C2-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 20, 2003 Vermont Producers Top Silage Division at Forage Analysis Superbowl MADISON, VVis Claren don. \t., proved to be the winner’s circle for two silage producers who rcccnth claimed top honors at the World’s Foiagc Analysis Superbowl in Madison, Wis. led Grembowic/, Clarendon, \ t.. earned first place m the Woild’s Foiage Anahsis Super bowl in the Dairy Coin Silage division while Cash Ruane of N Clarendon, \ t.. was avvaided the giand champion first time entrant in the contest Both winners planted Mycogcn Seeds 1 407 brown mid-rib (BMR) hv bnd Hey, it’s farming, not air-to-air combat. As complex as some of the larger tractor controls are getting, you have to wonder what some manufacturers are thinking fortunately, clearer thinking prevails at Massey Ferguson We work M.M. WEAVER LEBANON VALLEY & SON IMPLEMENT CO. N Groffdale Rd 700 E Linden St Leola, PA 17540 Richland, PA 17087 (717) 656-2321 (717) 866-7518 MEYERS IMPLEMENTS, INC. 400 North Antrim Way Greencastle, PA 17225 (717) 597-2176 PEOPLE’S SALES & SERVICE Oakland Mills, PA 17076 (717) 463-2735 “The F 407 BMR hybi id oilers higher digestibility with a lowei lignin content, which results in more energy available to the cow,” said Grembowic/. ”1 have used BMR hybrids for the past five years and they’ve helped me raise milk production in mv herd by 4 to 5 pounds per cow per day and also allowed me to decrease gram costs.” Grembowic/ Farm milks 75 Holsteins with a 24,500 pound rolling herd average and raises grain corn, grass hay, corn silage, and soybeans on 650 acres The Grand Champion First MILLER EQUIPMENT CO. Stauffer Road Bechtelsville, PA 19505 (610) 845-2911 NORTHEAST DIST.& EQUIP Rt 106 West Clifford, PA 18413 (570) 222-9090 (570) 222-9020 FIELDS IMPLEMENT STORE Eighty Four, PA 15330 (724) 222-1154 ECKROTH BROS. FARM EQUIPMENT RD #2, Box 24A New Ringgold, PA 17960 (570) 943-2131 4910 Kernsville Rd Orefield, PA 18069 (610) 366-2095 Time Entrant. Cash Ruanc, has planted Mycogen Seeds Full- Time " Forage hybrids for the past three years. “I got higher digestibility and more feed consumption in my herd after using Mycogen Full- Time silage hybrids,” said Ruane. “Right away the higher dry matter intake led to in creased milk production from mvcows ” ThcC Ruanc Farm operation consists of Cash, his wdc, Karen, and his daughter, Katie, a high school senior. The\ own 127 cows with a milking string of 58. Most of the held arc Hoi- C.J.WONSIDLER 1975Trumbauersville Rd Quakertown, PA 18951 (215) 536-1935 MANOR MOTORS 3655 Rt 553 Penn Run, PA (724) 254-4753 From left: Ted Grembowicz, Clarendon, Vt., was named grand champion of the corn silage division and Cash Ruane, also from Clarendon, was named grand champion first time entrant at this year’s World s Forage Analysis Su perbowl competition in Madison, Wis. steins, with 10 percent Brown Swiss. Ruane farms 189 acres raising grass hay, high moisture shell corn, BMR corn silage and soylage (soybeans as forage). Mycogen hybrids swept all 20 ot the top 20 corn silage division Hybrid Alfalfa Wins Dairy Haylage Honors MADISON, Wis. For 20 years, the Worlds Forage Analy sis Superbowl has wowed World Dairy Expo visitors from around the world. This year’s anniver sary event was no exception. The Dairy Haylage sample submitted by Cross Farms, LLC of Winneconne, WI, caught the attention of the official judges and expo visitors alike. The sample was from a cutting of Hybriforce-400, the world first hybrid alfalfa from Dairyland Seed Company. The relative feed value of the Lancaster Farming Check out our Website! www.lancasterfarmina.com NOTICE: FARM OWNERS Goodville Mutual is One of the Top 5 Farm Insurance Companies in Pennsylvania WANT TO KNOW WHY? f « Liz Martin Martin Insurance Agency 459 C N George St Millersville, PA 17551 (717) 872-7756 Toll Free 1-877-791-5235 www martimnsurance com Be sure to see us at Keystone Farm Show Booth 202 Jan 6 8 Affordable insurance for farm, home,vehicle, and small business Agent for Goodvllle Mutual placings in the 2003 World s Forage Analysis Supcrbowl. This is the fifth consecutive year the company’s hybrids have earned the title of Grand Cham pion Silage Hybrid. hybriforce-400 haylage was 266 RFV, the relative feed quality was 288 RFQ, and the milk per ton was calculated at 3,587 pounds. Dairy division samples aic judged on lab analysis (60 percent), visual inspection (20 percent), herd production infor mation (10 percent), and calcu lated milk per ton (10 percent). Another grand champion title was awarded to Dick and Powell Farm in Cordell, Okla. Their entry ot Magnum V alfalfa was judged to be the best commercial hay at the forage event.
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