A36-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 27, 2003 Thompson Inducted To York Holstein Hall Of Fame (Continued from Page ASS) of categories of production and quality. Best low-count SCC herd awards went to Kate Ann Farm, 186,000 average: Tayacres, 203,000; Wayshar Farms, 248,000; Tom Boyer, 249,000; and Glenn and Dawn Anderson, 275,000. Kate Ann Farm’s herd member, Cynthia, was top cow in the county for low SCC lactation. High herd averages for protein production were Smysers Rich lawn Farms, 854 pounds protein; Leonard Greek, 782 protein; Earl Furhman, 776 protein; Rutters Holsteins, 774; and Lynn Wolf, 763. Top cows in milk, presented to each breed, were as follows: Brid Ag, Rural Youth Grant Recipients Named HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) Secretary of Agriculture Dennis C Wolff recently an nounced that 32 youth organiza tions have been selected to re ceive grants totaling $llO,OOO from the 2003-2004 Agricultural and Rural Youth program, which help to provide students with a greater understanding ot agricul ture. “These grants are an invalu able resource in the development and advancement of agriculture in the Commonwealth," said Wolff. “Our assistance is needed to aid in the development of fa cilities and programs consistent with our ever-changing agricul tural economy.” The grants were awarded to organizations whose projects demonstrate relevance to agricul tural and/or rural issues, original ity, and community influence. Recipients can receive direct grants of up to $2,500 toward ed ucational outreach efforts. Matching grants of up to $lO,OOO are awarded to those groups needing assistance with building and equipment funds. This years direct grants $57,353.96. Match ing grants totaled $52,646.04. Recipients were selected by a board of representatives from the Pennsylvania Agriculture and Education departments, FFA, the Pennsylvania Vocational Agricul tural Teachers Association, the Penn State Cooperative Exten sion, and members of the State House and Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committees. Direct Grants; Beaver County • Blackhawk FFA, $2,350 get. an Ayrshire that had a 24,480-pound lactation for Shawn and Joann Lucabaugh: Lily, a Rutter’s Guernsey that produced 27,709 pounds: Sunset, a Holstein in the Smyser’s Rich lawn herd that completed a 38,651-pound milk lactation; John Dietz’s Jersey, #97, finish ing with 19,163 pounds; Leonard Greek’s Brown Swiss, Evie, with 24,860 pounds; and Glenn and Dawn Anderson's Lineback cow. Sugar, with a 19,421-pound pro duction record. The Smyser herd’s Sunset was high 305-day milk producer for the county at 38,651 pounds of milk, 1,465 fat, and 1,107 protein. Shar, a former herdmate in the Smyser barn, produced the high • Pennsylvania Sheep and Wool Junior Association, $2,500. Berks County • Conrad Weiser FFA, $2,450 • Kutztown FFA Chapter, $2,043 Berks and Chester Counties • Twin Valley FFA, $2,500 Blair County • Central Cove FFA, $1,495 • Williamsburg FFA Chapter, $1,600 Bradford County • Northeast Bradford FFA, $2,461 • A-Day Committee of Dela ware Valley College, $2,350 Centre County • Mid-Atlantic Alliance of Co operatives, $2,500 Clearfield County • Clearfield FFA. $2,500 Clinton County • Sugar Valley Rural Charter School, $l,BOO Fulton Count} • Forbes Road High School, $2,500 • Indiana County Cooperative Extension Assn., Indiana County 4-H Program, $2,500 Lancaster County • Conestoga Valley School District, $2,500 Lebanon County • Northern Lebanon FFA, $2,495.27 • Luzerne County FFA, $1,939.84 Perry County • Greenwood FFA, $2,469.85 unvftiioro *u*avKmvm***W T f ScfluL^wir. Bedford County Bucks County Indiana County Luzerne County »)t-*#s^«#*#*«9*#****»#t#*t#**(t»* t | % Water jp A “The Freshest Water on the Trail" A * Pools • Power Washing • Wells • Cisterns "* Stainless Steel Water Truck Rentals 'j' 24 hours a day • 8 days a week , Conestoga Water Wagon y, * P.O. Box 31 | ... Conestoga, PA 17516 I 717/629-2756 | lifetime record with 242,132 pounds of milk, 9,056 fat, and 6,585 protein. Walk-Le Holsteins earned high two-year-old production with Gina, at 32,062 pounds milk, and Perrydell Farms took honors in the Red and White category with their #212 and her 17,204 pounds of milk. Most improved herd for milk pounds over the prior year was Wayne Myers, Dover, with a herd average increase of 1,502 pounds. Three new directors were elect ed during the meeting to serve three-year terms on the county’s Holstein board of directors. They are Dixie Doll, Glen Rock; Tom Taylor, Delta; and Michelle Walker, Thomasville. Potter County • The Pennsylvania State Uni versity, $2,500 Somerset County • Meyersdale Area School Dis trict. $2,450 Tioga County • Grand Canyon FFA, $1,500 Washington County • Washington County 4-H Development Fund, $2,500 Westmoreland County • Westmoreland County 4-H Development. $2,450 York County • The Pennsylvania State Uni versity. Capital Region Coopera tive Extension, PA Agriculture Farm to Table Day Camp for non-farm youth in elementary grades, $2,500 • The Pennsylvania State Uni versity, Capital Region Coopera tive Extension, Miniature Farm Assignment-Day Camp for non farm youth inelementary grades, $2,500 Matching Grants: Berks County • Tulpehocken FFA, $6,528.94 Bradford County • Canton High School FFA and Agricultural Program, $4,117.10 Lancaster County • Cloister FFA, $9,000 • Lampeter-Strasburg School District, $9,000 Washington County • McCuffey FFA, $lO,OOO York County • 4-H Clubs of York County, Inc., $lO,OOO • Y.O.U.T.H. Program, Inc., $4,000 717-656-4166 Milk-N-Money dairy club named as its outstanding members, from left, Kyle Miller, Christopher Kilgore, Jamey Knisely, and back, Josh Miller. Pa. Grazing And Forage Conference Selects Keynote Speakers GRANTVILLE (Dauphin Co.) The Pennsylvania Forage and Grazing Conference, set for March 3 and 4 in Grantville, will feature forage and grazing experts Dr. Ron Morrow and Jerry Swisher as key note speakers. Dennis Wolff, Pennsylvania secretary of agriculture, will speak on the state’s dairy initiative. Dr. Morrow is a USDA animal scientist with ATTRA (Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas) in Arkansas. Morrow’s work with ATTRA addresses sustainable livestock production and grass-fed beef. Prior to joining ATTRA, Morrow worked for 20 years as a livestock specialist at the University of Missouri, teaching beef production courses and conducting research on cow/calf and forage/grazing sys tems. Jerry Swisher studied dairy science at Virginia Tech and is dairy extension agent for the northern part of Virginia, based in Harrison burg, Va. Swisher has worked with grass-based dairy farms for many years. His innovative work has received nationwide attention. Swisher developed the dairy loafing lot rotational management system, which helps dairy producers protect groundwa ter by establishing sod areas that with stand cattle treading. He also works on a cost-saving grazing management system for raising replacement heifers. As a 4-H dairy judging team coach, Swisher has for many years helped youth interested in the dairy business. For more information or a conference registration brochure, contact your local extension agent or call Lisa at (814) 865-2543. PDM INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. 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