Kubota LI 75 Runs & Operates Great Only $2,500 Kubota L 35 Tractor Loader Backhoe 4x4, 35HR Very Good Condition Farmall A w/Woods Bell, Mower Runs & Operates Great S2fim $2,000 Kubota 87100 4x4 Font 1720 4x4 w/Loader, Yamaha 350 w/Loader & 60” Belly Runs & Operates Great 8, 9 Bear 4x4 Mower 680 Mrs. Onlv $8,500 Runs & Operates Great Only $8,900 [ 52,550 CASH BUYERS OF USED TRACTORS & EQUIP 1999 JD 8200 MFD, 18x46 Duals, Triple Hydraulics, Quick Hitch, 1300 1-Owner Hrs., Ex. Cond. JD 4760, Cab, Air, 15 Speed Power Shift, MFD, Triple Remotes, Duals, 3600 1-Owner Hrs., Ex. Cond. JD 4650 Cab Air, MFD, 15 Spd Power Shift, Triple Hyd., 18x42 Duals, Very Nice JD 4450 Cab Air, MFD, Power Shift, 4300 Hrs., Very Nice 1981 JD 4640, Cab, Air, Quad Range, Triple Hyd., 20x38 Tires, 4400 1-Owner Hrs., Ex. Cond. 1981 JD 4440, Cab, Air, Quad, 3900 Hrs., Ex. Cond. JD 4440, Cab, Air, Quad, 4400 Hrs; Very Nice JD 4255 Cab, Air, Power Shift, Triple Remotes, 3800 Hrs., Very Nice JD 4250, Cab, Air, 15 Spd Power Shift, 2WD, 4000 Hrs., Ex. Cond. JD 4050, Cab, Air, MFD, 15 Speed Power Shift, 3000 Hrs., Very Nice JD 4320, Factory Cab & Air, Very Nice JD 4320, Heinlker Cab, New 18x38, Dual Hyd., Very Nice. JD 4230 Cab, Air, Quad Range 1971 JD 4020 Side Console, Dual Hydraulics, Factory Cab, Very Nice JD 7400 Cab, Air, MFD, Power Quad, Rack & Pinion, 3000 Hrs., Very Nice 1999 JD 6410, Cab, Air, MFD, Power Quad, 1700 Hrs., Factory Warranty Till 2005. 1997 JD 6400 Cab, Air, MFD, Left Hand Reverser, Rack & Pinion, 2600 1-Owner Hrs., w/640 Self-Leveling Loader, Very Nice JD 2950 Open Station, Hi-Lo, Dual Hydraulics, w/148 Loader, 4000 1-Owner Hrs., Very Nice JD 2750, Cab, Air, Hi-Lo, 3100 Hrs., w/New Loader, Ex. Cond. JD 2550, Open Station, 4x4, Hi-Lp, 3700 Hrs, w/245 Loader JD 2555,2 Wheel, Cab, Air, Hi-Lo, Very Nice JD 630 Tricycle w/3Pt, Very Nice, $5,850 IH 5088, Cab, Air, 4800 Hrs., Triple Hydraulics, Dual PTO, Very Nice IH 1086 Cab, Air, Dual Hydraulics, 4600 Hrs., Ex. Cond. IH 986 Cab, Air, Dual Hydraulics, 2500 Hrs., Ex. Cond. IH 1066, Cab, Air, Very Nice IH 966 w/Cab, 4200 Hrs., Very Nice IH 856 WF, 3 Pt., T/A, Dual Hydraulics Farmall Super C W/Fast Hitch, Very Nice SALES-SERVICE-RENTALS CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED W« ta Hour From Hurtebma /Hour FtonßmlliiaMSMn.Fnm ANrtowi Coming In JD 4410 TLB JD 317, Mower & Tiller JD 445, 60” Mower, Cab & Grass Catcher JD 650 Kubota L 3650 w/Ldr. Kubota 821 TLB Kubota 82400, w/Ldr. JD Gator 6x4 w/Hydro. Dump Kubota L3OlO Hydro, w/Loader SU|5OO $13,500 EPEOuiA^ WE ARE CASH BUYERS FOR CLEAN, LATE MODEL FARM EQUIPMENT '575 Kawasaki 500 Mule Only $2,850 Kubota 821 w/Loader & Backhoe Kubota 81750 4x4 Hydro, w/Loader & Cab 1,080 Hrs. Hanky QUALITY TRACTORS Displayed In Heated Building AC 600 Forklift, Triple Mast, All Terrain JD 260 Skid Loader, 69 HP, 2000 Hrs, Very Nice JD 250 Skid Loader, 800 Hrs, Cab Enclosure, Ex. Cond. QUALITY COMBINES Displayed Inside Building 1985 JD 6620 Titan 11, Cab, Air, Hydro, Harvest Track Monitor, Chopper, 2700 Hrs., Very Nice MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT JD 750,15 Ft. No-Till Drill w/Dolly Wheels, Ex. Cond. Brillion 10 Ft. Alfalfa Feeder W/Oouble Box, Good Cond. JD 7000,4 RN Corn Planter, Dry Fert., Insecticide, Monitor, Good Cond. Axle Mount Duals To Fit IH 856 Thru 1486, JD 4440 & 4450,4020 & 4320 18-20x38 18-34 Snap On. IH #5O Stalk Shredder, Good Cond. Brady 1440 Stalk Shredder w/lmplement Caddy Very Nice Schultz Rock Picker w/Hyd. Drive Dangieman Fork Type Rock Picker, Good Cond. Ford NH 355 Grinder Mixer, Hyd. Drive w/Scales, Like New Farmhand Loader w/Bale Spear to Fit JD 2440 Thru 2755, Ex. Cond. Woods Dual All Loader to Fit Case IH Maxuum JD 148 Loader w/Mounts 2840 thru 3255, Ex. Cond. JD 146 Loader w/Joy Stick to fit 2350 thru 2755 TILLAGE EQUIPMENT JD 714,7 Shank Mulch Tiller JD 71411 Shank Mulch Tiller IH 720,6 & 7 base Spring Reset On-Land Hitch IH 720 4-5-6xlB Spring Reset Plows Miller 11 Ft, 12 Ft & 14 Ft. Offset Disc IH 13T 3pt Chisel Plow Krause 1900 21 Ft. Rock Flex Disc, Ex Cond NH 13 Ft. Heavy Weight Tandem Disc JD 1600 Pull Type Chisel Plow JD 950,15’ Roller Harrow, Ex. Cond. USED SKID LOADERS 751 BoL ,500 Takuchi T 8025 Mini Excavator, Rubber Trac„ 2 spd. Drive, Plumbing $10,500 2000 NH IS 160, 1,005 Hrs $12,500 Casa 1540, 2700 Hrs $B,OOO Bobcat 853 CALL Skid Loader Attachments Low Profile Dirt 60” $356 Low Profile Dirt 66” $425 Low Profile Dirt 72” $495 Low Profile Dirt 78” $570 Low Profile Lg. Pin on Teeth 66” $555 Low Profile Lg. Pin on Teeth 72” $650 Low Profile Lg. Pin on Teeth 78" $725 Low Profile Sm. Teeth 66” $5OO Low Profile Long Bottom 66” $460 Low Profile Long Bottom 72” $535 Utility Buckets 60” $499 Utility Buckets 66” $525 Utility Buckets 72” $563 Utility Buckets 78” $606 Utility Buckets 80" ... .$735 3 Prong Bale Spear $360 1 Prong Bale Spear $295 Bucket Mounted Bale Spear $165 48” Pallet Forks Universal, NH, Mounting Case $475 Tooth Bare HD Pinned On Teeth 66” 8i 72” Root Grapples Root Grapples 4 in 1 Bucket Post Hole Digger w/12” Auger Skid Loader Backhoe Feed Alley Scraper irming, Saturday, November 29, 2003-C2' Lancaster SjjOfl LADDB? DUOoRP frire Chainsfp] TIRE SIZE PRICED/PAIR TIRE SIZE PRICED/PAIR 11.2-24 SII2JM 9.5-24,9.5-28 $162.37 112-28 12L92 ii~7 28 124-28 154.51 12.4-28 195.89 116-16 116.22 13.6-24,13.6-26, 205.79 13.6-28.14.9-24 162.37 14.9-24 14.9-26,149-28 172.32 14.9-26 221.91 16.9-24.17,5-24 1 81.22 14.9-28.14.9-30 257.40 I§pf 149-38:15:5-38 SottS 201J6 16.9-24 24122 21148 16.9-26.16.9-28 224.32 251.36 169-30 2Z591 306.35 17.5 L-24 20145 325.59 18.4-24,195124 27133 40098 16.9-34 29187 maa AAH An A A 16.9-38,18.4-38—364.82 800-417-1314 18.4-34 335.92 Next Day Delivery in PA Shipped ups www.tirechain.com South Fork Hardware, South Fork, PA 15956 J&. USED equipment jgfc WCCSS KWHOUMO DA DXI4O Tractor, 4WD, Cab, Low Hrs. JD 4020 w/Loader & Grapple NH LX665 Skid Loader JD 250 Skid Loader, Cab & Heat, 300 Hrs. NH LX 985 Skid Loader JD 8875 Skid Loader Agco 8630 4WD Cab, 1500 Hrs., 120 HP WFSIOO 6R Planter NH 472 Haybine NH 1495 Cab, A/C, Haybine NI 4865 RB Net Wrap 10’ Tedder NH TR7O Combine w/Corn Head TR-96 Combine w/Heads NH 973 24’ Brillion Super Turf Seeder White 6100 Planter WF 5100 S Splitter Attach NH 1069 Bale Wagon “Give Us a Try Before You Buy " | J. DAVID MULLINIX & SONS. INC. (410) 489-4363 - FAX (410) 489-7634 14420 Howard Rd.. Dayton, MD 21036 . $250 $l7OO $lBOO $lBOO $l5OO $l5OO . $475 66” 72” 72" HIGH QUALITY CORN AND GRAIN HEADS 50 Corn Heads & Flex Heads To Choose From JD 920,20 ft Flex, JD 643 6RN Oil Bath Fore & Aft Case IH 1020,17.5 Ft. JD 918 Flex Head Case IH 1020,16 Ft. Flex JD 915 Flex Head Case IH 1063,6 RN JD 213,13 Ft. Flex Head IH 863,6 RN Corn Head JD 443,4 RN Hi Tin MF 1163 6RN JD 444,4RW Oil Bath MF 1144,4RW QUALITY HAY EQUIPMENT 1998 JD 3970 Harvester w/Metal Alert & Kernel Processor, Ex. Cond. Ford NH 326 Baler, Hyd.Tension, 1/4Turn Chute, Ex. Cond, NH 1038 Bale Wagon, Single Bale Unload & Retrieve NH 1037 Bale Wagon, 105 Bale Cap., Ex. Cond. NH 1034 Bale Wagon, 105 Bale Cap., Good Cond. NH 1033 Bale Wagon, 105 Bale Cap., Good Cond. Case IH 3450 Round Baler, Ex. Cond. AGCO Nl 4845 Round Baler w/Net Wrap JD 7 Ft. Pickup Head w/Wheels Green & Yellow JD Bft. Direct Cut Head, Good Cond. JD 456 Round Baler w/Net Wrap JD 435 Round Baler, Late Model, Ex. Cond. JD 336 Baler w/Ejector Ford NH 634 Round Baler, Ex. Cond. NH 477,7 Ft. Haybine, Cut 200 Acs., Like New NH 472 7Ft. Haybine Excellent Cond. CORN PICKERS Ml 324,2RW, 12 Roll Bed, Good Cond. Ml 324,2RW, 8 Roll Bed, Good Cond. L&2 19 7 -i t 7° J*my
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