Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 06, 2003, Image 18

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    AlB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 6, 2003
Direct Slaughter Cattle
Daily Market Review
S(. Joseph, Mo.
December 3,2003
Report Supplied Bj USDA
REVIEW as ot 2 pm Wednesday
Trade slow to light on light demand
Compared to last week, a fevv carlv dress
ed sales in Nebraska sold tulh stead\ at
162 00-16* 00. instances 165 00-166 00
Not enough sales in anv other region to
establish an adequate market trend 1 ast
established market in the South Plains
In e sales 100 00. and 10100-10* 00. most-
K 102 00 in the North Plains and Western
C ornhelt
Negotiated sales Continued 14,591,
Week ago 13,802,'l ear ago 7,009 Week
to Date 36,120, Week ago 199.025, car
ago 15,727
Negotiated Prices Paid for Domestic
Slaughter Steers and Heifers (Informa
tion derned from the 5 area weighted av
erage )
Choice no quote, 65-80% Choice
101 50-103 00 avg 102 57, 35-6571 Choice
no quote; 0-3591 Choice 100 00 Total all
giades 100-103 00 avg 101 89 DRESSED
BASIS Over 8091 Choice 162-165.00 avg
164 90; 65-80°! 160-166 00 avg 163 50;
35-65% Choice 160-166.00 avg 162.93,
0-359! Choice 163.00. Total all grades
160-166 00 avg 163 62.
Pmnsuhmla Cra*
lisaraßM Prairan
AGR-Lite Crop Insurance is Better than Ever!
Whole-farm revenue protection with a higher liability limit - $250,000
An additional coverage level/payment rate combination - 75/65
Contact a crop insurance agent today for additional information on the benefits
of AGR-Lite. A list of agents is available at
Pennsylvania encourages growers to have crop insurance protection as part of their farming
risk management plan.
Sponsored by the PA Department of Agriculture with cost share support from RMA/USDA.
Choice 105.00; 65-80% Choice 103.00.
35-65% 98-100 00 avg 98 78; 0-35%
Choice no quote Total all grades
98-105.00 avg 100.21 DRESSED BASIS.
Over 80% Choice 161.00; 65-80% Choice
160-166 00 avg 164 12; 35-65% 160-162 00
avg 161 49, 0-35% Choice no quote Total
all grades 160-166 00 avg 163 71.
tablished on previous reporting dav tor
slaughtered cattle Beel Tv pc Domestic
13.600 head, weighted avg weight 775 Ihs,
wtd avg net price 158 16
Coveis transactions reported at 2 (Ml
p m todav C omments and market condi
tions may include information gathered
from yoluntaiy sources, all prices, weights
and head counts arc only those gathered
through the mandatory reporting system
Slaughter Cattle
Weekly Review
Oklahoma City, Okla.
November 28, 2003
Report Supplied By USDA
MARY - Week Ending No\ember 28 - Com
pared to last week Slaughter cattle live basis
2 00 higher, dressed basis 3 00 higher Packers,
anticipating strong beef demand following the
Thanksgiving holiday, aggressively bought
available show lists Tuesday at the stronger lev
els despite the widening disparity between beef
and live values Current beef prices are moving
packer margins deep into the red Boxed beef
Protections for organic production
Enrollment Deadline for AGR-Lite is January 31.200
Dennis C Wolff
Secretary of Agriculture
\alues averaged of 15181 Fnday am down
511 from last Friday Sales of slaughter cattle
on a national basis for negotiated cash trades
were stong at 208,600 head through Friday a m
1 ast week's full count was 186,350 head
Midwest Direct Markets Live Basis Steers
and Heifers 15-80 percent ( hoice, 900-1400 lbs
9900-10500. wtd a\g 10171 Dressed Basis
Steers and Heifers 15-80 percent Choice
550 950 lbs 158 00-167 00. wtd a\g 161 45
High Plains Ducct Markets Iwe Basis
Suers and Heifers 15-65 percent C hoice
‘>oo-1400 lbs 97 00-102 00 wtda\g 99 97
Slaughter C ows and Bulls (A\cragc Yielding
Prices) Slaughter cows 1004 00 higher
Slaughter bulls I 00 higher Demand extremely
good as available numbers greatly reduced due
to mans auctions closing for fhanksgmng hoh
da\ from Wednesda\ through Saturday C nil
cow numbers expected to be sparse for sonic
time gi\en outstanding calf markets that will
prompt producers to hold all \iable cows cap
able of raising a calf USDA's Cutter cow car
cass cut-out \alue closed Wednesday at 104 81
up 1 01 from last Fndav
COWS Breakers 75-80% lean 1100-1600 lbs
Colorado 50 50-54 50 . Oklahoma 54 00-57 50.
Alabama, auctions closed for holiday week
Boners 80-85% lean 1000-1500 lbs Colorado
5100-53 50, Oklahoma 51 00-53 50, Alabama
no sales Lean 85-90% lean 950-1400 lbs Colo
rado 47 00-50 00. Oklahoma 50 50-52 00, Ala
bama no sales
BULLS 88-92% lean 1500-22001bs Colorado
60 00-62 00. Oklahoma 60 00-62 00, Alabama
no sale*
National Carlot
Meat Report
Des Moines, IA
December 2, 2003
Report Supplied Hy LiSDA
USDA Carlot Meat 4 00 Summary Com
pared to Prexious Day, Prices m Dollars per
hundredweight, Fquated to FOB Omaha Basis
BOXED BFI F C UTOUTS Boxed heef cut
out yalucs mostly higher on light to moderate
demand and mostly light offerings Select and
t hoice chuck and round cuts firm while loin
cuts higher Select rib cuts firm, while Choice
boneless nbeves sharply lower Beef trimmings
generally steady on moderate demand and of
1 stimated composite cutout value of C hoice
1 3 600-750 lbs carcasses up 1 12 at 162 86
7 5()-900 lbs dn (17 at 160 11. Select 1-3,600 750
lbs up 1 40 at 14 s * 91 750-900 lbs up 1 18 at
144 IS based on 78 62 loads of Choice cuts
92 29 loads of Select cuts 24 16 loads of trim
mings, and 69 22 loads of coarse ground trim
Estimated carcass price equivalent value of
Choice 1-3, 600 7SO lbs up 70 at 156 13,
750 900 lbs dn 08 at 154 33. Select 1-3,600-750
lbs up 83 at 138 47, 750-900 lbs up 70 at
1 37 47 Current index reflects the equivalent of
302,952 head of cattle
National 5 Dav-Rolhng C utter Cow Cutout
The Cutter cow carcass gross cutout value was
estimated at 107 56 up 1 90
By-Product Drop Value Hide and offal from
a typical slaughter steer was estimated at 10 03.
up 03
National Carlot Pork Sales reported on 105 3
loads of pork cuts and 45 0 loads of trinV
process pork Compared to Monday’s Close.
Fresh loins generally steady, butts mostly
1.00-3 00 lower,
<knd hams
00-4 00 higher.
11s bellies 14-16 lbs
00 higher, lean
■minings 3 00-5 00
igher Retail trad
ig light, with light
moderate de
.and and offerings
Processing items
traded moderate to
active, with good
demand and mod
erate offerings
Calculations for a
1 185 lb Pork Carcass
: 51-52 percent lean
0 80" -0 99” back
fat at last rib
55 93, up 1 ll
Loins bone in fresh l A inch trim 21 lbs down
light 87 00-90 00 Hams bone in trimmed, 17-20
lbs trim spec 1 53 00, 20-23 lbs trim spec 1
48 00-5100 Seedless bellies 12-14 lbs 80 00.
14-16 lbs 82 00,16-18 lbs 79 00
Carlot Carcass 5,991 head reported
50-40 lbs 187 00 - 187 00, 40-45 lbs 179 00 -
187 00. 45 50 lbs 179 00 - 201 00. 50-55 lbs
17800 187 00 55-60 lbs 178 00- 196 00, 60 65
lbs 178 00 196(H) 65-75 lbs 178 00 - 1%00
75 85 lbs 177 00 - 184 00. 85 Ibs/up 167(H) -
Weekly Cattle Summary Compared to last
week Feeder cattle and calves stead) to 500
higher, most advance on calves under 550 lbs
Demand remains very good for all classes Sup
ply mostly calves, however several more vear
lings involved han in past several weeks Calf
condition continues to improve with more long
term weaned calves and less short term weaned
Receipts (his week 7635, last week 3257. last
year 9095 Supply consisted of 465 f yearlings
and calves over 600 lbs, 47'f calves, l c /c cows
and bulls Heifers comprised 445 f percent of
feeder and calf supply
Prices follow with weighted average weight
and price in parenthesis
Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1 Calves
325-400 lbs (350 lbs) 130 00-141 00, thin 147 50
(138.56); 400-450 lbs (439 lbs) 122 50-134 00
(129 54), 450-500 lbs (467 lbs) 117 00-128 50
(123 34); 500-550 lbs (525 lbs) 11100-122 00
(116 13), 550-600 lbs (576 lbs) 10500-11650
(11032), 600-650 lbs (631 lbs) 102 50-111 50
(106 24), 650-700 lbs (678 lbs) 100 00 107 50
(103 30), 700-740 lb calces (726 lbs) 10100-
107 25 (104 82) \earhngs 600-700 lbs (650 lbs)
108 00-112 50 (110 95), 700-800 lbs (750 lbs)
10375-11075 (10763), 800-850 lb (823 lbs)
100 00-106 00(101 19),900 1b59685
Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1 Calves
300-350 lbs (334 lbs) 12000-123 50 (122 15),
350-400 lbs (383 lbs) 119 00-123 00 (120 52),
thin 365 lbs 126 00, 400-450 lbs (422 lbs)
111 50-119 00 (114.23), 450-500 lbs (475 lbs)
106 00-11175 (110 09), 500-600 lbs (550 lbs)
97 00-105 00 (10132), 600-650 lbs (617 lbs)
97 50-102.50 (100 41), 650-700 lbs (674 lbs)
93 50-9900(96 95) Yearlings 500-600 lbs (550
lbs) 102 50-108 00 (103 68), 600-700 lbs (650 lbs)
98 75-104 00 (10161), 700-800 lbs (750 lbs)
95 50-99 75 (97 02), 815 lbs 96 75,965 lbs 90 25,
Every Thursday at 12 NOON
Vintage Sales
Stables, Inc.
(Rt. 30, Paradise, PA)
For more information
Oklahoma Feeder
Cattle Weekly
Oklahoma Cite, OK
December 3. 2(103
Report Supplied ll> USDA