Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 27, 2003, Image 143
GROFF TREEM VING SERVICE Contract Digging 24" to 84” Ball.(B&B) Any Amount - Anywhere Buy/Sell Wholesale Call Don 717-664-4587 O Mushroom Mulch Hoover Farms Reading, PA 19605 610-926-2908 No Sunday calls, please 15yards $95 ' 30 yards $l4O 45 yards $2OO FREE delivery within ( j 50 miles , 7j Pickup available 1 1 WANTED Soft Wood Logs for Chipping 12’-14’ length, 5”-20” dia Cut and Delivered 717/355-5465 Tyson-Penn Ag Products New Holland, PA WIDE SELECTION OF QUALITY B&B NURSERY STOCK Pyramidal Arborvitae 3-4’ $l4, 4-5 $lB, 8-6 $2O Globe Arborvitae 1S”-24" $l5 Pyramidal Yews 2'3’ $l9 Spreading Yews 15”-18" $l4 Spring Special on Frazer Fir B&B Christmas Trees 4’-6’ - $29.00, s'-8’ - $39.00, B’-10' - $59.00 M Evergreen Trees: Candian Hemlock, White Pine, Frazer Fir, Douglas Fir, Concolor Fir Blue, White & Black Hills Spruce 5-5' $44 7-8' $99 9-lO' $lO9 12-14’ $199 8-T $55 9-9’ $O9 10-12* $149 14-19’ $299 Larger Trees Available All Trees Machine Dug, Wire Basket Commercial Grade Evergreen Trees 4’-6’ $29. B’-8’ $39, B’-10’ $59, 10’-12' $79 Shade & Flowering Trees: Maples, Hawthorne, Dogwood, Birch, Ash, Honey Locust, Crab Apple, Sycamore, Plum, Cherry, Pear, Oak 1-11/2” Cal.. . $49 2-21/2“ Cal. . . . $B9 11/2-13/4" Cal. $59 21/2-3” Ca 1.... $lO9 13/4-2" Cal.. . $69 3-31/2" Cal $ll9 Large Peach & Plum Trees Available. 5-7” Cal Machine Dug, Wire Basket $199 Delivery Available STOUDT NURSERY 420 S Front St Schuylkill Haven PA 17972 So Schuvlkill Co 570/739-4650, Fax 570/739-0934 miscellaneous GARDEN EUjJ SERVICES 450 Rear Rototiller for JD Custom hauling w/20' 400 series tractor, JD Cab goose neck-hay straw & by Curtiss all glass end equip, etc No' Sunday for JD 500 a series, calls 717-426-4010 y (610)932-3624 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES | Farm and Agribusiness Consulting | S Are you looking for new insight to increase your farm or agribusiness resources S § such as income, management, growth strategies and even personal satisfaction? § H Working with you, we'll put my 40 years of farming and agribusiness experience g p and more than 20 years of government experience to work by helping build, expand and improve your business. '8 Allow me to help you with: § 8 Cash flow management Busmess Expansion 8 I § I 1 *k&>i Partnership development Generational Transfers Government programs Zoning issues Securing loan packages Leveraging assets and many more areas of your business. We focus on your bottom line! John E. Barley Phone 717-872*0595 E-mail-lEßarlr A ‘DouglasFir* A mk • Concolor Fir • mk • Blue Spruce • •White Pine* • Norway Spruce • • Serbian Spruce • • Arborvitae • Cut and B&B FINE QUALITY AFFORDABLE PRICE Delivery Available Custom Tree Digging & Planting Available ■tkHbk CHRISTMAS P.O. Box 198 New Rmgold, PA 17960 570»386*2107 Andy Demarco Buying Standing Timber Call 610*286*6054 Hauling w/30' flatbed gooseneck Call Chris High (717)587-4193 Donegal Masonry & Restoration Old/new stone & brick construc tion & restortation Old houses, barns Jesse Lapp (717)653-9123 Christian Co offers 4 9 cents Long Distance For a Free Brochure, call 877-594-6403 or www lowrate4me com CHIPPER KNIVE SHARP ING-Anvil sharping, done correctly m sets $1 251 per inch, min $75 Fast service 908-797-2366 or 908-996-9903 Hauling w/48' rollback trailer & 48’ step deck w/lift, (717)292-2465 or (717)577-9450 cell General Hauling, Grain Truck Trailer-Flat or Cat tle Call Bryan Foose <s 717-786-8886 Does your stone barn or house need repomtmg? Call Beuna Vista Restora tion <® (610)857-3370 Used warehouse equip Rider pallet trucks, rack, shelving, power & gravi ty conveyor & stands, battery chargers, shrink tunnels, stretch wrap machines & conveyor belts 717-774-4487 Cum berland Co Hauling w/28' rollback truck Call Adam Martin, 717-575-6554 cell Hauling w/20' gram truck or 20' flatbed dump truck Jay Martin, 717-768-7211 Hauling w/29' rollback truck, 20' trailer for pick up L Lavern Rutt 717-653-4725 i CATTLE I i HOOF | i TRIMMING I I (215) 345-0897 | iSIKUtIJSiaiiIKIKUtISIHISISIHISIHKiaH!: MOBILE FEED GRINDING Lanchcsler Milling Toll tree BXB-271 3216 Coeal 610-271-3220 Call anytime to leave message, or after 7pm to speak to Jett Fetsler BACKHOE AND SKID LOADER WORK Farm or Contractor Kenneth G. Stoltzfus White Oak Road Christiana, PA 17509 610/593-2363 L.L. Restoration Brick & stone repointing on old houses and barns. New stone work retaining walls, patios, etc. Lancaster Co. 610-857-1228 .com Nelson & Sons Hoof Trimming Since 1992 10 Cows Accepting or your VS* new whole Clients herd Nelson Nolt Martin Nolt Kurt Nolt (717) 933-5393 (717) 933-5393 (717) 933-4014 J Cattle Care Services I | PROFESSIONAL HOOF TRIMMING | | Can Trim 30-200 Cows Per Day. | { Call I«BOO‘3S9«TRIM j i Eves: Mayer 717»751»2551 717-309-6515 cell I Gettis Welding On-Site Service * Aluminum & Steel Welding & Fabricating •"Repairing Dump Trailers & Heavy Equipment ■‘lnstalling Class 111 & Hide-A-Way Hitches Tarps - Brakes - Electrical, Etc DEALER: Cato Horse Trailers Shurco Tarps - Donovan Tarps Phone/Fax 570-739-1447 • (cell) 570-640-1449 ***♦*♦**♦•*****•»***•**♦•♦**** STAR VIEW CUSTOM : FARMING * Mow Adding * Liquid Manure Hauling * 2 Tankers & Pump » Serving Franklin, Fulton &■ I Washington Counties * Competitive Rates J (717)328-2411 or (717)729-3508 • I**************************** A & A Contracting, Inc. 717*365*3266 Gratz, PA Spray in place Polyurethane Foam insulation. Great for climate controlled agricultural buildings. Kings Metal Works • Sheet metal fabricating • Stainless steel a speciality • Tig welding • Light machine work • Custom circle cutting 840 Pumping Station RD Kirkwood, PA 17536 Norman B. King 717-529-3955 AMI SINAY PROFESSIONAL HOOF TRIMMING WE TRIM UP TO 200 COWS PER DAY USING HAND TOOLS ONLY, WITH COMPETITIVE HIGH QUALITY PERFORMANCE VISIT US ON THE WEB WWW.HOOFTRIMMING.NET Terms and references available. Satisfaction guaranteed! Toll Free I*B66*B2B*TRIM Ami Cell 717*309*2115 Eve 717*428*0730/1317 REMEMBER: QUALITY COMES FIRST! HOOF TRIMMING Quality Work Not Just Another Trimmer, No help needed upon request. 12 Cow minimum Scheduling appointments 2-4 weeks in advance 109 A South King Street. Stevens, PA 17578 717/336-79X1 Farming, Saturday. December 27, 2003-D3l Rfl CUSTOM I WORK Lancaster ■ We Put Bagged Silage ; And Piles Into Silos. J We have trucks to haul forage and can unload Into blower. Jerome E. Rhoads Custom Harvesting : (717) 786-1458 SOYBEAN ROASTING ON YOUR FARM .... . • Full lit rouskd smht. in lor “TP 0 *?"”* ~ . r** maximum tiding \ due • High energy bvp iss protein and Jjpij?*** * Time uiAmes and molds destroyed * Custom roasting in MD DL. & PA Custom Ag Services Liquid Manure Spreading Primary Tillage Flotation Truck or Traitor sprutdm (hiscl Plenum * & Submhm> State (erttfted So-Titl Ripping Miller Hoof Trimming No Herd too Large or too Small • Accepting new clients • Prompt Service i B • Providing the latest technology in hoof care for your Bovine 570-398-2688 CUSTOM BOOM MOWER SERVICE " Fences, field edges, etc... out of hand? Mows grass, shrubs, brush, trees and ' ’ tree branches up to 6 inches. Can reach 20 feet, SO inch mower deck Ask about our customer referral discount - - Fully insured 717-492-1818 -- Nelson E. Ruhl, proprietor “" I h I f-H-HH-++++-H i-f-H- T+ c e HORST CRAIN ROASTING Chester Co., PA 610-8*9*8834 General Hauling 22’ flat bed w/dump 25’ 20 ton beaver-tail trailer Call Leon Hoover for rates. (717) 629-0642 John E. Kreider 2948 Back Ron Rd, Phone #(717)664-3077 Hanheim, PA 17545 Cell # (717) 587-1696 "I i