Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 15, 2003, Image 2
New Holland Livestock Auction New Holland, Pa. Report Supplied By USDA Monday, November 10,2003 Cattle Calves Sheep Goats MONDAY 550 301 392 1230 1539 WEEK AGO 447 256 668 1560 1539 LAST YEAR 441 274 619 938 2027 Compared to Thursday, lean slaughter cows sold .50-1.00 lower, with fleshier (65-80 percent lean) cows trading mostly 1 00-2.50 lower. The quality of the run was lower when compared to the Thursday supply, with not near as many good, heavy, fleshy cows. A lot of the cows were weighing up on the full side as well, probably due to the cold weather that moved in Sunday night Slaughter bulls sold with a higher under tone, although the supply was light. The cattle supply included 228 slaughter cows, 42 slaugh ter bulls, 54 slaughter steers, with 182 head of feeder cattle. Slaughter Cows: Percent Lean Weight Bulk Low Dressing Premium White 65-70 Over 1600 lbs 53.50-57.75 Breakers 70-75 Over 1400 lbs 48.00- 44.50-48 00 Boners 75-80 Over 1200 lbs 44.50-49 50, 40.00-42.75 High Dressing 50.00- 25 Lean (Hi-Yield) 80-85 Over 1200 lbs 41.75-45.00 37.00-41.00 Lean 85-90 Over 1000 lbs 37.75-41.75 33.00-37.75 Lean (Light-Wt) 85-90 750-1000 lbs 33 50-38.00 25.00-31.50. Slaughter Bulls: Yield Grade 1 1160-2065 lbs 53 00-60 00, high dressing 61.00-69.00. Calves Compared to Thursday, slaughter calves sold mostly steady. Holstein bull claves going into special-fed veal bams sold 2 00-10.00 higher in active trading and good buyer attend ance There were not enough heifers to fully test the market. Slaughter Calves; Standard and Utility 70-90 lbs 60.00-80.00, mostly 70.00-77.00, weaker 20.00- Calves Going Into Special-fed Veal Bams. Holstein Bulls 90-115 lbs 162.00-181.00, mostly 167.00-177.00; few 85 lbs 100.00-122.00. Plainer-type Holstein Bulls 90-110 lbs 130.00- mostly 142 00-160.00, few 120.00- Weaker Holstein Bulls 90-110 lbs 92.00- 00, few up to 120.00; 70-85 lbs 6800-84.00 Few Holstein heifers one 105 lbs 515.00; one 90 lbs 340.00; one 80 lbs 200.00. HOGS: Barrows and gilts 1.00 to 2.00 higher on lean hogs, while bulk of hogs sold 2.00 to 3 00 higher, sows were mostly steady on a light run, boars were steady BARROWS AND GILTS. 49-54% lean 220-270 lbs 36 75-37.75, few fancy 38.25-3900, few 270-300 lbs 36 25-36.75, 45-50% lean 220-270 lbs 34 50-36 25, large groups 33 35-34 85, 270-300 lbs 32.00-33.50, few 300-350 lbs 33 00-36 00. SOWS. 1-3 400-500 lbs 28 00-31 00, 500-700 lbs 30.00-34.00. BOARS 300-700 lbs 12 00-13.00 Sheep and Lambs Compared to last Monday, slaughter lambs sold steady on a high quality run, with the bulk of the offerings weighting be tween 70-125 lbs Slaughter sheep sold mostly steady on lighter weights, while heaver offerings sold steady to weak. Buyer attendance and bid ding activity was moderate in part due to the sale starting later in the night. KIRKWOOD HAY AUCTION Hay, Straw and Grain Auction EVERY TUESDAY 10:00 Located Rt 472 5 miles south of Quarryville or 6 miles north of Oxford corner of Rt 472 and Noble Road George Gibney, Auctioneer AU-002534-E No out of slate checks Slaughter Lambs; Choice and Prime 2-3 30-50 lbs 132.00-155.00, individuals 165 00-200.00; 50-60 lbs 112.00-130.00, few indi viduals 144.00-185.00; 60-70 lbs 118.00-128.00, few 132.00-138.00; 70-90 lbs 110.00-126.00, few 130 00-140.00; 90-100 lbs 116.00-126.00; 100-125 lbs 90.00-100.00; few 125-150 lbs 84.00-88.00. Good 2-3 50-60 lbs 104.00; 70-80 lbs 100.00-102.00. Slaughter Sheep; Utility and Good 1-3 Year lings 100-150 lbs 70.00-80.00; 150-200 lbs 50 00-60.00. Sheep 75-100 lbs 52.00-58.00; 100-150 lbs 48.00-57.00; 150-200 lbs 40.00-S0.00; 200-250 lbs 36.00-44.00. Bucks 150-200 lbs 44.00- 52.00; 200-225 lbs 40.00-48.00. Slaughter Goats: Compared to last Monday, Kid goats sold weak to mostly 6.00 lower on a good supply, while yearlings sold mostly steady to weak. Nannies sold 2.00 to 6.00 lower; with Billies steady to 4.00 lower. Wethers sold on heavier offerings with lighter weights selling steady to Arm. Wethers sold sharply lower on heaver weight offerings. The run consisted of many nice large packages of middle to heavy weight Kid goats, and some nice runs of Nan nies. Demand was very cyclic with prices shift ing in both directions as much as 10.00 through the course of the sale. Buyer attendance was sporadic with mixed bidding activity, in part due to the size of the run. All goats are sold by the head, with estimated weights. Kids; Selec tion 1 20-40 lbs 56.00-S8.00; 40-60 lbs 66.00- 60-80 lbs 76.00-82.00. Selection 2 20-40 lbs 40.00-52.00, few pigmies 30.00-40.00; 40-60 lbs 52.00-62.00; 60-80 lbs 64.00-76.00. Se lection 3 20-40 lbs 28.00-40.00, few light and weaker 18.00-26 00; 40-60 lbs 46.00-56.00, few weaker 40.00-44.00; 60-80 lbs few 58.00-68.00. Yearlings; Selection 1 few 80-100 lbs 84.00- Selection 2 few 60-80 lbs 67 00-78.00; 80-100 lbs 74.00-84.00. Selection 3 few 60-80 lbs 54.00-64.00. Nannies: Selection 1 few 70-100 lbs 68.00-72.00; 100-150 lbs 76.00- Selection 2 50-70 lbs 42.00-48.00, pigmies 34.00-44.00; 70-100 lbs 50.00-66.00, bulk 52.00-56.00; 100-150 lbs 60.00-72.00, bulk 60.00- Selection 3 50-70 lbs 38.00-46.00; 70-100 lbs 44.00-54.00; 100-150 lbs 54.00-60.00. Billies: Selection 1 70-100 lbs 84.00; 100-150 lbs 108.00- few late 90.00-106.00; 150-250 lbs 130.00-156.00. Selection 2 70-80 lbs 74.00- pigmies 40.00-54.00, few fancy 60.00- 100-150 lbs 90.00-102.00; 150-250 lbs 116.00-124.00. Selection 3 70-100 lbs 62.00- 100-150 lbs 76.00-88.00; ISO-2SO lbs 90.00- Wethers: 50-70 lbs 58.00-70.00, few fancy 80.00, weaker 44.00-54.00, few pig mies 42.00-44.00; 70-100 lbs 66.00-80.00; 100-150 lbs 86.00-102.00, few weaker 76 00-88.00. Vintage Livestock Auction Vintage, Pa. November 11,2003 Report Supplied By USD A Cattle Calves Sheep Goats THIS WEEK 846 912 2 LAST WEEK 660 852 3 2 LAST YEAR Compared to Thursday, slaughter steers sold steady to 1.00 higher on Monday, with heavy B & R CATTLE CO RD 1, Marietta PA 17547 Office Phone: 717«653»8164 Specializing in Stockers & Feeders JOHN BOWMAN 717*653*5728 RON RANCK 717*656*9849 Market At A Glance Lancaster County Livestock Auction Averages (Price Per Hundredweight) Week Ending Friday, November 14,2003 Supplied By Market Staff This Wk Wk Ago Yr Ago Steers, Choice 2-3 107.25 104.25 68.50 Heifers, Choice 2-3, few Prime 103.50 103.25 65.75 Cows, Breakers, 75-80% lean 53.00 49.50 39.00 Cows, Boners, 80-85% lean 45.50 45.00 35.00 Bulls, YGI, 55.00 54.50 49.00 Hogs, 49-54% lean, Monday 37.85 37.00 29.75 Lambs, Choice/Prime 80-110 lb. 113.00 114.00 100.00 Choice steers up to 2.00 higher. On Tuesday, prices were fully steady to firm with the Mon day run as buyers continue to aggressively seek cattle due mainly to the short supplies. The quality of the two-day run was an improvement than what has been available for the past couple of weeks, but still lacks a lot of high Choice and Prune steers. Spot live cattle contracts from De cember to June were down I.SO on Tuesday at the CME, with spot November .30 lower at 102.70. Boxed beef cutout values were mixed on Tuesday, light Choice was 1.2 S higher at 172.38; with heavy Choice .74 lower at 169.92. The Holstein steer and slaughter heifer runs were not fully tested, although both trended with a higher undertone. Fleshy slaughter cows sold 1.00-3.00 higher, with Lean cows trading 2.00 to as much as 4.00 higher. Slaughter bull sold with a lower undertone on a light run. The combined two-day run included 311 head of slaughter steers, 80 head of slaughter heifers, 400 head of slaughter cows, 22 head of slaugh ter bulls, and 42 head of feeder cattle. Slaughter Steers; High Choice and Prime 2-4 1195-1455 lbs 108.00-113.00, mostly 111.00- fancier 113.00-118.00, heavy 1500-1535 lbs 105.50-107.50. Choice 2-3 1085-1495 lbs 103.00-108.50, mostly 106.00- higher dressing 110.00-111.00, full 100.75-102.50, heavy 1500-1535 lbs 103.50- High yielding Choice 1-2 in cludes the Charolais-crosses 1115-1470 lbs 105.50- fancier 110.00-115.00. High Se lect and low Choice 2-3 1095-1490 lbs 101.00- 105.50, mostly 102.00-104.00, higher dressing 105.50- Select 1-2 1050- 1445 lbs 95.00- mostly 96.00-98.00, high dressing 101.00- Holstein Steers: High Choice and Prime 2-3 1400-1570 lbs 100.00-103.00, couple beef-crosses up to 104.25. Choice 2-3 1255-1600 lbs 97.50-98.75. High Select and low Choice 1-3 1310-1570 lbs 90.50-94.50. Select 1-2 1240-1535 lbs 87.00-90 50 Slaughter Heifers' Choice, few Prime 2-3 1100-1415 lbs 101.00-104.75, couple fancier 107.00, Yield Grade 4-5 96.25-99.00. High Se lect and low Choice 2-3 1030-1285 lbs 97.50- couple high dressing 106.00-108.50. Select 1-2 1055-1240 lbs 92.50- couple 100.50-103.50. Slaughter Cows: Percent Lean Weight Bulk Low Dressing Premium White 65-70 over 1600 lbs 56.50-59.50, High Dressing 61.00- Breakers 70-75 over 1400 lbs 49.25-55.00 42.75-47.75, High Dressing 55.00- Boners 75-80 over 1200 lbs 42.00- 37.75-42.50 High Dressing 47.00- Lean (Hi-Yield) 85-90 over 1200 lbs 41.00- Lean 85-90 over 1000 lbs 36.00- 32.00-36.00 Slaughter Bulls: Yield Grade 1 1180-1950 lbs 48.50-55.75, high dressing 61.00-65.50. Feeder Holstein Heifers: Large 3 750-760 lbs 52.00-54.50; 820-895 lbs 51.50-57.50; 910-975 lbs 54.25-56.00; 1000-1085 lbs 54.00-59.50. Calves; Compared to last Tuesday, slaughter calves sold mostly steady to weak, with a large percentage of the run moving directly to slaugh ter. Holstein bull calves going into special-fed veal barns sold mixed with heaver weight Num ber 1 calves steady to firm while lighter weight groups sold with a weaker undertone. Graded Number 2 calves sold steady to mostly 10.00 lower on all weight groups, while Graded Num ber 3‘s sold weak to sharply lower on lighter weight breaks. Holstein heifers sold steady to firm with greatest advances seen in heaver weights. Buyer attendance was good with active bidding. The PA Department of Agriculture graded 816 head of bulls for the graded sale, with an estimated 70 percent of the graded run going into veal bams. Slaughter Calves: Number 3, and Utility 60-109 lbs 33.00-81.00 in the graded sale. Stan dard and Utility in the regular sale 55-125 lbs 40.00- weaker 10.00-40.00. Calves Going into Special-fed Veal Barns; Graded Number 1 Holstein bulls 122 lbs 125.00; 112 lbs 147.00-155.00; 95-102 lbs 157.00-160.00; 85-90 lbs 11S.00-122.00; 80 lbs 62.00. Graded Number 2 Holstein bulls 102-114 lbs 127.00- 135.00; 95 lbs 95.00-102.00* 74-90 lbs 61.00- Graded Number 3 Holstein bulls 96-110 lbs 79.00-85.00; 79-94 lbs 66.00-77.00. Graded Number 1 Holstein heifers 91-113 lbs 440.00- 84 lbs 265.00; 73 lbs 100.00 Graded Number 2 Holstein heifers 93-105 lbs 410.00- 82 lbs 170.00-200.00; 73-74 lbs 130.00- 64 lbs 80 00. 1356 736 333 269 LAST WEEK 1490 745 294 409 LAST YEAR 1437 591 Compared to last Thursday, slaughter steers sold a full 100-2 00 higher Kosher demand was very good as a nice offering of high quality cattle were on offer, with packer demand only moderate It is still hard to break 400 head at a slaughter steer sale in Lancaster County, and whoever got all the hard-fed cattle into town for this Thursday's sale had to turn over a lot of rocks to find them The Northeastern finished market was going against the grain on Thursday as there were very few live cattle sales reported as of Thursday afternoon in the Midwestern states, and the few feedlots that were moving cattle were doing so at a steady to weak level at mostly 105 00 live Many packers have slowed chain speeds down to a crawl, and are not running on Saturdays to try and stockpile some supplies to get the price of their live cattle down Maybe its working, as Thursday's boxed beef cutout values were from 133-2 20 lower with the Choice cutout from 165 00-167 00, this marks several consecutive days that meat markets have been lower The Chicago Mercan tile Exchange has not been farmer-fnendly either this week after a couple days of limit-down losses, with spot November closing down 90 on Thursday at 100 30 What is even more interesting is the discount the nearby spot December contract has on the cash trade It closed at 94 82 on Thursday, which is a full 10 00 lower than current cash levels Either the Board or the finished prices are going to have to make an ad justment fairly soon, as the end of November is only a couple weeks away. The Holstein steer run was light, and to mixed to test in New Holland on Thursday Slaughter heifers sold mostly steady Fleshy slaughter cows sold 3.00-600 higher, with Lean cows trending steady 1 50 higher in very active trading as some pack ers are increasing their cow kills, to offset their lack of steer supplies A good run of slaughter bulls sold steady to 3 00 higher The supply included 351 head of slaughter steers, 92 head of slaughter heifers, 566 head of slaughter cows, 91 head of slaughter bulls, with 256 head of feeder cattle Slaughter Steers High Choice and Prime 2-4 1195-1470 lbs 11000-116.00, mostly 11200-11400, several fancier 116 25-120 50, heavy 1510-1565 lbs 108 50- 115 00. Choice 2-3 1105-1480 lbs 104 00-110 00, mostly 107 00-108 00, fancier 11050-112 50, full 99 50-102 50, heavy 1505-1530 lbs 102 50-108.50 High yielding Choice 1-2 1235-1490 lbs 110.00-117 50 includes some Charolait- crosses. High Select and low Choice 2-3 1020-1490 lbs 10100-105 50. mostly 10200-10400 Select 1-2 1065-1480 lbs 95 50-100 50, mostly 97.50-9900 Returning to feed. 975-1170 lbs 86 00-90 00 Holstein Steers Few high Choice and Prime 2-3 1400-1495 lbs 97.00-98 25 Choice 2-3 1285-1570 lbs 90.00-95 50, mostly 91 00-93 00 High Select and low Choice 2-3 1235-1565 lbs 85.00-88.00. Select 1-2 1280-1495 lbs 77 00-83 50, mostly 77 00-8100. Stan dard 1-2 1230-1405 lbs 70 00-76 00 Slaughter Heifers. Choice 2-3 1075-1250 lbs 102 00-105 SO, couple fancy 109 50-112 00 High Select and low Choice 2-3 1050-1230 lbs 97 50-10000, Charo lais-cross 104S0 Few Select 1-2 1115-1205 lbs 92 00-94 50 Slaughter Cows Percent Lean, Weight, Bulk, Low Dressing Premium White, 65-70, Over 1600 lbs, 58 50-6400, 52 50-55 00, High dressing 6600-69 00 Breakers, 75-80, Over 1400 lbs, 5100-57 00, 45.00-50 50, High dressing 58 50-63 00. Boners, 80-85, Over 1200 lbs, 45 50-5100, 39.75-45 00, High dressing 52.50-55 50 Lean (Hi-Yield), 85-88, Over 1200Jbs, 42 00-47 00 Lean, 88-90, Over 1000 lbs, 39.00*44.00 35 00-3850 Lean (Light-Wt), 85-90, 750-1000 lbs, 38 50-4150,33.50-3625 Slaughter Bulls Yield Grade 1 1220-2175 lbs 54 50-57 75, high dressing up to 68 00 Yield Grade 2 1250-2250 Iba 51 50-57 SO, low dressing 2455 lb single 42 00 Bullocks Few high Select 1-2 1170-1275 lbs 71 00-77 00, one 1020 lbs 65 SO Calves Compared to last Thursday, slaughter calves (Turn to Page A 42) 277 387