Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 29, 2003, Image 49
Link Between Diet And Chronic Disease Why does increasing nutrition education in the schools, the vari ety and overall consumption of fruits, vegetables, and dairy foods, and amount of student physical activity so strongly im pact good health? Why are we ■■■■ ■ Hl^^SH «?' 1 Glasses & Tools SOQQ9S -* £99 srp Chain Saws Bnaasia ' 18” Bar Available at these servicing dealers Abbottetown Eohrata Ronks MESSICK'S WES STAUFFER A & B SALES 7401 Lincoln Hwv.Rte.3oE ENGINES A EQUIPMENT & SEWICE . _ 23 Pteaunt Valley Rd. 370 Newport Road 717-2SO-Ml7 000-205-0225 717-730-4215 2 Milaa South ot Rt. 23 Along 772 Thru Monterey Allentown LEHIGH AG EG. INC. 8670 Rupptville Rd. 610-398-2553 1-800-779-3616 Carlisle TRI-BORO CONSTRUCTION SUPPLIES 1490 RITNER HWY. 1-800-248-6590 Dallastown TRI-BORO CONSTRUCTION SUPPLIES 435 Locust St. 717-246-3095 1-800-632-9018 East Earl GOODS LAWN & GARDEN CENTER Route 23 717-445-4490 Elizabethtown MESSICK’S 187 Merts Drlvf (Rheems exit of Rt. 283] concerned with these objectives? The research is convincing that by meeting these goals we will be decreasing the risk of the major chronic diseases affecting Ameri cans now and for our youth in the future: coronary heart dis ease, cancer. Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity. -TIBBrS RENTALS » PLUS EQUIPMENT CO. Gap: 717-442-8970 Rt. 501 I 1/2 Miles South of Quarryvllle: 717-786-2221 Schaelferatown, PA 717-949-6817 Hummels Wharf HUMMEL’S TEXACO Rt. 11 & 15 570-743-7459 Palmyra HERR’S REPAIR SHOP RD2, Box 115 A 717-838-1549 Peach Bottom A.K. SAW SHOP 214 Peach Bottom Road Peauea DREXEL AUTO SUPPLY 333 Stelnmsn Farm Road 717-284-2916 Reamstown EAGLE >wn Shlppensburq CEDAR GROVE FARM STORE 1120 Ritner Hwy. 717-532-7571 Waynesboro QUINCY HARWARE & RENTAL CENTER 7421 Anthony Hwy. 717-749-3853 Hagerstown. MD EBY’S LAWN & GARDEN 16409 Falrview Road 301-733-4158 Cockeysvllle MD SUBURBAN SALES 10757 York Rd. 410-785-2277 The following is a summary of some current scientific research linking a poor diet and chronic disease: Did You Know? • Only an average of 33-36 percent of children in the U.S. consume the recommended min imum number of servings (5) of fruits and vegetables, and dairy (3) based on USDA’s Food Guide Pyramid. • Nationally the percentage of overweight children aged 6-18 has tripled in the last 30 years, doubled in the last 20 years, and is now at 15 percent. • Nearly one-third of all chil dren aged S-10 have one cardiac risk factor, elevated blood choles terol, high LDL, high triglyce rides (artery clogging fats in the blood), elevated insulin levels. 61 percent of overweight children have one cardiac risk factor, 27 ___ percent have two risk fac- I tors. • Eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables is asso ciated with lower body weight. They provide fiber and a feeling of fullness. • Fruits and vegetables contain natural plant chemi cals; many protect our body’s cells from cancer and heart disease. Try adding new kinds and colorful varieties for taste and their protective t BUNK BEDS' % \ | Sculptured or Natural Pine i Your Choice l J afarfa Mlatiiiima Av s™9e ! arfi $639.95 ; 1 JhVI Cash Price i PfY\ nVT $299.95 ; t , CLOSEOUT *1 49°* J 9 pc. Bedroom Set Black & Brass w/Nightstand ■ II Mp Reg. Ret. I $1229.95 J I Caeh Price • $449.95 1 . CLOSEOUT $ 369 M J '' f~ 7 Pine jewelry '» r - tgeymsf', Armoire ■ ■Sj Reg. Ret. $989.95 ! ■Tfm Cash Price $499.95 | ; RjS' CLOSEOUT ! L *259“ / '' V DRAWER CHEST' ~ \ Pine Finish i'pi ■ Reg. Rat. $149.95 WTLZ-J ! Caeh Price $89.95 UZZLJ | FACTORY ■ J SPECIAL » — I l *39 M / *' SECTIONAL N Loveseat, Center Console, Side-by-Side ) i Recliners, Sofa w/Hide-a-bed • 1 rT'T'M ' f rr r r, f>v-i—- Rea. Ret. I i $3,399.95 | I 1 r —ll3-CVr I Caeh Price | I $1,949.95 J CLOSEOUT *1,169“/ 'GLIDER ROCKER RECLINER SPECIAL'', j Rso. Rst. $149.95 Cash Pries $129.95 SPECIAL *79°* t' FUTON BUNK BED Twin/Doubla Conns in Black or White Swith 8" Futon Mattress Rag. Ret. $8(9.96 Cash Price $329.95 ► CLOSEOUT *249 M Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 29, 2003-B5 qualities to your meals and snacks. • Dairy foods contain calcium and Vitamin D, essential for chil dren to eat now while they are growing and to protect against the bone-thinning disease os teoporosis later in life. Adequate dietary calcium may also protect against colon cancer. • The rate of Type 2 diabetes in Pennsylvania is exploding—the major causes are overweight and physical inactivity. • Penn State University re search shows children need to be exposed to new foods, especially vegetables, 10-12 or more times before they will accept them, and to decrease pickiness as well. Holiday Fun And Foods SPRINGFIELD (Delaware Co.) Get a head start on the holidays with an afternoon or evening of great holiday foods and ideas to make holiday enter taining easy. Hors d’oeuvres, sal ads, desserts and holiday gifts will be prepared with audience participation. Tips on surviving the holidays with less stress and at the same weight you started will also be given. Dining Set '> 36x60 Almond Polyester Table | Jx , at 4 Chairs i a a i*l Reg. Ret. 1 a* s - 9 ? ! Y; , i>rl ' Ceeh Price . 1 " $329.95 It, _ CLOSEOUT M 49 04 / Computer Desk . P-TL-, Reg. Ret. $509.95! nßar Cash Price $289.95 | CLOSEOUT $ 79“ I -» WAV UNDER WHOLESALE «- Computer De»k w/fiie ''' fSN CLOSEOUT *99“ I -ft UNDER WHOLESALE 4- SOFA' ft loveseat' All Velvet, WoodTnm ) Caeh Price $889.95 | CLOSEOUT *569“ v Sectional Special 2 Different Colors [ CLOSEOUT *499“ SOFA ft LOVESEAT Buff or Forest j Reg. Ret. $1549.95 ■ Cash Price j CLOSEOUT $ 549 M ; How can schools and parents help? • Many Penn State Extension Family Living Educators are working with the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Pennsyl vania Advocates of Nutrition and Physical Activity, schools and community partners to improve school-aged child health. Family Living Educators offer a variety of health-promoting programs in all counties. Contact your local educators for more information in your area. Together we can improve the health of families and youth in Pennsylvania. Classes will be conducted Thursday, Dec. 4 from 1 p.m.-3 p.m. or 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. at the Environmental Center in Smed- ley Park in Springfield. To register, send $6 to Oela- ware County Cooperative Exten- sion, 20 Paper Mill Road, Smed- ley Park, Springfield, PA 19064. (/ ' ’ ’futon CLOSEOUT Comes w/8 Futon j Reg. Ret. $639.95 1 Cash Price $259.95i ‘ CLOSEOUT s i 39 95 ; Christmas' Special Nj fjfyz. Buy your gift now jj i - 4 save money - i| ■ t ■ ■ - while they last! . | ■ ■ ■ Reg. Ret. $599.95 |j ■I _ - Cash Price $339.95 [ L* I ■*”*' 1 Closeout $169.95' ' "SECTIONAL H Reverse Chaise Lounge Can put |9p on Left or Right side JM Reg. Ret. $2600.00 Cash Price $1049.95|3 CLOSEOUT $ 849 95 1 Reg. Ret. $549.95 { Cash Price $279.95 1 /Computer Desk w/Hutches'^ I Reg. Ret. $699.95 - ' Cash Price $389.95 I. CLOSEOUT ■ s l49 »s r 7 pc. DINING ROOM \ 1 tmtSii B Bf H Double Pedestal Table 11 ■ * saJH 6 Side Chairs ! ! Beg. Ret. $1999.951! Cash Price $849.95)! x CLOSEOUT $ 599 95 J\ -» UNDER WHOLESALE#- / I