!-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 29, 2003 :2 Last Minute Tillage Decision? Rea Krause Disc Harrows Now In Stock From 12’ to 34’ KRAUSE Dependable Used Tillage And Drills DRILLS C 24276 OH B 44304 OH D 50614 OH 845664 GP A 25582 GP B 45476 GP 824499 GP 844384 GP D 50467 GP B 46334 IH D 50444 JD A 25660 KB C 35208 KR A 25433 KB A 25347 KR A 26064 TYE 5100 24x6 5100 24x6 Corn 5300 15'NT 24'Com. 38x7.5 24'NT 30’NT, 48x7.5” 3010 P NT Precision 3010NT-3N 510021x7 450-12’ W/CuNvatar 15' End Wheel W/ Cart 5213 H 5215H15’NT,24x7.5 5215N15' NT, 24x7 5 10'NT PLANTERS A 26002 JO 1750,6X30 B 45705 IH 800-8/30 B 44949 CIH 1240-12 RN A 26143 CIH 900-6 RN C 32356 OH 955-6 RN C 32296 JD 1750-6 RN C 32184 IH 800-6 RN 0 50411 JD 1750 *|sBpo A 25433 KR 5215815'NT Dr* 24x7 5, New Double Disc Openers, New Coulters, 3" Press Wheels, Seed Tubes, Scrapers, Reid Ready Hoober and Krause Can Help! m m B 44818 OH 406-22* Me, 75" Spacing, 9 5L Tires, Cyl/Hoses, Folding/Hyd, Scrapers A 25582 GP 24'Dr*, Poking, 38x7 5, Conventional, 12 5" 0/0 Openers, 2" Press Wheels, WlWxd, ReW Ready . QjjHpri r' ’■•»!%! C 32356 OH 88MRH Renter, Liquid Fert, Markers, 13" Openers, 16 5“ No- Tltl Coulters, Early Riser Monitor, 1000 RPM, (6) 12 5” Fertilizer Openers B 45172 CtH 3600-19* Rackfln Me, Folding, Blades 20 5 Fit 21" Rear, 9” Space, Center Duals, Cyl/Hoses, Pkr Htch/Hoses, Fur Rll, Scrapers B 45890 CIH 496-2S* Disc tt. I **:-.' ..' * __J 814600 B 44971 KR 3127 Landman, 27’ C-stianks, 16-17" Blades Krause 7300 and 7400 Rockttm Discs Ready for year toughest FaH Wage tasks The Krause 7300 Consenetton Disc is The Krause 7400 Cutting Disc tackles x/" ■ k •*( »' ip® . /4 ! : A 26146 X 230 25'Ode B 45795 KR4MIMT 31'Disc, Rockflex, Scrapers, Center Duals Furrow Fillers, Packer Hitch & Hoses. New Blades, As l*sl4£oo tysoo B 45801 5F 1233 24'01K designed tor high-speed finishing and lighter primary tillage. USED DISCS m make nsemrawr B 46009 OH 3850-18’ B 45172 QH 390019' RocWlex B 40010 CIH 3900-23.5’ B 44818 CM 496-22.5' 845778 OH 496 25’Disc B 45890 OH 496-25 B 32119 OH 496 26', RocWlex B 45889 OH 496-27’ B 44430 IH 496-22' D SOS4B X 220-21’ B 45282 X 630-18 A 26146 X 230-25’ PLOWS D 50232 D 50547 A 25302 D 50250 A 24063 844270 D 50271 SUBSOILERS D 43584 DMI 730 B 45867 DMI 730 C 32468 DMI 2500 Ecol-Til 5-Shank 0 50305 DMI 25000 Ripper A 45008 UM 5 Shank CHISEL PLOWS B 44968 AT 11' C 32371 N 5500 13' B 42934 MF 100412' A 25694 SF 4211-11 B 44994 KB 4430 30 1 Packer, 9 SLxl5 Tires, Cytinder/Hoses, RegreasaWe Bearings tough primary tillage or seed bed conditioning with equal perihelion. ■■*•» _ * *' ' fp> * V < > ' *i «• «t - t - '' „£*>> y,^^^^^>:4sSatkyi''i-.'4 sSatky i '' i -.'- -ty' 845759 X 0 50602 KR 045869 KR A 25461 KR A 26310 KR A 26311 KR 845857 KR 846379 KR 845795 KR 0 50321 MF 645801 SF 050538 TW FINISHING TOOLS D 50637 845929 844971 845531 A 25541 A 25344 0 50550 845110 844700 D 45891 D 50585 D 50603 sxl6' 7500 550-S Bottom 560-6 Bottom 7207x18' 720 7xlB' 7xl6' CULTIVATORS C 32354 OH A 25562 JD A 26116 JD 845726 JO 845429 JD A 26312 KB B 46382 KR C 32127 SU B 43292 WR PACKERS A 26153 BR 16’ B 46050 BR 23'ND B 45288 BR 28'NG B 44286 BR 34'NGX-Fold 6 45428 BR 34'ND B 44932 BR Tp-14's 844994 KR 4430 30' 63031' 1965- 1966- 2416 2443 2445 2492NR-33’ 4921 18'1" 4991 820 25’ 1233-24' 23’ 4200-15' Land Finisher 3121 A Landsman 3127 27’Landsman 6115 Landsman 615515' Landsman 6332-20'Land Finisher 23’Basket 25'Baskets 28'Baskets 29'Basket 30'Basket 31’Basket 4500 Retd Cultivator 855 Row Crop Cult 980 ReW Cultivator Rotary Hoe 28’ Reid Cultivator 4100-30’Reid Cult W/3 Row Tine Harrow 5625 A-25 6 Reid Cult 6 Row Cultivator Reid Cultivator
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