agco A®ltei c Ktbota, r Long, MARSHALL MACHINERY, INC. New Idea, Hesston, Bush Hog, ■»■»■!»■■■■■■ iflliVliillUil ■ f ■■■ Vl Befco & Woods, Mustang, Rt. 652, Midway Between Indian Orchard and Beach Lake Richardton, Krone Niemeyer RR4, HONESDALE, PA 18431 (570) 729-7117 Limited Supply 2003 New 2003 Kubota U 35 exc. Idea 5209’s low cash 225 h r s. just off lease price CALL CALL TRACTORS AC D-1S AC D 19 AC 170 gas AC I SOD AC 60X0 Agco WO w/ldr * CIHCX9O 4WD Ldr CAH CIH 48S CIH 5220 4WI) P Shill vs/L dr CIH SMO 2WD cab larniall C Super C I armall Super H Farrnall M Farmall I4ow/Mower Farmal! 140 w/ldr & last hitch Farmall 460 D Farmall *144 Farmall 666 Ford S6lO 2WD L dr & Cab Ford loader &. trencher 4 in I bucket Ford 4451) vv/cab and loader Ford WB4WD with Cab f ord 641 Ford b'S I Ford 650 Ford 1920 4wd loadei & backhoe Ford 2000 Ford 2120 4wd loader Ford 2910 Ford MKK) w/snowplow 670 His Ford "MOO w/loader I ord 40001) Ford 4610 Ford 5600 w/eah Fold 66(0 1 ord 7000 dst (2)1 ord 7710 4WI) C \H I old 7740 w/I dr 1H 464 D IH 574 h>dio IH XB4 w/cab IH 966 hydro IH 24001) w/ldr JO 40 S JD 1520 gas JI) 2640 A JD 2640 w/cult dresser JD w/1 dr JD 2520 side console JD 5010 industiial JD 2X40 JD ID 4240 w/cah Kubota M 4050 Kubota MB5BO I ong 2W *■ MF M 5 MF w/ldi MF 245 Dsl MF 285 MF 2M5 ()h\cr 1955 dsl Sams 1 alcon While 2 85 4WI)( ah While 6065 4ud CORN PLANTERS \C 2 Row (2) IH 2 Row I<»JD2Row MF 2 Row DA W 4 Row AC 4 Row No Fill At 8R AC "DOOR No Fill (2) I ord <O4 2R Div F'crnli/u FA si F ung Boxlw Vcr> Good Condmon GRINDER MIXERS Bearcat 12S() C\H J2S« vv/hvd 1 armband 817 CHIPPERS Many Chippers In Stock, Call & Ask For “Chipper Joe” SALVAGE YARD AC B C CA G WD WD4S DI4 15 17. 19 170 185 190 200 5040 50 6060 6080 7010 7040 7580 7050 7000 Case DC Vac 200 120 510 610 995 1070 FARMAI L/INT A C H M 8414 200 100 150 400 404 444 460 504 560 606 656 706 806 826 856 1466 FARMALL CUB 240 RD 140 UTILITY 1HC756 FORD 8N 9N NAA 60(1 801 1910 2000 4000 5000 8600 JOHN DFFRt A B M 1 40 50 60 610 710 2010 1010 1020 4010 4020 950 COMPACT M F 20 10 15 65 85 90 115 165 175 To 20 To 15 Oliver 70 77 770 1650 1750 1855 1900 Etc A/C HI H 4 HDI 4 650 652 655 840 IH 150 J/D 150 440 1010 2010 ETC FARM EQUIPMENT Havbmes HESSTON PT7 PTIO NEW HOLLAND 467 479 489 Dischmes NEW' HOLLAND 411 HFSSTON 1050 DEUTZ FAHR TEDDERS KH 50 500 Pious Moldboards Sickle Bars Manure Spreaders elc MOTORS Good running motors Shoil blocks I one blocks Usui or reinined Cslmdci heads Crankshalls Also Arailahlc Neu Manifolds & Radiators Misc Used tractor chains hvd cylinders Wc also base a vast assoitmcnl ol uheel SUITCASE & ueighls Free Pails 1 ocator Service Call 8 AM 5 PM Mondas thru Saturday We will be glad lo sersc all sour parts needs Cash paid lor pans traelors COMPACT TRACTORS Deut/ Allis 5210 4\sd loader &. hoe Ford 1920 lord 2120 u/Ldr JI > 850 4\sd u/ldr Kuboti H2III B Kubota B 1 550 u/ldi Kubota 86100 4WD Kubota B l >2oo Jnmt snow blouu iijiti mouu winter l tb Kubota BXISOO 4W|) \\ nh tiont snow blmu I Kubota B\ 2200 w/kli X mowu Kubota FW6O w/grass t ilchtr Kubota (j 1800 w/Mo\su Cate Ik i Kubota Ci!000 hulro mid mowu li iss c iklki Kubota (i 6200 HSP w/mowa Kubota f VHI B Kuhul i LISS \v/blo\\u Kubota I 2250 4WI)/ldi Kubota I 41 SO I LB Kubota 1 1600 h>dro duscl u/gtass l,i!l her NH IC 401) w/I dt DISCS \C 2WO disk S \ssurlcd * pi Oise Hamms \ssoii S 16 Mush Ho. >« IHC JO Klu tnee Mush Hon 10 Ollsu Disv. Mush Hos. 10 Disc v\/I I’l Hitch Case 0 Ollsd JO B\\ 10 Ml 40 I deling Disk MiJJci 12 It A 14 Ollsd Disk JO 127 w/lhrowcr SQUARE BALERS JD w/Thrower NH 271 w/Thrower NH 282 NH MS w/Thrower NH Mb w/Thrower NH SbS w/Throwcr NH S7O w/Throwcr Hesston MO ROUND BALERS Nl 484 NI 4844 (2) NI 4846 Caretree 20 TREE SPADES [ENT Caretree 40 w/s s mount ( aretrec ‘SOI 20 w/s s mount 4 S 6 8 Gram Augers ELEVATORS Belt Conveyors NH ISS Llcvalor Several Lord SOI SICKLEBAR MOWERS JI) #lO IH 100 M) 110 Jl) IV) Ipt IH 120 1 pi AC 82S IH Cub IH F.isl liUlli 10+ assorted mowers Alamo 1 pt Siekle 1 Hail INDUSTRIAL Carclree 24' ne'e spade (I) Carelree '0 (ice spade Komalsu D'l C ia\vle*r! dr JD4OC Crawlu w/Blade Jl> 4SOC Do/u w/6 W in JI) ( i iu lei I oader 4 in I Bucket I 100 Hi JI) i)o/ei JI) 'SsD 1 o idel ( I iw let JI) IOIO(» II H Slone M Pid I out Roller 0 ' Pi Su 111 w/side mow cl IH SOS w/side imnu i York Walk Melnnd Broom (2) Skidsieei Rock Hounds WAGONS & CRAIN CARTS Social Wooden Ha\ Wagons Various Running Oeais New issorted IS sled sided I icks w/iunniiij. gears 20 sieel sided bile rack w/iandcin limning gc u Round hale w la ms ( Crclll I Olage Boxes w/1 Hide 111 ( real (1) Mcvcrs 14 1 oiagc Boxes In Stock Nev Heston I m uc W igon Wuh Kool FORAGE WAGONS Riehaidton 1200 Side Dump \\ igon etioiee 19S0 GRAVITY WAGONS 1 / \ low 220 w/(jiam Wagon Kilbros 2SO (nain W isions Knoedlci leedci Wagon Bolens G 152 compact JD 270 950 hrs. cab & dsl. 3pt pto, $2,495 snow bucket $19,500 HAYBINES/DISCBINES CIH 8140 NH 467 NH 472 NH 474 NH 477 NH 6209 NI 6212 Discbme FORAGE BLOWERS Farmhand FB9B Gchl FBI 660 NH 28 MANURE EQUIPMENT Dearborn 7SBU ground drive 42S tandem axle box spreader W Scavenger Gehl lIS larde Side Kick Jl) H grd drive Mill Creek SOB Spreader MI no NH 14S NH S 14 NH 670 Ni MM Tandem axle hjd tail gate Late Model LOADERS AC4IS (to Hi 60 scries) A( SOO C IH 2250 Farm King 84-'Bo' JD 100 JD 260 JD 840 Large Assoilmcnl ol Used I ioni I oadeis lot Most Makes of Fiaelors sprayers B( MOO gal lank on nailer Century 1000 gallon tandem axle sprayer Ceniurv 'OO gal Hardi 200 gal ' pi wilh boom Kinkeldei 'P 400 Spravei SOI) ga) naileT uop sprayers ‘SOO gal Precision danelcm axle I o Pro 46 Boom 200 &. 'OO Ctallon Spraytis 'pl ik. Irailer Sexual Mesers 'pi Ik ml SIDE RAKES & TEDDERS 1 ihi KH22 2 St ii leddci 1 alii 6 star leddci 1 ihr kh SIO kddu 4 Si u NH 2SS Si \e I il NM 256 SeXcl ll NI 404 Rakes CULTIPACKERS & SEEDERS C ise IHC S|()0 so\hean special drill double disc packu wheels VO Bullion oli single toll double 101 l (2) Bullion 1(1 pilekei seeders Bullion S packer secdei Bullion s packci sicdci Holland 1 A. 2 iow uansplaniei 1 pt pull Holland 2 se il ' Pt I Row Iranspl mici i iV2 Row Mceh mie il 1 1 mspl inters 1 pi pull upc JI) () giam dull Alike slump iHidei Bohe U "’"’s * Boheai OS A i I ) 00 Rock 1 lound Ochl 4600 Cich! SI 662 s JO 270 FORAGE HARVESTERS \C (rleailerilsl (N. I elsl used combines asst Ik ids Hesslotl/( ilcallel 7 I SO NH 752 Chopper Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 20, 2003-C3: WE SHIP PARTS BY FEDERAL EXPRESS DAILY Hours; 8-5 Mon. Sat. FORAGE HARV ESTER HEADS Hession IR 2R NH 824 2 Row Corn Head JO 2 Row N&W ASST I 2 OR 4 \ i Pt Plows Ounham 10 Shank C hisel High Clear I oid 101 U Plow Ford K IS) w/Spnng Resets Plow on Land Hitch Ini AI I Trip 14 Plow IHC 720 SX Auto Reset IH 4\ S Pt IH 720 A 4 & HS Bottom Reset w/Hillside Hitch Ini 710 6X 16 Btm Int 720 4X Reset w/Hillside Hitch ini 7106x18 Him w/Sidt Hill Hitch Kverneland 4X Spring Reset Semi Ml Kvcrneland 4\2 Bottom Plow MISCELLANEOUS Agn Metal Bedding choppa (2) Andeison Koek Piekei PIO Dmi Assi Used Ipt linish mowers Assorted ■'i b & 7 Pull Ispe Rotaiv Mowers Badger 1 pt h\d dn\en Hu Weeelel Hcko Hush Hog iA Woods limsh mowers 4 Benae I roru Snow Blower Bnllion 12 ( uliunukher Bush Hog 10 pull l\pe hiush hog Bush Hog 12 Brush Hon C arno W meh toi C ase Mo Degelrnan Koekpiekei 810 Dn\e Dual Wheels In V uious Si/es 1 nmh md ! KKOC luhgnndei H irustore Hereules unloadei Holland 2K i utile( liansphntu Holland W'aiei Wheel Piansphniei Hows 10 brush lion !H snowhlowei ID H\et tla\ Ihi nui i iviw nulliv itoi S ,ow lilllltO KOI om)| lUK 111 1 Pi lot ir\ l\pe moWels M\W id bile uniolh i Pipte Kunmnn (ieai vv/Hi ikes Stun/ I il D imp Koe k Pie ke I Skinne I \o Jill I lee I I ilW>| Idle I Stoll/kls Wet i Mile Spte lelel SloiH I I mipu s t \. Row 11 lio\ui Wtstuo Rot k IV kt i (2) Wit Round Halt I niolK r s Woods *OO ) niish Mouu i Woods fintsfi immu Woods 72 (Hill l\(H huish hoj * pi II ui muwLis u. ii strapa hladts issoiitd sia 6 S 10 11nit tV Itilili/ti spa idtis TINKERS ROW \!l Itoin s Nttd Kt pm lo Ht I itld Rtad\ Mar tin I quili/ti Manurt loidti M 40*> \( 7 4'' 4'j lid \l tlt 111 Ik d Rl\ I O idt I S\ / C Ih ll is \( H 1 ],it loi ( oIK t ini Vml iat I M 140 w/Id! .N !/Ii *This machine is in VG cond or has less than 1000 hrs of use 13 S| S ~S() u! | l sS SOO-S S 2 "Ml
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers