Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 29, 2003, Image 4
A4-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 29, 2003 LANCASTER FARMING ♦STAFF* LANCASTER FARMING 49th Year of Publication P.O. Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 (717)626-1164 Fax. (717) 733-6058 Andy Andrews, Editor (717)721-4425 Lou Ann Good, Food and Family Features Editor (717) 721-4428 Charlene M. Shupp Espenshade, Staff (717) 721-4426 Dave Lefever, Staff (717)721-4427 Michelle Kunjappu, Sections Staff (717)626-1164 Lynn Rossi, Market Staff Millie Bunting, Market Staff iPONDENTS Joyce Bupp, York Co. Seven Valleys (717)428-1865 Carolyn Moyer, Bradford Co. Tioga ft Susquehanna Roaring Branch (570) 324-2482 Linda Williams, Bedford Co. and Blair Bedford (814)623-5745 Deanna Cunfer, Carbon Co. Lehighton (610) 377-3749 Sandra Lepley, Somerset Co. Meyersdale (814) 634-1427 Gay Brownlee, Harrisonburg, Virginia (540) 833-2675 Brian Snyder, Centre Co. Millheim (814) 349-9856 Beth Miller, Cumberland Co. Newville (717) 776-6571 SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Subscription Price; $37.00 per year; $67.00- 2 years $48.00 per year outside of: PA, NJ, MD, DE, NY, OH, VA & WV $89.00 - 2 Years Non-Refundable Lancaster Farming (ISSN 0023-7485) is published weekly for $37.00 per year; $67.00 - 2 years by Lancaster Farming, P.O. Box 609 1 E. Main Street, Ephrata, PA 17522. Periodicals postage paid at Ephrata, PA 17522. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to LANCASTER FARMING, 1 East Main Street, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 Telephone Lititz (717) 626-1164 Ephrata (717) 733-6397 Lancaster (717) 394-3047 FAX 717-733-6058 (717)721-4412 (717)721-4411 For address change form or new subscription see near Mailbox Markets. Members of National Association Of Agricultural Journalists Pa Newspaper Publishers Association, Circulation: and National Newspaper Association. National Advertising Representative J.L. Parmakis, Inc. Phone (203) 966-1746 PUBLISHER’S LIABILITY FOR ERROR Lancaster Farming is protected by federal copyright statute. No part of this newspaper may be broadcast, reproduced or republished in any form or by any means without the prior, written permission of our General Manager. The advertiser agrees that Lancaster County Weeklies, Inc. shall not be liable by reason of any error, omission and/or failure to insert an ad, or any part of an ad, beyond liability for the value of actual space occupied by the ad or item in which the error, omission and/or failure to insert occurred. Lancaster County Weeklies, Inc. reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement at any time. NON REFUNDABLE Delmarva Broiler/Fryer ATLANTA, CrA. November 25,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Movement of ready-to-cook whole birds was seasonal and no better than fair. Offerings were adequate and hi generally good balance. Live supplies were moderate; weights were mostly desirable to light. Processor schedules were moderate. Less than trucklot asking prices were unchanged at 61 to 71 cents. Trade sentiment was mostly steady. In the parts complex, wings were adequate to well cleared. Leg items were adequate; breast cuts were fully adequate. AC TUAL SLAUGHTER WEEK ENDING Will 2003 WAS 9,835,358 5.55 LBS. ESTIMATED SLAUGHTER OF BROILER/FRYERS IN DELMARVA (000) ESTIMATED ACTUAL AVG. WEIGHT ACTUAL AVG. WEIGHT IVjS l'/bl V/A 11/18 11/14 2.204 1,857 5.46 2,171 5.34 BROILER/FRYER CURRENT NEGOTI ATED PRICES FOR IMMEDIATE DELIV ERY INCLUDES MOSTLY MULTIPLE DROP SHIPMENTS OF BRANDED AND WING TAGGED TO NEW YORK CITY FROM DELMARVA. BRANDED U.S. GRADE A RANGE 59-75 WEIGHTED AVERAGE 63 76 NO. OF BOXES 8,902 Livestock Cooperative Auction Market Of North Jersey Poultry & Eggs Hacketlslown, NJ. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, November 25,2003 HEAVY FOWL .40-.75, LOO EA. LEGHORN FOWL .3S-.55,1.00 EA. MIXED FOWL .65,2.75 EA. BROILERS .55-.70. PULLETS 2.00-6.25 EA. GEESE 4.50 EA. BANTAMS .25-4.25 EA. ROOSTERS .20-1.00, .50-4.00 EA. DUCKS .35-1.35,2 75-3.50 EA. RABBITS 1.10-1.30. PIGEONS 1.50-5.00 EA. GUINEAS 4 00-6.00 EA. GRADE A EGGS; WHITE JUMBO, EX. URGE. 1.27-1.50, LARGE 1.34-1.39, MED. .68; BROWN JUMBO, EX. LGE. 1.00-1.50, LARGE .95-1.20, MED. .90. INDEX Four Sections FEATURES HOME & YOUTH House Rejects A 1 Home On The Range B 6 TVout Deal A 1 Cook’s Question B 8 Va At Kid’s Korner 810 Va. Preserve Ag7.‘.'.'.'.!‘.!'."!’.’"!lA2B *°“ *sk, You Answer 812 Sheep Milk ..... . A 32 «*,FFANews 313 Md. Fair A 3« nF.PABTMFNTS Chester Dairy Goats .A 36 Editorial AlO Franklin Holsteins A 36 F arm Calendar AlO Holiday Ideas B 2 Bible Speaks AlO Women Run Farm Futures Al 6 Blair 4-H Banquet 81l Mailbox Markets Peanut Butter Heritage 817 Antiques Center 817 Antiques Register 821 Antiques Reports 822 COLUMNS Sale Reports 826 Now Is The Time AlO Public Auction Register 826 Woodland News A3B Business News C 3 On Being A Farm Wife B 3 Classified Ads C 5, D 2 Family Living Focus B 5 DAIRY Ida’s Notebook B 9 Dairy One Herds 825 Antiques Detective 820 Focus On Dairy A3B Graystone Small Animal Sale, LLC Root’s, East Petersburg Report Supplied By Auction Tuesday, November 25,2003 Muacovy Drakes .90-.95, Hens .BS-.95. Pekin Ducks 3.50-4.25 ea. Red Fowl 4-5 lbs. .50-.60,5-6, .50-.90. Crossbred Fowl 5-9 lbs. .60-.80. Crossbred Roosters 4-6 lbs. .60-.90, 7-11 lbs. •SS-.70. Guinea Fowl 1.20-1.35. Banty Roosters 2.75-3.25 ea. Banty Hens 2.00-2.50 ea. Leghorn Hens, not enough, Roosters SO-.60 Silkies, none. Geese 9-14 lbs., none. Pigeons 2.00-2.20 ea. White Pigeons 2.75-3.00 ea. Rabbits 4-6 lbs. 1.15-1.40,6-9 lbs. 1.10-1.20. Bunnies 2,00-4.00 ea. Guinea Pigs 3.00-6.00 ea. Goats, not enough. Kid Goats, not enough. Doves 3.00 ea. Chukars 1.75 ea. Pullets, none. Total sales; 238. All out-of-state poultry must be tested for AI. Morrison’s Cove Poultry & Rabbit Martinsburg, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction November 24,2003 ROOSTERS 4.00. BANTY ROOSTERS 2.00. BANTY HENS 30-1.00. GUINEAS 4.75. BUNNIES 130-5.00. RABBITS 4.00-9.00. GUINEA PIGS 335-4.75. TURKEYS 4.00-10.00. AUCTION EVERY MON., 7:30 P.M. National Broiler Market At A Glance Atlanta, Ga. November 25,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Trade sentiment was mixed, ranging steady to about steady in the West, steady to fully steady in the Midwest, and at least steady in the East. Retail demand was limited as Thanksgiv ing Day nears and interest remained focused on turkeys and other meat items. Food service was light to fair since many facilities will be closed for the holiday. Supplies were adequate to closer balanced due to plant closures and re duced schedules. Truck shortages were being re ported during this busy time resulting in even lighter trading. In the parts structure, move ment was light and selective. Wings were bal anced to tight and moving, breasts were at least adequate, and dark meat was sufficient. In pro duction areas, live supplies were moderate at weights in a hill range. The Composite Weighted Average Price for 1V54/03 was 66.02, compared to 64.79 last week, and 53.36 a year ago. Weekly New York Egg Market Northeast Quotes Prices Supplied By Urner-Bairy From Nov. 21-26,2003 FRL MON. TUBS. WED. WHITE JUMBO EX.LARGE LARGE MEDIUM PULLETS BROWN EX.LARGE LARGE MEDIUM UNDERGRADES AND CHECKS .74 .74 .74 .74 BREAKING STOCKS: FRI. 42-44 LBS. .76-/78, 48-50 LBS. .87-.59, 50 LBS. AND UP .89-.90; TUB. 42-44 LBS. .76-.75, 48-50 LBS. .87-.59,50 LBS. AND UP .89-.90. New England Weekly Shell Egg Report Atlanta, Ga. Prices Supplied By USDA November 25,2003 PRICES PAID PER DOZEN GRADE A BROWN EGGS IN CARTONS DEUVERED STORE DOOR. MAINE MOSTLY NEW HAMPSHIRE MOSTLY RHODE ISLAND MOSTLY VERMONT MOSTLY National Retail Egg Purchases Atlanta, Ga. November 21,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Cooperators estimate orders for the week ending November 28 will increase by 4 percent. Present week purchases for the week ending Nov. 21 were 281,928 cases which was 40 per cent below the prior week and 20 percent below estimates. CASES PURCHASED: CARTONED: 234,829 up 44%; LOOSE. 47,119 up 20%; TOTAL; 281,948 up 40%. Comparison figures are compiled on a matched plant basis. Purchases and estimates by 14 cooperators; 30 dozen cases or equivalent. New York Eggs ATLANTA, GA. November 25,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Prices on all sizes were unchanged. The nSar ket tone was steady. Retail demand was moder ate to instances good, best where limited feature activity was present. The New York shell egg inventory increased about 42% when compared to a week ago. Supplies were sufficient for trade requirements. Prices to Retilers, Sales to Volume Buyers, USDA Grade A and Grade A, White Eggs in Cartons, Delivered Store Door, Cents per Dozen: Extra Large 133-137; Large 131-135; Medium 108-112. Lancaster Farming Check out our Website! S Every Thursday at 12 NOON S g Vintage Sales g s Stables, Inc. g 3 (Rt. 30, Paradise, PA) 3 pj For more information g 0 717/442-4181 S §^^^^7l7/76^8204^^^^3 Providing Optimum Performance Management and Investment Services to the Egg Layer Industry 2043 Horseshoe Pk. • Annvllle, PA 7 7003 (717) 867-8366 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 .81 .81 .81 -81 1.38 1.40 1.40 140 1.35 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.14 1.14 1.14 114 EXTRA LARGE LARGE MEDIUM SMALL 173 168 119 81 165- 160-164 112-116 74-78 167-168 162-163 114-115 76-77 172-176 167-171 118-1.22 80-84 172 167 118 80 166- 163-165 118-119 166 163 118 National Canner Fowl Market Atlanta, Ga. November 21,2003 Report Supplied By USDA NATIONAL CANNER FOWL MAR- KET: Majority prices were unchanged to slightly higher on heavy canner; generally un changed on lights when compared to a week earlier. Demand was fair to moderate and gen- erally unaggressive. Trading was very light. Available offerings were clearing satisfactorily Processing schedules were reduced next week because of the holiday. The undertone was steady. Cents per pound, current negotiations with out freight cost; LIGHT CANNER HENS; Line run without necks; 21-25 majority 23.25-24. HEAVY CANNER HENS: Without necks; 30-36, majority 34-35. Cents per pound, current negotiations freight cost included: LIGHT CANNES HENS; Line run without necks 22-27, majority 25.5-26. HEAVY CANNER HENS: Without necks: 31.5-38, majority 35.5-37.