Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 27, 2003, Image 17

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    Virginia Livestock
Auction Summary
Richmond, \ ;i.
December 23. 2(M13
Report Supplied llv lISDA
AUCTIONS Northern Virginia livestock
Aiietions /-Next summary will be released on
Innnarv 7 2004/- Summary including I ronf
Koval Marshall Rockingham, Shenandoah
Staunton and Winchester for Dee I*s 20 200*
feeder Cattle 106 S (Sleets 169, Holstein Steers
64, Heifers 4*9 Bulls 19*)
Feeder Steers Medium and 1 200-*OO
Ihs 10t) (MM 19 00, *OO 400 lbs 100 00-119 00 lew
S 6 00- 90(H) 400-'()0 Ihs 96 00-11*00 few
Chicago Mercantile Exchange
Tuesday. December 23, 2003
Live Hogs
Lean Value
Today 12/17/03
Choice Steers Choice Feeders
Today 12/17/03 Today 12/17/03
D 03
92 350 92 675
J 04
F 04
92 12*5 91 975
90 675 89 550
Mr 04 86 200 85 475
Ap 04 83 225 82 750
My 04
Jn 04 75 475 75 200
Jl 04 -
Au 04 74 750 74 325
S 04
0 04
N 04
D 04
F 05
77 700 77 350
78 600 78 150
case* Spsou
Tractors / \
David Brown
We dan communicate with you by phone 1-800-414-4705,
fax 717-626-0996 and e-mail
85(H) 90 00 SOO-600 lbs 9S 00-101 00 few
80 00- 89 SO 600-700 lbs 81 00- 99 00. 700-800
lbs 89(H) 97 10 few 69(H) 800-900 lbs 70 00-
87 2S 900 KMK) lbs 8S 00- 86 SO Medium and
2 100-400 lbs 81 00-109 SO 400-SOO lbs
78 SO- 8S 00 S(K)-6(H) lbs 90 (H) UM) 00 few 72 00,
600-700 lbs BSOO- 9S 00 few 6S 00- 7S 50
700-800 lbs 78 SO- 8S (HI Medium and Urge 1
500-600 lbs 61 SO, 700-800 lbs 44(H) Small I
KHI-400 lbs S 4 00 400-SOO lbs 90 00 100(H) few
60 00- 64(H) S(K)-6(H) lbs WOO- 99 00. 6(H) 7(H)
lbs 8S 00- 92 00 few 62 (H)- 70 (H)
Holstein Steers 2-1 100-4(H) lbs 7S SO
400 S(K) lbs 71(H)- 7S SO 500-600 lbs 68 GO
-71 00, 600-700 lbs 61 SO- 67 25, 700-800 lbs
60 SO 800-900 lbs SS 00 900-1000 lbs 47 00
Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1
200-100 lbs 80 00 85 00, 100-400 lbs
95 225 94 850
53 075 54 725
90 400 90 875
89 300 88 800
90 250 89 675
56 850 57 750
59 100 60 400
61 875 58 250
59 500 56 475
57 000 50 200
92 400 91400
91450 90 550
91450 90 600
91400 90 500
50 300 50 200
50 325 52 650
53 225
Continuing Through
Saturday, Jan. 10,2004
133 Rothsville Station Rd. • Litit/, PA 17543
Pork Bellies
Today 12/17/03
85 725 85 450
85 475 85 200
87 025 87 000
89 750 88 300
88 750 87 900
iAw 1
Your Parts Are
Just A Phone
Call Away!
by Athens
Disk Harrows
82 00-10 S 00 400-MM) lbs 78 SO- 94 SO. SOO-6DO
lbs 74 SO 97 00 6(H) 700 lbs 71 00- 87 00
700-800 lbs 77 00- 78 00, 900-900 lbs 7* 50-
76 00 Medium and I.arge 2 200 *OO lbs 91 0
*OO-400 lbs 77 00- 9S 00 400-500 lbs 80 00- 90 SO
few 69 SO- 74 00. 500-600 lbs 78 00 88 00 few
6* 00 68 SO, 600-700 lbs 6S 00- 80 SO, 800 900
lbs 60 00 Medium and I .urge * *OO-400 lbs
60 00, 400-SOQ lbs 6100- 66 SO, SOO-600 lbs
S 2 00, 600-700 lbs S 2 00- 6*oo few 4*oo.
700-800 lbs SO 00. 800-900 lbs 44(H) SO 00
Small 1 *OO-400 lbs 70(H)- 82 00. 4(H)-SOO lbs
70 00- 7* 00 few 4S 00 SOO 600 lbs 70 00- 7S (Ml
600-700 lbs 68 00- 72 (HI, 700-800 lbs 66 00
Feeder Bulls Medium and Large 1 200-*OO
lbs 9800-11*00. *OO 400 lbs 89 00-109 50
400-500 lbs 86 00-105 00 500-600 lbs 85 00
95 00. 600-700 lbs 7100- 8S 00 7(H) 800 lbs
68 00- 78 00, 800-900 lbs 62 00- 67 00 Medium
and 2 200-*OO lbs 89 00- 92 00, *OO-400
lbs 74 00 89 00 400-SOO lbs 74 50- 85 0(1,
500-600 lbs 79 00- 80 00, 600-700 lbs 65 00-
70 00, 700-800 lbs 48 00- 62(H). 800-900 lbs
48 00- S 7 00. 900-1000 lbs 57 00 Small 1
400-500 lbs 65 00, 500-600 lbs 54 00
Slaughter Cattle 461 (Heifers 2, cow's 436,
Bulls 23) Slaughter Heifers C hoice 2-3,
1000-1200 lbs 93 00- 9S 00
Slaughter Cows Breakers 75-80% Lean
850-1200 lbs 40 00- 53 00, 1200-1600 lbs *7 50-
55 00, High Yielding 48 00- 59 00 Boners
80-85% Ixan 800-1200 lbs *9OO- 5100.
1200-2000 lbs *7 50- 51 00, High Yielding 47 GO
-55 00 Lean 85-90% 850 and underlbs 20 00-
*9 00, 850 and oyerlbs 29 00- 45 50
Slaughter Bulls YG 1-2 1000-1500 lbs 48 50-
59 00, 1500-2500 lbs 45 00- 58 50, High Yielding
58 25-61 50
Cows Returned To Farms 47 1100-1300 lbs
Medium and Large I Hereford cows, 7-11 years
old bred 4-8 months 500 00-600 00 per head
925-1230 lbs Medium and Large 1 few 2's, 3
years to aged bred 2-8 months 300 00-630 00
per head
Cows With Calves At Side 13 1100-1300 lbs
No Matter
Where You *\re -
You'ie Never
Too Far 1
Machinery Sales
M-F 7 to 5 Sat. 7 to 11:30
Monday-Friday 7 AM to 5 PM
Saturday 7 AM to Noon
After Hours Emergencies
Call (717) 626-0885
(717) 626-5159
Sun. Closed - Lord's Day
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 27 2003 Al 7
Medium and large I. Hereford eows 5-9 years
old with eahes 100 150 lbs 56000-650 00 pei
pair 1075-1 1 15 lbs Medium and large I. 7 8
years old with eahes 100-2IM) lbs 475 00-685 (H)
per pair
Heifers (Bred) 15 10(H) lbs Medium and
Ixirgt I, bred 7 8 months 950(H) per head
800-900 lbs Small 1 and Medium 2 bred 4 8
months 510 00 650 00 per head
( ahes Returned 1 o Kum 87 Holstein Bulls
70-100 lbs 2(H)- 75 00 per head l(H)-200 lbs
20 00 107 SOpcrewt
Sheep 15* (Slaughter lambs ll*, Feeder
l.ambs 18 Slaughter 22) Slaughter I*mihs Old
Crop Wooled C hoiee and Prime 1 2,90-110 lbs
112 75 110-I*o lbs 105 75 Wooled Choice and
Prime 2- *, 90-110 Ihs 108 00 115 00 110 I*o lbs
106 00 Wooled Good and Choice 1-2 60-90 lbs
111 CK) Feeder Gimbs Old C rop Wooled Mtdi
um and 1 arge 1 2 60-90 lbs 119(H), Small and
Medium 1-2 60-90 lbs 115 00-11900 Slaughter
Fwes C hoicc 2-4 *9 00. Good 2 4 37 00. Utility
I *4*so Rams All Grades 42 00 4*oo
Eastern Cornbelt Direct
Feeder Cattle Weekly
Springfield, 111.
December 19, 2003
Report Supplied By LSI)A
Fastern Cornbclt Direct Feeder Cattle Sum
marv Illinois, Indiana. Michigan, and Ohio
/This report will not be issued next week in ob
servance of the Christmas Holiday / Compared
to the last week, feeder cattle were mostly
1 50-5 00 lower Demand was moderate and
trading activity was slow ahead of the upcom
ing holiday period Lower slaughter cattle prices
and weaker futures values pressured prices
Confirmed sales about 53 r c beef type steers,
4Q c i heifers and Vr Holstein steers Approxi
mately 95 r c of the cattle marketed this week
weighed over 600 lbs Confirmed sales 950 this
week, 700 last week and 600 last year
FEEDER STEERS Medium and Uirge 1 2
600-700 lbs 94 50-101 50, 700-800 lbs
93 50-98 75. load lot 1030 lbs 84 50
HOI STEIN SPEERS Medium and large ?
load lot 825 lbs 80 00
FEEDER HEIFERS Medium and Urge 1 2
550-725 lbs 94 <O-95 00, load lot 684 lbs 101 50
Prices are based FOB the farm unless other
wise indicated Delivered prices include freight,
commissions, and other expenses
Soaps • Detergents • Hoses • Nozzles • Washer Supplies
Endorsed by the International Hoof Trimming School of Wisconsin
- Berkelihans Welding -
(519) 765-4230 1-877-230-9993
Web Page: www.berkelmansweldmi
MARS Week F ndmg Dee 19 C ompared to
Lot week Slaughter cattle taking another big
hit with ■sales 400 600 lower than last week
Despite these* losses cattle prices remain high
Maikets seem to be adjusting hack to meet sup
plv and demand Boxed heel prices held stable
thru most ol the week till late Thursday when
prices plunged Packets now rmwing back to
wards a bieaktven Boxed beet values I ndav
opening lower at an average of 147 56 and is off
2 (M) from last Friday Sales of slaughter cattle
on a national basis for negotiated cash trades
were moderate at 125 200 head through 10 00
a m Friday morning I ast week s lull count was
171,000 head
Midwest Direct Markets I t\e Basis Steers
and Heiters 55-80 percent ( hoice. 900-1400 lbs
90 00-95 00, wtd a\g 92 08 Dressed Basis
Steers and Heifers 55-80 percent Choice.
550-950 lbs 145 00-154 00. wtd avg 149 24
High Plains Direct Markets I i\e Basis
Steers and Heifers 55-65 percent Choice,
9(H)-1400 lbs 89 00-9 5 00. wtda\ g 91 74
Slaughter Cows and Bulls (Average Yielding
Prices) Slaughter cows and bulls stead) to 2 00
higher Demand good from packers This is the
last week before the long liohdav period and
mam auctions will be closed for all or part ot
the next two weeks Packers will have to relv
mostl) on directs or those currently in feedlots
USDA's Cutter cow carcass cut out value
closed Thursday at 100 65 up 87 cents from last
COWS Breakers 75-80'r lean 1100-1600 lbs
Colorado SO 00-s*oo, Oklahoma SIOOS6SO.
Alabama SI 00-54 00 Boners 80 8S r f lean
1000-ISOO lbs C olorado 40 SO-S* 00. Oklahoma
SO SO S * SO, Alabama 47 00-SO 00 Lean 8S 90<V
lean 950-1400 lbs Colorado 45 00-48 SO, Okla
homa 46 SO-SO 00. Alabama 41 SO-44 SO
BUI I S 88-92 lean ISOO 2200 lbs C olorado
61 SO-6S 00 Oklahoma S 8 SO-62 00. Alabama
S 5 00-59 00
Slaughter Cattle
Weekly Review
Okluhoillil < it\. Oklil.
December 19, 2003
Report Supplied ll\ USDA
• 12-year building
experience in the tables
• 2”x2” tube frame chute
• chute measures
75”x28”x75” high
• 4” casters for cradle fold
• 2 10-inch lift belts
• 3500 lb axle with or
without brakes
• two hydraulic cylinders tor
extra stability
• tool box for D C pump
and battery protection
• manure grate to keep work
area clean
• fold away side gate
• removable head board
• 45 mm video from
International Hoof
School of Canada