She Vajjne ukrg $rjroMican. A RRIVAI ANIl llEPAnTCRES Ol- THE MAIM TO AND FROM WA YSESIIL RO : From WavncsbHra to Wnvnesblliv. nrrlvul, WMneeilrii,7Hp. rat d.-partore, Wednesday, 8, n. In. (via Jcifloylowil.r , From Wayueabing to Willow Tree arrival, Wednesdays, 11 u. m.; departure, Wednesday, Worn Washington Pa, to Wayneshnrg, arrival dully, 7' j p. in.: icxcept Sundays,) depurture dully, II U p. in.1(vxisjH HiinduysV. From Rice Lnndln In Wayttrslmrg, itrlnl dully, 6, p. in., leieept Kiiuduys,dcpurLuiu dully, t), a. ui txeeptsuiuluyei. From Waynesburg. I'ii. to Cameron, yr. va., nrrlvul, Tuesdays and Saiunluy, 5, p. lu., depur ture, Mondays nnd Fridays, K,n. in. From Waynesburg to West Alexander, Wash. Co., Pit., arrival, Fridays, T, p. in., departure, Hutiirduys. 7, a. m. From Wnvnesburg to Morgantown, . vn., arrival, Wednesdays, 3, p. in., departure. Thurs days, , a. m. ' From Waynesburg to Mlddlcboiirne, W. Va., arrival, Wednesdays, B, p. in., departure, Tues day,; a.m. t(tw -V'vi!uti5eini Tlie gttenlinn p our readers U) speclaJly.ireptcoUo the follow Inj? advertisements, which appear' for the first "''' ' ' ' :' Orphans' Coutl Sule-Levi DUcklua'ge Trus tee.. , t i : -T if Tslkiso aiiout the noUUlr ot lalior, Bcsch cr! lays t "Mora pul)lic men if eminence, liare Mute a from Ui busiues of t.Vl- filling thai) pmbahly from any. pthej occupation.'' Gujiicj tjimki types a go-nil' Institution anil wishes us tp ' ca1 attention ' tn his largo stuck of Pry dtvids, Vecently received and eHing atiils usual low rates. ' "'' , . - -- . . Mrs. Wlnslnw's Snotlitajj Syrup for sale, .tit (1. W. noherts Co's. '-' "" ,W'aK four neighbor cornea to borrow your Hki'wuuok this week, ask liiin to subscribe furjlt. The price Is two di!lar9 per year. JfrwWitgAT. A forelusto of what Is to lis Is already being duvelopeil. The mills is this vicinity aro grinding this year's wheat, and as our thnucrs bare beeu itemed (r some time, the rudi makes it lively for thci miliars. The mystery K why it hits no effect on the market. Pure White Carbon Oil for sale at 0. Huberts & Co's. Drag Store. W. Rowptism. An unusual number of drunk en men and rowdies have been noticed ou our streets of late and, what Is more notable, butem arruta. Let each aud every drunken man be arrested, lucked up until sober and then fined, wltlicut respect to person, and it w ill haye as wholesome an effect us the non grunting cf licensu. Haho Won. Wilting sprightly paragraphs in hot weather. "You bet!" Closb or tub Union Soimoijr-Ou last Fri day the Summer terra of this Institution was closed by the examination uf a few classes, with literary and musical exercises by toe. members of the Fourth Department under the immediate supervision of tl'e Principal, J, Jackson Purman. ' The recitations of the sev eral classes were commendable and evidenced superior training. If we may Judge from the one department, we should say that the work of instruction tn all has been thoroughly and efficiently performed, and tint the public could not have placed the trust In mora worthy hands than those o( Msj Attule Allison, Miss Tillie Cof jray, Miss Mary Hedge and Mr. J. Jackson Purinan. One matter made a forcible impression upon us whilst listcutng.rather rryiny to listen, to the exercises. It is the utter incaptclty of the bulling for the uses which nre Intended. The small apartments aro ill-ventilated, and on occislons of the kli.d referred to, the trumped condition of the audience Is source of the greatest lucoiiveuicnce, to themselves the teacher, and pupils. This accounts, too, fur the meugru attendance of parent) aud uthers iutereslcd in educational matters. A great error was committed in nut building a third story, with a huge h ill eoitjjjlo fur such exercises. "Spilt milk ! " A full stock of Patent Medicines, of all kinds, at lhaden's Drug Store, a - - i . , - . A Goon Thing. Win. Devenny, a very clever son of the Emerald Isle, has introduced Into our county "The American Republic and Itailroud Map" of the United .Slates, It la large in size aud besides a map ol the United States, bas the British Provinces, West Indies Mexico aud Central Proviuces, twelve lurge cities of the Union, and the census for lSliOby counties. It is minute iu particulars, clear aud elegantly drawn, reully an ornament and addition to any household. lie is selling by subscription, $:U)0 apiece. For Information call at the "Sherman House," Waynesburg. Fivk Dollars Hkh aiio !To any person who will furnish information sullh lent to con vict of malicious mischief any party, or par tit s, damaging the platform recently erected In l!lack-s grove, the above rewurd will ha cheerfully paid. I.ovkus of Spout. White Iad, Unseed Oil, Tuniontine, Var nishes, &c., lit Hraden's Drugstore. Paints and Oils of all kinds for Side at G. ltoheiU t& Co s. Vtaj, Store. W. Gonr, for August can be f juud at the book stores. Its handsome fashion plates and usu ul good reading are as enhancing as ever. Tin: Atlantic Monthly, for August presents a mixed dish of choice literature. "Cinciu n itti." "Up the Kdisto," criticism, reviews, &c, give interest to the number. Cocoa Cream and Ilcimstreet's Hair Color ing, at linden's Diug Sloro. Dull hmks, says an exchunge, are always thu best for advertisers. Why? Because when money is light and people are lorceu to i ic -.ic is n llie pic nic men- econoniize, they always rend the advertise- t tinned liy us l.i-t week was a much larger af ments to ascertain who S'.lls the cheapest, and t in man we had any I lea of, some lloo per where thev can trade to the best advantage. , sons being present. A misunderstanding Guiher takes advantage of Ibis to direct at tention to hU advertisement In anot'jcr col limn Window (II im and Putty for sale at O. Hubert & Co's. Drug Store. W. IIf.aksat. We hear that In Whltely tp., tomrlmlg't child was killed by falling into a kettle of scalding water last week and that another oieMy, a promising young man, from that section, living for some time past in Omaha, Nebraska, was killed recently in a quarrel in that city Why can't some friend send us such items? If reliable persons in different sections of our county will send their uddiesscs wo will forward money to prepay postal expenses and if demanded will pay reasonable rates for news of Interest. We will make a lire, home joiuvici, can be found. kept mnny ladies away, nnd there was not the enjoyment there might have been from this cause. We are requested to state that anoth er will be given In tint township in Sept., nnd general invitations Issued throughout the county. It is proposed to have a good thie and we are confi lent that all who make tliein s lvs guests of the "Whltclcy boys" will be well entertained. Ilagan's M iciv lia ii ilm and Laird's lit mm of Youth, i.t Hraden's Ding Store. solemn pledre amen thai lie vill faith fully ami always work for the jmmtge vj ujree rauroail taw. The people were never more in earnest on an subject than they arc on the subject of iree railroads. J. uey want lair com petition in trade at home. They are determined to guard against the estab lishment of monopoly . La any shape. Thev are convinced ofthe bad policy of allowing any corporation to control the resources of the State. Hence it h that the utmost care U taken to exact well understood pledges on this snb-i ject from all candidates for the Legis lature. -We confess we like the dis position of the people in this particu lar. It is a healthy sign of the times when the people thus evince an inter est in the details of lecislation and jealous as to the opinions and purposes oi tnose who aspire to represent them. It is the business of the people to dic tate to their servants, and not the right ofthe servants to dictate to the people. Not only on the subject of free rail roads, but on all other subjects of leg islation, the people should have a well defined jwlicy, and that policy should bo clearly set before the men who aspire to represent them. A fifteen cent note is alxnit to be issued by the Treasury Department, which will be a great convenience, and it is hoped will abolish the five cent currency. AVe presume that the Mint will keep np the coinage of five cent pieces, our first step toward that specie currency which we are to have at some indefinite time in the uncertain hereaf ter. Gens. Grant nnd Sherman are to have their portraits on the new notes ; and they deserve this honor quite as well as some of the livinir men whoso likenesses go from hand to hand in the every day business of life as guarantees that the currency is worth the amount which it promises to pay. A communication to a Washington paper says Surratt is "treated more like a lion tlmn a criminal." Alter the proceedings are over, the returned rebels and their sypathizers grasp him by the hand ; ex-rebel officers sit in side the bar, and their faces lighten up whenever a point is mado for the pris oner. The writer does not doubt, should Surratt be acquitted, the "re constructed" of the capital will have a liow-wow. It having been established beyond doubt that Surratt was the companion of ftooth. and the no-nnt of Davis, he tit once becomes the obiect of uuiiiuaiion 10 uic reueis. special $oticf. 44 -neliubold's Fluid Extract BUCHU ' It a certain cur for diaouet of ih - BLADDER, KIDNEYS, " GRAVEL, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, FEMALE CQM- : PLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, . , and all dlscasqs of the Vrtnsry Organs, whether existing tn 1 ' : MALE OR FEMALE, ' from whatever cause originating and no matter - ., . of HOW LONO STANDING. Diseases of these organs require the Dae of a diuretic. If no treatment Is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are supported from thesa sources, and the HEALTH" AND HAITINESS, and that of Posterity, depends npon prompt nie of a reliable remedy. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, Established upwards of 18 years, prepared by II. T. UF.LMBOLD. ; 9)1 Broadwa.v, New York, and 101 Sooth 10th Street, Philadelphia, Ph. 8;13eow-ly. 8-lrpnrei1 Oil of Palm unit Hare, for PreaerTlng, Reatnrtnc "! ntftUtlfyliiK he Hair. And Isthemostdolinhtful and wolf derail article the world ever produced. Ladles will Ilnd It not only a certain remedy to restore, Darken and Beautify the Hair, but utso a desirable article for the Toilet, as It Is highly perfumed with a rloh and delicate perfume, tn dependent of the fragrant odor of the Oils Of Palm and Muce. The Marvel or Pinu. Anew and beautiful perfume, which In delicacy of scent, nnd the tenacity with which It clings to the Iiandker chief and person,;! unequalled. The nliove articles fur sale by all Druggists and Perfumers, at 21 per bottle each. Sent by express touny address by proprietors. T. W. WRIOHT 4 CO., 10-'l:'l-ly. 100 Liberty St., New York. W. BisdilAU. Ja.. 54 fifth Street. Piiti. burgk, it the authorized agent for the IturUBUCAir, in cm I aiy. 0 RPHAM 8 COURT SALE. By virtue of a decree and In eunuanea of an order issued out ofthe Orphans' Court of Greene couuiy, i wiu expoae 10 puouc aaia, on we prenv SATCniuV. SEPTEMBER t, HOT, certain messuage and tract of land situate In Jefferson townshlD. adlotnlna huds of Joan aad George Rex, Richard Hawkins, lion. Thos. p. Pollwk, Tho. Sharpoeci ani Daaiel Murdock OXE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-SIX AND 1 IJKLh-r OLKlil ACRES, more or less, shout one hundred acre pf srhlch are cleured, and has thereon a hewed log dwel ling house, a stable and sheep-shed, apple orchard, coal, lime-stone, &e,! being the proper- i i .: ISAAC CLACKLEDGE, DEC'D. The same will be anld In nna m two nneeelB a may be deemed beat for those Interested In the est'lie. LV1 BLACKLEIXJE, 7;:il-lw Trustee. lloni; Ni.w.l On die sihj,-et ol' furnishing local items Tor the press, the eilitor of n New KiiI ukI paper makes the f.illowinu' rcinatks : "Almost every meniher of a community wh"re a now-aper iseslaliliiheil. can do min li to make lh" local ilep-irlment what il should lie liv eontiilmlioiHol' liesh ileirs which nnv . if the material ' BStlien'ti In each lucalitv. anil comimmlcst-' i.m', noil nicy woo netrieei this duty so useful to editors aiid so desirable ,, ., v., . i r . c . .i .! 1,1 'be I'Ulilie, are responsilile, iii cart at least, Beneal and Spani.h Y oat Imltgo for sate , ,,. . . ,,,.,. , U.Q , ' . ' journal." Wr trust our friends tlirotmhout the n 1 in I lie Driiiriii alio iinioii I nmi moiw at 0. W. Roberts & CVs. Drug Store. A Most Dastakiu.y Tbick. One of the devil's own imps, an iill'ms, nothing '' l""cl these remarks, and wretch, maliiiously cut a splendid, thritty L'rape vine wdjieii Mr. Joseph Yeater had trained to cUuili the side of his hous:-. ing would be too good for him ! Uaus- Snon.o Havs O.nk. An indlepeusal)lo ac quisition to the wriliuK-dcsk is Morsn't Patent Pen-holder, Eraser, Paper-cutter and Inuis tructlhle Pen. The holder is ingeniously ar ranged to contain wi'hin common bulk the whole of ihese. Every "quill-driver" should have one. It. P. Creigh, agent for Wayneg hurg and vicicity. Pest English Iteil Lead for sale at G. Hobcrts i Co's. Drug Store. W. I. O. O. F The various lodges of this county, by delegate, were visited by the Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of the State, at the hall of the Iloshimka and Waynesburg Lodges in this place on We dues day night. After business at the liaH the Order adjourned, with their distinguished visitors, to partake of a s'.imptious repast pre pared at tha Adams House. Fruit Jam and Wax for Side G. W. Roborts & Co's. Drug Store. Plasixo Mil and Lchbkr Yard. We re fer to this establishment again for the pur poso pf Baying to those of our renders who msy be interested in knowing it, that on Monday last, nil final arrangements were completed and the Mill put in motion. Messrs. Braden, Wa'ton St, Suyora, the enterprising mnnagors, deserve great credit for the improvement, as it is now one of the most complete nnd best furnished to be found anywhere. They will goon hare all the varieties of seasoned lumber and having now the most approved machinery for quickly sad sinfully producing doors, sash, pannelling, mouldings, etc., are ready to re ceive and execute orders for part oft house, a whole house or any number of houses. We doubt not but they will receive a most liberal patronage as it was one of our greatest wants, j ' Maryland Snow Wuito Lime,' gold at G. W. Huberts & Co's. Drug Store. ! "Anb tub Colmid Taoorg rocoirc No lt!" Oahurt Saturday evening the sound of "heavy skirmishing" in Iho dlrectioo of Greene street warnod' us ofthe progress of an myagmunt, It had progressed go far that a "man and brother" and "woman and siater" of colored persuasion, bound ty Hymun'g bonus, had staked issues, and a regular "set to" was the resale .. The woman held her "pos,,"-, and from tor entrenched poritinn hurled "house hold and kllchon furnhura" with tearful havoc (to. the furniture) into the strwt. "J 'l ' u"'-' "Sowii "Vi xwt J, a 0. ,F. Oo and after tha 1st Baturdaj' night In' Aogust J. P. Temple Lodge Mo. (74, 1 . 0,'P."WtU :met Berul' Moathly. Meeting regularly en ii 1st and 3d' Saturday night In each month. : r 't " Jaasa liuta, N. Q.i Jon PiusTmo. Our facilities are such ns to enable us to turn out work of all kinds on h Mt notice. Posits, circulars catalogues, programmes, bill heads, pamphlets, Cards, cheeks, drafts, letter-heads, envelopes, blanks, labels, pic nic and ball tickets, wedding, vis iling address and business cards, plain or in a variety of colors, done in the best manner, at the lowest figures. Kb-Arraxokii The Twenty fourth Col lection District bas been re arranged into new sub-diviM.ins. Heretofore there have been twelve of these sub-divisions, hut in conse quence of the heavy falling off In the revenue 'he Commissioner has reduced the numhor to nine, abolishing one in Reaver, one in Law rence and one in Greene, and reducing the number of Assistant Assessors accordingly.- Il-Wi. llrporttr. Uiii-Ains at Lock No. 4. Referring to the repairs of Pool No. 4, on the Monongahela river, the Monnnahela City Rrjmlfican says : Lock No. 4 isbcim;re.paircd, slowly, however, owing to tha dillleulty of drawing sufficient water from No. 3 Pool. This must be accom plished through the outlet furnished by the wicker gates, at No. 3, and the recent rains have supplied the Pool as last as the Naviga tion Company have been able to drain off the water. It is not probable that navigation w ill be resumed before the 1st ot September, nor any transportation supplied olhcr than that furnished by the Petrollia, a light-draught Boat that makes, daily trips to Pittsburgh, leaving this city every morning at five o'clock. Tt-.... T .iuiiu ARO tlUFFERSON UX.LWIK8. Iho Annual Commencement ol Washington ana jeners on Uolleges will be held m the bo rough of Washington on Thursday, August 1st. The literary exercises of the occasion will commence on Tuesday evening.' The following is the programme r . . , ; T'mrsday, August 1st, 9 o'clock, a. m.. Commencement addresses by members of the graduating class, Masters' Orations, and Uie rrcsident's Baccalaureate. Three o'clock, p. m., Historical address before the Washington class of lB4t; by "the Iter. Franklin Moore. D. P., of Philadelphia. . " ' . Tl: T" ,1 .... ' xjui jAixuency, uor. ueary, will be pres ent. ,. . . . .... . ' Free Baltroads. " There is no mistaking the temper of tnc people on tno Bubicet ot tree rati roaifc, or A r 'mhl of any ; ad of capita- M who iwxt Uee mojf and tut finat ckdiy rcspomlk lo luikl d railroad, wherever thev may deenj ';sch a road necessary and where the people want railroad, fatalities. ' AVe sav there is no ADAMiVIN KNIGHT On Saturday eve ning. July tmh, Iii7, at the residence of the b'l les f ather, by James Call, Esq., Mr. Smith Ai'amson to Miss Jane Knight. CIlUlt('II-THOMAR-On the same eve ni'iir iind l.v the same, at the resi lenee of the bride's mnllier.Mr K. U. Church toMissSade Thomas. Gonh over to the em'iuy a! last I Wei', 'Hart "you was good and true to the "Stars and Stiipes" and only siitf red the loss of the tip end of your nose, hut you must look out, they are strange colors tinner which you have enlisted this time, ami you will do well to get otf without your ears. KlGKlt-ZI.UMKintAN-Oii Thursday, thu 4lh ol' July, im;7, bv Corlily Ormluil, Ej., Mr. Hudson Kiger. ot W liiteley tp , nnd Mrs. Eliza Zlmuieiinan, of Wayne tp., Greene county. Pa. HKLPIlENSTIXlC-llUKriE-Oii Iho IRih of May, INii7, by thu R.:v Francis Duwncv. Mr. Win. Ilelphen-tlne f Wuytiegbuig, to Miss Auna iluige, of Greeue tp., Greenu Co, Pa. "Mciideh will out ! " HIGH T RUSE On the 2mh Inst., l.v the same, Mr. AH-cd Hight to Miss Hannah Jane, daughter of S imuel Ruse, all of Greeuu tp., Givene Co., l'a .t'or 'on-Helen t Inn or Ineonllnn. encuof Urliie,lrrltatlun,lnniunni!itlon,or uloer ution of the bladder, or kidneys, dUeuses of the prostrate glands, stone In the bladder, cnlcUlus, gravel or brick dust deposits and nil diseases of the bladder, kidneys and dropsical swellings, I'sf Hm.Miioi.n's Ki.cid Extract Bfciif. H;l:i,'IT7-cowly .llr. W liHIIexy tnkea iilenaurn In sr. nouuelug to ills iiumeroiix friend and patrons Hint hollas returnod to Washington and resum ed practice at Ills old stand, corner of Main and Chestnut streets, where, he can be found at all limes by those wishing to consult him In rccard to diseases mid their treutment. The Iir. deems it unnecessary to enter iuto the detutlsof his theory ami practice, as from hundreds of cases which liu has (routed wltli complete Buecesa In Washington nnd adjoining counties, the public lire more or less aeiiuiilnted with his system, lie would, however, say that durlug his resi dence in Cincinnati! be bad experience in hospi tal prnctlce, making weekly visits to the princi pal hospitals of the cily, coming in contact with chronic diseases of every type nnd kind, and having ample opportunity to witness tltp elfiwt of the most approved and selentltlc modes of treatment, the Doctor has also added to hisoMi u very Una Microscope, which enables him to make Optical, chemical, nnd Microscopical ex aminations or any case that maybe presented, iushort, to reduce mudli itl Diagnosis by means of the urine to absolute certainty, leaving no room for doubt, either on tils part, or Hint of the pal. mil. Thu nllllctedarc invited locull nndtcst Ids treatment Willi the iiHsuranee of speedy ru llefnnd permanent euro. ;t-ti F. Wiiitti.esy, Sjrlleliiilinld'H 4'oiicciilcutcd Kxlrnet llt'CIlf, is the limit Diuretic. IlELMUOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT SAHSAPA RIl.l.A, Is thoGrent BUkkI Purlller. Doth arc prepared according to rutes of rtinr-mai.-j-and Chemistry, aud are the most active that can txi luadn. 8;l!luow-ly. OVHnnliooil ami Youthful Vigor are ru- gained by llclmbold's Extract Uiicliu, .MVnw-ly. JUuvhcts. wvr,sniR(i Hitur.T. Wav.vksbuiio, JiilyJI, 1 Corrccted Weekly for the Hei i unr an. ritODUCE. IJutter (fresh roll,) -fith I iK don Potatoes j busll hard fi tr Tnllow V I1 (.'ounlry Sonp "i lt , ivUni Penctles tb.M. KI.OL'It AND liltAI.V. Klonr-flilil Wheat V bush Hy ri hush (.urn v bnsn Ueal Cora 1 bush GKOCEIUKS. Coffee V ft. lefl id. . Itrown sonar i f' - HeUncd supir y rt syrnpi gut .Molasses .. I irleuus,) M(irhumrl gid.M.w .Salt c bbl lUit.B 16 l.i 10 l.i US 10 tUt 15 I Ui I ii m w i Ul 1.1 Jll 1 CO - 1 Jl 1 Ul 3 10 16 .Toniy I rlends noil ln Irons I hnve. n many of you nre aware, sold my Dental prac tice to lr. .1. .4. ll. illm lc has lieen engngeil In the prnctlce of Dentistry for seven years, the Int. terbalfof which time I hnve been acquainted with 111 m mid liis professional cureer, and know 111 ill to be mi honorable, upright, energetic man; as well as one of Hie nvist careful nnd successful operators I have over known. I can conscienti ously recommend him to ull my patrons, feeling assured Unit lie will render the very best satis faction to nil. I must now any farewell tonllmy lib nds and pleasant unpmliiumi us. I go to seek unotherhome, expecting to sec hut few of you again in (lie present stnte, but cherishing n fond liopetu meet you ull In the land of the Just, Vt I til every good wish believe me truly yours, jIMm a 8. I'atton. E. A. TINKER II. U MAPEL. flUNKEH A ilAPEI . .. ... COMMISSIOX MERCHANTS FOR THE 8ALE 07 HOGS, CATTLE AND SHEEP, AT THEIR OWN YARDS, A VEST BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. AUJOl.Nl.NU 511), LIVESTOCK SCALED, j ) Consignments respectfully solicited. All com munleatloiis promptly answered. Post Office Address llox 1.HJ0. 7;J1-Iy. AltTERLY REPORT, First National Bank. WATNisnrao. Pa.. July 1, 17. nEflOTJRCES. I.onns and Discounts IW3.7H Og (urulturo hlxturea lau 00 Current Kxpeuaea 8S (;asn iwuis 6Sm lino from Hunks and Bunkers l.sil Hi I.'. H. Iiou.ts ga iso oo Lush ou llaud 10,1T 83 UAniLITIES. Capital Stock Deposits for Increase,,.,, Surplus Fund Circulation Due Hanks Profit and Loss Dividend Unpaid Individual Deposits 8.7,:W7 63 I oo 44,'Mt W 8.HI7 1J 71.W0 00 xtjnt ei 471 46 SS2 28 857,41 08 r7S,SS7 S3 I certify that the above Is correct ..,. , JOHN U t'LUNXIKRN, ':-'l-lt. 1 Cashier. J (JUNTY TAX STATEMENT. . . y Annccountof the School Directors of Oreene towusblp in relation to bounty TttAos levied In DR. March isfll, to tax levied... J2187 44 Exonerations i SO 05 Collector's commission 42 74 Receipts from c. Oarard, Treas'r ISiS bi Money refunded on subscription oil M (I' tobcr 1801, to tax levied 3193 33 Exonerations Collector's commission.., H'ceipts lilt. July 1805, to tax lovlcd... Exoneration Collector's commission... do do Receipts, .'. Expellees tollrlnbton do to llarrlnburg, July Sth, ISGfl, to taxes levied CR. . Exonerations , 20 10 Collector's commission St 19- Heeeipts , 67S OS SI 0S1 si Receipts U0--1A0W 23 Ill 16 100 61 .... 8167 6u . 217 84 . .11 11 , lttl 110 . 5.'1I0 61 47 10 . 06 14 . (713 62 a 30 liniuiiee due township; . g eg We, the undersigned hereby certi fy the toreitolng statement Is correct, according totbn neisMdiislald before as fur settlement, to JOHr RCSE, JACOB ItEAMFR, 7;,-;lw Auditors. -Hellnbnld' Kxtrnct llnehll elves hoalth and vigor to the frame and bloom to tho jmlid cheek. Debility Is nccompanled by many alarming symptoms, nnd If no treatment Is sub mitted to, consumption, Insanity or epileptic nts ensue. 3;l.VC7owly. a. I lie 4; lory r Jllnn la Nlrenglh. Thereloro Hie nervous uud ilubilltatcd should immediately use .llclmbold's Extract Ruchu, 3;n,'07-cow'ly 8-i:rror of Tonlh.-A genlleman who sintered for years from Nervous Debility, l're- mature Decay, nnd nil (lie elTeols of youthful In discretion, w 111, for the snkenf suffering human! ty, send friic to all who need II, nnd roeelpt and directions for making the simple remedy by which he whs cured. Sufferers wishing to prollt by ttie advertiser's experience, can do so by1 ad dressing, lu pcrlect ooulldciieo, JOHNOODEN, l;"ely 42 Cedar St., New York. raktukini! the temDer of tiie neotile on thbeubiect, becaase there has not been a : Reirublieab; ,iahc1ivlartf for the T rfi-r 1 tl 1 f 11 thua ! i 1 C , 6.v -.v. , ., uu. t tuiuiumuM ..if ai uie eorresp.indlng period Wye. Jo iowaT toug Call, See election in Oetoier next, vifo SfifSigSS riTTSHlKftll ntRHETS. MATcnnAY, July 27, lwrr, Tlie general markets have been comparatively dull during thu post week, tlie volume of busi ness, in the aggregate being light, UioumIi U some nrtlcies, there is a fair Jobbing trade. The uncertainty regarding values tins a tendency to retard operations, us both dciUurs nnd consum ers nre restricting their purchases 10 the lowest possible limit, and no improvement uced be ex pected until r.iutten, In this respect, at least be come more sullied. ' , CHAIN AND FLOUR. Rve n bnsh .. t'ais bush ... i'orn hnsh Spring Wheat winter Wheat... PROVISIONS. Shoulders Kuxnr Cured llaias.......... .. Lard Potatoes, (new crop) is bhl........ do (old crop 1 Tf bush 'Ireen Apples ft bbl.. ., Cheese Egs fl do... ........., Butler... .... ... $1 3.M1 40 ... ' ISkvlN ll ... II .V)S.12( ..1176(3.1200 lSl.lSW , aiiH lining 1 IU ...60O6oO 16 ... iuaj.17 j-lletinlinlil-K Ettrnrt Uurlui and Tm- proved Rose Wash cures secret nnd dcllcnto dis orders In all their stages, at little expense, little nrnn change in diet, no Inconvenience and 110 exposure. It l pleannnt In taste and lr, lm inedlnte In Its action, nnd frcalroiu all Injurioua proprieties, glMeuw-ly arllelmkolil-s Fluid Kxtrnrt llnrhH s pleasant In taste nnd odor, true from all Injuri ous properties, and Immediate In Its action. 3;l:leow-ly . ' CHICAO HIABKET. ' . . .. t.'HiCAOo, July 27, 1S97.' FLomVery dull and 25c ower. 1 in HKAT-Du I of No. i sprinj at $1 75& olSjSi,iet '.""S:1- " f We. &VBe. oakuet uuii una nominal. Hkk itunaa Uun at "m soots n tim a,i. gosl ahippina. ' extm- at W737 OO for for good to choice HHBEP-Dnll and iioiBinal, ' - WOOL MAKatKT. . .Tlia nulea of the new cliDltava halnrl.U in. ora., Mit Uie buyers axe Uuldlna alt, puruluta. big only euough W aupply Uielr moat n.sxMaary wauu. frleoofaU(raoj-lptlonaexoeptflneii uiiaettled aaddrootdna. in uii.i,..,.r.i" -.7, cle 1 Is balB( pundiamtd at, agdiaat &w6ue J-To 'iiiuiiptlvM.Thn advertiser, having been restored In health In few weoks by a vary simple remedy, after having snffered for several years with a severe lung afTecUon, ami mat dread diseuae CoBsiuiiptlon Is nncx- lous to make luiotm to his fellow-sufferers the moans of oiu-a. , . To all who desire It, he will send a copy ofthe prescription used (fro of olinrge.iwltli the di rections for preparing and using tlie same, which they will Und a sure euro for Consumption, As thma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds nnd all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object ofthe ad vertiser in sending the Prescription Is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives tn be invaluable, and he hopes awry sullurer will try his remedy, as It will ant them, nothing, and may proveablessing. Parties wish ing the prescription, free, by return mail, will please address r.rr. Kow4Rn A. WnxoN, , Vly Williamsburg, kings Co., N. Y.' ; raTake no more nnplrnsnnt and nn- usciu! remedies for unpleasant and- dangerous diseases. Use Hetmbold's Extract Buchu nnd Improved Rose wash. .3; 13, 07-enwly. 3.Csls;avte at (Jai'a. I O B A 1 . ... "'ilmh I ERASIVE SOAP Is manufactured from Pl'BK M.lir.HLi,s, anil may ne considered the RTANDARU OF E-XOKLLENCIS. OUNl'Y TAX REfOItr. ..r088 00 "m iiungiird township, for the year 1861, DR. 'id amount of duplicnto CR. liy amount of bonds redeemed.. 11 197 45 l'nld V. s D. Hunk of Wuyneas Jmr"-: ; , 6113 OS rereeiilagn for collecting nnd payi n (Hit 74 Exoiieiutlous, iHj 411 Paid Oeome Keener, 40 00 Paid I-',. Fui-mmi oo I'Hld by eider of School Iilreo. tors of IBM, to W111, Wlllhlms... U 00 Balance remaining ia tlw lialids of Collector Davla...,., 10iN3 Amount In hands of A. P, Stewart, disbursed of said .2 ,i'r::v"i ; v v.- - M M " ... , .... ,,..-.,, u,m(,rs, ceriuy tnnt the alKivo statement Is correct, according to the In. formation given us by the School Directors and IUIMIUI4 ui suiu iiouuiy utx. O. W. FT'RT.T, W. N. EVANS, r Ijll.'lA 8;26-.1w . Auditors. rjIIE MONONGAHELA HOUSE, RICK'S tANniNO, ORKKNK COCNTT, Pi., ' i 1 OLIVER & BAYARD, PROPRIETORS, ' The boat accommodations furnished the travel. JINK Ull ' II MI. niniHH SIM S II H 11 T (T, a n r-M n lm- Table nl ways Snsid iKinnllfiilly with the delleai eies of tin season. Horsca for hire; fend and nrnxiiiH flv lWUUHUIV IHIW, ., . (20-1 L LASTIC SLATE ron R 0 O F I XVG AND OTTIER rCRPOSES. .:!;;:! r i i a RonflDS Material it stands nnrlvallMH mastic it aduTite Itself tnevprvslmrw. mmri Im Nnn-eonibnstltde. lmnen-lons. nnn.inMn.u. FROST DOES NOT CRACK NOR HEAT ; ( i , . . ' 1 T ,t I VI The only roofing materiel ever discovered that niuruniatuieaouen 01 mo eJemeuut aa long as the slruclura IL nrnlA.tjL Kniun u.uni7i.i. ?r !iwl.?ii.'..,,ut.."uJ' weM ,Tom expoure, aud aer feetiy h lRK-I'RolI', It ia uaeuuailed as a coat. Ilia for MuuiUikclurln ami li'iiriii loo i.iim ... oes. brhlges, b .ttoinsof Vesaels, Vaulta, ic? RcrereiKwa given in any part of Uia county, or spacluienssnown to visitors. Apply by letter. K. U Ji)jf ES, Drntleysville. Wash. Co.. Pa! H.II.DOAK. RUJONEtl, Lieeujce of Waah. and 0 ue coon Ilea. . I W. JON'ES, Aocnt, Waynesburg, Pa. For sale by all Oroeorios. ,1. .Shnllerrd 'onslllnllaaa Restored by llclmbold's Extract Buohu, , . 3;13 ,'67-eowly. aW-The UeallngPaoT.and ITenaaor.Wer. ejrrKoward 'Aasoelatlon Reports Mr Yog ng Men, on the ertme of solltiida, aa t tln brron, abuses ana diaeaaea which duatroy lit nuuly powers, and create Impedimaot to marriage, with sure means of relief.; Sent In seated letter envelopefree of chargs. AddraM DR. J. bkIIm LIN UOUGHTON, Howard Asaocltillan. Pbllay delphla, Pa. - ,3-ly IHCIIUILL AOIUCULTUKAt BOCMTY. ii - At a regntnrmeetlngof the Stockholders of the above nnmerl Noclefy la waa iwolved that the Society hold thefr 2nd Annual Exhibition at their fair grounds, In Rlehhlll tp., Greenecounty, Pa., on Wednimluy aad Thursday, Heptemnar the Ntli audjtgJa,lMg.: . . . U. W. WALTON. Praa'u" A. Ibm, Roa 8oe. S. Kniout, Cor. See. 7;Wr riHE OREENE COUN fY AOHIf.'tJI.TITH I AL ANDMsiNUfAdTITHINf aVMSIRT r will hold their Annual KxblblMon at the oJ.J""S'"7.m wnieiMsis, oa xntirxiay and Friday. Uis Kltlv and llth dayaef October, latr. It Is expected (ho( a superior list nf premlama will De offlnrod. - . ui . T w. w cpr .. . J.-AaiK asa. 1 O. W. DAWmrarr, B, g. 7;17-3w. -' J1RANK. McQL'ROAN, JUST RETURNED FROM TPS SAITIBX CITISI, wrrg URGE STOCK OF DRY OOGD8, CLOTHUsO, MOTIOK8, fto., W. Ills well merited popularity has Induced hint to replealsh his (took at this lata dale, atoaoyoae wanting the LATEST AND BEST STYLES, should call early. Room In Minor's Building, U'7. opposite the Oreene House. 417.1 QUIHBR! Ol'IHER AOAINST TIIE WORLD I ANOTHER HUGE ARRIVAL! Determined to be foremost In everything, QuUur bus Just received tha LARGEST AN P JI0T COMPLETE STOCK OF GOODS Ever brought to Waynesburg. Oo to Oulher's, Oo to Oulher'a, o to Oulher'a, If you want If you want If you waul . Ctakutfl. W 0NDER3 5XVIA 041811 avtiaa CI O THIJfO 8 T 0 B M 9 t ! aw t -N. CLARK A SON, mm mi m u It Isae lonrer-lraaesaible to get a fuU salt Dw 17 60, of good matanaJ, that we will warrant t glva entfiaaatiaiaeuoia. Light Oasslmere PanU and Vest, a M fo, tja aad nlee style ; tnmmar Faataa4 YaJJ ft I It, the very Vest alt n! from to It dollars; the same that has tea etitoUan. AUfgeaadbaauUfulatoakaf HATS AKD CAFtel Tlia newest and beat styles, the mora elegant art the Henrietta, UhUlwa, Yacht, Broadway aad .w-.'- '' , ' PSABODYCAPl The cap derivlaf Mijuaie. treaa EKGLAND ,.':i-v AMD AVIRIOA'I 7;l7-67. Cheap Goods I I Cheap Ooods I I Cheap Ooods I I mas GREAT RADICAL NEWSPAPER, x FORNEY'S PRESS NO COMrROMISK WITH TRAITORS I OE-T Till BSST A!fO CHBAFOttT KswsrA'ga ma coujitbt, TIIE PRESS, A first-class Double-sheet Eight-page paper, con taininiFortv-clihtcolumnsT Published everv mornlna. Sonthwest mrni. r.r nevciuu nuu uosioui nireets, rnuaaeipnia. Tians, ' DAILY PRESS. Aa.00 Per Annum, Ja.oo For Six Months, 3.oo For Three Monllu. TBI-WEEKLY, PA ESS. 84.00 per Annum, aa.oo Por Six Months, 1.00 For Three Months. THE BUN D AT PRESS. 9.Mt Per Annnm, LOO Far Mix Months. THE WEEKtrY PRESS, TRC KOST VAJ.r;AHLK WRIKLT UVIFARt V t isi woaxo. It contains Items of Interest to every one. READ THE TERMS: One Copv Five Copies Ten Copies iweniy copies.. 10 ine B (2 00 per annum 9 00 " 17 .10 " " I 00 ffl'tler (It, Of K Clnh nl Tan ni mnrm (nr.- lea an extra copy will be aiven. All orders should be addressed to ;: ,'v JOHN W. FOBNEY, VAitnr anrt PrntiHfrta B. W. eor. SEVENTH and CIIESTNI'T Sta., ':i'-i Philadelphia. Pa. T HE RCfH Id MOW AT J O. OF Oi F. i -lai j ; wayiburi) ttMnqaT, tfpl in ! ' law Hll I Oaatar-g Building east Mefn Mraag. Waiynaibai.rt, Pa. IVat aniltacood ItlateW 'each month. SLATER ODENBAUGH'S DRUG 8T0RE1 e resneetftiUv Informs tha citizens anil i,hn(. clans Kenernllv. that he has chchIvm.1 n, r..uu and finest stock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES ever offered In this market .which ha will SELL CHEAPER 'T I it I ' I -," ' r " f '! 'C I -I T 1 than can be parchaaed anywhare aUa In the PAINTS OF ALL KINDS ! P7rjd In oil, of the Very riestqmallty, cheaper DYE STUFFS.,, of tlia vary toast eeleotloa. OLD LIQUORS 1 ot alt kladatke finest that eaa be praeuxad la the.Slute. The UNYIELDING LUNG SYRUP t dy ansurpaaaed for tha on re of bleeding ags. spitting of blood, soreness of the id cheat. Will ehan K. (v. 1 1 nn. complexion to one of health, and will cure dye. K?rV u f JyJiJ ? most useful nie.ilclnes of tlie dsy. This it a late medicine and we do not know of it auilng la a tingle ease Also, hA 'otrieTmioiai jMtm medietnee always on hand. TotWuxsr r4V tha (To.i.h r.. terminator, the beet la ate fnr illaiasaii isf lbs Muniloant benefactor MR, OFO. PEABODT. Every American youth who lovee her greataat Dcueactor should not Sail to v.... iuZZZ CAP. A; full and ODmplateaaaortmant of Jen iJ,!m.enf,furn .!!,", 00l, We have tha New X."rS ".'IL?1" Wamtutta Muslin BhlrUe twe of the bett brands of muslin manufacturad. TUB CELEBRATED ENGLISH RUFFLE SHIRT. Wool and Casslmere Bhlrta. Fine Const Jaatt Drawere and Bumroar linderahlru. Unea Handkerchiefs, Gloves and Hosiery with till, bows and scarfs. In endless variety, f he "gene Ward's ShaketDeare. I.l Proof, Embroidered. , Ao. Keystone, itlon. Water Goldsmith' Phatnlx, Orays, 4c, ih. .."'"(iL? 'mres that will be sold b oret?uyiy;.l,"""yM'tirou IADIES AND GENTLEMEN I ' FELLOW UTIZKNil M R. PRESIDENT, OR ANY OTHER MAN I W have Jntt received a splendid stock af srino . AND SUMMER CL0THINQ! ADAPTED TO MEN AND HOT WEAR; ALIO A FULL LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHING fiOODf. Which wa will tell at the lowest rates. Call aad examine our stock, prices are down and if we oan it Mil a man the clothing he wants noaoor Wavwihiiuro cam. a. J. BOWERS. 6'1 3m Building, Wayneaburg Pa. THIRST NATIONAL BANK, Or WATMBtaCBO). DI8C01NT DAY.... TUE8DATS. FLxsmxajf, Cat bier, jEWIS DAY, . . MAM lg BOOat AJiD tTATIOglBr, Well Paper Window Ptper Ac. Rnnday Bcheol UlITay?!w May , m-ly. A remedv nnsm oi tne luni breast ani throat, ouughfc 4c, , . i Also, a tyrap the eoagn.aiiaramleat tmrr raWiaiee isr a. a. Odanbauch't Drag 8 afbotkaaaaat wWaraslak esWepwgMIe Boahs. it aae ani ale yjL BAILEY, WATCHES AND JEWELRT, maw sTaggT, orrotira coct bobs a. i Keep on hands alsrayt aetialee and eelaetae- sortiaeat of Watntkaa and Jtaralry, Kapalrlna doaa at the loweatratta. l:'7-l. yyjtT. wEUB,ja, aosui turn Aasregg aKsa, (TN WTL30N 3 BUILDING, MAIN ST.) Baddlaa, Bridles, Hamesa kept on hand aad made to order. Work don In the bast atrle. aud at reaaonabl rates. e-HapaJri na speciality oa short aoUaa. '' Farmer D-lauds golook at hla ttoak, ajte-ha. J M- BAYERS, ATTosNir in cocyanxoa at uw, In addition to other boataaaa win attaad aa alt caaea in Bankruptcy that may baeatroatad to hla care. Ottlot, opposite Drag Star of O. W. Bob. erts d Co. ARBU WORKS, . ;,! 8UHMZR3GILL 4 BRO. : (jgwitx't oi.b- itmd, mn cn or tows.) Th pobll Mmdfitlt Ufcigaed raM Baal euEutataef" raM"r altMttockisI rr.ViiWti .wo act -'.ii;-; rasnaitla tarsaaaa aWl aaalaa. aaaiev (. si sitt ajd aM x.3 A da. yen (tee well. IaaWlsy i)