Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 29, 2003, Image 21
Ag, DCED Secretaries Award Small Business First Loan HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) On Monday, Agriculture Secretary Dennis C Wolff and Community and Economic De velopment Secretary Dennis Yab lonsky awarded Gro-Lan Farms $200,000 as part of the Small Business First Program. “We are pleased that Gro-Lan Farms is able to benefit from the Small Business First Loan pro gram,” said Wolff. “By choosing to enhance their current facility, they are taking an important step toward securing a more profita ble future for their farm. The Small Business First Program is an important economic develop ment ted for agriculture. I hope that more agricultural operations will take advantage of the bene fits of this worthwhile program.” The SBP program, an econom ic development initiative, pro vides low-interest loans of up to $200,000 for businesses with 100 Tfife Grove family, from left, clockwise, Laura Grove, suite FFA sentinel; Mrs. Jeff Grove; Jeff Grove; Emily Grbve, alternate dairy princess; Jay Grove; Caleb Grove; and Renee Grove. i*jk m CARTERS OSB ♦Agency grade stamp gk Mlin ♦lnterior & exterior use ♦A'x 8' S 16 39 7/16". (86518) 1/2"... (85519) mm t, * f* *»»»•**%••*** •«•««« •*♦ • «*•'* •••«•*(«<• employees or fewer. Last spring, the General Assembly opened up the SBF program for the first time to agricultural entities. “It is absolutely crucial that we do a better job to support one of Pennsylvania’s largest indus tries,” Yablonsky said. “I am committed to providing the nec essary financial tools and incen tives to assist farmers with their capital funding needs. Through the Governor’s proposed stimu lus program, this financing will become a revolving loan fund that will ensure farmers will have continued access to financial as sistance in the future.” Gro-Lan Farms, a 300-acre fa cility, is owned and operated by Jay and Jeff Grove in Shippens burg. The SBF loan will be used toward the construction of a 186-foot X 113-foot freestall bam. The larger bam will allow the dairy operation to expand into a LANCASTER, PA PH. (717) 397-4829 / FAX (717) 397-4865 On Monday, the Small Business First Program awarded $200,000 to Gro-Lan Farms. From left, Mike Ross, Franklin County Area Development Corp.; Jeff Coy, state repre sentative; Dennis C Wolff, secretary of agriculture; Jeff Grove, owner, Gro-Lan Farms; Jay Grove, owner, Gro-Lan Farms; and Dennis Yablonsky, DCED secretary. modem, environmentally sound facility conducive to improved animal health. “This project represents a major commitment to the future of agriculture and to the future of our farm,” said Jeff Grove. “We are thrilled to be the beneficiaries of the Small Business First Loan Program, and hope that other farmers will be encouraged to apply to the program after seeing what it can do to help farmers ex pand and improve their opera tions.” The SBF program provides low-interest loans for small busi nesses for land and building pur chases and construction, machin ery, equipment, and funds. Businesses interested in apply- Studs 2" x 4" x 92-5/8' Visit us online at www.carterlumber com s2®4 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 29, 2003-A2l ing for funds through the Small borrower’s business is located. Business First program must sub- For more information about mit their loan application to the the Small Business Loan Pro- Area Loan Organization (ALO) gram, visit DCED’s Website at that services the area where the 2004 AG DIRECTORY The year 2004 marks the fourth annual Lancaster Farming Ag Directory. Looking for the experts in field and barnyard manage ment? Looking for the leaders for crop and farm financial planning? Then you’ve come to the right place. For 2004, Lancaster Farming plans a new portion of the book: “Call On The Experts.” It’s a component of our Ag Directory helpful for those seeking answers - right at your fingertips. The directory is scheduled in the Dec. 27 issue. In 2003, the Ag Directory totaled 152 pages and was jam packed with contact names, numbers, addresses, and even Websites from agriculture in our eight-state region, including Pennsylvania and surrounding states. The “essential” refer ence book will include more names, addresses, phone num bers, and Web addresses than ever before. Make the 2004 Lancaster Farming Ag Directory your source of expert information from the more than $5O billion regional ag industry. management SYSTEM for hogs i | 7"| ■ ~"jj / • •••• Stainless Steel Sorter Scales THE ONLY SYSTEM That Ties Everything Together Featuring • C-Central Software, which centralizes all operations and data with remote access - Scale, weights and sorting - Ventilation system - Heating - Water usage - Lights - Feed system • V* ifjri <» #> # r# **rterm*tifff* i