.SgjSHS. MARSHALL MACHINERY, INC. Befco & Woods. Mustang. M- 652, Midway Between Indian Orchard and Beach Lake Richardton. Krone Niemeyer RR4, HONESDALE. PA 18431 (570) 729-7117 vmw.marshall-macMnery.com JD 4240 CAH 3 remotes, quad, 6300 hrs. good cond. I K V( TORS ACD-15 ACD-19 AC 170 gas AC I SOD AC 6080 Agco 5670 w/ldr • Case VAI CIH CX9O 4WD Ldr CAH CIH 485 CIH 5220 4WD P Shift w/Ldr CIH 5140 2WD cab Farmall “C”, Super C Farmall Super H Farmall M Farmall I4ow/Mower Farmall 140 w/ldr & fast hitch Farmall 460 D Farmall 544 Farmall 666 Ford 5610 2WD Ldr. & Cab Ford 445 D loader & trencher. 4 in I bucket Ford 445 D w/cab and loader Ford 641 Ford 651 Foid 650 Ford 740 NFE Ford 1920 4wd loader & backhoe Ford 2000 Ford 2000 Ford 2120 4wd loader Ford 2910 Ford 3000 w/snowpjpw, 670 Hr*, Ford 3400 w/loader Ford 4000 D Ford 4610 Ford 5600 w/cab Ford 6610 Ford 7000 dsl Ford 7700 w/Cab (2) Fold 7710 4WD CAH Ford 7740 w/Ldr ♦ IH 464 D IH 574 hydro IH 884 w/cab IH 966 hydro IH 2400 D w/ldr JD 40-S JD 1520 gas JD 2640 A JD 2640 w/cult dresser JD 2350 w/Ldr JD 2520 sid; console JD 5010 industrial JD 2840 JD 4320 Kubota M 4050 Kubota MB5BO Long 2360' MF 25 MF 135 MF 231 w/ldr MF 245 Dsl MF 285 MF 2135 Oliver 1955 dsl Same Falcon White 2-85 4WD Cab While 6065 4wd C’ORIS IM AM I RS AC 2 Row (2) IH 2 Row (1) JD 2 Row MF 2 Row DA 185 4 Row AC 4 Row No Till, AC BR, AC 110 6R No-Till (2) Ford 109 2R Dry Fertihzer-Pesl Fung Boxes, Very Good Condition (iRIM)KR MIXKRS Bearcal 1250 CIH 1250 w/hyd Farmhand 817 ( HHM’KRS NH L 555 skid steer, AC: B, C, CA, G, WD, WD4S, D 14,15,17, 19,170,185,190,200,5040,50,6060, 6080,7010,7040,7580,7030,7000 Case: DC. Vac, 200,320,530,630,995,1070 FARMALL/INT A, C, H, M, 8414,200,300, 350.400,404,444,460,504,560.606, 656,706,806,826,856,1466, FARMALL CUB. 240 RD, 340 UTILITY, 1HC756 FORD- BN, 9N, NAA, 600,801,1910,2000, 4000.5000,8600 JOHN DEERE- A, B, M. T, 40.50,60,630, 730,2010,3010,3020,4010,4020,950 COMPACT M-F. 20, 30, .35,65,85.90. 135, 165, 175, To 20. To .35 Oliver 70,77,770-1650, 1750, 1855, 1900. Etc INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT A/C H3.H4.HD3.4.650-652-655 840 IH 150 J/D 350,440,1010,2010, ETC FARM EQUIPMENT Haybmes HESSTON PT7, PTIO NEW HOLLAND 467,479,489 Discbmes NEW HOLLAND 411 HESSTON , 1050 DEUTZ FAHR TEDDERS KH 50-500 Plows. Moldboards, Sickle Bars, Manure Spreaders, etc MOTORS Good running motors Short blocks Long blocks. Used or remaned. Cylinder heads. Crankshafts Also Available New Manifolds & Radiators Misc Used tractor chains, hyd cylinders We also have a vast assortment of wheel SUITCASE & weights Free Parts Locator Service Call 8 AM-5 PM Monday thru Saturday Wc will be glad to serve all your parts needs Cash paid for parts tractors ('(IMPACT TRACTORS Deutz Allis .1210 4wd loader & hoe Ford 1920 Ford 2120 w/Ldr JD 410 Dsl JD 850 4wd w/ldr Kubota B2ITLB Kubota 81550 w/ldr Kubota 82150 Kubota 86100 4WD Kubota 89200 front snow blower mid mower winter cab Kubota BXIBOO 4WD with front snow blower Kubota BX 2200 w/ldr & mower Kubota FlO6O w/grass catcher Kubota G-1800 w/Mower & Catcher* Kubota Gl9OO hydro mid mower grass catcher Kubota G-6200 HST w/mower Kubota GFIBOO front mower, 181 hrs Kubota Ll 5 TLB Kubota LlB5 w/blower Kubota L 2050 Kubota L-2250 4WD/Ldr Kubota TI6OO hydro diesel w/grass catcher NH TC 40D w/Ldr * AC 2300 disk 8' Assorted 3 pt Disc Harrows Assort B’-16’ Bush Hog. IHC, JD, Kewanee Athens T Offset Disc Bush Hog 10’ Offset Disc Bush Hog 10’ Disc w/3 Pt Hitch Case 9’ Offset JD BW 10' Kewanee 3‘ Disc wAVmgs MF 40 Leveling Disk Miller 12 ft & 14' Offset Disk Offset 8 Disc 2300 hrs. soi \ri. hakkrs JD 327 w/Thrower NH 273 w/Thrower NH 282 NH 315 w/Thrower NH 316 w/Thrower NH 565 w/Thrower NH 570 w/Thrower ROl M) 15 \I.IRS Hesston 540 N 1484 Ml 4844 (2) N 14845 TRKK SI’ADKS Carefree 20' Carefree 40" w/s.s mount Carefree 501 20 w/s s mount I I I A VIORS 4’, s'. 6', 8’ Grain Augers Belt Conveyors NH 155 Elevator SK’KEEBAR MOW I RS Several Ford SOI JD #lO 1H 100 JD 110 JD 150, Ipt IH 120, Ipi AC 82S IH Cub IH Fast hitch So+ assorted mowers IMH STRI M Alamo 1 pt Sickle Flail Caretree 24” tree spade (1) Caretree 10" tree spade Komatsu Dll Crawler Ldr JD 40C Crawler w/Blade JD 4SOC Do/lt w/6-Way JD 4SOC Crawler Loader 4 in I Bucket. 1.100 Hr JD 155 D Loader Crawler JD 10I0GTLB Stone 54 Pad Foot Roller 6'l Pt Sweeper IH 584 w/stde mower IH 895 w/side mower York Walk Behind Broom (2) Skidsteer Rock Hounds \\ UtOVS \ (IRVIN (' VRI S Several Wooden Hay Wagons Various Running Gears New assorted 18 steel-sided racks w/runmng gears 20' steel sided bale rack w/landem running gear Round bale wagons (5) Gehl Forage Boxes w/Tandem Gear (5) Meyers 14' Forage Boxes In Stock New Hesston Forage Wagon With Roof I ORAdK WAdONS Rtchardion 1200 Side Dump Wagon choice 1950 (ißvvrn wvdONs E-Z Flow 220 w/Gram Wagon Kilbros 250 Gram Wagons Knoedler Feeder Wagon Ford 5558 4wd w/cab, good cond., 2800 hrs. 11A A HIM:S/I)IS( rims C1H8340 NH 467 NH 472 NH 474 NH 477 NH 5209 NI 5212 Discbme lOR \OK HI OW KRS Farmhand FB9B Gehl F 81560 NH 28 M \M Ri: KOI IPMKM Dearborn 7SBU ground drive 425 tandem axle box spreader, 309 Scavenger Gehl SlSTarde Side Kick JD H grd drive Mill Creek SOB Spreader MF 130 NH 514 NH 679 NI 3732 lOADKRS AC 415, (to fit 60 series) AC 500 CIH 2250 Farm King 84-180* JD 100 Large Assortment ot Used Front Loaders for Most Makes of Tractors SPRAYERS BCI 300 gal lank, on trailer Century 1000 gallon tandem axle sprayer Century 300 gal Hardi 200 gal 3 pi with boom Kmkelder 3P-400 Sprayer *>oo gal trailer crop sprayers gal Precision Tandem axle Lo-Pro 46’ Boom 200 & 300 Gallon Sprayers 3pt & Trailer Several Meyers 3pt & Tk ml SIDE RAKES & TEDDERS Fahr KH22 2 Star Tedder Fahr 6 star tedder Fahr kh 500 tedder (2) Kuhn 4 Star Tedders NH 258 Several. NH 256 Several N 1404 w/Rack ( I I -lII* V( M RS cA SI I 1)1 RS Case IHC 5100 soybean special drill double disc packer wheels, VG Bnllion 9 ft single roll & double roll (2) Bnllion 10' packer seeders Bnllion 8' packer seeder Bnllion 5' packer seeder Holland I & 2 row transplanter. 5 pt, pull Holland 2 seal 1 Pt I Row Transplanter I&2 Row Mechanical Transplamers 5 pi pull type JD 6 gram drill Alilec slump grinder Bobcat 7755 Bobcat 955 (1 1 60" Rock Hound Gehl 4600 Gehl 5L6625 JD 270 FOR VdK IIVRV KS I KRS AC Gleaner dsl, & F dsl used combines, asst heads Hesston/Gleaner - 7150, 7165 NH 782 Chopper WE SHIP PARTS BY FEDERAL EXPRESS DAILY Hours; 6-5 Mon. Sat. Ul Farmall 460 gas NFE w/fasthitch i ( H AR\ KS I I R HI. \|)S Hesston IR, 2R NH 824 2 Row Corn Head JD 2 Row N&W ASST 1,2, 3, OR 4 X 3 Pt Plows Ford 101 3X Plow Ford 3x 151 w/Sprmg Resets Plow on Land Hitch Int 311 Trip 14 Plow IHC 720 5X Auto Reset IH 4x3 Pt IH 720 A 4 & H 5 Bottom Reset w/Hillside Hitch Int 710 6X 16 Btm Int 720 4X Reset w/Hillside Hitch Int 710 6xlB Btm w/Side Hill Hitch Kverneland 4X Spring Reset Semi Ml Kvemeland 4x2 Bottom Plow Dunham 10 Shank Chisel High Clear MISC'KM.ANKOI S Agn Metal Bedding chopper (2) Anderson Rock Picker PTO Drive Asst Used Ipt finish mowers Assorted .V, 6’, & 7* Pull Type Rotary Mowers Badger 1 pi hyd driven tree weeder Bcfco, Bush Hog & Woods finish mowers 4', S'. 6. T Bervac Front Snow Blower Bnllion 12'Cultimulcher Bush Hog 6' finish mower Bush Hog 10* pull type brush hog Bush Hog SO6 7 pt mt Bush Hog 12 Brush Hog Cargo Winch lor Case MO. Degelman Rockpicker PTO Drive Dual Wheels In Various Si/es Farmhand FBBOC Tubgrmder Harvestore Hercules unloader Holland 2R Trailer Transplanter Holland Water Wheel Transplanter Howse 10* brush hog IH 9* snowblower* JD Hyd Hay Thrower (2) 2 row mulnvalor 8 row mullivator Lg Assortment Pi rotary type mowers McCormick 10*20 Tractor M&W rd bale unroller* Papac Running Gear w/Brakes PTO Irrigation Pump Shutz Hi-Dump Rock Picker Skinner No Till Tree Transplanter Stoltzfus Wet Lime Spreader Stone “J" Tampers & Power Trowel Westgo Rock Picker (2) Wic Round Bale Unrollers Woods Finish Mower Woods V finish mower Woods 72" pull type brush hog pt flail mowers rear scraper blades assorted sizes 6‘ B‘. 10’ lime & fertilizer spreaders TINKERS ROW All hems Need Some Repair To Be Field Ready Martin Equalizer Manure Loader $1 495 AC-745 1-4 Yard Articulated Pay Loader w/Cab has Engine Problems $ 11,750 or less AC B Tractor Collector Vintage $995 FM 140 w/ldr & f/h $2 7.50 *This machine is in VG cond. or has less than 1000 hrs. of use.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers