hrWaptfburg Jtqmbtican. Altltl M.' HttlVAlX AND DKHAKITRFS HP TlIE A I US TO A S U I- UI U AltSlll'UU : From Wnvnesburg to Wavm-shnnr. nrrlvnl. i v iniiu-urc "i i- i, in.; ucpnriurv, w uunciKiuys, x f, a. m. (via J.iMi-ytnwii.l 4 ' From vVnyin-ahurg lo Willow Two, nrrlvnl, TToiiiunuiis, 11 u, in,; ucpariure, v uunesuay. 12. m. From Washington Pa. to Wnyncsbiirg. arrival many, .-.j p. in.; ic..'cpiuii.mys,juiipuriuru daily, ll'i p. 111.. (except SlinitnVSI. Frum Rice's .milling to Wnynesburg, arrival daily,, p.m., (except Simduys,jdcpariure dully, I, n. m., (except HtllHlllVHJ. From Wiiynusliiirg, I'a. to Cameron, W. Va., trrlval, Tuesdays ninf Saturdays, 5, p. in., depnr an, Mondays nnd Fridays, M,n. m. From YVuyiieiilmrg to Went Aluxun-lcr, Wash. Co., I'a., arrival, Fridays, 7, p. m., departure, Itaturdays, 7, a. in. From Wavnosburg to Mnrgnntnwn, V Va., Arrival, Wednesdays, 5, p. in., departure. Thurs days, (I, a. in, i From Waynesburg to Middlclionrne, W. Va.. Arrival, Wednesdays, 5, p. m., departure, Tues days, I, a. in. NKW AbVKKTISIMI.NTS. The attention of pur readers Is specially directed to the follow Ingidverlisements, wliieli apiiear for the first 'lime Id our paper to-day. Modicur-F. Whittles. Hewing Machii cs. State Fair. Legal Notice. Bounty Tin Report Morris township 'Register's Notice. , Ex".. Logwood, innildi'r and Indifro, war ranted, for sale at G. V. Roberts & Co s. A.NNlVfcllBAKr KlKRCISH OY VlT!IK8IICR0 tv'oi.LEOK. Sermon befere the graduates, Sab bath evening September 8, 180". Annual Address before the Union and Philo matliean IJterary Societies, Monday evening, September 9th, by He v. V. 11. Wntklns, A. M. Theme t The Unity of Human and Dlvino tkleneo. , Meetlngof tlio Alumni Association, .Wednes day, September 1 1th, at 2 o'clock, r. m. Oration P. A. Knox, Carmlchrels, Pa, Essa Credulity Mum M. C. Black, Waynesburg, Pa. Ladles' Commencement, Tuesday evening, September 10th. loijramme. : Kssiy "We are goinj." Miss Mollic Stono, Greensboro', Pa. Essay "After many days." Miss Ada J. Braddork, Harveys, Pa. Essay ' The Voic ' iess." Miss Llzzio A. Parkinson, Cameron, W, Va. Essay "Sleep and night." Miss Mary Owen, Waynesburg, Pa. Essay "Lo ! how the shades nro scattered." Miss Nannie Pollock, Jefferson, Pa. Essay "Clearing off." Miss Maty Allison, Waynesburg, Pa. Essay "Iist," Miss Sue Porter, Dunbar, Pa. Essay 'Beyond this Alps liolh thine Italy." Hiss Estellu Kiddle, Carmicluels, Pa. Valedictory "Wo are living, wo are dwelling, In a grand and awlul time." Miss "Flo." Downey, Cumberland, Ohio. Address to the class. Presentation of di plomas, Benediction. Oentlentcn's Commencement, Wednesday oyenlug, September II. l'mjnmua t Englit-h Salutatory "Brain Is king." B. Frank Fl u niken, Waynesburg, Pa. Oration Si ll archi tecture Jas. Best, Cenlroburg, Ohio. Ora tion A Comparison John A. Burns, Wind Ridgo, Pa. Oration Pauperism D. J. Mc Daid, Biirnsville, Pa. Oration The Pulpit W. T. Patterson, Hebbardsvillo, Ohio. Master's Oration-Intellectual unfolding' "f the Age J. Jackson Purinan, Waynesburg, Pa. Valedictory VVicim. The elements t "I!ob." Downey, Waynesburg, Pa. Conferring of Degrees. Benediction. tFirst Honor I Bing's, Hall's and Barretts Hair llcstra'ivs for sale at O. W. H iherts At Co's. lirug Store. Tim Faiiis Three fairs in our county and nil at (lilTerc lit points nono nt tho county Beat Oh ! Waynesburg ! Preparations indi cate renewed Interest in our lairs. Each vies with the other in attraction, nr.d so far from going down, it is anticipated they will be more largely attended and patronized than ever. The utility ot such asociatioi'S Is ap parent, and we think the farmers of Oiecne county understand that this is one mode of improving and enriching the county. Com plaint arises from time to time of the sameness if tho exhibitions, articles being awarded premiums years in succes.non. How true this is Wu arc unable to say, but if managers are cognizant of such lavoritism their good sense must ill w thorn that it will injme the Societies. Horse racing, too, has become one of tho prime incentives fir g"'uig to tluse places. They arc exciting and nd 1 to the Interest of the fair but would not the large premiums be more judiciously disposed of if awarded to another class of stock? and would not a reduced Interest In racing di) away with n large proportion of the rulli niisia displayed on ooonnlons of the kind ? Thus encouraging tho attend nice of a different class at our fairs, and thereby rewarding the working men, agriculture and the mechanical arts, and dis couraging the j.iekcy and his parasites, the gambler and the idler. Proscriptions carefully filled at G. Roberts & Co's. Drug Store. w. Sabbath School Cslkhiution. The Mor rliville, Union, Laurel Kun and Valley Sab bath Schools mot at tho Union Church, on Coallick Run, on Saturday, tho Slst day of Augjst, 1867, for tho purpose of having a Sabbath School Celebration or Harvest Homo. The procession formed at the church, and inarched to the grove. S. R. Husswas called temporarily to the chair, and the following of ficers chosen : Vari.fe, Bazol Gordon : Hcs- ProidtnU, Wm. Morcdock, Harvey Furdyce, Armstrong Porter, Hiram Rinchart, Joseph Ankrom and Isaac Woods; SWyj., S. R. Hubs and B. F. Flennikon. The organiza tion completed the meeting was oiicncd with singing, after which a prayer wasmado by Rev. J. H. Hull j then followed a beautiful ong by the children of the Sabbath Schools. alter whicb Mr. S. S. Johnson addressed the mooting la j very able and eloquent manner. Hia subject, "Tho mission of the Sabbath School," was ably discussed, and reflects great honor on the gentleman. At tho close of Mr. Johnson's address the martial bands discours ed aome very fine music Rev. J. II. Hull then made a brief address ; Subject, "The bright light in the clouds." The day was very pleasant, the assembly vory orderly and the labia well filled. On (lie whole it was passed very pleasantly and agreeably by all. BAZEL GORDON, Prcs't, & R. Hess, B. F. Fumnikkk, Bec'ys, For anything in the Drug lino go to G. W. Roberts & Co s. Drug Store. Readrr, Is this yonr paper, or docs It belong to your ncighber ? If the latter, you should wbscrrbe at once, and not trouble others for what belongs to them. Newspaper borrow ers are a nusiance to their neighbors, , la there no law for the preventing of cattle, horses, hogs, etc., running loose In our streets? IT to, why I It not enforced And If we have no such law, who can't wo f Who ans wers t A lanre stock of Window Glass for sole at O. W. Roberts A Co t. Drug Store. Lost. On the 23d insl, between Waynes burg and Jacktown, one shirt-i' Mrt (clean but somewhat worn), two shirt collars, one sett surveyor's dlvidors, purveyor's pro tractor (irarjf) and a riyht Sm Peu, such as are used lu ploying Ac. Any one returning the saiuo to this Office will be rewarded. P, S. No reward will be given forthe return of tin wearing apparel alone, as the looser is getting two net shirts made. P. P. S. Said shirt d nt belong to us. We only have two got one on, the other went into the "wash," one rreiago. The finest articles of Pefuniery, cheap, at Braden's Drug Store. Severs Acchusnt. Tho Washington Jfc- vieu) and Ktmniner oflast week says that on Saturday, the l Till instant, a son of Sampson VaudurgralT, of Morgan township, Ureene county', about fourteen years ot age, had his right thigh broken by tho tailing of a heavy log. while trying to tear down an old log coal house. Dr. James K. Pulton, of Clarkaville, and Dr. Day attended the patient, and he is now doing well. Brushes of all kinds at O. W. Roberts & Co's. Drug Store. Piinsoss indebted to us for subseriptron, advertising or job work, are reminded that the coming week of court will afford them an excellent opportunity to pny what they owe the printer. IsstaTKo an advertisement in a newspaper and soliciting a puff for nothing, Is like pur chasing a coin pattern and asking the mer chant to "throw in" all tho trimnilnirs. Tho finest and best clvars, sold chcan at Braden's Drug Store, "WITH fOl'B JIKTALMC UCll.ll'IClTIONS a man may bo pretty stiro of earthly success. These are Gold in his pocket, Silver In his tongue, Brass In his face, and Iron in bis heart." i But for a tonic appetizer, and as a gentle stimulant, there If reliable virtue in Plantation Bitters. No article has ever been so popular or done half so much good. Let all who have not already tried this great stomachic, at onco test its quality. We understand that tho Druggists and Grocers of this section are sell ing vast quantities, and that scarcely a family is without it. Maonoi.u Watku. A delightful toilet arti clesuperior toColojrneand at half the price. Allen's Lung Balsam, cheap, at Braden's nrug more. A Si'kciai. Ruickst. ht. Miller, of tho f'reihytmin, says, in attempting to prepare a history of the operations of Waynesburg Col lege that may be sntlslaetiry and useful to those who may succeed the persons now di rectly connected with it, he finds that in its earlier years there was great carelessness in regard to records. Any of our readers who may have old catalogues, programmes of con tests, exhibitions &c, will confer a special favor by sending them to him Immediately. If so desired, they will be returned. Paints, Oils, and Varnishes, for sale at 0. W. Roberts i&Co'b. Drugstore. Si.k. Mas. Ruth E. porter, in connection with the sale nf tho "Lainx Mill and Distil-l-ry," includes one half aero of ground oppo site the Mill, to bo used if desired by the parly purchasing for ft building site. See Sher'nTa Sale fourth page. Eon notices of sales and other interesting matter, see fourth page. Litkr'iit. The Emma Willard Literary Society, of Waynesburg College, gave a pub lic entertainment on last Thursday evening. It w: s largely attended, exercises good, oc casion a pleasant one. For Foot rot in Sheep, go to Braden's Drug Store, for Medicine. How LovoVincii the. public squara was made a rooting-ground for hogs? Camp Mkctixo. There will be a Camp-nn-elinsr held Sept, 2rlli,on Wm. Donley's land, one and a half miles north of Mt. M mis for Mt. Morris circuits under the management of Hi v. A. J. Erislcvand M. M. Euton. Dye Sluffs of all kinds sold at Q. W. Roberts & Co's. Drusr Store. Coi.ii. The cold weather of late, ncccss. ltntes the donning of heavy clothing. U. S. Ivrcnxvi. Hkv. Stamps of all kinds, at the Deputy Collecto.'s Ofilcc. Waynesburg Pa. at. Atlanta;. This Monthly for September is rich in vnrity r.nd rare in tho excellence of its contents. Its corps of popular wi iters cover in their productions tlio wliolo field of litera ture. Ticknor and Fields, Pubs.. Boston, Mass. Ti Latkst Accomplishmbnt. Whilom tho gradual lengthening of the skirt marked tho divergence from "girlhood" to "young- larly-hood." Since short skirts havo become "the rage," another method has been sought and found to distinguish tho young girl from tho lady (?) Tlio accomplishment is the vol leying o(bii,rounj oath such as men (?) swear, We arc not aware that a portion of the day is set asido for "parlor practice," but day and evening both,on the street, convinces us of the perfection to which some havo attained in the mulf (?) art. It is bad enough to be hope lessly addicted to, or compelled to hear a male swear, but Uow deep is tho woman the yo-iHtj girl lowered, in the estimation of onyoiw, that uses coarse billingsgate as if she felt proud ofitl It Is a funny idea that so mo people have, engaged in public business, that they should patronize only those of their political faith. Apply the rulo both ways and you doubtless perceive tho fallacy. If a man growls because you don't buy at homo ask him if he supports florae iiutiMd'om if he tatet lut county ftaier ot advertises his butineu in hoik t NortcM" Mnrrinm mi Dmtht inmrttd f'rttt hut alt TriOutn of Hrtpect and Ubitmrie ciarynd eujat a fiwi. I lit monf must be adranctd to ucurt metr interna. CVMMINS-ZIMM ERMAN On Mondsv tho 27th of August, IS(i7, by Corbly Oruduff rq , Air (jommouore f. uiminins and airs. Annie Eliza Zimmerman all of Whitely tp. Greene Co. Pa. IIATIIAWAT CURRY On Thursdav. AufUSt 1st, I8G7. hv Jan. Cull. Ewr . Mr It F. tlalliiwayaud Mrs. Rebecca Curry. FO RDYCE M I LDRRD On Hundav. SRth tilt., by tho same, Mr. liarncl Fordyco and Miss Nancy Mildred. Blx)TT ORNDUFF On M.mdnv. !i;th uit., ty the BBine, Mr. Ahljah M.' Bcott and Mist Margaret A. Oradufi. "She "3goynsburg Republican, IScbucsfcaii, cp(embcr 4, -I86T. Ladi's Book. The September issue is at hand, and is one of Godey'a best efforts. Tho fashion plates, patterns and alptabet for marking are beautiful and will be appreciated by the ladies. The literary department in this number b fully up to the standard of the Lady's book in interest and popularity of its authors. Terms 3 per annum, address L. A. Quuet, Philadelphia, Pa. Jttavltct. WAV.IESIBI'RU MARKET. WAYMBNM-Ra.Srpt. S, 1807, Corrnctud Weekly for the Hei l blkax. I'RODL'l'E. muter (frenh mil,) - Ki! ilia. lu l'oliltoes j) bush 1 S3fl iw ljird V rb 10 15 lollnw v m I'oiintry Simp V f' liriud lVuelies y mint and chain. Flour V Mil Wheat y bush I'.ye y bush forn V Imsli U'oru ileal y bush 16 11 CO 1 811 TO "li ttlKK'EHLES. ColTiu V B) sxwiiM i 00 M 91 1 OU 1 3) 1 Ml 9 W 13 Tea H If. lb. nrown ssnitar v ".. Ki lln. it Siiuar t Syrupy Kill MoIhmmmi I X. Orleans,) sorxliuni gal Salt v bliL UicQV B PITTS HI' KM II MARKETH. Saturday, AngustSl, lf7. Durlnir the past week the markets have Hennr. ally ruled dull, and prira without any material Tlll-m nro koihm lliuna nt Imitrovitninf but not np to anticipations, and far behind the usual trade at this musnn of the year. The opinion prevails, that prices must decline us soon as there Is a little mora of the new, crop thrown Uion the market. We .in. ile as follows, which are the wholesale store prices : OR A IX AND FLOUR. Wheat, Penn'a. and Ohio, Winter Red 82 M .v.2 15 Hvev bush si 1S...0 .Hi Ontsf bush m Corn bush .' it) Sprlim Wheat Flour lo mm w i 11 UUiivll 'J5 winter Wheat l'ltOVISIO.NS. lains Hhonlders SllKur (.'llled I aril H'alP i!WJ ia;.(:i' I'otntoi'S, bill Applen -j bbl (.'lui-Ke Urns "t doz liulter l rVati mi .... SOUtUHO Hi.vlB 12 tllKIUO MA It HIT. CiiicAiio, August 31, 1807. I'i.orn-)uli t anil llrmer, at 1 avjvlO 00 fur njninu- i-xiniH. Wukat fjnlet, firm nmt 2IV hlnher, at fl 7 M an for No. I: SI ill,...! iii'i,iin-No. . .'oili A. Mvn; No. I l;le lower; No. 2 ;,J'.vle blither; ll"i .iiwije tor No. I; UJ'-jtle for No. 2. oats Active tt tn I ,:- htghur, ut Ii'i.',Hc lor .o. 1; iw.i' No. 2. Bkkk Capi-i.e-DuII, at it i,(l 75 for llrst class steers. Amis Modi ratlvely n. tlve, at ?D OO'.jn 70 for eoNiiiion toehoiee. HiiKKf Hull and nominal, nt Jl XX5,l 60 for mm 11111111111. nt I.TIMORE. TIai.timoiik, Amtnst HI. r'.itren quiet; pt Ulo ITV-N', trold. WIl.-llt-No while olVe itilvioiei-l .i.-; f;ilr to eholen 3 av.i.-J l.i. rnrn seanv; prime Willie 81 HS'.i.l 10: mlxeil'- ftyf-l (17: yellow ?l I I'm I 17. Onls stendv ; f ilr to prllliel iyiiju. i iiimi.v iieui 111 lie, 111 ijoiiii. MIW Vllltli I)KVKMI1S. Nkw Vokk, Ausust :ll. Fair linslneM trims aete.l. Prices are uttiierally very tlrm fur all classes 01 staple atul raney eollons. woolen arealno In koo.i request, anil nne fnlirles In nov desimis sell freely at aooil prices, wllllo Inferior ituiuilies still drtiK an.llow. fllll.AIIKI.I'IIIA. l'im. voKi.eniA, Auansi weak. Wheal dull; red S2 lni'. Corn steady; yellow so. .((. Mour dull nni' Ki,2 I.",. Hve il Hi. I Sin.1 m. Oats 6 -Anvici's (runt Vein Vruz to tlie l!)t!i Ktnto tlmt tlio ciuiiidy is fiust it- iiroacliinej a pcaoclul status. Jl l''Pticli nnil lintish Ministers left tho City of Mexico on the 8th flu- Vera Cruz, niwiii)iiuie(l ly all the members ol their IpiTiition, nml titnler snitalil e.-ieort. Thcv left Vera Cruz on th tiiht of the 18th. Santa Anna is still imprisoned in the Castle of San Jnan 111 III X'.l ,. . . i r 110:1. jAoiinnjr iti'iinito is Known in reanl to his fai. m i- 1 .11 . . hie N asiiuiLrton (. iimniPt'e remarks that, "from the Atlantic to the IV-ill we hear hut one voice (rum the loyal people, ana that is, that the hero o 'icl;s!)iii'rr ami Appnmaltox shall lit siistame.l against 1 residential usurpa tions. Special oticw. 4KTo oiiHimiiijlve!. 'liie nflvcrf Iter. linvlnabeen n slored to health In a few we.iks by n very simple rcinedy, nfierliavlm anit'ered fur several years with n sevpn-I'lunir iill'ii-lliin and that dread disease ('onsuiiintloii Is ancx Ions to make known to his fclluw-sutt'urers the means of eni-e. To all who desire it, ho will send a copy of the prescription used (freo of chnrup,) with the itl reetlons for prcparlimnnd uslnntliesiime, which they will llnd 11 sure cure for Consumption. As thma, Hronehltls, Cornells, Colds and all Throat and I.niiR AITeetlons. The only object of the ad vertiser In sendlnc tho Prescription U to benefit the mulcted, and spread Information which lis conceives to be Invaluable, and he hope every sull'erer will try his remedy, as It will cost them nothing, and may provo a blessing. Tartles wish ing the proscription, free, by return mall, will pioase oddroM Uev. Edward A. Wilsos, ;-ly Williamsburg, King Co., N. T. TUB llvrlmlint Or the I'popl their own 'ynielitn by tho use of Nature's Hemb- dies is a new Copyright Book, comprising large octavo pages, by Dr. O. P. Phelps IIkown This valnablo work Is now being Introduced here by Mr. 8. T. SplUnogle, who lias the sole Agency for Greene county, Pa., and Monongalia county, w. va. Prick, 82 pereopy. The dlRtliiKiiiahe author of the book Is a suffi cient guarantee for the reliability of Its teach ings and an ample recommendation of Its char acter. It teaches the curative properties of all the native nnd foreign medical herbs, plants, gnms, balsams, barks and roots known in tho world ; decrile them ; tells when to gather them ; how to prepare them ; what diseases they nre design ed to cure; when and how to apply them. It discards the usoof all minerals, and other nanin, cruel and violent methods of treating diseases and promptly furnishes a remedy for afflicted nature In N at n re's own Apothecary. Its language Is plain English, addressed to the understanding of overy person who can read, and tt deacrllMW.ln terms not to bemtstnken, the symptoiusoiaii prevalent diseases and furnish os a remedy In every case. Ittcochetheeaum,preventiveandearpsofthe entlreaitnloiriieof diseases from abald head or freeklefuce up to the most malignant form of pestilence, it makes every 'attentive reader of lis sles a complete IMivsIcIbii, secures his lllllllll. SIIVCS I S 111 It! lllll ll Inimnv niiH la .in lnvaiunoie nousonoiii Bi llelo that no one who ri-imni inn iw-i inieres ami me welfare and niippiiiHtia ui ins laimiy cuu auord to do without. h;Jl-(il. tVT any Friends nnd Patron. I have. as many or you are aware, sold my Dental prac tice to Dr. J, 8. Hertlg. He has been engaged In the practice of Dentistry for seven yeurs, the lat ter half of which time I have lieen acquainted with him and his professional career, and know him to bo an honorable, upright, energetic man: as well as one of the most careful and suecimsful opuralors I havo ever known. I can conseientl- ously recommend lilln to all my patrons, feeling assured llial nc will render the very best satis faction lo all. I must now say farewell toall un friends and pleasant acquaintance. I go to seek another home, expecting Iosco but few or you again In the present state, but cherishing a fond hope to most you all 'n the bind ofthe Just. With every good wish believe me truly yours. tU-toi . 8. Pattok.' i prciat. Notice. Arlleluikalil'a fluid Kstract Bucnu Is a certain enra for disease of the BLAUUKR. KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY OROASIO WEAKNESS. FEMALE COM- ' PLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, and all disease of the Urinary Organs, whether existing la , MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever causa originating and no matter Pf HOW LONG BTANDINO. Diseases of them organs require the use of a diuretic. If no treatment in submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our I'lesh and Blood are supported frum these sources, and tha HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt uso of a reliable remedy. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU, Established upwards of IS years, prepared by n. T. lUXMBOLD. WI Broadway, New York, and U1 South 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa, 3;13eow-ly. -BV. . Sj-llelnihold'n 4 onrenlrated Exlraet Ul'LilU, Is the Great Diuretle. ntl.MUOLn'S CONCENTRATKI) MTRACr SAltSAl'A HILI.A, Is tho Great Ulood Purifler. Both nre prepared according to rules of Pilar mnoy and theniistry, and are the most active that can be mode. 8;:loow-ly. aHanhnod anil Ynnthral Tlgor are re gained by llelulioid's Extract Buchu. Oilteow-ly. 7-Tbe Hrnllng Pool, anil lions r Mer cy. Howard Association He porta for Young Men, on the crime of solitude, and the errors, abuses and diseases which destroy the manly powers, and create tniiedliiients to marriage, with sure moans of relief. Sent In sealed letter envelnpeslfree of charge. Address DK, J. RK I I. I.I. N HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Phila delphia, Pa. t-ly i-llelniliold' Extract tin eh a R-lves health nnd vigor to tho frame and bloom to the piilid check. Debility Is accompanied by many alarming symptoms, nnd If no treatment Is sub mitted to, consumption, Insanity or epileptic fits ensue. 8;13,'(rr-eowly. iVl'nr Sjon-lletentlon or Incoiillim- enceof Urine, Irritation, Inflammation, or ulcer ation of the bladder, or kidneys, diseases of the prostrate glands, stone in tho bladder, calculus, gravel or brick dust deposits and nil diseases of the bladder, kidneys nnd dropsical swellings. Usk Hki.miioi.u s Fluid Extract IIlciiu. S;ia,W-eowly "A olK nte A- Co'. ' a E R u A if ERASIVE SOAP Is mnnunietured from PI'ItK M A IKftlim nml iimv In, ennslilorcd the STA NHAHD OF EXCKI.l.FNI'H. For stile by nil Groceries. U;-My. TS.Fnreelili'il nnd ilellcilleroiislltnt Inns. of both sexes use Helinliold's F.xtrnet Buehn It will give brisk and energetic feelings, and enable to yuu sleep well. ' 8;Muow!y e.Tiilic no more unpleasant nnd nn- iHi liil renieilli-n for unpleasnnt nnd dangerous diseases. Use Ilelmliold's Kxlraet llin-lm nnd Improved Hose wash. 3;13,'ir;-eowly. Krror of Voiith.-A a-rntlenian who suffered for years rronl Nervous Debility, Pro. mature Decay, nnd nil the efl'ects of youthful In discretion, will, for thesakoof suffering humani ty, send free to nil who need It, nnd receipt and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Huirercis wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by ad dressing, lu pei-Ieet conlMet , .HIIIN'finDEV, 0;-ly IJr'eiliirHI., New York. VI'h (Story of lltm Is Nlrcnirlli. Thercliiro tint nervous und debllltaled should luunedlalely use Hlelliibold's K.ilrai t llucliu. 3;l:lt'li7-cowly lUcUaucoujj. $3 00 TO !5i"',no PEK DAV AGEXTS WAXTED v on the G O L 1) K X 1 K N A BETTKIt PEN THAN OILLOT3 PKN toall rliiKsis of i)cnnt. Ar fullv f. t- tlu utll nun fur chi ami htwuitvof HrttiM!i. Mori1 ltt llti nri-t tlurnMo tluui nnv Httcl pi n ever miiiinnH-uin-ii. . 1 u U1 (' triM'. Ppnl I'tr!iTll- iili' hiijc. tuilv iVtconl.H. nr (v lioxes tur.Vct-Tits, ". I tor K'lHT:il IMt', Nil. J tnr lititli.'M, SflnMils lUHl cll'tlft I'flimilHlllp. Ht'lH frtM nf xI;iy Moii'-y ri.'t'tiiil'tJ H' lhf ti n.t uvo MuliKt-u tlti Adarosf M. V. U.COW'liN, L:ilayi:ttf, 1ml, Tho following h n s-imi)!. of hiinlrnls nf 1t lei's irciin iniitit M who imvt nnl-ril thfsi m'iik. I ' r I IMin t 1 . ,, -I III V 1-JUI, IMk, M. V. B.mVK. Iiiuav'li Iml. liKAitSiii: The of No. 1 p-ns'1 by iiiv-Miiin' i n i:ivm shut nns arnviHi. tiinl I nni hi 111 n h pli-iisi tl with Ihcin that I lmvi i-oiichnlcl to tiikf im Am-nt-y for t liflr hmm mo far, ut lmiNt as 10 irtiiT ihrfc uroHs o, i Htm om unws c for which 1 cueluao your price to A whin. Atl- Of itEi'LHlaCAN. Warriintoil to last flvo Union aa Iotik, nni! nlv ixiii-r wuisnu'lloii than iinvHtcH nutnumr turiHl, Hnntl for circiilitr of tHHtinmiiiitlH from i'rofcHKnrM of Schools ti Collcm-f, nml frrim prt)miiieiH linslucs.s luuwos. M. V. C. r-lm. r JLASTIC SLATE FOR ROOFING AND OTIIER rUKPOSES. As a Hoofing Mntcrlnl It stnnds unrivalled. mastic tt ndapls Itself to every shaiie and slope. Non-combustible. Impervious, uou-expanslve. andundeenying. FROST DOES NOT CRACK NOR HEAT DISSOLVE IT. The only roofing mnterlnl ever discovered thnt winnHiHi me action ot ine elements nslong ns the structure It protects. Rclng susceptible of little If not any wear from expmnre, and per- i.i-ii r mr.-i-iiinir. 11 is iiuisuniiKi as acimu lllg for Manufacturing and Kurin Knllillnim. fen ces, bridge, iHittoinsof Vessels, Vaults, Ac. Kefcrences given in any part of the eouutv, or speeinn ns shown to visitors. Apply by letter, il lu ii.-m.iu ui It. L. JUN KS, HETLETaVILI.E. WaRII.To.. TA. H. H. IXlAK, 11. UJONl-X, Licensees of Wash, nnd fin-ene counties. L. W.J O.N KM, AiiKxr, 4;21-tf. Waynesburg, l'a. rjlIIE WONDER OF THE AGE I TIME, MONEY ANPT.ADOH SAVED I THE LATEST & BEST CHURN! Onof thHntont Palont. ImtiM on th IHh iIiit oi PHmnnn:r, in., 10 win. K. MH'tilWiwit,, of vt nnriiiiKii)u, 1UVU, Will UJ UU tiXUlUlllOQ U ft mi w uuya u( JOII.1 MUHH ELL'S, la Wavncslmrir Vs. Thl.r-llt nv m...i rwleiiiivlloiig i.r the kind ller. ioforo pro.uml Tbeaimpli ni of lis eiiiiKtriietlon, und lu twifc torn or i-evenwHl motion. Hint produces butler from three tolx tiiliiul-s must induce I he com munity to examine lis iiiiiilities. Il liv.. ii... Il ihvm w.irkniid pr..hio-s as niiieli butt.-r ns any churn In existence. Mr. Munncll has full over o i Hi ll trills for fVmisvlvanin or Sw irk Stale ns well nn ui i-in,r in .hi. .ua uf tbiseounly. . Jliu.UlM, l I.fOM A CO.. j-'-l'. Agents. J. A. U. The .leftemnn Asrlciillnrnl fwiji nt iki County will hold Us nxt minimi Fairnt .lefTer son no Thursday 4 Frldny the 17th A Isth of K-i.Micr, pnix IAU XIOHMHICK. Uu, oc. buy., ;(-ji. gigvicultural L1 ST OF PHEMlUMtJ or TUB WCHHILL ACIUCCLTURAL SOCIETY! FOB TBBIB SECOND ANNUAL EXHIBITION I To b held at th Fair Orounds, lu JACKSONVILLE, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, SEPT. S4TU4 2CTII, 1807. CLASS 1 HORSES-DIVISION QUICK DRAUGHT NO. 1, Rest Stallion 4 years old and upwards...! 10 00 '.'ml do do do 8 U0 Uest brood mare with foal at ft. t ys old and upwards 2ml do do do Rest stallion 3 yrs. old and upwards... -'id do do do Rest gelding 3 yrs. old and upwards... 2nd do do do Rest stallion 8 yrs. old and upwards... 2nd - do do do Rest mare 2 yra. old and upwards... 2nd do do do Rest stallion 1 year old and upwards... 2nd do do do Rest mare 1 rear old and upwards... 2nd do do do Rest spring colt 2nd do do 6 ot) 8 Oil 11 uo S no s on 8 oo 3 III) I At) 8 00 I fit) 8 00 S 00 8 00 2 Ol) t 00 1 00 Committee i E. Bane, L. T. Gray, VY. Ya. ut. u. Ulachiy, Washington county. DIV. NO. 2 X1EAYY DRAU0I1T HORSES. Rest stallion 4 yrs. and upwards $10 00 zuu no uo uu o tm Rest gelding 4 yrs. and upwards 4 00 2nd do do i 00 Rest stallion 8 yrs. and upwards 4 On 2nd do do do 8 00 Rest gelding 3 yrs. and upwards 4 00 2nd do do do il 00 Rest mare 3 yrs. and upwards 4 00 2nd do do do 8 00 Rest stallion 3 yrs. and upwards 8 00 2nd do do do 1 AO Rest tuaro - yrs. and upwards 8 00 2nd do do do Rest stallion 1 year old 2nd do do Rest niaro 1 year old , 2nd do do Rest spring colt .... 2nd do do 1 BO 3 00 1 AO 2 00 1 0(1 2 00 1 AO Committee : Thoa. Hill, Joshua Ackley, D. 1). JUCOIIS, DIV. NO. 3-IIORSES rort ALLI'UUPOSES Rest stallion 4 years and upwards fit) 00 2nd do do do 0 00 Rest inaru 4 yrs. and upwards 4 00 'ini no uo do 2 no Rest gelding 4 yrs. and upwards 4 00 zmt do do do 2 0(1 Rest stallion 8 yrs. and upwards 4 no '-'nd do do do 2 00 Rest mare 3 yrs. nnd upwards 4 no 2nd do do do 2 u0 Committee: Hirim Smith, A. J. Darker, Mlin Jennings. DIV. NO. 4 MATCH HOUSES akiiM ARES. Rest pair matched horses $ 8 00 -'UU do ilo 4 (HI Rest pair matched marcs 8 no 2nd do do 4 01 Rest pair matched horses or marcs for hum uso 5 no 2nd do do a 00 Committee s Jnn. C. Flctinlken, James W, nays and J. A.Hmy DIV. NO (I TROTTING, PACING AND WALKING-HORSES AND MARES, Rest pacing or racking horse ormaro...!f.'io oo 2nd do do do 20 In Rest trotting horse or maro (10 oo 2nd do do 30 oo uest walking horso or maro 4 oo 2nd do do 2 Oo 11. st tiding minimal 4 in 2nd tin do 2 on Rest sinele dilving Unrso or maro 4 00 2nd do do do 1 00 Rest fmiily horso or maro 4 do 2ml do do do 2 00 Committee : .1. A. J. H'lclnnnu. J. W Walton anil (ieoige KnUt ly. DIV. N. li-Tll()It6uH Rlir.D. Rest thoioueh bred stallion for nil inir- posi s 0 uu '-'nd do do do 7 oo Pedigree of nil horses on exhibition in this division must be prinluccd. totnmiltcc : John Parkinson. Ekm., V a; Johnson Smith, Lsi., and lsiac lloohcr. CLASS'-' DIV. NO 1-SIIOItT IIOHNOU Ml 11IIAM riUHUIiOODUI). Rest hull ;i years and upwards 4 8 00 -nil do Rest cow il years and upwards '..'ml do du Rest hull 2yearsaud upwards- 2nd do do Rest heifer 2 years old 2nd do do Rest ycailing hull 2nd do do Rest hull ratr. 2nd do du Rest heller calf. 2nd do do 4 til) 4 no 2 no 4 00 2 00 4 IN 2 Oil 4 00 2 110 2 IX I 00 2 Oi I 00 Committee : Thomas Hughes. Head ley and John Ruilev, Esq , W. Va. DIV. NO. 2-NA I 1VE Oil GRADE. licit bun. I years and upwards $ 5 00 2nd do do 3 (MI ijcsi cow il years and upwards A 01 znu (io uo 3 00 Rest hull hetween two and three 3 00 znu uo do Rest heifer between two and throo. 2nd do Uo Uest bull culf. 2nd do do Uest heifer calf. 2nd do do 2 00 8 00 2 On 2 00 1 AO 2 00 I AO Committco : A. J. Goodwin, John G. Dins mere and Jefferson Rillick. DIV. NO. 3 WORKING CATTLE AND IJEEr UATTLE. Rest yoke of oxen $ 8 00 diiu uo no 4 qii iK-si Deci animal 4 00 znu do uo 2 00 uesi mncn cow or any kind to be prov en by the quantity of milk ana but ter within any period ol six aays within a year, the cow to been tred on Secretary's Rook and produced, and salisfactorv evidence given of uie tact to the Committee, 10 00 .no uo uo do do do A 00 lommiucc : it. McKcnna, John Conkev Van a nil TisirtK T ,.,m ' aOTji nuu WHWW irl, 1.7 . CLASS NO. 8 SHEEP DIV. NfV 1 ' st-AMOit ulljvs aID RUCK LAMBS. "8t DUCK flOOO 2nd do 5 fl0 Rest yearling Buck .'. 4 no 2nd do do 2 00 Rest 1 to A Ruck Lambs 1 no 2nd uo uo do 1 on v-onimuwe t i nomas lams. Runnel Uu. vey and John Pntu DIV. NO. 2-SPANISH EWES AND EWE t.A.MiIS. uest 3 twes a no -i.i .1.. .1.. -11 uo uo A no Rest 5 Ewe Lambs .' 1 00 2nd do do do . . 9 mi Loinruittec : Ym. II. Cook. James Patter son, jr., and IScv. Stephen WinJet . Ul. AO. 3. L0NO-WOOLED AND FAT SHEEP. Rest Leicester Ruck 4 00 Rest 3 Ewes 3 60 Meat 3 or mora lambs 3 no Rest ColswoM Ruck 2 On jscsi ,x or more hwes 3 00 Reel 3 or more Limns ' 2 no Best Southdown Ruck 0 Oi) Rest 3 Ewes 3 00 Best 3 Lambs , 3 00 Best fat sheen 3 lo i in number.. .... ... 3 00 2nd du do do do '1 00 Committee: Eihniiud Siaith. Andrew Smith, FrahcU Baldwin, W. Va. DIV. NO. 4. GRADE SHEEP. Rest gradu Ruck...... 2nd do do Best ycarlini: Buck ..$ G 00 3 00 .. 4 00 2 00 .. 5 00 i 00 2ud do do Rest 3 Eewes 2uJ do dn Best 3 yearling Ewe 8 00 2ud do do do 2 00 Best 8 Ewe Lambs 8 00 2nd do do do 2 00 Committee : Joseph Dutbln. Wm. K. Fon ner, Monroe White, J. T. Elbiu, Esq., and John II. McGlumpby. CLAS8 NO. 4. WOOL. Best 2 fleeces Spanish.'. $ 3 00 2nd do ds 00 Best 9 fleeces grade 2 00 2nd do do do I 00 Committee: Morgan R Wist, Psmuel lams, Samuel Scott and James All, Wash ington county. , CLASS NO. 8-SWINE. Best Boar $ 4 00 2nd do 2 On Rest brood sow and pigs 4 00 2nd tlo do du .2 00 Best fat Hog 4 uu 2nd do do 2 oo lk-sl litter of pigs 2 1)0 2nd do do on Rest pig . ... 2 On 2nd do - I 00 Committee : Robert Rrlstnr. Samuel Web ster, John Church aud Wiu. Kent , CLASS NO. 6 POULTRY. Best pairs of Poland Shanghais, Dork ings and Dung Hills, each 1 00 2nd do do do do do AO Best lot of poultry 2 Oo Best pairs of geese, ducks, guinea, hens, pea-fowls and turkeys, each 1 00 2nd do do do do do E0 Committee: Justice F. Temple, Peter Brown, Morgan Bell, Esqs., and Spencer Reabout. CLASS NO. 7.-IK)MESTI0 MANUFAC TORIES DIV. NO. 1-WOOLEN. i Best flannels yard wide, 8 yards 2 00 2nd dn do do do 1 00 Best pair blankets 2nd do do Best Casinett yds. wide, 8 yds 2nd do do do do do RcBt Kentucky Jeans, A yards 2nd do do do do Rest pair worsied socks 2nd do do do Best pair of worsted hose 2nd do do do liest carpet 1 yard wide, 5 yards 2nd do do do do Best rag carpet l yard wide, S yards... 2nd do do do do do lfcst Rug 2nd do 4 00 2 00 3 00 1 00 8 00 1 00 1 00 AO 1 00 AO 9 00 1 00 9 00 1 00 1 00 AO Committee: Mrs A. A. Purmrtn. Mrs. I) M. Walton. Mrs Philip .Marsh, Mrs. Drake Johnson, Mrs. A. J lllueriiiim, Esq., Mrs Dr. D. W. Gray and Mrs. J. K. Uughrtdge. DIV. NO. 2.-LINEN. R st linen I yard wide, 8 ynrd.... 2nd do do do do Bctt table linen 5 )-ard9 ., 2nd do do do Best linen thread 8 cuts ... 2nd do do do S 00 1 00 3 00 I All 1 (Ml AO Committee 1 Mrs. I. C. Uoohcr. Sirs. Ste iilien Knight, Mrs. John N. Loar, Mis. Geo. Kiiisely ami Mrs. Siinucl Harvey. DIV. NO. 8.-COTTON. . Best coverlet ...ft 2 00 2nd do ) 00 Best counter pane j 00 2nd do Co llest pair cotton hose 1 no '-'ll' I do 00 do ; 5o Comnilltcc: Mrs I. R. Jacobs, Mrs. Ilam illou Scott, Mrs. Thoinaa Hughes and Mis. Morgau Conkcy. , DIV. NO. 4 -LEATHER. Best pair of flue boots 2nd do . do do llest pair of coarse boots... 2nd do do do Best single harness '. 2nd do do lk)t double harness 2nd do do Be t 2 caif skins 2nd do do Rest side solo leather 2nd do do , . Uesl 2 side of upper leather 2nd do do do Best 2 slilo kip 2nd do do llest pair men's shoes 2nd do do do llest pair of la lics' slippers 2nd do do do du llest saddle L'll'l do Best slilo saildle 2nd do do Comnilltee: Win Colterel, .1. M D. Vanaltd ami George Kneety. ...f 2 on I 00 ... I 00 Ao ... 4 00 2 no ... II 00 8 00 .... 2 00 I 00 ... 2 (HI 1 00 ... 2 00 2 (Hi ... 1 (HI 1 OO ... 1 (Hi AO ... 1 (Hi Ao ... 4 00 2 00 ... A 00 8 00 Dille, T. DIV. NO. r,.-(iLILTS, FANCY WORK, etc. Rest white, quilt 2nd do do Ik-st fancy quilt 2ml Uo do Rest scrap quilt 2nd do do Rest leather noik 2nd do do Best tidu 2nd do Best lamp mat 2nd do do Best ladies' collir 2nd do do Rest handkerchief. 2nd do 2 1)0 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 I (Ml All I 00 So 1 00 Ao 1 00 Ao 1 00 Ao Committee: Mrs. Jacob Loar. Ei . Mrs. .1. W. Walton, Mm. A. Ross, Mis, A. J. Rooher and Mrs. Elias Hundley, DIV. NO. 0, -MISCELLANEOUS. Rest butter churn 2nd do do Best 2 pounds butter ,.. 2nd do do du liest cheese. A lbs. or unwarda. ...f 2 no I (K 1 (HI Ao ... 1 00 Ao j 00 Ao 5 00 3 00 ... 6 00 3 oO ... E 00 2 00 3 00 2nd do do do do Rest half doz. corn brooms.... 2nd do do do do Best farm wamn 2nd do do Bestsnrlne waeon 2nd do 1 do Best canines . 2nd do Best dressins bureau 2nd do du 1 Ao Rest bedstead ,', 3 2nd do 00 t Ao 3 00 1 00 1 00 Ao 2 00 2 00 2 00 Best act of chairs 2nd do do Best mado J doz. horse shoes.... 2nd do do do do Best rhod horse barrel of flour Vl; ... suu'ar from Chineso cane. 3 lba 2nd do do do do do 1 00 1 00 So I 00 Best quart of molosrcs from Chinese cane 2nd do do do du do Best specimen hnnev Best maple sucar. S pounds 1 00 So So 2nd do do do Rest maple uiolassus, I quart !' appie " ". So Committee : Andv Knann. Jefferson Rillick. John Laughlin, Mrs. A. A. Shait, Mrs, Polly n I.! 1 r 1 .10 :.. uuiiiui aim .we. iuuiuu u ouuiu. CLASS NO. 8.-AORTCULTURAL LMPLE- MENTa. Rest mowing machine 4 00 ... 2 00 ..1 3 00 1 00 heed drill " Side hill plow , 2nd do do Rest plow...... ...... . .... .... 2 ou 2nd do 1 00 .... 3 00 ... 2 00 .... 2 00 1 00 Rest harrow Cultivator Cutting box 2nd do do Rest fanning mill t..u. Best threshing machine, 4 horso or more. ...... 2 00 6 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 Best horse rnke made by exhibitor t urn crusher ' Hay raiser with horse rmwer.- ... Cumniittew: Samuel HafTCV. J. M. Whit and John C. Flcnnikcn. , . CLASS NO. 9 CKOP3 AND HORTICI L- Tl'RAL PRdDUCl'8. It. t summer oppl.-s 1 dnson . $ 1 on 2nd do do do 50 im-i inn iiipii- laoxcn...... 2nd do ilo do 1 l .VI 101 SO 1 r 1 m All I mi M Best winter apples Idosen. 10 no uo Bent vanelyof summer, fall and winter ap- rles each variety of pear winter 2nd do do do Heel free slope reaches 1 dngen itU do . rto uo ' JgrirtiUttvat. Meat cling stone pvachec.. 1 00 !KI UU UU 11(1 Beat specimen of apricots, plnmrsi.qnlnre. cntuwba grnpeH, IshIhiIIim, or grape of ins. any Kiua, gnitoa 01 eacn, 11.-11., tm 60 1 in w tan ion lo 2nd to do do llest sweet potatoes M bushel . 2nd do - do do Rest Irish potatoes 4 bushel ...... 2nd do do" ' do lies! specimen of beets bushel 2nd do do do Dost variety of Duniklns A Muasheaof nv kind, Cllell M Dd do do 'as that specimen while wheat H bus)iel...... 1 W 2nd do do do do iu Hint speelmon rod wheat ....... 1 IM Slid do do do llest specimen of rye X bushel 1 IK) Aid do do do - 611 llest speelmon of hurley i bushel 109 2nd do do " do f SO llest specimen nf Itidlnn corn !j bushel 1 U0 llest siieeiiuen sweet com I gallon AO Best specimen nuts X bushel.'........ 1 6 Hint cclmen buckwheat 4 bushel 1 1 is) Uest ajicclmen wnterinelons, musk melons, ciililc lop. iftcttronseuch , M 98 llest Kclnieii beam, caMiage,tttrtil, on ions, cnrrolls, tomatoes, Ac., each ' AO Uest display of vegetables ISO 2nd do do 1 00 Committee: .lames (llllogly, Jas. Ilarns, Jas. I. McKny.utid t'npt. John Si-ott. CLASH NO. Kk-IMll-SKRVES. Best spiHilmen of preserves, nppleH, peach es, pears, iiutncoN, gooseberries, cherries, totuatiNis, plumbs, xc., each I gallon, each ; 1 00 2nd do do do do SO llest collection of preserved fruit. 1 (M 2nd do do do ' i 00 committee: Mrs. Oenrgo Colston, Mr. D. M. Walt Mrs. J. A. Uray aud Mrs. Uuujnruln .Mcfush. v . . , CLAat NO. H.IEU.IE3. Dost currant, quince, apple, marmalade,! quui t of each, each SO BUTTERS. . -Best apple, tomato 1 nnnr.t each, each......... M llest blackberry Jniii-I uunrt w Committer;: Mrs. John Lnughlln, Itivkllck, W. Va., .Mrs, lilram Hiollh, Mrs. Mary Zimmerman. CI.AH8 NO, 12.-I1READ, Best soft light bread ,s 1 on 2nd do do Mt llest rusk mi Best pound cake y 2nd do do at Hi-nt sponge enko bO 2nd do , do Jl llest fruit enke no '.'ml do do 'ja Best Jelly cake . M 2nd do do b) llest light enko All 2nd do do 2r, llest soda cake... CO :uil do do t Best pickles or nny kind AO Best wliins of any kind, each 1 pint, each.... IW Coniinlll..i : 11. M, Wnlton, Morgau Lou key, Bcnjainlu Uwcn and James McoU. - -CLASS NO, )3.-t'L01'HINO, Best eont made by exhlliltor , ...! i 00 2nd do do do - 1 m) llest vest made by exhibitor ... 1 00 Jnil . do do do (0 Best pants nude tiy exhibitor 1 W) 2ml do do do M) Best shirt mnde by exhlliltor ... 1 (R) 2nd do do do ' . AO llest bonnet made by exhibitor 1 (si 2nd do do do AO Best dre nia.te by exhibitor. 3 00 2nd do do do 1 UO llest clonk made by exhibitor 2 00 -lid do do do 1 1 no Best child's dress made by exhibitor... 1 00 2nd do do du do - AO Committee: It. W. C.nm Perry Sowers. J. W. Walton nnd Alonxo Clark. . .'. . CLASS NO, 11. KLDRAti. DEPARTMKNT. Best collection of flotvers.. I Of) so 1 oo ...3 50 1 00 Ml . 1 00 AO . I Oil M . 1 00 . - All A f, . .!.!.. t....l 2nd . do do do - Best floral design 2nd do do ' Best cactus 2nd do Best geranium 2nd do Best dnhlla.. . 2nd do 1 Best flut hand boquet 2nd do do Best round hand ., 2nd ' do do Comm Itee: Misses Mnrv Teaanrilini, Mary Wnlton,! ni. K. Hons. P. Hund ley I.lrzle dray, l. llrlstor, Maggie l.'iHik, Jalln A. coiikoy, .Maiy A. m uiinnpiiy, .Mary JSolilo. t'LAHS NO. tj.-KI.NE AHT.i. Beet ;(ln7.en atnlinityjies ......... ,w....f 9 00 2nd ' do do I AO nest Jdnsen photograplis..... (Ml Slid do do ' 1 60 Best display of ambrotypes, photographs, An , .... 1 1)0 Best oil palrttlng ft no 'Mil do 1 60 To be exhibited by the artist. Committee: H. A. Houston, W. T. II. Pauley. Jas. I-:. Hayers, I). W. Kerrel. CLASH NO. I0.-MULEH AND JACKS. Best Jack J s Ol 2nd do 4 ml Beit palrof mules 4 no 2nd do do j no llest niulncott J mi 2nd do do 1 no Committee: .liLS.CoiirtrlKht,Hr.,.Iinnon McVy and Jaciih Kunk. Ii V. Ml. 2. ItACINO Mtfl.K.S. ' There will he a sweep sjnke (trcmlutn of $10 paid on the slowest 1111. fe lu tlio race. All rldora to be chunked. 1- ( mi 111 i 1 ( : .Tos: rt. Mcflluriiphv, .Ins. II. I)ur. bill, Haiiltlel B. Willi.. 11, Samuel Clutter, T. Hi Henderson, N. .1. Boss, llnrvi-y Conkny, Mnuiuol Jewel, Sr. and Knoa M'Clellnnd. RULES AND JtEGULATIOXS. 1st. All competitors for preinluin on stock in list enter their nmiies nml place of ri-sldr-nco Willi the Iteeoriling Meeretnrv. On the llrst ilnv of l:hllillioti, tou'i tber wllh 11 description nf thn nnlnmls In op exlill.lfiit. All oilier nrllcles nbd things lo bo entered by ten o'clock tho sccoud dny. 2d. No horses or vehicles of nnV rtescrlpIMn; will lienilniltliil lnlde tho vnclosuro except to compete for premiums. . Hd. No persons will ho nllnwcd lo cross tho track during the time or training of horses or coinpetinit lor premium. Jill. The several eoliiinlllecs will report them selves r.iriluty to the Kutreluiy, by ten o'cl.xk the seeoii'l day. Mil. All stock entered for premiums 111 list bn returned on the second due of the exhibition or forfeit their premiums. Tim Htnck Marshnl Will liirnlsh n mi lll. li nl 11 tin unit of grain und hay tor all Mock on exhibition. nth. The Secretary and Treasurer will lie at th rilllce nt nil enrlv hour of encli day of exhibition for duly, Ac. Nusiisk will beiulioitted Into the grounds nut II r.-guliirly enlereil upon the Iwh.ks at tlieolllce. Iloors will h oh' nt I) o'clock Arllclcsentereil fur exlilhltion will lie planed lii the Its nils of the niltlntifcrsiil (lie luieiiin. i.r (km exlllbition, uud retunitl' in their ccslodv until III reliurl IS roil. I. 1 111 S,.-l,tv hcominir r... sponsilile for tiieirsHle return to 'their rcspucllvu Till. Colunilttees on sl.H-k Will vivn snoelul n. tenlton tu;the following points, viz: Kymuiefry, f.e iinrly maturity nml general clianu-ti-rlsllin of the breed. And they are expressly illrecluil not to give encouragement to over-fed niilinals. They are further dlreClfsl lo hium iinnritlciwl uii niilinals nr Articles when the exhibltornHenipts to use undue inlliienee to procure fnvoVnhle de cisions. And In nocnseshnll an article or ani mal deemed unworthy recelvea premium, sth. Membersof the Ilunrd nnooliil.-il for tint purpunn win aio-nu encn corntniltenill recelvllii suicK, cc., nnu 11 any vacancy occurs tin appoint suitable Demons to till the same Uth. No person shall nerve on -nnv Awnrdliiv committee who has any article or sbwk lieforo tnu same, Ann 111 entente outer niemhcrn ortlm committee ennnot Agree thev mnv select uhiim other person to servo with thcui for Ulo Hum oeing, lotrr. Any person exhibiting anv article not enumerated in the foregoing list, the awarding conimilt.-enre nuthorlwsl In recomineiid a dis cretionary premium If the article be connldnrcil worthy. by ut(l coniuilttee, lltll. Compel Itlon will be open to persons from all quartern, ft shall be the duty oMIih omciira enil pemnns having charge of the hall to pnitecs and defend all article on exhibition from being touched or liandled by any person during exhi bition. I2lh. All mnniifbetared artlclen must tw tx hlhlteil by the inukor, or hla or her projierty au Uiori!d ngent. 1 . There will tie a sufficient nnmher-of well ar-' ranged stnlls for stock of nil kinds.-- Th new. nnd well nrrnnged Floral Hall la In-tiig llnished. The bnms band will tie inattemliinei-r - It in tlinileU-nnlnntlnn of the Hinir-1 of Mniia gersof theexbihltlonito make Mm necnuion tn- teresting us well as Inst ftict Ive. ( nme ono. cooia all! D.M. WALK1N, Piwh. . A. ltoHH, Rem See. - - - 8. K iiht, Oor. See. J. V. W'A i.TO, Treaaurer.; WASl.iF.BS, A, A. Stout, Ring Marshal. Jo. Al.l.l'M, Stock .Mnrshnl. UK ouiii KiBkLY, Muml Mnrshnl. '' T ViH McSUERUY IMHtOVED G It A lit D It ILL. EVERY DItILL WARRAXTKD TO Bow Wheat, Itye. Onls, Barley Timothy and ciovcr nccu. I M P K O V E D Bl't'KEYE CIDER MILL AND PRESS. Send lor descriptive Circular, mailed free.' Hole Agent for Wcalcrn I'enn'a. ' - UI l.Hwrty Mtrcel, PitUl.uigh. Wholenole and Retail Dealer in AORIfTLTl'UAL IMPLEMENTS AXD3EEDH. A full stock Of neasAnahti. nl. -i '. hand, siirh as FANNING M I LIS 1 -I'UESSKS, (IHAIM lilULU,, t l'TTLVO boxi ,,etc. '