The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, August 21, 1867, Image 3
Si)- 1 A ..- KltlVALH AXf IifcPAHTVRES OK THE 31 AIM 1U A.U ! HUM A) MMBUKU I ' Waynesburg to Waynesbnrg. arrival, Vi'lt-siluy,"H p. in.; ilopurlure, Wednesdays, 6, u. in. ivlu Jolieytown.l f rom W iiyn.-slmrg to Willow Tree, arrival Wednesdays, 11 a. m.; departure, Wednesdays. lS.m. From Washington Pa. to Waynesburg, arrival dally,?1.; p. in.; exivptsimdaya,) departure dally, 11 U p. in., (except Sundays). From lilc's Landing to Waynesburg, arrival daily, , p. in., (ex.cpt .Hundaysjdupurture dully t, a. in., (except Sundays). Fruni Wayuuahurx. Pa. to Cameron, W. Va,, arrival, Tuesdays uinl Saturdays, p. ui., deiiur ture, Muiulaya and Fridays, t, a. in. Fruni Waynesburg to West Alexander, Wash. Co., I'll., arrival, Friday, 7, p. in., departure, Saturday!. 7, a. m. i From WitvnoHlnirg to Morgantown, T. Va., arrival, Wednesdays, 5, p. ru., departure, Thurs days, 8, a. m. From Waynesbnrg to Mlildlehonrne, W. Va., arrival, Wednesdays, S, p. in,, departure, Tuc. - duya, 1, a. m. New ADYKHTUEiuxn. The attention of our rootlets is specially directed to the fullow ingsrfrertrscments, which appear for the first time In our paper to-day. West Virginia Crib-go. Sturg'tss & Wagner. Bounty Tax llniinrt. Prothnnot'iry's Notice. Hegtstir's Notice Bpedul Notice. The flerhslist. Mlshlcr's Herb Utters for Dyspepsia, at 0. W KotierUiSs Co's. Drug Store. That "Jia." A fancy jiij was danced In IVont of the Court House the other day, to the evident satisfaction of a select few of the public square loafers and "Court House Offi cials." The performer was a drunk man who made lira own music. The dancing was inter spersed with several very affectionate "hugs," which, do doubt, were duly appreciated if nut reciprocated t A splendid assortment of Perfumery and Toilet Soups at 0. W. Huberts A Co's. raouric We noticed last week that on a a single vino In McCurJy's garden 178 toma toes were counted. Sinco then forty more have been developed. Though this report is an actual fact, It Is too big a thing tocxpect every body to believe ! ' Barrett's Hair Restorative, for sale at G. W. Roberts & Co's. I)ruj Store. Not So. It has been repotted that the "Camp Ground'' Coal Works had "played out." Our energetic friend "Bob" says he has an nbiindnnco of Coal ready, and advises his customers that now is the time to procure their winte r's supply, whilst Iheoads are good and coal is cheap. Newtown Lottkiiv. The drawing of this famous scheme took place In Newtown on Thursday last. We have not been able to learn muuli about the results, except tint there were many people there, tint the New town hoys were very lucky, and that there was much tangle-font punished, and conse tpiently tome bloody noses. Paints, dry and in nil, nt 0. W. Roberts Jfc Co's. Drug Store. AirenoN at Oak I'oiikst ! Tl.c entire stock of goods of the late firm of Call, Roberts & Co , will be sold at auction, commencing on Thursday, August 2'-', I8i", and continuing from day to day until the entire stock is dis posed of. Terms raado known on day of sale. All persons knowing themselves indebted to thu ah' vo firm will please cull and settle their accounts at once. John Cam,, A. li. M C'l.KI.I.AMI, Aug. 1C, 1 Si;7. Surviving Partners. Thompson's Tooth iap, the best preptrn tlon fort'lfansinit the toetli, at G. W. Roberts tfc Co s. Drug Store. TlIK MoNONOAIIhl.A Sl.AI'XWATKR. Tllf Mononga lick City HrMbKran, i f Thursday, speaking of the repairs being made on the Monongahela slackwater, says: "Repairs have so far advanted ill Lock No. 4 us to ad mlt the pa-imgi! ol craft, but the water is too low to afford facilities for any tint the very lightest Mils. Moreover, repahs nro about being commenced nt Lock No. .1, mid the wnter will be drawn from pool No. 2. There is but little indication of the resumption of navi gstion before the middle of September. In the meantime a light draft lug Is making semi weekly I rips. For the hot vinegar go to G. W. Roberts A Co's. Drug Store. In the Middle of Them. The delectable it not delicious dog days In whose sun sphere wo are now revolving embrace the time in tervening between the 10th of July nnd the 2Hth of August. They arc so called because the great dog star in the heavens was observ ed by the ancients to rise and set with the sun during that time. The 7Vm, a new Republican organ, has made Its appearance In Butler, Pa, It Is edit ed by Mr. William Haslett, and the first copy presents quite a handsome appearance For the best Paint Brushes go to G. W. Roberts & Co's. Drug Store. Rev. JV. B. Watki.ns, A.M., pastor of the jflethodlst Episcopal Church in Washington, Ta., has been invited to deliver tire annual ad dress before the Phlio & Union Literary Socie ties ot Waynesburg College, September 10th, 18(17. Mr. Walking is one of the most popu lar lecturers in thedctominatlon. The Pittsburgh Annual Conference of the Methodist Church will meet In t'niontown, -Fayette county, on Wednesday, September 4. Coal! Coal ! i Arrays on hand at the 'Ten Mile Coal Works nearest works of all to town -along now pike. Sayeks Bros. ' Fatal Accident at Lock No. 4 Two Men Kaijtn. A distressing accident occurred at Lock No. 4, on the Monongahela river, a Short distance above Monongahela City, on Saturday last, resulting In the Injury of three Then, two of whom have since died. It ap pears that some workmen were engaged in cementing the Lock, and had erected a tem porary floor near tho top of it, to work on. The floor was covered with a large quantity of sand and cement. When the terrific, rain term came up, on Saturday, the workmen, to void the rain, went under the covering of the floor. They had been tinder It but a short time When the flooring, from the heavy weight caused by the rain mixing wlib&c sand, gave Way, and fell npnu Utem. One of them, an old man named John Wilcox, had bis back badly injured, lib shoulder blade broken, Ids neck and head badly hint, and he was other wise so gerlotrsry injured that he has since died. 'A man named Henry Molch had the spinal marrow broken about the middle of the spine, and died from the effects of his Injuries yesterday. , He was ah unmarried man, about QArXJ yeffrf of age, and had but lately arrived la kbit eouatrr from Germany. Another man, a German named Godfrey Rotlrrf, tad bis back crushed, causing blm Intense pain, al though ho li not dangerously Injured. ' There wet others' tmHeY tbb covering; but they ee caped unhurt, Coki. .. . All the best-Patont Medicines sold at Bra tWs Drugstore. -; , Ciiiur- Liviso.Ruastingearsat ten cents per dozen. They are Just as good, however, as though tkev cost a quaiter. Tut Blackberry season Is again over, and many of our farmers are preparing their ground lot tbe next year's crop It is a paying bi smets I These will be a Grove Meeting at Davis, town, this county, commencing August g2nd, to hold over 8unday, under management of Rev. H. M. Eaton, assisted by R.v. George Orbin, Rer. S Hull and other ministers. Rev, 3. Wakefield, D. D., Is expected on Sabbath "Dyed re the Wool." The perfect stagna tlon in tbe wool trade has collapsed, and wool men are on the qui ' again, many to sell and few to buy. Though the trade has re vived, prices are not buoyant. But paradox! cal as it may seem, men that once refused 56 cts. per lb, now manifest a readiness to ac cept SO. We are pleased to see onr people accommodate themselves to the "reconstruct ed" markets with such good grace. Flavoring Extracts, the very best, at Bra- den's Drug Store. "S. II." We see these mystic letters chalk ed on one of the chimneys of the court house. As tho Commissioners have just completed painting the out sido of the structure, a lob, by the way, commenced some years ago, wo Interpret these letters to indicate "Some House.'" A line assortment of Puifumcry at Bradcn's Drug store. Hoo Choi.fba. We read of the renewed ravages of the hog cholera in certain localities. If it were dog cholera we would Invito its visi tation. Docs and Hous, Cats and Rats. Nearly every family in Waynesburg has a sow and shouts running loose on the streets, and a cur acd a phist to keep them out doors. Ditto rats and cats to say nothing of fleas. We do enjoy a happy existence ! Hall's nair Renewer, fir salo at Braden's Drug Store. INDICATION OV TUB HATES' f OltK l.'Ar-TIBT Church. This new Baptist Church, which has been erected on the farm of Thomas W. Tay lor, Esq., in Washington township, Greene county, Pa., was dedicated to the worship of Almighty God, on Thursday, August 15, '07 Ministers present : Revs. A. J. Collins, S. Kendall, J. Rosscl, C. Tilton, !(. K. Craig, II, Stewart, J. S, Voders and M. Tilton. Chair man, M. Tilton ; Secretary, C. Tilton. Tha following is a short synopsis of the exercises : 1. Reading tho Script ure. 1st Kings, 8th chapter, by Rev. C, Tilton. 2. Singing. 3. Introductory prayer, by Rev. II. K Craig 4 Dedication sermon. Ps. 81 chapter, 10th verse, by Rev. A. J. Collins. 5. Dedication prayer, by Rev. S. Kendall. . Benediction, by Rev. J. Rossel. Soijiii'iis' Moncmknt. Can not some scheme be devised by which Greene county can do her gallant soldiers the honor of erecting a monument to th lr memory ? If lliere be not patriotism, gratitude and enterprise enough in the male portion of our citizens to make tho matter even a subject of serious consideration, we suggest that Me li lies tike it in li vid. It Is a crying shame that we do not pay this nob'e sclf-sacrilicing band this poor tribute of re spect. F.iyetto county Is raising means to affect the same, object by contributing to a Lottery Scheme, which wo regard as a somewhat dou tful method, both as to sound morula nnd disinterested patriotism. Lei a County Meet ing be called nnd an nclivo conimiiti c tip pointed for each township to solicit subscrip tions and the means will lie furthcoming. Our people nro neither too ungrateful nor too par simonious. All that is ncceswy is to put the enterprise in pncticil shape, nn.l it will be nn accomplished fact. Small-Pox. Though there have been a few cases a half d 'len at most of small pox of a mild form in Waynesburg. there has cer tainly been no ground for the fabulous stories so prevalent in the country. Soma waegish persons have slily circulated imaginary reports width with singular crcdti Ity have beon be lieved In one instance it was currently re ported th it there were sixty c ises here. In a family of only six persons, rhvrn were said to be down with the disease. In another Instance it was reported that a certain man's children had all died with Jhc disorder, when, as the fact is, ho never had any children. Also, it is Bald two or three of our old bnchehn' virtt died with it, and so on. The truth Is, we have had but one death, that of a colored man, who, it is now ascertained, had not proper attention. The other cases have all recover ed, or are convalescent. No new cases have yet developed themselves, and it is now hoped Its spread will be prevented, as our citizens are taking the precaution to have their fami lies all vaccinated which is considered a sure preventive. "Stih tiiet Comk!" Notwitlistanding the river lias dried uo and that communication la cut off, Evaxs is still receiving supplies of Iresh Dry Goods and Groceries, and is selling tnem at Killing cheap rates. lie has just opened a choice stock. Oua Jail is without a tenant. Either our people are very good or the jail very bad. The latter, we think. Shaw, supposed to be the principid actor in the Cookstown murder, returned home last week and was committed for trial. "Blesskd bk th Mas who first Invented Slsep," quoth Sancho Panzi. Sleep has of ten been "murdered," not in Macbcth's casn only, but In many modern instances, by Indi gestion, Nervous Disorders, Headache Mid a host of other complaints. For all such there is a remedy, and sufferers may now exclaim. "Blessed be the man who invented the PLANTATION BITTERS !" This delicione Cordial and fine Tonic Is now hniled by mil lions a tbe great Health Giver and Restorer. Resolve to bur a bottle, and don't "sleep on U." '-Be vise in time." 2t Maokoua Water. A delightful toilet arti clesuperior toCologneand at half the price. Wisdok. Since the brutal murder of John Evans, the peace and order loving citizens of Cookstown have held a public meeting to de vise measures to prevent the repetition of sucll crimes in their midst Among other things suggested they recommended the Town Council to petition the Court to revoke all li censes to sell ardent spirits in the place. - 8a'd Accident Mr. Robert Ferguson, a young man twenty-one years of age, a resident of Sttabenvhe, was instantly killed on Tues day afternoon, August 6th, near Bowerstown, by the upsetting of a peddling wagon.- Wuk. he 2agncsbicr0 At an election of the ''Vigilant" Lodge of Independent Good Templars, for tho quarter commencing August 1, I8G7, the following named officers wcro elected : W. C. T., Jos Yeateri W. V. T, Mrs. Stantou; W. S., W. E Parkinson W. T, Mrs. Jones; W. I. G., MissStonej W. O. G J. Bealer. Tbe following subordinate officers were ap pointed i W. C, Jas. Bestj W. A. 8.. Capt. Grim i W. F. 8 , Jas. N. Miller ; W. M , Jno A. Lindsey ; W.;D.iM,. Miss Downey i W R. II. 8., .Miss Lizzie Wldney j W. L. H d. Mrs. Kate Rogers, The Lodge is said to be in a flourishing condition and Is doing good service In the Temperance Reform. Boat to Mokoantown. We understand the "Old Line" folks are building a beautiful little passenger and freight Boat, drawing but few Inches of water, to ply between Geneva and Morgnntown, and that she will be ready for business in a few weeks. She will con nect with tho present boats to Geneva, and we are authorized tosar that w hen the water is too low for the large Boats, sho will tun clear through to Pittsburgh, or to where the water is sufficient to float tbe large Boats. Monongahela Republican. Notices of Mtrrinat and DfnttiM inserted free but all 7ributt3 of Jleintfct and VbitunrieM ehwitd eight eentt a line. The money must be advanced to secure tntir insertion. HARN At his resilience in Greensboro, on Tuesday, August 18th lust., Mr. J. W. Ham, aged aoout 50 years. MOREDOCK At his residence In Greene township, tills eountv. on the 31st davof Julv last, ilr. John Moredock, axed Ul years, nine niontusanu seventeen days. The deceased was among tho oldest and most esteemed citizens of the county. VV.IYXFSIU ltd .lfARKF.T. WAVNP-siifno, Ann. 11.1S07. Corrected Weekly fur the Rei'1'BLIcan. rilODlVE. Mutter ffresli roll,) ? V I'-nic r1 do Potatoes v IiuhIi....... Ijud fit. 15 in , 1 2W1 50 in 1.5 IW It! iihiow v m uimtrv Sonn It. lirlml I'ciii-hes V tb KI.DUIl AND OltAIX. Flour f Mil Wlieiit Imsli 11 an i INI 1 mi (ye f htisii , 'orn v bush KU L'oru .Mnil 'A bush no CilUK'KlilKM. 'olTee V th 30,'MI 2 10 IS ai 1 im 1 :n 1 IHI I . ii n ft ltrown sutnr I lennen Miliar i In vnm v mil'H (N.c Irleiilis,) Soi-tfluim "w ifal Salt l,lil 3 II) uico r iITTl!t lt;l! MARKETS. Hatciiiiay, August 17, 1SII7. Dlll'lni too whole of Hie weett the mnrknU nave lo-ueia v ru en verv i n . hut. there u Kootl I't'elmit ill eoiltliieivllll circles, rillrl Him feel- uiK is iniiiy llnpi'ovlhi; us the lull trmlii must Mooltcolillm-nrc UU'1 will eerlulllly lie lame. An ('live revival ol lillsiliens Clllitlot he lillli-li Inn. Ker ueiayeu. (ilt.UX AXDIXurit. Wheal. 1 nn'n. nml Ohio, Winter Ited KH2 10 live y hush 81 l.V. Onls i hush.... no 1 CO orn i hush... nrinif Nhc it Ill OIKi 1 1 Winter When 11 S5.j,U 50 rnovisioxs. hout'ters nw4 :.. 2..'2I' ... Wl:l'-; nirnr Cured Hums.. ml olal.K-s.v lil.l ,. I .ti.i in . 5110 'II 'HI ... I2.i 1.1 II SB'S Apples j. hhl Ilrese L'us fi dn uuer ( Illl'.WiO M tinier. I1IICAOO, Aumist t7, ISB7. Fr.Ol'R Mtondv mill firm, for plmh-fi hi-nniU Jl Snu.U 26'1'or Npriliu extras. WllKAT-Unsettletl anil ft'.' Ifle to-veron winter Kraoes, nml ii.i.ic on No. 3prlni(: pales- ol No. I rsl lit 2 l.Vu.2 17; .No. 2 leil (fiW irj',4; No. 1 snrlllit (I ttMl OH: Nn. 8 SI Tltiil 711. elusion ilnll lit 1 ; for No. 2 sprliin. Coru I,ims active uli7y,m4v for No. 1, nnd 'a ri losen nun nna unseu leont onw tor ro. I nml 51:. fnr Nn ' Hvb etlve nml 7!e hlhor, at 31 M,l 20 for .u. i , 9i eifi i.t tor .o. i. ll.VHl.KY tjulel nt le Tor Xo. 2 ill store. M K.SS l)RK t2Snr2 25. I.AHO !2Ue. Hkkv L'Arri.B Quiet nt J7!7 23 for best ship. Im, lloos Dull nml I.V) !Vk. Inner nt M ai Sn fnr nil r in ttoiMl, SlIKEl'-Ullll ntSl W. WOOL MARKET. Nr.w York. Annmt Thi "rrtmmpmiai iliore is a deci.led linnrovpmi'iit in hfn dn- lriuiriH. a grt'itt niiiiiy western nroki'i Imvo f him w inB rrrui and tnknn their wool out of nit ((in holing no !hn(. fpw hiv now orlr to on )url vul, but their onlera tire to Hell at cer- Tho falt-H for (tin week Itu-IikIa 2V nr flrwA iiuik"k irmu v'w.i.nj' jO, inciii'iMiK fti.imo irm 3ll li inn on privntt tornis; 5.1 w Xtm unwnnhtil :ir .VoltiH tub wool, rf 4,IM V-h XXtoXXx HiMtn 471'! 1.1 thu II1inijH4l lilfimi tha nv.. lif.ui on pnvait ttnii: i:i.imi 9m .Mpxlttin Im Ni-w UrtpniisSTc: SV.IJIJ0 lbs NuiU on nrl. vate torms. cjiflvifuttuvat. milK GREENE CHUN TY AORICCLTUR- J. Ali UJUML p AUTUKING SOC1ET will holil their Wh Annual Exhibition nt the rnirgrouiKlH, In CMnnicliKla, on THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, 10Tn & 11TII DAYS OF OCTOBER, 1867. LIST OF rilEMIUMa TO I)E AWARDED: CLASH 1 UOUMEH SO. 1. Pest Drnnght Stallion Ji nn 4 " " 4 On Best Draught Animal i m Heit 8 year old Mnlltim'lll!!!Z!!ZZl?S!!!Z!l!!Z 4 nt 2 " " X no Hint 2 year old " D en 2 " " 2 011 Best Yearling HorneColt ami 1 " " . 2 nn Rent Spring " ..r.'.Zli".. j on 2 j ou !0. 2. Best Brood Maro with foal at feet 4 00 Best 2 year old Gelding -..Z'ZZ!!Zl.'.'.'.Z'.'..Jl on Best 2 rear old Mara..".."!..!..'.'."!!!!!!!!!! A m i " 2 011 Bent yearling maro Colt.... ..g on a - .. 2 nil Best Spring Mare Colt. 2 " " . on 2 00 xo 8. Best Jack 2 " BesOennot.. on ...2 oo ii ou .... ..2 on 2 on l no 3 oo ..l no ....2 on 1 ui Bint 2 year obi Mule. Bent Yearling Mnle 7.V.'.'."jr.'..' Best Spring Mute polt!!!!'.."!!!'!'. no. 4. Beat Riding and Driving stallion.....'...... Best Maro tor all pniToses......?.!.'.?.'."!".'!!!!!!! ..Jlai ... oo ..urn on 4 00 ji no .4 oo i 00 Beat Family Animal.. 2 M i Best t year old Mare 2 . Beat S year old Gelding ....., 100 ..4 00 JIN Beat Pair Matched Animals 4 M ts BettBrtvtaf Animal.. Republican, l&cbnasbctyt, iQ-Cugusi Si, '18O?. gVgricultural ....a oo ....4 oo ...3 00 Bust Fair Driving Mule. 2 Bast Riding Antmal..,..'L'.'.'.."..':,..'."..',.' Best Walking Animal......."....."."!!! 2 " ' ....4 00 ..J 00 ...3 00 . 2 00 Best Trotting Animal...:... ; 10 00 2 ... 7 00 Best Facing Animal 10 OO 2 " " 7 00 Tn ail.llttnn tn th nvnnl nmnlnm nn IVnllna a sweepatake promlum of r!5.iJ0 will be given on live uuicat truiter, wim mu eutnuiee iim uj tl.uu, CLASS CATTLS 30. 1. Beat Bull . ..( on 2 " 4 00 Beat Bull under 2 yeura old ...A 00 2 tf jo,, Beat Bull calf under ( months old 8 00 2 " " 2 00 Beat yoke oxen ... 5 00 2 " " 3 00 Bast yoke oxen nnderl years old. 4 00 2 " " J00 Mat, Best Cow.... ... 00 2 " ..: 100 Beat heifer between 2 A S years old I 00 2 " r " " . 2 00 Beat helfor nndef 1 year old 2 00 2 " 100 CLASS S sita NO. 1, Beat Spanish Back ..( 00 2 " " i..i...:..'. 4 00 Boat yearllngSpnnlsh buck S 00 .2 " " " ;.Ioa Heat Spanish Dock lamrj 8 00 2 " ' - ..J0O ileal union DneK J 00 2 " " 2 00 Beat sellalan buck J 00 2 " " 2 1 Heat soutn down, lelcester or ozrordablre buck , ...J00 no. 2. Beat Spanish ewes, t In number.... 2 " " ...5 00 ...4 00 ....4 Oil ..8 110 Beat 2 yr. cwos, 6 In number..., Best " lambs. JI 00 a oo 3 00 2 00 2 oo Beat Saxon ewes i " Heat " lambs, 2 " I 00 Beat sellalan ewoa. S on 2 2 00 2 00 Best " lnmbs 2 1 ou Beat display of aouth down, lelcester or ox- liipiaiiire ewiw. ....4 00 .....IS no Beat fat ahecp, 10 in number. - NO. 3. 8WEKIS1TAKES. .4 00 Best huek .' Heat owe ..10 no .. g oo In eaae the sweenstakea nremlum be awarded to either Hueka or Khm 111 either of the nlim-e elasaea, the llrat premium will be rcfundod to the CLAMS 4 SWINE. Beat boar 2 " Best brootl sow i " ' Beat litter of pla ovor threc mouths old.., Beat " " under " ... 00 ...2 (III ....1 00 ...2 on ...8 oo ... oo 8 00 2 00 8 00 2 00 2 " ii ii Beat flit hog i " CLASS 5 AOnift'LTl'llAL IMI' EMENTS NO. 1, Beat farm wniton 4 on 8 00 4 Ml 2 00 Ji Oil 4 on II Ml 3 Ml 4 Ml 2 Ml 1 on Heat aprlng wmron 2 " Best biiBity Best carriage.. Heat grain drill Heat wheelbarrow "'"'!!!""' Heat liny elevntora Best ehwrry aeotlers i Ml 1 00 4 Ml 2 Ml 2 on 1 on 8 Ml 2 M) 2 Ml 1 Ml 1 Ml NO. 2. Heat mowing machine Beat feed cutter """" 1 " Heat roller , 2 ' Heat horse rake 2 " ' Best grain criulle 60 tl..U fllln 3 00 Heat and lnrneat display of tiirwam.'..'....'!!.'.'.'.'..4 00 " 9 m Heat hand rnkea, 2 In number. Ilest alekle Heat drawing knli'c 80 .... 51) 60 .....2 00 1 0(1 2 00 1 on 1 on so NO. 8. Heat tiro horse plow i ii ii i, Heat harrow "ZZZZZ. i " Het cultivator t " lest shovel plow 1 Ml 60 511 ."HI 60 1 Ml Heat mattock jf. Heal broad hoe Hi'st tlraimlit chains Heat sliotl horse 2 " ' 60 Ili-wt enok atove 2 Ml ..1 Ml Heat tire atovo 60 CI.A1S 0. No i Heat bureau 3 00 2 Ml 1 Ml 2 W I Ml 1 Ml SO 1 K 7S SM 5 Ml il hrdsteiul at churn Beat aet win, or eliaira 2 " " Beat set split-bottom chai H"t arm chair, apllt-bottom.. Beat half llozen brootna 2 " " " Beat mnrblo work 3 01) NO. 2. Best suznr mill 4 00 . " 2 00 Beat cvnpornter 3 00 2 00 CLASS 7 HARNESS, LEATHER, 4a Best set double hiirneas 5 00 J " " " -l iri Best set single harness ..'.'.'..'.'."". '.'.1 SOU i " " o 1111 Boat gent's soddlo .........3 Mi 2 9 in Beat Indies' saddle .3 00 2 " " q en Best gents' sniMlc-trees, 3 In nuinlier 1 Mi nest niiiiea aiuiiue-ireea. 3 in nuiniHr 1 00 Hit calf akin 1 00 1 00 Beat aide upper leather Beat side sole lent her 1 00 2 00 I 00 .....2 Ml ......1 00 1 00 75 ............1 00 50 t Ml 60 NO. 2. df Best pair flno boots, sewed Ilest peggHl 2 Best " coamn boots " 2 " " " ... Best women's tine shoes, sewed. ., 1 ii Best " pegged. g 11 11 11 11 CLASS 8. Best cured lmm, two In number 1 01) 60 Beat lard, 5 Itis so .......1 00 so 511 7.i Heat lionev, 5 Hia 2 " " Beat maple animr, 5 Itw Hi'al niajile niiilnsses, one gallon Bt aorgum aiurur. 6 lbs , .J Oil ....I...1 Ml 2 " ' Beat florgum molasses, one gallon ... ..j-.l im ...... 60I CLASS 9 XANCrACTTRKD ARTICLKS NO 1. Bi'at fulled cloth ...........2 Ho 2 " " ...i on Bint red flannel , .'....J On 2 " ' ;'. i on Biitdmis goods, domestic , 2 on 2 " " i on ilest pair factory blankets 3 M " 1 00 NO. 2. Best pair blankets, home-made....... .2 00 ' . -.1 nn Best yarn carpet..: ...,...... on " " .i Ml Beat rng carpet.. 2 no l ou NO. J. Best flax linen, five yards ;.... 2 " Best low linen a " Best tnhlo linen ... l on ...... fin 1 no fin , 1 no Best linen thread, two' iaiZZZZZ.'.'Z...Z oft - 25 KO 4. Best white qnllt 3 00 1 " " I nn mti iiiney quilt g no . " ' .. I on ueai scrap nuiii a on a " " I no oesipaicn quilt m .......2 IN) " - 1 00 ' CLASS 10 KO. 1. Best crotchet work ..,i or) a " ' an Best cryatollscd work -...............I no 2 " J ". fin Best knit Inserting an i " " ..... !K Best crotchet edging . fio . Ita no. 2. Best oriental painting 1 oo 60 .l U) SO 1 on .., fin M.,Mk.-l 09 ... . 60 A " Beatgrccian painting Beetolt 2 " Best photographs..... KO. 1 Best ornamental hair work.... 2 " Best ornamental slippers. Best pocket handkerchief. Vri'.r.- 1 " " Best pin cushion 2 " ............ Best needle hook..... ZZZ'ZZZ". J00 . 50 J ou . AO 4oi) AO aoo . 60 .100 M..V..Hll aU T'". KO. 4. Best work basket.. ...J oo ..ZT fin Best watch pocket.. ...... l oo n Best chemise, band and aleves. j 00 Best " yoke and lleeres. 00 - 90 3tgti(uUrat Best gloves, borne made..,........;..,, 2 " CLASS 11 NO. 1. Best coat made by machine I 00 1 00 Beat coat mad by hand ..... 2 " " ..2 00 I 00 dbih veai maqe Dymacnine Best vest made by hand KO. 2. Best pants mado by machine ...1 00 . so .1 00 . 60 1 00 Beat pants made by hand!'.".'.'.!l'.!!!I!"!liJ!!.!!!i!!!!!!t 00 2 " " IK Beat shirt 2 " ZZ"ZZi 00 so Beat cloak.. ' ::: 2 no. 3. Best bonnet made by exhibitor 1 00 2 " 50 Best dress.j. 2 00 2 " 4 1 on Best lamp mat ;...i.i 1 00 2 " " ; ... 60 no. 4. Best hearth rug made by exhibitor ...,;..l rJO 2 ' " (o Beat suit for children..... t 00 Best rustle work.. . 1 00 2 " " 60 class 12, Best pair cotton hose...... A 26 Beit pair linen " so 2 i., . . i, ' Best pair wqoion " "!"!!!!""!!!!"!""!!'.!"!!!! so 2 " .... 26 nest pair wooicn socks It " " cLjfis 13 FRUIT. Best collection apples, grown by exhibitor....! 00 . ....1 00 Beat specimen " " 1 pk " ....100 'A - " m rj Best collection peaches Best " pears I'Zl 00 .... 80 1 00 " " .... SO Best specimen " ; ,.,..1 00 Best " quince 1 00 NO. 2. Best collection plums .i no Best specimen ' i gallon 60 Beat collection of grapes . 1 00 . " M Best specimen " 1 (10 2 " " so Best domestic wines, 1 pt. of each......!!"!i".""l On 2 " " " 60 Best collection currents 50 Beat " gooseberries 60 Beat " strawherrles 60 CLASS 11 OAnilRN VKQETAULKS. neat collection of potatoes 1 00 Heat specimen " 60 ileal sweet 1 Ml Heat beets 60 Heat eabbnue. 2 heads AO Best pumpkins, four in number 60 Best parsnips... 60 nest collection gnruen vegetables 1 ou 2 " " 1 00 CLASS 15 NO. 1. Beat nnd most wheat grown on two contliu- UUM UCI CH Ji on 2 " " 9 111 Best " " corn 6 00 2 3 00 4 00 3 00 Beat " " oats 2 " " NO. 2. Beat apeelmen wheat, i bushel SO ..... 50 Ileal. tuns " Best " corn " Best " timothy seed, V hush ..... 60 1 Ml 60 1 00 511 1 Oil 60 1 00 2 a it -ii Beat " clover " " 2 11 ii 11 11 Beat newly Introduced wheat, i bushel. 2 M ' Best " " corn !! Beat " " out a 50 CLASS 18 I'HESRRVKH. Beat preserved apples, one qt 2 nreserveil iiomIi-h. one ol 1 00 60 1 Ml 60 Beat preserved peaelies " Best pears " 1 00 " 50 plums " 1 nO " " 60 quinces " 1 Ml " " 50 giKisberries " 1 Ml " " 511 2 Heat 2 Best 2 Best 2 Best cherries " ..1 IX) 2 .. 60 Beat tomatoes ..1 00 .. 50 2 CLASS 17 JKI.LIES. Best current Jelly one pt 50 Best quince " " 60 Hest blnekberrj " " 60 Ilest apple butter " 5u Hesf toliiato " " 60 Heat blackberry Jnm " 50 Heal atrawbi'ri'.V Jelly " 50 Hest lliai'lnillaile 60 CLASS 18. Hest soft light bread 1 00 . 2 fit) Best rusk Heat pound cake ,., Hest sponge Heat butler, tlveltm 2 ' :. 3 11 11 Heat cheese 2 " Ilit eneumber pickles Hest solid soap 6 " " class l; Beat collection of tlowers 1 00 2 " ' 50 Boat design of Mowers 1 00 2 " " 61) Beat cactus (popes hendi 1 00 2 " " 60 Best " sqnare .........l 00 2 H " 60 Best crysthemum ... 1 no 2 " 50 Bit dahlia t o1) 2 " : 60 B.-st verbena...... 1 00 2 " '. 60 CLASS 20.i .... Beat col. geographical spcclmensofmlnornl....'i 00 pLASTIC SLATE FOJl ROOFING AND OTHER PURPOSES. As a Roofing Material It stands nnrlvalled. A mastic It adapts Itself to every shape and slope. Non-combustible, Impervious, nou-expanslve, and undecaylng, , . FROST DOES NOT CRACK NOR II EAT DISSOLVE IT. The only roofing material ever discovered that will realat the action of the elements as long as the structure It protects. Being susceptible of little. If not any wenr from exposure, and per fectly FlUE-PKOOF. It Is unequalled as acont lng for Manufacturing nnd Farm Buildings, fen ces, bridges, bottomaof Vesacla, Vaults, Ae. Kefi-rencf given In any part of the otuntv, or specimens shown to visitors. Apply by letur, or In person to It, h. Ji in ex, IVextlcvsviu.!, Wash. Co., Pa. B.H.IHjAK,- .. h. L.40Nr, Liccnstsm of Wash, and Greene counties. . - is W..JONEH, Aokkt, 4-21-tf. . , Waynesbnrg, Pa... T HIE MONONGAHELA HOUSE, v.. ic' LAKDiso, oaaass couktt, '.,' ; OLIVER & BAYARD, PROPRIETORS, Ths hest accommodations Airnlshed the travel llnsbuhllc. House and nnnnrtenaneea onrnnlelA. Table always Spread bountifully with thcdelloa- ciea or ine svsanm. norsea lor aire; rern Ana stabling at reasonsbl rate. feW 8TORBI i ;i ti n I w lr if l n on n i --r f IV A 11 & , 11 U U It U A ll J Itss Just opener), a Art class ' i I ' STOCK : 0 ! l)Rt -GOODS, " ' r CLOTniNO, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, 4C, &C. In the Store Room of George E. Minor, and nearly opposite the Farmers' A Drovers' Nation al Bank, W A Y N ESBUBG. P Ai . : vl . i . . ; . 1 ... ,, Ttys stock la . ALL KEW AND )?RESU 1 Hewmtlo respectfuiiy lnv'llo thspuhlte to call and examine his large and foahlonuble slock. His taste and experience In selecting goods ; his energy and determination to please tha public has rendered htsa FIRST CLASS STOKE! Ills stock embraces a large assortment of GEXTLEMENS' CLOTHING ! of tho most fashionable and durable qualities. . JllSU VI1B UUUBt IIUGUlM oi . ', LADIES' DltESS GOODS, HEAVY- DttESS BILKS WITH WHITE EDGE, and a full assortment of Fancy Figured Silks of ull colors. Also, Empress t'loth, I'opllna, Mo tainbliiies, Wool Defuliis double widths, Hllk Hhawla, Klstorl .Shawls, (Silk Kacqucs latest style. I'lirnsola, Fancy Funa, Engltali ltlblams nhd other ribbons of all colors nml widths; Huts. wi-4iiiin mm r lowers, 14ICO lianilKereillers allU Embroideries, and a full assortment of TRIMMINGS IN GENERAL; Also. Counter Pones. Ijicp PiiVlnlns. Plnnn Covers, Melialeon Covers, yule Table Covers, und In abort a full stock of all aoods usual I v kent in atlrst class Trimming Htore. linn t lorget me piaco, in the NEW BTOIIE ROOM of Geo. E. Minor. ;7-H t'KANK, M G17ROAN. Ol'inER AGAINST THE WOKI.DI VNOTHER HUGE ARRIVAL Petormtnari tnljfifnrcniont In fVrry tiling, Outlier UflN JUHl ri'UL'lVL'U ino LARdEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF GOODS Kvcr brought to Wayiienburf?. Oo to Oulhrr'n, Oo to (Jii.liir'B, tiu tu Quihpr'n, If you wnnt If you want If you want CTienp Gondii I f Chenji GoiKla ! Cheap Goods 1 I 7:17-97. ntlSINESS MAN'S COMMERCIAL COL- LEGE, NoS. ( AKAl gT. Cf.AIlt CTIimT, nttUhurgh, Fa. This Institution has been inpperatlon fnroVum ber of years, and Is conducted successfully bynn able corps of teachers, whose object'ls to make each pupil understand thoroughly every brnnch of a BUSINESS EDUCATION, to prepare them .for . BUSINESS MEN I Itook-kecnlna. Penmanshln and Arithme tic, (time unlimited,) ....1M0.I Bnnk-keeplna, Penmanship and Arithme tic a months, , an 00 Business and Ornamental Penmanship per ' month 1ft fl) Comon English Branches per month 10 no a iKcnrn, ruonogrnpny anil tiusmess vorrespon denco according to agreement. Allourspeclmensarceieetited with apen. - A full course ran be completed In eight weeks. For circular or specimens, address 8;7-3nios. N.HIIAFFER U. a INTERNAL REV. NOTICE. AH wirun wtptiinff Oovrrnmnt Llfiw or information uj m en prvymotui nf octMr wnvra mrnt Tuxf. reftldlns in lHvisifm No. 9. roranoN. l of Marlon, Krankllti.' Wnvn. Alleppo, Gll- nior?.ppnnnniii, nirf, jncKnan, nirnnni ana Morrlii townnhlpt will call on m! nt my oniro la WHyneslmrK, HI MUX KINKHART, IT. H, Afu't AnseiMor Dlv. 'o. 9. Jlth DUt. f Va. E. A. TINKER... -...II, W MAPEL. fJUNKER 4 MAPEL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF HOGS; CATfLE 'AND SHEEP, WEST iBiITCttORE Miim.tim COnstgnmants rssrpertfally sUeltsd. AU am- muntcattna. prordnv answered, resit Ode. N JUEH1FF 8 BALE. I)V Wlplliajir w.t A '-..11. 1 I . . .....vwiw mi, ui , riiuiiwui ripouw. Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Greene county, and to me directed, there will b exposed to public sala at tha Court Hawse, In Waynesburg, on. SATCRDAT, Ttii DA? OF SEPTEMBER hext.atorie ocl'Ock. p. m., the following proper ty, vli: All tho right, title, tntest and claim of defendant of. In and to a certain House and lot situate In Wayneaburg Grwne county, Fa., ad lolning tots h(.V. lfc Miller on the north; ths W Mhlrlgtort road on the west, an alley on tha east and Franklin Ht. on the south. Taken In execution asthc property of Ahenlom of Dr. Jonathan Hit ilia l-3t , HEATH 0OUN8, Bh'IT. PMINISTRATOU'3 8ALli "7. ,.1 w.",,,?5tpo0. J9 Pnb,, In front of ths Court Ilduse, at w ayncsburg, on ) !- . .. , SATURpAT. AUGCST SI, 186T, kt 1 o'clock, six shares of stock In the first Na tional Bank of Waynesburg, belonging to ths ealnteof WltrJamiJrako; dea"d. 1 Terms CashV ' RAI.Prt TOAKE, :14-ts Admr. of Wm. Drake. deo'd. QKrjUAH'3 IjOURT pALB. ;p Ity virtue of a dcores ana In puriusnoe of an rdet tasued out of Die Orr.hant'court of Greene oomi tf, 1 will axposo to public sals, on the presa- ' ' ' : ' - ' ' . SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 7, 1187, 1 i , . j . . a certain messuage snd.treot of land sonata In Jeirerson township, aaljolnlng Unds of Joha ant George Hex, lib-hard Huwkln., IloHi Thos. P. PllllOa'U Thna Mh,irni,&.lr .n.l Ihi-i ft . hos. Uharpnock snd Daniel Murdook; coutolniog ONE Hl'NIHErvAND'mai?TY-SiXAND ( TIlltEE-fOUpiI, ACHES, more flr less, about ona ribrt'drcij acres of whloh are elfiired, and hu thereon a hewed log dwel ling ODhse. a stable and sheep-shed, apple orchard, coal, llmc-ttons, dci being the proper ty of the estate of r ISAAC BLACKLEDQE, DEC'D. The same will ha sold In one or two parcels, as ....j uvucrmmumi lor iiioso iniereNlflil in U1S b8,,a.h-. LEVIBLACKLEDOK, 'eM' .. , . Trustee s HERIFFS SALE. Bv virtue ofa writ of Venditioni Exponas, Is sued outuif the Court of Common Pleas of Greens county, and to me directed, thorowlll be expos- ru..v Mini ib mo vuuri iiuuie. m w avniis burg, on .. ' ' '.'. ; '.' 1" . ; i; .., THE 81st DAY OF AUGUST next, atone o'clock, p. m., the following proper ly, viz: All theriiiliL ml,, int,.r..t. o,V,r i..i... of defendant of. In, and toa certain tract of land situate In Center township, Greene eounty, pa., containing , , ' i . ( . -i,.ii . . '. ONE HUNDRED ACRES! morn or less, about twenty-flvo acres elssrefll ' adjoining lands nf Jesse Scott, Ephrliini!Morrls! KM Knight and others. . .. . ..,' iitKcuin execution as the nronnrtv nf Jneksnn C'hndli atef nt the ic suit of tho Mrsi National Bank of S'i'tieaburg. S;7fll HEATH, .KWH. Shcr(ff. rALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE! WITH (HtlST MILL. MAW DAN KM, 4C. MILL, COAL The undersigned offers nt private aalo that valu able properly, situate nn the .Monongiilmla lliver, at the Mouth of Muddy Creek,, Greene county. I'cnii'n., containing about forty-five (-Ifi) acres iif rich bottom land. Thero lsuu tho premlsiv a valuable! . S T E A M E N O I N E ! which' will lie. Includot In the sole. ThnCnai Banks laopennnd ahowa uh inexlmiiatable sup ply. Nomura deal ruble locntlob for a Distillery can he founil In the Mlnle. For further particulars nprlv to E," A. Flennl ken, linvldaon s Ferry, Greene county, l'a.,or by letter to tho undersigned. .ioiix m. DArtrtAfr, ' HjMm IlnrtsvlHc, Duck Co., Pa. AND SALK For rnle. l.."!f)f) neroa of Tinili.e t nml nn 1 1. n Bulliniore iiiHl niil,, Itallroad, near .lllleton Station, West Vn.,on which there Is a Htenm Haw Mill, Tannery and abundance of the best kind ofstnve. Building and stave Timber. la rich and well, adapted tn grazing, nnd will be cut In pareela loauls purchase ra. Apply to O. Marshall near tbe premises, or to iinwaon Adnms, Waynesburg, Greene County, Pn. S;'JI-Hui pXECUTORS'. NOTICE.. Letters testamentary upon the estate of Joseph Thompson late of Centre tp., Greene county Pu.j' nee'd., having been granted to the underslKned; notice la hereby given to all persons Indebted to snld estnte to make Immediate pnvment, and those having claims against the same will pre sentthem properly authenticated for settlement. DAVID TIIoMPMON, ." 7:17-(lw .x-xeciuors. , DM'iISTUATOR'3 NOTICE. , Letters of administration' having ho granted to tlm nndersluned unon fbe tt ni ian. Sharplieok, ofjeiterson township, (freeno coun ty Pa., clee'il.; notice Is hereby given to nil per sons knowing themsolves Inilobted tnsnld estnfn to makeimmedistepnyment, nnd those hnvlng elalieswlll present them property nuthentlcal edforse"ltmeD', HENRY RHATIPNECK, -i Mberlandtp., Adnilnkstrntor. ' yTmiNlsTIUTOR s notIce" Isttirtt nf njlminlatrnllrm hnvlnn huii'm. n IA (oUie.iHiderainii.'il unon ttaeeatatenf .lohn Mor. ilock, Mr., of Greene eounty, Fenn'a., dec'd.j notice Is hereby given to all persons In debted to snld estate to make Immediate pay ment nnd those hnvlngclHlms wlH present them proicrly authenticated for aelllement. , JAM III JI. MDItiyiCK, . ' JAM FX H. FOItDYCK. 8;U-w nf Greene tp., admlnistrnUirs. ?H-a -fJf ' T HE RUSH IS NOW AT SLATER ODENBAUGirs" DRtd' STORE! j ' " ... . i . .' V-. , He respectfully Informs the citizens and pliral clans gcnernlly, that h. has reoelved the largest and finest stock of DliUGS AND MEDICINES' ' ;;i. I ever offered In thla market .which he will ' SELL CHEAPER than can bo purchased anywhere eloe la the county. ,! PAINTS OF ALL KINDS! Dry and In ollof tbe very best quality, cheaper than the cheapest. DYE STUFFS, cf tha very finest selection. OLD LIQUORS 1 , r- nt all kinds, the finest that can bo procured' In tbe.BUte. The UNYIELDING LUNG SYRUP! , A remedy unsurpassed fof (he cure of bleeding or the lungs, spitting of blood, soreness of ths hrenst ami chest,. Will change the frail yellow complexion lo ono of health, and will core dy- imimu. xius syrup ia one oi tne most tiseitii meiliclmainr the dnv. Thl& U-s tnl merilclnA and wr do not know of It foiling In a single caaa W V It. I Also, all other Dromfnent natent medlcla always on hand, terminator, the wnv. nn h.n.l T. r,.A-l,,. ,1.. f',.....i. W r. terminator, the' heal In use for diseases of th throatoughs. tn imai.cougns. an, Also, a syrup the only remedy for hooping couah, all for sale at e t S. Odenbaugh's Drag Store. - sritHini E. M BAYERS. ATToisrr skd cocustttoa at taw. rnaddftirmtdotheT business will attend to si caaeainfta asm. OnV In Kankmptcy that may h entrusted tohia am. OfBo.,opposit. Dmf Store of O. W. Hob rt Co. , ' '.;..... 1 Mrgt-' j