SAT. NOV. 29 - SAM Real Strausstown, Berks Co. Estate, antiques, furni- "A. Farm equip. Poultry tore, collectibles, machin- equip. Misc. Household, erv, covered surrey at Leiby Auct. L#AUOOS4I-L. 1055 Lisburn Rd., 610-562-3929. Wellsville, York Co., PA, SAT. NOV. 29 - 9 AM by Mike Stermer Neale's Orchards 1 mi. #002959L 717-292-2855. West of Glassboro, NJ. SAT NOV. 29 - SAM Farm Equip, tractors, PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2003 10:00 A.M. 4 Case IH iate model low hour tractors; Case 1H & JD com bine, Tillage & Planting equipment; Trucks, Dump Trailer, Backhoes & Snap-On Tools. LOCATION: R.R. #3, Box 258 A Frankford, DE (Gumtree Road), when traveling on U.S. Route 113 turn west onto Gumtree Road (behind Bailey’s Seafood) first farm on the left. IVactors: Case 111 MX 270 MFWD with duals front and back (only 865 hrs.) (with 10 year 10,000 hour warranty); Case IH MX 240 MFWD with duals front and back (only 1642 hrs.) (with 10 year 10,000 hour warranty), Case IH 7130 MFWD with duals and 4 reverses (only 2704 hrs.), Case IH MX 120 2 wd (only 850 hrs.) 18.4x38 snap-on duals (like new). Combines: Case 1H2388 4wd combine and AFS yield monitor with 20.8x42 duals (1070 engine hrs., 832 rotor hrs.), Case IH 1020 25ft. grain table; JD CTS II 4 wd with chaff spreader and green star (1291 engine hrs., 915 sep hrs.), JD 922 grain with Poly Snouts (serial no. 675916), (Note: combines and grain tables will be offered separate and then together), 2) Unverferth HT 25 header carts, Header cart, JD 893 Cornhead (poly snouts). Trucks & Trailers: 1984 Ford 9000 single axle truck tractor, 1987 Chevy Tiilmaster with 16 ft dump body (diesel), 1984 FruehaufTri-Axle dump trailer 36 ft. tub, 38 ft frame, 40ft flat bed grain trailer with steel sides and tail gate. Sprayer & Backhoe: Wilmar 765 self-propelled sprayer with 600 gallon tank and foam markers (200 hrs. on new JD motor), Transport trailer for sprayer. Cat 416 4wd. backhoe with canopy. Planting & Tillage Equipment: Case IH 3950 29 ft. disc, (used 1 year), KMC 25ft/3ph field cultivator with rolling baskets, Ferguson 22 ft. hyd fold 3ph chisel plow, Ferguson 18ft./3ph chisel plow. JD 7240 8 row/15 row vacuum planter, Case IH 5400 15 ft/no-till drill. Unferverth 5000 grain cart (like new), Bush Hog CR2OF 20 ft. batwing mower, J&M 350 SD Auger wagon with extensions on 13 T running gear (approximately 500 bushels). 2) 55 fertilizer tenders on 6072 Corey running gear. Wilmar fertilizer spin spreader. 2) Chandler 22 ft. litter spreaders (nice), Brillion 9 shank V ripper. Case IH 7 shank V ripper. Ferguson PTO ditcher, Roanoke G-195 Bush axe, Woods RB 1010 hyd. blade, Brillion 8 row hyd-fold Styne cultivator. MF 880 8 bottom onland plows, JD 450 7 bottom semi-mount plows; MF 880 4 bottom semi-mount plows; 500 gal. KMC chicken house washer; 3ph soil sampler, Poly Nuse tanks; IH ground driven spreader. Snap-On Tools, Other tools & Miscellaneous: Snap-on 8 drawer roll around tool box; Snap-On 5 drawer top box; Snap-On 1 3/4, 1 13/16, 1 11/16, 1 7/8, 2 inch wrenches; Snap-On 13 piece metric wrench set; Snap- On line wrenches; Snap-On screwdrivers; Snap-On 1/4 inch drive socket set; Snap-On snap ring pliers; impact screwdrivers, Snap-On & Mac ratchet head wtenches. Blue Point 5 piece ratchet wrench set; Snap-On 1/2 inch drive .socket set; 1/2 in. Snap-On flexhead ratchet; Snap-On 1/2 inch deep sockets; 1/4 inch sockets; Snap-On pry bars; Blue Point air drill; Campbell air ratch et, New metric tap & die set; Craftsman 3/4 in. socket set, Mateo 8 drawer tool box; hammers; Snap-On extensions; Allen wrenches; Snap-On box end wrenches; hammers; impact screwdrivers; KD tool 1000 lb torque wrench; KD tool 420 lb. torque wrench; MAC compression gauge; pipe wrenches; Emglyo 5.5 hp gas argon press 5500 watt generator (gas), brass fittings; hitch pins; equipment jacks; Boesh electric jack hammer; valves and couplers; 2 man saw; front fenders for Ford 8970; New sieve for NHTR97, and other miscellaneous items. TERMS: Cash or approved checks day of sale. AUCTIONEER: Selling For: Sam Walters, 111 BRUCE RICKARDS (302) 284-4619 (302) 436-5723 Not Responsible For Accidents Auctioneer’s Note: A very nice sale of mostly late model low hour equip ment, make plans to attend. Major equipment will be on location by 12/8/03. Offering For Neighbor: Case 5808 backhoe, 1926 Model T frame, Bush Hog turf hog roth 72. compressors, saws, trail--nan's Corners, Ler ers, etc. Lee M. Fox Auct. avsville, by Shamrock 856-478-6225. Auct. AU-116 570-833- SAT. NOV. 21 Beautiful 10 acre reaISAT. NOV. 29 -10 AM real estate w/fantastic viewsestate, farm equip, pers. of Eastern Lycoming Co.,prop, at Martin Rd., Mattson Disperal, JO Greene, NY by Manasse diesel gator, lawn equip, Auct. 607-692-4540 or 1- guns, beautiful furn, etc. 800-MANASSE at 7 mi. E. of Muncy Pa Auct. Co. Inc SAT. NOV. 29 -10 AM Absolute Auction, 35 -- acre farm, 255 Bethlehem SAT. NOV. 29 - 9:3OAM Church Rd., Red Lion. Farm machinery auction, Bradley K. Smith, #B6O, tractors, equip, tools, 717-927-6949. misc. at Dublin Mills Rd., Fulton Co., PA by Lyle E. Reed Auct. AU746L, 814- 685-3328. SAT. NOV. 29 -10 AM RE w/70+ ac, & personal property for Thelma B. Coleman Estate at Cole- SAT. NOV. 29 - 10;30AM Auction Sale, Ebensburg Auto Auction, Ebens burg. Wayne Templeton, AU-001110-L, 814-472- 6029. SAT. NOV. 29 -11 AM Real estate/dwelling, 41 acres wooded lancl w/private dwelling & modular dwelling at 3 mi. west of McVeytown, PA along Rt. 22-522, by Mark Click Auct. AU349-L, 717-667- 3795. SAT. NOV. 29 -11 AM 4 tracts valuable woodland Zimmerman at W.L. Sons, 3610 Old Phila. Pk. (Rt. 340) Intercourse, PA, by Robert E. Martin & Sons 656-7770. DECEMBER WED. DEC. 3 - 6;3OPM Toys & collectibles at 100 W. Jackson St., New Hol land, PA by Diffenbach Auct. AHOOOI4SL 717- 355-7253. WED. DEC. 3 - 7PM O'Brien Real Estate Auc tion, 101 E. Woodlawn Ave., Elkland, Tioga Co. Randy Jelliff Auction Ser- 0 SPECIAL AUCTION DELMARVA DEERE [ni DEALERS AUCTION TRACTORS, COMBINES, TILLAGE EQUIPMENT, LAWN & GARDEN SAT., DECEMBER 6, 2003 @ 9:00 a.m. LOCATION: Taylor & Messick, Inc., 325 Walt Messick Road, Harrington, DE 19952. 302-398-3729 (day) 302-398-4145 (evening). TRACTORS: ID 8100 FWD; JD 4960 FWD; JD 4850 FWD; ID 7810 FWD, 2200 hrs.; JD 4630; JD 4250 2WD; JD 4020 SC; JD 3020; JD 4320 w/cab; JD 4320 w/loader; JD 4020 (1964); JD 4230 w/cab 2WD; JD 4240, one owner, 9300 hrs.; JD 4020 (1971), one owner, very rare, nice; JD 3020 SC; 586 Case forklift 2WD, real nice, 1034 hrs.; Case 1290 w/loader 2WD; CIH 5240 w/cab 2WD, 1535 hrs.; IH 275 w/cult. & 3 pt. hitch; IH 140 w/6 ft. Woods belly mower; CIH 685 w/2250 loader, real sharp; JD 2840 RG w/canopy; JD 2630; Case 2390, 4920 hrs.; MF 255 w/MF loader. COMPACTS: JD 650 2 WD, 3100 hrs.; JD 790 4WD, 230 hrs.; JD 750, 1077 hrs., 2WD w/AG tires; JD 755 hydro w/mower; JD 250 skid steer. IMPLEMENTS: Woods 6 ft. landscape rake; 455 Drill w/markers 25 ft.; (2) Woods RM 660 mowers; (2) JD 6 row 7000 planters w/dry fert.; (3) JD 15 ft. roe hoes; JD 201 imp. carrier; 15 ft. UN Perfecta; KMC 19 ft. fold 3 pt. field cult.; JD 7100 8-row soybean special planter, all rebuilt; CIH 720 plows, 5 btm. & 6 btm.; 6 Shank zone builder; CIH 3900 disk 7 1/2” space 26 ft.; IH 490 disk 22 ft.; CIH ripper 9 shank; Glenco soil saver 9 shank; Befco post hole digger w/9” auger; JD 10 btm. plow; JD 14 ft. rotary cutter; MC flail mower 15 ft.; JD 643 C head; JD 920 platform; Rolling harrows, 22 ft., 27 ft., 31 ft., 33 ft.; JD 5 btm. & 6 btm. plows; JD 6000 sprayer; 5 Gravity body wagons; Chem Farm 725 gal. tank on wheels; JD 25 ft. S-tine field cult.; JD 10 ft. pull type disk; 12 ft. Pull type field cult.; Woods 15 ft. Bat Wing mower; IH 15 ft. flail mower; JD 1418 mower; 7 ft. & 14 ft. Chisel plow 3 pt. type; (3) JD 12 row cult.; New Brillion 5 shank ripper; 23 ft. C foot pack er; New Woods 6000 mower; JD 980 field cult. S-tine 18’4” w/4 1/2” space; JD 1518 Bat Wing mower, like new; Brillion 6 row cult.; Wood chipper PTO type; 40 KW PTO generator; JD 1600 C plow 3 pt. 12 ft.; JD 7200 6 row planter; like new, 275 Auger wagon w/tarp; Tyler sprayer 60 ft. boom, JD engine, 2860 hrs., Model Patriot XL. COMBINES: JD 9600 4WD duals 3500 E 1990; JD 9500 4WD 3620 hrs.; JD 7720 2WD field ready w/218; JD 6600 w/16 ft. field ready; MF 8460 combine 9650 platform 20 ft., 2656 hrs., one owner shed kept. LAWN & GARDEN: Several push mowers; Craftsman; JD GlOO w/54” cut; (2) JD 665; JD 757; JD 445 w/60” cut, 1212 hrs., nice; (2) JD 4x2 gators w/warr, like new; More mowers will be here, still trading, late addition, new alum. L & G trailer. . All items marked with A means Absolute. This is only a partial listing. Many items coming in daily. Be here early! All items are subject to being sold prior to day of sale. Be here early, we will be starting @ 9:00 a.m., selling an assortment of toys, some old, some new, some still in original boxes, some of these are very rare, so do not miss them!! Consignment deadline December 3rd @ 4:00 P.M. TERMS: Cash, certified check, cashier’s check, or check with current letter of credit from your bank or letter from Mid Atlantic Farm Credit ACA call 1-800-573-3028. All Equipment Sold “As Is-Where Is” with NO expressed or implied warranties unless announced otherwise by auctioneer the day of sale. Tractors to be sold at approx. 2:00 P.M. ★♦♦Only authorized handicapped vehicles allowed on property*** Wilson’s Auction Sales, Inc. Dave Wilson, Auctioneer & Sales Manager K. Wade Wilson, Customer Service Representative (302) 422-3454 FAX (302) 422-0462 For photos & detailed listing visit our website at ♦***Lunch Served By Burrsville Ruritan Club**** For More Information Contact Jimmy Messick at (302) 398-3729 (day) or (302) 398-4145 (evening) Not Responsible For Accidents Or Items After They Are Sold! Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 29, 2003-827 vice, AU1548-L, 570-835- „~ — 0 ... ,77- Auctioneer, 834 Wallace 4214. _ SAT. DEC. 6 - BAM 100+ New Holland, PA tractors, equip, tools, 17557; Home 717-354- construction, 83 g 7; Barn 717-354-6431. {cTnn^rialp h,C o e n' SAT DEC - 6 ’ 9:3OAM between faneytown MD LuckenbiM Dispersal Gan- Dive^s 7&3& 941 ' loader, farm mach* 0076 vehicles, trucks, lots of “ s smalls & house items, SAT. DEC. 6-9 AM Farm a f C- jjy Fraley Auct. Co. 8 1 construction equip- | nc RY7IL S, h |fq a u V i V datfon l s i9 & SATOEae -10 AM Farm consignments. 6502 Bar- U ™„'J ber Hill Rd. Geneseo, NY. Grayrock Rd Clinton "SimS" o '"'- lnc - 585 ‘ Siio'ira ua THURS., DEC. 4 -10 AM Supermarket, bakery,deli, and meat market equip ment at 270 Main St. Harfeysville, PA. Super market Equipment Resale 1-800-233-1860. THURS. DEC. 4 -11 AM Construction, contrac tor's, heavy equip. & vehicles at 151-45 6th Rd, Whitestone, NY, by Col. Steve Sitar & Co. AU-2124-L 570-586-1397. FRI. DEC. 5 -11 AM 70 cow dairy from Albany Co. NY by Mel Hoover Auct. AUOO3III-L. FRI. & SAT. DEC. 5 & 6 - 3PM & SAM. Benefit auc tion, accepting livestock, equipment, furniture, antiques, etc. Middleburg Livestock Auction, 570- 658-8706, AU-867L. FRI. DEC. 5 - 6PM Horse Sale, New Holland Sales Stables, Inc., 61L, 717- 354-4342. SAT. DEC. 6 - Catalogued antiques & collect, auc tion by Ziegler Auct. AHOBI-L 717-533-4267. SAT. DEC. 6 - SAM Trac- SAT. DEC. 6 - 9AM lawn/garden/tools, HH tors. Antiques, Equip- Antiques, tools, HH 4860 Homeville ment, etc. Rt. 194 goods, real estate, 9 Glen Rd-, Cqchranville, Upper between Taneytown & Brook Rd., Leola, PA, Oxford Twp., Chester Co., Littlestown. McGrew Robert E. Martin Auction- PA by Barr Davis Auct, Equipment Inc. 717-428- -eers, 717-656-7770. AU)0242_2 L,_AU002421- 09227 U 717-442-9221. SAT. DEC. 6 - BAM Large Estate Tool Liquidation Auction, Chanceford Community Kali, Brogue, York Co. Sechrist Auc tioneers, AU-000820-L, 717-244-0295. SAT DEC 6-9 AM - 999 SAT, DEC 6 10AM South Market StWilm- r m “" B ington DE. Trucks, Tools, Parts, Testing Equip., etc. w-n ar^_^v qu P ® s r ' ® tc ’ 1 o 1 t James Vance, Wilming- «.. R ' P^ s l?v ™l 9 A"quie^%69 Y SAT. DEC. 6 - 9AM Trac- g 421 Louie. C °awn&aarden 9 at SAT.' DEC. 6 ~ 10AM Tavlor' & Messick Inc Mountville Rd., 32b Walt Messfck Rd"’ Adamstown, MD. Farm Harrington, DEf by Wil- Tractprs Farm Equip. MS: SAT. DEC. 6 - 9AM Farm 0340 equip absolute auction & misc. at New Parts, IN, SAT DEC. 6 -10 AM Viet. Jet. US 6 & SR 15, Polk home on 8/10 acre lot, Auct. Ctr, 800-795-8501. antiques, turn, glass. SAT. DEC. 6 - SAM Public Real Estate Auction, 217 SAT DEC. 6 -11 AM Real Spies Church Rd„ Read- Estate, 244 ac. Cumber ing. Gary Hauseman land Co. farm in 2 parcels Auct. AU3OB6L, 610-987- along Longs Gap Rd„ 6446. Carlisle, PA, by Pae Fort na Auct. AU-1711-L 717- 867-4451. SAT. DEC. 6 - 9AM Mel’s Stables Horse Sales - SAT, DEC. 6 - 11 AM Annual garage door sale at Washington Co. Fair § rounds, 2151 N. Mam t, Little Washington, PA, & SUN. DEC. 7 - 1 PM at Bedford Co. Fairgrounds, Beford, PA. Owner: Shoff Door Co. Auct; Jack Goodbar AU-003575R 937-325-5033. SAT DEC. 6 -11 AM Deutz tractor, equip., shop, h.h. auction for Estate of Roland X. Martin, Cohoc ton, NY, by Pirrung Auct. 585-728-2520. SAT, DEC. 6 - I:3OPM Christmas auction, stuffed animals, misc. toys, hunting equipment, sporting goods, tools at Elizabethville Banquet Center. Keys Equipment AU37O2L and AU37I9L, 717-692-4234 and 717- 896-3455. MON. DEC. 8 - 10 AM 1- Story brick home on nice lot, antiques, HH goods, Ertl truck banks, adv. match cover collection, 2001 Ford Focus. 924 Rol ridge Ave., Lancaster, PA Miller & Siegrist (717)687-6857 AU-1723L. MON. DEC. 8 - 5:30 PM Carousel horse, oak fur niture, mineral collection, vintage clothing by Freight Station Auct. 717- 944-6537. TUES. DEC. 9 - Christmas goat, lamb & sheep sale, receiving begins at 9AM until SPM; at Carlisle Livestock Market Inc., 548 Alexander Spring Rd., Carlisle, PA; Mkt. pn. 717- 249-4511. THURS. DEC. 9 - Lumber & building supplies, 109 N. Maple Ave., Leola. Wolgemuth Auction, 717- 656-2947. TUES. DEC. 9 -10 AM 76.7 acre farm at 8992 Bosley Rd., Stewartstown, York Co., PA, farm mach, pers. prop, by Randal V. Kline, #499, 717-733-1006. TUES. DEC. 9 -11 AM 265 Holstein cows & 115 heifers, exceptionally clean, high quality herd! By Cattle Exchange, 607- 746-2226. TUES. DEC. 9 - 3PM 13.5 acre real estate, "1764 Benedict & Anna Eschel man Homestead" at 695 Green Hill Rd., Conesto ga Twp, Lane. Co. PA, by Horst Auct. 717-871-0936. DEC. 10 - 9AM Public auct. for Capital Self Stor age. Call for locations. B.J. Jennings AU-003910 717-268-0020. WED. DEC. 10 - 10:30 AM Antique Auct. of Hit & Miss eng., barber pole, glass, guns, furniture at Gallery on Rt. 414 W, Lib erty (Tioga Co.), PA, by Donald Roan AU-00077&- L 570-324-2813.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers