The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, August 21, 1867, Image 1

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    Term or l,nlllontIou.
Th Wayxebdurq Hpjtblicab, Office In
Bayera' building, mat of the Court Houae, U pub
lished every Wednesday morn Inn, at 1 per
annum, ix advanlk, or A3 SO tr not paid with
Inthcyaar. Allanbarrlptlon tnnatiim
kstll ally. No paper will be aunt
out of the State unlt-aa paid for 19 advance, and
II Buch subscriptions will Invariably be (Huron
tinned at the exntratlon of the time (or which
they are paid.
t-iimmiiiilt-ntinniion minjeetanf IomiI or general
Interval are respectfully aollrtted. To I'liRiiro
attention ruvorHtil'tlii kind muni Invariably le
aonipnnled by the name of the author, not for
publication, but na grmninty nicnlnHt ImpiMition.
All lettera pertaining to ImHlneuot the oince
must he addnward to the Kdltor.
Tome Hoit IIf.xiit Wimkm, V. 8. Senator
from MassacliuscUa, to whose distinguished
ability, Integrity and firmness for the. right
In this and many other Instances, humanity
and the future are so much indebted, these
lines are, by bis especial permission, most re
spectfully dedicated.
Mo slave beneath that Marry fl ig,
Tbe emblem of the free !
No fettered hand shall wield the brand
That smites for Liberty!
No tramp of servilo armies
Shall shamo Columbia's shore,
For ho who fijjlits for Freedom's rights
Is free forevermore !
No slaves bcncalh those glorious folds
That o'er our fathers flew,
When every breath was dark with death,
But every heart was true I
No serfs of earth's old empires
Knelt 'neath lis shadow then :
And they who now beneath it bow
Forevermore aro men !
Oo tell the r.slu'S of the braves
Who at Port Hudson fell:
Ootell the dust whose holy trust
Stern Wngncr guards so well :
Go breathe it softly slowly
Whenever the patriot slave
For right has bled, and tell the dead
Oo tell Kentucky's bondsmen true,
That he who lights Is free !
And let the tale fill every gale
That floats o'er Tennessee !
Let nil our mighty rivers
The story southward pour,
And every wavo tell every slave
To be a slave no more !
Oo ti ll I he brave of every land,
Where e'er that Hag bus flown
The tyrant's fear, the patriot's chetr,
Through every clinic and zone
Thnt now no more forever
Its stripes arc Slavery sears :
No tcitr-drops stain its nziu-c plain,
" Nor dim lis golden stars!
No slave bcr.ealh Hint grand old flig !
Forever let it fly!
With lightning rolled in every fold,
And fhtshii'g victory!
Oo n's blishing breathe armiml It ;
And when oil strlle is done,
May Freedom's light, that knows no night
Make every star a sun!
.V. Y. Triliinif. Gi:o Lansing Tayioh.
Select Reading.
I'rulil Hie TmIi-iIo lilititt-.J
X X Si II Y .
Till Xctrro lieliifr found not AinllnUlo,
Mr. Xnhy mill 'oliowew llerlile In
KO llm k on Him A MeetlliK. ! Kll'eel
ornlileh nitt Npnlleil by I'nllm-k, the
Illinois Ntorclirepr-r. Uli(l;ji'lll Me
ier, l.nte -. H. X.
Post Okkis, f 'om-edrit X Uoaps,
(M ich is in the State of Kv.,
July 28, 18(57.
The speculiishcn in wool, into wieh
the Diniocmy uv the South rmharkt
come months ago, hez, I regret to say,
resulted disastrously. The nigger ain't
fitted for eo-opcras)ien with the Dim
oerisy. Instill uv linugin on to us like
the ivy onto the oak, he diskivcred
that, in the South at least, he was really
the oak and we the ivy; itistid uv
lookiu up to us, he contracted a disa
greeable habit uv look in down onto
lis. Thero wuz other reasons why he
coodent be made available for our
uses, and therefore it was decided to
go back onto the Afrikin, and to agin
attempt his roduck.shen to as near his
normal specrez the abnormal coiulishn
uv the times wood admit. The direc
ters uv the college met and changed
the name uv the Instistooshn back to
the "Southern Military 'nnd Claseikle
Institoot," and the Corners wuz itself
Peekin Togram lookt oz tho the ten
years lied bin lifted off him. "I low
pleasant 'tis," sed lie, "to walk erect
agin in front uv a nigger, nnd to pass
era cz tho they wuz niggers ! Oh ef I
rood only wallop one wunst more me
thinks 1 cood die happy !"
We lied a niectin lust nite to consider
this nigger question, which wood hev
resulted in great good and lied a pow
erful inflooencc toward strengtnening
the hands uv our brethren in the North,
who are fightin the heresy uv nigger
wiflragc, hed it not bin for that irrita
rihcn, Pollock, and that pest, Joe Bigler,
I hed made my rcgler speech on the
nigger and with much effect. I hed
1 noted from somebody's quotashen
from Agassiz, wieh demonstrated the
radicle difference there is atween the
Afrikin and the proud Caucashun ; ar
cuin from the lencth uv his heel and
itrm, the thickneHs of his skull and so
forth, that the nigger wuz totally unfit
to exercise the rites uv tree men. i
wuz nnnlaudcd vociferously and by
none more than Pollock and Joe Big
Jcr. Ejs I took my scat and wuz a
wipin the pcrspirashen from my class
iklcbrow, feelin that I lied settled
that question, Pollock riz and desired
to say a lew words and make a sugges
tion. Sed he :
"I hev listened with interest to the
cfokent snooker and am happy to say
I hev learned fax wieh is new to nte.
Ef I hev ever doubted the inferiority
of the nigger them doubts are remov
ed, pervid'iB. allur, that if the statements
oi the specker is troo, nv wieh I hev
no doubt, cz tho character uv the speck
er is a suflishent guarantee for the
trooth uv wichever he scz.
I bowed stately like, with the air nv
one to whom sich compliments wuz a
every day affair, wieh they ain't by no
means, on the contrary quite the re
verso. "But I want it demonstrated to the
satisfackshen-uv the most obtoose I
want rite here a measurement uv the
average Afrikin and the average white
man, that all the world may know
the difference. I move that it he
I acceded. "Let it be done," sed I,
"that the vexed question may be settled
for ever."
Several niggers were askt to submit
to the measurement, but all refused.
Filially Joe- Bigler sed he saw Napo
leon Johnson, a nigger wieh wunst bc
lomred to Deekin Pop-ram, in the au
dience. "Napoleon," sed lie, will yoo
contribitt yoorself to the great science
uv ethnology ? Ain't yoo willin to let
us yoosc yoo awhile to demonstrate the
grate anil growin trootli that yoor
grandfather wuz a monkey ? Step up,
Napoleon, nothin dasht, stept tip,
and Pollock, Baseom, Bigler and I
measured him with the followin re
sult :
Height 5 feet 8 inches.
Weight 1")0 lbs. nverdupoise.
Length uv foot 12 inches.
Breadth uv foot 5 "
liCiigth uv hand 81 "
Breadth uv hand 4 "
length uv forearm 11 "
Jxmi. bone from ankle to knee 6 "
I'rojeckslitin of heel 5 "
Capassitv uv sl:till,wich
In-ill (lie top or cap uv
the vertebral column,
so to speck, is accord
in to Hipocrates, a.
and Hon. Win. Mun-
gen, uv Ohio, a very
important bone for
pretty miiclialluv the
races! C6 cubic inches.
"Now," sed Pollock, "let us exam
ine in the same wav a average speci
men uv the Caucaslien race, cv, lie is
tiiund in this tk-lcetahlo spot. Will
Iswikcr Gavitt be good enull' to step
liirward? J pcrpose to demonstrate
the soopcriority uv the Caucaslien with
a two-loot rool. I-'iggors wont lie.
Step up, Jssaker."
And Jssaker stept up, and wuz
measured with the tbllerin result:
Height 5 feet 8 inches.
Weight 150 lbs.
Length uv hand 7J inches.
Breadth " 3. J "
north uv foot 11 "
Brnadtli " 4.1 "
l'lMjecksben uv heel 1J "
Lcujrth uv liirearin 10 "
Icngiii uv bone from ankle
to' knee lo "
Cnpassity of skull 07 cubic indies.
Pollock wuz dclite.1 ! "Hen-," sed
lie, "it is in a nutshell. Issaker hez
a shorter hand, a more narrcv hand, a
shorter ami narrerer foot, and Ins heel
projecks less than the nigger's by 2J
inches! Good Lord, bow 1 hev bin
deseived ! What errors I hev bin
nnssin ! How kin a human bcin hev
nite Cck whose heel proiccks lour in
ches? How rc'toict am I that 1 am at
last set rite on these important pints !"
I smiled bcninaiitly onto him.
Hurler viz. "1 too, sod he, "am
satisfied that the nigger is not what
we, who wuz dispozed to consider him
fit to exercise rite, supposed him to
bo, I held firm wlien the measure
ment uv his hands and arms wuz be
ing made, but the heel staggered me.
Its clear that no one kin hev intclleck
whose leff isn't set in his foot better
than that. I shall persoo this in vest i
gashen. Hevin now a start in pint
a heal, cz I may sav, to stand on 1
shel p-o on to prove the inferiority uv
the niinrer. With that heel for ful
crum, I shel, with the lever of trooth,
proceed to uiwet the fabric uv nigger
ekalitv nnd carry eontooslien into JJoS'
ton. 1 shel assoom mat ..Napoleon is a
avcrairc Hieemicn uv tlie lower or tin
mtellcctool African type. Is jt so
"It is! it is!" yelled wo all, dclited
at the happy turn the thing wuz tak-
"I shel olso assoom that Issaker
Gavitt is a avrage uv the higher or
intellectooal Caucaslien tvpe. Is it
"Certinlv ! Ccrtinly !"
"Yen' well. Now quake Massa-
X' 1 1.' ..I i)
Clitntscits. napoleon, Kin jtw ram .
I saw the trap into which we had
fallen, and risin hastily protcstid that
the examination hed bin carried far
enufl", and so did Deekin Pogram, but
Ifiirler swore he wuz asroin to kiver
Massachoosetts with shame, and I sot
down paralyzed,
"Kin yoo read, Napoleon ?"
"Yes sab!"
"Re-ad this, then," sed Bigler, hand-
in mm a noospapcr.
The nigger read it cz peert cz a Noo
Ensrland skool marm, wieh well he
mite, ez he learned it from one uv cm,
"Kin yoo write?
"Ccrtinly," and takin a pencil, lie
writ half uv the Declashcn uv Inde
"Set down, Napoleon. It's a devil
ish pity yoor heels is so long ; other
wise vood be credited with hevin in-
telleck. Now Issaker, my bold Cau
cashen, km yoo read r
"I protest !" shreeked I, in agony,
"Issaker, don't answer the skoffer at
ethnology !
But Issaker, ez white ez a sheet, and
tremblin under the eyeuv Bigler, who
knowd iumirom infancy, stuttered out,
, "Kin you rite, my gay d&ccndant
j uv the soopcrior race
And, still under the intlooenee uv
Bigler's eye, he answered "No !"
"Kin you cipher?"
"What in the thunder's the yoosc
nv ciphcrin when the old man nlluz
kepa nigger to do his figgerin?"
"Set down, Issaker. We're done
with you. There's an error somewher.
The nigger's eapassity uv skull is less
by several cubic inches, but he seems
to hev used wat he hez lively. But
it's ull rite, Parson. Issaker shel vote
and the nigger shant. Readin and
writin never wuz a qualification for
votin down here, any way. Possibly
the seat uv the intclleck is in the heel
instead uv the brain, wieh accounts for
the niirirer's hevin the most uv it."
And Pollock and Bigler and the
niggers present left the meet in house,
latlin uproarously and throwin all sorts
uv ndoos back to us.
I doubt whether the result uv the
investigashen will help our friends
.North, lhe lact is, it wuz overdone.
t was carried to fur. There is a pint
at which facts ought to stop Dimc
kratie fitcts in partikelar. In this in
stance the investiy-ashen sliood never
lev bin carried hcvond the heel. lied
it stopt there, we wood hev lied em.
But carrvin it to the Radical pint Big
ler and Pollock took it, the foundashen
we built wuz upset and we arc all at
sea again, wood, on I wood mat we
wuz red uv these jeenn lunatics.
(Wieh is Postmaster.)
Train Thrown from IhcTrnrk nml Ilnrn-
Into the limn-,
CiircAco, Atifirttst 7. A special
from Omaha to-day, snys a freight
train on the Union Pacific Railroad
was thrown from the track last night
at Plum Creek Station by Indians.
The enjrineer, fireman and brakeman
.... , fin 1 T
were killed, liic mercnantiize was
burned. It is also ronortwl that three
or four men at the Station were killed.
This outrage is supposed to have been
oinntitted bv "Spotted lads band.
who have been feeding at the public
expense for some time.
lhe steamer hilver Jiflke, arrived
from Fort Benton, was fired into by
Indians fiirtv miles above rort Jviec,
indonc of the crew wounded.
Another dispatch savs tlie Indians
attacked tho freight train near Plum
Crock, last nmht, and threw it from
tlie track by piling tics upon tlie road,
killed and scalped seven train men, set
ire to the train, destroying it entirely,
tnd threw the slaughtered bodies into
the flames.
An Itrm nhli-h cvrrj Jinn Nhnulil Rend,
Wo have, lirobablv all of us, met
with in-tances in which a word, heed
lessly spoken .Tjrainst the reputation of
i lemale, lias neon maniuci uv nian
. , . , i v" i it' i
cioiis minds until liiccioiin nas oecn
dark enough to ovcrsliadow the vhole
existence. To those who are accustom
ed, not necessarily from ba I motives,
but from tliotiglitlcn-iitcss, to speak light
ly of ladies, we recommend these
"hints" as worthy of consideration :
Never use a lady's name in an im
proper place, at an improper time, or
in a mixed company. ..Never make
assertions about her that vou think un
true, or allusions that you feel she
herself would blush to hoar. When
vou meet with men who do not scruple
to make use of a woman s name in a
reckless and unprincipled manner, shun
them, for they arc the very worst mom
bcrs of the community men lost to
every sense of honor, every feeling of
Many a good and worthy woman's
haractcr has leen lorever ruined and
her heart broken bv a lie manufactur
ed by somevillian, and repeated where
it should not have been, and m the
presence of those whose little judgment
could not deter them from circulating
tho foul and brajryrinii report, A shin
ier is soon propagated, and the smallest
thing derogatory to a woman's charac
ter will fly on the wings of the wind,
and magnify as it circulates, until its
monstrous weight crushes the poor un
conscious victim. Kespeet me name
of woman, for your mother and sisters
arc women, and as you would have
their fair name untarnished, and their
lives tinenibittered bv the slanderer's
bitter tongue, heed tiie ill that your
own words mav bring upon the moth
er, the sister, or the M'ifu of sonic fel
Applra For own.
Ripe and mellow apples fed careful
ly to cows, will produce an extra se
cretion ot milk, tweet apples arc
doubtless preferable for this purpose
to sour ; yet the latter, when not too
acid, are a valuable feed, and should
be given in small quantities as long as
they can be preserved sound and free
from rot. To apply the produce of
the orchard in this way w much more
economical than to make it into cider,
which, as a beverage to be drunk com
monly, cither at meals or other times,
often produces very unpleasant conse
quences, but rarely, it ever, docs much
good. Vin. Jnquirei:
Shoddy is accused of having made
his money through "inflation," He
affirms, on the contrary, that it was
through contraet-ion.
The slave pen at Richmond has
been converted into a divinity schoo
room for colored preachers.
Good manners and good behavior
cost nothing, but are worth millions,
Who and What Triumphed.
The Democratic papers throughout
the North are rejoicing at the result of
the recent Kentucky election. This
is perfectly proper and anything else
would be unnatural. The reader will
readilv understand this when he has
is its exact meaning.
We imagine that wc will not be
suspected of rancor when we make the
ii .... ! ti.
IOIlOWUlg UMUIlluiia, xiil-v mc BU
widely known, that it would bo "pain
ting the lily" to accumulate proofs i
1st. John 1j. Helm, Uovernor elect,
was, during the entire war of rebellion,
an undisguised sympatiuzcr wiut me
Confederates. lie was more than
once arrested by Sherman and Rous
seau ; and more than once engaged in
open or covert schemes, which looked
solely to the benefit of the Rebel Con
federacy. He has not during all the
lonff and weary vears of war breathed
one patriotic aspiration for the national
2d. John Y . Stevenson, lieutenant
Governor elect, has uniformly adher
ed to the Calhoun school of politics. He
has boon a true Leaver in the doctrines
of States' Hights, in their broadest nnd
most dangerous interpretation, and an
nndeviating adherent of John C.
Breckinridge. His fealty to the lost
cause is beyond question.
M. John lvo(lman,Attorncy ucnerai
leet, raised a regiment for service in
tho Confederate army nnd left Ken
tucky with Bragg, in 1862. Wo have
not at hand the details of his military
service; but it will notbeileiiicd that his
heart anil soul were in the Confederate
4th. I). Howard Smith, Auditor of
btato elect, was Colonel ot a regi
ment of Confederate cavalry jtnd served
n the rebel army during the entire war.
5th. James YV. Tate, of Frankfort,
I'rcasurer elect, was during the entire
war a partisan ot the rebellion, lhe
tact is known to every citizen ol tins
place and needs no elaboration.
Cth. A N. iSniith, Niperintendcnt
of Public Instruction elect, hits always
ami notoriously held kindly and hope
fill views for the Southern Conledora
7th. James A. Dawson, Register of
the State Lan Ollice, elect, was lor a
irief space an aetiivjf Ijn uicnant in the
Union armv. His entire term of
Union military duty did not aggregate
the number ofdavs employed in the
late canvass. Mr. Dawson has been
barged with having cxpressel regret
that he ever wore the blue, Wc have
never hoard him use the expression
in fiict, he has denied it ; but his most
active energies have, for two years,
been used in league with those whom
Mr. Dawson knew to be unblushing
traitors. t think we might safely
state that Mr. Dawson would have
preferred seeing tho South succeed, to
witnessing the incidental overthrow of
slavery, in the triumph of tho Nation.
tj.. I. . 1 . t' ...!.:..!.
oucn is a use oi camiitian's iiu ii ii
majority of the people of Kentucky
have, at a free poll, elevated to office.
lhe people ot tho nation jire author
ized to judge of tho populace by their
representative men. l is a itur inicr-
cnee that these gentlemen, strung on
the cord of a common sympathy lor
the rebellion, arc to bo considered the
rosary of the Democratic church in
Kentucky. Such is our honest Ix-lief.
Such will be the judgment of all calm
minded men.
What, then, is tho practical infer
once ? It is that the "lost cause is
found again in Kentucky. That the
majority that flinched from shot and
shell, arc now bold in mere treason
able indorsement. The hands that
feared to assault the armed Republic,
arc swift (the (Linger of life and money
past) to become accessories alter the
fact, J. ho pith ot the moral is that
Kentucky would to-morrow hail with
applause, (not by any means with ma
terial aid,) a counter-revolution, which
would eject Congress from its power
and transfer the i cderal rule. to John
C, ireckinridge, Jesse D. Uright, and
Isliam G. Harris.
The election of Monday last is a
demonstration. Practically, it indorses
t ti: r n. !. .. 1
rcuciuon. l oiiueany, a insures a
publican triumph in Ohio, Pennsylva
nia and New "iork, by greatly increas
ed majorities. '
German Baptist churches arc multi
plying. There are now in the United
States and Canada eighty of these
churches. Twenty years ago there
Were only eight,
What is tho difference between
barber and a mother ? One has razors
to shave, and the other has shavers to
Americans will spend ten millions
in Europe this year, on knick-nacs
and hotel bil-and worse.
The various irianufkcturcn of hoop
skirts in this country use up about one
.hundred tons of steel weekly.
Ofllclal Cormpandenr.
The following is an estaet copy of
the correspondence between the Presi
dent and Secretary Stanton :
Washington, D. C, 1
Executive Mansion, Aug. 5, '67. J
Sib ! Considerations of a high char-
icter constrain me to say that your res-
nntion as Secretary ot ar will be
iccepted. Very respectfully yours,
Andrew Johnson.
To tho Hon E. M. Stanton, Secretary
ot War.
War Dkpatment, 1
f Vashinc.ton, D. C, Aug. 5, '67. J
Slit : Your note of this dnto has
icon received, stating that public cou
iderations of a high character con
train you to sav that ray resignation
is Secretary of war will lie accepted.
In reply, I have tho honor to say that
public consideration of a high charac
ter, which alone have induced me to
coutinuc at the head of this Depart
ment, constrain me not to resign the
ollice of Secretary of War before the
next meeting of Congress.
erv rcspectlully,
Fjpwi.v M. Stanton,
The following is a copy in full of
the correspondence between tho Presi
dent, Mr. Stanton and Gen. Grant.
Wahhixoto, D. C, 1
Executive Mansion, Aug. 12, '67. J
Sir : Bv virtue and power of authori
ty vested in me as President by the
Constitution and laws of the United
States, you are hereby suspended from
oflico as Secretary of Wur, anil will
cease to exercise anv and nil functions
pertaining to the same. You will at
once transfer to General Ulysses S.
Grant, who has this day been autho
rized and empowered to act as Secre
tary of War ad interim, all records,
books, papers and other public proper
ty now in your custody and ehaigo.
cry respectfully, yours,
Andrew Johnson,
To the Hon. Edwin M. Stanton,
iisliingtoii, D. C,
AVau Department, 1
Washington, Citv.Aug. 12, '67. f
Mr: lour note ot tins date has
been received, informing mc that bv
virtue of the power and authority vest
ed in vou as President by the Consti
tution and laws of the United States, I
tin suspended from othce as Secretary
of War, and will cease to exercise any
and all functions pertaining to the
same, and also directing mo at once to
transfer to General Ulysses S. Grant,
who has this day been authorized ami
empowered to act as Secretary of War
( interim, all records, hooks, papers
uid oincr piiiiin; property now in my
custody and charge.
Under a sense ot public duly, 1 am
compelled to deny vour rignt under
the Constitution and laws of the United
States, without the advice and consent
of the Senate, and without legal cause,
to suspend me from ollice as Secretary
of War, or the exercise of any or all
functions portiiMi'ii;' to lhe same, or
without sii-li a-lvi'.- and consent to
compel me t- titmsli-r lo any person
the records, honks, papers and othor
public property in my custody as Sec
retary of War. But inasmuch as the
General commanding the armies of the
United States has been appointed Sec
retary of War ad interim, and hits noti
fied mc that he has accepted the ap
pointment, I hnvc no alternative but to
submit under protest to superior torec.
Very respecttuliy, yours.
Edwin M. Stanton,
Secretary of War.
To the President.
Washington, D. C,
Executive Mansion, Aug. 12, '67. J
Sin : The Hon. Edwin M. Stanton
having been this day suspended asSce-
ret.-irv ot War, you arc hereby autho
rized and empowered to act as Secre
tary ot ar ad interim, and M ill at
once enter upon the discharge of the
duties of that office. The Secretary of
ar has been instructed to transfer to
you all records, books, papers and other
public property now in his custoday
and charge. V ery respectfully, yours.
Andrew Johnson
General Ulysses S. Grant, Wash
ington, D. C.
General Grant wrote Secretary Stan
ton a note, indorsing his course as Sec
retary of War, and commending the
ability and patriotism which he has
displayed in tho ar Department,
A consc ript, licing told that it was
sweet to die for his country, excused
himself on the ground that he never
liked sweet things.
Gen. Breckinridge and lady con
tinue to live in Paris, as guests of the
family of Mrs. Burbank, of Kentucky
Gen. Beauregard has been elected
Vieo President of the New Orleans
Commercial and Industrial Associa
Loos T. "Wiofall, late of Texas
Intends to enter upon tlie practice of
, tv.i i . a :
ally with American cases other than
the Alabama claims.
Why is a newspaper like a wifo ?
Because every man ought to have one
of his own.
Blackberries in West Virginia sell
for ten cents a gallon. West Virini-
ana will make money if they con
Oiitrac-Fon Attempt at Bnrlir- by Fonr
71 en vtotiiau miooiavue nnu npuia
the Nkull or Another.
The Stanford, (Canada,) Herald,
savs : "A statimg rumor prevaueu m
Stratford to the etfoet that three men
had been killed by a woman in the
township of Elma. On making in
ouiries. wo learned from Chief Con
stable Harrison the following facts, as
given by Messrs. Moore and Dood,
constables lrom .Lima s
"A woman named Gibson, living
near Towbrulge, had lately received a
sum of money from her husband, who
resides in tho States. A his, ot course,
became noised abroad among tho neigh-
rs. On Saturday evening last four
men entered the house in her absence,
but not being able to find anything,
In the cvemncr the same parties came
again ; tins time Airs, Uibsou was at
home. On their demanding admission
she refused, as the children had told
her of the previous occurrence.
1 hey then attempted to force their
way in. Airs. Liibson warned them to
desist, at the same time threatening to
shoot : but they still persisted, when
she fired tho gun and shot the foremost
in the face ; the others withdrew for a
while with their companion, but short
ly returned to the house, antl burst the
wiridow open. The brave woman
seized an ax and buried it in tho skull
of the man who was attempting to
limb through the window. The other
two immediately decamped, taking
their wounded companions with them.
Ihc alarm was not given till morn
ing, when the neighbors turned out nnd
followed tho tracks, which were easily
list-inguished by the pools of blood
which lay along the road ; but it was
found tho parties had got into a con
veyance and drove oil". Up to going
to press we have not learned that any
were captured, It is almost certain
that one of the ruffians was killed, and
the one that was shot must have been
severely wounded, as the woman saw
them carry him away m-loro returning
to their second attack.
The W nitca of Women.
The custom from time immemorial
seems to have been to pay a woman
, ., i. i 1 1
less tnan a man ior doing tno same
work. Doubtless this relic of other
iigcs arose from tho fact that work as
signed to women in other tunes was oi
a less skilllul character than that of
men, because mechanical pursuits were
not so varied, and, with some few ex
ceptions, arc unfit avocations, on uc
count ot want of strength, lor the
weaker sex. Sedentary employments,
lighter and better suited to their pow
ers, aro jewer ana promiuiy not so
profitable, and in consequence v.'n have
had foisted upon our better civiliza
tion, and more varied demands for
labor, a system evidently iimitst and
partial, because the standards of com
pensation in labor should be skill and
industry; partial, because it makes a
listinction for which there is no loun
lation but that of false custom, It is
time we were standing out of our own
light in this matter, else the time may
come, even in prosperous America,
when subsistence, not competence, will
bo the only object attainable hymen or
women ; because gradually women
will bo employed at the low rate of
compensation, and men will bo obliged
to starve or work tor the same reiinin
oration. Another light in which wc
may look at this matter, and an im
portant one, is its bad tendencies.
Morality demaiKU that wc shall not,
by our abominable stickling for the
customs of the past, force women to
resort to lives ot degradation, as wc
arc doing now, in order to escape lrom
tho clutches of starvation. Justice,
interest and morality demand that the
skilled lalwr of women should receive
the same reward as that of men.
niaeaaea Produced by Mlceping Toethrr.
During the night there is consider
able exhalation from our bodies, and
at tho same timo wc absorb a large
quantity of the vapors of the surroun
ding air. Two healthy young chil
dren sleeping together will give and
recieve healthy exhalations; but an
old, weak person near a child will, in
exchange for health, only return weak
ncss. A sick mother near her daugh
ter communicates sickly emanations
to her; if the mother has a cough of
long duration, the daughter will at
sonic time also cough and sutler by it;
if the mother has pfumonary consump
tion, it will be ultimately communi
cated to her child. It is kuown that
the bed of a consumptive is a power
ful and sure source of contagion, as
well for men as for women, nnd the
more so for young persons. Parents
and fricntls ought to oppose as much as
is in their power the sleeping together
of old and voung persons, ot tho sick
and of tho healthy. Another reason
ought to forbid every mother or nurse
keeping small children with them in
bed Notwithstanding the advice of
prudence, no year passes that we do
not hear of a new involuntary infan
ticide. A body full of life, health and
vigor in the evening is found dead
the pext morning, suffocated by its
parents or nurse.
Daniel Webster was right when
he remarked of tho press i "Small is
the sum required to patronize a news
paper; amply rewarded its patron, 1
care not how numblo and unpretend
ing the gazette he takes, , It is next to
impossible to nil a printed sheet with
out putting into it something that is
Verms of vertiinr
AnvcitTMi! mm Inwrted t l S rr ninar jt
fortlirwltm-rtlnnii, and B rrmtm wr ttura
for Mrtiiddltlonai lusertlon : (t! l'nr or In ,
counted wiunr). All trannlbnt HdTcttuemenM
Hi-HixeiH Karicnart nnrtrrthe hrailof Iwl
niw will be charged Invariably 1 ccata a Una
lor encli Insf illon. - ' iJ,"!T
A IttM-ml iiittm-tion mane to prnwmi mnnw
lug by the qimrti-r, bull-year or year. Special
uotlrra t-banti-d one-halt mora than regular ad
vertlaemenia. i . 1
Jon I'Ki.vnxnnfevervklnd In Plain and Fan.
ey colon; Hnml.bllln, lllanka, Carda Panipbtcta,
oi every varn-iy unti aiyie, prinicuni. m
ahorteat notice. The Kkitiu k-ar ornca naa
Just been re-tltted, and every thing In tbe I'rlnt
Inx line ran be exii utcd in the uioat artlatla
munnorand at the low eat ratea.
Keep Yaur Ileal Stork.
Many farmers are in tho habit of
selling their best animals, as they will
bring the highest price. A greater
mistake cannot be made. A difference
of ten, or even twenty per cent., in tho
price of a single animal, is a small
affair compared with tlie difference of
a whole herd. By keeping the very
best to propagate from, the whole may
be mado of equal excellence, and in
the course of a few years numerous
animals might bo produced, having the
excellent properties that now distin
guish gome few of tho best.
It is very cr.E.n that all the great
elements of tho country aro against
Andrew Johnson. First, tho peoplo -are
against him, as is shown in the '
result af all the elections where impar-
tial suffrage is the rule. Second, Con-
gross is against him, as is known by--(
the fact that that body has passed all
its Important measures over his veto.
Third, tho army is against him, as is
seen by tho fact that all tho groat he-
roes of tho war, Grant, Sheridan,
Thomas, Sherman, Sickles, Pope, and
a galaxy of other brilliant names, alL
oppose his policy. Truly, tho Presi
dent has only for his supporters the
rebels who lought to tlestroy tlie Gov
ernment ami tho Democrat icy who
sympathized m the cltort,
A. II. STEl'HENfl, the ex-Vioo Pres't
of tho Southern rebellion, weighs only
ninety-four pounds.
A MAN named John Wado lumped -
from the mast of a vessel at Brooklyn. ,
on Monday adistaneo of seventy feet,
to dmtlo a bet, Alio water was only
twelvo leet deep, and ho stuck in tho
mud at tho bottom and was drowned.
Death of Judge Armstrong.
Williainsport, Pn., August 13. Judge
James Armstrong died today, aged
seventy-four years.
Cholera of a mild tvpe is preval- (
cut in Philadelphia.
Johii Biixings says: "If you .
trade with a Yankee steal his jack
knife; for if he gits tow whittling, you '
ire gone in spite ot thunder.
A man being asked, as ho lay sun
ning himscit on the grass, what was
tho height of his ambition, replied, '
"To marry a rich widow with a had 1
cough." '
Last year an enfergotio lawyer in
Connecticut obtained thrco divorces ,
for one woman.
Tiieiik wero 2(5 1,298 marriages last
year in tho United States.
Twenty thousand Americans aro
reported to have sailed for Europo
since February, 18G7,
To remove stains from the cliarac-
tor Got rich.
A seo no was shot and killed at
Knoxville, for shouting for Brownlow
it a Conservative meeting.
The New York Constitutional
Convention has rejected a proposition
to disfranchise dtaertcrs and skulkers
from the draft.
Tho South Carolina papess state the rico crop in that State is en
tirely destroyed by tho overflowing of
all their rivers.
As exchange, says: To make a
muss Pour a quart of molasses in.
your wife's new bonnet." Kidicdlous!
the thing wouldu t hold a pint. . -.
Give strict attention to your own
affairs and consider your wife one of
Has any person ever tried Itarcy's
system of horse-taming on ; WvfvlgliU
mare. I
At the recent 'election in Kentucky
one of tho candidates was charged
with having been in the Union army
during tho war. As the charge was :
lamaging his prospects ho published a
card in which he positively denied
I 11 .1 i .1. !il. .L .
naving naa anyining in uo wim uiu
Union ami'. Ihat is the state in
which there was a great Democratic
victory tho othor day.
Scratches in Houses. Aslica of
corneal mixed with lard, and applied
to the affected part, is said to be a sure
If a stable is kept clean, cows will
go into it of their own accord. If
dirty, they have to bo driven in.
When will the alphabet be one let-'
tcr short? When U nnd I are one. o
"Mcm" is used as a title for lndic
on account of their well-known love
of silence. '
Why are people who stutter not to
be relied on ? Because they are always
breaking their word. :' .: ':' (
Man is a mister, and woman a mys-.
tcry. ..; ,: v -i f
Beer fills many a bottle, ami tho-
bottle many a bier. . -d
There is many a slip between tho
cup and the lip, but more slips after!
the cup has been drained by the lips, .-
Red noses are light houses to warn
voyagers on the sea of life off the coast
of Malaga, Jamaica, Santa Cms? and
Holland, , . ' ' ,.j .
Mrs. Hill, of Now York city, has
drawn, in a raffle, tho snuff box which
Louis XVI presented to Col, Laurens,
our first Minister to France, : Desti
tution, caused by the war, forced
lady of South Carolina, his descendant,
to part with it. - - '
A DwTLlino house was recently
:.J e. an . -o -vt.
IlWTIiai UUIU ' .0.1111 9 X UlUti l ill"
London, Conn., six miles, on a raft,t '