A GRAFTON rfgjt TRACTOR^MK, New & Used Tractor Parts Free Nationwide Locator Service 100% Guarantee E IPI CARLYLE & MARTIN, INC. 18138 Maugans Ave , Hagerstown, MD 21740 1-301-733-1873 www carlylemartm com JD 875 6-Row No-Til Cultivator $4,200 JD 1560 Drill $24,000 IH 784, 1985, 4 w/Loader, Arriving JD 2640 Tractor & Loader NH LSI7O Skid Loader JD 1360 MoCo JD 930 Rotary Mower Conditioner PENNSYLVANIA BHM Farm Equipment, Inc. Annville Binkley & Hurst Rothsville Eckroth Bros. Farm Equipment New Rmgold Hoober, Inc. McAhsterville Messick Farm Equipment, Inc. Elizabethtown Miller’s Repair Bird-In-Hand Northeast Distributor Clifford Zimmerman Farm Service Bethel 7IMMERMAN KING COURT • NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557-9212 717-554-9611 • Toll Free (877) 456-7126 JD 6300 Tractor, 2- Two Wheel Drive, Ex. Condition, 600 Hrs Call for Pricing! $12,900 $15,900 $6,000 $B,OOO MANUFACTURING ll< IH TRACTOR PARTS ■ Including Crawler & Constiuction Parts BATES CORPORATION m ms I ILMRI) BOURBON IN 4hso4 PARTS DISMANTLED, CLEANED & READY FOR SHIPMENT Wl SHIP UPS A, 1 RU( K IRF K.HT DAII Y Check Out Our Monthly Web Specials' NEW REPLACEMENT PARTS CALL THE IH PARTS SPECIALISTS ra TOLL FREE 1-800-248-2955 _ www batescorp com «■■■ NH 489 Mower Conditioner NH 495 Mower Conditioner $1,700 NH 1431 Mower Conditioner, 1998 Just Arrived . $12,900 NH 851 Round Baler $2,900 JD 3950 Forage Harvester $B,OOO JD 3940 Forage Harvester $3,500 VIRGINIA D.J. Implements • Dayton WEST VIRGINIA Ruddle Farm Service • Franklin MARYLAND Hines Equipment • Union Bridge NEW JERSEY D&R Equipment • Rmgoes NEW YORK Bechards Farm Equipment Champlain Empire Tractor • Waterloo Main & Pinkney Equip., Inc. White’s Farm Supply, Inc. Lowville a John Deere JD 6610 Harvester, 2-6 Row 30” Heads, 1850 Hrs. on Cylinder Call for Pricing! $2,500 Aurburn Contact L's For Literature Or The Dealer Nearest You! Lancaster Farming .'Saturday, Di In-Vessel Composter 12x40’ • Hydraulic Drive : I; CaU 717-354-3105 | *ttt»»*tt*t*»*»»»ttt***»»»*t*t*****tt*f»/ icember 20, 2003-C9 BUY, SELL, REPAIR, JD Grain Drills Ronks Mfg & Repair (717)687 9004 Antique tractors Silver King, $3OOO M&M Z, $3OOO MH pony w/culti vator, $2500 IH 10-20 $3OOO Show ready l (570)345-4882 BELTING We sepcialize in flat belting, cut to order, baler throwers, self unloading wagons, long table blower belts Franklin Co No Sunday calls (717)263-0573 FARMALL & IH PARTS Rebuilt T/A, fuel pumps, clutches & turbos Also USED PARTS See our display ad for SPECIALS Leaman Tractor & Parts Inc (717)464-2874 Kuhn 7301 rake, double rotor, center delivery rake up to 24ft (410)275 2872 NH 590, 3'x3' baler, 1998 model year, new knot ters, field ready All options 410-275-2872 JD 946 discbme, new 2003 season' Chevron conditioning rolls, only cut 200 acres (717)275-2872 IH 720 plow 6 bottom high clearances new paint, good shape 410 275 2872 Case baler 8530 good cond 2R, SP sweek corn harvester (610)767 2409 CIH 1680 combine 1986 3200 hrs, looks & runs great, $21,000 484-678 3743 •Incubators, Buckeye Clip pers, 2-41 & 5 41, old from 40's or 50's, not working, you disassem ble & remove, $lOO (732)544-9035 JD 1360 Disc MWRCond excellent cond (410)592 6014 JD 2240 row crop dual remotes, 13 6x38 rear tires on rack and pinion axles new paint, no rust exc cond , $9200 JD modi M, real nice, (1) bottom plow plus a snow plow nice paint $4500 (631)727 2482 JD 2440 vw JD 145 Ldr 61 HP DSL, Dual Hydr ROPS, Weight VG Concl $12,800 (301)334 6544 JD 1070, 4wd tractor #440 loader & #8 hack hoe, 850 hrs w/3pt hiti h perfect cond, $33 000 new, now $lB 500 1 (610)285 0002 anytirne 1999 Alamo boom mower, rear mount, 60' deck, 17' reach, Ex cond $5,900 (856)769-0787 JD 4440, JD 6000 Sprayer IH 995, IH 165 4 bottom plow Deut? 6 cyl turbo irrigation pump (609)268 1840 JD 2940 fuel manure pump, 8 1/2' vertical, like new cond , priced to sell (814)766 3415 Haybine Int 990 baler NH 65 w/mod 49 throw er. New Idea hay rake (717)432 8052 Meyers forage wagon 16', w/12 ton gear, $5OOO or 16' 14 ton, $7OOO (610)913-8101 3pt hitch snow blower, 9', 3 auger, 1000 RPM Knight 350 super solid manure spreader IH 750 feed grmder/mixer, (570)648-7994 Far 560 fast hitch assy Complete & in good cond w/drawbar $4OO obo Horst Tractor Repair (717)375-4690 JD 5320 w/JD 541 loader, 200 hrs, like new, many ither attachments, 10,000 (908)754-6678 nowblower Bft Lundell, it , used very little, can -■liver, $2500 17)792-9930, :ell) 717-586-8518 8430, Less than 1,000 s on 50 Series engine, like new radials, 3pt - TO, exc tractor, must ie,520,500 17 792-9930, -ell ) 717 586 8518 JD 955 tractor w/7C loader 4wd, SO" deck 2000 hrs, $lO,BOO (717)354-6829 FARM EQUIPMENT
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