Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 29, 2003, Image 101
lirinvoant Sion 46379 1(9 4921 18<1 " Dlsc 9RW rw 91BR rnmhmn 46382 KR 56258-25 6 Reid Cult 26339 mK 46334 « 26337 IH 1460 Combine 46326 ™ 26338 IH 844 Corn Head 4633 J 39 4420 o p°! nbine 26335 CIH 1020-20'Platform 46332 39 2 J 3 ? atf ? rm „ 26310 KR 2443 Disc 463 6 39 ,263,11, KR 2445 Disc 4f t 314 ® Corntread ’ 263 ] 3 Sch RS32O Rock Picker UcMMmvUh StOH) 263 4 Sc" * r6R “! l “ fl " d " , T 32510 FarmallM Tractor 26312 KR 4100-30 Reid Cult! 32511 | H 1466 2WD Tractor , n 32507 JD 4850 2WD Tractor 26297 JD 4440 Tractor W/Duals 26296 ™ ! 963 n n h , e ® d 32509 JD 7700 2wd Tractor 26296 ™ 1620I 620 ; 20 . pladorm 35208 KR 5213 b Drill 26293 IH 32504 6690MfdTrac/ldr 26236 ™ 46 P 67ract ,°, r *{ LDR 32501 CIH 7250 MFD Tractor 2623 1 89 I 2 9u l”‘ M “l cher 32477 IH 60" Manure Fork 26277 CIH Stx44o Quadtrac Off 2250 Ldr 26273 He 5390 Manure Spreader 32492 case 40JCT Skidloader 26264 OH 1083 BRN Comhead 26266 9440^8 Hl §tgMm§g*mm Mim 26265 IH 1440 Combine 26267 ,h 82 °- i3,pia « orm 46448 CIH 1680 2wd Combine SBtfonl Shm 46450 UM Ht2s Header Cart 50674 CIH 7220 MFD Tractor 46426 JD 327 Baler W/Thrower 50675 JD 8430 4WD Tractor 46428 NH 256 Rake 50669 CIH 1680 Combine 46427 NH 256 Rake W/Dolly 50670 CIH 1020-20'Platform 46415 JD 6700-2WL Sprayer 50668 CIH 7240 MFD Tractor 46413 JD 220 20'Platform 50637 CIH 4200-15'Land Rmsher 46375 IH Hitch For 5100 50623 CIH 1020-22 s'Platform 46374 (H 550 Manure Spreader 45009 CIH 3850-18' Disc 46378 BV 30'Field Cultivator C 44888 CIH 831212' C 32396 GH 2240-12' A 26123 KH GmdTThd 9'Disc A 25988 NH 1431-13' C 32442 NH 1431-13' D 50613 NH 1499 844613 HE 4800 846426 JD 327 w/Ihrower, 14X18 A 24803 NH 276 Square JD C 32441 NH 316 Sqw/75 Thrower B 45557 NH 570 Square JD D 50615 NH 575 JD A 26007 NH 595 JD C 32401 NH 846 4x4 Round A 26119 OH 8830 SP A 44425 OH 888012' w/8070 Rotary Header C 32396 GH 2240-12* Mow A 25855 HE 8200 C?"*!™*. 540 fto RoSs, A 24794 NH 149512' Tires 9.5x14, Good Blade Sections C 44888 OH 8312 Mow CandHhmr *»-- r y'~ ' - -/«• -rra ' ~~ i A 44425 CIH 8880 Windrow* W/Now 12’ OiK Haodor, 866 Hrs, Rotary Disc, Top & Bottom Rolls-Steel Hoobep & Kubota... We'll Weather Any Storm “ ~ -* i ’'’-T-y * ''V;” ls pleased to offer Kubota’s powerful line up of compact tractors that are perfect for landscaping, nursery, construction, small farm chores, and yes, plowing snow! ■ru . iU . . . ~ , , • All Kubota tractors are backed by • The strength and durably of a Kubota oh ity Hoober , s ced tractor equipped with a high-performance loader torhmrianc will handle a multitude of tasks. Check with Your Accountant About the Advantages of Year-End Purchases. Hooter Offers the Following Kubota Products: PRODUCT HORSEPOWER M0wer5...................18 to 28 HP Sub-Comj»ft factors ~..13 to 22 HP .......22 to 52 HP M Series UUHty/AS Ifcietom ...45 to 98 HP IteCtor&oaderyßackhoes .....13.5,26, 37.5,48 PTO HP KX Series Excavators (2,000 lbs. To 12,000 lbs.) ISSUE Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 29,2003 •' / > (Tractor may be used in nice weather too.) INTERCOURSE, PA 800 732-0017 -s M • These tractors are designed for maximum productivity, with more hydraulic capacity, high performance power steering and increased engine horsepower. Kubota !» » -r, 'it Vfctt Us Online %k\'