The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, August 28, 1867, Image 1

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    Termi r Publication,
Tas WinaitM Rbpcbucak, OfSe ia
Bayers' bonding, Mat of the Otmrt Hoase, U pair
linked every Wednesday morning, at per
annum, m adtamcb, or If not paid with
laths yea. lUMknrlplha amuki xrat
nettle annually. No paper wlH be aeat
vat of the State unless paid for in advahck, and
II such en ascriptions will Invariably be diacon
tinned at the expiration of the time for whlcb
they are eald.
Cmmunlcatlonaon subjectaof local or general
Interest are rejqwtfully solicited. To ensure
attenttoa favors of this kind must Invariably be
accompanied by the name of the author, not fur
amiHication, eat as guaranty agHlnat impmition.
All letters pertaining to business of the olUce
must oe afldrewed to the Editor.
Th following "poem" comes from When-
ton College, Uflnui?. Some of the Latin Is
rather original, but it requires only moder
ate familiarity with the language to get
tolerable understanding of the ''lingo :"
The nox was lit by the lux of luna,
And 'twas a nox most opporluna
To catch a possum or a coona ;
tVir nix was scattered o'er this mundus
A shallow nix et non profundus.
On sic a nox with canis unus,
Two boy went out to hunt fir coonus,
The corpus of this bonus canis
Was full as long as octo span la i
Qu ira had hie dog; boniw, clever,
Some used to say In stullum jociira
IJiiiiJ a Held was too small locum
For sic a d g to mike a lui nus.
Clicutn self from item lo siernus.
Unls canis, duo puer,
Nunquam braver, nunquain truer,
tiiam hie trio unquim fuit,
If (here was I never know It.
Hie bonm don had one bad habit,
Amahat much lo lice a rabbit,
Amabat plus lo tree a ruttus,
Anni'ml bene clime a rattm.
On this nixy moonlight nilit
This old cauls did just right.
Nunquam treed a itaiying rattus,
Nunquam chased a starving cattus,
But curcurritt or Intenius,
On the track and on the sccntus,
Till lie treed a possum strongum
In a hollow tninltuiii logutu.
Loud he balked In bornd helium,
Seemed on terra vcult hdltim.
Quickly ran the duo pur,
Mors of possum to secure,
Quura venerint, one begin
To chop away like qulsque man.
Soon tho axo went through the truncum,
Soon he hit It, per, r'ner, cliunkum,
Combat thickens, on ye bruvus !
Canis, pucr, bile, et slavus;
As his powers non longlus tarry,
Possum potest non pugnare.
On Iho nix his corpus lietli,
Down to Unties spit It flieth.
Joyful puers, canis bonus
Think him dead ns any stonus.
Aint his corpus like a Jelly ?
Quid plus proof ought hunter velle ?
Now they seek their pater's domo,
Feeling proud as any homo.
Knowing certe they will blossom
Into heroes when with possum
They arrive, na;rabunt stoiy,
Flcmts blood et plenior glory.
Foinpey, David, Sampson, Cwsar,
Cyrus, lilackhawk, Hhalnmnezer !
Tell mo where est tho gloria,
Where the honors of Victoria.
Qiium at domiim narrent story,
Flenus sanguine, tragic, gory,
Fatcr praiscth, likewise mat er j
Wonders greatly younger fratcr.
Possum IfilTll llir I' n inilP''"
We the people of this nalion
Killed a beast we called secession,
And 'tis known the ugly creaturo
Seemed a possum In each feature ;
What the moral Is, you can guess it,
So it's useless to express It.
It Origin ana"lflfirnry-the ltd fthlelil
The Power anil Wealth of the Rnlli.
ehllal Their Operations with Ameri
can Honda The Kothachllit nail the
Comn with mo to the eastern part
of the city the old town where you
will discover scarcely a sign of modern
architecture. The streets arc narrow ;
the houses lean towards each other
from the opposite sides of the way, as
if they were friends almut to full" into
each other's arms. It is the Jews'
quarter. Tho doorways arc crowded
with women and children all hearing
the unmistakable features which, the
world over, characterize this historic
people rejected of God, despised of
men, persecuted as no other nation has
ever been, scattered everywhere, yet
retaining their nationality, endowed
with a vitality which has no parallel
in the human race.
We turn down tho Jadengassc, the
Jew' alley, from the chief thorough
tare of the modern town. In this
street, one hundred and twenty-four
yean ago, lived a dealer in old clothes
who hod a red shield for a sign, which
in German reads Roth Schild. It was
in 1743 that a child was born to this
Israelite. ' The name given to the boy
was Abselm Meyer, who also became a
clothes dealer and a pawn broker, suc
ceeding to the business of his father.
By degrees he extended his business,
lending money at high rates of interest
during the wars of the last century,
managing his afflun with such skill
that Prince William the Landgrave,
made him his banker. When Napo
leon came across the Rhine, in 1806,
this clothes dealer was directed to take
care of the treasures of the Prince,
amounting to twelve million dollars,
lie wisiieg iSepllm
which he invested so judiciously that
it brought large increase to the owner,
and especially to the manager.
The banker died in 1812, leaving
an estate estimated at five million of
dollars not a very large sum these
days but he left an injunction upon
his five sons, which was made binding
by an oath given by his sons around
his death bed, which lias had and still
has a powerful influence upon the
world. The sons bound themselves
by an oath to follow their father's
business together, holding his property
in partnership, extending the business,
that the world might know of but one
house of the redahidd (Rothschild).
The sons were true to their oath.
Nathan went to Manchester, England,
as early as 1797, but afterward moved
to Iiondon. Ansel in remained at
Frankfort. James went to Paris,
Solomon to Vienna, and Charles to
Naples, the five brothers thus occupy
ing the great financial centres. Nathan,
in Iiondon, amassed money with great
rapidity, and the same may be said of
the others, the wars of Napoleon being
favorable t the business of the house.
Nathan went to the Continent to wit
ness the operations of Wellington in
his last campaign against Napoleon,
prepared to net with the utmost energy,
let the result lie as it might. He wit
nessed the battle of Waterloo, and,
when assured of Napoleon's defeat,
rode all night, with relays of horses, to
Ostend ; went across the channel in a
fishing smack for it was before the
days of steam reached London in ad
vance of all other messengers, and
spred the rumor that Wellington nnd
Uluehcr were defeated. 1 lie 23th of
June in that memorable year wag a
dismal day in London. The battle
was fought on the 13th. Nathan
Meyer, of tho House of Red .Shield, bv
hard riding, readied London at mid
night on the 19th. On the morning
of the 20th the news was over town
that the cause of the allies was lost,
that Napoleon had swept all bef.iro
him. England had been the leading
spirit of the struggle against Napoleon.
The treasury of Great Britain had sup
plied funds to nearly all of the allied
Powers. If their cause was lost what
hope was there for the future? Ran
kcrs flew from door to door in eager
haste to sell their stocks, I'tindsol
every description went down. Ansel in
Meyer wrs besieged bv men who had
funds fiir sale, but he was not in the
market, ho too had stocks for sale.
u imt wuuui tnevgivcY JSut mean
while he had scores of agents purchas
ing. Twenty-lour hours later Wel
Imuton's messenger arrived in Lon-
1 . 1 j .1 I mi
ion ; tne triun was Known, i lie na
tion nave vent to its joy ; up went the
funds, pouring, it is said, five million
dollars into the colters of this one
branch of the houc of the Hed (Shield.
Though Frankfort is comparatively
a small city though it has no imperi
al court it is still a great money
centre, solely because that here is the
central house of the Rothschilds and
other bankers.
The house of the Red Shield is the
greatest banking house in the world
the mightiest of all time. Its pow
er is felt the world over in the Tuil
eries of Paris, in the Ministerial cham
bers of Berlin, in the Imperial Palace
at St. Petersburg, in 'the Vatican at
Rome, in the Rank of England, in
Wall street, State street, and by every
New England fireside. The house of
the Red Shield, by the exercise of
its financial power, can make a differ
ence in the yearly account of every
man who rends these words of mine.
Though Anselm Meyer has been half
a century dead though several of his
sons have gone down to the grave
the house is the same. The grandchil
dren have the spirit of the children.
The children of the brothers have in
termarried, nnd it is one family ani
mated by a common purpose, that the
world shall only know one red thivld.
The house, at an early stage of the
American war, took hold of the Unit
ed States bonds. Germany had con
fidence in America. England strove
for our ruin, but the people of the
Rhine believed in the star of Ameri
can lilicrty. Fifty years of peace had
been long enough to bridg wealth to
this land, nnd with every steamer
orders were sent across the Atlantic
for investment of American securities.
It is supposed that Germany holds at
the present time about three hundred
nnd fifty millions of United States
bonds, and it is said thnt there have
been no less than fifty million dollars
profit to the bankers of Frankfort on
American securities since 18G3.
Tho great banking houses here
make little show. The transactions of
the Rothschilds amount to millions a
day, and yet the operations are con
ducted as quietly as tho business of a
small counting house. You can pur
chase any stock here. Passing along
the street, I noticed bonds of the State
of California of several American
States bonds in Dutch, Russian,
Turkish, Arabic, Spanish, Italian,
French bonds of all hinds of States,
cities, towns and companies. The rc-
Grts of the Frankfort Exchange are
kcd at by European bankers with
as much interest as that of London or
Erlnnger, the banker who negotiat
ed the rebel cotton loan, and who fleec
ed English sympathizers of the South
out of fifteen million dollars, has a
house here. He has just now taken
hold of the new Tunisian loan, but his
management of the rebel loan has
brought discredit upon his house.
The power of the Red Shield was
felt by Prussia last summer. The
rrussiun Government demanded on
indemnity nf crrpflt amount, twentv-
five million dollars, I believe, from the
city of Frankfort. 1 he head of the
house of the Red Shield informed
Count Bismark that if tho attempt
was made to enforce the levy ho would
break every bank in Ik-din ; that he
had the power to do it, and that he
should exercise the power. 1'russia
had won a victory at Konnigratz j she
could swecn away all armed opposi
tion, but liore, in the person of one
man, she hail met an adversary who
had the power to humble her, mid she
declined the contest. A much lower
sum was agreed upon, which was paid
by the city.
For fifteen centuries the Jews have
lieen cursed by the Potie, and persecu
ted by the Roman Church. There is
no more revolting chapter of horrors
in history ihan that of the treatment
of the Jews at the hands of the Pontiffs.
In all lands where the Roman religion
is dominant, the children of Israel have
lieen treated with barbaric rigor al
lowed few privileges, denied all rights,
looked upou as a people accursed of
God, and set apart by divine ordina
tion to lie trampled upon by the
Church. In Rome, at the present
day, the Jews are confined to the
Ghetto; they are not allowed to set up
a shop in any other part of the city
without a permit ; tlicv can engage
only in certain trades ; they are com
pelled to pay enormous tuxes into the
Papal treasury ; they are subject to a
stringent code of laws established by
the Pope for their especial benefit';
they are imprisoned and fined lor the
most trivial offenses. They cannot
own nny real estate in the city ; cannot
build, tear down or remodel any
dwelling or change their place of busi
ness without Papal permission. They
art! in abjwt slavery, with no rights
whatever, and entitled to no privileges,
ami receive none, except upon the
gracious condescension of the Pope.
In former times they were unmercifully
whipped and compelled to listen once
a week to the Chrixtian doctrine of the
priests. Rut time is bringing changes.
The Pope is in want of money and the
house of the red shield has money to
lend on good security. The house is
always ready to accommodate Govern
ments. Italy wants money, so she sells
her fine system of railroads to the
Rothschilds. The Pope wants money,
so he sends his Nuncio to the wealthy
house of the despised race, offers them
security on the property of the Church,
the Cotnpagna, and receives ten million
dollars to maintain his army and Im
perial State. That was in 180o. A
year passes, and the Pontifical expen
ditures arc five millions more than the
income, and the deficit. is made up by
the Rothschilds, who take a second
security at a higher rate of interest.
Another year is passed, and there is a
thir l annual vacuum in the Papal tnas
u ry of six millions, which will quite
likely be filled by the same house.
The firm can do it with as much ease
as your readers can pay their yearly
subscription to your weekly Journal.
When will the Pope redeem his loan at
the rate he is going? Never! Mani
festly the day is not far distant when
these representatives of a persecuted
race will have all the available proper
ty of the Church in their possession.
Surely time works wonders. Boston
What a Democratic Nueces .Henna.
The Cincinnatti Gazette refers to the
fact that the Democratic party is hob
bling along tied to the eorpso of its
record of cowardice and treachery,
grasping at any and every means to
keep itself from sinking out of sight
and paints what a Democratic success
means, thus :
Democratic success, as interpreted
by the doctrines of the party, means
to undo everything that the national
triumph over secession has done and to
restore the status of the reliellion, with
the South to dictate terms to the na
tion. If it does not mean this, what
do they mean by going before the jieo
ple at nn election canvass with the
doctrines that include all this, ami that
have no meaning but this? If they
do not mean this, will they disown one
of the doctrines that comprehend it ?
They have either to admit that Dem
ocratic success means to restore the
status of rebellion, or else to admit
that the war of national defense was
just nnd constitutional ; that secession
is a crime; that slavery is legally
abolished, and shall no more exist ;
that the States Governments by levy
ing war, lost their legal existence ; that
the legal tender notes and the bonds
issued for the public defenses are legal,
and that this public faith must be sa
credly kept ; and in admitting this
now they confess an abominable, trai
torous course all through the war of
national preservation.
There is something very sad in
those memorable words of Aaron Burr.
"If I had read Voltaire less the world
would have been wide enough for me
and Hamilton."
Generals Thomas, Hancock and
Meade, havedeclared themselves averse
to taking Sheridan's place, because
they know he is best Qualified for its
duties. -'
A woman of New York, who drank
flfteeB bottles of soda. Friday, died the
next day of cholera,
Experience is a torchlight In the
Mhes of our delusions.
For the RercaticAM,
There are certain specific cures to
which we always have recourse in at
tacks of certain diseases. The most
speedy curatives are, not unfrequently,
the most simple. The very best anti
dote for the more common forms of
poison is generally within the reach of
every well supplied house-wife. It is
no mark of a skillful physician that a
man carries with him a whole pouch
of medicines for the cure of any one
disease. It is only when he may be
called upon to treat a varidy of dis
eases that he provides himself with a
variety of medicines.
So with moral disease. The cure is
generally sinfple, yet severe and sure,
There are a large class of moral dis
eases engendered, or at least stimulated,
by wealth. Under its influence some
mens' selfish natures are so stimulated
that they, in a short time, assume pro
portions entirely too large for their
boots. To them work whew! It
is only fit for the poor trash and certain
ly honorable in none !
Arrogance, insolence, impatience and
oppression are but symptoms of the
disease. The remedy, in such cases,
is generally brought about by the work'
ings of the disease itself. The flound
erings of the victim, in his paroxysms
of insolence, become unbearable. The
antidote is Humiliation. In the ad'
vaneed stage of the disease nothing
else seems to have the least effect. It
is only when his wealth has taken to
itself wings, when his flatterers have
turned to scoffers, when his pride has
changed to shame, that the scales fall
from his eyes. When that is done,
the cure is about affected. Bitter in
deed is the dose of Humiliation, yet it
proves effective when everything else
has failed.
The same is true of Church or Po
litical Organizations of Communities
of Nations. When their selfish big
otry, their haughty insolence nnd their
rushing oppression can no longer be
endured, Huniiliatum is the effective
remedy. The proud must shed their
gaudy feather); tlie insolent become
tamed ; the diciatorialness of tone be
turned to the plaintiff notes of sup
plication. Babylon the Greed must
full. I
We have seen a member of our own
nation dwarfed ami withered by an
attack of that fearful malady, which,
it seems, Humiliation alone could
check. History records few, if any,
more striking examples of the feverish
pilch to which a proud, domineering,
levilish spirit will drive men than has
been witnessed in the actions of the
Southern States. The most able and
experienced nurses could do but little
in pafching up the imaginary wounds
of the blinded patient. Nothing would
appease the avarice of these Southern
lenders in their greed for honor and
power, but abject nnd servile submis
sion to their domiueering will. Noth
ing could cure the dangerous malady
with which they were afflicted but a
thorough Humiliation. These proud
aristocrats, these scoffers at honorable
toil, these contemners of free speech,
these Southern nabobs who long boast
ed that one Southerner was equal to
five Northern men, who made merry
at the clanking chains of four millions
of bondmen have, nt lost, licen Humil
iated. Terrible, and well nigh fatal
Wiis the disease severe and simple has
been the ciire.TFrom the assumed
rank of dictators they have found a
place in the procession of suppliants.
The former slave deposits his ballot
in the same box with the ex-master.
In the "Last th" they have found
what they so littfc expected, but what
they so much needed Humiliation,
May it prove a permanent cure for
their ills and a warning to proud ar
ristocrats everywhere. Zeb.
Letters fob California. Per
sons having eorrosponclence with Cal
ifornia should murk on their letters or
newspaper the words "via Panama,"
and continue to do so until the Indian
hnar.ilitina nvnr tlu Plaiiianpoaiinnroaa-
ed. Acmrvlinir CA rlio rnriilntijina if
iiie jrosioince ueparxmcnt, an letters
U. T--cn-- ri ...... . ii , ..
not marked "via rananw are sent by
the overland nuite. and the Indian
outrages render their safe transmission
The way thai an Earl calls a Duke
a liar in the British House of Lords
was illustrated ia a recent debate as
"I beg to call the attention of my
noble friend, the noble Duke, to an
observation whieh my noble friend the
noble Duke is reported to have made,
and which my noble friend the noble
Dnke will find tpon acflection to be
inconsistent witk strict veracity."
Maw a i ran tiers ina rift-ata Indiana.
A Denver-letter in the Cincinnati
Gazzdt has a story of frontier life : My
hist letter closed with the arrival of
our party at Godfrey's ranche, on our
westward journey. The ranche is
about midway between Old Julesburg
and the Platte and Denver City. As
this is a noted place, and its proprietor
a "character," I propose to dwell a
"Old Godfrey," as hois called by
travelers and himself when he is at his
ranche, and "Old Wicked," when he
is on his travels, is a man about sixty
years of age, above the average in sta
ture, well built and firmly knit, his
shoulders slightly bent by time and
hardships anil wounds received from
tho Indians, who are his only neigh
bors, and wlio never visit him to take
tea or drinks socially, but always cull
when they think their force strong
enough to take his cattle, his goods, or
the scalp of the old veteran, or of some
or all of his family. His watchfulness
has so far thwarted them and protected
his household treasures ; but tney often
run off his stock, nnd he as often suc
ceeds in getting even with them. The
ranche is built of adobe, the walls be
ing about two feet thick ; the apart
ments are the dining room, for travel
ers, a kitchen, two or three lodging
rooms, and a large room used for a
sitting, wash-room and store the floor
being rough boards. In this room
arc also the arms and ammunition
used in defending his home from the
frequent attacks of his neighbors.
"His family consists of his wife, a
frail, patient-looking woman, a daugh
ter about eighteen, and three sons.
These form the corps reserve, while
one or two hired men assist in guard
ing against surprise and doing the
work about the ranche. Outside of
the house, and ten feet from it, are the
fortifications, which completely sur
round it. The walls of defence are
built of sod taken from the surface of
tho prairie, being about two feet thick
at the bottom and one nt the top, the
height being about five feet ; near the
top loopholes nre frequent, affording
range in all directions. Through this
wall, opposite the front door, is nn
opening about three feet wide, and
bags of sand lying near to barricade
the same if required.
"The Indians, who have often by
treachery and open attack tried to
destroy this fort and murder its oc
cupants, have as often been beaten, till
they now have a wholesome fear ot the
determined Godfrey, and his brave
family. They hate him with a bitter
hate, and declare they will yet have his
hair, and Godfrey declares that they
shall not.
"The bluffs arc about six miles from
Fort Godfrey, and distinctly visible.
Behind those bluffs the Indians watch
for chances. A week since Godfrey
saw a fine antelope near his ranche, and
taking Ins long rifle he started in pur
suit. Jn the excitement of the chase
he failed to notice the distance and
Hearing the bluffs, a party of seven
Cheyennes, who had bcenwatching as
usual, 'went to him.' The old man
started, but his horse was too slow,
and the Indians were gaining upon
him rapidly. Here his experience
served him. Knowing that his long
rifle would reach farther than the car
bines with which his pursuers were
armed, he suddenly stopped his horse,
took deliberate aim over the back of
the steed, and laid one of the savages
low. lhis occasioned a delay with
them, which Godfrey improved. But,
two taking care of the dead Indian,
four followed on, and in a short time
Godfrey repeated the operation, killing
one more.
"This last delay saved him; but
lieing cut off from his ranche, he found
shelter in another ranche about ten
miles from home. Here was a chance
for the red skins. 'Old Wicked' awny
and his family without his aid. It
was a chance no to lie neglected, nnd
soon about fifty attacked the fort, ex
pecting to revel in the blood of the
family of their bitter foe. 1 he fami
ly had time to prepare for them, and
received them handsomely, Mrs. God
frey and the daughter loading, while
the male members defended. The
liattle raged for twenty-four hours, but
the determined brave men and women
held their own till the stages approach
ed, and the Indians 'vamosed the
ranche' in double quick. Thus the
pioneers of our country live in perils
ana dangers constantly, without aid
or sympathy from the Government
which ought to afford them sure pro
tection." The Old Mlave Wblp.
The relel planters of Tennessee, or
Conservatives, as they call themselves,
are discharging such colored men as
they had in their employ, for voting
the republican ticket at the late elec
tion. They had better have a care
what they do, for there is a movement
on foot to confiscate the property of
every man who was a rebel during the
war. and who now abuses in this way
the clemency of the Government in
permitting him to retain his estate.
which was clearly forfeited, and who
now makes it an engine of oppression
to loyal men, by discharging them
from employment for such a cause.
Slavery, u an institution, was swept
out of existence by one sovereign act
of the nation, but the spirit of slavery
ingers long, and can only be killed by
compelling it to strike its fangs into
iw own vimus. Tin. uaxue.
Palace Can.
Sancho Panza's blessing on the man
who first invented sleep, should be
e-racofullv entailed on the crcntlpman.
his heirs and assigns, who first provi
ded sleeping accommodations for the
weary railroad traveller. Sleeping
cars were invented by Mr. Woodruff,
one ot our best known and best es
teemed citizens. They were introduc
ed on the Pennsylvania railroad, and
answered so well that other roads
adopted them. A company, with a
capital of a million and a quarter, was
formed, to place the cars everywhere.
Of course, up came new improvements,
nnd other patents, which for economy's
sake were brought up. The "silver
Iialace car," about which so much has
ately been said, is thus described:
You enter it, at cither end, through an
antcchamlicr, above which expands a
silvered dome, lit with a magnificent
lamp. Leaving this, you find yourself
in a parlor, lined with luxurious sofas
the whole well lighted and well
ventilated. The interior is lined with
the finest panelling of black walnut,
ornamented with carving and silver
buhl-work. Tho roof, to which are
secured large silvered lamps, is suj)
ported by silvered pillars the floor
is carpeted with costly tapestry. Night
comes, and in the course of a few min
utes the whole changes again. Each
pair of sofas changes to a lied, the
beautiful ceiling comes down to meet
you, nnd woes you to sleep; nnd long
curtains fall to screen you from obser
vation. fareaaes not Help-Meets.
We do not suppose there is a maii
anywhere quite so stony-hearted that
he docs not enjoy caresses from a lov
ing wife. It is a good thing to be
loved and petted, nnd no man is above
it. But some men think so much of
this that they get nothing more, when
they choose a companion for life. And
some women know the power of ca
resses so well that they employ it art
fully, and neglect all other useful
attainments. The result of which is
any numlx-r of ill-assorted matches and
a tleal of unhnppincss.
It certainly is a good thing the ro
mance and poetry of love. By "moon
light and starlight" is not a foolish
myth. The billing and cooing arc
never to be despised, nor ought petting
and caressing to fall into disrepute. It
is only a stony heart that can affect
disgust nt these things. But be not
blinded by such nllurements. Soft
words ifre not all thnt will be needed.
Caressing hands and flashing eyes will
not suffice to make a happy hope.
Look for accomplishments of mind
and the culture of refined thought
and education in practical matters,
without which the most romantio love
will in time grow dim and cheerless.
New York Gazelle.
Soiled to a T.
The very common expression, "'
suit or fit to a I that is, to suit ex
actly, to fit perfectly is said to lc
derived from the so-called T-square, a
peculiar sort of ruler, having a cross
piece at one end, which gives it the
shape of a capital T. This instrument
is much used by architects and mechan
ical draughtsmen in drawing their
plans. By placing the cross-piece
against the straight edge of a drawing
board, and drawing the pencil along
the edge of the upright ruler, a true
perpendicular line is insured, while a
true right angle can be made by con
tinuing the line along tho edge of the
adjacent horizontal arm. Parallel
lines are also made by means of the
cross-piece, which is sometimes arrang'
cd so as to lie set at different angles.
As the T-square is often used to test
the accuracy with which lines nnd an
gles have been drawn, it is altogether
probable that the proverbial phrase,
"Suited to a T," refers to, and origi
nated in, this tact.
Change of Department Commanders.
The President sent nn order to Gen.
Grant, as acting Secretary of War, di
recting him to relieve Gen. Sheridan
as commander of the Fifth Militaay
District, and to transfer Gen. George
II. Thomas to the vacancy. The
President further directed that Gen
Sheridan should be ordered to the De
partment of Missouri and Kansas, and
Gen. Hancock to the Department of
the Cumberland. Before the Adjutant
General was directed to frame an order
in accordance with these instructions,
Gen. Grant proceeded to the White
House, and conferred with the Presi
dent relative to the transfer of Gen.
Hancock, whose presence on the plains
in connection with the Indian troubles
General Grant thinks should not be
nterfered with. The President ac
quiesced, and it is probable that when
the official order is issued General
Hancock will not be disturbed. The
regular order of supereedurc will be
issued to-morrow. This change has
been anticipated so long that it does
not create much excitement.
"I Don't See rr."-Lord Nelson
was undoubtedly the author of this
slang phrase. At the celebrated naval
battle of Copenhagen, Nelson, who
was determined to continue the fight,
but whose attention had been called to
a signal of the commanding officer to
cease hostilities, placed his hand over
his good eye, ana pretending to look
with his blind one, said, "f don't see
it," and at once ordered a brisk renew
al of the engagement.
Term of Advertlalns
ADTBBrantnmlaaertcdatai Mperaqnara
for tta re inaartlona, and M Malta per aqaars
for each additional loKrtloa ; (ten llnea or lua
counted a aquatc). AU traualentadverUMtncnta
to be paid fur In advance, ...
BcaiNiaa Notices act under the head or local
newa will be chr.iied Invariably 1 eeataa Una
lor each Insertion.
A liberal deduction made to peraona advertla
lna by the quaiter, half-year or year. Special
nollcei cbmged one-half more than regular ad
vertisements Job PaiNTijro of every kind In Plain and ran
cy colon; lland-bllla, Uianka, Canla Pamphlet,
dr., of every variety and atyle, printed at inn
ahortevt notice. The Orrlffl baa
Just been re-fltted, and every thing In tbe Print
ing Una can be executed In the most aitlitle
mannerana at tne lowest rates.
The Editorial Treadmill.
The burdens of newspaper life are
thus pointedly set forth in the Home
Journal t '
It is one of the hardships of our
profession thnt its working wheels
brains and heart are not allowed to
lag for sickness, or to stop for calamity
or sorrow. The judge may adjourn
his court, the school and the work-shop
may close shutters, the mourner may
veil his features and turn friend and
strangers from the door; but the journ
alist may forget before to-morrow the
sorrows of to-day, must write gaily
and freshly, as a newsmonger on tho
triflo of the hour, whatever burden
has been laid upon thnt same hour, by
Providence, on his brains as a man..
It sometimes tries and mocks as tho
world that reads what is thus written
would never dream of. The publio
looks noon an editor's labor as tho In
dian did upon the man thnt was cutting
hay. He finally gave, in his opinion,
that it was "easy to see the white man
Tery Sensible.
A lady, young, lovely and intelli
gent, called on a celebrated physician
to do "something" for a rush of blood
to the head. "I have Iiccn doctoring
myself," said the languid fair one, with
a smile, to the bluff though kind M.
D., while he was feeling her pulse.
"Why, I have taken Brand rcth's pills,
Parrs pills, Struburg's pills, Sand's
sarsaparilla, Jayne's expectorant, used
l)r. hnerman s lozenges and "My
dear madam," interrupted the aston
ished doctor, "all theso do your coin
plaint no good !" "Xo! then what
shall I take?" pettishly inquired tho
patient. "Inke! exclaimed tho doc
tor, eyeing her from head to foot
"take !" repeated he, after a moment's
reflection, "why take off your cor
sets !"
Front af rarmlnf
We often hear it remarked thnt there
is no profit in farming. Well, if there
be no pocuninry profit beyond a good
living, (though this is seldom tho caso
now,) there is a pleaxure, nnd wo know
of no more rational way of enjoying
the competency which a man may have
obtained by his industry and enter
prise, than in cultivating and cmbcl
ishing the earth, improving and in
creasing its products, and thus adding
to the aggregate of human happiness.
A gentleman farmer and all farmers
are or should be gentlemen belongs
to nn order of nobility, that is not in
debted to kings and nnd princes for its
institution, and may, if he chooses, be
ranked among the greatest benefactors
of the human race.
Orioix of the Term Newspaper.
In Hadyn's Dictionary of dates, it
is said thnt news is not, as many sup
pose, derived from the adjective new.
In former times (between the years
1795 and 1830) it was the prevalent
practice to put over the periodical
publications of the day, the initial
letters of the compass thus :
Importing that these oaners con
tained intelligence from the four quar
ters of the globe : and from this prac
tice is derived the terra newspaper.
A telegram of twenty words, in
cluding the address and signature, can
be sent from any part of Switzerland
to nny destination within tho limits of
the country, for one franc (twenty
cents.) The telegraph is a Govern
ment institution, as it should be all
over the world, and tho tariff Is fixed
by the Federal authorities. Next year
the ruling price is to be ten cents.
The Washington Chronicle says
that there is no danger of Surratt or
any other Democrat being found guil
ty of anything in Washington City.
The "lost cause" has friends enough
there to control any Washington jury.
The Chronicle adds that "Surratt is
more likely to get a clerkship in one of
the Departments in a few weeks tlian
he is to be hanged for his crimes.
The Salt Lake Viddte, of the 26th
ultimo, says : Colorado River has ris
en so high as to back tip the Gila
River, causing the destruction of Ari
zona city; warehouses, stores, hotels
and residences were swept away. The
loss is estimated at three hundred
thousand dollars.
The Cincinnatti Timet suggests the
following ticket for Republican support
in 1868:
For President Hon. Edwin M..
Stanton. For Vice President Gen
eral Phillip H. Sheridan.
Lopez has been assassinated in
Mexico. He deserved no better fate,
and has met but a just reward for his
betrayal of Maximilian. Of all crimes
treachery is the one most universally
Ax old toper's conundrum) "If
water rots your boots, what effect must
it have upon the coat of your stotn-
Ge.v. George B. M'CIellan is spoken
of as likely to be called to the head of
the War Department.
Bavkbuptct ia expensive. One
advertisement for the lxuikrupt Jacob
Barker, of New Orleans, cost $1,300.