C3B-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 20, 2003 ATTENTION: Tank Spreader Owners Spreader PTO shafts in stock. Y Parts in stock for ' HOULE spreaders & pumps ITS CEDAR CREST 717-866-1888 EQUIPMENT Mverstown? Umberger’s YEAR END BANG BANG” 2003 “BANG BANG” Is Back! NOW!! Yes, we are ending 2003 with a “BANG”! Many items selling at invoice & lower-inventory clearance in all departments. BANG BANG NEW & DEMO EQUIPMENT was ■quia clO 7lt l r fO llav I odder BushHoU 40 00 6lt Opt Blade Buslil loi> 201 0 Ifm nd 1 stt Rotary Choppei (demo) f>9 975 Kuhn (.MI) 000 (.2 ipt 711 10 Disr Mow i (demo) 05 990 Kuhn PC 102 911 10 I list Mown Conditioner (demo) 0)4 900 Kuhn 1900 Ki It Disr Mirai i Condition! i Brand New 022 500 Kuhn I ( 10 1 l)is< Mown t onditioner BiantLNtKV irsston 190 1 2 I II 12 uluil BiPold Rake I indt m Kuhn 1 142 155 02 Ipl I illei (demo) Kuhn 1 I r() 155 l>2 1[ i 111) I illn (d< mo) ssliin 1 11101 10 It 1 Bratei I orai>r Bo\ (demo) Hi i SIS is || Balt Rai k Wae,on ou 425 425 hn 11\ di a I’ush Spteadn / Gate hi 1115 ISlSqal Siarenqn land Spieadei (demo) M Him Sill) 8 S It Slant Round Bale l-eedei West lit Id hll 8 1111 4 i anspoi t Auftei New Idea 4854 Ift \slt Round Baler (demo) Bullion I’D I 1 1 14 11 Par kei w/tianspoi t Bullion UPC 20 20 It 6 llvd Fold HO Cultnaloi Bullion 19 II X told Par kei w/strapei Bullion 25 It X fold Packer w/straper $lO 800 Gchl 5b 55 57 HP Skid Loader/Case Control 2 speed (demo) $ Oe 111 7800 110 HP Skid Ixiader/Gehl Control 2 speed (demo) $ Gehl BMI6OO Universal Mount Bale Spear $555 Gehl (LowclUM Post Hole Digger w/12 auger (demo) Gehl Trent hei Universal Mount 6 Wide (demo) Gehl Landscape Preparator 66' (demo) Gehl Landscape Rock Hound 66' (demo) Gehl Snow Wolf 90 Snow Blade Dome o 3pt 150 ftal Spra^er-21ft boom So Just Pick Up The Phone & Say - “I AM READY FOR THE BANG BANG!” Ask To Talk To Chuck Or Mike - They Are The BANG BANG Specialists! Umberger’s Of Fontana, Inc. 067 Horseshoe Pike Lebanon PA 17042 717-867-5161 or 1-800-261-2106 35 Homs Mon Huns 7 30 6 Tii 730 8 Sat 730 4 Q Farm Plan preader Flotatio Tires In Stock 28L x 26 • Alliance • Firestone CHECK OUR PRICES Before You Buy! 800-646-6601 SPECIAL FINANCING TOO %» $1,890 $442 $2 250 $540 $8,869 $4,754 $13,700 $18,850 $15,900 SI 7 500 $8,400 SO 575 $1,750 SI 085 $2,442 S 2 975 $7,980 89 500 $1,550 SI 605 $ll,BBO Sl2 800 $ll,BOO $275 813 000 S 195 $1,750 $11,700 SI 060 $l4 800 $4,475 $11,900 S 4 950 $ 1,3 200 $8,900 SO 900 $9,800 $19,840 $31,960 $390 $1,649 ft! 850 $2,290 $2 875 $4,950 $6 400 $5,498 $7 200 $2,290 $2 700 $1,645 $1 850 8 Miles C ol Hershev on Rl 322 17 SI Umberger’s A, I BANG BANG i *> 2003 CLEARANCE m m fl Skid Loaders/Trai Oehl 3825 30 HP Diesel Skid Loader 2 400 Mrs John Deere 250 60 HP Diesel Skid Loadei 1 450 His Gchl 3510 Skid Loader 1 Bucket 25Hp Cielil 4835SXT Skid Loadi i 57HP 72 Bui ket like new Ciehl 46255 X Skid Loader (tan 3335) 44HP (now paint/Ures) Gehl 46255 X Skid Loadei (la/r 3106) 44HP Diesel 2800 hrs new engine Oehl 7800 Skid Loader 1 101 IP (ab + Air New '1 lies (475 his | New Holland LX9BS Skid I oader 75Hp Case 1840 Skid Loadei 65 bin ket New' Fhu’ine New Tires John Deeie 2 155 1 rat tor 15HP w/\ eai imiiid tah (1747 hrs ) IH 574 liactoi w/\iai loiiud ( .ih (5900 his ) Used 7 Ft Ruhhei lneStiapei Unneisal Mount Planting/Tillage/Material Handlin Westfield 10 \ 31 It FFO franspoit Auger Vermeei Blade II D Klt/3pt (like new) Tire Stlapei 7 11 Unixeisal Skid Uiatlei Mount Glencoe Soil Sax'ei Chisel Plow (9-shank 12U ) 1H Field Cultivator -10 ft /3pt Millcreek 25 Manure Spreader-25bu/polv floor (like new) tag 3720 Gehl 309 Manuie Spreader Gehl 1322 Manure Spreader - 2 yrs> old sharp' - flo Tnes/1000 pto John Deere 375 Scavenger Manure Spreader - tandem axle John Deere 210A-1000RPM Gram Cart (400 bu ) WIC 45 Silage Cart 37 bu - 5 HP Engine Bnllion 10ft SSTI2O Alfalfa Seeder (tag 3317) Bnllion 10ft SSTI2O Allalla Seeder (tag 3162) Zimmerman TMR Mixei Stationary 250 cu ft Gehl 170 250 cu ft . TMR Mixer w/Scales K&S TMR Mixer (435) 435 cu ft w/Hay Processor JavLor TMR Mixer (2575) - 3 vis old L H Dischaigc RotnMix 354 TMR (I railer Mounted) 350 cu ft Altalaval Harsh 330 TMR Mixei - 330 cu It Auger/Mixer Pcquea 2500 6000 LB Axles Dump Trailei like new Uni Eaui iment 708 Uni Tiactoi H\dio Feikins Diesel (ON C ONSKiNMLM P) 702 Diesel Uni w/737 Huskei/7?8 4RN lit id 737 Uni Huskei 12 roll (tag 3967) 737 Uni Husker 12 i oil (tag 2960) 737 Um Huskei 12 roll (lag 1574) 866 Uni Hay Pitkup 711 sharp 767 Uni Super Chopper mi e 768 Um 3RN Chopper Head nice 741 Uni Feedei House Hay & Forage DeWee7e Round Bale Sheer (4 vrs old) - pull type Hesston 530 Round Baler manual tie John Deere 347 Square Balei w/thiowei-hvd tension-hyd pkup (ON CONSIGNMENT) New Hoolland 315 Square Baler w/thrower Hesston 4900 Square Baler w/ehute 4x4 Gehl 1580 Foiage Blowei (tag 3087) Gehl 1580 Forage Blower (tag 2664) Gehl 1540 Forage Blower (tag 3667) Gehl 1 540 Forage Blower (tag 3722) Woods RMIB4 711 /3pl Rotary C hoppei (leal nice) NH 36 5 Ft Flail Choppei Bushllog 287 71t /3pt Rolan Cutter ( unningham PTO Pull Has ( nnipci Ness Idea 5407 6lt 8 Disc Mosvei Gehl 2365 10 3 Discbine Hesston 8200 Diesel SP 12ft Moss'd (onditiniici (nt eds IL( | Ness Idea 5209 Oft /3 Dis< Mossei C onditioner (Red sees dean) Ness Holland 3611 Eksatoi ss/motoi Gehl 1060 single axle Forage Harsestei ss/metal stop (tag 1304) nesv knises Gehl 1275 Hats'esUi Metal Stop C lop Phhissoi 3RN ( oin Head Gehl C A 670 I rose ( oin Head Gehl f. FR33O IRN ( orn Head Gehl GTR3O3B 2RN Coin Head (tag 28621 Gehl GTR3O3B 2RN Corn Head (tag 3176) Gehl TR3038 2RN Corn Head (2 vis old) Shaip Gehl 1060 (1065) single .rxle Forage Han ester sv/melal slop (lag 1107) Case 111 8720 3RN Corn Head Forage liarvestei & Hay Pickup Gehl 1060 Forage Harvester w/tandem ss'heels (lag 3347) John Deeie Forage Han ester 3960 sv/hav pickup (nesv knives) Val Metal Bunkßuster Bft - Weld On Miller Pro 1100- 1 Oft Rotary Rake Hyd Lilt Tandem Kuhn GA3OOGT Bft 6 Pull New Idea 402 Rake - New Paint Farmway 20ft Hay Rake Hyd Fold Kuhn GRS2SN Tedder-Rake - 3 Pt Kuhn 7000 T Tedder 6 Star/23ft Pull type Kuhn GF7OOIT Hay Tedder 6 Star -23 Ft Pull type Gehl 970 (18ft ) Forage Wagon - 3 Beater - Roof/13 Ton Tandem Gehl 970 Forage Box -16 ft /3 Beater Roof/12 Ton Tandem Gehl 980 Forage Box -16 ft - 3 beater - Roof/ 12 Ton Tandem MISC. Winco 6000 H Generator - So Just Pick Up The Phone & Say - “I AM READY FOR THE BANG BANG!” Ask To Talk To Chuck Or Mike - They Are The BANG BANG Specialists! Umberger’s Of Fontana, Inc. 1067 Horseshoe Pike, Lebanon, PA 17042 8 Miles E. of Hershey on Rt. 322 717-867-5161 or 1-800-261-2106 Q& (»R*7* l ' I V,P*y l , Hours Mon 39 ’ \ 54 Very C lean 1 IHP/Honda - 6000 Watt like new' SPECIAL FINANCING TOO -Thins 7 30-6. Fn 7 30-8 Sal 7 30-4 s 1 1 900 814 900 Asjs 86 950 8395 nice 540 pro (ON CONSIGNMENT) $32 900 BANG BANG Was $9,500 $14,500 $4,200 $12,900 $9,900 $12,900 $29,500 $21,900 $10,900 $12,500 $5,950 $290 810 500 $l5 700 84 950 813 900 $l2 900 814 900 834 900 824 900 $2,150 $950 $375 $8,290 $640 $975 $950 $12,700 $3,500 $3,900 $1,175 $2,900 $3,900 $975 $2 475 SI 175 $495 $8 950 $875 $1,295 $1,495 $14,900 $5,900 $5 500 $1 590 53 900 $4,575 $1 590 $2 900 $l2 500 $22 900 $1 1 900 $9 950 54 950 $2,490 $8,950 $19,500 $lO,BOO $7,750 $4,575 $4,500 $2,900 $1,900 $l,OOO $5OO $1,400 $1,500 $1,350 $450 S 5 900 S 5 900 S 2 900 S 2 250 SI 250 $1 975 $1 950 $1 950 $B5O $4,950 55.900 $1 895 Si 675 $1,895 1 595 $1 850 $1 950 $1 595 5650 82 975 $lO 500 $l7 900 •S 8 950 SI 750 Sl2 900 $23 900 5750 S 4 575 SI 950 82 450 82 995 S 1 1 900 $9 975 $6 975 $3 450 $1,950 $3,795 $1,875 $950 $3,950 $1 850 $3,950 $4,900 $7,995 $6,950 $7,995 $1,590 $2,230 VISA
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