Friend’s Stockyard Accident, Md. Report Supplied by Auction December IS, 2003 STOCK STEERS AND BULLS 200-500 lbs 55 00-92 00 STOCK HEIFERS 200-500 lbs 51 00-90 00 SLAUGHTER STEERS Good to Choice 94 00-97 00, medium to good 70 00-93 75, heavy Choice over 1450 lbs 70 00-85 00 HOLSTEIN STEERS heavy Choice 60 00-74 75, light 42 00-65 00 SI AUGHTER HEIFERS Good to Choice 92 00-% 00, Medium to Good 70 00-90 00 BUI LS heavy 50 00-58 50, light 46 00-61 00 COWS Utility (Holsteins) 47 00-62 00, Com mercial to Good 40 00-46 75, cull cows 37 00 and down VEAI S Good to Choice 50 00-90 00, Med to Good 50 00-67 00 808 CALVES 4000 and down HOI STEIN BULL CALVES, RETURN TO FARM 90-120 lbs up to 110 00, HOLSTFIN HEIFFR CALVES. RETURN TO FARM 90-120 lbs up to 36000. BEEF X CALVFS re turn to farm up to 120 00 HOGS top quality, up to 45 00 SOWS up to 33 50 lAMBS, C hoicc up to 99 00 GOATS Choice up to 63 00 Livestock prices are all given per hundred weights Year End Clearance - Limited Quantities KKRCHER Pressure Washers HD 2600 DK 2600 psi • 2.8 gpm 6 HP Kohler Oil Alert Motor, 30’ HP Hose, 5 Quick Coupled Nozzle 599“ COLD • HOT • STEAM HDSIOSS (cold-hot-steam) SOOOpsi • 3.5 gpm 220V110 50’ Hose Reg. 5,695 3,995“ SALE Kochel Equipment 3030 Ridge Rd. (Rt. 23) Elverson, PA 610-286-5519 800-922-9680 Westminster Livestock Hagerstown, Md. Report Supplied Bv Auction Tuesday, December 16,2003 SLAUGHTER COWS 141 HEAD, STEADY TO 100 HIGHER BREAKERS 50 00-55 00, FEW 57 00-60 00, BONERS 48 00-53 00, LEAN 4100-47 00, THIN AND LIGHT 41 00 DOWN BULLS 21 HEAD, 100 LOWER YG+NI 58 00-61 00. HIGH DRESSING 2016 LBS AT 65 00, YG+N2 53 00-58 00, I OW DRESSING 48 00-51 00 FED STFERS 38 HEAD. NO PRIME 200-5 00 LOWER HIGH CHOICE 2-4 1300-1500 LBS 97 00-100 00, CHOICE 2-3 1200 1300 IBS 90 00-93 50, SELECT 82 00-89 00, HIGH CHOICE TO PRIME HOI - STEINS 1400-1600 IBS 83 00-8625, CHOICE 2-3 75 00-78 00 FFD HEIFERS 28 HEAD, 2 00-4 00 lOWER HIGH CHOICE TO PRIME 1200-1450 LBS 9900-104 00, HIGH CHOICE 2-4 1025-1375 IBS 90 00-99 00, LOW C HOICF 84 00-89 00, 1 C HOICE HOI STEINS AT 78 00 CAIVFS 94 HEAD HIGH CHOICF 225-325 LBS 87 00-96 00, GOOD 80-120 LBS 65 00-72 00. 60-80 IBS 50 00-65 00, HOL STFIN BUI IS RETURNING TO FARM 10 00-20 00 HIGHER +NI 90-120 LBS 145 00-170 00, YOUNGER BULIS 85 00-110 00, HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, FEW OF FERED I +N2 92 1 BS AT 285 00, +N2 70-88 1 BS 125 00-185 00, 1 BEFF X BUI I S 84 I BS AT 17000, 1 BEEF X HEIFER 80 IBS AT 122 00 BUTCHER HOGS 30 HEAD, 3 00-4 00 LOWER +NI AND 2 220-265 LBS 36 00-38 25, 280-325 1 BS 35 00-36 00 SOWS 10 HEAD 400-650 LBS 29 00-32 25, 1 904 LBS AT 25 50 STOCK CATTLE 188 HEAD, BEST DE MAND FOR 500-800 LBS, 2 00-5 00 LOWER STEERS 200-450 LBS 89 00-% 00, 500-700 LBS 81 00-92 00, 700-800 LBS TO 80 00 HEIFERS 200-450 LBS 7000-79 00, FEW TO 85 00, 450-700 LBS 75 00-85 00, 700-800 LBS 70 00-75 00 BULLS 200-450 LBS 80 00-9100.500-700 IBS 70 00-82 00, 700-9001 BS 63 00-77 00 SHEEP 25 HEAD 59 00-74 00 LAMBS 101 HEAD. 2 00-10 00 lOWFR HIGH CHOICE TO PRIME 90-120 LBS 10800-11600. 120-145 LBS 88 00-98 00, 70-90 IBS 10400-12000, MED TO GOOD 90-120 LBS 99 00-109 00, THIN 30-60 LBS 68 00-73 00 GOATS 110 HEAD MFD TO LRGF 811- L IPS AND WETHERS 55 00-80 00, I ARGF NANNIES 60 00-74 00. MFD NANNIES 40 00-70 00, FLESHY KIDS 45 00-65 00, SMALI KIDS 12 00-25 00 PIGS AND SHOATS 29 HEAD BY THE HEAD. 30-45 LBS 20 00-27 00, 50-70 LBS 25 00-45 00, BY THE LB STOCK BOARS 180-220 LBS 25 00-28 00,260-32 12 00-15 00 BOARS 500 I BS AT 8 00 HD 2500 DK 2500 psi • 2.5 gpm 6 HP Kohler Oil Alert Motor, 30’ HP Hose, 3 Way Nozzle 499“ HDS 500 CI (cold-hot) 1300 psi • 2.2 gpm 110V10 50’ Hose Reg. 2,795 SALE 1,895“ Lynchburg Weekly Graded Feeder Cattle Richmond, Va. December 16,2003 Report Supplied By USD 4 Weekly Graded Feeder Cattle Sale at Lynch burg, Dec 15 Feeder Steers steady to 100 lower Feeder Heifers mostly steady Feeder Cattle 263 (Steers 119, Heifers 144) Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1 9 head, 400-500 lbs avg wt 471 lbs 105 50-108 50 avg price 106 20, 12 head, 500-600 lbs avg wt 549 lbs 97 50- 98 50 avg price 98 07, 13 head. 600-700 lbs avg wt 652 lbs 94 00- 94 50 avg price 94 46 Medium and Large 2 14 head, 400-500 lbs avg wt 464 lbs 104.50-109 50 avg price 107 32, 10 head, 500-600 lbs avg wt 546 lbs 95 50- 98 50 avg price 97 88, 9 head, 600-700 lbs avg wt 656 lbs 95 50- 96 25 avg price 96 09 Medium and Large 3 9 head, 400-500 lbs avg wt 447 lbs 95 00- 96 00 avg price 95 89 Small 1 11 head, 400-500 lbs avg wt 445 lbs 103 00-10600 avg price 103 24, 8 head, 500-600 lbs avg wt 538 lbs 92.00- 93 50 avg price 93 32 Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1 7 head, 400-500 lbs avg wt 453 lbs 97 50- 99 75 avg price 99 09, 9 head, 500-600 lbs avg wt 550 lbs 91 75- 92 25 avg price 91 92 Medium and 2 8 head, 300-400 lbs avg wt 361 lbs 96 00-104 50 avg price 102 26, 24 head, 400-500 lbs avg wt 446 lbs 95 75- 98 50 avg price 97 03. 8 head, 500-600 lbs avg wt 552 lbs 91 50- 92 25 avg price 91 98, 5 head, 600-700 lbs avg wt 656 lbs 86 75 Medium and Large 3 11 head, 300-400 lbs avg wt 373 lbs 96 00- 98 00 avg price 97 12, 15 head, 400-500 lbs avg wt 441 lbs 85 00- 91 50 avg price 89 32 Small 1 11 head, 300-400 lbs avg wt 361 lbs 92 00- 95 50 avg price 94 27. 17 head, 400-500 lbs avg wt 436 lbs 95 50, 6 head, 500-600 lbs avg wt 540 lbs 80 00- 88 00 avg price 85 38 I ynchburg Weekly Auction for Dcu 15 Prices Based on in Co* Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 20, 2003-Al5 weights Feeder bulls steady Feeder Cattle 144 (Steers 65. Heifers 109. Bulls 170) Feeder steers and feeder heifers No prices available Feeder Bulls Me dium and I arge 1 100 400 lbs 120 00-121 00. 400-500 lbs 101 00-1 15 SO, 500-600 lbs 92 50 Medium and Large 2 200-100 lbs 1 18 00-125 00, 100-400 lbs 120 00- 127 00, 400-500 lbs 10 1 0 0 114 0 0 500-600 lbs 90 00 Small 1 200-100 lbs 85 00-104 00, .10 0-400 lbs 85 00-119 50 400-500 lbs 102 00- 105 0 0 500-600 lbs 86 50- 88 00 AMISHTOWN GENERAL STORE, LLC Hardware • Tools • Martin Senour Paints PeWALT TnaKita ElsllH] oBOsnrcH,i Nuts & Bolts By The Pound Animal Health Supplies Air Compressors & Fittings, Plumbing Supplies, Lawn & Garden, Volleyball & Croquet Sets, Trikes, Scooters, Express Wagons 147-A Amishtown Rd. New Holland, PA 17557 Phone: 717*355*94«0 Open M-F6AM -6PM,Thurs night till 8 PM, Sat 7AM 2PM Lancaster Farming CAP $3.50* Each Available At Lancaster Farming, 1 East Main St., Ephrata, PA PLUS Shipping & Handling $2.50 Add’t Cap and Shipping @ $4.00 Each Phone 717-626-1164 T/sT Roanoke-Hollins Feeder Cattle Sale Richmond, Va. December 16,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Weekly Auction for Dec 15 Prices Based on In Heights Feeder Cattle 159 (Steers 28, Heifers 9s, Bulls 38) Feeder Steers Medium and Large I 200-300 lbs 117 00. 300-400 lbs 106 50, 500-600 lbs 100 00-100 50. 600-700 lbs 94 00- 99 50, 700-800 lbs 91 00, 800-900 lbs 84 00 Medium and large 2 500-600 lbs 96 00-100 00 Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1 400-500 lbs 90 00, 500-600 lbs 87 00- 90 50. 600-700 lbs 83 00- 89 50 Medium and large 2 400-500 lbs 82 00- 89 00, 500-600 lbs 86 00- 89 50 Small 1 400-500 lbs 85 00 Peeder Bulls Medium and Large 1 400-500 lbs 98 00-107 00. 500-600 lbs 100 00-103 50 Me dium and Large 2 400-500 lbs 96 00 500-600 lbs 91 00- 95 00 Staunton Weekly Feeder Cattle Sale Richmond, Va. December 15, 2003 Report Supplied By USDA Staunton Weekly Auction tor Dec 12 Prices Based on In Weights Feeder Cattle 1160 (Steers 675, Holstein Steers 35, Heifers 375, Bulls 75) Feeder Steers Medium and Urge 1 200-100 lbs 90 00-115 00, 100-400 lbs 110 00 129 00 400-500 lbs 98 00-111 00. 500-600 lbs 92 00-108 00, 600 700 lbs 90 00-102 50 700-KOO lbs 89 00 103 60. 800-900 lbs 88 00 97 25, 900-1000 lbs 87 00- 91 25, 1000-1100 lbs 75(H) Medium and Urge 2 100-400 lbs 90 00-11 S 00 400-500 lbs 90 00-110 00 500-600 lbs 85(H) 95 00, 600-700 lbs 85 00 95 00 700-800 lbs 80 00 89 00, 800-900 lbs 75 00 82 00 900 1000 lbs 75 00- 82 00 Medium and Urge 1 4(H) 500 lbs 72 00- 76 00, 500-600 lbs 70(H)- 74 00 600-700 lbs 70 00- 74 00, 700 800 lbs 6100- 67 00 Small I 300-400 lbs 90 00 100(H) 400-500 lbs 90 00 100 00, 500-600 lbs 90 00 97 00, 600-700 lbs 85 00 92(H) 700-800 lbs 85 00- 89 00 800-900 lbs 78 (H)- 81 (H) Holstein Steers large 2-1 100-400 lbs 62 00 400-500 lbs 69 00. 500 600 lbs 66 (H) 6(H)-7(H) lbs 74 25 700-800 lbs 59(H)- 64 50 800 9(H) lbs 61 00 Feeder Heifers Medium and I urge 1 100-400 lbs 90 00-107 00 400 500 lbs 89 00 105(H), 500-600 lbs 88 00-101 50 6(H) 700 lbs 84 00- 90 00 700 8(H) lbs 79 00- 84 (H) Mtdi uni and I arge 2 100-400 lbs 85 00- 95 00 400-500 lbs 80 (K) 90 00. 500 600 lbs 7H (Hi 90 00. 600-700 lbs 75 00- 85 00 Feeder Bulls Medium and Urge 1 2(H)-100 lbs 9000-115 00 100-400 lbs 105 00-125 00 400-500 lbs 95 00-107 00. 500 600 lbs 85 00 95 00, 600-7(K) lbs 80 00- 87 00. 700 800 lbs 84 00
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