m A PUBLIC SALE 4L BEAUTIFUL LANCASTER COUNTY FARM APPROX. 110 ACRES FARM EQUIPMENT & RELATED ITEMS SAT., FEBUARY 21, 2004 9.00 AM Real Estate 11:00 AM 1389 Mt Joy Road, Manheim, Rapho Twp.. Lancaster Co., Fa 17545 Located on Route 772 between Manheim & Mt loy. just West oi the Village ol Spoiling Hill Watch For Sale Signs l Beautiful 111) Acre Faim with Approx 107 Tillable Acies, with Road Frontage on two Roads, (Manheim Mt Joy and Colebiook) Zoned Agiieulluie Manheim Cential School District HOUSE I Histone Kumhouse wilh Fail) Decoi, First Hooi 28 \ 8' Fovei with Open Staircase, 14\ls Dinning Room, 14’x 1S Living Room Laigc 15’\15 Kitchen w/Altached Laundiv and Full Bath Second 1 loot 4 Bedrooms, (I w/ Balcony), Full Bath, Small Sewing Room Thud Flooi 2 Bediooms plus Attic Full Concielc Basement w/Arch Ccllai Oil Hot Watei Heat, On Site Well & Septic 2 Porches X, attached |V\IV Summer House. 22’ X 3 V 2-Bay Detached Garage BARN, MACHINERY SHED & OUT BUILDINGS 58' X 116 Bank 2-Stoiy Barn, 40' \ 60‘ Machinery died. 28 \ 46' Machmeiy Shed, 54' \ ,6' Chicken House, 48' x 28' Tobacco Shed w/ Stripping Room & Cellai, 24' x 19' 2-Stoiy Building w/attached 9’x I U Well House 13,000 Bushel Grain Bin Shown by Appointment Only: Call 717-656-2947 Real Estate Terms: lOC Down day ol Sale, Balance Due on or betoie 60 Days Auctioneer’s Note: Take this Opportunity to Puichase a Large Farm m Lancaster County with Road Frontage on two Roads and Very Well Maintained Buildings & Equipment WOLGEMUTH AUCTION (#2357) Call Dennis ‘ (717)656-2947 FAX (717) 656-6011 http //www wolgemuth-auction com EMAIL-wolgemuth-auct@juno com m SALE FOR: Margaret Metzler Estate Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated by Friday at 12 Noon THURS FEB 5 - 9AM”Service Lifts, diesel Farm equip, livestock, HH engines, shop tools, goods at 55 Gnest Rd , hardware, compressors, Nottingham, PA, Ben S & generators, lawn mow Annie L Stoltzfus by A&C ers, pressure washers, Diffenbach Auct Inc RD 1, Port Trevorton #2258-1 717 355 7253 Snyder Co, PA, Wolge S/ h Aucti (#2357) .AT FEB 7 - SAM Public mutl -action luction, Martin's Saw (717) 656-2947 PUBLIC AUCTION 4 Bedrooms, 3 Bath - Ranch Home on 2 Acre Lot Sat., Jan. 3,2004 - i.-oo p.m. location I rom Mom mlown t tkc Rt 2'west i( pio\ 2 miles to imht on CililoimiKd ippio\ I 1/2 miles to kit on 1ic..0 [)n\e to honu on njit ( tun iiuhi lowndup 1 me islet ( mints Piopeilv is sionc mil stucco i inch honu on on i) u k lot with nun Mim level hiss| ik losei with close! h dlv i\ k uis to ludioonis w nil closets nul in im huh M istu bcdioom his lulk w ilk in closet md m istcr b ith 1 liiiiim room h is slkliim doois to I uye deck ill it o\ei looks neijibonnp ( mill md Kitchen his newu ipplnnces pmii\ md plcnl> ol c ibinct sp ice Kitchen door c \ Ms in stone pmol i\ jim loom loc itcci oil four I o\ut level his I uinclrv mom 2 uldilion il bedtooms md bith h\lii ceilniL he mill would illow tor 1 uiie ue i to be finished Slidiny doors w ilk out to II pilio New he it pump md cciitn! in 2 eai _ naue 1 stoii-c sheds New p uni in inteiior md si medwood turn throughout house Terms 10* t Bonn day of sah halam i dm at settlement on or before 43 days \ol< If you hd\ t hienloolnn (in a < ai/nn \ w inn and nn , (million in I am ash i ( aunts u (f/t />/< an a( mom this is the am Icrnis li\ GARY S. & LISA C. HART I inJ i Klmg Attorney Fi icc\ ! lones AIJ{ lIONM RS ((>10) 2S(> 7K14 AH V)O7 L Visit the Website at wwss tljoncsaiKtionurs com DICK’S TRACTORS PUBLIC SALE NEW YEARS DAY CLARKSTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA RT 442 1 MILE EAST OF CLARKSTOWN, 4 MILES FROM HUGHESVILLE EXIT 13 OFF 1-180 FARM EQUIPMENT NH2S6 lake 111 710-Bblm plow \ugeis 4iN2 i stalk ehoppcis Omsk wagon ( uhipaekeis, Rotaiv mowei Olivei disk Bpi blade Giavitv wagons AC manuie spieadei N eom planlei Disk sH7’ havbme HesUm 8st!0 A II) 810 tound baleis Csi a\ its boms him plow Mat wagon Busk saw Wagon ueai NH2I2 manui ■ spieadei, JD son bean special di b kew Rock lies disk ID 246 loin planlei ID sab M spieadei. Bush hog disk lotdldi/S' Bpth mow blowei 111 disl Ai'swav 828 mmei ’imdei. Nl liquid spieadei Willman T\ leilih/et spieadei 6 snow blowei, MF 88 giant dull w/17D glass alt Nil tandem spieadei, While 888 spimg icset plow 8 row h>diololdBpt Cult grain eleanei i ■<> TRACTORS AND SKID STEERS JD: 2-B \ one ical nice, M w/plows. Cult & new paint, 420 U w7ldt, 2-40 UN one icsloied, L, 1H; H 2-M‘s. Supei M \v/wt & ps cN Idi. Supei C. 2844 w/snowplow & side lilt 884 w/eab. 874 w/ldi oNCihauled, MH: 44. Mustang w/wl Apt, Ford: 8000, (4) 9N’s, ( 8 paits), 2000. 801 w/ovei hauled I’neme & new paint, 1220. 1720 w/ldi & 4whl dine Oliver: Supei 77, 77, \C WD, WD/wl, WD/nl w/ldi Apt Skid Steers: NH 888, 788 TTv? 1 J.D.: 17s w/snow blowe' 712 26s H\dm 48 deck needs, I ngme woik Kubota: 248 8200/miow blcmei Cub ( adefs: |7(iB w/ldi CONSTRUCTION. CARS !Ri CKS FTC. 1988 Foul F8s() \,m l 4 goose neek stock tiailci 1995 Chew spoils \.in 6 4 tinsel ]00(> on new engine Golf eail (pails), 111 \s I , ID stailei wis vn\ plow lo' IH C. I8(i\88 damp on duals. Armsimng duals. Rentable ai umip'i s,oi, New Items Rotolillei House 5' mtaiv mouei, H\ suappei. 3lh w-hl, Goose neek Uailei, Slone lake. Spin spieadci, Shed, Wishing wells. Om house, Walking budge. Polled blue spiuee liees MACHINERY WILL SELL AT 10:30 FOLLOWED BY TRACTORS TRUCKS & C \RS Partial listing - much more to come 9 A.M. STARTING WITH SMALL, ITEMS LOADER TRACTOR & TRUCKING AVAILABLE LUNCH AVAILABLE Clarkstown Fire Co. & Lunch Bucket Phone 570-546-8784 or fax: 570-546-7342 #AY000236-L Auctioneer: David Gossert & Bob Wolgemuth THURS., JAN. 1, 2004 9 A.M. LAWN & G \RDFN MISCELLANKH , Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 27, 2003-827 SAT FEB 07 - 2004 Horse 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Sale at Mel's Stables, 834 PA by Wolgemuth Auct Wallace Rd , New Hoi- #2357 717-656 2947 land, PA 17557 717-354- 8397 THURS FEB 12 9AM __ Horses & farm eq , Jacob SAT FEB 7 -10 AM Entire E Kauffman, 2223 Bald set farm buldg to be Eagle Rd, Drumore, PA, removed, farm equip, U tractors, at 945 Power 003111-1., 717 354 6431 Rd , Manheim Auct for pRI FEB 13 -9AM Equip Paul K & Dora N Brubak- merit Auction, 100 West er, Raymond E & Vera Jackson St, New Hoi- Martin by Aaron E Mar- land, Diffenbach Auction tin Auct Serv Inc AHOOOI4SL 717-355- TUES FEB 10 - 9AM 7253 Engine & Shop Inventory SAT FEB 18 -9AM Horse Reduction, 529 Scott Rd , Sale at Mel's Stables, 834 Quarryville Mel Hoover Wallace Rd , New Hoi- Auct AU 003111 L, 717- land, PA 17557 717 354- 354-6421 8397 WED FEB 11 9AM SAT FEB 21 - 9AM Real Cows, horses, farm eq Estate 110 acre farm & John Esh, 979 Sandy Bot farm related items Mar tom Rd , Earlville, MD garet Metzler Estate 21919, Mel Hoover Auct 1389 Mt Joy Rd , Man AU-003111-L, 717-354- heim, Rapho Twp , Lan -6431 caster Co , Wolgemuth THURS FEB 12-Lumber Auction, #2357, 717-656 & building supplies at 2947 PUBLIC AUCTION STONE RANCHER - 4.6 ACRES SALISBURY TWP. - NARVON THURS., JAN. 22, 2004 2 P.M. W Jacobs Rd Narvon Rl 122 I ast of Blue Ball Furnimht 597 Soulh Turn lei I (iault Rd Sd light onto Cambiidec Rd Turn right Jacobs Rd OR tiom Rt U 0 lake Churehtovui Rd Turn left Wanner Rd Turn right Jacobs Rd Atulcn stone'ranch house w/ove. I 674 SI cal in kitchen In mg rm w/comcr stone fireplace bdrrns 2 baths lamilv rm /olticc/oi 4th hdrm desirable 4 6 acre tract vv/maluie tun her & pine trees stream & pond Quiet country location Zoned Ag Inspection by appointment oi open house Sal Jan lO & 17 from 1 to 4RM lor eoloi brochure land plotting or financing call Auctioneers 717 70 1006 ETHEL M. MAITLAND Douk 717-445-4256 Randal V. Kline, Roy E. Good, Jr, — C X- S ufU n 9!MlSt#3433 erS JB KLINE KREmERTGOODJ^ ’ ’ AUCTIONEERS vvww khnekreidergood com Public Auction tOO Acre Dairy Farm Sat. January 17th, 2004 @ 11:00 Open for Preview: lan Bul '-4, 'an loth 1 I A (s 900 on Aik non Dav ' T ‘ \* m 324 Routt >i, Dundee, 14837 KlOasies vntuillv all tillable Filmland Fond m piopeitv 82 stall dan\ bam w/ha\ 101 l aiea Milk house w/lank sink eontpiessoi Ciiittu elcai'em New silo in D Mam seelion ol ham l(i \44 Open stall aiea 68 \2O I quipmutt pole bam 76 \44 200 amp seivkc Dulled well Natuial gas available lloime needs ]| ( Subject to ( oiiflnnuti 'ii 1 his taint is olleied a 1 i mo l attiaelive icmin piiec as the sellei, aie evliemelv mom tied to sell lit addition il life is ail nnusiialh unique se i line II \ou have eonsuleied addme i I itni to \oui u n estate pinllolio wesiion l\ saaces iliil'on, m sulei this as a detinue possilniilN Sale on Prt iiim 1 I lorn Penn 'i in N't I 4 Pom 1 \ i tow lids Dundee N't I 4 , 1. 1 el . . 'll i pmpeiP n I ell 1 ion imi i t 1 > ' m '4 \ \oilh low uds IVnn t i -'i I n e i le'i on Route 2 si) Pi opel I » on k terms < ondilioim 11 l.n , 1 neini elded U -ale 1 >lti ' m I V v\hele Is PiopeiU lo e lose wll it 111 4' da\ s alu i auelio ' no eontmgene ics Inhumation was eatheicd liom amu es demned ie 1 1able and is believed lo be eoneel llowem i is nol guaianteed b\ C enluiv 21 Sbana A Wells Bu\et is to \eiih measmemenls and all oihei mloimalion \n\ questions Please Con fgT)(|lJ|y tact: Col. Erich Laßarr, lIUIMa p, \iu iioneei eV Sales Associate, (800) 724-8098, Sbana & Wells Mobile (607) 279-0204 ei ich laban (s'centui v 2 I com (kill il maybe we can help you sell yom home 111 "" LOOK 1 OK M< Ns” L. I
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