hc HSCTgncsbwrg jQftepitbRcaH TiSobriesbay, HCngust T, I8CT; JHrdirat. fJHE WOK 0R OP TIU5 A(i TIME, MONEY AXD.LAUOK PAVED! THE LATEST & BEST CUURXt Otic nf the latest Patents. Issued on thn llth day if m. , i. -hilar, IMW, to Wfii. II. M"i utehcon, of Washington, lout), will be on txhlbitluu lit JOHN BUNNELL'S, In Waynesburg, IM. ThW CHl'ItN must super cede anything of the kind heretofore produce.!. Tilt; stinplt liens of lis construction, and its t wo foM or reversed inotlon, thai pniduces hutter from three In six mi ii liti s must Induce the com- nullity to examine its (pialitlcs. It saves tlmi It saves work and produces its much butter us liny (hum In existence, Mr. Munnell has full power to sell rights for pennavlvania or New York Hlate as well as to lui nihil Churns to citi zen of Hits county. morris, fi-lomaco., 3;-.7-tf. Agents. F O U T Z'S CZLlBaUfED This firemntlon. ) long and fuvuruMy known, will tlior- ounlily niuvigoiatu brukcn-dcwn uml low-iplritttl iiorMi. hy itrfnthniiiK and cleansing the stomach and intes tines. It li a sure pre- yWP.Acr Tcnuve or ah tn. ,--e-. - fc;- Cn, s incident in tills inlmril, such u LU.XO FEVfctt, OLAMJUtd, IELLUW A- TER, HEAVES. COUGHS, DIS TEMPER, FE VERS, FOUNDER LOSS Of APPE TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, ko. Iti UN Improves tht wind, tocresset the appetite-gives inooia ami fflosiy ikio-iiid tramforras the miserable skeleton loto ft fine-looking and spirited Te keepers of Cows this preparation Is InvalunMe. Ik increases the 4 u amity ami improves the quality 01 uie milk, it lias been proven by ac tual experiment to Increuau the win tily of milk ami cream Unity pT cent, and make the batter tltm anil sweet. In fatten irir entile, It Rivit!i m an appetite, loosen makes tlaan thrire nacb faster. In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers In the Lungs, Liver, Ac , this article ants as a specific. By putting from q one -half a paper to a paper in a barrel of swill the above disease 1 will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If Riven in time, a certain preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. Price 25 Cents per Pupae, or 6 Papers for Si, PREPARED BY h. A.iotriv: iu?oM , AT Til EI It ft MILKS I LI PRlft AMI MEMC'IM HEWT, No. 116 Franltlin 6t, Baltimore, Md. For Hale by lnnrP'lU) and Storekeepers throuj(U eut the I'nltcd Suus. W. W. Roberta Co., Agents, Wnviiesbiir.', Pn. ll;i,l,'Mi-l. glll.I!MA UMAN HOL'fl'l .it s r 1'i:m:ii iiv THOMAS UilAULKY. Pw!(lvel eho rmwi -ohipi-ft Hntrl tnnurtnwn. Kvui-ytliliia iuhliit-il 10 InriiMi ilH'hest Hct'oiu uirvlntinn fvi.ryct oltWcit lolhi! pulilic. .Mi-l4 iiivniNhi-.t at all hours, tuljlc proviittvl with the In) hi llii'Mn.iin. 'rru-.Ht'rM ami tlme il--.sirotts nf rrfro .limcnt will iln nvll ioimII. " I'liiu1 mill rctniiis his, n. rcimliilinnorim ariot iMiiiiiiiuci'iiili-iiijiii. mill lim.illiil)l, lnii,li,i'l. Ilnti'-t-, tlin our nrnii-r!y nmiiileilhy tin' siiisii'i iHi'i ri;:i: liii-ly. Jl CAKRUOt: MA.St t .d 1X1.1.::, irSI:HIT.ii, I I, I llMpi'i'll'iilly uiv. s iKitl.'r tliiit ho ha lo.'.lt.M In Wnytii'.-il.iii;, V;i., vh'.re he lulriula lo iiiiinu fluturi' C A K H I A G E 8 Of cwry ilfi'ript ion, I'ro'.n his fxpcrliMiro in the biilin s la- ti'cls ff.nri.l. iit tlmt lus work. In Ktyli. hulsli aii'l tin 1 a! tti I . will rlv cut in- hat- Islii'-tiou. It Is his (Icti-viiilintlon to pun-hast tlir hp.st inattMlal In marla t, ami fiiiploy hoihm mi i-uinut'ii-iii uonimro. i(All work wamint".l I'orniH'yt'ar 'iShtiii-lf, D WSOLU riDN OK rAliTXEIi-illlP. Tht'cn.wirtnorshln hnl.)fnirt vUtlrnr nn,l.r tilt' firm nf Wnlhiri'.t; Titylnr, In thl.tihiv (Jllllil lth, illss.ilvivt hy iinililiil rni4i-nt. '1 Hi)k mi'l it nuts of tlu- tlrin nre In tin' hnn.ls it Win. Wullaa1, MU'Oi'.Hsor to Wiiltnet' ,fc 'I'nylor. m.Wai.i.ai K, 1;M HavidTayloii. Q.1CO. S. JEl-'FEUV, notaky rnii.ir. All lillhicss pcrlnlnliiR tn Hie ili"i. nlti'lliloil to proinplly. (nlii-i. with i A. T.-ii'i-aph fo., lll.il ul till' IVmrt 11 oust'. 4;l-tf. O. OF 0. K. HOKIUMKA .ODOK, NO. 058. Hnll In (lnnonr's ItnllilltiK, TjihI Main street, H'nyllt'uburi!, I'a. Tliiii'. lhiuwlnv t'v. nlim.i'ai h week. ilh. J O. OF O. F- WAY.NESliVItO I.ODC1F., NO. ItiO. Hnll tn finnenr'H Tiiill.lini:, east Main Street, WayneHburg, Tu. Titne, Tuojuiny eveninn, eaeh week. .Hi. J 0. OF O. F. WAYXEsnrno rxcAMPMENT, no. na. Hull In nnnear'g Tliillilinz, e!t Main Street,' WaynesliiirK, I'n. First nn.l seeond Fiitlny's of! nen minim. ,in Jcccdrnto' a;?t;ttf.!S. .DMINISTUATO US' NOTICE. Letters of ndmlnlKtrntliin linvint; heetiKmntecl tntheiinilersliznetl ii-kiii theetati' of Elizabeth &ta(rierfi, late of .tneksim toivnshtp.rtreene coun ty, I'n. .ilee'il.. notice Is Itcreby Given tonll per mmH tiltlebtcil to sniil ewtate ti make iminetlinte payment, uml those hnvinc elnlins to prcHcut tUeiu properly uulhenticnteilfor xi'ttlement. A. .1. IIIXERMAX, (t:5-0t. of Aleppo township. Administrator. JjJXECUTOKy K or ICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Thomas TTukIics, lute of .letlerson township, finn-no Co., ln.,dec'd.. hnviiiK liei'n granted to the under iKiiol.nntlee Is hereby Kiven to all persons in dchted to wild estate to make Immediate pay ment and those huvitm claims to present llieiu properly autheiitlented for settlement. .lull Hl'lillKs, I.IXDSEY HTUHES, F.xeeulors of Tlios. lluBlies, dee d., Jellerson tp. lWIIJOSTILVTOirS NOTICE letters of ndinlnlstrntionhnvlneleen urnnteil totheiindersiKiiisI ui,ii the estate of Mnrueret Keener, of Dunkaril tp., (ireene eonntv, Pa., iler'il.: notice Is hcn.by given to nil p.Tons In tlehtetl to said estate to make Ininuslliita pnv tnent and lhos- liavlnu claims will present tiie'm properly authentlcatvJ for m tth im nt. Ma-tit DunkaM townl 1 1 p. Adnilnl st rnt or. gXECCTOBS NOTICE. Letter testnmentsry npon the estate of Joseph Thompson, latoof Cent ret p., Greene county Pa dee'd., hnvlne been (minted to the undersigned notice U hereby given to ell persons Indebted to laid estate to make Immediate psvmsnt, and those having claims nimlnst the same will pre sent them properly authentlcateil for settlement. '',-, DAVID TUOMPSON, T;lT-ir ' ' Exceptors. A DISTIUTOR'S KOTICRj . Letters of administration harlnt be mnted to the andersiEned upon the estate of Mnrr BliarpliBck, oXJciTenon township. Orseoa ooon ty Pa., dee'd; notico is hereby siren to all per son knowing tbenualva Indebted to said sslate io Dak Immediate payment, nd Oiosabavlsg IsJm will preeent them ftoporll WbenUca7 itot atttlmenw L ;ZT" a T-.t? ew 1 tjf Ctimberlnndtrs AdinlnUtntto). ) ttlNTlNiJ THK WAYSIsnCIW ItrTVWJCAX JOR PUIXTIXG ESTAliUSlI MEXT, , S..IYLIH' Ulli.oi.Mi, E. VST OK THE I'VlrU'-'SlJlU tlf, WAYNESJSUUG, PENX'A. rAMlMII.KIS, VH'.)GIt.VMMK3, KIM. HEADS, llUSlNEfSCAHDs? I1LAMK.S. LABELS, Ac, Ac, NEATLY EXECUTED ! WE HAVE NOW A C.IiKAT VAIHIITV OK MATKUIAL! Ami n. more eumptotr stork of PA PEL', CARDS, Ac, TIkmi nny cwlnhllshmrnl width Iho titflfl rl nnr IjuhIiii'.s cit'-lr, AND WE ARE 1' It E P A It El) To execute every lesorlillon of JOB PKLXTIXG ! IS A STYLE OE NEATNESS AND BEAUTY!! CANNOT HE sntPASSED ANYWHERE W -mploy the most competent printers, and proHMe tu MEET EVEltY 0I1DEH! With which we are favored In tho SHORTEST TIME POSSIBLE ASD IS THE MOST 8AT1SFACT0UY MAXXEll. . . Particular attention tlrtD to PDIE RULE WORK CHECKS, CERT1F1 . . , CATES, 4C, T'4 TEB30 BXABOKABLt I J, tM te'kM' it ma aiatijwliii ' wsynssbllrsj, T, r EW EXCITEMEMTl tni ritortMr.D lurt-Acnxtsr II. R I N E II A It T ! FOR SELLING CHEAP GUOCEUIES! HuvltntJiiHt returned from the city, ho luisorn ed tho larKcst x e ir an o cer yi In town. Ho flnnln'et to Inform the citizen of Wiivtii'KhurKttit'l vicinity of llu' mr hi low tn krn In s!ertlnn lilHtotk, huvliioti hand u good Kiinplvof LU.N I KlTIONSrt HI At 'i ' , CIOA IW, TAIL itlso. rituVlsJo.SS. HAiti.V IHtll.D lll'i:K. 1'uTA loK, FISH, I.RIKl J'KAi'IlKS, A.-., At;, Av. I'itU ati'l ae lilui nfl he hns hocn getting A N E V S U P 1" L Y ! ! Vntl u-111 flii.1 lUm nrAAiwmniliilln nr. A n n mtM lovtr than any one In llie plui!e. lie kuiu lo go iu iiic i pwu'i, in LEDW1T1IS OLD IiriLDINO, Opposite the f'oiirt H'iiise and fyrmerly fH'i'iiple by the 1'osi tHlice. l;ls;'illi-tt. IIECO.NSTULXTION! It NOT OF THK t'MOM, nut ov ISAAC HOOFER'S flltOCritr AND COrKCTIOMKRY ! Mr. l!'Mpf r wnnhl illl hnvc h frlcn ls ntnl pat laiiN lirnr in inlii'l, thai lo i-ontiniii'N In the in-n-rv ami ( oiiii i iionriy truiltMit til usual plaro i Uoiiitf buxitivKM, uml that hi'haJUNl n-cclvnl A FIIKSH SUPPLY nf tho best quality of all i ticU hln his line. TOY. Vi tTIoNs, aii'l n uivnt vavh-ty ol nseful articlcsalwajK mi hand. It E F H E 8 II M E N T S. In onninvtlnn with the nbovt1, Mr. llnnprr kt.TpHa liL'stamant, whi it ICE CHKA5I, Hi:iUIIE.S, And all tin' 1 iixui its of t!iu kciimou can he ob tained. 'Ilit) in out ntlractivo and most popular noit In town. H;ll:'i;'-ly. nt.LlA.M WALLACE, lil:U.r',l IX GUOCEKI E.S AN D PRO VISIONS! o.K noon ti r.sT or rr.rrit mio'.VN'a rtohk. We hnve Inst ri'eelved o well selected stoi-k of Choice FAMILY ullfM 'Ellll-S , wlneli w pur chased for cash anil are cnhililcnt that we enn supply our customers and all who iniiy favor us with a call, us cheap. If not cheaper, than nny other house In the county. COFFEES, sun Arts. MOLASSES. HYItll'S, TEAS. KICK, SODA, 'loIlArroK, CIUAIIS, SNUFFS, CAXM.FX SOAPS FXTUAfl, COF FEE, HI ItA WIIEUIUES, JELLIES, tVt'., Ac., Ac. rion'l fall tocxainlneoitrstoek Hiid see for your selves, for we are tU tcrinlntd to sell as cheap us the clunpcst. .'i;H-tf l7 .IllU! IlL'tlllF.S. Thomas Li-ias. T. LUCAS & CO. ronwAnniNo and cosimipiox sthitcit.VNTa. And drahT In rro"-rlr, Hnrdwari', Leather, Shoe Flmlinu, Iron, Nails, SjiII, Fish r. Also, nin-nts for Atiiiri-y, t'rfiinlow A-l ixtn Window Sah. A unpply kept constantly on hands. Hire's Landing, ra.,alrovi' the tits. !;vtf. AZF.AH IlItUTUKIiS, WIHI.f:.ALB G ROC K It AND COMMISSION' HF.H CHANTS. No. 77, EXCHANGE PLACE, BALTIMORE. .Tar. H. Lazfah, M m. L. Lazeak. 5;lly. pL'BLIC NOTICE. Aathenrm of Hl'tillF-HA I.l'f'AH In dl?wolvei by milt no I contt'iit, tin onnmlsilon bimin-.H will Ktill berttrrled on nt the old stand, In tcood order, itnd on the most rv!ioniiblc terms, In the name and Myle of L. Hl'llr a ro,, i senior partner.) Tliey flatter themselves, by luivlmi the House and the iM'st location In the place lor that business, that tin y will kkoivku 1 literal share of the pnblle patmnntre. They will also keep a RtHxl npp1y of OIUtfFH IFson hand to necommodiiteall who may favor thrin with a mil. L. lirOHF-H A 1. 4;ltMf. Uu e s LundiiiK. 1 s OME.THING NEW ix WAYXEsnrno, penxa. TIIOS. Bit ADEN & CO., f At filestore rtiom formerly oeenpled by Andrew Wilson, Sr., next door to llraden's lrui( btore.) Itcspwt fully Informs the gool people of Greene county, that tliey have opened t II A 11 D W A II E S TOR E! And Invites a call from thelrfrlcndsnndthe pnh licuenerHlly. Their store Is filled with evervtliiliK In their line needed ly the farmeraild meidianie. Itelug practical farmers, tliey know exactly the wants of their farmer friends. Anionic thelf var iety of irorsls will Im fiHind Iron. Xmls, of all kinds, Planes of all varietii's, Aimers, Unices, Ac. Tllttle toothed, rruss cut ami mill euws, hund saws mid tools of ail descriptions, AGRICULTURAL I5IPLE3IENT9. ' Mowing Machines, flitting Doxes. Corn Shellers, Plows, Cull I valors, Shovels, Forks, and every thing in their line. 8ADDLEKY RARDWARE. A general assortment of saddlery hardware, to which they invite the attention of purchasers. WOODEN WARE OF ALL KINDS. Talis, Backets, Putter Howls and all kinds nf ei..l..n U'.l..n CI.Ih'. SI'., 1. i miii. .. i .in n. f lllliw lUl.Kt'ia, Hrooms, Bmslu-s, Conl Buckets, Bram Kettles, Buggy Whips, Shot guns, Boys Wagons and Sleds. All persons desirous of purchasing any of the abore articles and many others not mentioned, will ooaaaU their interest by CALLING BOON. Ther will take pieasrar In showta iheir Meek atsilUise. ieiT them s ceil wheayomeome to town. Kernsusar the ptoeposite lite Fijt isaiiui'isi nana. - i t". 8BADEjiCa" TUB WINHlSla CAIN If fairy tale were true. And fortunes were my hap, I'll full you wb it I'd do It' I'd llie wishing cap t I'd make enrli niiilua wile. Who'd givu both heart and hand ; And all domestic strife I'd banish from thu lurid. No ana that wrought or plough'd Should ever toil in Vititi s The great should not be proud, The small should not complain ; The friendship of a friend Should hist through good aud ill ; And, constant to the eud, Should guide the wuaJ'rer still. ...... All rulers should he just, And people should be wise. And swindsimd spenrs should ni-t For luck of enemies; The triumph! nf our time Hliould li ess the poorest lot, And misery aud crime rlnmld die ti ml be I'oriiot. The Fines,! Npeecli liver Hade. Tlit' Jr'rWMMf'ir iVnViii priinoiiiK't's Lincoln's (Jt'ttysl)iii'gsioct'li us the fin est that ever fell ii'tun hiiiiiun li. In view of this (act, uml that it is now even more pertinent than it ever was we make no apology for republishing it. We give it below : "Four score mul seven yeurs no our l:tl Iters liroiiolit forth upon this continent it now nation, conceived in liberty ami dedicated to the proposi tion that all men fire created equal. Now we are i'ng;i''cd in a "jreat civil war, toting whether that nation, or any nation so conceived or dedicated, run loner endure. Wenreinet todedi catca portion of it nx tht; final resting place of those who here (rave their lives that the nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. "Jint in a large sense wo cannot consecrate, we cannot hollow this ground. The brave men living uml dead, who struggled here, have con secrated it fitr above our power to add or detract. The world M ill little note nor remember long what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated to the unfinished work that they have thus fiir so nobly earn ed on. It is rather fitr us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us that from these honored dead we take in Teased devotion to the cause for which they here gave the last full measure of devotion that we here highly resolve that the dead shall not have died in vain that the nation shall, ii in Irr God, have n new birth of freedom, and that the Government of (lie people by the people, anil fiir the people, shall not perish from the eart u. Niimliiy ill tlie I'litornflo Mines. The Mnnliinn l'.t, of May 10th, gives the following graphic description of Sunday in the mines. Those who have been in a new mining region will easily recognize the picture : Sunday, however, was beiuififn. The Catholic, Episcopal anil Methodist churches were largely attended, anil the songs of praise were mingled with the voice of the horse auctioneer as he dashed up mid down the crowded street on tht! "best bargain ever tillered on the 111 Icii. Jt made rather an amusing dialogue at times, to listen to the minister and the ntietionncer. I 'cr imps tliey (lnl not notice it, lint others did I; for instance, imagine the follow - mg: "What shall I do lo be saved?" "Bin' a first rate saddle horse." "What shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" "Only thirty-seven ,11 i, . . . dollars: or, reversing the order. "How much do 1 hear fur this horse V" Seven baskets of fragments." "Who wants to buy him at, forty dollars; "Jhvcs lit the torments of hell." I hiring the afternoon, a bit of a fight occurred in the street, by way of variety, in which one of the parties, in addition to getting his fiiee badly damaged, was put in the raluhuo.se to repent his sins at leisure, which it is presumed he did, as he got down on his knees si' vera 1 tiniest 1'ctbre reach ing it. And so it is with us of a Sabbath dav. The devotee and the drunkard side by side ; religion and business; pleasure and profit; profan ity and praise ; virtue ami vice inter mingle ami jostle each other as we all glide along the swill current of life, strewn with wrecks and filled with breakers. How Hid lie Find it Out? A traveler once arrived at a village inn afler a hard day's travel, ami be ing very tired, requested a room to sleep in ; but the landlord said they were entirely full, and that it was ini tiossible to aocoinimxlate him that his wife had to sleep on the sofa, and himself on the floor, but he would see what his wife could do fiir him. The good woman, on being applied to, said there was a room he might occupy, provided lie would agree to the con ditions, viz : to enter the room late in the evening and leave it early in the morning, to prevent scandal, as the room was occupied by a lady. This he agreed to do. Alxmt two o'clock in the morning an awful uoise was heard in the house, and our friend, the traveler, was tumbling heels over head down stairs. The landlord, . upon ar riving at the spot, inquired what the matter was. The traveler ejaculated as soon as he was ableto siveak : "Oh ! Lord t that womau'o tlead !" "I know that," replied the landlord, "but how did you find it out 1" .. - .-. . - Pithy asd Tkce. Elder Swan used to gay that if the doctrine of uni versal salvation . be true, the Bible ought to be read : "Wide is the gate and broad is the way which . leads to heaven, and evcn-rxxlr coca tlicrc jtaright the gate ana ' narrow k the way that kada to hell; and ton can't ' fttX ! tf wrnn . - - W. ROSS, rilTSlCIAX AND ai'ROEOX, pdli-e In Jewell's building, West end of Main St uyuesburg. 4;l: ttf. g LATER ODENBAUtill, HEALER tS nil CCS, AXD MKDICIX C, Liquors and everything pertaining to a first class Drug (Store. Prescription carefully com- iiuiiieu. uicigus um niuuu, ' v nviiesliiirii . olfotHMy. ) ENIISTHY. l have located In Wiiynesbnrg, and ntn oecu pyhixthe lute resldenee ot Ur. H. S. I'ntton. Hav ing talti'ti great pains to become thoroughly m ununited with ln.it h tho theory and practice) nf fieiittstry. anil having imrl ancvperieuccoiscven years In the profession, I del wairtintisl In any- tint nun my patients simii quve uo cause to com plain of inferior operations. Extraction u-lll t rendered painless, when desired, by the ndmln 1st rut loll ol'"I.U0jfllt!lg gas' or otlHTIlliest heller t'luirifes moderate, amlall operations warrant." a retui'seiitisl. I will bent home wirimri- iti AiivKNrt iiK Ironi the lllteenth to the thirtieth of every month. Jus. S. HElUTil. tl;l:Mf BELLOWS' WORM L0ZFGE3! Are, without exception, the most estrnordltm rv Medlrine of theune, CornprlslUK nsthey do, lleiuarkahl" 1'ntter tn expelliiiK worm, with pleasant tateand Tteet hulety. They contain no Mercury, no Mineral, noTurpetitiite, not ill nf Wnrai'MM'd, no HoitK.ti, nothing Injurious, They are entirely Veuetahfe. SYMiosnor Woumh: Itrhlnof tho nose, fe. vcrlhm H,twitchliiH or Kturtiiiy; suddenly dur hufsleep, pain In Ihestumiich, loss of Ute.-li, pule ncMS with tUTtieappetilo sometiiueH voraelouN, at othiTN frehle, a iliillneMS ol Hat eyes drowsi ness, a swelled upper lln, toinjut uhltely luire l and Htuilded wttU red xpotx, fiietid or fiarlle bn-at Ii, ui iiiitlnnot the teeth dui'limleep,u u-n-satlniiid lodument in the throat, nu Iiniiattinil eravitm for diet ,ehalk or elay, tret fulness and Ir rttability of temper, ehollc llts and palsy. Intes tinal Worms are miiioiik tho first to undermine (he eotedltullon In the lint ul disease. They ofien cH-eanlun severe dlneane, endliui somet inie's falidly, pnillriilarly when they iiM-etid to the Ktiaiiacli. Their presence hi thetrinosronllnary situation Is attended with iintavorable ((t'eets upon the general health. Kmimiit men annert that nil are more or less trim hied with worms, and that many die annually from this cause, who.hythe timely administration ot a pmper n inedv would be save I. As KKLLi iVK' WtJH.M L iKN(M:s may be taken without any unpleas ant results, Hiid as mwt ehildien are loud of thctii, their ne Ik recommended lo those appar ently healthy, and thus dispel the cause of what would produce sult'erlntr. He careful -what you use. Various remedies havo from time to time, heeu recommeiirletl, such ast alotin l, (ill of H Ormwoo( Turpentine, t,ve.( so that dangerous and even latal ct m .-) itcn--esare produced. 'J'he necessity nf a safe and sure remedy has caused much research mid study by the proprietors of I- KLMiWS' Wo KM I,i (ZKNi IKS. They ure positively sale, pleasant and ed'eeiual. They do not kill worms, but act by iiniklnn their dwelling place dtMunenihle to them. In order, however, to mmid caiisuiueis aualust deception by a base compound, the uti iilysisof lr. A. A. II A YlvS, state Assayer, prov Iiilc the above statement isaniiexetl. . "I haveanalyzeil the WnltM L"ij:UKS pre pared hy Messrs. Kki.iiwhA t'n., and llud that I hey are free from Mercury and othrr metallic or mineral matter. These Locnesan;sltllttiily eomiMMiii'lrd, pleasant lo taste, sate, yet Nin e and elleelual In tle-ir action. ' Kespectlully. A. A. IIAVR4, M. !., Assayer of the State of .Mass. ririise reiui inbcrthat Fellows' Worm Lnen gesaie prepared with ureal, enre from the con centrated extracts ol two plants. They do not art as a imruaflve oremelie, will not debilitate the patient, are so simple an Infant may devour a whole box without harm, ami will at the same time expel the worms In an extraordinary man tier. .? Fellows' worm Lorrinres In (he only Worm Iti-medv In existence cnmhinlmc harmless final ities with dcltelous taste und amazing power, I'j'lee Twenty -live rents per i!ox. Five boxesfor ailollar. The siunature of Fellows A Co. Is ul tached 1'ieaeh ueiiulue Imx. Hold by Medlclm dealers generally. Fn-pfitcd at the New Fhk laud Itotaiilc liepot, for the Proprietor. .1. C. FUKNCIL Pkmah l!.l!Nl-S A fo, (Jen'l. Ayeiits, N, V, -l;L'l-im. i NINVALUAIirEMKmciNKKOUTHE 1 rUItlFYLNU OF TlIK IlLUOl). ML J. W. roLAND'H II U M ) U I) () (J T O n. A Positive Ucmedv for all kinds of Humors, par tleularly Frysipelas, Nelllo Itush, Halt. Klieum, Srroln la, t aibunfleis, Hoilsand Piles. It Is very uratilvintj tosay ol this, or of nny other inr-dl-einr, l,l is the very hesl remedy kuomi," It Is not always no easy to prov H, It Ik, however, exceedingly fjralily lii to the proprietor of this niedlelue, that, White heiteclnres to the public that this is a most wonderful ami elleelhe spec I . lb- it ir Humors, asstaled above, he has abundunt pifrot at hand to sustain his statement. For sixteen yours the Iluuifr I toe tor has been inaiiulartured and sold, ami every year has In creased the value of Its reputation, and the amount of its sales. In New Hampshire, where It originated, no remedy for humors is so highly prized. An eminent physician 'now an army surgeiitii when piactictiig In New llampshirr, purchased between lllty or sixty Rallons of It, during some seven or eight years, and used It In bis practice. Helms si me then ordered It for the hospital where he was stationed. Other physi cians have purchased It, and have used If In practice wltli great success. When the proprie tor lived in New Hampshire, at UotMou'n i cu ter, tor the space of thuly or forty miles iiroiiiel, and in M.'iiiieMcr, partlcuhtrly, the llomor Iwietor was well known and highly valued for the numerous and wonderful cures which It ef fected. Though manufactured In lare o,nantl ties the supply was frerpietitly exhaustetl, and purehuM-ii harl to wall for more to is1 made. In that region some very severe eases of Fryslpeles were treated witli and I hey were cured ! Kry sipehis, sores, or earbunclcs, those ugly, painful ulccis, were entirely removed wiierever this medicine was liilthtnlly used. Ho It was with Hcrotula and Salt Uhemn. The liuinor Ixlor euretl them. For the sake of showing what Is thought of It, u aw lesumonmift are ncrr inserted: MuvioN Oai.k, F,.sq,, lloSI'-.V. I hereby certify that I was sorely n ft! let erf with liolls for two years, developing t'heiuselves up on my limbs atid other purls of my Imdv. The sullcriiigH which I ' ndurerl trom them are Imle sciihable. Sutllce it tosay that I falthhilly tried several of the most popular humor remedies, but without removing tlie nllllrtion. At lem:lh, by the eaim-st reijin .-tt of an intimate friend, I was induced to try Ir. .1. W. Poland's Humor Doctor, and am verv happy to attest I hat all my Polls were removed and my health was restored by using Hr. J. W. Poland s nroresaid medicine. Boston, Jan. 11, ivm. MILTuN C1ALK. A. ('. WAhL.rr, F.kq., M.VNciiMTEn, N. If. Tr. .1. W. Poland Tear Sir: I very cheerfully give my testimony In favor of your Humor tor ns an exeidlent remedy for humors. My nu mi ro(isacfiinintiinceM in Manchester know how severely I was alllirtcd with liolls and they know how perfectly good my health Is at pres ent. Your Humor I nh tor cured me. Please re fer lo me for particulais lu my ease. June 11, jvui. A.c. WALLAf K. .Mia Por.Tit, Dov ji, N. II. July IE, lsV. Pit. Polanp: Irneelved your letter InmiirliiK a to the ett'ects of your medicine on seu-plck-ness. I am happy totay that f think it Is "the medicine" for that dreadful sickness. I tried various prescriptions, but found none that set tled thr stomach and cleared the head like the Humor Hoator. I it p as though I could hnrdly wait to get ashore, toeutrent yon fo Introduce it into ship chandlery slonm, that It may find its way to those w ho suiter upon the mighty deep from sea-sickness. If rnpiains who fake their families with (hem, or carry passengers, should try II once, thry would never be willing, to voy Bge without it. I have tisi d it for my family since Its Introduc tion to the public for bilious habits, headache and humors about my children, and have always found it n sun mre. 1 am not fond of having my nnme appear In publie, and would not consent to it on any other account imt to relieve tho su tiering; but if the foregoing will le of any service m you or the publte, you can make use or it. Yours, UAUUUvT M. rOIiTEIL Mnh more might le ntnterf In Telatlon tothls inudietne.as contained in testimonials, but it is neelless. Ask Manchester dmgglsts, about It, especinlly y W. ttiake at Ilnrr n. iiirpiire of Mr. Henry Pluiuer, of I led lord, w hone wife was cur ed by It of Salt Itheuni. Ask almmt any person In HRHtiiwn, and they well deidnre Its value as a remeily.iw used In their own eases or by their friends. The Humor toefor wns formerly olrf at fifty cents per Imttle : but the nmt of every ingrwlf ent composing it has gone up so enormously, that the price nns been mlsel to nEvrNTY-Klvt; cknth only, and that by compulsion. The Humor Dtsdor in prepared at the New F.n gland Hot ante Depot, mr the lnprletor, J. 0. French. sold br Medicine Penlern everywhere. PF..M SH liAK.N fc tx to., Utneral Anentn. New York. 4;--m. AYNEeSIiUIlU 3IAIUJLE AND dTUNE WORKS. SAYEISS & RIXEIIART. Still eontlnnetoenrry on th. Marble and Stone cnlttng business at their long established stnnit Immediate east ur the Public thisare, betwwn Hhsu and Onsjue streets, Wavnestairg, Pa. This astnblisliment has been In constant oper ation since iNtu, and Uie long experience and en ergy of the proprietors, linked with the eee clse of sound Judgment a nd good taste, luwe won for them n wldesoread and enTtabte renutntlon. Aa extensive stocli of ther Tartoe vartetlee of in nest marble Kept con vantly on hand, is pe el oi auentioo paid to pottabing, pnssinsj, earo Ing snd enrmvlDf. i . .. . AU order prouiptty AUed. iSklt-tC T. LW SUMMER GOODS, t ' SHIRK & SUTTON, (8CCCESSORS tO A. WILSOK, Jit , ATSEMflta.) AVo Imvo removed to WuyneHhurff.nnd respect fully Inform our friends and the publlethat we uru now receiving u beautiful asuortmeut of CHEAP DRY 0001)8, For the ftprlns; trade, to vhleh we Invite the nt tentlonot our old cUHtoiuerN and till others loan examination of ourtoek, which umbrueu tlu BETTER GOODS tit less price thnn we do. Weenll ntlentlon lo our stock ot Millinery Trimmings llalmoral ami iiisiji maris, Hosiery, j loves una tMbhollil. CAUCO AND AIUSLIXS! And every variety of poods usually kept In ft first class Store. .Men and liny' F U It X 1 8 II I N 0 GOODS! of all kinds, Men and Hoys' Jlals, fnps, Boots OltOCEItlES, NOTIONS, Ql'EENSWAItE, Ae,, Ac, It would leuschss to undertake to eliuuierate all our goods, n will endeavor to inane it loymir Interest to ileal Willi us. .We hos' by glvlngstriet ntteiitlon to btlsl- licssaild Illillorillili. ili'iilllur In Im-rlt n llli,.r,.l share of patromige. Ijrop In ut nil events. DONT FOltOET THE PLACE, at A. Wilson's Store room, In Wilson s Nc lliiilillng, Wayneshiirg, I'a. fc'l-tf '117 (J 0.METI1 1 NU KEW ! MtW. E. 8. HAYE1W & II0SKISMON Have Just arrived from the East with a lurR assortment or riirelmi uud domestic D Jt Y 0 O () I) S, SPUING AND SUMMER STYLE3 ! which they propose to sell nt the lowest f'ASH prices ! such as Kress UooiN, press Trim filing, Press ilutlons. Ladies Shawls, Hoots nndshfrcs, Halsaml Caps ; also, n great variety of nice articles, nt very low prlccg for GENTLEMEN AND LADIES' WEAR, Wares of all kinds, nnd a complete varletv ofthe best (illlll EltlEN. Allofwhleli thi.y propose to sell at the very lowest ilgiircM, depeiuling on the (ilality and clieauiesM or their good to gain them custom, (live them a call before purchasing elsewhere. nnd they will prove ttiat the shove is correct. Itooiii In Allison's building, nearly opposite the t.'olirt House, Wuyneslillrg. t;l,'li7-tf JJEALTIFUL DISPLAY! DHY GOODS, CLOTHS, CASdIMEKS, 4o., EVANS' ESTABLISI IM 1CNT. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT EVEUYTIILN'O IN THE LINE! Wishing to close out for the KnII tnule, he nf fers hl H'sids nt astonishing low rates forerish. The stis'k is us into us the latest and the. best in market. Minor's Iltlllillng, opposite the flrecne House. t;il-llil. L. K. EVANS. JATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W. URAKLEY'S CEEEDIiA TKD PATENT DUPLEX E L I P T 1 C cm lioviu.E srr.rxo) SKI II T. Tho Wonderful Flexibility and ureal com fort nnd pleasure toaiiy hidy wearing the Implex Kliptie SKtrt will exrerlenee particularly In all crowded ahsetnhlien, operas, earrlagerv rallroml eHr,rhnrcii pews, arm chairs, fr promenade and iiousi dreiw, ns the skirt can l toldeil when In use t occupy small plaee as ensily and coiive uieiitlvne! a SUk or Muslin Preui, an invaluable iimlity iu crinoline, not round In any Single spring skirt. A lady having enjoyed the plensnre, comfort and great convenience of wearing the Puplex Kliptiesteel spring wklrt for a single day, will neverarterwHids willingly dispense with their use. For Children, Misses and Young Iwdies they are suts-rlor to nil others. 'liiey will nottendor break like the single spring, but will preserve their perfect nnd grace ful shae when three or r.Mir ordinary skirts will have been thrown osid tut useless. The hoops are covered Willi douhlf nnd twlstefl thread, and the bottom roils are not only double springs, but twlreo-rdoubleicoverrrf; preventing them from wearinml when drugging down stoops, stairs, Ae. The Implex Ellpfle lift jrrent fhvoritrt with nil In lies and l universally recianniende! by the Fashion Magazine as theslumlard skirt pf the fjishlonnble world. To enjoy the following inestimable advantages mt'rinolfne. viz: siipcrlorqunllty, perfis-t man utiwture, stvllsh shae and linlrth. tlexlbllity, durubilitv, "csimfort and economy, enquire for .1. W. ni'tAPLFYH Implex Kliptie, or Double spring Skirt, and are sure you net Uie genuine ""cAFTroS. tn Ktinnl ngaint imposition be particular to N(1H'K that skirts otlerd an "DU PI.KX" have the red Ink stamp, vlr; MJ. W. Ilnulley'e Puplex Kliptie Steel spring." Also Not lee that every Hoop will admits, pin being pnssed thnmgh the centre, thus revealing the two on double) spring brudwd together I herein, wlileh la the eeeret of tbeir tlexibillty and strength and a cotubinution not to be found in any other skirt. For sale in all store where first clam skirts are sold livouglioul Uie Lulled btaiesi ana else where. Msutuimcttireti try ths tele Owners otlhe Patent, T WiSTi BRADLEY A CY, , ST Chamber 4 Tt A II RcaUe Simtal N. f . ' ; J SEW rEBlTXE FOR IMF. Ui.XUKEHCUlU . Phal.si's wa, Bleemlag Cercsis. Pkalsas. Might BImbiIsii Orests. Pkaloa'a "Xllil BlMislsg tmu." Phalea's . tight Blasnlug f'eresis. rkaleat "stlBht Bleeoslag t'crews. A Biftit .vi)nl.lts, .-Itcst., ftnit Frssrsnt Pwfhsie, stall led from tk rsr sn4 kmitlhil luwtr from wbisk it tasiM iu turn. stsnttfsstnrtd enly by . ' Pll.tl.O.1 V 0M, Rtw Verk. liEWAnn or couttTrRrEirs. ASK rtR PHAL0N S-TAKH KO OTUER CLIMAX! "CLIMAXll Pnges Climax Saho, a Family blessing for 25 tents. It heals without a scar. ' N family should be without It We warrant It to cure Scrofula Sores, Salt Itheuin, Chilblains. Tetter, Pimples, and all Eruptions of tho Skin. For Sore Breast or Nipples, Cuts, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Ac, it makes a perfect cure. It has beea used over fifteen years, without one failure. It has no parallel having per fectly eradicated disease and healed after all other remedies had failed. Itlsn compound of Arnica with many other Extracts and Balsams, and put up in larger boxes for the snmo price than any A 111! V ! t ll.-'-t. n el m U - (,4 u...t.n in I'ii.fndc! P n f'' ir wr'r't. Sen ('n w ot eirh it'iuf, of Ii - i ..t vy. u o.M-c t-anip mim lor h dn lor vhlia tl I' -c ,;t e-Tv-i, r-lmn p trrhsiiiix. Itm lh. Iwo llkf-. i.u, i.v o tin? l)).-;or. ,o in iu.) laa rife ol .in .ji Oil. n i ! :i 'i.vMi.v v tn no-y U, !mi.!rirct Ii -t t!i, nrv an tin) i n-. Tim. r :ii Hnl .- nli Prii :y'.f i i 1 l.i rr, if!r l,Vi p-r Loir. -r ;.vil.o la; -iu.-ii. All if-Mcr-tor sdv.ee di u'.I l-p uJi. I lo hr. H-iniitijis IV.nril ,.. i. r, ; ,rn iti h rr.. r:i-stf . p,. lii ii mi vii i -s 4 Awaif t pi-nm- li.irim it IN., X. Y.; l. H- IU t.c I'.n.moic, ill.; ,i:n l, P.r.i iU-'.-.i v, Oliio; Wmicer Tilor, Ctil- m o, i.t.: C j..iiii itioi,, a, ii.i.-, M'i. (law vi. ip 1 rr. 0 RtMIAN S COURT SAM-:. Ily virtue of n decree nnd In pursinm',e of nit o der Issued out of I he trphans" Court of (ireene cot inly, I will expose to public sale, on the prem ises, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, t'i7, ft certain messuago nnd tract nf land situate hi .leriHison township, a'ljoliilng laiels of John nnd fieorge Hex, Itlclmrd llawltius, Hon. 'I hus. P. Pollock, l iiori, Hharpneck anil Daniel Munloeli; eiiitHlnii)4 ONE Ill'N PRKP AND FIOITTV-PIX AND T1JKEK-FOURTH A CI IKS, more or less, nbotit one hundred acres of which are rlenrrd, and litis tlicreon a hewr-d Ion dwel ling houM1, a Ntn Ida nnd sheep-shed, npplo orchard, coal, lime-sloiie, Ac; being iho proper ty of tho estate of ISAAC nrAC.aLDGE, DKC'D. The same will lie sold In one or two parcel. n may bedeeincd (just for iho-e Interested lu tho tate. LMVI I1LACKLF.POK, 7;II-lw Trustee. JyVNDaAliIi. ' " For sale, l.ftin iiere of Timber wnd, on fho Hattimore nnd Ohio Railroad, mar Llttlet4Mi Mtatlon, West Vn., on which there Is a Hteam Snw Mill, Tannery and abundance of the best kind r.f stave, Jluilding mid Stave Timber. Js rich nnd well adapted to grazing, and will bo cul In parcels to suis purchasers. Apply to O. Marshall near tin premises, or to Paw sou, Adams, Way noshing, (ireene County, I'a. i;Jtr-iiin ii1IRIFF'9 SALE. Rv virlue of n writ of Venditioni FxiKiTm. Is sued out ol I he Court of Common Pleas of fircene county, and lo me directed, tiiere will Iw expos ed to pnlille sale at the Court House, lu Wsynes hurgj, on SATURDAY, 27tii DAY OF JULY, next, nt one o'clock, p. ni., the following proper ly, viz: All the right, title, interest and claim of defendants of, In, nnd ton certnln tnottof land situate in Mouoiigitheln tiwnshrp, (ireene coun ty. Fa,, e(iu!jhniD4 one hand red und nineteen acres, more or Icsm, nlrout acres of which aro cleared. Ad loin Ing lands of ftenjamin Maple, John Mlnor,sam'l. Minor, Win, (tray and others, nnd has erect ml thereon a log lioiisp wenther honrded, log stable and other outbuildings. An excellent orchard on the farm. Af", Another piece of land situate In wild township, begitning at a course on the ereek, thenep hy hind? of Thomn B"rd' heirs five Nrehest thence by lands of Nisih Hartley. :tl per ches to a cfitirne, thence up the creek :ti perches, thnee by land of Thos. Honrd's heirs, '24 perchc to ii post hy a sycamore, theiiee down the ereek by the same W perches to the plaee of beginning, containing one a re more or ies. AI-Mt. Another piece of land situate In snld township, iK'glnnbig on ttiecfsil nnd tMHird line, thence by said line vU, perches ton "tiikn, thenee bv land of Noah Har'lev,7 perches in the ereek, tl'ienee hy land souie.iH-jo pi-rches to the pine of U'glnnlng. eontnlnlng oneiwre more or less. Taken in exerulhai as the property of the Whltelv Creek Oil Coinpnny.at thesuitof Wni. Phillips. ri;J-.tt. HKATH JOILVS, RherlfT. gll Uil FITs"bALE. " By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponn. Ins tied out of the Court nf Common Plena nf (iri"ene county, and to me directed, thre will be expofled to publte sale nt the Court House, In Wayucsburg, on SATURDAY, 3d DAY OF AUGUST, next, atone oelork, p. m., tlie fnlTowlng proper tv.vlz: AU the right, title, Intent nnd clutin of defendant of, In nnd to a certain tract of tend situate in I)uii kard townshij irene county, I'm. J eontainlngTwo llnnrfeecl Acres. More or I s, nlxiut one hund rel umi seventy sns cleareili ami han erected thereon one Hrlck and Frame dwelling hnnse, threw tenant houses, a frani lrn, two frame stables, one Grist and Kuw Mill nnd other ont buildings; nn apple orchard. 4tc, Adjoining lands of JosiahSontu, liowen IUss, and Kli Fvans. Kiainds North by I)unkard Creek snd Houth West by Taylortown. Taken In exeentionaa the prop-rty of the Kus nrt Farm Oil Company, at the suit of Arehlbnlrl F. Coon and Ira Rush. 11KATU JOH.NH, 3h It. 7Wt s HEKIFra SALE. fly vlrtne of a writ of Venditioni Exnonas Is- snp out of the t'oort of f'ommon Picas or tirwene eonnty, and lu nkedireuUsl, tlinre will expoa el to public mile at Uie Court House, lu Wuyuc borg, on SATURDAY, 3o DAI" OF AUGUST, nest, atone o'clock, p. m., the following proper, ty. vis: All the right, tlUa, Interest anil einlm of defendants, of, liisud toa certain tract or land situate In Jenrson township, r.reen eounty. Pa., containing Ifljr Acre, more or Is, about twenty acres eiennsl, on which i erwl-etl ono lois atraae, corn crib ami soma fruit tr-w Ad kilning lands of William Kinuud, Hugh .C. Uoulsworth ami others, . TiUten In rn-ewttoir -aw he property of the Clifton Petroleum oil Company, a Uieaui of he Commonwealth of rennsy imnla. T HJSATH JOUSH, BB'S . 'CO;-' . hu