The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, August 28, 1867, Image 2

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4 I . t'l -J I 1 t f- '. ' ff t '1 I.'
. --.-.-Frjsic-srac -3":
' $Iif Wajju wbttty JlcjuMiran.
DiriiHTAM coi'STr ticket.
SUPREME .irruiK.
0) AUffthenti County.
...... 0 -uiuuimauula Tit . ,
toils' WAIToy.
01 Hlclihlll 1.
01 Ceutru Tp.
joiix i.wi, .
01 til I more Ti. ,
.tray roMMissroNi:n,
01 'lirutlia Tp.
A. MURl.iiV.
Of Dunkard Tp.
jrituE kha!s (xti o.t i.r.u., tf.y.
F.mtract from II It Opinion lu tho Caicof
Hnrlo v. Troll.
On tlir whole, tli. 'ii, I inn of Mn.nple.rm tint
the provision ! tho in t ill Outturn f I eorilary,
2,ilh, sil2tdeeaiiii: the notes I l.'i pm-aianiM
of Mint act to he In wtiil itoiicjycnla hyut n n-i. r.
J.-l I .1 'l.l 1 I I Il.1. i..
"This renders Itiinnecessarvlhnt I should inn-
smcr tui' inner uu.wuon wliii'ii li is Ihi ii made,
n to tiic 1'ir.otni mi' Mp 'i'iaiiiL'ifi'iiii'iit in pi.v in
liLWill liloiiev nl tl,.. IUiiii.,1 Mhiiuu I mi. n f...
vnr ofi'iiti'i iisu IhUkiih nt forth,' i lull it'. Inn in
a majority of Hie court arc ofu illiroreut ontnlon.
JU'lKiiieiii fur tlii'ili-ii'iiiluni." U'oplcd hum Mm
Miiii'ifiium -.iw oi s,, hi r-enruai'v
wheru tliu opinion Is 'ii l; I1mvI in lull..
It nuiy also be fun ml In tin. "Legal IntclllKiii
fr'1 of March Is; 1SHI, page 02.
in tliosamu enpy of Hi.- "Ann" Inn carefully
prepared eulogy of tup Juibjie an. I Ihlscp'nluii,!!!
which In Urn foilmvlivJ! ;
"Jll'l'n HllAltMVODll ren'miLS upon n-l-l ih'eHes
thecase ns Ii hi' ifin-H in.- Ii.ov i-i'ii-.i silting
rarahovtiiiinl oil! ill th cnulenia.m uii.l stipes
of lhtwiir)d."
Will not the holders ofiiirpii. hi;. Im mid f! v
eminent bonds consider the .!u lee ns quite too
idevnti d ami ctherlut lor such earthly hoiioi on
Kl'nt Oil tlllt Wlipi'l'llU) bench ?
"ANDV,"asa political, is
about to nf tempt his tensation lint.
Sec telegraphic under "litivt News."
TIIKItEPrill.M'W I O!!T!li: (
Kiilinrrl.illon O!) fsntut
As 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 v Di'isniis vim i'
le t take
will de-
the HKPriiiiifA.v by t!
sire to take it diiriiv;'
( vear
we hereby ofil-r it to l.'i.- n-pective I
township coniMiitf'.'c- in clubs ofn
. , . , ,1
lor '( (lii'.liii'. covci'iii'i' I he lierioil ol I
'a 1
1 1. ..... i i ! . i . i
i lie campaign, ami me niuiivr me issue
conlainiiig full returns ol' the. el -.ion. I discharge! by the court of that county.
We siigo"s! Io each township tlio or-! So ends the Sproiil-YVhittaker sensa-
ganization of a township Union Com- lum ""'e of the aci utied being aequitt-
millee of three active, salons Union "I"'"1 lho ,,tl.llr "W 1 "'i'1"'"1
, .,, , . . trial, although it was claimed conclu-
iu.mi, who will take an interest in . ., . . ,
. i sive evidence ol tlPMi' jnilt existed,
organfing the respective townships I n
for the eanipaign, in order to bring! Tut' drawing of the Payette County
oiil the full Union vote, encourage Ul0 'Soldiers' Monumental Gift Knterprise
:., ttic .. ,. i . i i: i ,i i-i . 1 is announced to come oil' on Sept., !lrd,
indillciviil, and enlist those Democrats i ., . ' '
. , prox., mthoi'l iml. I hose who have
m-Iio are vuirv ol suiipnrhng apartv;i,. . . ' , , , , ,
11 n ' t dollars to give awav could not bestow
which has distinguished iUelf in the 'tiinlu f(11. a .,, w'rl,iy n!,j,(f
advocacy of the rebellion during the I ' 1
i . . . . , . ....
war, and of the rebels since the war.
Such Committee; can promote the
i ,nion cause ny getting clui.s lor the j
Ki:ri lU.lCAX, aivonling to tho abov e
jirospeetus. It will prove a most elri-
cicnt advocale in the campaign, giving
to voters cogent reasons for sustaining
Union Uepuhlicnn principles, besides
containing the latest news of the day.
Circulate the documents!
it a i hi:kti at j.vcktovv.v.
, , ,, ' for lecherous old deacons, ttwhcroiis
ie have received the report "f" 'sers and smirking ministers who, if
meeting of the above nature held on l,ell be paved with skulls of infants,
Aug. 17th inst. Several speeches were! act as if thevhad large contracts for
made bv gentlemen in favor of the
project. The resolu'ions adopt d have
the tenor of assurance that r.o obsta'-le
intervenes bnt that of legislation. They
state the desire of the B. O. II. U
to eoniiect with a road from Pittsburg,
from Latrobe, Pa., or Cumberland,
Md., via, Jonathan Knight surv y.
And thev PSniVSS tlirm-elves "rarnral-
(y and unalterably' in favor of a Free
Railroad Law. and '.'resneetfiillv ask '
the member of the legislature f.o.n t' i
section to ne bis influence (to r.rcV
lihnwlj) to secure the passage ofsii 'ha
law." A-committec was appointed to
collect filets concerning the proposed j
rontos and the disposition of the dif
ferent roads to take hold of the enter
prise, said committee to report at a
Meeting to be atAVayucsburg on Tues
day of Sept. Court.
Theke is one nnswer for theeonstant
shriek that goes up from the Demo-cratie-Comcrvativc-Coppcrhcad
about enormous taxci, debt, war, etc.
Theirs, as a party, through the South
em faction directly, und throiih the
Northern faction indirectly, is rcpon
n'lilcfvr all!
The impudence that Ex-Attorney
General Black, and like ilk, exhibit
in their manipnlatwn-of the President,
we account for in the same way that
an employer excused rudeness to a lady
by a party of coal-heavers : "The fact
is," said he, "it is an impossibility to
get gentlemen to engage in the business."
A Railhoad mcctirioj held at Mon"
ojgahela City on Saturday s last ad
journed to meet at Rice's landing 09
the lth proxr
10 RriiOfe baslUhat Gen. Sickles Vill
be removed thiy'wmkaiwl Gfen. Canby
ap'pQintwl : Ws sueecssot? 1 ' IsH tbe old
Vrii '
"We leam tha;t twi'iipoci'ir f tie
ronyicta confiuetf in tho "Vt'csfe Virginia
Penitentiary, 1 esetrictl ' linrsilny
last. An our readers arc perlinjis
aware, the State is building a peniten
tiary nt Mouiufeville, twelve mik-s
ielov, Wheeling. Tho convicts are
employed in the erection of the build
ings and are at present' confined by h
high board fence with armed guards at
Btated flistuiiees apart. ' 1 '
On the morning referred to, and in
accordance, no doubt, with a previous
ly concocted plarr, twenty-seven of tho
prisoners made u rush upon the guards
at the main gate oveqiowering them
and arming themselves with whatever
came in their reach. Overcoming all
opposition they ransacked the arsenal
of its arms nud ammunition, and bold
ly marched olf. Three of the number,
not relishing their newly acquired,
freedom voluntarily surrendered to the
authorities. Three others bad at our
. , - .
KltoSt BUVISO llCUIl re-firrcstl'll.
. , , . . . ,
rommiiilcr Imvp broken up into siitiails
1 1
of three and four and are prowling
about the country. They have visited
a number of the farm hoiues slung
the U. it 0. 11. 11. (IvmiuuUng clothing,
giving in exchange, the penitentiary
uniform. The State has oll'cred a re
ward of $1000 for th.-ir arrest.
liKivuvis from Alabama and other
of the Southern States go to show that
the people have decided upon early
reconstruct ion and are earnestly press
ing the matter with a constant increase
of the number who are to coiisuni itc
it. This accounts for the l'rcsidciit's
hasty removal of Sheridan and his
expressed intent ion of displacing Sick
les, Pope and Scholicld. The recoii-
truetion of the country is not his ob-
eet. lie is placing the desperate
I game of President, w ith the South for
ii - k ,i .,.i i i; ik .... i ,
pieces, lie will be checkmated !
" " J
IJntt) and W hittaker arrested for
. .
tlie nuu-'liT ol .lr. Sproiil, not
i '
arro, in W'asliino-ton coiintv, have been
,.TE accounts say that Jen. I lioni-
as will be unable at )i'csent to take
charge of Sheridan's depnnmcut, ovv -
in to bad health. The President has
suspended the execution of the order
at the request of Gen. Grant.
' "I r seems as if the Methodist church
I this vear is but little better than a
house of prostitution. Not a dav but
we see notices of llicso clerical iudis
'cretions, principally among Mctho
Idists and Baptists. Since minister
I began preaching politic their chur
ches are little else than hiding places
that kind of work! Brethren of the
Got!-ind-Morality party Lit usprin!''
The above is from a late issue of that
national mouth-piece of the Democracy
the Li Conic JKiiiucrui a paper
having a larger circulation among the
"unwashed" than any other published
in the country. There are . thousands
of Methodists and Biptists wh i are
Democrats. Can they endorse a paper
that thus insults tlietn tuat thus
hurls its ribaldry alike at God and
man? Yet their party sustains
til's paper and showers subscription
upon the editor because of ju.-t such
indecent blasphemy.
The Im (Wf Dvrtwrrat is the fa
vorite organ of the Copperheads, and
we recommend this estimate of the
pastors of a respectable church organ
isation to the members of that church
in this county who so earnestly believe
in what tin; La Crnsxc Ikmoerat utters
when it attacks the Republican cause.
rnelA for (JnvprtmlPiil nondliuMrr nnil
thi llolilor or rr-pnlinpli l:in1, llc
UrrtaiMt liiinil lo your Ai'iitliliois
In 1301 eleven Slates seceded ; and
since then only twenty-three have been
represented in Congress, until the ad
mission of Tennessee in 1SG(!.
All the United States Bonds 3
20's, 7-30's and 10-40's all the green
backs, and all the National Bauks,
were created by this Congress of
twenty-three States.
President Johnson calls this an "as
sumed Congee'' therefore not legal.
His supporters and the Democrats call
it a "rump Congrext," and a "usurping
CongreAi?' and hence not a lawful Con
gress ; ami the great etlbrt has been to
elect Congressmen in .ihc North, and
admit enough from the rebel , States to
enforce this "Policy." .
If a Congress representing but
twenty-three States bo ' not a lawful
Congress, then every United States
Bon3, and all our greenbacks, and Na
tional Bank notes, are w orth nothing ;
hecaUso anunlauful -Congress could
noti "make; laicful. Bonds , or lawful
money.-;"1V - . ','";V, 1
Xhe maa euort, so recently maao by
the rebels and their sympathizers, to I
erjjmentV ij faty-nf
eovtiou of
the Ibyai votors .at t $ baUot-bw mid
the liust ellort at (Icstruction is now
being made Tiutui'oii the Coimsts.
AVitiies the recent attempt by
Deniocmtie lawyers to induce the Su
preme Court of the Unilod fjtiiti to
issue an injunction, nullifying tlift 10
construetion Iaws of CongToAs in M:s
sissippi, Georgia, nihf ' other rebel
States. Itead also the opinion of Geo.
Slmrswo'id, t!io Deiuoeratic nominee
lor Judge of the Supreme Court of
reiinsylviinia, in which he gravely de
nies the constilutioiiul jiowcr of Con-
j tu l)!,l,or '"oney a legal
ii.-11111-i. ixjuic t7.f. mm. jjttiiu nuci.
yrticw of March 18th, lSij I, pago
vj,) Judges oodward aiid J iionip
son of the same Court, announced from
the lieiich the. an me alarming. ((WWiie,
son of the same Court, announced IV
III tj.). (.Sen Jli rriilf m. Siilm-ii til.
T ... .1 I III' e 1 "li 1 .ill
Uijnl lnltiliijnuvr nf June 10 t JO
lnli.i ii'iiri'H ISH iv vil i i
100O, II.IOIS IO!) IV 11,1.1
And this, too, in the face of the diet.
,i . .i ,, .. , ;
tliat the superior t.ourts ol everv loyal
i' i ,1 . i i
.-jiaiuiii nu n tnc qii'-suoii nas oocn
; raised, have sustained the power of
, lt requires, therelbrc, but little
knowledge of cither arithmetic or Invi
to estimate the imminent danger of
putting any more men of Judge Sliars
vvood's opinions on the Supreme Bunch
of the State!
If you believe the present, Congress
to be unldirfiil, or de-are our National
currency and Government Uonds to be
declared vnhurjul, vote fur George
If you believe the present Congress
to be liuijiif, or desire their action on
Currency and IVunNo utaml toml,
vote to sustain them, fur the. party
that vrailnl, tin; Greenbacks and the
liouds, the parly that sustained the
war, and compelled submission to the
National authority, and that stands
pledged to keep liiilb with the Ihmd
iioldcrs, und fo maintain the National
ei'e.lit vote lor I leiii'v W A'iMioiMj
t, wrtiv and honored nominee oi'
: tins pari v.
lly Iln- I'. ,t- A. I','li'i.'l:ii-,!i.
I. II I.M' 'K...
Spi' !ij the Keplllilii'llll.
Biiowx.svii.i.i:, Aug. 27, 'liV.
I'lrvl Iilsimtoli,
Wash i sin i in, August 2(5. The
President has removed Sickles and
appointed Canby. He takes immedi
ate command. Heals!) aligns Han
cock to the Fifth District and orders
Sheridan to li"avcnvvoi'lb, Kas., con
trary to ( J rant's order. Thomas re
mains in command of the Department
of the Cumberland. The dissolution
of the Cabinet is close at band. Kvcrv
member but Attorney General Slan
berry has intimated his willingness to
the President to tender bis resignation
and will formally write it out the mo
ment he is inlbrmeil that it is desired.
Postmaster General Randall has al
ready written bis and will probablv
hand it to the President to-morrow if
-elicited. So far as the Executive
i views can be learned the resin-nation-
(1f Secretaries liiowiiiiio-, Seward,
Wclli and lSandull will be ac
cepted from time to lime as their suc
cessors are determined on,
Mim'Iiii.I I'ii:if.'li.
iVasiuntiton-, 1). ('., Aug. 20. '07.
Since sending previous dispatch both
Secretary MeCulloiigli ond Post Mas
ter General Jxandall have informed
the President that they would at once
retire from the Cabinet if he desired.
The President made no fleliiiito an
swer but it is believed he will not ac
cept MeCollough's resignation. The
President in assigning. General Han
cock to General Sheridan's place lias
issued an order making a direct issue
with General Grant as to the powers
conferred under the Weconstriictioii act
over commanders of Militurv Districts.
He permits General Hancock toanntill
and repeal such acts of General Sher
man . administrators, as lie mav see
lit, without reference to ( ienend ( Jrant's
recent order assigning General Thomas
to that command and continuing them
all in force. p.
Tin: .time for converting August
7-30 Treasury note-j into o-20 bonds
has b.i'ii extended to September 15.
ru' ilvcvtbfmrntci.
IV .M I'liMiiiiM. .T11., .It hlrili .S(,vw, r;iti
h'ir:ih, i. lh:' vntkorlxfil v;rn t for llif Ifl.rnil.lCAS,
,'ii til tt cihi.
TO ,?-.,en ii:h BAY.
roit the
G O L D E N P E N .
TIipso pn r.tpMly vlnrovtr tnlroilufvJ,
to all t'lnsH of pfopie'. Art fully rMi;il to tii1
aoiii pin for rs. uuU hfniitynf writinu. Mon
II.'Kihlf Mti'l liir:illi' liian nny Htrt'l p, i v r
nt inuf;ictnrol. Will not rnrotli-. snl f T s'tm
il hox, mlv Hict-nLsor two itoxr for .tft nr.
No. 1 foruonrnil ns, S'o, '2 for IjhIits, Srliofils
iin l ctnIiHn IVnm msliip. K'iu Trvu nf p )i;n,.
Mon'V retuii'l'-1 If tin y tlo n it itivi itsfartiou,
A'lJnuu f. V. U. OoV'ii.N Lalat:Uo, luU.
The follntvlti'j t n snmplcof hnii'lrtvis of lot
ter fnm part wl haw onliTo l tliso pons.
PorrsTOU X, PA., July nth. N(7.
M. V. R f'OWKV, Lafayttt', In.l.
Dkai: sir- Tin box of No. 1 wn nrnrel bv
mtRoiun ttn rlttys nee tnu arrive!, nwi I ain so
nun'h plt'iustil with tlUMit that I have eonrlinled
to take nn Aci-ncy ftr their nnh w fnr, at Itwat,
n (oonUT thnv irnwM No. 1 nntl ttnc nws No. 2,
for uiilch I imu'Iw your prUn tn Asinf. Al-
tin-ss Hbv. s. Hii;uKtui:r,
Warrnntfil U but flvn timra m lonar, ani (tive
IwttiTsatlsr'action than nnyHtf'! mannfap
turod. He ml for rln'ulnr of tfHttni'mlHlA from
Protrssom of Schools tn Lolh-jji, nnl from
promhtojit hnslnt'SH lionwe. M, V. C. 8;l-J1ih.
jbiiinioFFMTsi' " "
" rtsioN, bocxtik, ARncii or nr, '
' Ttvln(( hd IT ymm nxporlenm iTVpronwntlrm
tuch cluliua, 1 bnvo become funiiaur Willi the
vnrloiis Ijiw nm1 1he lnrgp nmonnt of n-rord
Tldcnce In my poanemloD nnblmetot vry
TOPcewiful In prosrcutlng nusppiilct clnims, Aba
In mnny iiisuiMr bnv proved rameurnl when
thrclalmnnt hnd long glvan them lip Hi dcpulr.
No muiU'rlio.rilirilciili theclnlm to It lnjtut.
wtrm-tliis Jiav
o Pie tainAtliiti, ibtbn
has aUi'miife'ot tfl
n ,
T)7..,.Uf: OwT.S
ft ' .it ii ? -
iiy rlrtut of irlk nf VcnAttiuhr Ftponiw.
iHKtiea out of tlm Cottrt of I'ltiutimn 1'tmg oj
lin-UK uobmy. aul tu me Uirt''ti, lln re will bo
iwxt. at on o'olotflt, P. M., thf fnllnwlnn uroper
Ly, vUr Ail tlm lit!., Intun t mvl olntrn
ot iteiVnitimt of. lnuti'I to u L-rrtitin tru'-t of IttuU
tltnnte tti Aleppo townhtp, Urtwno county, IH.,
COItlUUIlll j
inor or Yam. ohmit FVirtrnernn of wh Ich Is emr-
fl, on wliitli lKt-rueU-ioii HuweiJ Lou Iiwi'KIiik
ll'ttist, l.ox Miitlii) uiul otht r out liiillilinus, un
Apple on-liuhl, &-t. Adjoin I n luinU of .lunn h
i .ii. -ton, ArcniUuia l MmKimitiy, iai jhcoim una
oi iters,
Ramti tlmnnnd nlnrr another trfift of land alt-
uuio In Aleppo townsltlp, Ureuno county, 1'n.,
I'h'liri'il.llll.l llllM ITt'i'll'il TlllTPOIl onii l.o liwi-l-
iih j iiouw.. T.'imiu ii..h.', l.ou linrn, ki
..uu mi. i i ii'ipp'TMii lui'inn ; kiiiiip rrun it
hl, 1r.tlllrl,.K. A,jlnlii( himlH of ll,'l
' S!"0"""' ?"'!" ",0 "fJu'1
, HtnumTK. ,1,'cl., mi, I oiIuth.
Tnki n in .xi, iuioii m tim pmpiTtv of Nv
iiiinli Wooilruil. at iln-mill ol U. W. liowiuy
;j;t. iikatii jiui.NH.Hhti-iir.
lly virtue of n writ of Vpii.llllonl Kxinirw. Is-
ttllii'l outol tlli'l.'oitrtof rolilliioli I'h.iiHol Ori'uno
I'uiiniy. iiiei io im. iiiri'i'ti'il, Un-rn will lii'i'xpos
ril lij puliltt milo ut ttlu Court llousu 111 Wll lies
huiK, ou
next, lit one o'ploi'U. p. M tliu following proimr-
ly, viz: All 111,' rlL'ht,l!tli',lliti'ri'liiii, i-lnlin of
(ii'ii'iiitunt, ol, in mill to a ri'i titln triu-t ol hunt
Bliunli' In li'll,.rsoii t wii'lilp, (Irui'im futility,
I'a., i'olilullllliii ;
min or nnrnl. 1'wrnty nr-rfH flftirnl, ami
fius f tvntfil iht'it'oti line I.'h IfouHt', Coin t rili
tui'l Monif Kruh Tri't-H. Ailjolnlni! Innls of Win.
K nu'itkl, IfiuUi r. HotiNwortli tth'l ollh rn.
Tnkeii in fXfi-titlfni us the property ui Dm flif
toit IVtiolctint Uit l'oiup;inyt nt tliu null ol .Mor
f:tn w. y.oiiniH,
II U M c S II K II K Y "
iMPi:i) r.n
G II A I X D 11 I L L .
Sow Wlunl, pL.vr OiiIn, Harlry, Tlnuithy nml
i fovi'r .Sccil.
I M. P It O V K D
en, I lor il.'s..iillvi' l.'lri'iilnr, nli il fi-i-.-.
S ilc Ai-nt fur VVt'il iru P. nii'ii.
li; lain rty .SIr.Tt, PUlshuiKll.
Wholmnlo and Retail Uialiir In
A(.il!Iit!I.Tl'I!.Vl.l.MI'Li:.MKT.S ANHSKKIiH.
A lull stork of p'-iimtiulili' rooiN nlivavn on
hmiil, Ml'll li" l-.VNMMI .MII.I.M, IIAV
I'lll-.-isDs, illt.vl.N lUill.l.s, ITT HNU lioxi-.s,
el.'., el''. Sj2i-a
A. HAI.!,,
Iienlfr in Dry lloo'ln, armories,' llnnliraio,
ele., i t,'.
AT Mi l'OV'S Ol.ll STAND,
2;S-ly. (tri'ell'loro, P;i.
Tho .Ii-fr-'t-MfKi Arlmiltuful ptoi-h-ty, of this
County will holil Its m xt tuuni;il l-'ulr, at .h-l!fi-mm
mi 'l linis-lay v I'liilay the 17th tV Plh of
Oi-ldluT, pl'oX. IAN'L. MoitKlMM K, I'ri'M,
Kit. Sc.- ., K. II. KNNV. J'sH-St.
mcitmt.rj Ac.iiiciT.TunAL society;
HKCfixi) ANNL'.VI, KX lillllTION I
To ho hell nt the Fair Oroitinl, In
TllL'RSDAV, SKIT,' 2,-.TtKV; iitil'lf, IS(i7.
class i-MonaKs-oivisroN no i,
(JL'U K DltALlillT
Hesl Stallion I years olil ami upivimls...$!n CO
Jml do tin do R (ill
U.'st brood m.iru with foal at ft. 1 ys olJ
ami upw.irilH (! nn
L'ml do (In dn 3 'Id
It, st slaUion .'I yrs. olil nml upwanls... ii en
-ii I do do dn it nn g 'liling 3 ym. old and upwards. .. fi On
'.'i d ilo d i do it uu
Ui at stallion 2 yn. old ami upwind... .1 nn
'-'ml (In do do I .'ill
last nuie 2 yi3. oKl ami upwards... ,1 mi
L'n I do do dn I oil
licst stallion I year old anil upwards... a on
'J i:,t do do do 2 nn
ll.'st mure 1 vear old and upward... a no
'.'ml do do do 0"
Hi st, .-.prini; colt , ; o
Jnd do do On
I'liiiinitlli'e : E. Ihno. L T. (Imy, W. Va.j
I'r. S. Ulnclily, VViisliinnl'iii county.
lltst 6tallion I yi8 and upwards $lu nn
-'ad do d do n on
liest gi ldiug t yrs. and upwards 4 nn
.'ml (In . do dn 2 en
Best stallion 3 yrs. and upwards 4 On
Vud do. "ilo --Uf von
l!i st iri'ldini; 3 v is. and itiM'urds 4 no
viinl do do do
llcst niaro 3 yrs. And upwards
2nd il (Id do
Id'st s'alliou 2 yrs. and upwards
'.'ml (Id do do
licst mare 2 yn. and upwards
in 1 1 no d rj
llcst stallion 1 year ol.rSjP.
Snd do ilu
Ucst mare 1 year old
'.'ihI do ' (Id
lkt spting colt
-'ml do ilc
Commiltcc : 'l'uos. Hill, JosliUi Acklcv. 1).
D. Jacoes.
II. st sUllion 4 vcaia and upwards 0
I'nd do dn do A nn
licst mare 4 "yrs and upwards 4 On
'lid do ilo do 2 no
Best gelding 4 yrs. and upwards 4 00
2nd dn do do '2 On
Best stallion 3 yrs. and upward! 4 no
'-nd do do do 2 00
li st mare 3 yrs. and upwards. 4 00
2nd dn (l-i do . 3 DO
Committed llirim Smith, A. J. Barker,
J. ha Jcimings.
.my. no. 4 matcii horses axd mares.
Beta pair matched liorsci $ 8 On
2nd dn dn 4 00
Best pair matched marej ; ... ' 8 on
2nd dn do" - 4 00
Best pair matched hones or mares for
ti mi use ,.. 5 00
2nd do dn ,' ' 8 00
- Committee t Jnn. C. Flcnniketi, James W.
Hays and J. A. Gray.
Bait pacing or racking boree or mare...oO 00
2Rd do . do do , 20 00
Best trotting Mors or mar;.'..'.. ...... 80 00
2nd :! ' do : do
30 00
Best walking horse or mart ,
4 00
t 00
1 ,ll ,
2nu :- ao
i'S :. I..i f 111 O
O-T 1 no lonY
B'9 tiding tnniiaal...i., .4. u.,..
Hud do ' do ' . V
Best single driving burse or mare..,
2nd dn do , do
Hist family linrae bV'tt'ire
2nd do do dn
Cnminittee : J. A. 3. Buchanan,
Wttlton and Goorge Kni ly. '
I t III'
. on
4 on
9 no
4 (Id
3 nn
J. W.
Rett tlii roiigli liriid stallion for all pur
poses $13 00
!nd do -" - - do " -; an--' T 00
Pedigree of all horses on exhlhillon In tills
division, must be pruuuittd.
Coiimillloe i John Parkinson, Esa., W.
Va i Johnsnu Sinitli, Esi., and Isaao lioolmr.
Rest bull S years and upwards...... ' ...f 8 Oo
2nd do do 4 no
Best cow 3 years and upward j , 4 0(1
'nd do do 2 uu
Bestbull 3yearsand upwards-... ' 4 no
2nd do du 3 oil
Best heifer years old 4 On
2nd do do 3 On
Best yearling bull 4 no
2nd do do 3 00
Best bull calf. 3 00
2nd do do oil
I est heifer calf. 3 On
2nd do do 1 IHI
Committee : Tlioinas Hughes, Elias Head
ley nud John Bui ley, Esq , iV. Va.
Best bull 3 years anil upwards .$ r 0(1
2ml do do on
Best cow 8 years and upwards is 011
2nd do do 00
Best hull between Iwo and thiee 8 on
'-'nd do do 2 00
Best IHler hetweeu two and three 3 (10
-'lid do do 2 On
Bestbull ralf...... . on
2nd do do no
Best heifer calf, 3 mi
2nd do do I nn
Ci.niinlitco i A. J Goodwin, John Q. Dlns
iiv re and JefTersuri Bill ek.
Bi'Stynkoofoxcn fl 00
-mi no no 4 on
Best heel aidnial 4 Oo
-'inl tlo do 3 00
Hist niilcli cow of any kind to be prov
en by Hie (Uiinliiy of mil!; ami but
ter will, in any period nt mx imvs
williin 11 year, llm enw to l)(l(:ii tcred
on Seeie'iiry'it Hook nml proiliiced,
nn I sallsliictorv evidence givuii of
the t ict to the Committee in 00
2ml do do do do do n on
Ciimiiiilti't' : It. Mclvitnn. John Cnnkev
Esi., ' lid Jacob Loar, I'.so.
Hi st Illicit lli 0,1
2nd do r, mi
Best vealliiiir Buck I 1111
2ml do do 110
Best I to B Buck Lambs 4 no
2nd do do do on
C mil tee 1 Tiuuiris Inns. S.inuel I lor
vey nml John Pi.t'.iMaoii.
Best 3 Ewes ... a on
2i,d do do 4 on
Hi st 0 Ewu Lainlis 4 nil
2nd do do do on
Committee : IV m. I. O (ik. James Patler-
Bon. jr., and Rev. Stephen Wingut
Best Leicester Buck S nn
Best ,1 Kwes ,1 on
Best 8 or more lambs 8 nn
Best CoiBWnld Buck , , 2 0(1
Best ,1 or morn Ewes 3 (in
Best, 3 or more Lambs 2 no
Heat Hoiilhilown Buck. fi On
li t 3 hives 8 oil
Hi st 3 I.anihs 2 nn
III si hit sheep 3 In fi in number 3 on
2ml do do do j,, 2 nn
Commit tee 1 Elnmnd Smith, Andrew
Smiih, Eiamh Baldwin, W. Va.
Best grado Buck $ 8 nil
2nd do do 3 on
Best yearling Buck 4 011
'-'ml do do 3 no
Best 3 Eewes fi (ill
2ml do do $ on
Best 8 yearling hwrs 3 till
2nd do do . do 3 on
Best 3 Ewe Liu lis 3 (in
2nd do do do 3 up
Committee: Joseph Du bin. Win. R. Fun
ner, Monroe W'iii e, J. T. Elbiii, E q., unci
John II. JlcUlumpliy.
Bi s' 2 fleeces Spanish 2 on
2nd do do 1 On
Best 2 fleeccj grade ,. ... 2 li
2n l do do do mi
Committee: Mri."iii U. VI(, Sr.nm 1
tains, SaimH Scott um James All, Wash
ington county.
Best Bonr
2nd do
Best broi d sow end it;s
2nd do do di
B, st fat I log , -2nd
do do
Best liitcr of pigs
2nd do do
Best IM;,'
2nd do
. 4 On
2 Ilo
.. 4 (in
2 tai
.. 4 on
2 nn
.. 2 Oil
I nil
. 2 Ol
I (in
Ci'ininiltce: Robert liiittor. Samuel Web
stcr. John Cliun li and Win. Kent.
Best pair of P d in l Sli iniiais, Dork-
Hies nnd Dung III Is, each
2nd 1 n do do do do
B' st lot of poo. try
Best pairs of pcese, ducks, guinea,
liens, pcn-lowls and tin keys, tu h
2nd ilo do do do do
Commi Ire: Justice V Temi li.
1 ou
2 0i
1 Oil
Ilinvvu, Muigiin Bell, Esqs , and Spencer
B"t flannels ? yard wide, fi yards 2 on
2nd do do do do
Best pdr bliiikcts
2nd do (in
1 Oo
4 nn
2 on
2 no
1 on
2 nn
I on
1 nn
1 no
2 (in
1 en
2 00
I on
l m
Beft C sinctt J yds. wide, r, yds...
2nd do do do do
Best wors cd socks
2nd do dn do
l!(M p ir of worsted hose
2nd do do no
Best carpet I yard wide, 5 yards
'-'nd do do dn do
Best rag car et 1 yard wide. 5 yanb..
2nd do do do do ill
B, st Hug
2nd do .
Committee: Mis A. A. Purman. M'S. D.
M Walton. Mrs Pliilin Marsh, Mis. Drake
Johnson. M'S. A, J Hinennnn, Es , Mrs
Dr. D. W. Gray and Mil. J. K. Uugbridge.
B st Fnrn 1 yard wi le, 8 yard $ 3 00
2nd dn do do do I On
Beit table lim n 5 varls 3 On
2nd dn dn dn I fin
Best lii.en thread S cuts 1 On
2nd dn dn do fiO
Committee : Mrs. I. C. Boohcr, Mrs. Ste
phen Knight, Mrs. John N. Loar, Mrs. Geo,
Knisely and Mrs. Si.nucl Harvey.
Best coverlet J....'. 3 On
2nd do 1 On
Best counter pane... .. .... ,.,. I no
2nd do 1 80
Best pair cotton i hOseVT."-,...;. ... ... 100
3rid do 60 do ' 60
Committee: Mrs. I. B. Jacobs, Sirs,
iitoo Scott, Mrs. Thomas Hufibea and Mrs.
Morgan Cbnkey. . f, 1 vi
Best pair' of fia. bo,tiH.. 100
2nd do do do -. . 1 00
Best pilr or coars booti.'... '.... ... ' 1 Oo
iml do do do ' ''' " ""so
Best single harness...... .'.j..., , j 4 00
2nd do . do.,. . 3 00
Best doable harness.... ' 00
2nd do
00 IM
.'U.'.'KVlV I'. u -
Be 2 ca.f sklni...i.i .U:.
Und dn do . . .;
Best sidu sole Icathat.'.Ju
2nd dn do
3 00
I no
3 no
1 00
3 00
8 no
1 on
1 00
1 00
1 00
4 00
3 00
8 00
.IV,,., ;lU
Best grille of upper leather....
2nd do do do
Best 3 sido kip
2nd do do
Best pair men's bIiocs
2nd do do do
Best pair of ladles' slippers....
2nd do . do ,, do , do
Best saddle ' .'.
2nd do
Best aidu saddle......
2nd do do
3 00
Committee: Wm Colterel. J. M. DiUe. T.
T. Vanalta uiid George Kneety.
Best ivbito quilt $ 3 00
2nd ' dn do
I Oo
Best fancy ciuiU....
2nd no do j
Best scrap quilt
Slid do 1 do
3 on
1 00
2 00
Best leather woik ... I 00
2nd do do So
Best (Ida..: ., 1 no
2nd do , 60
Best lamp nml 1 00
2nd do do Ao
nest indies coll ir , 1 00
2nd do do ' fio
Best handkerchief. 1 00
2ml do r.o
Committee:' Mrs Jacob Iiar. . Mrs J.
W. Walton, Mrs. A. Ross. Mis. A. J. Booht-r
uiui mis. Mlas lleadley. ,
Best butter churn A 3 no
2nd do do I no
Best 2 pouuds butter ' 1 on
'.'nil dn do dn fio
Best ciieese, fi lbs. or upwards 1 00
2nd do do d 1 do fio
111 st half dux. corn brooms 1 00
2nd do do do tlo fio
Best firm Wau'on 8 on
2nd do do . 3 on
Bed spritis wnenn rf'.... ... fi 00
2nd do do 3 oil
Best cnriiacu...' Son
2nd dn ' 00
Best dn sdng bureau 3 on
2nd do du -I r.o
Best bedstead , 3 00
2nd do I fio
Best set of chairs ... 3 00
2nd do do no
Best ni'idu t dot. horso shoes 1 00
2ml do do do do . fio
Best bod lio sii ... 3 00
" barrel of dour ... 2 on
" sujpir from Chinese cane, !'. His 2 on
2nd do do do do do 1 00
Best quart of tuoWes from Chines'!
enne 1 00
2nd (hi do do do do fio
Bcs' specimen howy 1 no
Bi si. luaplu smjiir, fi pounds 1 00
2nd do do dn fin
Best maple molars, is, 1 quart fio
' apple " '.' , fin
Ciiiimiittec: Andy Kmipp Jeflersoii Billlck,
John Lniiililin. Mis A. A. Stunt, Mrs, Polly
Diirhiu nud Mrs. Edmund Smlih.
M EN 'I'd.
Best mowing machine
" Seed drill
$ 4 no
. 2 00
. 2 nn
I 00
" Side bill plow...
2nd do do
Best plow
2nd do
Best harrow
" Cultivator
" Cutlin box
2nd do do
Best fanning mill
, 2 no
1 on
, 2 nn
, 2 10
, 2 00
I 00
3 on
Best threshing machine, 4 horse or
more fi 00
Best horse rako made by exhibitor 2 on
' Corn crusher 2 00
" Hay raiser with horse power 3 00
Committee: Samuel Harvey, J. M. White
and John C. Flennikcn.
Itest stininicr apples 1 doen ) ) Of
2n I (to do do Vl
lies! full apples I dozen ... 1 ici
2nd do do do fri
lies! winter apples I dozen 1 Ol
nd do do do i'i
llest variety of Milliliter, fall and wiiiternp-
ples eacli 1 (III
llest variety of pears winter ..... I (hi
2nd do do do nil
llest free stone pein-lics 1 dozen . 1 no
2nd do do do fie
llestclimt stone peaches 1 lie
2nd do do do fin
llest specimen of apricots, nliimbs.qiilnccs,
cataWlei arapes, isnlielles, or (trapes (if
any kind, yt cation of each, each 1 Wi
2nd do do do ll
llest sweet potllt'M'S ft hu-dicl 1 Ml
2ml do do do Vl
llest Irish palatum y. bushel 2 w
2nd do do do 1 an
llest specimen ol' beets ihushel 1 on
2nd do do do 6fl
ties! vnrlelyof piimktiisAsijiiashesofaiiy
kind, each So
2d do do 2,1
licst specimen white wheal yt bushel 1 nn
2ml do do do do f?
llest specimen red wheat 1 ic
2nd do do do ryi
licst siiecitncn uf rye bushel ,...... Inn,
2nd do do- rto fin
llest specimen of barley i bushel 1 Ml
2ml do do do .Vi
Hesl ppoeiuicn of Indian corn H bushel 1 On
llest specimen sweet eom I uiilloll fin
llest secllnen oals husliel fio
lent s-elnien hiickwiieat lillshel 1 IMI
D -st spiel nen waterin, 1 ,iis, musk melons,
('ante, opes ,t' citrons each ti
llest spfs'lmi'ii beans, eiililiai.e, turnips, on-
ions, carrot Is. lomaioes. ftn each firi
llest, display of vcjj.'inliles 1 sa ,
2ml do do 1 vl
(.'oininltiee: Jniic.s dllloirly, Jas. Hums, Jas.
I'. M,'N,iy,nnd ( "aiii. John scotl.
(T.ARS X(. 10. I'HI-KKnVK.I.
llest specimen of preserves, apples, is'iich-
es. pi'ars.fpiincs. trtt' Mtct e I, cherries,
toinatoes, plumbs, eiicli 1 aalloli,
eaeli 1 (0
2nd do do do do in
II, ..t colic -Hon of preserved frnlt 2 (m
'.'nl do do do 1 Hi
(oxnniitiee: frs. O"orae Coliton, Mrs, Ii. M.
W ilton, .Mrs. J. A. Oi-ay mi l Mrs. llenjumlii
licst currant, ipiinee, apple, iriarmaladc, 1
qtlHl tol caeli,cacll 9 -71
flest apple tomato 1 ooarl each, cneh fi'i
Ilesi hiiicktieric Jam 1 quart.... ii'l
i.'oiiiinlK -,J .M.s. .1,, in, I.iiuli'ln, llo"kli,'k, IV.
Va., Mrs. II, mm Siollh, Mrs. Mury .immerniiiii.
U.ASsl NO. ii llKKAD.
I!et soft liKhl bread ,.. 100
2nd d do fi'
llei rusk .Hi
llest n land cUe ' -Vi
2nd Uo do 2,
llest sisaie c-ik,... ., .n
2nd do d 2,
llest fruit cake fin
2nd do do 2.1
Best Jellv eakn . .. ,V)
2ri'l do do 2
llest Hidit cuke w ........ .ti
2nd do ilj i't
llest iwsla cake... n. tM...rt n.,.. ii
2nd do do i't
IW piekh of nny kind Hi
llest winesof any kllt'l.eneh 1 pint, each ... 5,1
I'oininiitce: Ii. M, Walton. Morgan C'onlcoy,
Itelijioniii Owrit nml Jauies Meek.
tlest coat mad.' by exhibitor... S 1 00
2nd do do do 1 ln
Iksitvcst moil,, by exhibitor 1 mi
2nd do do do .Hi
llest nniita made bv exhibitor.. , 1 ml
2nd do do do fi'i
llest shirt mado by exhibitor..... ....
2nd do do do
llest bonnet made by exhibitor.. .
2nd do do do
Bestdresa mado by exhlbltor......
1 on
.. ion
... 2 00
1 ui
.. 1 no
2nd do do .do
llest clonk made by exhibitor .
2nd do . do do
llest child a dresa made by exhibitor.
ini no no an ao
Committee: 1. V. I imy, Terry Howcrs, J. 1.
Walton and Alonzo Clark.
Beat collection of flowers.- 1 00
2nd do dn do fi"
Best floral deitxn 1 DO
2nd do do 5"
Best eoetns . . 1
2nd do . Vi
Best reran urn '. . . . 1 mi
2nd , do . , fio
Best dnhlia. . . 1. 1 00
2nd- do
Best flat hand bonnet I
2nd do do . , i. .
Best round hand... l v
2nd do do . " '
Committee: Misses Mary A. Diirbln. Jinle
Tearanlen, Mary Wnlmn. Ioo. F Rows p. Heml
ley.LlaaleOray, P.Bristor, Maiotle Conk, Jdlla
A. t'onkey, Marjr A. M-OIumphy, Mary Noble.
Tint V doacn ambrotypea-
I too
9n,l do do . .
Beat V. iVwa pholoKra.pliS-i 10"
and " do do . laUl
la fllMneaa ttT .miWMTHM. -KiaC-TlDnL -
Ac.. -v t.r. J 00
Tnhi hlhltl hT the artlit.
...,. p 1 1; '. ; . it .u I . 1 CisJ Ml I
.11. l I i:-IM 11 i Ktfft'i't'
JJfiu rtmtisfittfutji. -
imifrtiiiiiift hi A1. iMnstota-; V. T. II. Punier.
Jtw. hi, isuyera, U. W, Kernil. a io ' ,. 1 , ,
Dwjt J:uik...., .. u 1 1 n
2nd do . . , . , . , 1 no
llest pair of inuleS I...' .. 4 ou
2uil do do I Oo
Itest mnloenlt ...... ; .'. a no
2nd fl,i dn - ' 1 . j ik,
Ciimnilllee! .Im.C'onrtrlKlit.Hr., JahiM McVuy
and Jacob Funk. "'.'. '
I'lV, -Kd. ftt-RACIMO MtrLEH.
Thern will l.e BweP alalia pmdlnra xii IM
puUl ou Hi. liuila lu Uui hum... All lidara
to Ic'ehaiiKil,
I'oiiiinniee: Jus. II, Me.llirlpliv..Ias. It. Bur
liln, Siuiniei 11. Walton -simil flutter, T. K.
Ileiiilerson, N. .1. Hons, lliirvey I'onkey, Humuul
Jt'Wol, Hr. nud Kuua Jl (;ielaiid.
Ist. All eoiiipetltora for prcniliiuu on atnek
mi st enterthi-lr immes and plaei. of renldeneo
.1 1! Vl,V,'.-,'''','r'l',','Hl"'"',,,r-v-r " ' tlrMtihty
1..,. ', "''"". loKi lhervvlthii ili Kerlptlou of the
aiiliiials to be ,'x,mii,.(, A ,, 'nnMrH Mil
a,xy u'Hered by Urn u'lUue tho swouU
M Nn horsea or vohli'lea of any ileserlptloii,
will benilniliieil IiibI.Iii thu aiicl.Buru exei'iit to
eoinpelc lor pri'mliiniH, 1.
III. No persoim win Im nllnwcl to rriwH Ilia
Inielc .liiiiiiK tin, time of truinlnn of hunwa or
compellliK lor premliiiii. "
4th. The several l onuiillleen will ffport them-m-lviM
lor duly to the Heerotiiry, by ten o'clock
the second day.
Wh. All Ht.K-k entered for premiums mint bo
rellirned on the second (lav (if the cxllltiltlon r
forlelt their prnmliiins. The Muck Miirxlinlwllt
ItirulHli iiHiiilli'lent amount ol uruiu und buy for
all sliK'k oil exlilblllon. '
(lib. The Seereliiry and Treasurer will lie at tho
olil, .' at an eurly hour of eacli iluv "I calilbPlon
fnriliilv, e. No si, N k will Im- admitted lulu llm
r.iiiiiils uutll remilarly entered uimn the Ixioka
ul the ottlce. Poors will hi. oh'ii at II o'chH'k
Articles entered Tor xblbltlim will he placed Iri
the hint, Is o( the liiiimntcrsnt llic ofwuliiK if the
exlillilllon, nml remain In their ciikIimIv until
the report Is rend. Tim Hoelcty heeoiiiliiK re
Kpnnsllilu for Ihelmafi' rutuiu to their respective
Tl ti. Coiniiilltecson stock will ulve special at
tention to Hie follnwIiiK points, via 1 Hvininctrv,
Hlze, early matiirily nml general ehiiri'ii terlstha
of the linsvl. Ami they are exprmsly directed
not Io ulve eiieoiiriii!i'menl to over-fed luiliiiulH,
They are Inn her dlieeied to puna unnoticed nil
animals or arllcli s when the exlilhiloriilteliipta
to tnc undue InMili'iii'C Io procure fiivlirable ,la
clnlims. Ami In 110 case Kluill an 111 1 1, ie or ani
mal ilei'in,',! tiiiwoithy h Ivea premiiiin.
sill. Memb rsof ihe llnanl iipp ilnlnl for llm
purpose will iiiieml each coiiimiiiee In receiving
atoi-ll. A',., and ir any vaenltcv oeenmtliey will
lippiilnl Hiiitulile persons to nil Hie S111111,.
mh. No person shall serve ou imy nivarillnR
eoininllteu wlei Iiiik any article or slock tieforn
the Ntltile. Ami ill enwe the other IliemlicrK of lho
eoiiiinillee cannot aarce thev lilnv select noiiii,
other person to scrvu wllh them for Hid tluio
I'lih. Any person exhibiting any article not
eniiiii"t'iiicil 111 the foreifoimr lUt the avviirillnK
coinmiltee are iittth'irl.ed to reeiiinini'iid a ills,
crellonary premium II the article lie cniiKhlored
Worthy hy siil.l eiiliililitti.,.,
Illli. Coinpetill, 111 will be oticn to persons from
all 'inarlers. Il sliall he llm duly or thn olllunra
nud p.-rsoiis having chnrit.i of Hie hall to protect
nml ih'tcin! all iirtlclcs on exhibition from being
toil, -lied or hamUci! by any person durliiu exhl
hill, ui.
12ib. All manufactured articles must be ex.
hlbitcd by the m:ik, -r, or his or tier property uu
lliorl,.,1 11.4,. nt.
There will lie a sitlll.'lcnt number of well nr.
rauueil stalls fur stock of all kinds. The new
and well nriiillKi il Floral Hall is Iiciiik Mulshed,
The brass hand will l" III atlen.lituce.
It Is the d 't iriii iiiat ton of the II ard of Mana
R'Tsof the exhihltion to make the immiiisIoii fll-ter.-sttucas
well lisllistrllrlive. Come one, colllll
all! tl. M. WAIPIN, l'ld'A
A. Boss, It 'C See. H. KNiiiiir.Cor.hee.
J. VV, VV.ti.Tox, Trenaurer,
A. A. Hroi'T, tthm Mnrahal.
.Imi. Al.l.CM. HI, i. ( Marshal.
tlKoiioK Knimki.v, Floral Marshal.
Tbe snlKcriher wltt nft-T at public sale tn front
of Ihecoilll hoil'le, In VVavneshurtf, on TTJKii
liAV, t!ie 17th day of .Septi nilier, next, ,
hKmhI on thr Ktnt Hri'1, onn intM eiiit ut
V. iiviicstiiirif. lui'iwn its Mc"l4iiit7. mill." Thrrn
will hi-sohl with tin- prrtjicrl y nil tliclrtfi'l lylmr
iiurth of Hi" Slitlti ni:ul. nml cast of llm Mini
jmtksh T n .Ml hi creek, coiitHlninn nhcut thrun
uercN. 'i Im inucltliu'ry In ill ivea both hy
nnl Inn -rtesirfil-l pmperly fnr porfionft Inclined
liMin;!it;;e in hucii n l-illitHH.
i tin ifriiM will ho (.iitn-ihir-1 In hrm'l nnn thn
ttiilttnef) or Mm miri-hfiMa (norm In twii nniiuttl
imviiinl, wllh Inlerest frmn Hip hhIo,
Ih ier to.Iuhn Plu lim, KsfM In Wuyiionhurjt, or
to the Huhscrihoruti tho pri rnlHet.
1J TE.
1 Hook va Hook No. DO, Nov. term, WA
2 liiuliram vs llray,etal No. 7l),lii;c, term, lVl.
: Iiaintherty va Teaiirdeii,.... No, HI, Mnrch
term, ls.Hl.
I Much v Russcy, No. 1 1', Mnrch term, 1VA
i lirant vs Kent .No. Kv, March term, law.
(I liHiiKherty vs VVeaver,....No. 12, Hepl. term, ISaO,
7 l.antz vs Lalitz, No. 1 Ml, .lime term, lk",ll.
a Morrtavs laicns No. 71, .Inn twir. 4aa.
S .Miller, Nieholii & Uo., vs Crnri,r.No. I'll, March
term, Isiil, . ,
la Wilson vsri'rwnoy No. VI, rice, terni.lsia.
II Tanner vs llualiea A Kinculd, No.7U, Junn
term, ISDI. . .,
12 F. n Hank vs M. Hell, garnishee,.:..'... .No. 11,
June tcrlo, lidll.
l:l Miller vs Miller No. I'rt March term, mi.
U Mand.irs vs .Morris tp., .'. feiepteuitK'r
term, lai.i.
l.'i I'.'UU vs snnic,.. No. 41. Sept. twin, lWfi.
la Coleman vs 'I nylor No, s:l, s,.pt. Iwrui, IM'
17 Ileavi-s vs Me(overn, No. 2, Iee. term, ISii...
I F. A I). Hank vs L1enven.;rr No. , Dec.
term, IKI'v i
10 Map.. ys Prior. p at No. 17, Dee. term, lwi.
2a suaith vs KnottaA l)nn No. iu, Iwew term,
21 MesnHiiser va Riehhlll tp., No. Ill, Doe.
term, H'.
22 ivn it vs snnie Ko, 110 T-tee. term, IMS.
1 nmiinonweuUli va Wilson,.... .....Mo. ua, Ijeo.
term, l-a.
21 smith vs Hill No. II, MnreJi term, IMK.
2i Siiiiihvs Parker No 12, March term, IK1
41 ll.irien vs Uavla' Admr'a, No (II, March
term, 11
27 Memr.viitt ,t Netl vs M A K Oil Co...; No W,
Mnrcli term, Wsi
2S Taylor vs l-inley, No 7i, March term, lsaa
1 I.ihdaey's Mxectitora va HaynrsNo turuli
r fix.l vs KlchMlltp...No 172, March term, IMS
,)1 Foster's aduir'a vs Anderson,. No lu, Juno
term, la '
:B .fonea vaMorrlatp ..No 111, Sept term, 1S6
ft Fvnns vs iSouth, Taylor & Co No 7, Don
term, Win 1.
U Wise va Ijntz.'s exiw'rs .So 71, Dec term,
Xi fjikin ct at va Kinney ct al.....No IOS March
term, 1
34 Flrt Nat 1 Bnnk vs AnUll No H, March
term. 1.7
37 Fori.-r s admr'a va Rlnahart......No 11, Mareh
term, l.si7 '
T. T. Tria,Troth-y.
Proth'y's OIH 'i1, Aiurnst la,
It laaitrwl hy theaitonuT" at tlielkirto nave
butniM week iif ceurt, coiiuirncioft; on tha Sd
Monday of neplemlK r, lsit7. Orand Jurors will
nppcRr'naiiaual.oD Momlrty: and I'ettit Jnmra
on Tuis,iay at s;$ o.'lock, . M. I'ettit Jurora
nmmwtil to appear isfortrf w.h il not
attend. , J. F. Ttuii-LK. Prolh'r.
ftSS-Ul .-'"!
Marin Sutton, Wright Honse. tVayneaburg.
' John A. stismnlder, M'ayneaount.
Ilieiiurd Voang. JetTcrson, (ireeue county, Pi
' Ell K. Randolph, JetRraon, do do
i . -!") T.TMM,l5;.
8-,21-tc , i . . Cleric-
fTHB MONOSaAIlElA aocsE; . "
. An. ii ci mh in tra-H !,) ;.nr :il,
ics's taiDuto, tiauaiini, "f .,w
Hm bcl emmo4attoiBi tomhuVd the tnmf-
Urucpublle. House and apportenancca complete.
TaMc alwaya apculnoniitlrallTWIth the dalle.
.' :i i.'ii' u' li'iu:
1 "I sjiiiir t' lu t