Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 27, 2003, Image 18

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    AtB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday December 27, 2003
Midwest Daily
Livestock Summary
\marillo. Texas
December 23. 2003
Report Supplied B> USD V
C A I 111 In the direct slaughter tattle trade
m the lih Major Marketing Areas Texas/
Oklahoma Kansas Nebraska Colorado lowa/
Minnesota on luesday not enough salts Co es
tablish pnee trends Steers . I i\e basis (all
(irades) no sales Dressed basis (all Grades
BS* head) 146 00 147 00, weighted axerage
146 87 Heilers li\c basis (all (irades )no sales
Dressed Basis (all C.rades 188 head) I4SOO
w» ighted axe rage 14S (M)
lennmal markets So St Paul slaughter
steers and heifers sold mostly steady Steers
( hoiet 2 4 1209-1 *49 lbs 88 (HI-91 2S Heifers
Seleet and C hoiet 2 * pkg 1182 lbs 84 00
Cattle Slaughter undir federal Inspection
I nesday 12/2V200* (est) HI 000 Week ago
(est) 126 000 'I ear ago (act) 14 000 Week to
Dale (est) 26*000 Same Period Gist Week
(est) 2*B 000 Same Period 1-dst ’tear (act)
166 000
CMf futures Closes for lue Cattle Dee
92 *S up 67 lan 92 12 up 42 leb 90 67, up
1 (H)
Slaughter cows at South St Paul sold steady
Premium While 70 7S*V lean S 7 00 60 00 high
dressing 60 00 62 00 Breakers 70 80'S lean
S 4 00 S 7 (HI high dressing S 7 00-S8 00, Boners
80-8S f <■ lean S 0 00-S4 00. high dressing
S 4 00-S6 00 I can 8s 90', lean 47 00 SO 00 low
dressing 44 00-4 S 00
HOCiS Ihe direct trade prices are based on
IKS Jbs hog carcass with 0 9-1 1 inch back fat
and 6 inch square loin/2 0 inch depth plant de
livered National direct trade barrows and gilts
were stead\ with prices ranging from
19 2s 48 00 weighted average price 4S 8S
lowa Minnesota was linn at 19 2S 48 00
weighted average price 46 08 Western ( ornhelt
sold SO higher at 19 2S 48 00 weighted average
price 46 26 and the Pastern C ornhelt was SO
lower at 40 7547 17 weighted average price
4S 44
At South St Paul and Sioux I alls terminal
markets, barrows and gilts sold sleadv to 1 00
lowei with 47-SO percent lean 220-270 lbs sell
mglrom 29 SO-11 00
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Hog Slaughter under Federal Inspection
luesdav 12/2*/200* (est) *91.000. Week ago
(est) *90.000 Tear ago (act) 17 * 000 Week to
Date (est). 786 000 Same Period lasi Week
(est) 78S 000 Same Period l,ast Tear (act)
5(,9 000
C Mf Futures ( loses for I can Hogs
Feb S* 07 down 67 Apr S 6 8S down 02.
May S 9 10 down *S
SHI FP Slaughtei lambs were steady on
luesday at So St Paul Shorn 120-140 lbs
82 00 84 00 Wooled 120-140 lbs 80 00 82 00
Sheep Slaughter under Federal Inspection
Tuesday 12/2*/200* (est) 8,000 Week ago (est)
I*ooo Tear ago (act) 10,000 Week to date
(est) 17 000 Same Period I-ast Week (est)
26,000 Same Period I ast Year (act) 21 000
National Sheep Summary
San Angelo. 1 exas
December 23, 2003
Report Supplied IU I SD A
At midwest market eenters'all classes steady
At New Holland, PA slaughter lambs firm to as
much as 12 00 higher, slaughter ewes steady
No sale at San Angelo, F\ this week due to the
Slaughter lambs Choice and Prime 2-*
90-1 SO lbs San Angelo shorn and wooled no
sale Midwest shorn 82 00-84 00, wooled
80 00-8* 00 New Holland 90-100 lbs
12200 I*2oo 100-12 S lbs 120 00-I*o 00,
I2S ISO lbs 10000-11000 Virginia no test
Slaughter Fwe* San Angelo Good and
( hoiee 2-4 no sale Midwest Utility and Good
I } 00-4 S 00 C ull I 2S (M) *S 00 New Hoi
land Utility and Good 1-* 7S-100 lbs
S 8 00-64 00, 100 ISO lbs S 4 00-66 00 ISO-200 lbs
S 0 00-S8 00 200 2SO lbs 26 00-*8 00 Billings no
test V irgmia no test
Feeder 1 a mbs Medium and I arge 1 2 San
Angelo no test Midwest 60-80 lbs
100 00-1 10 00.
80 100 lbs
90 00-100 00
\ irgmia no test
Billings no test
Pwes Medium
and Ixiige 1-2
San Angelo no
test Billings no
Whole-farm revenue protection with a higher liability limit - $250,000
Penns> Ivania encourages growers to have crop insurance protection as part of their farming
risk management plan.
Sponsored b> the PA Department of Agriculture with cost share support from RMA/USDA.
USDA Carlot Meat 4*oo Summary Com
pared to Previous Dav. Prices in Dollars per
hundredweight, Equated to FOB Omaha Basis
out values weak on Select and lower for C hoice
on light to moderate demand and moderate of
fenngs Select chuck and round cuts firm, while
while loin cuts weak C hoict round cuts gener
alls sleadv while chuck and loin cuts weak Se
lect and Choice rib cuts lower Bed trimmings
generally steady on light to moderate demand
md offerings
Fstimated composite cutout value of ( hoice
1-3. 600-750 lbs carcasses down 1 61 at ISJ 08.
750-900 lbs down 135 at ISO OS Select 1-3
600-7 SO lbs down 053 at 142 01 750-900 lbs
down 077 at 139 91. based on 134 40 loads of
C hoice cuts 114 44 loads of Select cuts, 35 72
loads of trimmings, and 75 11 loads of coarse
ground trimmings
Estimated carcass price equivalent value of
Choice 1-3 600-7 SO lbs down 081 at 141 2S
7SO-900 lbs down 062 at 140 56 Select 1-3
600-7 SO lbs down 026 at 130 33 750-900 lbs
down 041 at 129 01 Current index reflects the
equivalent of 248,689 head of cattle
OUT The Cutter cow carcass gross cutout
value was estimated at HH 67 up 3 90
By-Product Drop Value Hide and offal from
a typical slaughter steer was estimated at 10 48
AGR-Lite Crop Insurance is Better than Ever!
An additional coverage level/payment rate combination - 75/65
Contact a crop insurance agent today for additional information on the benefits
of AGR-Lite. A list of agents is available at
Enrollment Deadline for AGR-Lite is
National Carlot
Meat Report
Des Moines, IA
December 23, 2003
Report Supplied By USDA
Protections for organic production
Dennis C Wolff
Secretary> of Agriculture
ed on 1118 loads of pork cuts and 10 0 loads of
tnm/process pork C ompared to Monday \
close I resh loins 100 lower hints 1 4 trim firm,
sknd hams 20-23 lbs steady to firm 23-27 lbs
200 higher sdls bellies 14 16 lbs not tested
other weights firm lean trimmings generally
steady Trading moderate with light to moder
ate demand and mostly moderate offerings
( alctilatmns for a 185 lh Pork ( arcass 51-52
percent lean 080 -0 99 back fat at last rib
54 99 down 032 loins bone in fresh 1 1 inch
trim 21 Ib/down 9s 00 Hams bone in trimmed
20-23 lbs trim spec 1 39 (Ml 40 00. seedless bellies
12-14 lbs 82 (HI, 16 18 lbs 78 00
( ARI <>T I AMB C ARC ASS 4,784 head re
ported 30-40 lbs 179 00 - 317 00 40-45 lbs
17900 31700 45 50 lbs 17800 19900 50 55
lbs 178 00 195 00 55-60 lbs 178 00 - 192 (HI,
60 65 lbs 178 00 -192 00 65-75 lbs 178 00 -
187 (Ml 75 85 lbs 177 00 -187 00 85 Ibs/up
167 00 167 (Ml
East Coast and North
Central Veal Report
Dcs Moines, lowa
December 23, 2003
Supplied B) USDA
C ompared to trading last week Northeast spe
cial fed veal generally steady at 165 00-20 S 00
(average 194 02) on moderate demand and light
to moderate offerings North Central hide-on
weak at 170 00 (average 170 00), hide-off not
fully tested on moderate demand and offerings
east 700 head Hide-Off, 215-275 lbs
Paansglwaala era*
lisumce Prairan
190-195 00 North C entral 450 head Hide On,
240-100 lbs 170 00
Hide-Off (As of IXcember 17 2001) C on
tract cahes slaughtered this week
18S 00 215 00 Packers base market
18500-20000 Future Contracts offered I inn
Bottom 195 00-200 00, f inn Top 215 00 220 00
I irm Bottom/Open Top 195 00 200 00 firm
Bottom 195 00. Split Half Top 210 (HI Fixed
none offered
• North C entral OH, IN, 11, MI & W 1
• Northeast MA MD PA, NY. NJ, OF, C T
A. \T
IRADF. SPFUAI 1 FD Market lor 1 uesdav,
Dec 21 C ompared to last week Distributive
special ted cuts trading steady with more inter
est noted lor this holiday shortened week De
mand moderate to good on moderate offerings
Prices per C WT C arcass, hide off 200-250 lb
180-245 00 00 Foresaddles 85 110 lb
150-195 (HI. Kosher Foresaddles 90-110 lb
220-260 00, Hmdsaddles 85-115 lb 250-300 00.
Loins, regular 17-25 lb 215-100 00, Loins, 4\4
trmd 12-18 lb 195-575 00. Hotel Racks. 8 rib
15-21 lb 400-565 00, 7 nb 14-20 lb 400-565 00. 6
rib 11-17 lb 550-700 00. Chuck, square cut 16-47
lb 110-150 00, Shoulder, full 14-20 lb
140 00-225 00. Legs, double 70-90 lb 270-310 00,
TBS 1-piece 24-12 lb 550-700 00 BHS heel-out
27-35 lb 125-525 00. Top Round, trmd. cap-off
8-10 lb 800 00-900 00. Breast 10-12 lb 65-100 00,
Necks bone-m 24 28 lb 125-210 00 Stew Meat,
regular 175-140 00, Boneless Trimmings
75-80*( lean 80-95 00. Heavy Nature Green
Hides, per piece 38-41 00
January 31.2004