The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, September 11, 1867, Image 1

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Taa Watnbibviio Kkii'bi.icaw, Office in
ajrers' building, eiwt of the Court House, In pub
lished assry Wwiiu-Sdnsr raomlitn At i per
annum, DV cr,or S BO if not puid wllh
In the year. AllanftstHbtiaii areasmla mcst
b Milled aaavallyt No paper fcill K trnt
nut of the State balms paid for is advasc, ami
all such subscriptions will Invarlalily be dlHcoh
tlnued at tin explrotlon of I lie lime fur which
thry are palih
Cnmiridnli'AtlriVtanri snhjtctiinf local or gcnornl
Interest am rvHpfctt'nlly snlirllfl. To einture
ultulioh fuvom of thin kind must Invariably tx
accompanied by the umiteof thcnnthnr, not for
pulillcutlon, hilt aa guaranty analnm Imposition.
All letter fxrliilnliiK Id fin l rtuss of Hie Mllie
rnust be addreMed to liie K.IUor.
A frit Incident.
OnS beautiful Imliim summer day,
n the autumn of 18 14, a stranger np
Jwared in the streets of Hanover, X.
II., whose garb licsnoke the utmost
poverty' and destitution. - As lie Rtag-
Jgcrcd along he was surrounded by a
Vrowd of village boys, who amused
"themselves by insulting him with
Coarse jests and personal indignities.
He bore their abuse with exemplary
mtiencc, and begged them to wait till
le felt a littlo better, and lie would
king them a lino song. His voice was
lliitijc with unnatural excess; and he
Wns too wtffck to protect himself from
the rude jostling of the crowd j yet lie
tiniiled at his tormentor, ami exhibit
cd no other sense of bis helplessness
ind forlorn condition than a look of
grief and shame, whieh, despite his
efforts and smiles, would occasionally
ovcrsnrcad his coiiiitenance. Lute in
the afternoon, the writer, then n stu
lent, passed him in company with a
friend when our attention was ut tract -
vd by a voice of unusual power and
Vnutv, singing that favorite national
ttong of Franco, "La Parisicnne." As
lie proceeded, a great numiicr ot the
students from the college gathered
nround him, and at the conclusion an
Involuntary expression of delight
1 broke from the entire mass. He was
Vnlhiisiastically encored, and afterward
the Marseillaise Was called for. The
Rimci rich, clear Voice, rang onl that
Wild melody in the Very words which
are wont to arouse the spirit of the
.. French soldier to frenzy. The ndini
ration of the poor inebriate's auditory
,' was now raised to the highest pilch.
Despite bis tattered and filthy gar
ments, his sipialid beard and hriinlcss
. ! hat, now that the funics of licpior had
subsided, his form appeared symme
trical and manly, and his face glowed
with the sentiment of the patriotic
, song, and flushed with excitement nl
' the unexpected praise he. was winning,
assuming an expression of intelligence
und joy that beautifully setoff bis real
ly fine features.
" "What and who is the stranger?"
was the universal inquiry. "His sing
ing is incomparable, mid his French
,. mid English are both limitless."
"Yes," said he dropping his eyes,
""and I inn give you (icrniau, or
Spanish, or Italian as well, or Latin
or Greek, cither," lie at Med carelessly.
. In replv to the many questions thai
were showered upon him, with the
eoin he so much seemed to nerd, he at
length said, in a'sad tone, ami slowly
endeavoring to push his way thro' the
crowd: "Gentlemen, lam a poor
Vagabond, entirely unworthy your
, kind sympathy. ' Leave me to my
rags and wretchedness, ami I will go
on my way."
Hut our curiosity was to much ex
cited to allow (his, ami amid loud
. cheers wc escorted him to a room,
',' where he was furnished with water
, ami an entire suit of good clothes ; the
Ixirber's art was brought into requisit-
ion, and after an incredibly short time
he reappeared upon the college steps,
smilinp- ami Ixiwing gracefully, a man
of fine appearance anil noble bearing
as ever eyes dciiciii. j mi m nnv ji
the crowd .at this transformation was
intense, ami repeated shouts rent the
air.- "Give us La Parisienne" echoed
from all sides: ami as soon as silence
lould 1)0 obtained, agaiu that clear
rich voice uttered those inspiring
"People Frsncaise, pcuplc do braves,
, o; La liberie, tourer scs bras."
He was conducted to the spacious
chapel, Jand there for two hours lie
held an audience spell-bound, by one
of the most intere4ing autobiographies
that it was evef our lot to hear. Born
jn Paris, of wealthy parents, ho had in
early life been thoroughly educated at
the University of Wittemburg, antl
received the master's degree. He soon
after joined the fortunes of Napoleon,
and with the rank of lieutenant, was
with him during all the campaign of
V Egypt, m Italy, in Kussia, and at
'' Waterloo. He had been engaged in
more than seventy battles, and his dc-
aeription. of places arid cities, were ex
pressed in choice, graphic terms, and
on being compared with history, were
found to correspond in every particu
lar, j , He related many unwritten and
,cttfioua incidents in the life of Napo
. Icon, which had , come under his ob-
nervation, and finally closed with a
t teaching account of his own career
falter the , battle of "Waterloo. In the
mJerribic rout that follow ed that mcm-
wable event, his detachment was cuns
ied by body of Prussian hussars, and
iWotnintr scattered in the night, he
"Tranderal about three days in the
woods and bv-places without food or
Trinlr."" TTin ehnsn lioinp- at lciltrth
"'Hven over-, the poor Frenchman sank
uoti, sick and weary with his wounds,
- fad nadyto die, br the road side. A
humane Thitch girl discovering him,
J.'Tirbught him refreshmcnU and cordials,
and MBone these a flask of brandy.
Hm.t aid the . nldier. was the
gu5nIng'oFtoy wocs. That angel of
,,neivysnwiut. we oesi ui mouveu,
tnniiin in that flask a deadly foe,
Jhich wat to bm more potent for evil
a"aU thaiuirning toils of the Egyp
tian campaign, or the intolerable frosts
atodfnoys of, the .Eueaian more fatal
than the cannon of seventy battles ;
a thirst mora in-
iLtkilmii iimL which (breed ma to
opes ay veins on the desert sands of
Termi ot
the Eivsti Till that day I never had
tasted strong drink. I had uttered a
vow in my youth to abstain from it,
and to that vow I owed my life, for
not one of my comrades who indulged
. . . . . i i . i
in Uie use ot it, surviven uie norrors ot
tho Egyptian campaign.
"Jlut as 1 lay in anguish, longing
for death and momentarily expecting
its approach, a sweet face appeared to
me, wearing an expression of deep
piety and sympathy for my suH'crings,
and I could but accept without iiimiiry
whatever she gavo me. She gently
raised my head, nnd wiped with her
kerchief the dampness) front my brow,
ami administered the cordial to my
lips. It revived me, I looked around;
my courage, my love of life returned.
I poured forth "my gratitude ill burn
ing words, and called down tho bless
ings of Heaven upon her. Ignorant
of what it was that so suddenly inspir
ed mo, as soon as my spirits (lagged, I
called for more. I drank again ami
again. Fur three weeks her loved
voice soothed me, antl her kind hand
administered to my wants.
"As soon as mv strength wassulli
ciently recovered, fi-uriu that some
enemy might still he lurking near, I
hade her ailieii w ith many thanks and
tears, sought the sea-side, and embark
ed us a common sailor on the first
vessel that nllcred, and have followed
the sea ever since, My lata! thirst has
ever iicconianieil me; in port nml on
deck this liie has debased me, mid kept
me limn all chance of promotion. Oh!
how oiled have I in the depths of my
heart wished I had died on the Held of
Waterloo, or breathed out my lilt' in
the anus ol'my gmitlc preserver. Six
weeks ago I was wrecked on the steam
packet ship Clyde, oil" New llrunswick.
I have wandered through Canada and
N'cw Hampshire, singing lor a low
pennies, or licgjiiiig mv bread, till I
met voiir sympathy to day. I low do
these college halls and this noble hand
of noble students recall to my recollec
tions the scenes of former years?"
The emotion of the stranger, fir a
moment overcame his voice; when he
resumed, the tears still coursing each
other down his checks:
"I know nut why God should di
rect my steps hither ; but gentlemen,
this shall be the beginning of a new
life lo mo; and here in His presence,
anil that of" these witnesses, 1 swear, as
I hope to meet you in heaven, never
to taste a drop of alcohol in any form
Prolonged nnd deafening cheers fol
lowed those words, antl I noticed many
a moist eve.
A collection was immediately taken,
mil more than fifty dollars were put
into Ins hands.
As he ascended the coach to take
his departure, lie turned to the excited
multitude who surrounded him, ami
suit! :
"It is but justice that you should
know mv name. I am Lieutenant
Launes, a nephew of the great Mar-
i I r r fi 111 .11
siiai jjsinncs. iUay uon oiess you mi
farewell !"
A ItllHlc onrlilllp.
I hitched my cheer close to hern,
shot my eyes, and trcnieulously said
"Sal, you're the very gal I've been
bankeriti nrter for a long time. 1
love you all over, from tho foot of
your soul to the head of your crown,
and I don't kcer w ho knows it ; and if
yon say so, we II bejincd in the holy
Wind of matrimony. Ephirihus on
ions, gloria Monday morning, sic tem
per tyrarnis, non cnmpisincntis world
without end, sez 1, and 1 telt as tho
had thrown! up an allvmitcr, 1 telt
so relieved.
With that she fetched a scream, anil
arter a while she sez :
"Peter !"
"What is it, Sa!ly?"sez I.
"Yes." saitl she, a liidiu' of her
O! broom straws with lasses on 'cm
Ef Sal's tlaiMv hadn't bawled out
"Its time lor nil honi'stfilks to Ik in
bed," I do believe I'd stayed all nite.
It is a singular fiict that lives ai
parently most precarious at their lie-
ginningare often protracted to an un
usual length, lhe frenchman, I'on-
tenclle, who survived to within a few
weeks ot a century, was thought to he
stillborn. Voltaire, who died at eighty-
four, was a very puny liilant, Lyman
Beccher,. who attained his eighty-
eighth, year, was a painlully ttuninu
tive nnd sickly balx, whilst the (lis
tinguished Dr. Spuulding, who gradua
ted at Harvard about the samo time
thut Mr. May received hia diploma at
YaTft like him was obliged to be ab
sent during part of his college course,
anil was regarded as a consumptive.
lie, however, dial at ninety-six, and
was the last survivor ot Ins class. JT
may also be remarked in this connc
tion that our college presidents exhib
an unusually large percentage of loud
evity. Dr. Aott, ot Union, who w;
born in the samo year with Ut. ua
reached ninety-three, and Josia
Quinev. of Harvard, ninety-two, whi
many others completed or passed the
three-score and ten.
A FEW nights since, somo young
men, going from New York to Albany
in the cars, were getting rather noisy
and profane, when a gentleman in a
white cravat tapped ono of them upon
the shoulder with the remark, "Young
man, do you know yon are on the road
to perdition?" "That's just my luck'
said the young man "I took a ticket
for Albany, and I've got on the wrong
. jl l- j m ot ...
What is the use of toggery ? "Why
not dress with a view to comfort, con
venieni'e, ami good taste? The savage
of Africa ami tho savage of our own
Western wilds seem to delight in tog
gery. So do tho .Turks ami Chinese.
Indeed, it appears to bo a common
weakness of savago and civilized to
love toggery. Little girls rig out their
dolls and themselves with useless tog
eery. Great military generals and
commodores pile on the toggery; so the
"brave redskins" decorate themselves
with wampum, paint and toggery filler
a successful sculping excursion.
lien the Englishman goes out lor
a Summer holiday or to the "races,"
he loads and hampers himself with
toggery, not to mention baskets and
boxes of provender, ale, porter, beer,
champagne, or whisky, enough, one
would think, to last during a voyage
around the Kingdom. Hut we need
not go abroad to look for travelers'
toggery, Go to our watering places.
Ijook at the ladies' trunks, big enough
to hold "a hcaii" of dry goods and
at the ladies themselves! Look nt
their little heads with those awful
excrescences, loaded down with oyiry.
What can they have within their little
eraniums when so much is piled on
milnhlff If one gives her whole mind
to externals, what becomes of the in
ternal? lint, enough. The foolish
ness not tosay vanity and wickedness
of these things' must be apparent to
all tiiipcrvcrtcd mind.-'. Good taste
even artistic excellence reouiros no
such nonsense; what is there in tin
way of dress more beeuniinir a neiitlc-
111:111 than a suit coat, vest ami pan
taloons all oil' (he samo piece, lie it
blue, black or gray ? So, liir 11 lady.
We shall never Ibrgct the impression
made on our admiring mind lv a vonng
lady dressed ill this manner. The
material was not expensive; frock,
cape nnd bonnet wore made of (lie
same material, hue wore her hair
short n In I'rineess of Honuiark
and had no extra ribbons, rings or
toggery ol any kind, and she wa
hitIIii. That rea I i ci I to our mind the
saving, "beauty unadorned is adorne
I lie most."
Those horses, and that carriage, with
j'ist enough haill'ss lor uxe wllh ii
enough material lor stroimlh and com-
liirt. are far more tasteful than if
cmrred with gold tassels, spangles, ami
it her toggery. Ol all people m tin
worlil, wc should ignore useless tog
gery, lid savage, heat lien ami loolisli
royalty slime m vain "pomp and cer
emony" if they will ; but let sensible
Americans study simplicity, utility,
imilbrt and convenience. rlirenloyt-
Ton O001I t b l.osl.
The Washington City llrpnlilieitn
savs. the toiiowing humorous letter
from a claim attorney 111 the Western
part of Pennsylvania has been handed
us by a gentleman of this city, to whom
it was addressed, as a very clever hit
at the scrupulous particularity exacted
by the Government Departments in
the preparation ol papers lor olitaiiung
bounties, fviisions, Ac. :, Pa., Aug, 12, '07.
IIoN'. D. E. SoMRS; Dnir Sir :
I herewith forward you another in
stallment of "additional evidence" in
the case of , which you
say has been called (br by the Depart
ment. Please let me know whenever
they want any more, as I have several
documents back yet, which may be of
importance such, tor example, ns a
life insurance policy, couple of chattel
mortgages, college diploma, three rail
road passes, nnd a file of tho IJrowns
villo Clipper. Any or all of these
documents, or "certified copies" there
of, will be forthcoming whenever they
may do deemed absolutely essential to
"nut the case through." I don't think
of anything else iust now. Meantime
I await "further developments" with
patience anil resignation.
Yours trulv,
Si-rrit T. IIurp.
Jfot Innroprinte.
Tho Louisvillo Journal savs : "One
of the graveyard firms of Memphis a
lew (lavs ngo purloined lloolllnnd 8
thunder in the lbllowing style. The
advertisement may ltc seen 011 tho fence
on Main street, between Deal ami Lin
den :
Use d Order
Hooflland's n your
German a Collins
Bitters of Hoist & Co.
This reminds us of a juxtaposition
once seen in a public place : A ven
der of tracts, aecidently or intention
ally, posted a bill upon one posted by
a oill vender) leaving ordv the bendinir
tion," which married ladies so provok-
ingly indulge in. "I will keep thee a
week after thou art dead," was the
Quaker s rejoinder,
W. B. Boms, formerly a prompt
and faithful carrier boy of the Provi
dence Journali has' the pleasure this
year of paying tax on an income of
f 120,376, in ban x rancisco, the second
in amount m the city.
ltt., WEDNESDAY, iSElTOHlEU II, 1807.
Br Franklin Wilcox.
One dav. toward the elose of the
- '.: . ... 1 . .
year liHU, a person mouiucu una
powerful gray, was proceeding along a
road hiding to the Santeo in South
There was something commanding
and impressive in his appearance, in
height he was nearly mix teet; his eye,
heavily shaded with dark lashes, was
(lark ."nnd piercing t bis hair Was of a
sandy line : a beard covered the lower
....... , 1 . i t .1
part ot his lace a snauo iuu-kcj man
his hair; bis form was well built, de
noting strength and agility. 'He was
ilail 111 a suit ot homespun gray, With
1 light cloak thrown carelessly oyer
his shoulders concealing the weapons
beneath it. At that period it was un
safe to travel unarmed. It was soon
after the fall of Charleston, and rov
ing bands of jubilant tnries ranged the
country lying principally between the
Santce'ntid the Savannah, plundering
ami insulting, with malicioiM hate,
the families of tlioso known to be
ligs. Murders were of freiUeilt oc
currence, nnd scarcely a nigiii passed
but what witnessed an illumination of
the sky. and the next morning a pile of
ruins marked the place w here stood a
patriot's home. Aen who loved their
country heller llian their lives, lied to
the swamps ami organized themselves
into small squads, to escape the perse
oution that ollowod Uritish rule 111
the Carolinas a persecution resemb
ling that of the Huguenots. Those
were the days when men's patriotism
was put lo a severo lest. Moultrie
and others wore prisoners, but Sumter,
Marion, Pickens, anil other brave par
tisans, kept the P.ritisli alive to the
fin-t that they, at least, were not sub
dued; and from time to lime, by their
brilliant exploits, told America that
they were still battling bravely fin the
"ruined cause" to use the British ex
pression. Noble men! Long will they
live in the memory of their country
men; while history, ever ready to
award praise, will chronicle their
deeds, and hand down to posterity the
names of these brave champions ol
American independence.
Tli('strangor,afier crossing the Sanlei,
rode a mile along its banks, antl came
to a road running at right angles with
the river. He turned bis horse's bead
ami galloped along the road. Mile
after mile he rode, and just as the sun
was expiring in the west, be turned
into a wood, through which the road
evidently bad been cut to admit the
passage of troops. He rode slowly
through this road and dismounted on
the edge of a largo swamp. Taking a
silver whistle, richly ornamented, from
his bosom ho blew it distinctly. Its
echos hail hardly broken the solemn
stillness of the (iircst when a man ap
peared on the scene antl thus greeted
the other:
"Well, captain, your success?"
The one addressed ns "captain,"
if tor a glance around replied,
"As well ns could bo expected,
Wearrey. I not only found out the
iumbor, equipments, Ac, of that in
ternal band ol tones, but learned they
were to meet to-night nt the Old Farm
I louse, back of Masiasoit Creek. I hey
sjiall not escape my vengeance now :
he muttered, ns it to himself. "My
poor lather calls on me to avenge his
ruel murder, and this night shall see
them destroyed or 1110 a corpse ! I low
ire tho buys, Wearry, since I have
been gone?"
"All right, responded the other,
with the exception of Cousins. He
left the camp to visit his family, and
this morning his dead body was found
near Knox s lull.
"His death shall not be unrcveng-
ed," said he, with an oath. "But take
the horse, 1 will lollow.
1 lie path, wlucli looked much used,
led over a marshy tract. J tore and
there it was bridged by falling cypress
trees across ; in otner places they were
obliged to wade through, i hey pass
eil through the swamp and descended
into a kind of vallev. In this valley
there stood a few bouses, made partly
of logs anil partly brushwood. In and
around these cabins .vc men engaged
in dilicrent occupations : some were
polishing their rifles, ami others, in
small groups, talking of recent events,
At the entrance ot their leader all sa
luted and gathon-d asjound him to heir
the result ol his movement. J to nan
beenbn a scout to ascertain the where-
alKiutsof the notorious Keane.
He addressed them as follows:
"Men, to night wc go to accomplish
the ruin of a band of cut-throats, who,
under the euise of soldiers, burn down
our houses nnd rob and murder our
families. What say you, men yc
who love your country are yc wil
ling ?"
ilo'nccd not have asked, for the
heaving breast and flashing eye told
their eagerness. As ho ceased 8ieak.
ing a cheer, wild and startling in its
nature, arose, sliowing their approba
tion. Then ho continued,
"To-night thev hold a meeting at
the old larm House, and to-night,
men. we will surprise them in the
midst of their drunken revelry"
So saving Cantain Hinkle for that
was his name retired to his tent
It was nearly midnight as the little
band, numbering some fifty, armed to
the teeth, passed on thBough the woous.
The night was nitchv dark, and could
not have been letter selected for their
purpose. Twoled tho way with torch
es, which were trodden out as soon as
thev reached Uie Santee. iney swam
over, no means of conveyance being at
RIGHT. IJunln.
hand. Marching silently, as In-fore,
they reached tho rendevoiis of the
ti tries, and reconnoitered. The lories,
anticipating no danger, bail not put
any sentries out. lhe patnols, at a
signal from their leader, rushed up the
walk, and burst open the door with
loud cheers. The tories, at the first
notice of danger, sprang for their gnus,
which had been stacked near tho door,
and in the direction of tho patriots,
who saw their intention and seized
them. Tho clear voico of Captain
Hinkle mug through the ancient halls.
"Don't let nny escape, boys! Ue
ineinl)er Tarleton's quarters!
The surprise had been complete. A
few of the tories escaped by jumping
from an upper story. Others drew
their swords, and with their backs
against the wall fought desperately.
They knew their assailants, and knew
also that a just retribution had follow
ed them.
The fiuiek evo of Captain Ilinkle
singled out the tory fouler, ami they
crossed swords. Sparks flashed from
their blades as they parried blow alter
blow. After a short affray, Captain
Hinkle, who had been watching bis
chance, ran his sword through Kcanc's
body, saving, "Take that, vou coward
ly villain!" '
Drawing his reeking blade red with
the blood of several tories, ho rushed
into the light, cheering oil the band of
devoted patriots), The tories li night
with a lbrlorn hope, knowing their
file would be "ropo mid the nearest
Irce," if captured. One bv one they
II in their trat-kiieithcrilcad or woun
ctl. A cry of "Fire! fire!" was heard
just then, mid a dense smoke filled the
wcr apartment, nnd all rushed out
into the air, bearing with them three
of their wounded comrades. Some
lory in escaping had set lire to a heap
f straw and rubbi-h. The roof fell in
with a crash, burying beneath it tin:
wounded lories. Their fhricks were
agonizing. J-.very exert 1011 was made
to save them, but w ithout, success, and
fhev were buried in that heap of ruins.
The Haines rose higher and higher,
iishing along and enveloping every
part of thi! house in a fiery bla.c, and
nothing was left of the old mansion
nit a pile of smoking ruins.
The patriots in the eiicounlcr lost
five men three killed nnd two woun-
led who wore buried beneath the
rums. I hree others wore wounded
but were rescued from the (Limes, ami
recovered from their wounds.
This, and other brave deeds, amused
th:! patriots from their lethargy. They
milled ( ii'cene and oilier coniinniiiiers,
nit I soon drove the invaders lront their
I'lipilal J'uiiKliiiiriil.
Gen. T., of New York, was not
ong since called upon by n person to
obtain his signature on a petition for
the abolishment of capital punishment.
lhe person unfolded Ins papers and
loetiments and presented his arguments
in a tiresome speech stopping occasion-
illy to deposit a moutlilul ot tobacco
juice upon a nice parlor carpet.
1 heuenci-al was 111 lavor ot dimin
ishing capital punishment, but doubted
the propriety or expediency of abol
ishing it 111 all cases.
A.t tho expression of this opinion
his visitor began to bridle up and pre
pare to lay down his arguments with
greater force: and in order to give
greater facility to his enunciation, he
took from Ins mouth n huge quid ol
tobacco nml threw it upon the white
marble hearth, saying he wished the
General would be so good as to inform
him 111 what particular case enpital
punishment could ever be justified or
"Well," said the General, "It strikes
mo that it we are going to abolish
capital punishment, there are two cases
winch should always be mauo excep
"Two eases, are there?" said the
"Well sir, I should like to hear
them stated, and the arguments f r
"lhe hrsr, said the Unucral, "is
that of clear cold blooded, premedita
ted murder. 1 think the person who
lies in waiting, or in ambush, with
malice prepense, and takes the life of
his fellow creature, ought, to forfeit his
own life in return. I lu deserves tole
"Well, I have abundance of argu
ment to meet that occasion," stid the
visitor. "Sow I should like to know
your other case."
"The other case," said the General.
"is that ol the animal that walks on
two legs, calls itself a man and carries
a mouthful of disgusting filth into a
clean house, antl there pours it forth
upon tho carpet and scatters it upon
the hearth. Such a being w certainly
not fit to live in decent society, and I
do not know of nny lettor or more
ready mode of getting rid of hira than
to hang him. With these two excep
tions. I think I should be willing to
sign your pawr for the abolition of
capital punishment."
The visitor gathered up his papers
thrust them into his pocket ; and with
very blank looks hastily withdrew,
He has not since, called to receive tho
General s signature.
The Brown University pedestrians
have returned frora a trip of nine
hundred arid eighty-two miles They
were taken, at various places, for
gypsies, returned soldiers, Fenians,
peddlers, railroad workers, race horse
riders, sailors, baso ball players, fire
men and rumans.
NO. 13.
The Ml. l.uuN llrliUe A Wonderful Niriic
lure. Work on the great St. Louis bridge
is to begin in a few davs. It will be
one of the most notable structures of
the kind in the world. Its length; the
size of tho longer spans, nnd its ex
pense, entitle it to rank among the
really great bridges. Tho vast nnd
increasing iniortauce of tho continen
tal traflio it is to accommodate, adds to
the interest its mere size would awaken,
while the serious practical dilliculties
to bo overcome in its erection will
cause the work to lw regarded with
more than ordinary attention.
It is to be a pier bridge, resting on
solid stone foundations, on which will
rest arches of steel sustaining the spans.
These urches will surpass anything of
the Kind ever erected, lhe two side
spans will be four hundred and ninety
seven (is't each in length, and the
central span livo hundred and fifteen
feet in the clear, between the abutments.
Ordinarily there will be from siity to
ventv feet distance between the lower
side of the central span and the wa
ter, ami filly feet in time of high
water. It may bo said here that the
nats in in hciovv Pt, lmis rarely go
ibove, an I rice nrml, so that there
need be little passage under the bridge..
J hero will be (nicks lor both car
riages ami railway cars, lhe railway
t nick on the St. Louis side will pass
over the liivt strccl, and then go under
'round for about thrce-iiuartcrs of a
inilu iimler the central part of the
it v, when it will emergen! thegrounds
lected for a great union passenger
lcof. The stone arches on each side
1 tho bridge are expected to add
much lo its nrehitceural cU'ect. It is
aid that in general style mid character
it will rescmblo the celebrated bridge
over (lie Mime at t oolentz.
The most dillicult part of the prob
lem of building this bridge will be the
lilting down of the piers, which will
lie very lna--ive. They are lo be one
hundred ami fifty feel at the bottom,
mil about seventy bv thirty feel at the
op. I he river bottom is composed ol
lultjng sanils, below which is found
the solid rock bed, on whieh the piers
must rest. The sand lo be gone through
varies from fifty to eighty feet in thick
ness, so that one of the central piers
esccnils through water anil sand for
over seventy led, mm the other lor
nearly one hundred feel. To add to
the dilliculties of construction, (his
work must be done bctwcccn the peri
ods of floods and ice, so that the piers
may be raised far enough above water
to avoid iniury while nnliiushed. I his
will be accomplished by an ingenious
method which we have not space to
hscribe to-day.
J he cost ol the bridge and tunnel
is estimated at :l,0i0,000. The land
used will probably cost $7o(),000 more.
It is thought that tho bridge will be
completed in three years, just niout the
time when tho Atlantic and thul'acific
will be-joined forever by tho iron
This is a wonderful country. We
believe wc have heard this remark be
fore, but, in view of the fact that in
1880 one can rule in the same "silver
palace sleeping-car" from New York to
San Francisco, we venture to reiterate
vrMtfnn'i Walk from I'nrlhmil. Wnlne. lo
l'hlefiico.liii, I iioiimttiii rwu JiutMircii
.Mile In f wviify-NIx Hays.
Edward l'ason Weston, the young
pedestrian, who created somewhat of a
sensation in 1861 walking from Boston
to Washington against time, averaging
ol miles for ten consecutive days, has
been pitted against his old antagonist,
to walk from 1'ortland, iMame, to
Chicago, Illinois, a distance of 1,200
miles, in twenty-six walking days, lor
the sum of 310,000 a side. George- K.
Goodwin backs tho pedestrian, T. F.
Wilcox risking his money on W eston s
failure. The articles of agreement
orovido that Weston is to perform his
arduous lalxir in thirty days, without
walking between midnight on Saturday
and midnight on Miimay: no is to
follow the post road ; is to walk 100
consecutive miles inside of tweiitv-four
hours as a part of the feat, Weston
Is'ing privileged to make five trials, orl
such davs as he mar select, provided
be fails in his first attempt; he will
be accompanied by two sworn witnesses
for each side, who are to follow him
in a wagon, and are each lo make
statements under oath as to his pro
gress ; ami the stakes, 810,000, (less
1,-00 already up as forfeit,) are to be
handed to tlie winner at Chicago as
soon as the result is ascertained. The
start from 1'ortland is to be made
between the 1st ami 15th of Octo
ber. A coi,onEP preacher at the South
recently said in a prayer : "O Lord
be pleased to shake your great table
cloth over your hungry children, dat
dcy may be fed w id dc crumbs of your
love." Another, preaching at Port
Hudson, used the following illustra-
tion : "Dc whole ob God's relation to
us am like de wheel. De Lord Jesus
Christ am de hub, dc Christians am de
snokes. and dc tire am de grace ob God
a binding 'em all together' and de
nearer we get to de hub, de nearer we
go to each other."
FonEtox goeaip has it that Bis
marck is coming to America.- It is
getting so that no European celebrity
cart die comfortably until be has ex
hibited himself in the United States
for lioniiation. ...
XerniM ol' jVlvr(lluir
AnvieitTifitSKsra limi-rli-ilut Ml (Id pr square
fr three lim.TLIcnn, nml U rrula pur hiuura
Hri-avliuillllltiiiil Insert I'm ! I It'll Hi"' ur IrHl
ctiuiiti'daMimrui. All Iniiniral iHlvtrtlKi'lncuu
to Iw p-Od fur in uilvnncf. - . , .
II1-81.NKHH NuriemwliiiHlcrtnO hftlil bf locnl
tirwK will In. clmrui'd iuvuilnbly 10 cniwil lluit
fur L'nt'h liiHtTlloii.
A lilicml uVducllon nittilo in persons mivnruir
iik liy IIih ciiwrt. r, huli-vciir or year. Kpt'elal
lolld'Hi'linrKi'd ulR-hrtll limru tlmn rorlllur nd-
YfrtlM'int'iilK, .
cV color; Hiihd-MllH, IiIiuiKh, t urds Pamphlets,
dr., ofi'Vi-ry vurhlv uml ntjlo, prlno-l nt tlia
sliorti'st, linden, The ltni'i'iii.H'AN turii'K Ims
Imi ritiNTiMoof every Rimi in riuinunti rnn-
lust IhvIi ivllttiil, nml nny Uilim In tn rr lin
ing lino run he cKit'iitcil In lliu must nrttslio
iiiitiiiti'rutnl nt thi lowest rntt'K.
Vtorlll Thtnhlnir on
This country is staggering under all
enormous load ol l unik! I'cbt. lliu
Federal ( loveriiiuen t owes T wo Bil I ions
and a Half; the Suites owo large
amounts ; while Counties, Cities ami
lownslups, have cadi their ftevcral
burdens. Wo nr'o paying; in lhe ag
gregate not less than 'Hired Hundred
Millinns'pcr nullum as intmtil on thesd
various debts, while wo lire considera
bly redlining the principal, especiallly
of tho local obligations incurred in
providing biliinticd for tho Volunteers
in our laid struggle; Altogether, tlie
taxes paid by the people Of (lib United
States, though considerably reduced
from tho maximum they nttftined in
1 81)5-0 must probably exceed Five
Hundred Millions per milium. Al
most everything is taxed, from the
baby's posset to the old man's eoflin
many things twice and thrico over.
It is generally agreed thai our taxation
may bo readjusted nml simplified, so
as to rentier it considerably less irk
some. Will some ono attempt to explaiit
the seeming paradox of Hit lli'iiiensd
and steadily increasing migration, from
countries that owe little and tax lightly
in comparison, to this overburiloiied
rtprrblit:? That mm should (lock
hither lit alt events, is natural but.
that the voliimo of immigration should
bo not merely maintained but largely
iiignientctl, under the pressure ol gi
gantic debt, a high tarilf, heavy inter
nal taxes, and an inllated, irredeemable
currency, is a jni..lo to political econ
omists. Immigrants arc still pouring
in, at tin rate of a thousand per day ;
and all of them who know how to do
anything, nnd will do it, find employ
ment mid remuneration. Labor is iH
well paid in the average, and ns com
fortably subsisted, ns it was when wo
had next to no debt, light taxes, anil u
currency convcrlahh into spiH'ic at
par. The real estate of tho country
could be sold to-day for more money
(reduced to specie) than it was worth
ten years ago. Must of our people nro
prospering ; many are amassing wealth.
Houses are being built on every hand ;
lauds are being improved ; new firms
are being hewn out of the forest and
craved from the wild prairie; our
railroads nro being extended at tho
rati! of a thousand miles per milium ;
and the product of our .National In
dustry in 18i7 will be larger than that
of any former year.
Io wo not need a now political
economy recognizing aim adapted to
this state of facts? iV. Tribune.
Iteimilni or an oil Millionaire.
A correspondent writing from Ti
tusville, December 3d, J-Sli'i, furnishes
the particulars of the sale of the.Steilij
or Widow McCIintock farm. This
property, which iiUbrded a net incomo
to Steele, when the property came into
his possession, was disposed of for tho
sum of $1 1,000. Even at this price it
was "bid in" by Government oflicials;
so the sum named is no criterion of ib)
worth or value. Some two months
ago it is reported that attorneys came
from Philadelphia with judgments in
favor of a hotel, a jeweler nnd a tailor,
against Steele for the trifling sum of
seventy thousand dollars in the ag
gregate. This was for entertainment,
clothing nnd jewels furnished , tho
"millionaire nml bis friends," when
his credit was good. The Sheriff levi-1
ed on the firm aforesaid, and had re
ceived a bid of over $70,000,- when
the United States Collector forbade
the sale on account of the prior lien of
the Government,
As amusing incident occurred iii
Albany recently. Whilo a gang of
telegraph men were stringing wire
from a reel in a wagon, the horse being
driven along slowly, a countryman:
rushed up to the driver, and in tho
innocence of his heart informed him
that ho was losing, his load, that his
wire was scattcrecl all along the road
behind him.
A coinF.n clergyman, in a prayer
meeting in Virginia, while engaged in
supplication a few weeks' since, aftrr
praying the divine blessing upon the
Governor of the State, ami rill others
in authority there continued,. "And O
liord, O In-d, O I.ord, if it will not
exhaust thy compassion, have nieny
upon Andrew Johnson.
. m
A okxek.U, sfateinent going the
rounds that tho work of adjusting the
unsettled claims for bounty in tho
Paymasters General's office was pro
gressing at the rate of fifteen hundred
per month is erroneous. The fact is
that the claims are being settled at tho
rate of four thousand per day, or about
one hundred thousand per month.
A noY on being told to decline tho
word "boil," said, "positive boil ; com
parative boiler ; superlative bust 1"
2f eg no soldiers are just tho troops
for war on the plains, The Indians
never scalp them.
TiiE loyal men of St. Louis are pre
paring to give Gen. Sheridan a grand
The clacks outnumber the whites',
two to one, in the registrations thus
far nude in the South. .
Ix Ohio the Democratic party is out
boldly in favor of repudiation.
Yellow fever is fatal beyond all
description in all parts of Texas. . ,