Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 27, 2003, Image 144
i2-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Decbrtibfer 27,'2005 i 3: CUSTOM WORK Custom Sauare sling and Wrapping l'x3' Bales 4'-8' Length Hi Moisture or Dry Leon Ray Zimmerman Marietta, PA 717/426-2058 e ■s o 5 BUY, SELL, TRADE OR RENT THROUGH THE CLASSIFIED ADS IN ancaster Farming PHONE: 717-626-1164 OR 717-394-3047 FAX: 717-733-6058 - Mon., Tubs., Wed., Fri. 8 AM to 5 PM Thors. 7 AM to 5 PM A & M Custom Farming liquid Manure Hauling - (2) 6300 Gal. tanks, multi purpose pump, lower compaction. Midsize Square Baling - 27" & 48", 4'-10' long, Easier hauling & stacking hay, straw & corn Fodder, RotocutforTMß Mixers, Liquid Preservative Applicator, Inline wrapper available. Trench Pushing Will Travel for Acreage! Arlyn Martin 1 530 Quarry Rd. Mount Joy, PA 717*629*2755 n~w c nc~, t f r I .USH CUTTING m E r=l This unit is designed for clearing brush and shredding small trees up to 8 in in diameter into wood chips and mulch /.Hr;-' *>. Xw £ This unit is equipped w/wide tracks, goes through brush, is capable of reaching over banks, around large trees, and will go places standard equipment cannot go. If you have brush to remove that is located at hard-to-get places, give us a call 1 717/426-4919 Zimmerman’s Marietta, PA 17546 Bffl GENERAL HELP □c======aac======aot=========aac=======aac====3Dt==<iaß=an Help Wanted on Construction I ] Crew, framing, siding & I j remodelling good wages & J benefits, must have valid I driver’s license 717*626*7783 ac==oaD====aoc==anc==^=aDC====anc==aac==!io ►J MECHANICS Ij WANTED ) \ For air & hydraulic installation. S Must have a valid f Driver’s License. \ Call CL Sales & Service For Appt. \ 717*442*4001 Mechanic Needed Competitive Wages and Benefits. Lancaster County 610-593-0389 NE CUSTOM VESTING hng with FX2 & trucks, dump station >e r also available, ding with 2 - 6300 iders - pump available ' Mowing -13’ Please call Dave at 717-629-2655 for scheduling i IW i i < ’-»■ AAA.* AG, WINTER-TIME WORK Earn $25,000 this winter working parttime in a livestock or farm equipment appraisal business. Call the American Society of Agricultural Appraisers, 800»488»7570 or visit Grain Farm Position Southern York Co., PA Diversified grain farm seeks F/T experi enced employee. Strong skills in equip ment operation, truck driving & mechani cal a plus' Clean late model equipment, no livestock. Fay commensurate with experience Call anytime 717-324-0137 Star-Rock Farms a large diversified farming operation in York & Lancaster County, is seeking an experienced individual to operate late model farm machinery on their cropping division Mechanical ability & truck driving experience required; Must have clean driving record. Full benefits package with paid holi days and vacation. 717/872-4058 to apply or tax resume to 717/872-8261 * I Did you know the trucking industry employs 9 million people? The Demand for drivers is high and so is the ssss. You can start earning 32K+yr. by calling LCCS/SAGE 800-694-8804/ for more information. Feed Mill Operator Weekends Only, Will Train Apply in person 8-5 M-F Esbenshade Mills 220 Eby Chiques Road Mount Joy, PA 17552 717«653»8061 DRIVER WANTED Fulltime w/clean record & experience in building pole barns. Excellent wages & benefits. Some overtime available. S&D BUILDERS LLC New Holland, PA Contact 3en Esh 717-270-4127 ■aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 3 Full Time Farm Position 3 a Work would include: a a a 3 • Managing a 3400 head hog wean to 3 3 finish operation 3 3 • Modem broiler facilities 3 a • General farm, field maintenance work a a a a • Prefer Ag experience a 3 * Excellent working environment g 3 • Housing provided 3 3 S a Benefits Include: vacation & safety bonus a | HERSHEY FARMS | 3 Elizabethtown, PA 717-665-7284 a ■aaaaßaaaaaßaaaaaaaaMßaaaaaaHaßHaM. PARTIW"""" DAIRY FARM POSITION Position will include an afternoon schedule for feeding cows and calves. Call Ridgeview Farms Inc. Elizabethtown PA (717) 367-0744 Agriculture Seed Dealer Needed In Bradford County - Towanda Area Full line of agriculture seeds plus, with posi tive performance record at Penn State University Commissioned sales, great part time opportunity. Prefer person with agricul ture knowledge. Ph 570-419-2773 Fax 570-326-2992 PARTS/SERVICE MANAGE LanChestcr Fuller Supply LLC, a leader in Us industry, needs an individual who • Demonstrates excellent people skills • Will accept and initiate change to meet customers' needs • Shows ingenuity to get icsults when laced with a challenge • Influences others with optimism and enthusiasm • Maintains a friendly team environment • Works accurately at a steady pace • Is well-organized and self motivated If you desire an opportunity with a growth-onented company Please send your resume and salary requirements to LanChester Trailer Supply LLC P.O. Box 38 Gordonville, PA 17529 EOF and Drug-Free Workplace News Correspondent Needed Lancaster Farming has an opening for a news cor respondent in western Fennsylvama, covering any of the following regions Greene, Washington, Beaver, Lawrence, Allegheny, Butler, Mercer, Venango, Crawford, or Erie counties. Pay is commensurate with experience. Required, ability to cover assignments on as-need ed basis Lancaster Farming pays per assignment, including mileage. If interested, send a resume and two (2) bylmed clips to. Andy Andrews, Editor Lancaster Farming P.O. Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 No e-mails or faxes will be accepted For more information, call Andrews at (717) 721-4425 Truck Driver For Field Application Growing in Agricultural Market Share, Timac USA Inc. is in need of a FT Applicator for our Fertilizer & Crop protection products in Southeastern PA. Farm experience preferred, however we are willing to train the right candidate. Call or write 800/545-5474 P.O. Box 888 Reading, PA 19607