C: :26-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 20, 2003 Reach Your Full With The Case-IH 1200 Pivot Transport Planters from Hooter THE CASE-IH 1200 PLANTER HAS A TRANSPORT WIDTH OF ONLY 12* 6” *.*>** *w * Hoober Also Has An Excellent Selection Of Used Planters & Drills With Great Year-End Savings DRILLS C 24276 CIH 5100 24x6 B 44304 CIH 5100 24x6 Com/ D 50614 CIH 5300 B 45664 GP 15 NT A 25582 GP 24 Conv 38x7 5 B 24499 GP 30 NT 48x7 5 B 44384 GP 301 OP NT Precision n 50467 GP 3010 NT 3N B 46334 IH 5100 21x7 A 25660 KR 15' End Wheel W/ Cart C 32508 KR 5213 H A 25433 KR 5215 H 15 NT 24x7 5 A 25347 KR 5215 N 15 NT 24x7 5 A 26084 TYE 10 NT PLANTERS A 26002 JD 1750 6X30 B 45705 IH 800 8/30 B 44949 CIH 1240 12RN A 26143 CIH 900 6RN C 32356 CIH 955 6RN C 32296 JD 1750 6RN C 32184 IH 800 6RN D 50411 JD 1750 INTERCOURSE, PA 800 732-0017 (A) McALISTERVILLE, PA / n l 800 433-6679 (C) MIDDLETOWN, DE #„\ 800 341-4028 w SEAFORD, DE 800 843-3056 (D) B 44304 CIH 5100 Dull, 24x6 Conventional Double Disc Openers 3x13 Press Wheels A 25347 KR 5215 NT Dnll 24x7 5 C 32356 CIH 955-6 RN Planter Liquid 12 D/Dopenersl3 Coulters 4x12 Fert Makers 13 Openers 165'N0 Dipped Press Wheel Weight Bracket Till Coulters Early Riser Monitor 1000 RPW (6)125 Fertilizer Openers □TO ■ ■ HOOBER, INC. —* FOUR LOCATIONS - *3 t^s*asrr*. **•",-»*»*'.. «• *■ ■“* Poor seed-to-soil contact can result m uneven germination and emergen which can reduce corn yields by 10 to 20% (Purdue Ume s/f]4 The Cas. 1200 Planters give your seed the chance to deliver full yield potential Seed Placement Accuracy The Advanced Seed Meter (ASM) utilizes a larger diameter disc: that turns slowly and gives a more accurate and consistent seed drop The Case 1200 Planters also deliver superior spacing with all seed sizes Hoober has 12 Row and 16 Row Case-IH Pivot Transport Planters In Stock and Ready For Spring Delivery Call a Hoober Salesman Today! C 24276 CIH 5100 Onll 24x6 3 Press Wheels Tine and Basket Good Opener Blades Yield id to help you 'ivity objectives: Case-IH 1200 Planters ase productivity without A 25582 GP 24‘ Dnll Folding 38x7 5 Conventional 12 5 1 D/D Openers 2 Press Wheels Wlkbrd Field Ready Planter Unverferth Fertilizer Hrtch/Cart Liquid Fertilizer No-Till Coulters Trash Whippets Fertilizer Disc Openers Rawson Drives Markers Enhanced AFS Monitor Potential -* ''Jf • 12 Row and 16 Row Configurations • Advanced Seed Meter Technology (ASM) • Trailing, Pivot Transport Frame • Multiple Seed Varieties • Central Fill Seed Hopper • Liquid Fertilizer • Herbicide/lnsecticide • Variable Rate Hydraulic Drive • Low Profile, Triple Flat Hydraulic Markers • AFS Universal Display Monitor B 24499 1993 Great Plains 30* NT Drill 3 Press Wheels 48x7 5 Spacing New Openers C 321 841 H 800 6RN Com Planter W/Dry Fertilizer, 30 1 7 6x15 Dual Wheels, Insecticides W/Spreadeis 13K Com Openers Take Advantage Of 'ear-End Tax Advantages and Buy Now! •*V. lFm£r £513,200 A 25433 KR 5215H15' NT Dnll 24x7 5 New Double Disc Openers New Coulters 3' Press Wheels Seed Tubes Scrapeis Reid Ready C 32296 JD 1750-fiRN Planter W/Dry Fert Auger Row Mounted No Till Coulter 30" Spacing Cyl & Hoses Markers Monitor
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