Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 20, 2003, Image 131
SRBC Urges Congress To Restore Funding NORTH EAST, Md. —The Susquehanna River Basin Com mission (SRBC) recently ap proved a resolution calling on the U.S. Congress to restore funding for the Susquehanna Flood Forecasting and Warning System (System). The U.S. House of Represent atives Nov. 25 unexpectedly eliminated the $1.3 million ap propriation for the System, while instructing the National Weather Service (NWS) to fund the Susquehanna System out of the agency’s budget. The SRBC commissioners representing the federal govern- OutsMndmy batar.' es lor pun hase~ made under this program will be ,übjeoi to the u ual tenu> and * unditmn c t mine nc my vuih the f-ehruarv POO4 t filmy cyr ie N<*w Holland Credit slandr rd ♦emib and < onditions apply bubje 1 to < u tinier (. redit pm fi a *i m Promotion il pun ha' es mly not he honoied if pun ha*-es ex' ecd ' mtomer s existing r md't anlur u«- ( nxv p<, hii oi her account Piogram subjer I to c hinge wttl mut not < © Av iihUe through nadir ipatinp N»=»w H ;iandu‘*ilei | NEW HOLLAND CREDIT °CO 3 New Holland North Arnanca Inc Huianfi is a revision 1 laynuvk rjf a\i ■■ *nd North Arrc»nc*i 'nc No.v Hdl and Ciedi* is a trademark of New Hci’arrl North Amenca 1 ic SEE YOUR NEAREST I\EWHOLLAIND DEALER FOR DEPENDABLE EQUIPMENT & SERVICE PENNSYLVANIA Messick Equipment RD 1, Box 255 A 717-259-6617 888-285-0225 Annville. PA BHM Farm Equipment,lnc. RD 1, Rte. 934 717-867-2211 Carlisle. PA R&W Equipment Qo. 35 East Willow Street 717-243-2686 ment and the states of New York, Pennsylvania, and Mary land cited the risks of consoli dating the Susquehanna System’s funding into the NWS budget. The SRBC resolution (No. 2003 12) states, “This action by the U.S. House forces the System to compete with the nationwide demands placed on the NWS budget and is there fore likely to result in a reduc tion in the level of funding for the System, further compromis ing its already tenuous fi nances.” SRBC Executive Director Paul Swartz noted that the Sus Elizabi PA Messick’s Schreffier Rt. 283 - Rheems Exit Equipment 717-367-1319 Pitman, PA 800-222-3373 570-648-1120 New Hi A.B.C. Groff,lnc. 110 South Railroad 717-354-4191 KNEW HOLLAR CREDIT quehanna River Basin is one of the most flood-prone watersheds in the entire country, with aver age annual flood damages total ing nearly $l5O million. The Susquehanna River Basin Flood Forecasting and Warning System, which has been in oper ation for 17 years, is a techno logical system that uses radar and a network of stream and rain gages to provide the data that are used to forecast river levels and issue more accurate early flood warnings. “We can not stress enough the importance of this System to the Susquehanna basin,” said New HoUANTiAjj^r Film n. PA Tam PA Charles S. Snyder, Inc. R.D.3 570-386-5945 Lancast’er 'Farming,' Saturday, December 20; 2003-D3 For Susquehanna System Swartz. “In 2003, alone, six people have lost their lives to flooding. Early warnings give people and businesses the time they need to secure their prop erty and then get themselves out of harm’s way.” Swartz said, “The Susque hanna System is an extremely cost-effective flood protection measure, reducing the average annual flood damages in the Susquehanna basin by $32 mil lion. That represents a 20-to-l benefit-cost ratio. For every dollar invested by the federal government, the System saves $2O through reduced flood dam- , j f> n f on iderick. MD Ceresville New Holland, Inc. Smith Tractor & Rt. 26 East Equip., Inc. 301-662-4197 15 Hillcrest Ave Outside MD, 800-331-9122 908-689-7900 >wn. MD Antietam Tractor Inc. 2027 Leitersburg Pike 800-553-6731 301-791-1200 Sun. MD Ag Industrial Equipment Route 1, Owen Supply Co 50 N. Greenmont Rd. Broad Street & 1-800-442-5043 East Avenue 6 0 9 - 769 - 0308 ages and reduced pa>outs through the federal flood insur ance program.” While the SRBC resolution calls for the line-item appropria tion to be restored as the first course of action, if that proves unsuccessful for FY-04, SRBC is calling on; (1) the National Weather Service to fully fund the $1.3 million for the Susque hanna System from the agency’s FY-04 budget, as directed in the House Consolidated Appropria tions Act; and (2) the federal government to restore the ap propriation for the Susquehanna System in FY-05 and subsequent fiscal years. & NEW HOLLAND Yoractm-Oup tyicWty Washington. NJ ridaeton. NJ Leslie G. Fogg, Inc. Canton & Stow Creek Landing Rd. 609-451-2727 609-935-5145 NJ f oodstown I