., Farm Product, fralte, Vtow.
cm, IloUBohold Gooda, Ac. ; , . . , ,,( ,-..,.,fj
fsomnnf the Premlofna rn the abet fact, area
a 'in from loll toJ); ell other itraowief Oawlar
no, from In 110; 4i frum 110 to ' baat henf,
4c not lew than 15 heed, fill; M heatMf baatMf
Soke of oxen, premium to be paid AarlCQltarai
rwlrty of tha Ouuuly agndlBB them, liOO-arJ
bi-stM). 1
HOK.M Kft Heat Imnrrrted premlom., from M
to tao-thorona-h breda. Kl, treuMto W Ulna
1 of ion, 1 of .-. 4 of .). . . ,
MATliHtll HOKXEH-I Of Wl, 1 0tt; brut
draiiKht, (teldlnir, and .inclehnraea r), from tat
to SHI. HTAM.IiiNHarrtMARKlfrornl
10. JAi'Knand MULKHl.toem telllHat
mulo team nf four W", at heat I.
HMKKPANI:WrioL-VordlfnirB Drear' nf
premiums from JOOlotS. BWIJ1K JA-Crom M
niL'l.TKY-neatoaUeeUontlead no IfI
am les lhan K. .
rot AKTioolhimi Implemenu, Ream tHMev
Rralea, Ac, but few premlnnv pfrerad. Taa
Judge, however, may anak.eplnewailww ao-tli-e.
of the part leu U merita qTeacii aehjlaa
exhlhilnl. i Ii. .1
For leather and Ita manufactaaFlor a4
Indian meal, araln and areda. ruaetalilai, fruila.
irrnpea, older.
Ap., nreed eake
Jellle., and air tight fralu and rijiihiffia,
cnntlle dlsnlaya Ac, Ulieralfwiaifiini.aaea
m rniiYiiiH.i'-ehw. - ...
will bo exhibited and orrera W ttrrrina Uia Fair.
ror perticninra, or preiraaei law, aeeeaai
D. iWretary, Flttandrth, fav
Mlnnl.admlloa TV-h.t. r aaai ' '
. Bjt-at, A. HUTU itAHiuiya,
.TO) ri
imttttX WMtattxlWaf KM",'
1 .-. .' -. . ) I,-'--.'!. ! f!,:!
IrAwtitlfldn hi la bar btpli
oneeain Itankmptrr that rhji;
Intra. OrltaKoaarjalW DM I
rn.ain inav
... ..