The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, July 24, 1867, Image 2

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Wslii'Ml(iy,.Tiily -l,I8Jr
0 .illeijlitny CtuHtj.
SlltlO. F,
ui nictiiiiii ip.
s.VMrn. iiakvey,
t)l (V.iUc Tp.
(.if OMmun. Tp.
tritr cnxissior.ii,
Of Orupne Tp.
A. HIlKI.Iiy,
in punk-ipl Tp.
i ni.VTV rM.iiTTr.i:.
Mntifiu J. H. W'i'll, n hnli-iimn) A. L. Mr.rg,
Cm-in. li'.r
...J. li. Mm hn.T.T. II. l.lui iiln.
Sumt.ol l:nv..r'l, .lulinsnillh,
...J. W. Wnlton. UoluTt lirlhiiv,
. .larnlj fswurt, Humilum rvnc,
U. i all, Dr. T. IUjuith,
'Ih'.H. 11111, jimtili Kini tmit,
llnrriwm l'l-illt,
W in. lt.lsr, ISiirnrt ll.mlK-a,
Ilnrry li nny, 11. Irk,
htA. Lout:, Krnimlln (rwyiui,
llnw.-ii sii'phtin, II. llu'lson,
...looiijomii ;t, iiowpniir. i.i
i... ir. ..n.. i a i.-i.,w 1
J1!, !:";
, ...
L't it he generally undiTstooil hy
the people that lenioeruey (so-called)
lias aiff-pted the addition of a new
plank to their political platform, this
plank liKi'fiuATiox. In their coin-
...... .i . . .
lialoll .' tor Hie o i ves-eo, ia
ridden people, tl.ev i.ropose th. sacri- pli-rhtcl, as a panacea
for the woe
invidious party
nation. We hae
own tra toroiH ami
i .. .. i . i... I
i ii hi.; 1 1 1 it i"i i in.
supposed that Vet a iii i'iliii'iil existed iimo.l'r them.
hut is this not the verv acme ofall that!11 -euacieo u.e ion- am. .anou
! Two lmn.hvd and fifU!(1l''lllt,' V the aveinge jroodi
c . n ,. i M l ti, ..1,',. 'sense of (he dominant part v.
mil id is oi ! a rs en l. t n-ewlio, i
lietnellded the overnmeiit III her hour
of need . I, swept f, their ,sp 1
at on one fell, Icrislatis
why ". l'ee:iu-" they
., ...Mij i 1 .
i , it e.-taiMisiicii I
a inonied ariotocracv m our
that is calculated in time to (.Illiterate
our repuhlicaii institutions ! Whoeoiu
pose their lormidahle i!i'tioii so soon
to ahsorh the interests of the countrv?
It is not the .-lave oligarchs for thev
invested in flu different securities. It
is not those who cry out so loudly for
the t axation of the honds, because
they invested not, for fear it would in
crease the power of government to ar
rest treason. It is not European hold
ers, because they arc not of our peo
ple. Who then.' It is the loyal
capitali.-'t w ho was willini; to risk all
on the capability of American self
ovenimeiif. The Lardy mechanic
who toiled ihat his country iui,u;Itt live.
The patriot soldier who pive his it
tanee to thecau-e ti.r which he fought.
Such are tlio men whom these tax-f-hriekers
would have you believe will
constitute a tyrannical satrapy. They
are in truth the nobility of the land
?io', and we hope will ever remain
such, but a-tor plunging them into
hopeless haukruptey by legislative
action we can never eouiueiiaiu'e the
thought !
The supplementary reconstruction
bill has been vetoed by the President.
Jerry Phe k, the man who delivered
himself in Ihiehanan's tiinn of the
elaborate opinion that Congress by no
constitutional power could coerce a
State, is the framor of the document.
Congress promptly overruled the veto;
thus signally rebuking the old rene
gade and his parasites. The tone of
the message raised the clamor for im
mediate impeachment among the more
nervous of the members, the greater
part received and treated it with that
dignity of manner bespeaking righteous
contempt Cr the man and his views.
It is the last veto rc-liashcd, and as
vMr. Johnson . believes his arguments
unassailable he will no doubt continue
to advance them until the people kick
him ignominiously from his high place.
A Washington dispatch of the 20th
nays: "The President to-day sent to
the Senate the nomination of Horace
Greely, as Minister to Austria. It was
taken up, and would have been con
firmed, had not asingleobjeetion made
by Tipton, of Nebraska, cartied it over
under the rule until the next day of the
sc-ssiou which in this instance is next
Xovemlicr. Mr. Tipton said he
would consent to confirm no mail who
would go hail for Jeff. Davis. Xo ob
jection came from nnv other quarter."
Well? ' -
After reading the correspondence,
published on the oittside of to-day's
paper between Gcnorald Grant, Sheri
dun and Ord, the intelligent reader
will not be long in determining the
position kid by "the ButeJicr" and the
.Jiwldior aCfwtwne,'' .If we miiitake
"jj not JJcmocracy vjjll i.-&nt". tL'qy have
'c. .. U.ea . Bleeping on Ilgli-d magiizipc'
nml thia Wsniiig of the fuacWni mvaken
them to Beni of thir peril. , Depend
upon it, it will not be long until they
Wegiu throwing mud to extinguish itl
It is very amusing, observes Harper
for last week, to read the Copperhead
comments upon any proposed action of
Congress as compared with the actual
result. If Congress were some fearful
monster that might he expected at any
mnmnnf In cti-tilliu- llin r.,,imf 11 lutiliK
...... . j "viUtty a Longressionni proeceiiings was
these comments would not he different; the rctrptimi of the President's veto
and whatever its action, however message of the supplemental lecon-
.,.i :.
horror upon the faces of the criti. J th V1"" h' ubl" j
never diippmrs. The jest is V'IJ
amlexqnisitc when it is M 1 1 is a,,,,, on ex, ty
that these same commentators revert to . itv that an elaboration of the Preside.!-
golden n'se of our nolitis.
Tlio trofli is thfit f '.inirv..
own Democratic ascendenev ten ' ln"""1 ",m",r" ' . Iv illuminated, and tlcri-Mris a mair-
ama-o, when the whole CSovi-rn-: !,0 ttwTnt '""' mv !e S"1- i t displav of li-e vo.ks in her
. t met meetmar. J he readiui; of the doe- l. ,... a.' :..l i . . i
it 01 the I nited Mates wastirosti-1 4 i- . i t i i -.i -v niiii,iiiM ivb iaiire mm
u u . un, uiiuiu .. iaus was piu u ,lln0U Was listened to thn)Uhout with I fvi,., ..i :i;.;..jtk., .. .. ..
IIJ IH'MUIIUS UI MUMTV. lis 111!' I'lOSC Il'fC llOll. I VITV mCIII M'1' M
.T .1 I, i' .1 .1... I i . . . ...i.mihi. irnc i. no..
4 '
i . .. i
dominant sentiment of the countrv.
v, . , i-i i - l i l i- '
Lvcry imhvnlual indeed, has h.s pn-
vate opinion and theories of the situa -
tion.lmt there is a general current f
thonglit as to what is expedient upon
, , , , , f , ,
i.'M! wooie. i.OlI. oi uiese Teoo eiii'ies
- -
are renresented in ('onm-ess. Eve. v
, 1 , .. . .
m. hi u. uiiiiiu... in eir
Kiiui oi riietorH1, not me nnai action is
tempemte anv wise. Ifvo,, listened
to Mr. Steve.;, onlv, or to Mr. James
ni.k von u-,,,,1,1 "fi-ir tl,,t fl. u 1.
Uiooks you would tear that the clash
..r...... hi
kind of rhetoric, hut the final action is
of extremes ho antagonistic would he
inevitahly most perilous. If you heard,
l..n llw. .,ll...r l.n...1 f tl .miw...
" "wrc T1,iK. ,'" '
1 "1,m .i ......l ... a m.hii oi
iikc a inaie in a quicK-
sand. Rut it i
neither Mr. Stevens,
nor Mr. lirooks, nor the temporizers
who shape the result. The law, when
.. . ,
' ' i
1- ,
sents with remarkahlc tidclitv the'"""""'-": 'V'"'""- t
stroke' n.l ,a'"' iU "''viHiites. It is
' ' J..1 .1. i.i. ..I.... l.l '
alwavs desirable that a maioritv should
j . :
feel at even turn its resiion-ibilitv bv I
feeling the force ot the opposition.
Then it can-fully chooses its steps. It
weighs mid modifies its measures. It
is admonished not bv rhetorical objur-
..itiou but bv Ptrinirent nriTunient and
f- r-
and appeal that it must justify its ac
tion to the countrv. Had there been
(( (
a larger and stronger opposition in the j
House we doubt if there would have
been a summer session, for the Kecon-j
strtiction P.ill would have been so ma-
,, , ,
tured t hat there cou d have been no
doubt of its meaning. When a sum -
mer session of Congress was annouiie-!
ed there was the burst of ieeriny from
the critics of whom we spoke, as if,
' "
. j s " j
every folly were to be perpetrated. ;
Hut itslirsl ai-twas virtually to resolve
to confine itself to the special duty of j
intenretiii" the law. Xothiii" could ':
& i
be more sensible.
1. ; ! .!. 1-11 1.
ii is mi. pnsnig. uai a on. "'cm
the purpose was so evident should
have been in the least obscure. Its'
object was iinouestiouablv understood i
l,v the Padicals who son'oorted it. bv !
ii '
the Conservatives who oj.posed it, and j
by the President who vetoed it. That i
object was to protect the rights of
every citizen in the rebel States; to
secure universal suffrage except to
those expressly excluded; to keep the
peace until Congress had accepted the
Constitutions which might be offered
fir its approval, and to do all this by !
the military authority ot the I! in ted
""nates, jjy tne necessity ot tne case
the District Commander was the su
preme officer, and whenever there was
. . . . ii . i . . i. . ,
anv conflict his action must be final.
The objections made to the hill by the
Opposition in Congress and bv the
President as establishing a military
despotism showed that there was really
no (jucstion.
Nor would there have Im-cii, except
for the hostility of the Attorney-tJen-eral
to the law and to the policy of
Congress. Instead of interpreting it
by its manifest, necessary, and declar
ed intention he construed it with ner-
vous hteralnoss. His opinion was an ! wt.i;v eontemporarv askiiisrfbrvolim
cflort to smother the spi.-ithy the let- tl, t' join in the movement, and a
ter. Congress, .therS-foiv,.has asscmbl- j Well-known Post-ofliec station up town
ed to subject the letter to the spirit. v,.ls 11 tls ., ,t C,r ailSM.0KH to
1.... TV.,. ......... . I
Ii-H.O.!.M.t;K(.') CO.MHT.ON
r,T.T.II.' t.T'T..T Aflllj lin 1 1 .xl. ...
v .m ...' l ... ... ill.', nil- ,-l l lli M ,
is at Lexington Ya., preparing a model
for an eipiestrian statue of 11. K. Ik-c.
M hy I'hnrrhinnrp nn Fmpf v.
A writer in the christian Hegister
of Huston, thinks he can explain the
whole affair lv the prevalence of long
sermons; and fie instants the late ex
cellent Dr. Lowell, of Hoston, who al
wavs kept his church "' full by short
and pointed discourses, only fifteen
or twenty minutes long. He says.
"Although the machinery of adver
tising preaching in theatres opera-houcs
circus tents, A-e., may excite a temporary
interest, thconly way to fill thechurch
es permanently is i'or jpreachers who
dilute their sermons into an hour's
length to concentrate their thoughts
into one of twenty minutes. Let them
trvitfor six montha mid their churches
will Ikj filled."
It woulcf be a profitable exercise for
ministers to rewrite their sermons be
fore preacliiim, ' with a determination
to coiurcjra' the whole into U' space of!
luemy . minutes. . UUI ticry muu is
xiot a Dr. Lowel, hpr vouM nil sorts of
nuiMube permanently attracted anil in
terested by discourses so terse and con
densed in form.
XLih coxuion.
Rrrrptlan f Ihc Vrl In III
HiuM- lMiii4lnlliiiii-limntri
rrnMi iil l-.iiiu(-l Tbr Bill Hwrntnl
IHfr Ihr Trio by m furl J VllrThr Hn
rnittriirll.iu Appniltrliillon Hill AIM
VrlMl II In Hnlli llon-M-a Willi'
out Urban- .The Neiiuie Arvm lu Ad
JulirH I'lllil DrrriUlM-r.
A Washington dispatch of Saturday
last says: the rinc!iuil lititiire of to-
1 V. 1 1.
I, 111 T . ! 1 .
r,structiou hill. It was considered in
in his scat. demonstrations ofas-
sent or dissent was made, hut a severe .
i i I. r.ii l :... i. . M'i . l
. -sevens oiok me uoor in iicniiiu iation
' u ...... 11,,,(,i1i I,.. ,. vmt
i' .issm cnc,h All. J .out-
wel , who proceeded ... an earnest and
! excited maner to state that the l'resi-
,lent.lial tlcnantiy tleeiareil in the mw-j
! S1,-cu,i,r "L" vv.,,u" "1 v l:lW()1
--,"" 1 '. V",Jf,l"al
i . . .. i .n . i .
, u-oillll 111! l ie l lie lull ti. u lie i I no I'ns.
' :.l I.; 1 . 1... .... .... . .. . . ...l
in- ' ,. . T""-; -" ""!
, j ... Min.i'ieoi, ne said, even II IK.
other reason existed, w hy this I louse
"-'i') ;
!s!,,m1,1 " -ion, '!1 1"1'"''!
! f" l? "MIKW ' H w,.t- Ml"
1 . i 1 ,
insisted that if the President were re-
I ii..... i i ,. .. .
.moved hut for an hour helhrc his term
jofollire expired, that Congress and the
'I'l . . n 1
,k ...c-s.-e mm Dounveii s excite.1
manner of speakin- .-aused ...nisidera.
, hie excitement on liothsi.lesof the hall.
.s ncsar nown Air. jfant a . ot 1 a..
Ispiim - joiitof his seat ontheDemoci-atie
' i i ... .... . .
"- lm l".itmg his hnger at .Mr.
jMiunveii sain:
"We dare you to impeach the Presi-
(.nr. ( io on ami .to it if ynu dare."
Mr Butler then took the floor, and
! said the remark of Mr. Randall would
t the Republican side, who dared not
,,,,,, Jith the work'f in,p?eh,et.
he (P.utlerl was not a mom; that nnin-'
l ...I ,-,....,. l l.l
ber, and went on then to answer
, ,
President s objection to the bill.
1 1 IV.
Mr. Williams, of Pa., followed
thesame strain, demanding that Con
gress should remain in session, and de-elaiini-'thal
there was abundant evidence
for impeachment.
Thad Stevens
Thad Stevens then resinned tin
floor. All of the members fathered
around linn, and the crowded gallencsj
, i:..t i .,..... it.. 1....1...1 i...
i.iiiiiiiiiii'iiiiii., in iuwii ii, .ii:
(.., ,, t10 impeaehment matter as!
dead, and believed that there were in-1
visible influences at work m the House
wliieli would prevent impeaehment.
! Mr. ilson, of Iowa, Chairman ol
. . ,. . , . ' . . ,,
the Jndieiarv I onimittee, (hen took the
,( ,. , alibiing to the remarks of
Mr. Williams and' Mr. Stevens,saidtlmt
1 he was not be drawn from the eoneien-
.... . 1 ! I ' . 1 .. .1.1
i is i lite ! . Iiniiiv i t i
... ,.,,... (.,,'
)V m.(n J(,. M ,",, A ,;
(Pi.,ppi.lUse gi-(i.t('d the sentiment.!
Nor was he hunted down because he '
choose to entertain his own opinion on j
. i .
The Democrats occupied ten minutes
, .
taken and the bill passed over the
President's veto bv a narfv vole.
It was then sent to the'seiiate, where
to "' "'
the bill was
,,...-...1 tlm m lil, .....
lm(P) ,,, ,,, the m(sslLa. . mv
bv thirtv to six. Revcrdv Johnson
voted to sustain the veto.
As soon as the House disposed of
one veto another came in, refusing
Presidential approval to the Appropri
ation bill to carry out the He-construction
act. This was speedilv passeed
over the veto in both Houses without
The Senate then agreed to adjourn
from to-morrow until December next
and it is generally understood to-night
that the House will ac.niesce. Mr.
Sumner, however insisted that the
President should be impeached at once,
or that Congrcs should continue in per
petual session.
Tlio Mexican FilliMiNicr MnvrmiMif .
"On to Mexico!" is still the watch
word ofa iihiuIkt of youiv,' men in
New York who are banded together
for the purpose of forming a filibuster
ing party to Mexico. The Iln-nhl
states that on Sunday nn advertise
n.enr 'innenveil in the eiili.n.iw ..l n
j m m ill i.rifiis.n.v.ill vlllvlll.
L(I.isI. tv(.n.S(Tlviil) m.(1(,r (() (,;
. 1 ,' t t
l.esent to this advertisement, jliemat-
(.;,.,(. police interference, hnt not so se-
cret as to keep adventurous spirits out
of "the ring." Numbers of cx-confcdcr-atc
officers, and ex-Federal officers as
well, have already joined the first
corps formed of "Maximillian's Avengers-"
Some of those already left
the city are not very fir f 0111 New Oi
lcans, and some others are reported to
have left on Satnrday in one of the
Havana steamers tlia't sailed from New
York. The friends and partizans of
anta Anna arc equally active; and al
though Mr. Seward's letter had some
effect in depressing the .enthusiasm on
behalf of the General, still his nephew
Don Lopez de Santa Anna is sanguine
as to his r.iisingan expeditiou. A ves
sel is said to lie fitting out in the East
river, ostensibly in the interests of the
liberal government and under consign
ment to Juarez, hut really intended for
one of the filibustering cohort. When
the decisive blow is to be made and
in what direction, is a matter merely
for conjecture, but the filibusters had
better be quick in preparation, ad it in
rumored on very reliable data that the
President ' will isrjuo a proclamation
against fflteh movement beforo a week
in out, or nt all event within the ensu
ing ten days,
HtcpubKccnJ lectin
- ! v""" i. with
J.Vh T- K.w.rl,,'-l,rH.lriil Jimrra
New Oklkass, Jul.- 13. The
United States reveniiciiiter "Wilder
ness, arrived here lasj lijrlit from Vera
CVuz, where she ai mvl on the 1 4th
inst. with Madam Juiv.. A deimta
tion of Mexicsm otiieiw iMtardtHl the
vessel, mid warmlv wvloined Madam
'ii.nim mi.llliv weilimCd iu.i..l.ll
i. 1.1. . ,r .1 . -.1.
inst. she disembarked torn the Wil-
tUl'l ?Sat
011()) a,,(j t(, .ity MVlMiir
;n,o!for the ritv of Mcico on the loth
liiK;ii1iHf .Tiiiiwiv !( -i.. 1 ti ilid-k
' 1
ital on the Hth, aid was eordiallv
1 1.1,.:...l ii ,111.1.i;,ii.,
Jlc i' l'ti(i lly dcclmi's
relc-tioi i, mid has n-dcicd a new
,I(rtio, f0 wi ...
tains as soon ns his succor is chos-
It is olfii-iallv rcporte. that Ocneral
ulaunehas hcen shot. (Manmexo s
. .it i . . . v . .. ... ,.
'",K . 1 m 1 1" 11 . '' 1 11,0 "'X 01
.Mexico, mid will U slpt as soon us
' .M,..,,,IH1.i
J t was" reported in "Vera Cruz on
J t was imported in Vera Iru
.(!,. 14th, that Santa Aina was
I "live, hut later date reived in
''v '"' Tllllipico state IC had .1
i' uim, 1
ix in snot.
Evervthiiiir was nuiet ji Vera Cruz,
and the city was perfect) healthy.
1 J
J he Austrian sloop' pt war JMiza-
, M ,,s ri,,.ivinr AtUti ian lvfujiecs
on hoard. She held no .omnium" .ition
with Mexican ollieials, ixcept throUfjh
the United States jrunlx at Taeoneynnd
Consul Soolincr.
The Lihcmls are nlwiit iuhlisliin!
an address to the world, in which they
expect to justify tluinselves for the
execution of Maximilian. It will treat
of the killing of six tliou.-iud three
liiimlred nlexieans tot (Uteiidini; their
I tl..,.. t..,l. ...;i ,.l,.,. ,,.,. ,1,,,;.. pta
J .ft,? 1 X
...mi .,
ce (loeiiiiiente which thev
-".say will throw new light upon what
thev have done. Nunc of the ablest
,,, ; .I,,, i i . i ;, engaged on
I, .",v t
i the work.
i mm Tin: imi ii ic.
'illl'oi'liln I'olHiei lli'iiiil.llrnn NO.l,.
;:mv.h( Ion ( lli'i.i.r.l
I'lircltfiH.' il ;:?.(. I'h.irlullc Isln.i.l.
Siv I'imvi'kiii .Till,- 17 Tim
..... ........ .. . w, ...i.. a,,
Republican Slat- CoiiTentimi, which
met at Sacramento to-av, nominated
John J.idwcll for (iovemor, J. (1. Me-
Callum fin Secretary ufSlate, William
Jones fin Comptroller, mid IMward C.
JeH'ries fin Stale Printer. The re
mainder of the ticket is composed of
the nominees of the Intel noil Con
vention. The Convention endorsed
the reconstruction poliif of Congress,
! M.l.l lllliil-,..! !;il sIVl'i,r,. u-illw.i.t
.listinetion of color.
J. D. (nodman has willnlrawn as
an independent candidate for Congress
i" the Northern Hiitriet, leaving the
C..1.1 ..1 1 1.... .1... c...... .!...
field clear througho't the State for the
i Congressional of the Union
I party.
1 h(! I efnn.f MonutfJ .IriM, of July
1th, states that the principal object of
; Oovernor Seymour's the north-
west was to examine V"ec'i Charlotte
Is linn I. for which it is said a. wen thv
, conipany have ofll-wla large sum of
monev, if thev can olnnin a fee simple
transfer from the sovereignty of Great
P.ritian. It states that the island
abounds in copper andother minerals.
The ship Othello, fir Liverpool has
Flour $6(6 50. Wheat 170)
1 75. Barley $1 2fgl 25. Legal
Tenders 72.
lueoKT.wr riiiKi i.i roi-i:.
(nrnlnilill iin.l Inpnl Trrniinr llo Pro
rhiiiim lor I hr l.tlirrnflon of ltoiiii'-Kc
fiorlell riu'lillnjr tit Ylu'rnx...
Ijo.vihin", July 10. The Empress
Kiigenie, will visit the Queen at
W indsor Castle on Suiday next.
KlINIiri!(i, July It. Win. Lloyd
Garrison arrived in tlis city, where he
has been welcomed with signal honors.
The municipality of Kdinburg have
received him as a pubFe guest, and pre
sented him with the freedom of the
IiOXIioN-, July 19. Mithiirhf.ln
the House of Iirds, this evening, a
request was made ou thp part of the
government, that the House would re
frain, for the present, from any expres
sion of opinion, bv resolution or other
wise, in regard to the execution of
FudiKSCE, July 15). Garabaldi
announced to a great meeting at Pistia
that the time had come for lilx-rating
Home from Papal tyranny and restor
ing the city to her ancient freedom.
IjONPox, July 19. Mithiifjlif. A
report reached this city to-night from
Florence, stating that a fight occurred
between a party of Garabaldians and
Italians troops mar V iccnzu.
Anolurr Ills Will 'nirfc-d.
The children of tle late Key. Alex.
CamplK-11, by his first wife, have com
mciiccd suit in the Circuit Court of
Brooke Co., W. Ya., for the purpose
of setting aside the will of the deceas
ed. 1 lie case came np tor hearing at
Wheeling recently, but was continued
on motion of the defendants. Hon.
w. i.-. 4- fit ri.,:,..;iin
III. AVllllVIl ., V ..' V.III1I OI 1J1V,
Hon. Benjamin Stanton and Daniel
Lamb, of Wheeling, are employed
for the plaintiffs Hon. Jeremiah
Black, of Pa., (Buchanan's Attorney
General,) CSenenil J. A. Garfield, and
NY Iiiehardsou, Esq., of Wheelin-r,
for the will. About $200,000 arc
i ... . . '
involved in thesue.
cs a j 3u(y 24, 18CT.
Itrl&n trTfrrw Hi ll.o Jtril ItlTrr 4'ona
try Ki-liel Onlrm A I hnrri Atlaclf
eil n Ibn r rrrMiislillim.
Galveston, July 20. Headquar
ters are overwhelmed with reports of
outrages in the rebellions country.
The colored people dare not accept ap
pointments us registrars for fear of
their lives. Judge Litemor, n promi
nent Texan, has resigned his appoint
ment in the Hureaii, being afraid of his
life. The Chief outlaw is named
Quest. The'colorcd people flee to the
woods on his approach. I le was once
arrested but escaped. In Sterling,
Hobinson county, a colored church was
assaulted and two men and one woman
killed. Capt. Handull, Hureaii agent,
raised a hundred freedmcn and assault
ed two of the ring-leaders.
A l.ilirral Low.
An exchange remarks: "A majority
of the people seem to be in ignorance
of t'io tact that a law was passed last
winter providing that every honorably
discharged soldier who is a resident of
Pennsylvania, and who from wounds
contracted while in the service of his
countrv is unable, frnmdisnbility to pro
cure n livelihood by manual labor shall
have the right to hawk, peddle and vend
any ware by procuring a license for
that purpose, which license shall' be
granted to him free of inst. To insure a
soldier the benefit of the act, it is nec
essary that ho procure a certificate
from a surgeon in the United States
army, that he is unfit to make a living
by manual labor, and a certificate
from a prothonotary of any county in
the State that he is the bona fide own
er of the goods he sells. Those of the
brave veterans who are entitled to the
benefit of act, should make it their bus
iness to take advantage of the gener
ous provisions of the bill."
Ohio -lYixil Itiitlrm.
The Highland A'cim says the sales
of wool in that market so far have
ranged at .?") to 15 cents. Growers
backward about selling.
The Hellcfontaine iVynWcfii says
the price of wool in Ucllefbiitaino ran
ges from .'50 to 4(i cents.
The Madison county Vninn says
that n wool dealer shipped from Lon
don this week 25,01)0 pounds of wool,
bought at 40 to 50 cents.
The Toledo llhiik savs the shipments
of wool from that point last week
amounted to b'00,1 111 pounds 2!l5,2 I!) j
by lake and :'.0 l,K7'J by Cleveland and !
Toledo railroad.
The Marion huh jiaulcut says a
(piantitv of wool has already been ;
shipped at this point. If is coming in j
quite freely. Price, about -17 cents. !
I lie Kenton U,piilliciiH says the
wool market there is not so active as it
has been, and prices have fallen. The
highest figure now offered for first rate
is forty-three cents, and thirty-five for
A manufacturing firm of Hucyrus
writes to the Journal of that place that
wool is higher in proportion to woolen
manufactures than it has been for five
vears. A pound of wool will purchase
more woolen goods.
The .Fremont Juiirinil says: Since
the opening of the season there has
been brought to town about seventy
two thousand pounds of wool, and
probably as much more will be brought
to town before the season closes. The
price has ranged from thirty-seven and
a half cents to forty three cents per
pound, (he average having lx-cn from
forty to forty-three cents. The wool
is light, and its condition as a general
thing not much better, if any, than in
former years though the tags are
more generally separated from the
fleeces. The price is low and the
tendency downward.
riinrni-lcrlsllcXolc From limit nlow.
The following is published in the
last issue of ( iovenor Hrownlow 's paper
the Knoxville W'h'nj,
To Whom it May Concern: The
vindictive rebels and their apostate
Union co-workers are asserting from
one end the State to the other that I am
dying.or will die telling thetruth but
intending to make the false impression
that I am now in the act of departing
this life. With those who nrctriinipct-
iu this news abroad, the wish is father
to the thought. Like mv political en
emies, and my friends, and all other hu
man Ix-ings, lam dying, and will cer
tainly die sooner or later. AVith us all
it is only n question of time. Mv
health, 'though indifferent, through
( iod's mercy, is now as good ns it has
been within the last twelve months. I
eat three hearty meals each day I
sleep well at night and asleep or
awake, I have a good conscience, and
the pleasing prospect I-cfore me of ob
taining the largest majority in the race
for Governor that any man linsohtaiucd
in the State for the lust thirty years.
July 10,187.
The finliiinn.
New Yokk, July 19. The -alii'
Leavenworth special says: A
train was captured last Sunday, near
Fort Lamed, bv the Indians. Bishop
Iincy, ten priests ami six Sisters of
Chanty accompanied the train, en
route to Santa Fe. The men were
killed, scalped and shockingly mutila
ted, and the females carried away
Axotheu roll of honor has liecn
issued from the Quartermaster Gener
al's office. It embraces the names of
soldiersrwho died in the defence of the
American Union, interred in New
York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ma
ryland, Virginia, Illinois, Missouri,
Iowa, Arkansas, Texas, Utah Territo
ry, and on the Pacific coast. The
pamphlet contains 173 pages, and is
published for the information of rela
tives and friends. About 8,000 names
arc given. The blanks under the head
of "Virginia shov 2,000, and under
that of Missouri, 3i0 deceased soldiers
whose names ore unknown.
Gen. M. J eff. Thompson, a dis
tinguished officer in the rebel service,
from Missouri, recently gave n public
endorsement of Gen. Ixingstrcct's po
sition, and advised the acceptance of
the Heeoiistruction Act. He was in
stantly assailed by democratic journals,
north and south. To one of them he
replies, and his indignant response
gives us a little insight into Southern
history during the rebellion. Democ
racy there, as here, consisted in avoiding
conscription, nud fighting with words
when other men were using bayonets.
Nkw Yoisk, July 15, 1SG7.
liUtur of the Jittnna; Yuzao, JW.
Sir : I see in the New York Jir
ahl of this day an extract from your
paper of the loth inst., in which you
have, in your opposition to certain
letters written by gentlemen of the
South, thought proper to use very dis-resjK-ctf'ul
language about your superi
ors. From the style in which vou
sneak I judge you to have been one ot j
.nose .ii.scniuic, (liny (logs win. puo-
lished an eight-by-ten sheet during the
war for no earthly purpose but to avoid
conscription, and who, to cover up their
own cowardice, tried to, and in some
instances did, break down some of the
purest and noblest meii in the Confed
eracy. Probably some of Albert Sid
ney Johnson's blood is on your hands,
and you may be one of the hounds that
barked at Joseph E, Johnston, and it
may 1m-, if your paper had strength
enough and was published to the end
of the Confederacy, that many of our
mournful mishaps can be partially
attributed to your meanness. You
should have started earlier, reniaiiied
longer, endured more hardship, braved
more dangers, and surrendered with
more regret than either of the gentle
men you name before you should have
presumed to have written such an arti
cle. I cannot fin- an instant imagine
you have been a soldier, and suppose
you must boa "broken down politician,"
an "old dog," or a "little pup;" and,
therefore, 1 will let you pass until 1
return South, when 1 will inquire into
your antecedents, and it vou are worthy
of notice 1 will teach vou better man
M. Jeff. Tiiomi'sox, of N. Orleans.
li t mrrs all traitors, remarks the
Harrislmrg 77cinii,toknow that the
Supreme Court (if the United States
is now composed ofa majority of Had-
ii-al Hi-publicans. J lie dentil of .Jus
tice Wavne has produced this result,
and we can now confidently rely upon
any of the actions of Congress to re
store the Union upon a loyal basis, and
protect the Union men in the South,
being fully sustained by the Supreme
Court. Tims we see the last hope of
the rebels and Copperheads has been
removed by the hand of Providence,
and the same God who guided our
armies to victorv is still watching over
us, and protecting our countrv from
rehc I rule and rum. lien a jieopie
are struggling for liberty, justice and
a right of oppressed humanity, they
may confidently expect to succeed, for
the God that rules (he universe watch
es over his people, and he surely leads
those to victory whose purify of mo
tive and fearless advocacy of right ap
peal to him for assistance.
With the Supreme Court thus com
posed of men who are imbued with a
high appreciation of the intent of free
institutions, the president will not Ix
so ready to carry his usurpation before
that body for approval.
Hack The lifflc brig which con
veyed a party of twenty Fenians to
Ireland, iticludingGciienils Warren and
Nagle, an aceoiintof whose landing and
arrest at Dungareen, Ireland, has been
published, has arrived back. It ap-
iiears she was chartered by a wealthy
rishman of this city, who is reported
to have cleared her with n cargo of hnrd
warc,said hard ware being 2,000 muskets
and considerable iimunitiou. Arriving
off the coast of Irland, it was found the
brig was not provided with boats, and
most of the party was obliged to jump
overboard in the nightaiidswiinnshore
in the surt. I lie attracted tne at
tention of the coast guard, but manage.
to elude them. Her cargo of muskets
has been discharged, and many of them
are now on their way towards Canada.
Two or three of the oriirinal partv of
Fenians came back on the brig. The
expedition was conducted with the ut
most seeresy.
Sui.wrrrs Belief Bir.i, Passed.
Congress had a very brief session on
Monday. 1 he Senate passed a substi
tute for the House bill for the relief of,
deserters. It relieves from the disabil
ities of desertion nil who after faith
ful service went home subsequent
to the l!)th of April, 18.), nnd lie-
fore they were properly mu-t.-red, out
but declares such persons not entitled to
bounty, back pay or H-nsions,
IwEMEMBER Tills? Do you want to
lie shaved? If you do, vote for Judge
Niarswood. He says National Bank
Notes and greenbacks are not legal
tenders, nnd if elected, under the decis
ion of himself and Copperhead col
leagues, they will soon lie at a discount
ot lrom 30 to oO per centum.
Ges. James Loxgstrket has been
named for tlic Senate from Louisiana
by the Jackson, (Miss.) Clarion, "feel
ing that the honor of the South would
lie secure if confided in council to the
keeping of one who guarded it so well
in the held.
The St. Louis Journal is authority
for the assertion that many of the load
ing Democrats of the country nre pull
ing thenolitical wires to place General
McClclian one more in nomination for
the Presidency.
A sensible Virginian suggests that
marble monuments fhr Confederate dead
will not feed the starving Confederate
widows and orphans. - -
TnE Indian war is costing from one
to two millions of dollars extra each
week. A tear of : this hnsiness will
add seriously to the pnblie burdens. . I
The New York (? publishes a '
sketch of Theodore -Tilton, who has
attained a wide celebrity at nu carlv
age. He is not yet thirty-two. lie is
a native of New York city, and was
educated at the Free Academy or Col
lege. His attention was early directed
to the press. He began leariiingshoi-t
hand in his twelfth year, and reported
for the Trlhrne before hu left the Acad
emy, lie reported the Forrest divorce
case. The case of Mrs. Btirdell Cun
ningham and her bogus baby, lie re
ported and wrote out at a single sitting
to the extent of six and a half col
umns. Since he was a hoy, Tilton
has belonged to Plymouth' Church,
and made himself famous some years
ago by bearding the i ion in his den,
or rather Bccchcr in his pulpit, taking
issue with the pastor on the question of
contributing to the American Hoard of
Missioiis.Tilton holding that the Board
was pro-slavery. Tilton has been for
some years editor of the Jmlfiwudrnt,
and has besides busied himself in writ-
-m, mj jMM.ll4
ii.iil deliverinir
lectures and addresses. Further the
(lazfttrmym "Tilton resides in Brook
lyn, near Hcecher's Church, owning n
very coiufortnbleand pleasant house in
Livingston street, which is said to con
tain more and finer engravings, mostly
artists' proofs, than any other residence
in that city. His dwelling and Its
contents cost him til-out $25,000; and
as his salary on the liitlcjumhnl is
$5,000, and his' income from lectures
and other sources considerably more
than that, he may be considered be
yond lupine peril. Mrs. Tilton is a
very plain, pleasant fiierd little lady,
not so young looking as her husband,
and esteeming him as the greatest, man
of the age which is as it should he.
Anna, his sister, is a tall, good looking
girl, just out of boarding school, said
to be posscssi d of very fine talents, and
sharing Mrs. Til ton's' faith as regards '
Theodore which is also as it should
be. They are a very happy, lively,
intellectual family, always fail of joy
ous nine enterprises ot one kind or
another, and very popular socially."
The Hepiiblicun party has become n
power in the Southern States. Every
day the disposition of the white people
to act longer with the democratic
palpably diminishes. The Kichmond
Wliiif, edited by ex-Confederates, says
"Keccntly there was no organized
Republican partv, in the extended
sense of that term, in Virginia. Now
there is, and it is a powerful and grow
ing partv, that has the countenance
and confidence of Congress, and is in
sympathy and affiliation with the do
minant party of the North, Much of
the best material in the State is co
operating with it, A large portion of
the best intellect, as of the virtue oi
the State, is already pledged to this co
operation, and every dav new accessions
are made to it from the ranks of the
solid people of Virginia,"
i he Abingdon I iryuiittii says :
"The Democratic party ought to be
lisbanded, and never .more named in
the South. It ought to be disbanded
These mav be taken among the latest
inclinations of the change that is going
The Kansas City Ahrrlir of the
1.1th inst, says: We learned yester
day that the iron for the F(rt Scott
and Kansas City Railroad had been
secured, and that the work of laying
it would begin in the course of a
month ; also that the most of the heavy
grading upon this road will be com
pleted in sixty days between this and
Paola, a distance of forty miles, so that
when the work of laving the iron lo-
gins the light grading can he rapidly
completed. Wo may not he surprised
to hear of a pleasure trip being given
by this road to Fort Scott on New
Year's day, lKfi.
Sl'EAKEIi CVu.l'AX has received the
petition of one hundred and seventy
colored men, lately United States sol
diers, residinif in Kentucky, statinir
that the State laws deny them the
right to testify in court, that they can
not, therefore, obtain redress for mur
der and outrage, that colored men have
liecn murdered in cold blood, and not
having the right to testify the criminals
go unpunished, and asking Congress to
grant thi-m the right of suffrage. The
petitition will be hud before the house.
The Somerset 11 'hla makes thcfol-
fhnving good point : As the Connclls-
villc Ivinlroad has no more bitter
enemy in the State than Judge Black,
and he is laboring with all his energy
to prevent the restoration of its char
ter, and as a rjno trarmnto against the
company is now pending lx-fore tin
Supreme Court of this State, tlie friends
of the road can judge what its chances)
will he, if Shnrswood whose pure law
Black indorses is elected a Judge of
that Court.
Ex-CoxFEiF.tiATK Chieftain Jeff.
Davis attended the Montreal Theater
on Thursday night, on occasion of a
performance for the benefit of the
Southern Belief Fund. He was greet
ed with tremendous cheering, the band
plaving Dixie, and the audience rising
in (lis honor.
Berezowski, the Pole, who tried to
kill the Czar of Russia in Paris, has
been tried and found "guilty, with
extenuating circumstances," and has
liecn sentenced to imprisonment ut
hard labor for life.
Toombs, the rcliel, writes to a Dem
ocratic Committee, in Ohio: "I re
gret nothing in the past but the dead
and the failure, anil I am today ready
to use the liest means I can command
to establish the principles for which I
fought." This confession of faith no
sooner gets into print than he becomes
an applicant for Executive clemency;
whereupon Mr. Johnson grants the
pardon and restores him to full citizen
shin. Toombs now has full swing to
do his best to establish the principles
for which he fought.
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