i2B-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Decembi B: Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated by Friday at 12 Noon Nationwide Auction Sys SA T FEB 21 10AM Bhz 302-573 5005 zam date Feb 23, 10AM SAT FEB 2 8 10AM Sug Valuable Lane Co real arloaf (Luzerne Co ) EarlT estate, 1-sty stucco home fy||H er p a rm Retirement on b acre, antiques, turn, Auc t| on Rirrung Auction FIH goods, misc at 38 eers | nc Flershey Ave , Paradise, L__ Lane Co PA by Barr MARCH Davis Auct AU002421 L 9221 002422 1, wed [tf AR 3 . 6 30PM 717 442 Joys & Collectibles, 100 West Jackson St , New TUBS FEB 24 - Horses, Holland, Diffenbach Auc farm eq , John F & Han tion Inc AHOOOI4SL 717 nah Miller, 537 Buck Hill 355 7253 Rd , Paradise, Pa 17562 by Mel Hoover Auct AD SAT MAR 6 IH tractors, 003111 1 717 354 6431 farm equip tor Irene xui i o, cpi ccd xc fi. 97 Martin (Mrs John W 8 30AM both days B PA John Seller's two day MiMersy.1 PA public auction, new, used & abused farm equip a?mc 0 q i gfiß 5099 Leola, Lane Co , PA, 717 AU 1509 L 717-665 5099 656 9733 SAT JMAR6 - 8 30AM Jor FRT& SAT FEB 27/28 - Bart Twp Fire Co 11 Fur 10AM Utility trucks & Sa C 6 ' Lancaster > equip, passenger vehi- PA Farm equip, quilts, cles trucks, constr/farm crafts, tools, furniture by - local auctioneers mach at 1450 New Yor Ave Wilmington, DE by SAT MAR 6 9AM Public VALUABLE JUNIATA COUNTY REAL ESTATE AUCTION Delaware Township Farm Thompsontown, PA SAT., JAN.I7, 2004 12 noon Located next to the Thompsontown Borough along Route 333. Burns Road and Colyer Street, Thompsontown, PA, midway between Harrisburg and State College just off Route 322 Real estate will be ottered trom the barn bridge along Burns Road day ot sale Hannah Burns, Thompsontown Farm A 126 98 recently surveyed farm bordering Thompsontown Borough with 99.9 tillable acres of deep loamy level river-bottom soil, 20 acres woodland and has the beautiful Delaware Creek flowing through the eastern portion of the proper ty Buddings include a two-story frame Colonial style dwelling, an early Amencan-style mortise and pinned large bank barn with gorgeous moun tain stone foundation, gables and barnyard wall, a wagon shed, a one-car garage and more This piopeity otters over 8,500 feet of road frontage and is in lull view ol the Juniata River and the Tuscarora Mountain A \ery desirable piece ot real estate with Juniata’s best tillable soil, don't miss it 1 The entire tract ol 126 98 acres will be put up for sale, then the following four tracts will be offeied for sale separately Tract A: 6 level acres w ith house, barn and olhei outbuildings includes municipal water and sewer Iract B: 27 746 level acres prime tillable (arm ground situated bctw'een Bums Road and the alley behind Mam Slieet, Thompsontown oflei mg over 2100 feet of road Irontagc Tract C: 69 271 level acies with 64 acies pnme deep loamy river-bottom tillable soil and 6 271 acies woodland located between Burns Road, Rivet Road and Route 77 7 offering ovci 2300 feet ol mad frontage Tract D: 76 007 level acres with 15 acies pnme deep loamv iivci-botlom tillable soil. 15 acies ol woodland with the Delaware Creek flowing through it, located between the old Bums Feed Mill and the riiompsontown Municipal Authonty and olleis ovci 2400 led ol toad 1 1 outage along Route 7 77 Real Estate Terms: Ownei rescues the right to accept or rc|ect any bids Survey ot the real estate is available lor inspection by contacting the auc tioneer It tracts are sold separately settlement is contingent on subdivision approval and settle ment within twenty 120) days therealtcr It single tract ol 126 98 acres is sold, settlement within loity (40) days 10 c / down is icquired at knock off with cash oi good PA check HANNAH LOU BURNS, Owner Omega Bank, Guardian Stefanie L. Yeager-Helrick, T.O. Richard L. Gingrich, Attorney Buanl) lines cA Sons, ~neeis R R I Box 902 Boil Koval, P\ UI-001656-L 71/-527-2449 27, 2003 . ~ „ Farm mach consign auc auction, Schaper Bros tlon at p m g er Lakes Pro consignment sale, trac- duce Auct y , nc b Plr tors, lawn & garden m Auct , nc equip , shop tools, light — l-^-= - rrm industrial construction JUES MAR 9 11AM equip, 913 Landis Ave , Complete reg holstem Pittsgrove Twp , NJ dispersal for Eli Lantz, 083318, Wolgemuth Auc Ephrata, Pa by. Harry tion (#2357), (717) 656 Bachman . AUOOOO3L, 0Q47 Landis Marketing Sale Manager, 717-413-1232 PUBLIC AUCTION 6.95 AC. Building Lot Wooded & Open W/Beautiful View Saturday, January 10, 2004 (S 11:00 AM 20 <M>tt K<l RunhnkK PA I mm UunlmliK tiki Hi VJ7 Norili lo null! on Pi mown Rd Noith l x ii kit on Mourn nn lop Rd itirn iight on (toll Kcl lo lot on kit South Hi uk llxt” Iwp Ik (o ( omid Weiser Sehool Distna \ iiu nn buikiiiu. lot with vnusol the suiioundme t nml md b leked b\ tin. lx uitilnl Bine Mount tins nxl m close proximus to Cj ikii H ill Goil ( ouim. I ol luis been peikid lor m in giound sum s\s(em (mi\el dn\ew i\ is m phee Cm it oppoitumtv lo purehise i 0 d'S Aeie Buildifiii lot wnti ill puimis eonstiuelion pi ms md kmdsc ipimz designs i\ id ibk loi use I or showing, plot plan and other mfoi mation eall auctioneers at MO-286-MBJ. linns 10 r r down da> of sale, settlement within dass lirms H> Tommt 1 A Ann M Kashalus HZk y %%HORNING M M 1 A FARM AGENCY, iNC. '\l\m & 1 lion llouung • Male Fbcilv 2-+l7-L C h.m Stoll/tus 3920-L P.O, Box 251 Morgantown, PA 19543 (610) 286-5183 hoinmglarmageii(.\ loin r M Public Auction Thurs. Jan. 15,2004 0’"“ = - 9:00 AM Heifers, Mules, Farm 9:00 AM ~ Equipment, Antiques Directions: from Strasburg take 741 West to Edisonvtlle Road turn right to sale on lelt, from Lancaster lake 462 East to Strasburg Pike turn right to Edisonville Road turn right to sale on right' 12 Head HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 12 Head 8 head short bred heifers ■BL 2 head breeding age heifers 2 head 11 month old heifers Milking Equipment 4 Westfaha Bio milkers with 75 lb Buckets, sput nick, Westfaha milker washer, washer tub' Vi 6 Head MULES 6 Head fa Pete 17 coming 8 year old sorrel molly & jack mule Polly J broke to all farm machinery, a TOP line team! 2 • 7 year old molly mules broke to all farm machinery, work anywhere! Jim i pair of 7 & 8 year old bay jack mules, broke for Jack/ the offside in all farm machinery, a lot of snap! Horse Related Items 6 set front gears, 2 set backers, 6 bridles, 12 col lars, jockey sticks, check lines, 1,2, 3,4, 5, & 6 horse hitches, English saddle, carriage jack' Farm Equipment 7200 - 3 row Pequea corn planter with No-till coulters and liquid fertilzer attachment, 16 m. White Horse hydraulic reset two way plow used 3 seasons - like new, New Holland 270 Baler with 2 cyhndei Wisconsin engine and super sweep pickup - good condition, 456 New Holland mow'er with 4 cylinder Wisconsin engine and hydraulics - good condition, Pequea H.R. 10 rake with tandem axle and Honda engine used 2 seasons, Cunningham crimper, 2 auto turn fore carts, 16 ft Farm-bilt flat wagon with corn sides used 3 seasons, 2-16 ft flat wagon with 16 ft bed and John Deere gears, No 17 New Idea manure spreader - good condition, on horse High Clearance produce sprayer with 24 ft booms and 100 ga lank and pump with 5 HP Honda engine, 2 horse blank 1 iow cultivator like new, 1 row New Idea Transplanter 675 ELS liquid manure spicader, fore carl, 20 KBA disc - good condi tion 10 ft uiltipackcr, 9ft 3 section spimg tooth hanow', 300 gal poly tank, approx 4000 tobacco lath, 2-silage caits, gram cart, silage folk, Millcieek Model 25 ground drive manure spread ei never used, fuel pump, 12 volt Pel fencer, 3 compartment tobacco press' Misc. Items & Antiques Goossen Industries Chipper shreddei with Briggs & Stiatlon engine like new', paint sprayer with 2 3 HP Honda engine, 6 & 12 volt International fencer, 106 Wiatd walking plow, miner box, anvil, sled, spun klmg can, aluminum extension ladder, old bench, handyman pick, copper kettle, coal kitchen stove - good condition, iow maker, cast iron kettle, straw cuttei, old stineis, 2 meat saws, socket sets, 3 reel lawn mowcis, Champion coal stove, 16 gauge Itiaca double barrel, lots & lots of misc hand tools too numerous to mention 1 Terms By: David S. & Lizzie K. Click 2019 A Edisonville Road Strasburg, PA 17579 Cash or Honorable PA Checks Only All Announcements Sale Day Take Precedence Over All Advertising. Not Responsible for Accidents Food on Premises m». rw Auctioneer: Mel Hoover wTr AU-003111-L U 717-354-8397 Home Business 717-354-6431 SAT MAR 6 9 30AM SHORT NOTICE PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE 1-1/2 STY. DWL. - LARGE SHOP - GARAGE ON 3.6 ACRE TRACT EARL TWP. - FARMERSVILLE AREA METALWORKING MACH, & TOOLS FRIDAY, JANUARY 16,2004 10 A.M. - REAL ESTATE 1 P.M. lOCAFION: 144 I ainnont Rd (Farmersville) From Fphrata Rt 422 F thru Hmklctown at Marlin s Bike Shop turn right onto L Farmersville Rd past Scnsemg’s f urmlure turn right onto [ armersvillc Rd Go approx 1/2 mi turn right onto Knrmont Rd to proper!) on left FarlTwp Lam. Co Rial estate consists ot 14-year-old custom built 1 1/2 sty stone/vmvl house w/1946 sq It fin ished area Eat in kitihen w/cherry cabinets range dishwasher microwave refng dining area living rni Ist lloor laundry/inud mi 4 lull si/e bdrms and 4 baths Full bsint w/poured ion ircle walls & outside entrance Colonial slam mtenor doors & turn Attached finished 2 car garage He.it pump & central AC ientr.il vac 200 amp elect semce Double tiei nar deck Circle diive SHOP is masonry A Irainc Ist bldg 47 \444 w/attached 20 x4O utihlv/otficc room All on level .4.6 ACRE TRACT. Plenty ol lawn & garden aiea 442 It outage along Fairmont Rd NOIK: Ideally located rural/iountrv propertv just oil Farmersville Rd Move in condition PROPERr\ MUST BE SOLD! Tcnns Io<,i down, balance 60 days oi belon Inspection by appointment or open house on Sats Dec 27 Jan 4 A 10 from 1 4 PM For landplottmg biochure or financing call auctioneeis at 717 444 4409 oi 717 744-1006 Auction Conducted By: Terms Bv. Randal V. Kline, Roy E. Good, Jr., 'fK « EDWIN N Ri Keith Snyder, Auctioneers _ (717)733-1006 KLINE, KREIDER 4 GOOD ERMA V. HOOVER Lie #2116, #499, #3433 717-354-0281 Linda Kling, Attv. www.klinekreidergood.com COMPLETE LIQUIDATION RETIREMENT AUCTION A 1 Hamilton Truck Sales TRUCKS, TRAILERS, DUMP TRUCKS, NEW DUMP BODIES, LARGE QUANTITY USED PARTS SATURDAY, JANUARY 10 @ 9:30 AM MANHEIM, PENNSYLVANIA NOTE: After many years in the truck business, Mr A 1 Hamilton - President of Al Hamilton Truck Sales, has decided it’s time to retire and sell all trucks, trailers and parts at absolute unreserved auction Everything found here is ready to go to work for the new owners There will be several pieces of light construction equipment pieces added from Thomas Manufacturing & 1 Rental Fleets There will be several pieces of light construction equipment pieces added from Thomas Manufacturing & One Rental Fleet HILITES: 10 DUMP TRUCKS: 1997 Ford LNBOOO w/ New 10 Ft, 1997 Ford LNBOOO w/ New 10 Ft Dump (s/a), 1997 Ford LNBOOO New Dump (s/a), 1997 Ford F-7000 (s/a), 1990 Ford F-Super Duty w/ 12 Ft Dump Body, 1989 Ford LNBOOO w/ 14 Ft. Flat Bed Dump, (2) 1986 Ford LNBOOO w/ 9 Ft Dump (s/a), 1986 Ford LNBOOO w/ 16 Ft Flatbed Dump, 1985 lnt’l 2300 (s/a), VAN TRUCKS: 1995 Ford LNBOOO w/ 24 Ft Van Body & Rail Lift, ROLLBACK TRUCKS: 1978 Peterbilt w/ 28 ft Jerr-Dan, 14 NEW DUMP BODIES: New 14 Ft Gabon 89 pkg 502 F, New 10 1/2 Ft Gabon 152 U, New 9 ft. Gabon 152 U, (2) New Gabon 152 U, New 15 Ft Gabon, New Gabon PDLI4, New Gabon 11 Ft, New (4) Gabon 10 Ft, New Gabon SEAP 10 Ft, New Stahl 12 Ft, 3 TRUCK TRACTORS: 1995 Ford LNBOOO (s/a), 1985 Mack R (t/a), 1999 Int’l 9200, 9 CAB & CHASSIS: 2000 Int’l 4900,1988 Int’l 1600, 1998 GMC 6500, 1997 Ford F 350, (2) 1996 Ford LN7OOO, 1995 Ford F-8000, 1994 Ford LNBOOO, 1984 Ford LNBOOO, SER VICE TRUCKS: 1974 GMC 2500, 2 PICKUPS: 1988 Ford Ranger XLT (4x4), 1995 Dodge 2500 (4x4), SUVS: 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee, FLATBED TRUCKS: 1995 Ford F-Super Duty with 12 Ft Flatbed, 5 TAGALONGS: New 2003 Interstate 10 Ton Tilt Deck, (2) 1999 Trailkmg TK2O 10 Ton (t/a), 1998 Trailkmg 9 Ton, 1995 Eager Beaver 9 ton (tn ), 2 AIR COMPRESSORS: Sullair 185DPQ, Ingersoll PIBSWJD, SUPPORT: New & Used Truck Parts: (2) Ford V 6 Engines, DT466 Engine, 3208 T Cat Engine, (2) 23,000 lb Eaton 2 spd Rears, 12,000 lb Ford Front Axle Assembly w/ Springs, 18,000 lb Ford Front Axle Assembly w/ Springs, 4 spd Clark Trans , 5 spd Clark Trans , 13,200 Road Ranger. 6 spd Fuller Tran , 5 spd Spicer, New and Used Complete L Model Ford Cab, Used L Model Ford Cab for Parts, Lots of New & Used Recaps, Lots of Truck Rims, (2) Used Lift Gates, Used 14 Ft Flatbed with Racks, Ford “D” Model Fuel Tank, Ford Radiator, Misc Exhaust Stacks & Pipe, Fold L Model Doors, Int’l S Model Doors. Ford Battery Boxes, Int'l Fiame Ciossmemhcrs, Ford Frame Crossmembers, Fuel Tank Brackets, Air & Right Hand Seats, Power Steering Box for Ford L Model, Ford Bumpers, Pick-Up Bedhners, GMC Chrome Step Bumpers, GMC Trailer Hitches, Misc Ford L Mode! Paits, New Complete A/C Unit toi L Model Ford and R Model Mack. New Set of Racks for Morgan Flatbed, Misc Ford Engine Parts, Concrete Buggies, Int’l. S Model: Cab Mount - Vent Glass- Hood Hmgcs-Wmdshield-Wmdow Regulator - Repair Panel - Head Lmei- Door Panel, CONSTRUCTION: 2 SKID STEERS: (2) New Thomas Pro Tough 1700. (2) Bobcat 753, plus new buckets, forks, blades, post hole augers, 4 EXCAVATORS: Bobcat 325, Takeuchi T 8035, Takeuchi T 8025, TRACTOR LOADER BACKHOES: Case 580 K (4x4), RUBBER TIRED LOADERS: Terex 7251 AA, ATTACH MENTS: Excavators: New Mini Thumbs, Dirt & Light Material Buckets, Grapples, 4-m-l Buckets, Pallet Forks, Post Hole Augers, Hydr Spieaders, Dozer Blades, Backhoes: New Mini Thumbs, PENNSYLVANIA LICENSE #: AU-003051-E SALE SITE PHONE: (717) 665-7145, SALE SITE FAX: (717) 665-2 R 7 Alex Lyon & Son SALES MANAGERS & AUCTIONEERS, INC, » PO Box 610, Bridgeport. NY 13030 CfiHWW. n PA Lie.# AU-0003051-E www lyonauction com Bridgeport (315) 633-2944 (315)633-6010 FAX Syracuse (Evenings) (315) 637-0912
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