Tenta ot Publication. TBI WATHaaBlTBQ Rareaticii., Office lB Ba.jmf bulldlm, eul of Um Oourt Hoom, U pub lished every Wednesday laornlrjf, at per annum, m adtaci or SS M If not paid with in the rear, Alleaaaertattaai aaaaBiiET br aetUM aaaaally. No paper wlU be tent oat of the Btato onlen paid for in advascb, and all lien aabaerlptlona will Invariably be dUeon tlnuedatthe expiration of the time lor which (mmuin'aitlnneon irahjecteof local or gMieral Interest are respectfully ollelted. To enanre attention favor of thte kind mil Invariably be Mominnlid h v the name of the author, not for Ul M RUnnilliy Mil... ......-.- . na to Bnmneaaoi we ouicv the Eititor. publication, hui Ail irunra tniut be add Fubllehed by KequesU THE EXrHANwE. As Darby taw the letting ilia He twang hit scythe and home he ran, Drank off bit nog of beer and laid My work it done, I'll go to bed." Tow work U done !" quoth JBstrwi Joan, Your work it done 't your constant tone, B tt haplest woman ne'er can tay lUr work tt done till break of day; And if the goet to bed at all, The touso'dri will amakt and wcit. "First In the morulng though w feel Like wretched drunkards when they reel. Nay, feel tuch pains in limbs and head At would connnt you men to bed Tho cows we milch, the milk we strain, Then hasten to the house again ; Which, when displayed by mornlng't light We find Is In a dismal plight. "With aching head we now essay To put It in a birttcr way i We ply the brush and wield the broom And make the beds and air the room, We put the house to rights ; and then We get the breakfast for the mtn j ' 1-oag ere Hit done, with yelping cries And bils'.llng hea ls the children rite, They must bs dress'd and dosed with rue And this the busy wife must do. "Trembling with weakness, toll and pain We now resume our work again, But then there Is not wood enough, And what there Is la hateful stuff, All rotten, wet and smoky, too, And so we know not what to do. The bread's to bike, the meat s to fry, And when we're tired enough to die, The angry men rush in and say Must we be slarved to deati to-day !' " At this old Durby scratched his head And fust retreated to bis bed. Next morning ero bright Thocbus rose Old Jonn began her tale of woes ; Then Darby cried, to end tho strife "Be yi the man, I'll be the wife I Take yon the scythe and mow, while I Will all your fancied needs supply." "Agreed," says Joan, "give mo my stent" 80 Darby did, and ut she went. Sole monarch now, he seized the broom And whirled the dirt about the room , The sweeping done, ho scarce knew bow, He hied to milk the brlmlle cow ; But btlndlo crossly switched hor tall In master's eyes, and kicked Iho pail ; And while they smarted with tho pain lie vowed he'd never milk again. Now looking round in tad amaze He saw his cottage in a blaze ; For as he careless brushed the room In awkward haste he fired the broom ; He quenched the flamo and sorely vexed, Trcparcd to get the breakfast next ; But, oh 1 he know not wlw,t to do, The bread was spent, and hultcr too: With hands bedaubed In paste and Dour Old Darby labored full an hour, But, hapless wight! he could not make His dough take shape of loaf nor cake. Just while tho dooi wide open stood, In rushed the tow in quest of food, And dashing forward with her snout Oer-turned the churn the cream ran out ; As Darby turned the swine to beat The slippery cream betrayed his feet, Ho caught the bread Ireugh In his fall And down came baker, trough and all. The children wakened with the clatter, Start up And whin 'la, what's the matter!' OM Jowlcr barked and 1 ahby mewed, And luckiest Darby bawled aloud "Return my Joan as heretofore1. r 11 play tht hnum wift part no mar I" frftY esiMYTt - fir " esrD fir fly be Wcipednitg eili- JA$. R SAYERS, F I KMX ESS IX THE RIGHT A3 GOD GIVES U3 TO SEE THE RIGHT.-Iincofa. EDITOR AKD PUBLISHER. VOL. XI. WAYSESBIUG, PA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1867. NO. 7. 'Well, boys, we must give it up," said Tom Ilynderj but I'll be banged u 1 see how the u vitionnicsgji.uii; They must be here somewhere nigh by, too but they've given us the slip as slick as grease. "Sot much they Iiev'nt," snouted Tllll r:. n Afnrvlnml Mlfllipr! "VOU don't find this child leave tlus till he collura them dog-goncd rehs. I tell von they're inside ten rods ot here anmVrs. nnd I tell vou I'm agwine to get 'em dead or alive. I know their tricks, by loiiv, and i ten j ou unjte . .i . i'.'.i .... .... .it!,. I in mat. House mar mime cict ui vim. . Hillo. Look at that hole 1 How arc wou, Johnnie ? I'm after you I "Anil Willi lliniCiiura:ii-iKi";.Tj":i.-.ii off he ran to the nearest house which we had searched already from top to bottom. The houses there have no cellars. They are generally raised about three or four feet alwve the ground and sometimes rest on a stone foundation that is built all round, and sometimes again, they rest ou little pieces of masonry at the corners on .y, while tlie spaces net ween mem ui" banked up with earth. In the bank ing of this house there was an open ing that no one ot us nan nouccu. The Marylander made for it and squatted on his knees and peeped in. "Are they there?" we shouted. "Ho looked up and said nothing. He was evidently disappointed. "No," he said at last, alter musing ,-hilc, "but they're here some'eres, opening aud with a single jerk Bill had torn'up a portion f the flooring. What do you suppose we saw ? There lay the three rebs, dressed in dirty home-spun, huddled together at the bottom of a wide hole they had dug beneath the centre of the house. Hill was a Doworful fellow. He seized one of the rcliels by the nape of the neck, and not only puncu nun out. but pitched him to the other end of the room. One of our boys instant j lv mvpred him with his revolver. ' WllUnt n-nlfino tr mot Tl lit (UTVPll liuuu, nuiiuiLj, ivi . - the others in the same wav. You ouirht to have seen him as lie turned to the women. "Well old sixnensp. you re Union, mi ar? nnd the old man: and allers its bin ? And you never seen a reb, ... . n X' you never did, Miss isruss c rsor you niither, on your word and honor, Miss Secesh I They hung down their heads, blush edunto the eves and lei t the room without a word. "We disarmed the rebels and led them to the General. But it was hard work. I never saw men so exasperat ed. Thev wanted to lynch these assas sins. If our wounded man had died I aw hsi H.1XIXILIA9I. Gmphle Arrnnt f Ksmtlra-H lvr a Hi of Hraelllntlaa la the bta TrfU aud .Vesica Mer Crime. The Enixn-ama of Queretaro, June 20, publishes the following account of the execution oi Maximilian nnu ins two generals, Don Tomas Mejia and Miguel Miramon : Bror tae Exrcniioa. Tho ilolnv nf tliirtv-four davs which kent our neople so long in dfoubt and aroused so much excitement is thus ac counted for. The first courier that reached San Luis on tho morning of May 19, bearing the news or the cap ture, returned here only on the 22d, and the Emperor was at once notified that he must appear before court mar tini. He protested in writing, de manding to be tried by tho assembly of notables who had called him to the throne. The trial was postponed, and a mes sage sent to the President, with the letter of protest, and the documents that had been captured. Juarczs an swer was received on May 30th. It was a refusal of the demand, grounded on this incontestable fact, that the ascinhlv of notables had not been con- heard approaching, and Captain Gon rales entered tlie chapel witnthe band ages in his hand to cover the prisoners' eyes. Miramon quietly allowed him to cover his eyes, but Mejia reiuseu, and as the captain was about to take measures to overcome his resistance, the bislion uttered somethiug to the Indian vhx-f, who at once became sub missive. But the Emperor, advancing, declared that he would not allow his eves to be bandasred. After a few moments of hesitation, Gonzales salu ted Maximilian with a kind look and placed himself at the head of tho es cort. The procession at once fell into line, A squadron of lancers led the way, followed by the band, which played a , , i n l 1.1 L....n (loii t neuevc uic uciirnu nn -- ... . . , ., iji.i:. sailed in holding them back. W ' ZT Z k Next day wo had .inters to return to - - - j : Harpers rem-. The three rebels l'""""'' 16' i.;- 7 iv 1 1 . I i I ii , .i.n ... tn thn Emiieror on condition of the were anateu to l ie uows oi simuics . v .1 4 and forced to L, up with us nil day S-S l.-i.i.. r.w rl Iwtii d iiuia worn tfiU'pn " .v...v.... -v. , - - inii" vii i'ww - ! nt n I nia i Bnwn i rttrn i I ' . .. -i iT'll I I .1 lil 1... 1 - (( tr L I t' BtllllU unit; iiiouini uwmiiiik. and I'm agwnio to iind them i uuo , mm o.n 'r 0F his own acord, Maximilian said in bub, come iiere:co iie ai .gu.. ... , w x ..y , "y ; fl ......i voirctlmt he would accept with A little lellow had itut . como out was a. u.e mm imiiik- r .,... . , , .,.,,;,:- if thc from the house, lie hung back, out upon tne.n lor tno aucmpici - ... , ....j .. Bill coaxed, him into the barn. I nation of our men ... w!th him were also set free. At this WCnt Willi IHlU. lilil IUIU UIC uliuti j.um c,,lfivv") tliA woman of thc house the davs when we made war upon -i; ., . ., ' . , , !t 1.1 ...i i.. inside, talking with them, so that iney peace principles, aim u wuiuu nut uvc ...i.rl.t m,t m him with the bov. done then to have hanged those .... .1 ii-n . .1 1 i t Ti ...n..Ml ltn "rSow, bub, said JJill to tne uoy, wrcicncs. it iingiii, e.in.iiuiiuw "do vou know that I'm going to burn South, vou know, bo, as 1 said borore, ,Wn vnnr Imnse ?" all we did to them was to torcc them J. ... , I . i . i a i. i. rrin iuv iinUni scnrei . ior one unv to Keep bu-p iu uioiuto "O. please don t. sir, he cried; ot Union cavalry hools "them fellars ain't thar; trues death, sir, they's not thai'." And I ni agwine to hang your t an, A mogt lulicrous scene transpired m T, t)irco prisoners were brought be bul)." added Hill without tuning nonce ,,in, nnf iinl,s!,1Mi m ,,, rrom . x..:f. i r.:m:i;n ,.fi,a1 '. . . , , i-, . " ."v " - - ; . lore IHU 11 1IJUI1U1. limAiimJiwut"".. ot what the uoy saw; aim iikuihu Tjouisvillo, one nifrht recently, which, tn i1!lve nnv C0U11SC1 . Mdia and Miro- though a little annoying to the parties . ilos0 ono for ti,om Doth. We immediately concerned, was yet so have not jpr, nv,ie t0 get any details of innocent ami ninny, inai we cannot that gPSSion) which lasted only about refrain from giving the general out- Ln hnn. The nrisoners were found dead march. A battalion of infantry formed two lines, each fourteen deep, between which Hues were tho prisoners. When the procession reached tho main door of the convent Mejia cried out, Sire, for the last time show us again the example of your noble courage ; we follow in the footsteps of your Majesty." Just at th traneiseans were passing, two bore the cross and the tho remainder boro lighted tapers, Each of the three coffins were borno iv four Indians, and the three black rosses, with tho prisoners' scats, were lorno along at the rear, lapiuiii Gonzales at this point made a sign to , , , . . f , . ... , . mM).,iementnrv thereto, passctf was consumed. I was in hopes that on tho 23d day of March, 1807 A mimsi t.H virrinizr.w. time ho was lirnorant ot Avnat nac lieeomo of del Castillo nnd Avcllano, F.ven this renuiremcnt was acceded to. but it gave rise to conferences and negotiations that could not fail to be unsuccessful. Meantime a council of war was heli on the moraine of July 11th, presided over by General Corona, nnd compos ed ot Ucnerals Jcobedo, Martinez, Ruiz and Negrete, with two Colonels, I'll be ohliircd to civo volt ono ot goldarnedest whnilings you ever heard tell on in nil your born divysi I l. ..1 .1....' V' nvtnA ill, little fellow again he was thoroughly trigntencii now "tiiewycia imn uni. "How do vou know?" asked Bill. i . . ..... i. , .i "I know thev aiu t. replica tne bov. Bill seized Two sprightly and beautiful uilty( nnd their condemnation, w ladies were visiting their cousin, was sot forward to San Luis Pi Inch otosi him lines. younsr li a vounar ladv who. like her euests, was ti,t (i m, T,nt retnnied con of that happy age which turns every- Rrn,e,l until the morninir of July 18 ii . 1 II ! I . . i thing into merriment, ah tnrcc, v,iw Tt is known that tho Tresident was a room on the ground floor. On the night m question nnr Minixtcr nt Washinirton. Senor tne two i,.,rn mrncd the day and went to a party and did not get home spllr(,.i ti. nl..ipr fr i,;8 execution. till after twelve. Half an hour nfter nthougli full stress was laid upon the thev had left, however, a young Meth- fM nP !. Bnl,,i ,n!nritv that had odist minister calletl at the house and votej ;n f.,vor 0f me prisoner's guilt, craved a night's lodging, which was Aa ROon General Corona cot pos- Jf?rantcd, and ho was given the ladies gpssionof tho necessary document the ) f room, and Fannie, thc daughter, was to tlirce prjgoncr8 Wcre informed of their s'i "P ir me .u i v-Kcrs. Bl" fhre. hnr thev manifested no surprise, ftrrt gcadinrj. THE Hl'ROF.OX'S HTOBV. A True Incldcai af the War. 1 .1 1, nnA n . , XI, IS II null, IIIW i iw.uu,. by tne conar ami WPPn fnn,i nf m-iptical Sokes, occupied Lit i.... :..i:.,nJ n nlnmnnxv but. . , - . .. - g U l A ail tlllMI iw v..v....... , "Now, boy, I'll hang and your dad and bum down you house in ten mm ntcs. if vou t on t tell me where them , fellers is hid! "Oh. please sir. I m afraid," said the boy. "Don't 1 afecral," Bill told liim they shan t harm you ; nobody harm you but me ; ana iy iiokcj , j. u wt for tic pjirtv-goers, mill vour gizzard out, and ""Byou tione.1 herself in the parlor, but thc In(lPel, by this time they had learned double quick ifyou do.i t out and tell ni.t being sultry she s.30.1 fell asleep. ,vhat Imd befallen some of their com- riL'iit on wnere mcv it; ui.i t At tn0 tm)e nicntKiiiocl thc other two ,i 1 . I llU O, The lAHft Hlsht under the house Thev s dug a lio e Lw rnllllic tliey supposed asleep. mi,fllt'i,c allowed to remain together in i.n,6.Vt Anaiiif.y nuv iikuwihc a puirui iHwiai to the last. This was kindly gmnrcu. of the parlor, ouaui t cc tt when T, w h ftll ( lt W1W ono af Fan. T- tmnrfcrred to the old con- you look into that hole in tlie naiiKin ; - i int0tnlwl to scare them, so .aini, i10fi 0niVo1 nH n hnsnital fhov uvmlfl turn tlllilfw Oil hor ! Si- i V V. xMAMin 4ln nrinni. . . - .. -- - 1 ii- 1 it- i-i iiiniir.1, iinu dark to notice tne t .miv hov lmrfi1xMl. mul nt n friven ,.i 1 n r...i,:u i.A nnml flimr signal lwth jumped into bed, ono on WU spacious and comfortable. It each side ot the unconscious person, was j this room that the hospital drug exclaiming "Oh, what a man !" and si10I) ilmi i)Ccn c.)tt The room has gave tlie bewildered minister such a two windows looking out on the court promiscuous hugging and tousling as vnni n-nrdens. At one end of this . 1 j 1-) lew persons experiem.'C in a lilctime. Pnnm nn nu.lr ,rns nrenared. Ihe sen The noise awoke thc old lady, sleep- tinelsbad orders to fire on any one ing in an adjoining room. She com- w)10 sl,oul,l attempt to enter without a prehended the situation in a moment, ,.nfta rn, f'nf.,in Gonzales. At nil and rushing to the room she opened the Pvrs tlo one was permitted at first to door and exclaimed "My heavens! cnter but Father Fischer, secretary and girls, it is a man sure enough!" There confessor of Maximilian. Later, the was one prolonged scream; a hash ot n;silonof Oueretaro offered his servi- 1. .1 1 .i , ii 1 . . . . inusiin tnrougn tne uoor, aim an wns u. whjc Wcrc accepted altera snort over. Term of ArjvKRTUKKruTS inserted illlHpf (or three InwrtloM. and i (Mh additional Insertion t (te Unjav or Iras oountvdasquaro). All trnlent4erUmnt to be paid tor ln advance. . , . BcsiNEaa Notii mart under the htadrt Wai newe will be charged InTartobly W aaa Un or earn maernon; . . - A liberal deduction1 made to pereons aiWertM Ing by the quarter, half-year or f ear. Bfjclal notices charged one-half more Uian regular ad vertisement. .... . . . j.- Job Pkijitiwo or every ainn in rmip .. er colon; liaad-blll Bin CO., 01 every va .horteat notice. :anks, Card Pamphleta, ..I alvlA nrlnted at the The Repoblicah Orrira haa liwt been re-fltted, and every thing In the Print ing line can oe exeoniea in me uiua niannerand at the lowest rate. TUENEW liAWaort'ONeBEWS. The following is a full list of the acts and joint resolutions which becamtf laws at the session of Congress just closed : A bill to establish peace with certain hostile Indian tribes. A bill to carry into effect the convention with tlie Ilepublio of Venezuela for the adjustment of claims of citizens of the United States on the Government of that Republic A joint resolution oilman -ti r1 fog-"'" LOOK I. HO AT Till! DKIW11T SIDE. Here is a letter from a wife in Mas sachusetts to her husband in California, She don't Intend wring through the world with the blues : Mm Dear llxuband As it is now some time since you left for California, I suppose you would be glad to hear how we are getting along in your ab sence. I am happy to say we are en- ioying very good health on the whole, Just at present two ot the boys nave got the small-po'x ; Amanda Jane has got the typhus lever 5 txunucl got hooked by a cow tho other day, and and little Peter has just chopped off three of his fingers with a hatchet. It is a mercy he didn't chop them all off. With these trifling exceptions, we are all well and getting along nicely. You needn't be at all anxious about ns. I almost forgot to say that Sarah Matilda eloped Inst week with a tin tuwllnr Vnor crlrl ! Rhc's been wait ing for a chance, and I'm glad she's MyTTowof" Jacob llurmou. An act married nt lust. Kho needn't have fbr the relief of certain soldiers and Joint reso- Seerctary of tho' examination Mau- . 1 ! ; i aU-' go oil near so rice iteee avails, lor acimmsion w mo fust as they did. The way tho girl Naval Academy n September next. could dip into pork and beans was a An act supplementary to an act entitl- caution to the rest of the family. 1 he ed "An act to proviue ior tne more -cow took it into her head to run away, ficient government of the rebel States,", which was very fortunate, I am sure, passed on tho lid ot Aiarcn, 1001, niut UnliPn thn. trouble to clone thou'di. for sailors therein designated. is n'oment the T was e-lud enourh to have lution authorizing the ' 1 . 1, her go. She was a great eater, and I Navy to admit to Maximilian to step out into the street. He obeved. advancing very courageous ly as ho said in his broken Spanish, I io8 110s a la libeiiad. (Let us ad vance to our freedom.) The Execution. The procession then wended its way along the Calle del Ccmentcrio behind the cluirch and along tho route by thc aqueduct. In a short whilo it had the whole plain 111 full view, nnd thc view . .. - ' !. Tl... A the house would go, too, for it a incon- joint resolution of the House to carry venient ; but the wind was the wrong into effect tho several acts providing. way, so it did not receive much injury, for the more efficient government of Some boys broke into the orchard the the rebel States. other day and stripped all the fruit- The following bill did not become a' trees. I am very glad of it, for if they law by tho refusal of the President to hadn't I presume the children would sign it, tho adjournment of Congress nave made themselves ill. preventing its veto. A bill to secttro wjual rights 111 tho District ot Colum bia. Church Etiquette. Let the ladv from below was imposing indeed. The advance one pueo beyond the door of Emperor marched hrst, with the auuc the pew she wishes to enter, halt ahout "p,IE mn Fischer on his right, and the bishop on face andsalute. The pew must then lie finji.p,! u his kit. IJehind hun came M iramon, vacated by such gentlemen as arc in it, p.,,! thn of John Brown, having1 march in America.- ha ocean. Americans in Lon- rcsting on the arms of two Francis- by flnnk movement. Tho sound should Li ' 0t,rill hv limi-im thn wo 1 cans, and Mejia supported W tno two rise simultaneously when the lady pre- h-nown Wmj9 8Ung nt reform meeting priests ocioiigiiig 10 mu ihuwu i hcihh ncrscu, iinu nice vy mv rini nnj chanted by bands of workingmen Cruz. AMien they had reached the flank, then deploy into the aisle, the ;n tj, ptrects. I lis soul went march- top of the height do la Camjiana, KM mm facing tlie lady, and the h, into gt Jame8 Hall the other 11 : IivaiIIi, tnuin., a f kfl .... I I. ... n l.ia n.i.l .nn. l.nl .... .. 11 .n m illllAllllllIilU lUUUUVl Jl.Av;viiJ ivnuuwiitv mfll ITUllVIll LU HID 1 11 1 b tllivi v;ui, l"V then drawing lrom his direction ot his halt being changed by rising sun pocket bis watch, touched its spring a right countermarch, and forming and produced a miniature likeness of again into line up and down the nislo, the Empress Carlotta. lie brought still laced by the right flank, the tho image to his lips, kissed it, and then lady, when the coast is clear, completes handing it by the chain to l'ather her salute, and adv Fischer, said : '"Carry this souvenir to in the pew. Tlie Europe for my dear wile ; and siiotuu she ever bo able to understand tell her that my eyes were closed with course, by other parties, not to enter her likeness, which I will bear with me the aisle when this evolution is in pro- to heaven!" Ihe point which the gress until it is completed. cortege had reaeiieu is near tne oig night, and rcioiecd as it saw a liberty cap stuck upon a Harper's Ferry pike ami planted on the platform, from which tho Tories fled in dismay." A writer says : "Englishman sing that .fi.lui T'.rmvti'a koiiI is mnrchine' (Sri in! ance to her position Tn,i. ,n,l,,i;nra wnrhln it, in the gentlemen break : off aK00118 J,f Venice, and sailors of all ortiB in the liould by files from the rear, and resume their nnm ,ollt the grlln,i ch you, places. Great care should be taken, of watCrs of Calcutta." It will be a good thing for flie' M6- kers and bankers if Sharswood getar to be Judge of thc Supremo Court. . Tho wall of the cemetery. The bells ot jutob biiaiwood a unpo iuinrity first tl,in ,1C nn,l his Copperhead 66l the churches wcre tolling, and the im- in Philadelphia is being developed in , m do w. bft 'hTcak Jvn mctliato witnesses of the scene were the manner with which tne financiers but few, as tlie crowd had been kept bankers, manufacturers, merchants and back by the soldiery. uusiness men generally rcguru m.t 1mi . . . i ii.. i.:.. .1....:..:.... :n ' ho t iron i ni' f crosses nnu tne course, uy ins uuviuuii ni it,-ii.-iuiiv.x the National Hanks. anl put Gbvcrf. mcnt bonds and notes nt a ruinous dis count. This will afford fine , picking for tho brokers, and wild cat banks On the old system will start up in every a man before your mother if you keen your eye peeled. We won't hurt you. ' "Oh, please sir," cried the boy, "don't burn our house: we's Union t 1 f 1 7 i. I a I. n.n I tnmtnm n I f.ri si.r l n ! tcl I prisoners Denciies were nxcu against iu iugu raura -'ivi "c -" the wall, and the three tiring platoons more coiiiusum ,. ,ii,..v..u.. . . n , vin m) composed of five men each, wi h among i.usii ess ...en nan ,iu v u.- .. - - n ..fet derive, will two under olticers to each platoon in er jikucku omcer in mi; unucu ouura iwinm'n fnr flip pnin th. arnc. ndvanc- bv ft decision from tlie bench. On this nnccs nf the con- account the business metroolis aro k- demncd. Thc Emperor, when lie heard solved to cut Sharswood at the ballot thn ,.i;,.l-;no- of tho firelocks, thoucrht box. 1 hey aver, and justly po, that a tl,r.v wore nboiit to fire, and approach- man who struck a blow at thc credit of . J. : ' i I i... 4! : i. i - ..("it, .:i ; iiif? h s two companions cmDraecii tncm iiiu iiuuoii in uunoiiii uuu jwin, P. . -. f 4 4.. 1.. 4-....4...1 ;n nM,ui ...h.,.. ila ,n, i,xr imnp nnrnofiriipss. ni iramon inn 10 im u ibh.-u in ifvj.iv.vj iihui no ..amnffiH.l that, he nlmost fell over highest honors arc to bo distributed on his seat, but the Franciscans stretch- Hence the Merchants, manufacturers cd his arms out in the attitude ot a and bankers ot l hiiadcipnia, who arc pcri,aps the best pun recorded was cross. Mejia returned . thc Emperor's practical men, and wno produce, tne t)a(. inrlle(i on a tea-chest, via: embrace with great affection ancl utter- the wealth which maintains the Gov- ju These words are' the scc cd some broken words that no one crnmcnt, will oppose Sharswood. 0nd words sin"iilar to thc verb doceo. could distinguish, and crossing his folks!" "Tho nnlv time." said the surtreon. "In what direction?" asked Bill "that I ever saw prisoners roughly with a grin. handled was at Winchester." "I don't know anything about any Tho lmlir united in nskinc him to direction . said the bov. with a puzzl- mlntii tho incident. ed look. "We made regular trips, once or "Oh, you dont?" continued Jiill, twice a week, from Harner s Ferry to "well, vou oughtcr. You oughter say , . . 4 . . ... 1 Winchester. We did not mean to you r Union over the lett, you Know, garrison it, but to prevent the rebels over the left." V ill. .. 44 iL. i! T .1 4.1.1 ..," imm nouiinir ir. At me lime a was u i rusuiM oui mm iuui unv; . vuv Rnoakinir of. we had orders to enter soldiers to stand with his revolver Winchester, and to push as far as we cocked, at thc hole in the banking,and could safely go beyond it, and find out to shoot down the first man that tried whothor the enemy had any lorccs in to escane through lt. tho noicThHnrhrwvi. We succeeded in Then he went into the house and reaching the rebel town in thc evening, asked for an ax The English lawyers have perhaps had thc best talent fof not knowing anything sutsidcof thctf Own dry arena. As long ago as wncn Erasmus visiteu A la.lv took her little boy to church England, in the days of Henry VIII, for ?wt time. Upon hearing tho ig vU u.i iu. f - f lorlhcl organ he was on his teet HWtantcr. conference between the prisoners. They passed most of the night in convcrsa . . . 1 4.. tion nnd tirenaring themselves ior death. Miramon suffered a great deal A Centre Shot. Henry Ward Bccchcr. in a sermon delivered in Plymouth Church recently, produced i-rora j,;g wolln,l jn the eye, which he tlie loiiowmg picture: k0pt constantly bathing with Iresh wa- Men seem ashamed ot labor, and Afoi;nRVnt sound v. often you will find men who have At nnotimr. Maximilian asked for made themselves respected by lalior, somc Titing materials; these were got i u..:u l :... n,JU,ul I ... !7, ,. !i : it... "The General ordered us to rest for "What in the world do you want havc j,u;jt n a business and amassed a L-hh some diiTicultv. as it was' in the rCd r.4llrin ,..l,rt 4Ml.n A 4t.n:r erind mill I rill. Li I T 4m. Iivii vviuv , ...iv v miuuie 01 tne mgnu uc niw sav : "You shall never do as I did ; ipft,, tho first in German to the parties that that he had sent into the A me no questions, anu 1 11 ten you shall lead a different life; you Arciduchess Sophia, his mother; the country. you no ne, saiu um, -urn, umv uu ghall 8pared all tnis Uh, these othcr to nig He gave both lct- - We dismounted. Thc officers told want this house burned over your head, rich men's sons. They aim to lead a ters to thc bishop requesting him to sec us to make ourselves at home. The bring me one in less than two-forty. Ufc 0f emasculated idleness. Like tlie tnat thcv be dehvercd. He gave him boys searched all the stables and barns Ihe woman saw that iJUl was m no that floats icgg and nasty Li,,, . 11, f hair which the wife of in town for forage, and others went mood to be trifled with, and wenti and upon the all jelly, all flabby, no one of j, guards requested perm is- out in sqnaas 10 ine neignoonng got, me axe wimout any iuiuiv.4 UV.V,. muscle no bone it shuts ana opens, .: , ntv hprself. Ucfore giving farms. Bill then turned to the three soldiers and opens and 8nuta m& -m an(i . , , f . . . it oicd it . . . . . .1 1 I 1 . 1 . 1 .TV 1 1 1 l r l. minn I . . - .aa I - ----- - -- ' "As soon as tney got weir norses wno naa iouoweu mm mw tuc uiwi out ot M mn) fed they entered any house they pleas- and told them to draw their revolvers jnfluenoe or use. Such are these poor ed and took up free quarters in it and be ready to shoot lhey did so. fj jnejp parents toiled and grew "As a squad of three or four men v itnout a worn nm seizea me ciupci gtron(t and built up their forms ot iron were about to enter a house m the by the edges and tore it up. m j bone . but denying this to their outskirts of the town, three rebel sol- The women screamed. sons, they turn them upon the world diera inmned no from among the hay "lvord a messy 1 snoutca w "u Ucss. muscyess. sihid e cmatlejiiid and let blaze at them, une ot our women, - wnar, on eann are ye Buwuug at men was badly wounded, but no fa- my carpet torT the old man anaau on crossing arms on his breast stood up nobly. The bishop, advancing to Maximilian, said : "Sire, in my person, bestow upon all Mexico the kiss of reconciliation. Let your Majesty forgivo all at tins supreme moment. Iho Emperor, " , sit d s.di tho mother i won't !LtJs&t gaajaegtfsi?: J M - .1 a 11 i .1 1 a Tit 1 in 1111HT Liiiit-H. iiit; liiiiiiiun i;iui most profound silence, ah 01 a sun- , - . . i. t .1 ...4 . Kcnvon had not only an ignorance 1 den raising nis voice m er cu , , , rnsmlla Do T0U uk, Dtt If not ion shall Uvs lei Eoncz that 1 forgive him nis ..-.--..w-..- --------- . ,.,- .-'.i T r I but a rmnina fnr (ihAwinrr it. in Till m if I . . - i.. treason. Tell all Mexico that 1 lor- k--- o .r--- po yon Mu por r a. not yon are no gi". . , , 11.1L.. i..i. nlrrnn'thcr without a parallel. De- no like nork ? I tti4 not aalc your brother. give lier l.er enmc. nemen p . Chris- iVo you Ukeporkf ftay, without more nam S Willi me luim i 151:111:1, nuu . o . , , i bother. cnnlil not utter a word from emotion, t.ans to the mry one day ho capped and who then fell at thc Emperor's ?hU85 .A. aU fn"c- mat did you use to do, mamma, foot i.n.1 Khc.1 ennimis tears wh le he men 01 uic jury, ui.gm, x j voa were narried r Asked a . . . . 1 . - t U. ITmriArvvi .lulion an" polphmton tori .1 n , , mr.ii u4upv.iv4 " ....... .hfiMihio f,ii r vpfint niii. "ireii 111 thn nirrht until he could get the re- with an ax ?" the old woman inqui ports of spies, and one or two scouting with an anxious glance at his face, parties that that he had sent into thc "Axe me no questions, and I'll tell fallv TTia ton mmniln ran fnr hpln. ns is Union, and has allers bin 1" They soon returned, I tell you, with "Fon my word and honor," added as road a set of fellows, as you could one 01 tne aaugniers, mere m k umj iiaw musierea in Virginia, wty reu um uuua vu searched the barn high and low, every "We don't know anything about book ana corner, up lott and down nary reD, saia anotner young women, cellar, but not a trace of the rebels They all made a fuss and halloed, could thev find. but Bill raid no more attention to ; "We knew they hadn't got out of them than if they had been t parcel of our linen; nrr our jncKeta were mo nogs, xie tore away ova t ut ui i- ETroTig jar uxai. ; 1 pet rrom ine noor. - Tien were some ; houses bear lrr.1 "Be ready, boys 1" he said. and we seardied them. ' Bat we had I The women were crying and seream- the same tack-taat ft trace ' of the ine and talking Union all the time. -' Tebek 5 '''?'' I"-two hlowi made quite an ThePcblic Tislscbs. The re ceipts and expenditures of the Gov- . - . ... . ernment for the nscal year which end ed July 1. are now made up at the Treasury, and will present an exhibit a a 1 . i.J more lavorabie than was anticipated some time since. The public debt statement for July will also show a reduction of debt between two and three millions of dollars. . , Ths Greenville (S.CM Enterorue comes to us with a $1,000 Confederate Bond wrapped around it Houston nn carefullv and then slipped it into the envelope already sealed for his wile. After four o'clock Maximilian wish ed mass to be said, which was done by the bishop, after Meiia had been awak ened. All then received communion together. Alter mass the imperor remained a Ion? time kneeling on the hard Btones -for thev bad no orte dieu with his .. 1 J 1 J eyes towards the ground ana nis aeuu resting on his band in a pensive alti tude. It is not known for certain whether he was praying or weeping, Miramon wis pale and downcast. MojiaMemedtabeauiteatease. We must bear in mind, however, that he was an Indian, and that he deemed it a glory to die with his sovereign. When seven o'clock had struck, the J music ofthi Mlemn prooessioii jwas be in greater demand than ever aboirt tlioso times. A crusty old doctor declined to' pay his paver's bill, saying "his pavement had been spoiled and then covered rrp with earth to hide the bad work. "Doctor," was the reply "mine' in ttot the only bad work they put earth Over." to teach, and when literally translated become, "Thou Tea-chest." i..j u..:ii:' 1.1.J r..Ko. the Emperor Julian so ceicDratea ior . . f,, voor, .1,1 .. ., .,, L.iir 4 the exercise of every Christmn virtue T u.j a siilestneAODe weresneuuingteuiTituoo. -"--V n j t.i:- oear. uau a vcir The Emperor gently withdrew his that he was called Julian the Apos- , he exclaimed, indign hand, and moving forward said with a ue- m , Iy--"what, without me l sad and anparcntiy ironio smile to the Ttr 1 nrmmtiv AVivr. There is no I " officer in command of thc firing party wjnc ai to the blackberry wine Edmond About says : "Interpose a 1 ignant- v ...... t if i 414V vvjv.. v - - - j a . A la diupmcimde V (Atyourdispos- whcn properly made, cither in flavor little-head in a tin cup between the al.sir.) or for medical purposes, and all per- world and you ; you will witness a hen the olhccr gave tho signal tor mBB wb0 can conveniently do so, should most beauuiui pnenomenon wnicn as "aim," Maximilian uttered something manufacture enough for their own use tronoracra have not yet studied the ort ot tne every ycar n it is invaluable in sick- total eclipse 01 tne worm. mm, Mif.l . 4 ' . J iLl . 1 44. I . Ax Irish gentleman, parting with a I lazy servant woman, was asked, with in German which the report muskets drowned to the hearers. Mir- nS8 a toQC) ona nothing is a better amon rolled over as if struck with a Tpmedv for bowel diseases. We there- bolt Meiia, who was standing, beat Mre ve ue receipt for making it: the air with his hands a few times I "Measare your berries and bruise them, I respect to her industry, whether she before he fell, and a shot in the ear to every gallon adding one quart of was what was termed "afraid of work. C..1.J tit wain In A KmnimP TP II I i. . 1 . T . 41, A ofnnrl I ..1 .i J n M J Iia KmaI at UUIOUCVA IIW '""" iiv "--'1' - " - I DOllUlg WUbCTl AJvk UIC llllVvn v. qimiiva I "yll, UUb ML Oil, DalU 41V., iiuv uu cm. over on the cross, which kept him up, twentv-four hours, stirring occasion- she'll freauentlr lie down and fall . . ..if ,-.! - A I - . '.. .. . . I " . . ... ..... and trom wnicn ne was picKea up tuiw jiy . tnen gtrain off the liquor into a asleep by the side ot it" naving neen aispaicnea. v ca&t, to every gallon adding ten pounas i The interment took place in tne nr.ll(rft.. cork ticht and let it stand rr- a t.i. nv,ni nr, tam cemetery, and the Bishop of Queretaro to following October, and you will on account 0f the abunctance of jciiuiiucu uk OVA3V1V1V1V11. nave wme reuuy ior uoc, n uu I the peach crop in tnat region, 11 is nor. ther straming or boiling, inis maKes itfy that peaches will bring more W HICHEVEB way uie tiwiiuu ewi, a most exceiiem uiu tnuautuui than fitly cents a Dusnei. . ii . i e a I - i we snau nave an eiuer tor ouprcuc judgeharswood, the Democratic can- Tract distributing has its funny . brancn or tne rresrjywnau vnura,, paui6 v w. v-. -deadwillnot feed the starving Coo and Judge Williams, the Rpub im Uarisof elder of the New near one leiiow laugn ar, nw. om . stopped to reprove tne wreteneu pautan 'Why ma'am," say he, "you have and Judge nominee, u School. aa Fatomte air of mammas having rnamageable dsnehters millionaires. Emerson finallv savs ! "The Poor W' IT I1T lim BUli PUT jwi --' 1 1 ' 4 a jrlverj me a tract on the sin of daneing are only they who feel , poor,and wrvtr when I have got bouilegs shot oft' ty consists only In feeling poor.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers