1 jhfVagttfSburfl Republican. From Wuvncsliiiri! I" Wavnesbnrg. nrrlvul, Wtln.n.liiyB,7U. in.; departure, Wediicadiiya, ,. m.-)vln.lincvii!tn. From Wiivncsl.,irg In Willow Tn, nrrlvul, Wednesdays, II u. hi.; diirlure, Wednesday,., ' Vrlini Washington Pi. lo Wnyiiesliunr. urrlvnl ilnily,7.:p.ni.:i..!ircptHiiiidiiyK,).r iiiiul-dally, II 't p. iii.,ii'xii'pi Sundays). From Ulcus limiting lu Vnyncsliiirsr, nrrlvul dully, , p. in., (except Suii.luys.l.leparliiiT dally, a, a. in., (except Him. luym. From Wnvnesliurg. I'a. to Cameron, . a., nrrlvul, Tiii Iqv and Saturdays, .", p. nt., d.pu. turn, MniidaveandFrlduya, a,n. in. Krum Wiivnesliuigto Vi'l Alexander, ash. I'o., in., nrrlvul, Fridays, 7, p. in., departure, Hiittirduys. 7, a. in. , Krom Wiivneahurg lo Morgantnwn. W. A n., nrrlvul, Wcliicadaya,a, p. departure. Thurs days, , . m. . ... ,. From Wavncstiurg lo Mlddlehoiirne, W . n., arrival, Wednesdays,, p. iu., departure, Tues days, 4, u. in. Nbw AivmTiK!MkT8. Tlio nllcnlion of our readers l specially directed lo the fullow" InKodvertlseineiits, which appear for the first liino in our paper to-day. Crd Tinker & jfnncl. (jHurtcriy Report Klrst National Rink. llLACiutiiKii are iu market. IJutchcfi Vly riiptr.nt Rnulcn's I)rtii Store. . . - - ' Puro While I-cad and Linseed Oil, at 0. W. ltoUjrW Ai Co s. Tns Court Hnuso yard looks shabby, and the cupola of tlio uuiMing waula ro-piiintliig. Roys' French Ciilf Roots ncllirg id f.'i.DO at llaletc.U The double bridgv eiust uf town U danger ou fur crossing of auimiila. The flooring Is worn through aud needs roiuVing. Who will attend lo it? For the bent Ylnepnr, go to 0. W. llobcrls A Cos. Drug Storo. Cikanuniss of person and premises, and a sparing use of gri'cn trash, will insure a con tlnuancc of the present roroiirKMilo ginni health of our citizens; and nothing short of it. I 1 Ki;v. W. S. Vavi.kvk, of tills place, has ac-1 - - - - copied a call from the Presbyterian church at Frankfort Springs, Heaver comity, nud lias , entered upon the duties of his new call. 1 Tun "whirr" of the reaping machine, the ; song of tho sejllie.llic fragrance of now-mown my, tho merry whistle o the fanm r In , a , borne on the breezes of these ,M.,...l July "' "Ai.t. Swino i ami I'iiomknaiik:" Last i Saturday was beautiful, balmy and lireer.y, just such a day as any party of ladles and gentlemen would chooso for an .nernuon in tho woods. With an eyo to business a plat-; form bad been erected in the grove of Mr. . . . .1...!.... il Ir ,, I liia-a, wesv o, iou i.......K ...u ...... i.. . .i...t ...,.1 r..c(lt'o tit ...e ii. . . y os . a FpiliiK.uig ol il;o "oni an. i gay, in o"io i sexes, collected (here nnd with merry miisir, i ringing lauh and nimble feet, dedicated the slnietiire lo the iroddess Terpsichore. From i almost high noon until Sol threw his rnysj ij(1st, on l:mt Sumlav evening on Main St., aslant the hilltops llui "dan.-e wenl on." or the itrect leading lo the College, a pear! "Tliey reel'd, they set, they croRed, Ihey sleeve button, large size, with a diamond slinp t.l,.ekit " ' cd set on the top. Also, ono day last week a 1 1 i i,i,. 1 ol dn. eol I. breast-pin. The finder of either 1 line i'a. sen loin tvii i.oii '... -.j, ono iiiip'easuit feature In mar the occasion unless it win Hie sniasli of Iho "orrbeslral platCorm." We hope lo spend many such hours w orshipping ntlhis shrine. Mishler's Herb Hitlers, f.r Dyspepsia, for sale at 0. W. lMierlsA: t'o's. Drug Store. Twick Hoi Ti n. The Cadiz, O . ,'. 'iyih ( A 1 iwycr named Utile, one of the at-1 tiivs : tnrnevs of F. lcr. who was executed lor murder at Washington, Pennsylvania, some time since, recently applied for permissi m to j practice In the Court of Jefferson county, In ! thlsState ami was refused because, in l.isoon- ,ft 15 ftml fess .,n, t.rcharged l.ijn wdh n..-oes.on,, ! conilart while defending hi.n. The same was . ' ; , , , , , , , , , , ., , , .r- .... . ; of th'J new vo ume, appears enlarged and hn- refused ndniisslon to the bar of Hei.ver County, ; ' , .. , ... , . . . , , .... 'proved U contains a beautiful portrait ot for the reasons slated above, enly, "the i . . . r , , iii... i Oliver Optic, and the And two chapters of it way of lhc transgressor is bard:" ..... .... . .. , . 1 . ..... j new Story by him entitled "Hrcaknig Away, llent Spanish Flout nnd Hctigal Indigo or tho Fortunes of a Student ;" a Story bv warranted j for sale nt U. W. Roberts A i'o's. ()ivc Lng.in . ..i;lt. ln,iia,- tiy a lady who Drug Store. I ,Vas born and resided many years there ; "Sea ExriiESsHoiiBKRT. Thislime.unfoitmiately Tilings" by George S. Hutleigli the poet, not ol the Adams' Express but by the Adanu' j "Tho Mysterious House;" a marked Deciii Express Co. Numerous complaints nrirto ; maliim, ami the usual variety of Hehusses, from tho extortion practiced by this corpora- j Enigmas, Charades, Ax. This number comes tion, on the route between here and Pittsburg. I will beautiful cover, printed in color, nnd is Persons ordering goods from Iho East nay, in most cases, n iiiuch from Pi.lsburg to Way ncshurg as they do trom New York to Pilts burg, the tariff heiug doubled on all packages, net prtini'l, nt Ilio latler named city. The only excuse we have for this is, that the want of competition on this cud of the route permits them to act thus with impunity. Should their be delay, from tho suspension or navigation, or any ather cause, as was recently the case. the shipper is subject to another extortion by tho agent at Brownsville, or wherever the goods ate dclaved, because the package, have " . ,. , , .... ., ,., i lobe -.i.ifrf and bilhd! We arc advised, tint those who would not subject themselves to an extra charge should have their freight irciaiii.tliis however Is no palliation for double- charging a patronizing public merely because they have the opportunity to do so. French Armv Lotion, tho best Liniment tn use, at O. W. Roberts & Co.s. Drug Store. m Wk have all heard of "crying nuisances" and they are nuisances generally, and particu larly when Ihcy pertain to somebody else's household, but a Worse, mora unmitigated and inexcusable nuisanco is the barking musancs of a score or so ot pliist dogs, bark ing all night at tho moon ir 'here be ono and if there be not, barking at their own uoisc from bed time till daylight. It can be readily abated by the use of slriclmino and we will cheerfully respond to any reasonable tax upon our financial resources for tho purchase and distribution of the drug. The above, from an exchange. Is particular ly applicable tn this place, and need we sdd that we endorse the prescription. 0. W. Robert A Co s. Drug Store U the best place to buy Hall's Hair lirnewer. A full stock of. Paints and Paint Brashes, at O. W. Roberts 4 Co s Drug Store. Why Folks It tr Locals An old "locsL,'' who ought to know all about things pertaining to this department, says the people read Items of local latere Jtir reasons as opposite as man and wife. At reads about fight because he was there, and saw it j B, because lie w isn't (here and didn't; C, because hehtrf beard bout it; D, because he hadn't, wlult- those who bad a hand in It, want to know bow much of truth concerning them the editor has deemed compatible la Its utterance with a continuation of Ida own earthly career. The consciousness, too, that hundreds of others are simultaneously perusing the same article, and "that It is therefore a subject of common thought . and con versa tion, doubtless adds to the zest with which ordinary readers eagerly devour articles that otherwise would have but a dull . perusal ot no perusal at all. Bl-sixkss Courtkst It Is a misfortune th.it a great proportion of this worM'i people l naila up of unsocial, boorish. Ill-mannered individuals. Of all things conducive to wel fare and success, cuitrlcsT In business wil rank among the first. It is not hard to Jndgu fromtho tono ot a nun's l.:tters his einct nature and dUllion, notice readily from those pertaining to business affairs, than thoso of a private caste. The plain, maltr-iir-fact limn,addresscs you Inn straight-foward, respect ful, and business like manner. Even if crude and Indicative ofan unlettered nature it smacks of courtesy and you may set him down im mediately as one whom you can depend upon. The knave over docs the thing, ho is pruliito in "please" "you will greatly ouiige -yours most respectfully," etc. Ho will do In some instances, but In the majority of cases he trios lo .V you. The presumptious chap, writes as if you was his Inferior, generally beginning with and winding up iu coiuiuandatory style. Ho Is the peat of respectable business society and usually combines arrogance with Igno rance. Huch address editors nsiflhrywero dogs, without the slightest provocation, with out the least sense of cxtemnilon. He can't till you respectfully that his paper fails to reach him, thai you have erred in making out is account, that he wishes his paper discon tlned, without a display of his rude, uncouth nature charging you with what, in nine cases out often is his own carelessness or that of prwt-oftlce nfllclals. Herlmnly we think an expose as a warning would bo beneficial to time who indulge in "lording It" over thoso so unfortunate as to he connected with them in business relationship. Four Fold Liniment, at Ilraileu's Drug Store- Hi.tNi't.n. When we have a real item fur nished us such as a fire, flsht or a foot-race, the voraciousness with w!;ich it is seizjdac aecounu for the "half nnulo up" stylo In which it is frequently given to the public, I itt week the lire we noted ocenred at Hicc's i,.u,,iing. Dents' and lailies Sliop' rs, at llalstci'.'s Hoot and unoe n.ore. i. ;.. We scented tho news of a large mi merry f galherlog or the youth mid beauty ! near Newtown in Wliilely tp , on ihinlnyliift,. Tlwy mny lmve Imtl n good i .t it., t . ! .1. ! ... .i I Mwf I ror Hair Oils nnd Pirlnmcry, go lo It. . ;""" j w ,.,,..,.,. T1(i, vuxilons malady vbu im( (.,.Mri,n lAnmnt,-Mr. .,,.1i ,., iv, !. I r.l of no discs resulting fulnlly yet several are on , , " Among the adults a case or , , ,.1,,,,, morbus or summer com plaint makes up the sick list of our village. Hi st Indigo, nt Htadcn's Drm Store. . " article will collier n lavorauu "e toinpeu ... li .erally il'lhey i.ro delivered at this olllco. Iidi 's' I Jailers and line M iroee ) Uabll irals, at I aisled s Hoot and Shoe Si. ire. X.nicB to mi: 1. O. O F. On nnd nftor tliu Isl S.doi.lny nitiht in August J. F. Temple IidijeNo, .".71, 1. O O. F. will meet Scmi- ... I .l Monthly. .ce:.n regiuauj ...e ...... .... faiuruay ingii. u eneo m........ J1.SSK 111. Mil, .X. ... W)l Hl.llKIlTi V. tl. in. John Cam., Sec, , elegantly uiusiraicd. rmmsiieu ny lkk .v. Suir.iiii, Itoston, '.',."il a year, t?l,2.'i fir six mouths single copies siv cents. The pub lishers offer to send a copy Trea lo any boy or ghl who will write to them for it. Todd's Pills, nl Hraden's Drug Store, i)i:i.i.n & Co. havo 1 ublislied Th Dime , Standard fintttkrr, containing a collection of . ' , . , , r - extracts from distinguished Ainctican 'authors and orators in prose nnd verse; and Th, j ,Hi romance of Hevolutionary i Mrf' 1 ? &bJ (for copies. 1IH N llliam St. N. . ' Tub Uniontown 6V.i of IMitrty has been ' purchased by James F. Campbell, rormcnyof the Johnstown Vtmnemt, and recently foreman or the Pittsburgh 1'oit, and F. S. Rock. The olllce sold ror 0.10. Oiikkxk Custt is well represented in Bal timore in the pcrs n or H. L Mipel, of the firm or Tinker & M-ineL He bears an envia ble reputation here and no doubt his friends wi'l be pleased to sen his name iu the above connection. Sec card. Tiikft. On Thutslay evaniug. July lfi, ISC", a sneak thief made a raid on tho corn crib of John C. Flennikcn, and stole the pop corn which had been deposited there Jiy the children, for use in winter. We would say to the scamp, the next time he wants com to call on Mr. Flenniken, and there is no doubt but he will receive it without the violation or any commandment He is known, and Ms future good conduct only, will prevent expos ure. . t 8ad Accwkxt. Wc aro lu formed tint a child of the Widow WhetzeL or Whctzlcr, of Monongahela tp., was killed last week by the fulling of a tree. It resulted, as we under stand it, from a childish freak of the children in cutting down a small tree for fire wood, during the absence of the oldet members of the family. Having nlresdy lost her husband in the army, this second bereavement will fall ucarily upon the mother. Hon ss Dbowned. The Uniontown Stand ard of last week says John Barre, livery keep er In this place lost a valuable horse at David son's Ferry on the MonongahcU river, on last Friday. The boat, it seems, was not fasten ed to the shore, and the ferryman being on the other aide of the river, the driver, the bank being steep, lt his horses run on to the boat, whicii shot out front the shore, plung ing horses, driver and sll Into the river. The driver saved himself by jumping Into another boat lying near, and one of the horses saved himself, drawing both the carriage snd tho dead horse attached. , Vmm School. The Plimmer session of tho Union School will done Friday, July the Xilth. The "Fiiendsliip" Literary Society, connected with the Fourth Department, will have a few Dialogues, I'eriiHllcal, fto , an'l a lew classes will hit heard publicly. Parents, Directors and all interested iu Education, are invited lo at tend at 2 o'clock p. m. J. JACKSOM 1'L-HM.IN, l'llUClp.tl. Hrokkm Into. One night recently, the shoe shop of Holer it Hineliart in the basement of the Hamilton House, was broken into by some person or persons entering tho window As nothing was taken, and the door between them and the burlier shop njar, It Is supposed some fellow was ' 'sober but dry." tiiuce the license lock "Tom " has been kindly furnish ing the "old regulars" Willi a "drop of the crutliui" now and then, and this is the re w nrd lie gets. Shame on you for Ingratitude ! Itcpirted for Hie Itcpiililli-tin hy II. F. Flcnnlken. I'liocttDisos or rim Town Council. Hurgcss Olllce, July (I, 1807. Council met in accordance with previous adjournment. Present, W. E. Oapcu. Hur gcss; Councilmen, Ilerryh'.ll, Mtinoell, Rogers, Monis, On motion, of Munncll, the Secretary was Instructed to mako out a duplicate immedi ately, according to order of former Council On motion, orders to tho amount of $.10 weio Issued to James Parker lor building bridge on Washington street. Bimon Hinchnrt was again notified to ap pear before the Council and make an exhibit lot the duplicate placed in his hauils for col- cctlon, In If 03. A similar notice was served on Perry A. Haynrd, former collector. Ou motion, rtKolvml, That the cbrks at the late election receive no pav for their services, Council adjourned to meet on Monday eve ning, July 1.1, 1807. July 15, 1807. Council met In tho Hurgcss Olllce, Present, W. E. Oapcn, Uurgcss; Councilmen, Munncll, Herryhill and Hogers, On motion of Herryhill, it was resolved, That Joseph Taylor, former collector of tax, bo notlOed to pay over tho funds in Ills hands and close his duplicate, on or before tho 1st Monday of September, 18C7, to John Mun nell. Treasurer. And a similar notice was served on Perry A. Hnyard, to closo li s du-1 plicate on or bef .re September 2, IRtiT. And ! ,1 Jarkson l'urmnn, .ormer mnccior was s i.,,f'..t-n llm f'siiiiicil nn Mini. f I8(;7 , ,ilUo an cx. f lhc duplicate placed in his hands for collection. On motion, Win Scott & Co. be speelfully requested to remove llieir salt trom the comer of High and Franklin streets, or fence Hie same, on occmu.t of Its being made almost impassible by tho congregation of cows, nnd Mr. Dawson Adams was requested to remove his old stable, made partly of brick, on account of its being dangerous lo tho trav elers psssing along said street. There being no further business before the Council, it adjourned to meet on Monday eve ning, August ii, lSHT. W. E. Oai'kx, Hurjcss. 11. F. Fi.i'.Nxiui'., Sec'y. ACKl.EY-I.A'VHEXCE On tho f.th of June, in:.7. bv Kev. Alex. W. White. Hichard Aekley, of (heene Co.. and Harhnry Eaw renco, ol Wtishlngton Co., Pa. Did IlErtHiNilTOX-On Tuesday of last week in Finnklin tp., "Charlie," intant son ofC'npt. Henj , nnd Margaret A. llcrrinulon, from iu llaniation of the brain. Aged 1 1 months and I day ADAM- On Monday last, of Whooping Cough. ".lennie," oldest child of V. 1. and Kli.aUetli Adiiins. ilUuhrts. W A V X KM II n u yi A II K I T. W.wsKsnuito, July 21, In. Corrected Weekly for the I'.cri ni.ii'AN. ritODfCK. Uu Iter (fresh roll,) V ft Kkks dox Potatoc. y l.nsti Ij.r.l fit. Tallow Y Hi Counlry S.sip V tt Dried Peaches i II) 1". lll'S .2 no.-,. Jii lu f IM hi KbOl'll AND OHAIX, Flour V bid Wheal f bll-.li Ilye c bush c,rn V bush..... Com Meal Y bllsli.. fin,, is i m l Kl filtoCKHIIX coir.s -f t Tea Y It. Itrown Sugar Iti Hell mil sugar ) It. Syrup r gal 3iv...rn t III M Jl 1 ml .vtoiunscs (.-N.iiriculisj 1 en 1 I 2"rl"l,",,,1 K"1 ! Sa,t bid HlccV I'lTTNIII K;ll IIAKkKTN. SATcmiAv, July a), lsirr. The most Import. ml fenlureol the week tins been nn arrival of new Flour, and several lots of new Wheat huve Ih'cii pnrchuscd lor future de livery, nnd nnesninll lot of the lt.tt.tr arrived on Friday from WeMltiioreltinilcoiinly. Next week, it Is thought, that new Wheat will commence to come in from the ii.ljoltilng counties prdty freely, nnd n w.-ck or so later we may l.s.k tor new crop Hurley, Ouls and llye. CitiAIX AXDFI,orit. Itye y bush Outs j bush Corn t huh Spring Wheat Winter Wheal PISOVISIOXS. Shoulders Sugar Cured Hums l-aid Potatoes, (new eropi Y bid do (old cropi "p biedi Hreell Apples J. bid I 'llecse Kgus V dox llulUir 7SVMI l . 11 Th-tHMii . WOD ilKiM 13.:l:i , 2IWH , 4 .Vl I no ,1 IJO.i.OOO " Hi . 1617 . CIIIt'AUO MARKET. I iiieArio, July 20, S7. Ftuii In modernte demand. HKAT Finn: sales of 'i. 1 at K 85; No. 2. fl IHMl'Uiv, Cokn closed firm nt85e for No, 1: sn'ssove tut So. I Oats Finn, arid ll!$e higher, at enf-ftlc for No. & Hvx-KIrm nnd quiet at tl 25 for No. I. IIAKI.KY Dull and iiomilu.1. Pluivisio.N Active; Man pork, 822 7.V..21. I. AkO .Jlllet at l'.H;e. Hkkk cattls Dull at Mika.fTjO for fair to good HtllpplliK. II. iiM-itul.-l and iVaiOc lower, at Jt) 7037 00 for coiiimon luu'iud sni.Mitli. WOOL MARKET. If there Is much .nine In this trade It Is kept very silent. Our exchange have scnrecly uuy thlliit lo say. The New . ork "Tribune" for Kat urday says: "The buslne in donii-stir rteeees Is limited; mmi holders am more snxfotiN u. reulie. hut buyers do not come forward In view of the Ills-mi arrivals of New (lip, snd the con tinued depression In the floods mnrkef." The buyers hen wein to be active, nnd we note considerable qnnntttteM In store and Iminf stop ped. The fnruiun., however, an too busy it! present to trade, not carina either to sell at the rate current. Prices are uoiiiinnl. A Westerx wlitor calls Groclov "Jeff Davis' Pain Killer." The receipt of internal revenue for the week were $3,230,367. A Fire in Quebec Saturday destroy ed 20 hoaxes. Reoistiutiox has closed in Xash villc. Six thoaoand voters were repris teren, of whom but 1,600 were white. Special Notices. 4-llrlinbold'a I'lhl4 Kitrart nccnu Is a certain cure for discuses of the nt.AHHKR, KIDNEYS, OltAVF.I,, 1)11011, UIIU.VMU VK KNE.SS, FKMAI.K UUJl l'LAIXTS, ( F.NFKAIj DF.niLITV, and all diseases of Hie I'rlitnry Onintis,' whether exlHttnK In MALKOR FEMAI.K, frtim wlmti-vereaiiscnrlKlnalliigsinl noiiuiller of HOW I.ONO HTASnjXO. Disi-iiws ot these omnns reiilro Hie use of a dluri'lle. If not rent ineiil Ismbinlttiil to, Consiiiiiptloti or Insanity may ensue, our Flesh nud IHihhi are supported from Oieice sourees, nud the IIF.AI.TI! AXIIHAITINMOKH. and that of Posterity, d nd mion prompt use of a rellnlile remedy. IIF.I.MIIOI.D M F.XTUACT lUTIil. Otnlillslied upwunls of IH years, prepnred liy II. T. IIKI.MIIOI.D. 001 Ilraidway, New York, unit lot H.mth tilth HlriH't, l'liiladelphla, I'll. 3;13eow-ly. 4 lrepiired till nl I'nlni ami Mure, fur I'reaervtnir, llelrliiB nml llemillfvlna (he llnir. And Ih Hip miHt clc-llitlilful ami won derful urtlele Die world evr pnslneed. I,iidli-Kwlll llnd II mil only iieiTlnln remedy to restore, Darken and lli-nutiry the llnir, but also a deslnilile artlele for the Toilet, ns It Is hlulily perfumed with u rteh and delleale ierluiiie, In ili'H'iideiit of tho fmijniiit odor uf the Oils of I'nlni and Mace. Tins M.MtVKUor rr.ut?. A new nod Ijeniitlfiil perfume, which In d'dletwy of scent, nml tho lennelly with which ItellniiS to the hnndker elllef and 'rson ls unequalled. The above articles ftr sole i.y nil PniKulxtx and lVrfumerM, nt l per lutlle encli. Hcnt hy express to any address liy prcprlcloM. T. W. W II 10 1 IT A ft)., in-,3l:'W-ly, H) Liberty Ht., New York. ts.t'nr oii-lteteiitlon or Inronllnu- cnee of t'rine, Irrltallon, lnlln mmul Ion, or ulcer ullonof the blnildcr, or kidneys, diseases of the prostrntii Klniids, stons In the blndder, calculus, xrnvel or brick ilust deposlo. and nil diseases or the blmldcr, kidneys and dropsical swellings, t'HK 1 1 KI.M llill.ll'S l'UIIIl F.XTll.MT Ill'l llU. .;:l,';-eowly n.lr. VVIitlll.-s.v dikes pleasure In nil- noiineluji to ids tiunievoiis ti lcnd nnd natrons Hint helms return ..I to Wn-lilnston nnd resum- ''d prn.nce ai his old imi. c, J at!: u. r of Main nod an lie found at nil iy those, wishing o consult, him In reuur.l todlsenseH nml tli. lr In ..Inii'iit. The Dr. deems It unnecessary to enter Inm tho details of his theory and practice, ns from hundreds ofeases which he has treated w Mi complete success In Washington nml n.ljoli na count les, the public are more or less acquainted with his system. He would, however, snv that during Ills resl denee In Clnelunaltl lielind experience In hospi tal practice, innklim weekly visits to the princi pal hospitals ol the city, iMniiInn In eontuet with chronic diseases of every type nnd kind, nnd havliii! ample opportunity to wlluess the ell'eet of the most approved mi l s. lenlllle modes of treatment, the Doctor km nNo ndded In hlsolllee a very lino Mlcrose.iH, wliich euiiides him to mnke Optical, fhcinlciil, and Microscopical ex aminations o! any case Unit maybe presented, In short, to rc'luce uie.ll. si Diagnosis by means of the urine to nlwibitn certainty, lenvhm no room lor doubt, cither ei. ills part, or that of the patient, Thcnllllclc.Ure lnvilc.1 loeall nnd test his Irciitment with the issurnnee of speedy re fund permanent cun, ::l-ll F. Wlimt.K-sv. jrd'lleli.lbol.rs Ol.eentrilleil Hftlrncl IlIM'Ilt.-, iHlhedreut Diuretic. IlKI.MIIOt.l.'S ( ON.'l:MHIAl.n extii vit HAIISAI'A- mi.e, Ts the Oieat Hind Purlller. lloth lire prepared iio-'-rdlMK to rules of Pliur maey and t 'lieinlsti-y, ind are the most ncllve that cull be liuiile. :l;bleow-ly. anvllitiiliMd nnd Voi.llil'nl Vltforare Kniiicd by Hcliubold'h ,-Ixtraet Ilu.'hu. H;lleow-ly. re- Si).'l'4i my friends nnd lntr..iiN. I In.vo. ns many of you are iiur, sold my Dental prac tice to Dr. J. H. Herlltr. lie bus been eiieucl In j '"e praell I DcutlMiy for seven yenrs.tlie Int- i " r """ " o...-...-......... I with blin anil his prolesilonnl eureer, nnd know him to lie an honorable, lipriuht, eneructle man; I us well ns o:ie..rtbe nit. earclui and succcHsmi operators I have ever kif.wn, I can conscienti ously recommend him 0 nil my patrons, I'eellUK assured that he will rcnl 'i-the very best satis faction to all. I must a.tvv say farewell to nil my friends nnd ptcasnnl iMVpiaiiitiuicc. I ko to seek uu. itlierliome, e.pwtliii to sec but few of youaualii In the prcsen stnte, but cherishing a fond hope to meet you ill In the laud of the Just, Willi every good wish Relieve me truly yours, ll;lMm H. K. Patton. 44-IIelllllM.l.rit l:lraet Iliiehn Bite health nnd vigor to Iho frame nnd bl.Mim to the palid cheek. ' Debility Is accompanied by many alarming, symptoms, an 1 If no trcntmeiit Is sub mitted to, cmsumptloi., insanity or epileptic llts ensun. njl.'irf-eowly. Sn.Tllo ilnr,v of "nil Ik Nlrei.glll. Therefore the nervous an I dcbllltiit.il should Immediately use.lt.'lini.olil's Kxtract llueliu. .'l;i:l,'(l7-eowly -l.rrrs of Youth. A geiillet.in.i nho suirercd for years from Nervous Iieblllly, Pre mature Decay, and all the i llcets of youthful In discretion, will, for th'-iuikoi.f suffering humani ty, send free to nil who nr .., it, nud receipt, and directions for milking the dmnlc remedy bv I,; ! which he was cured. St.ner. rs wishing to protlt l.y the advertiser s experience, cun do so by nd dressing, in perfect is.ii(ld"iie.', .H.IIS or. I iKS, f.;.Vly c 'tar St., New York. 4 II'lniholri r.xlrHt llnrlm nlul tm provprl Hosp Wash ritrw wrrpt nnfl (h'llrnte dl onlrn In nil tholr itnff'rH, nt little rxpenne, llttln or tHM-luuit! in diet, no Inconvenience and no cxMMuro, It l plrOMint In taste aud odor, Im - ni.wllufi. In ltd iicttttn. ii rid (rm-fmin nil I tilnrloti. proprieties ' . ""' lli-Iinlinld'N Fluid V.xtrnrt Itnrfin In ,... i r... .. .........J". K. ION I.....St.... Ill wnniimu ,.1, un; i,ji,t an l.u.l ous properties, nnd liuim-.ll!ite in Its uctlon. 3;l iw-ly Me'Tn t'oiiiiitnptlTi.-The nftv4r1iMr, h.ivlnrhofnrtore.1 tohcnlth In a few wkn by o very Himple rpn.el, after linvlng mitn-rea for several yc.in with .severe luni atteetloll, nnd thnt drend disease Consumption Is i.n3C. Icustomnke known to His fellow-sufferers the means of euro. i To nil who deslra It, ho will send a copy of the prescription used (free tf charge,) with the. di rections for preparing anl using the snmo, which tliey will ftnd n sure curt for Consumption, As thma, Ilronchtils, Couuht, Colds nnd all Throut and Luna Air.vtloiis. Tic only object of the ad vertiser In sending tho Pjescrlptlon Is to benefit the nflllctcd, nnd spread information which he coneutves to bo Invaluable, and he hopes every attirercr will try his remedy, as It will cost them nothing, and may pruvo oldesslng. Parties wish ing the prescription, fr, hy return mnll, will please address Rb Kuward A. Wiijwm, ;.Vly WllllnnuUirg, Kings Co.. N. Y. H.Tnke na more unpleasant hh.I nn- useful remedies for unpleasant nnd dangerous dlwnwes. t'se llelmbolda Extract Ruehu nud Improved R.w wash, SIVST-eowly. .Colgate t'o'a. O E R X A Tl ERA8IVE SOAP Is manufactured from TCHE MA IK It I A l. and may ! considered Iho STAN DA11D OF EXCELLENCE. For anle by all (Imcurlcs. !-ly. Slhllerr4 ranalllnllans Re tared hf Hulmbold's Extract Buchu. 3;13, tf7-cowly. nrThe Ilrallug Pml, and House of Jisr- eyIIoward Association Reports for Young Men, on the crime of solitude, and tho errors, abuses and dUcascs which destroy the manly powers, snd create Impediments to marriage, with sure an cans of relief. Bout In seated letter envelope free of charge. Address PR. J. BKII LIN UOronTON, llorrard Association, Phila delphia, Pa. i'VIr iliil lf1'r'tirilliTi SV MVS (its YVm. Hisiiium, Jr., St t'ilh Slrtel, iVrfi- nr;s, it Ikt mthoriutt aytntfor tht Hnrvni.icAR, in ilfil rill. K. A. TINKKIt II. U MAI'KU rjUNKEK & MAPEIj, COMMISSIOX MFAIVUA XTfii I'OttTIIKPAI.KOF I IIXJS,. CATTLE AND SHEKP, AT Til Kill OWN V.MtDH, WEST BALTIMOHE, MARYLAND. AIMOININCI Mil. I.IVF.HT.M K HCAI.F.S. Coiislunments reseet fully solleltiit. All'efim iminlrHtloiiH promptly answereil. Tost Orflee Address llox. I.T"t, T;2t-ly. QI AUTEHLY HEIGHT. KuT National Bask, YVAVSwinvan, Pa., July 1, 1W7. IlEROUIttm Lnini nml Dlsnouiita 11116,7411 0 Furnllure mums lai nil l urrciil F.xpenses 42 IW Cnsli Hems mn 41 Hue from Hunks anil llniikers I ,"'-11 fi V. h. Iioinls KS.I.V) uu t iwlion 11 II Mil 1H.I117 S3 I.IAII1I.ITIF.H. Ciiplinl Ht.u k T. Deposits lor Increase Hiirplim Fund I 'Irelllntlon Due Hunks I'rolll nud lws Dividend I'npuld tiidlvlduiil Di'iHisltri ...Sll'i.iioo m ... 4I.M i ... :i,i7 u ... 7I,hhii m ... tl,:m SI 471 4S Vi ... -.7,4l OS r.";,'iii7 m I certify ttuit the nlwvee Is correct. JOHN V. KI.F.NNIKKN, 7;2l-lt. rnshler. OL'NTY TAX STATEMENT. An necolint of tlieHehool Directors of Oreene towiHlilp III rclutlou to bounty Tuxes levied lu thcHprlllK ul 1HIII, Hit. March 1W1I, tolas levied S2IK7 41 lit. Fxon. rations l M t'olleelor's eontmissloll..... 42 71 It Ipl from t'. Oarnrd, Trena'r l.VJS rvi Money reliiii'led on subscription .ill III lilt. October lsill, to tax levied i n. Kxonornllons... HI IS Collector's commission Imi ivi IteeelplN ,1lo7 tij Hit. July ISM, to Uix levied til. . 5715 R! Fxonernllon 2(f7 81 Collector' commission .11 M do in inn no Iteeclpls iVII'l SI l'lxp.'llees lo Itrlttbton 47 ID do to IIiirrlsburK Ii II lilt. July lllh, im, to taxes levied (It. F.xoneruMons yn () I'olle.-ttr'H eoltllnlssloll ?4 l'i Receipts 0711 IW tUi.df.l til It 'lpls Z 00--U..MU t llnlnnce due township 2 OU Wc, Hie iiii.lers)uue.l nudltors,do hereby certi fy I lie forcKoiuu; Htatemclit Is correct uecordlllK tot tie uccounls laid before us for settlement, lu the best of our kllowleduc. JOHN Itt'HK, JAl'OII IlKA.MF.n, 7;l-tw Auditors. OUNTY TAX Hl'.l'Oltr. From Dunknrd lownshlp, for Iho year Wil, .icini ..avis .eoneeior, DU. Toiunounl of diiplleate Mors, no 'it. Hy amount of bonds redeemed. Paid I''. (V D. Ill.l.lt of WliyncM btiru, PereetiliiKi. lor eolleetillU .111-1 paylnu out ., F.xon. lutl. iih , Paid (ic.iruc Keeper, I'ai.l F. Flirmi.li I'al.l bv ..filer of School lllree- lorsot Isin, i Win. Williams, llaliince rcmallillir In llie buii'ls of Collector Davis AiiioiiiiI In h.in. Is of A. P. Htewart, dlst.urscr of said fiin-l ..81 II? 4.1 ... r.i in ai ... Ill 71 ... I l'i IS ... Ill uu lift, ml ... l IX) ... 111.1121 so nvmss ni Wc. tliciiinlersiL'licd nii.lltorri. eerllfv tl.itl th ubovil stutelllellt Is correct, nccordillu'lo the In lorioalloll ulvell us by the School Directors llll.l inn ircuaiircr ol hiiki iiouuiy tux. fl. W. Kfltt.V. W. N. FVANS K. Fl'll.MA.V, ;'-Vi-1w Auditors, Ui.ccdlacou.i. riik'M(N7NUAiTKfXn6usi-; IlirK'S I.AM. ISO, OHKKNK COI.'STV, Th., OUVEH BAYARD, PROPRIETORS, The liest neeominrslatlons ftirtiliilieil lh trnvi.l Unit public. House and iippiirtcnnnces eomplete, Table alwuys siirnidtKiuiilllully wltli the dclleii- cles (if Hie seiiHoli. Horses for hire; feed ..nd stubiinii at rciiHoiiaiiie rates. S;i-tr, r ) h A S T I C SLATE Foil 11 0 0 F I X G AND OTIIEH PURPOSES. As rt llmiflnt Mntorinl It tanln iinrtvtillofl. nuvMt It it minittH ittolf toi'vrry k)iiiio iiiuJ nlom- NoifroiiilttiHliltlf, itniH'rvioiM, iiun-xiHiiiHivr, FUOST DOES NOT CRACK NOR HEAT DISSOLVE IT, T)p only rofiflna nmtorlnl evr dlnroverptl tliat wtiin'HiHt mcni'ium or me ru-nn-nw Rfl ion n th wtriictiire It roto'U, llviiiv MUNrfptibli' I fivtlv klltK-PIti w'tF It Im am niirfit 1 inir fnrMinufiH-tiirlnifnnil Fiirin Ituf Minn, f n- COM. Iirtllueff. tXttom.HOf VVntM-U. VllllltH. ( Mn'iiiifii mown to viMiior. auu v nv itur 't In nemnii to or in pfTHon 10 It. I,..loN'K., RK5TtETAVir.LC.WAHir.rn.. Pa. H. II. IHMK. K. U.HlNhW, Lift unci1 ol Wtwh. nnl Orti wtuutUn. 1 W. JUNKrt, A OR NT, 4:2 1-tf. Wnvh hunt, l'a. j - I VOTKT3 TO THE TAX PAYERS OF I iS OREKNE COUNTY, I i mt'irniKiiHi, i reiurr 01 trrftno rminiy. i hiTftty ilvtrs nutter tlmt in purwimnc of the A( of Assembly, iipprrivptl Murili H, IVo, he will nt- tend In the several townsliius nud IsiroualiB nt the times nnd plucii designated, between the hours oj nlue o'clock, a. m., and Uve o'clock, p. m., lo receive theSlato and County Taxes fur lr, to wit: nn wekk. Morris township, Monday, the lath of July, at Nineveh, nt the bouse of A. J llarker. Centre UiwriNhip, TiHdiiy, the lutli of July, at the house of It. II. Church. It'scersvllle. Jnckson townsiilr. WedneiMlay, tho l?tli of July, at the hous of T. J. fMenlmuah. litri..n towiiHliipTucsilay, the Istliof July, at the Treasurer's Olucc, In Wavn.hunc. S;2Mld Tlliss. I AM fx, Treas. lICUUlLL AGK1CULTUHAL SOCIETY. At a reonlarmeetlngof theHtockliol,ler.H,tlie above nain.sl Hoelety It was reiuiv.Hl lhat the (Society hold their 'Aid Annunl Kxhlliitlon at their fair iro.in.ls. In Itlehliill tii areeneeoiinty, I'a., on Wednesday and Thursday. Hcptcmlier the 2ith and th, s7. 1). W. WALTON, Prea'l. A. leoisa, Kee. See. . K xiuht. Cur. hoc. THE GREENE COUNTY AORICl'LTUH AL AND M NITaCTUKINO 80C1ET i will hold their l.".th Animal Kxhlblilon at the fair grounds, In Camiicha-la, on Thursday and Friday, the Inth and llth days of (WIoInt, ls.17. It Isexpeet.Hl thut u superior list of premiums wlllbeom-red. II. II. CltKK, FriK't. 8. J. AlKl.i. C.Hee. O. W. llAioliKiiTr, It. B. Wm. IlAimiAS, Trensurer. T;l7-3w. JODERT DOUGHERTY, cab Runs xixcT.icTrnrn, watesiiiso, pa. Respectfully gives notice that he hns lneatcl In Wuyiicaburg, Pa., where he Intends to manu facture CARRIAGES . Of every description. Frorii his experience In the huslncM he feels confident thnt his work. In style, finish and durability, will give entire sat isfaction. -It Is his determination to purchase the best material In market, and employ none but competent workmen. svr-AI! work warranted for rmeyeer."ts .VUW-tt Dry So0il.a. HANK. MvOUliOAN, JUST ItETURNEl) FROM THE EASTERN CI TIE 8, LAHOE rVTOC'K OF DRY GOOD3, ti.orin?iu, oTIos1 tc, o. niswell merltiwl popnlarl.T haslndneed htm to replenish his st. K-k at Ihl. (ate dale. H.suynn wuuung inn LATEST AND BI-MT STYLK8, linn M mil rnrly. 1tomi In Minor' nulltllii(( tiHMiie inn iirnfiin jiuiihu. t;if-u m, QUIlIEIll (H IIIKll AOAINHT THIS WOni.Dt ANOTIIKK lUJGK ARRIVAL! Determined (obefnreio.wl In everything, Oulli.r has Jn.t ree.ilv.id tliu LAHOESTANDMOET COMPLETE STOCK OF HOODS Krur tiruiight to WayiiMburg. (lo toflulher's, Oo lo Outlier's, Oo lo On I her'., If you wiml If you waul If you waul flieap firsts 1 1 Clieup floods I ! Cheap Goods t I ril7-ii7. 'riiiiiiiirsrn unuw at 1 1 SLATER ODEXBAUGH'S DRUG STORE! lie reanectfulTy Informs tho cltlsena and phrsl eliins generally, thnt he liue recelvv.1 the lurg.it mid ttneat slock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES ever offered In this market ,wblch ho will SELL CHEAPER than can be purchased anywhere else In the county. PAINTS OF ALL KINDS! Dry and In oil, of the very best quality, cheaper than the choaprat. "dye STUFFS, of the Tory finest selection. OLD LIQUORS! of all kinds, the finest that can be procured In therttutc, Tho UNYIELDING LUNG SYIiUPI A remedy u.tsnrreiasod for the cure of bleeding of the lungs, spitting of blond, soreness of the hrcnst nnd clicat. Will change the frail yellow complexion to one of health, and will cure dys pepsia. This syrup la one of the most useful m.illelnesof the day. Tills la a late medicine and we do not know of It falling in a single e trv It. Also, all other prominent patent medicines atwnv. on hand. Tnsather with thi, Couifb Ex terminator, th beat la use ax .diseases of the .nnacwiim aa Also, a syrup the only remedy for hooplni eonghall for sale at 8. Odtnbaugh's Drug storr eVEofeebteaawlaVlleiSee Mtfl ofbotb Mxea osHaljnkold'tr.xtract Bochu. It will give brisk snd energetle holing, and enable joe to sleep wrlL. .TjlVowty Clothing. ONPERS NEVER CKA8EI AT Till CLOTHING 8 T 0 Jl H OF X. CLARK & 80N It Is no lingfir:impnaalble togt a mil ult for IT (Hi, nl i.mhI man-rial, that w" will warrant to glvernirresutlslaetlou. Light Caaalraen. Haiits anil Vest, for SI An, Ane and nice stylNi Huinm.r I'anU and Vest fur 3 K, the very boat ail wool CASMMEKR SUITS I from tn lo SA dollars; the same that has cost you l'i dollars. A large and beautiful stuck of HATS AND OAPbl Tim newest end best styles, the mors elegant are the UeuritiUa, HI. Cloud, Tech I, liruadway and PEABOIlY CAP I The cap d.rlvlng Its name frra ENGLAND AND A M E II I C A ' 8 Munificent henefnetor-MR. OEO. PF.AIWjIiT. F.vvry American youth who lovae her greatest Item .factor should not fall to have one of Ihosa CAPrl, A full and (sjinplele asaortnient of Oen tlemon's fiirulsiilng g.ssls. We have the New York Mill and Wamsutta Muslin HI. Iris; two of the beat brands uf luiisUu manufactured. THE CKLKUMATED BN0M8I1 RUFn.B sii hit. Wool and f'oaslmere Hhlrta. Fine Corset Jean Iiruwnrs and Huinnier 1 nderahlrts. Linen lliindkerelilefs, tlloves nnd Hosiery, with ties. now nun scans, in en. lies, varieiy. . ..a r..lg..ne. Victoria, au.l isiiiiii. llow, the very newest, the .cplivr Hi urf, 7ii Paner Collars, of all stvles, Ward's Kl.nkcsMire, Linen 1 in I U.t loll. Wnter 1'r.sif, alllmll.lere.l, Keystone, OoliUnilth's I'lirprilx. flrnys. Ac., Ac. A few lute s'tv I cusslincrca thai will lie sold by the yard. We kindly ask you tueoinimre prleua iM foro buying. fr.'OT-ly I ADIES AND QENTIJCMEN! FKI.IJW CITIZENS I M It. PRESIDENT, OH ANY OTIIEH MAN I i. We have Just received a splendid stook of 8PHINO AND fiurmm vlotiusui ADAITEUTO MKM AND flOYrt WEAR: AIXT). A FI LL LINK OF GENTS' FURNHniNO G00D8. Which we will sell at the low.sit rates. Call and einuilne our sUs k. prices are down and If we enn'l aril a mun the clothing he want, xoaol.r I W.trXKMHrH1 cam. A. J. MIlWKlW. K.sii.1 In Allison's Uulldlng, Wayneaburg I'a. ftl-lio. JJuoincsu (Cards. JUHST NATIONAL BANK, Or WATDSSBURO DISCOINT DAY.. II. lUlNKIt. Pres't. TUEHIiAT J. C. Flehmikkh, Cashier. May 1.1; '(W-ly. JEWWDAY, Ijf At.rg IS BOOKS AMD STATIOKIRT, Wall Paper Window PapiT, Ae. Monday School Ilonka of all kln.l. riinHluii.lv nn hunil nnm In Mrs. Kosli'slmildtng, formerly occupied hy Cot tcrell Taylor, Weynestmrg, Pa. yn. B.viTtyi ' WATCHES AND JEWELRY, MAig stsist, orrosrrs cocs-r nocsa. Keens on hands alwara a choice and select so- sortment of Watches and Jewelry. Repairing done ut the lowest rates. 4;1: 7-ly. yLT. WEUB.JR.. SADDLE AMD gASMSSS HAKSB, (IN WILSON'S BUILDING, MAIN ST.) Reddle. Bridles, Harness kept a hand and made toorder. Wurk dune lu the beat aty Us, and at reaeonahut rate. 4 -ll pairing a spivlallty on short notice. Farmer Mends go look at his stuck. t;M-ly- E. M. SAYERS. ATTOEMAT AXD COCMSELtOt AT tAW. In addition to other Iwlnesa will attend to all caeca In Hankruptev that may he entrusted tnhla care. Omee,cus.lte Drug Wore of O. . Rob erts A Co. XI ARULE WORKS, SUMMEIBGILL BRO. (JSWKXL'S OLD STAMD, tTTTS nt Or TOsrg.) The public sre respectfully Informed lhat Snjm mcrgillo Bru. nave Just received a large stork of OAlkuvlaaf .. , M ARBLE WO 8 Kf, - -'.' ueh Orsrvo ttusies, Meaiuusnita. Mantle Work, me. We as prepared to tarnish work at moawsoM terms on abort ootlasi. rail and ex amine our stork, style, and prices, besnre pur caaalng dec here. JpVtt 'l A 1