Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 27, 2003, Image 25
2003; A Year Of Big Changes (Continued from Page A 24) Bloomsburg, was announced as the new Pennsylvania State FFA president. July A judge from the Bth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals (South Dakota) upheld an earlier ruling that the beef checkoff is unconsti tutional. Lancaster Farming congratu lated 16 dairy farms from across the Pennsylvania for being cho sen 2003 Dairy of Distinction winners. August Ag Progress Days at Rock spring highlighted forest prod ucts, as well as its usual wide range of farm equipment and 9PS or* GSI EARLY ORDER PROGRAM Special Winter Discounts on Storage Bins & Dryers thru March 12, 2004 - Call For Details HAMMER MILLS K CUSTOM MADE , for Grinding '^. AUGERS High Moisture & Dry J Galvanized • Carbon • Stainless lu G “” s =%%%%» H AUGER rts en t ■ INSTALLATIONS 4 In 4 Commercial u troughs 4 g| e f ® a e t o™" s or Standard Auger Specifications Grinds I 4 Around poultry & I I 4 I 6 I 8" 110 I dairy barns jubeGauge 16 14 14 12 hiner L 4At your gram bins _ ■ * or bulk tanks Flight Thickness 3/16" 3/16" 3/16’ 1/4 than 4 Replacement Bu/Hr 250 850 2000 3000 Augers tor feed rpm 431 431 431 431 Roller Mills. 1 •—*— l — — l is, jrs, Hoppers, Covers! Dump Pits, Augers, and Control Systems to Automate Your Operation. other agricultural innovations. The Ontario Minister of Agri culture Helen Johns met with Pennsylvania Ag Secretary Den nis Wolff and Pennsylvania ag organizations to ask for support in allowing trade to return to nor mal as soon as possible. Cana dian cattle exports have been cur tailed by border closings after the BSE was discovered in a cow in Alberta in May. The PDA and Penn State un veiled the Samuel E. Hayes Live stock Evaluation Center during a ceremony at the new facility near Rockspring. The building was named for the former secretary of agriculture, who helped spear head the project. Dr. John Enck, executive di- automatic farm systems 608 E. Evergreen Road, Lebanon,PA 17042 Phone: 717-274-5333 e-mali: rector of the Pennsylvania Ani mal Health and Diagnostic Com mission, told the House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Comittee that the state’s animal diagnostic labs need major fund ing. equipment, and staff updates in order to “have a chance fight ing disease” in the event of an ag roterrorism attack. Pennsylvania conservation leaders announced the doubling of acreage eligible for the conser vation reserve enhancement pro gram (CREP) in the state. September Fed cattle market prices reached recordbreaking levels of $lOO or more per hundredweight. Carla Martin of Manheim, Lancaster County, was crowned Lancaster harming, Saturday, December 27, 2003-A25 Here, the Conestoga River near Farmersville rose to flood levels after heavy rains followed Tropical Storm Isabel. Photo by Andy Andrews, editor Pennsylvania Dairy Princess dur ing the All-American Dairy Show kickoff. About 25,000 acres of corn in Lancaster County were hit hard by winds from Tropical Storm Isabel, with an additional 97,000 acres suffering estimated yield losses averaging about 15 per cent, according to Bob Anderson, Lancaster County crops agent. While Isabel affected a wide area in the region, in Pennsylvania southeastern counties and areas in Mifflin County reported some of the worst crop damage. The All-American Dairy Show in Harrisburg announced Her mitage Conciller Sheba, a 5-year-old Jersey from Waverly Farm, Clearbrook, Va., as su preme champion. Ag lender Wachovia an nounced its plans to exit the ag loan business in Pennsylvania and Delaware. October During the Keystone Interna tional Livestock Exhibition in Harrisburg, longtime banker Kubota. TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT LEBANON County Rt #7 Bo* 405 Lebanon PA 17042 Rt 419 1 mile West oi Schaelferstown 717-949-2000 1-877-4KUBOTA (458-2682) Mon -Thurs 0-6, Frl - 8-S. Sit. 8-4 Mike Firestine was named to the Pennsylvania Livestock Associa tion Hall of Fame. Coordinators reported that a corn harvest aid effort played a big part in helping farmers in Lancaster and Chester counties get their crop in after winds from Tropical Storm Isabel made many fields difficult or impossi ble to harvest with a binder. Leaders from the Pennsylvania departments of agriculture and environmental protection launched the Water Resources Planning Act. Bryan Swistock, water re sources specialist with Penn State cooperative extension said 2003 will go down in history as the wettest year on record for most of the state, with an average 23 inches of rainfall recorded during the four-month period of May through August. About 170 people gathered in Lancaster for a raw milk inform ational meeting, which included 2 LOCATIONS WE SHIP PARTS UPS 3^? PILOTS! KELLER BROS. AIRPORT 2650 RUNWAY 600 From Dealership (Turn to Page A 26) LANCASTER County 4126 Oregon Pike, Ephrata, PA 17522 Just off Brownstown Exit of 222 on Rt 272 Operating out of Hollmger’s Sport n Turf 717-859-5455 1-877-3 KUBOTA (358-2682) Mon , Thurs , Fn 8-8 Tues & Wed 8-5, Sat. 8-2