Al6"Lancaster Fanning, Saturdayr December 20, 2Q03 GRAIN, CATTLE, HOG, & MILK BFP FUTURES MARKETS Markets Courtesy of Chicago Board and Mercantile Exchange Closing Bids Thursday, December 18, 2003 Com Month Opening High Low 251 251 248 1/4 04Mar 254 254 251 1/2, 04May; 04Jul 256 256 254 04Sep , 250 1/4 250 3/4 249 1/2 04Dec ; 248 1/4 249 248 OSMar. 253 1/4 253 1/4 252 3/4 05May 258 258 1/2 257 1/21 257 3/4 OSJuI OSDec ; 246 247 246| Month [Opening [High [Low i Closing Soybeans Month {Opening High 766 766 1/2 04Jan 04Mar 771 1/2 111 04May 760 760 04Jul 747 747 1/2 04Aug 721 721 1/2 04Sep 670 674 615 615 1/2 04Nov ; 05 Jan OSMar; Month [Opening High Soybean Meal Month Opening High Low I Closing 04Jan 229.8 230.21225.8 i 227.0 227.2 04Mar, 231,2 231.6 227.6 228.0 04May 04Jul | 223.0 223.3 04Aug j 215.3 215.3 04Sep 204.0 204.01 04Oct 184.0 184.0 180.5 180.5 179.0' 179.5 179.2 04Dec 05 Jan OSMar 05Jul 05Oct 180.0 b 181.0 a 180.5 Unch Month j Opening iHigh |Low ] Closing Settle |Net Chg East Fluid Milk And Cream Review Madison, Wis. December 17, 2003 Report Supplied by USDA SPOT PRICES OF CLASS II CREAM, dollars per lb butterfat. F. 0.8. producing plants Northeast; 1.7145-1.9685. Deliv ered Equivalent. Atlanta 1 7272-1.9812 mostly 1 8415-1 9304 PRICES OF CONDENSED SKIM, dollars per lb. wet solids, F. 0.8. produc ing plants Northeast: Class 11, includes monthly formula prices: .8700-.9300 Class 111, spot prices: .9800-1.0600. SPOTS SHIPMENTS OF GRADE A MILK- FLORIDA- This Week- In 32, Out 0, Last Week. In 0, Out 0, I-ast Year: In 51, Out 0 SOUTHEAST STATES- This Week: In 0, Out 0; Last Week In 0, Out 0, Last Year- In 0, Out 0 EDITOR’S NOTE- Due to changes m milk supply agreements, milk import/ export totals are not directly comparable to year ago figures and to shipments prior to April 1, 2003 Regional Milk Market Administrators announced the following, November 2003 uniform prices: Northeast $14.95, Mideast $13.93, Southeast $15.72, Florida $l7 47, Closing 2491/2 2491/4 252 1/4 '252 1/2 254 1/2 254 3/4 249 1/2 248 2481/4 252 3/4 256 1/2 n. 246 Closing Low 754 759 758 1/2 763 1/2 764 1/2 754 753 1/2 748 1/2 737 1/2 740 1/2 742 714 717 1/2 669 669 611 612 1/2 612 1/2 n 610 1/2 n Low Closing 226.5 228.5 228.2 224.2' 225.5 225.3 220.0 221.5 221.2 212.7 213.0 213.2 202.0; 202.5 b 202.8 a ISI-S'lSl.S b 181.8 : 179.5 b 180.0 a 180.3 b 180.7 a 183.5 b 184.0 a and Western New York (a state order) $14.72 at the base city or county in the or ders. (For the Northeast, Mideast, and Western New York orders, statistical un iform prices are reported.) Another, less severe, snow storm hit parts of the Northeast this week and some farm pick-up schedules were delayed. Milk output is starting to rebound slightly in the Northeast, but milk supplies re main tight for overall needs In the Southeast, the milk flow is show ing more signs of increasing, but the re cent rain and cooler weather are retarding the gains seen the past few weeks. Flori da's need for mdK was up this week and imports did take place. Contacts report that the\ are already planning on ship ping milk out of state next week when schools are on vacation. This week's re opening of 41 grocery stores closed by strikes, redistributed the Class I milk de mand. Surplus milk supplies are still tight, but contacts at manufactunng plants are getting more calls from han dlers looking for outlets during the next two weeks Because of the tighter milk supply and current plant capacities, con tacts do not feel that the pressure to clear the holiday milk to be too bad. The condensed skim market ranges Settle Net Chg 249 1/2 -20 252 1/2 254 3/4 249 1/2 248 1/4 252 3/4 2561/2 +4 257 3/4 246, Unch [Settle [Net Chg (Settle jNet Chg 759 1/2 -90 760 764 753 3/4 741 1/4 717 1/2 669 612 1/2 612 1/2 610 1/2 Settle [Net Chg iSettlelNet Chgj 227.1 -28 228.4 225.4 221.4 213.1 202.7 181.8 179.4 179.8 Unch 180.5 183.7 Unch from fair to improved. Most sales are to contract accounts, but a few spot sales were noted this week The fluid cream market has held sur prisingly firm early this week Prices are mixed, but generally higher as last week's average CME butter price gained almost 2 5 cents. The multiples used to determine prices did move a little lower to help off set the butter price increase However, contacts feel that the closer we get to next week the lower multiples will become Production of holiday items like egg nog, bottled whipping cream, dips, and sour cream have slowed significantly. Cream offerings are increasing along sea sonal patterns Ice cream production is holding fairly high this week, but many producers will be down during the two week holiday period starting Monday, 12/22. Churning activity is light, but ex pected to increase this weekend. Dairy Products Prices Highlights Washington, I). C. December 12, 2003 Report Supplied By NASS/USDA DAIRY PRODUCTS HIGHLIGHTS; CHEDDAR CHEESE prices received cember 6. The U.S. price per pound in fer US 40 ppuntU^Mys ..1i . V . Lean Hogs iP' is m 1 2/1 7/03 12/ 16/0 * 1 / I */0 < 1 2/ I 2/0 -I -16 Fc'i Tin I » t -10 b days 20 days 65 days -10 100 days 260 days Year to Date Live Cattle 12/ 18/03 12/17/03 12/16/03 12/15/03 12/12/03 Mi I -92 5 days 70 days 6b days -80 1 OO days 260 days -82 Year to Date -66 Pork Bellies -50 -40 I ?/ 1 H/OJ J 2/ 1 7/03 -44 1 6/0 H -44 J flay 20 days lOt days -28 -22 Oats -17 | Opening High |Low 1 147 1/2 147 3/4 : ISO 1/4 150 1/4 148 3/4 148 3/4 -17 Month -10 04Mar -17 04May 04JuI 04;Sep -12 04Dec 05Mar 05May I Opening High , Low Month SI 7S L 2 05 *-> OS S 2 SO 52 bo 3O on 12/12/03 57 00 on 12/01/03 63 00 on 10/15/03 5 Day 20 Day 65 Day 63 00 on 10/lb/03 10/ 15/03 10/15/03 100 Day 63 00 on 2bo Day Year to Date 63 00 on New High Midi 1 time(s) 3 time(s) 5 time(s) 19 time(s) 31 time(s) 27 time(s) 89 lb 88 80 90 50 88 40 89 0 7 90 80 oi 5 Day 94 95 oi 94 95 oi 20 Day 65 Day 94 95 on 100 Day 94 95 on 260 Day 94 95 on Year to Date w Hirjh r \ id. 2 time(s) 7 time(s) 19 time(s) 28 time(s) 4 1 time(s) 41 time(s) 85 30 84 1 b 5 Ody 89 50 ot 93 40 ot 20 Day b5-Ddy 93 40 ot 93 40 or 2CSO Day m»i rj \j Hif|h n lirne(i) 5 time(s) ? time(s) in Hme{s) • * time(b) 10 time(s) per pound for the week ending December 6 The price per pound decreased 3.4 cents from the previous week. The price for US 500 pound Barrels adjusted to 38 percent moisture averaged $1.26 per pound, down 6.2 cents from the previous week. BUTTER prices received for 25 kilo- gram and 68 pound boxes meeting USDA Grade AA standards averaged $1.21 per pound for the week ending December 6. The U S. price per pound increased 0.7 cents from the previous week. NONFAT DRY MILK prices received for bag, tote and tanker sales meeting USDA Extra Grade or USPH Grade A standards averaged 80 7 cents per pound for the week ending December 6. The U.S, price per pound decreased 0 4 cents from the previous week. DRY WHEY prices received for bag, tote and tanker sales meeting USDA Extra Grade standards averaged 19.9 cents per pound for the week ending De- SI /S 00 51 t> r » 52 50 52 /S 51 U) 52 95 52 15 53 30 ,1 90 Mci'lo H ii ni F i uni 1 1 7 3 time(s) 8 time(s) -) /A 1 7 ttme(s) IS Jj 16 33 9 time(s) 1 8 3 3°' 10 time(s) 18 33 12 time(s) 88 05 89 20 88 80 89 85 90 80 89 lO 90 OS 88 15 90 lO 88 10 12/16/03 12/03/03 12/03/03 12/03/03 12/03/03 12/03/03 Miidi P. u f ill Fri m 2 time(s) 3 03 / 5 time(s) 2 tirne(s) 2 timo(s) 8 time(s) 8 time(s) 80 oo 85 OO 12/18/03 12/03/03 10/14/03 10/ 14/03 10/14/03 10/14/03 2 \ ime(s) s tlme(s) / tirne(s) 3 tune<s) 5 timers) 5 tlrne(s) Closing (Settle [Net Chg 146 145 3/4 146 -16 145 ! 149 1/2 b 150 1/2 a 150 146 b 150 a 154 n Closing To help farmers across the state to have handy reference of commodity input costs in their feeding operations for DHIA re cord sheets or to develop livestock feed cost data, here’s last week’s average costs of various ingredients as compiled from regional reports across the state of Penn sylvania. Remember, these are averages, so you will need to adjust your figures up or down according to your location and the quality of your crop. Com, No.2y 2.66 bu., 4.76 cwt. Wheat, N 0.2 3 49 bu , 5.82 cwt. Barley, N 0.3 1.92 bu„ 4.10 cwt. Oats, No 2 1.86 bu., 5.79 cwt. Soybeans, No.l 7.15 bu., 11.93 cwt. Ear Corn 70.69 ton, 3.53 cwt. Alfalfa Hay 136.25 ton, 6.81 cwt. Mixed Hay 136.75 ton, 6.84 cwt. Timothy Hay 144.00 ton, 7.2 cwt. '»% *v<v 51 A 5 5 V 52 80 52 , / 51 00 on 12/18/03 51 ()0 on 12/18/03 51 00 on 12/18/03 51 00 on 12/18/03 51 00 on 12/18/03 51 00 on 12/18/03 Pei l nm Nt v Imv H 0 8850 -t 0 8850 + 0 88^. 0 88% + 0 88% + 0 88 Vo 88 05 89 55 89 20 89 97 88 62 88 05 on 12/18/03 88 05 on 12/18/03 80 05 on 09/22/03 76 25 on 08/05/03 71 OO on 03/11/03 71 OO >n 03/11/03 Pt it n' unrh V, -t 9 99% 4 1 S 48 01 / + ->4 01 81 9 S on 12/15/03 83 95 on 12/15/03 82 82 on 10/22/03 26 40 on 08/05/03 m 08/05/03 m 08/05/0 i 76 40 76 40 148 3/4 146 Unch 150 Unch 154 Unch ISettle Net Chg Average Farm Feed Costs for Handy Reference .'WVV/Vi’r'?', ‘.’t , it Fr r 1 SO 4 0 35 4-135 0 -14 +2 Unch
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