;26-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Decembi b; Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated by Friday at 12 Noon ATTENTION AUCTIONEERS All sales register info needs complete address, street, tow n. counts & state. FRI JAN 23 Farm Equip , 158 Falcone Rd Bangor Zettlemoyer Auc tion Co 610-395 8084 FRI JAN 23 - 9AM Cows, horses, farm eq , Isaac Click, 592 Kmzer Ave , New Holland, PA, Mel Hoover Auct AU-003111- 2, 717 354-6431 FRI /SAT JAN 23/24 - 10AM Constr/farm utility mach , trucks/equip , passenger vehicles, trucks at 1450 New York Ave , Wilming ton, DE by Nationwide Auction Syst 302-573- 5005 SAT JAN 24-2004 Horse Sale at Mel's Stables, 834 Wallace Rd , New Hol land, PA 17557 717-354- 8397 S Mules, farm & milking eq Jacob S & Rebecca AT JAN 24 - 10 AM n'vwh spf 5 pf V M d i iuto auction at York oxford Pa 19363 b V Mel PUBLIC AUCTION EARL TWP. - HINKLETOWN AREA 2-1/2 STY. DWELLING GARAGE/SHOP -1-1/2 ACRES PERSONAL PROPERTY THURS., JAN. 29, 2004 2 RM. - REAL ESTATE 3 P.M. LOCATION: 30S Wannci Road, Ephrata (Hinkletown) Take Rl 322 Fast from Ephrata through traffic light at Hinkletown Approx I mile turn left Wanner Road Pass Hinkletown Mcnnomle School 2-1/2 st\ trame/vinyl house with 1630 sq ft area Counlrye.il m kitchen w/oak raised panel cabinets family rm , living rm w/gas fireplace Ist floor laundry 4 bdrrns &. bath Gas propane heat 1 sty masonry garage/shop 30’ \ 36’ and mason ry utility bldg 10 x 18’ all on 1.5 acre tract with large garden & lawn area & mature shade trees Zoned Ag Inspection by appointment or open house Sal Jan 10, 17&24 from 1 to 4 PM for color brochure land plotting or financing call Auctioneers 717 733 1006 GLENN J. & SUSAN E. SENSENIG 717-354-87)1 Randal V. Kline, Roy E. Good, Jr, _JrX. Keith Snyder, Auctioneers Lie #499, 2116, #3433 .—-Hi 7#7 700 iftnc AUCTIONEERS n '-'"-i UUD wwW klinekreidergood com 2 DAY PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE; ANTIQUES; CAR; TRACTORS; TOYS; WINROSS TRUCKS; COINS; TOOLS FRIDAY, JAN. 9, 2004 9:00 A.M. SAT., JAN. 10, 2004 9:00 A.M. Coal'd i’ 'I ( lies',mu Hill Kd Stevens I a\l C o ihco 1 \\p 1 ant i4ci v o I 10m Rt 27 1 at l)> nv "'Hi a,n ao'\ n uJ. buhl t ila, t nnicn Si lasl tliiu ReniMovvn about milts to Chestnut Hill Ril linn 101 l to salt \\ ilth lor sums' Real I stilt to lx soli 1 Sal lan 10 2004 at 1 00 PM I’R I’ #1: Is a buck tancli Upe dwelling ti'tt taming kitchen with stove lelitgeratoi chshvvash u Dining aiea kudosed sun loom oil of dining aica. Living loom, 2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths. Launchy and 2 cai gauge Basement has (hushed family loom with stone tneplaec. Workshop aiea. Den This is a total elediic home with central an and central vac Septic and well on site there is a storage shed on piopcrty All this is situated on I 024 acres M/L Beautiful home in a rural setting, must he seen to be appreciated TRACT #2: Is 3 08 acies M/L has a shed and garage lO'/f down day of sale, balance at settlement For inspection ol'ieal estate call 717-H6-6983 tor a PP I Terms By: ROSALIE F. CRAWFORD ESTATE C Sheidy Att'y M\rt Pannebecker #auooi4?6-l motion Service » www artsauctionservice com Springs Auto Auction, York Springs, PA Rodger L Myers 000653-L 1-800 222 2038 TUES JAN 27 - Farm Equipment at 109 N Maple Ave , Leola, PA by Wolgemuth Auct #2357, 717-656 2947 TUES JAN 27 - 9AM Farm & milking eq , John E & Annie King, 275 Wid dowson Rd , Oxford Pa 19363 by Mel Hoover Auct AU-003111-L 717- 354-6431 TUES JAN 27 - 9AM Horse, mules, heifers, farm mach , milking equip, misc at 5189 Amish Rd , Kmzers, PA by Leon D Kurtz AU000522- L, 610-593-5387 WED JAN 28 - 9AM KLINE KREIOER & GOOD >er 27, 2003 Hoover Auct AU 003111 L 717-354 6431 THURS JAN 29 - 9AM Mules, horses, farm eq Samuel K & Lydia Stoltz fus, 226 Bartville Rd , Kirkwood, Pa 17536 by Mel Hoover Auct AU -003111 L 717-354-6431 SAT JAN 31 -12 PM Modern egg ranch sealed bid auction at 92 Deck Rd , Womelsdorf, PA by Nelson L Bersole Auct AU001307-L, 717-867- 5221 THURS JAN 29 2PM FfBmJARY dwellmg/garage/shop on 1 5 acres, pers prop at 305 Wanner Rd , Ephrata, PA by Randal V Kline #499, 717-733-1006 FRI JAN 30 9 30AM Mule sale at New Holland Sales Stable, Paul Snyder AUOOOB73L contact Paul Smucker 717-299-3721 FRI JAN 30 Tack SPM, Horses 6PM at Penns Val ley Livestock in Centre Hall by Mel Hoover Auct AUOO3IIIL, 814-364- 2012 SAT JAN 31 -11 AM 72+/- acre hog, steer, crop farm offered in four parcels, Springfield & Brown Rds , Shippensburg, PA Southampton Twp Cumb Co Terms by Howard K & Sherryl L REAL ESTATE AUCTION JUNIATA COUNTY FARM SAT., JAN. 10, 2004 12:00 noon Located in Spruce Hill Township (Pleasant View) 9 miles south oj Port Royal along Barton Hill Road, follow directions oil Route 75 66.69 Acre Pleasant View Farm A recently surveyed tarm with 5 000 led of road frontage and bordering the Tuscaiora Creek 950 feet Buildings include a four bedroom two story frame farmhouse, a new two story hip root L shaped 40 stanchion dairy barn with attached concrete block milk house concrete barnyard box stalls and horse sta blcs a new totally enclosed work shop wood shed smoke house and a horse shelter Properly also offers 50 acres of rolling to level tillable farm ground, 16+ acres pasture land with new fencing and water, drilled well, and on site sewage Real Estate \s ill be offered m 2 tracts and as one unit Tract 1 consists of 29 69 acres with farm house, bam and other out buildings and 28 acres tillable farm land which could also be used tor grazing Tract 2 consists of 57 acres bordering the Tuscarora Creek with an enclosed single-story insulated woik shop, selling with a sewage permit and superior view Showing Dates; Saturday, December 20 and 27, 11 00 a m 1 00 pm or by appointment phone auctioneer at 717-527-2449 Terms: 10% down day of sale, cash or good PA check, balance due in 60 days A property with many possibilities and gorgeous views - don’t miss it’ HENRY L. & LYDIA E. SWAREY R R 1 Box 539, Port Royal, PA Bryan D. lines, Auctioneer R R 1 Box 902, Port Royal, PA 17082 717-527-2449 AU-001656-L SUPER AUCTION THURS., JAN. 22, 2004 FIGGS LANDING RD. SNOW HILL, MD, 21863 ON Ml) EASI KRN SHORE BEGINNING AT 11:00 AM (90 MILES NORTH OK GHI SVPFAKL BSA BRIDGE TUNNEL) See our weh site tf i ' Mww.prauctions.net - Complete List w/Photos 2003 ,11) 9750 S TS Combine, 30 i lead, 2003 ,|D 1293 ( oin Head 12 Row. 2003 Kin/e 3600. 16 low I’Linlei w/KPMI! Momloi ,(D 177(1. 16 Ren, Pl.uiU i ,)1) 4700 Spiau-I ,|1) 4960- .11) 8400; ,|I) 8650 a/New I n-ine ,11) 4755; Jl> 4440: 1 am,ill 6s 6 2 ,|1) 750 No Till Dulls 20 Uim-rlerlh 7000 Giain Cart Dump Tiaileis, 1995 Temple Super Hopper, 42", Little Giant Seed Wagon 2 ( handler Manuie/I line Spieadeis ,|I) 2018 Batwing Mowei. Ashland Pan Water Cooled Generatot 22()v oi 11()\, Midland 20' Disc, New Idea Mamiic Spreadet, 1985 Freightliner w/400 Cummings. 1985 Inti w/445 Detroit, 1982 Inti, Wet Line, 1980 Inti w/400 Cummings. 1979 Kentworth w/24' Alum Dump, 1990 Dorsev w/29’ Dump, 1984 East, 29' Dump, 1973 Fruehauf 40' TL, 1985 Kruger; 1983 Ford F7OO w/40' Bucket, 1983 GMC 10 Wheel w/22’ Rollback, 1978 GMC w/20’ Dump, 1976 Ford F 750 23’ Steel Floor Body, 1975 Chevy C 65 w/22' Metal Body tag axle, 1974 Chev Tractor 427. 1973 LaFrance Ladder Truck w/100’ Laddei. 1971 Ford LN 800 w/18’ Metal Floor Dump, 1969 Ford F6OO w/14' Double Cyl Dump, Several Gram Tanks, Elevator System. TERMS - Cash or Good Check Day of Sale We work with Wells Faigo, Farm Credit or your local bank PETEa — , MICTION KKHARDSON Willards, MD 21874 1-800-408-9384 Proctor and Wesley F & Fawn P Proctor, Horning Farm Agency Inc AU2417-L 610 286 5183 TUES FEB 3 9AM Hors es & farm eq , David Yoder, 139 School House Rd , New Providence, PA, Mel Hoover Auct AU -003111-L, 717-354-6431 WED FEB 4, 2004 - 9AM Mule Sale at Mel's Sta bles, 834 Wallace Rd , New Holland, PA 17557 717 354-8397 WED FEB 4 - 6 30PM Toys & Collectibles, 100 West Jackson St , New Holland, Diffenbach Auc tion Inc AHOOOI4SL 717- 355-7253 THURS FEB 5 - 9AM Horses, farm eq , Daniel E & Ruth King Jr, 889 S Custer Ave , blew Holland Pa 17557 by Mel Hoover Auct AU-003111-L 717- 354-6431 PUBLIC AUCTION HOOVER FARM DISPERSAL 3 TRACTORS - SKID LOADER - FARM MACHINERY - DAIRY EQUIPMENT On (arm at 260 Weikert Road, Millmont, PA 10 miles VV ol Miffhnbnrg, near linion/Centrc County Line - anows oil Rt 45 (list West ol Hartlelon SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 2004 Starting 11:00 A.M. w/small items 3 TRACTORS - SKID LOADER JD 4230 tractor on belled steel wheels. Ford 7700 tractoi on open center steel wheels, Ford 6700 tractor on rebai steel wheels, Gehl 4615 (1992) skid loader GENERAL FARM MACHINERY TILLAGE & PLANTING: IH 710 4-16” plows w/coulters. IH #55 pull type 7 tooth chisel plow. JD BWA 12' disc. Bullion 12’ cultipacker w/4” axle, IH 45 field cultivator, JD 7000 6-30 no till corn planter, JD FBB grain drill. Century 300 gal field spiayer, totally rebuilt, IH 3 pth 2 row cultivator HAYING & CHOPPING: JD 3950 torage harvester w/5 1/2’ pickup head, JD 3940 forage harvester w/5 1/2’ pickup, JD 2 row narrow com head, Gehl 960 forage wagon w/tandem axle gear, Gehl 920 forage wagon w/tandem axle gear, Gehl BU 65 forage wagon w/2 beaters; JD 100 whirl-a-feed blow er, JD 336 baler w/kicker; JD 930 Mo/Co discbine; Vicon RC3OO tedder/rake, Gehl 420 10 wheel V rake, NH 256 rake, 2 - 16’ Hay rack wagons, 1 like new, JD 14’ hay rack wagon; Buffalo Valley 36’ elevator. Little Giant drag elevator. OTHER MACHINERY: Badger BN 184 manure pump, N 1 3816 manure spreader; JD 680 manure spreader, Farmco 32’ feed wagon w/dolly wheels, like new; NI 323 com picker; Kilbros gravity bin wagon, Oliver dump wagon, NH 354 gnnder/mixer; 3 pth Bale carrier, Farm trailer, 3 pth Fertiliser spreader w/6 lug wheel & tires, 275 gal. Fuel tank w/pump, 12 Volt gandy box, Hydraulic cylinders, Honda 3” water pump, Bnlhon 2” axle cultipacker parts, 2 ton Fertilizer; Other misc farm items on the wagon DAIRY EQUIPMENT Girton 500 gal bulk tank w/compressor, 5 Wcstfaha vacuum pipeline milkeis w/Visa shell, 14 10‘\18” gutter grates, 2 Feed carts, 2 3’ Box fans, JD 4' tan, Round bale feeders, Fencers, Other misc bain items Approx. 50 2nd cutting alfalfa mixed (wrapped in tube) 4x4 round bales. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: The Hoover's sold the diary herd, prompts this dispersal, several nice pieces sell TERMS: Cash or good Pa. check day ot sale Out of slate buyers must have cunent letter ot credit guaranteeing funds. Lunch available Owners; NATHAN & MARY ELLA HOOVER 2160 Weikert Road, Millmont, Pa. 17845, (570) 922-4499 *BSP Conducted By Important Public Auction of Recreational Equipment, Farm Machinery, Heavy Construction Equipment, Cars & Trucks C.N.Y. Power Sports Thursday, January 8, 2004 Rt. 11 Cortland, NY off Rt. 81 exit. Notice Alter completing the move to the brand new' store behind the New Holland dealer Dave Law & Company will sell the used Invcntoiy at Public Auction Several lease companies and dealers will also sell heavy equipment at this time Financing will be available LOCATION: Fiorn Rt 81 25 miles south ol Syracuse take exit 10 to Rt 11 then I mile to the sale site Selling (60) Pcs. Construction Equipment - Including Excavators - ID 160 LC, Cat LI2OB Mini Excavators - Loaders - (2) Schaelt 3/4 y d aitu ulated RT. Teiex 14C C isc <S33( ciavvler w/backhos attach Hough H9OF. Bulldozers - '>ooo Nil DC 70 1300 his 2000 Ml DC 80, 1200 his, Backhocs - NH 533 C w/cah extend a hoe, 2000 NH L 873 4x4 vv/cah, extend a hoe Forklifts: Misc. - 10 snow' pushei leu hacklier. 16” A 22” buckets loi JD 160 LC quick attach A Much Mine (25) Faun Tractors A gicat selection ol vanous makes A models 2 A 4 wheel dnve with and without loadeis (2) Compact Tractors including Kuboia I 4350 v /Idi A hackhoe ID 107(1 4x4 vv/ldi ID 833 4x4 hydi ID 1 923 Mitsubishi MT 272 NH TL23D4x4 Foul 800 Foul ON and main moic (30) Skidsteer Loaders Gobi 6620 Gehl 5623, (2) NH L S 180 NH 1 X 863. NH LXBB3, NH L X 983. Cal 246 excellent 2001 ID 240. 1200 his , 2001 JD 230, 583 his , Bobcat 872 wAah, Case 1840, NH skidsieei mtd snow blowci. skid mid 5’ sweepster broom (50) Pcs. of Farm Machinery Trucks; Pickups Cars and Trailers Including: 1999 Guild AM - excellent, 1998 Lincoln Continental, 2000 Dodge Neon, 1998 Dodge Caiavan 1998 Ford Exploicr, 1995 Nissan 4x4 PU 1999 Chevy Silxcrado PL', 2004 20 deck over lag trader, (2) 2004 6x12 and 6x14 bumper pull dump liaders, (4) 2004 16x18 tandem cui hauler and skid loadei trailer,, 2004 tandem tilt top trailer w/7000 1 axles, 2001 9 ton filth wheel gooseneck trailer, Cam 5’ equipment trailer, 8’ Western plow - ready tor installation and many more (20) Lawn Tractors & Recreational vehicles Misc. NH 914 A 72” belly mower, rockhound landscape rake, 185 portable air compressor, concrete tools including hammers, breakers, tampers, post drivers & Target flooi saws, Air Boss tires New - Landpnde rear blade, box scrapers, Imish mowers, 8 pt back blade, 3 pt log splitter, 6’ Rhino bush hog’ Vicon 403 sprcadei, Omaha standard liuck box. Tools - Robolaser self leveling laser. Geotop 28x long range auto level, Makita air hand tools including - saws, drills, hammers. TERMS - Full payment auction day, cash, check or MC/Visa 2% buyers lee waived tor payment made with cash or check RoyTeitsworth, Inc. PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEERS 1515 Kepner Hill Road, Muncy, PA 17756 PA Lie. #RY 71L (570) 546-6907 (585) 243-1563 FAX (585) 243-3311 6502 Barber Hill Road Geneseo, New York 14454 www.teitsworth.com m ,*i». 9:00 A.M.
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