(Continued from Page A 2) 120-124 lbs 140 00; 94-118 lbs 155.00- 00; 88- 92 lbs 120.00; 80-86 lbs 9000-95 00 Graded Number 3 Holstein bulls 105-130 lbs one package 87.00, one package 93 00, 90-100 lbs 98.00-101 00. 75-85 lbs 80.00 Holstein heifers 90-100 lbs 420 00-500 00; 80 lbs 370 00-440.00 Plain er heifers 90-120 lbs 300.00-440.00, 80-85 lbs 200.00-350.00 Weaker heifers 85-95 lbs 140.00-200.00; 65-75 lbs 120.00-180.00 Sheep and Lambs. Compared to Mon day, the bulk of the slaughter lambs sold 5.00 to 10.00 lower, with a few fancier of ferings trading mostly steady. Slaughter sheep sold mostly steady to weak on a light run. Buyer attendance was light with very light bidding activity. Slaughter Lambs; Choice and Prime 2-3 20-30 lbs few head 200.00-250.00; 30- 40 lbs few 120.00-130.00, individual 255.00; 40-50 lbs 119.00-130.00, few 170.00- 50-60 lbs 110.00-124.00, few 146.00-147.00; 60-70 lbs 110.00- 130.00, few singles 140.00-142.00; 70-80 lbs 110.00-120.00; 80-90 lbs 108.00- 120.00; 90-100 lbs 100.00-116.00; 100-125 lbs 90.00-99.00, few 110.00-111.00; 125-150 lbs 85.00-105.00. Good 2-3 80-90 lbs 96.00-103.00; 90-100 lbs 93.00- 96.00. Slaughter Sheep; Utility and Good 1-3 Yearlings 150-200 lbs 66.00-79.00. Sheep 100-150 lbs 40.00-51.00; 150-200 lbs 38.00- long fleeced 27.00- 33.00. Bucks 150-200 lbs 33.00-40.00; 200-225 lbs 30.00- Slaughter Goats: Compared to Monday, Kid goats sold with a lower undertone. Yearlings were lightly tested. Nannies and Billies sold most steady to weak. Buyer at tendance was good with moderate de mand. All goats are sold by the head, with estimated weights. Kids: Selection 1 20-40 lbs individual 64.00; 40-60 lbs 70.00-75.00; 60-80 lbs 78.00- Selection 2 20-40 lbs 42.00- 00; 40-60 lbs 53.00-68.00; 60- 80 lbs 64.00-76.00 Selection 3 20-40 lbs 22.00- 40-60 lbs 40.00-56.00; 60-80 lbs few 54.00-60.00. Yearlings. Selection 2 60-80 lbs 74.00- 80-100 lbs few head 74.00. Se lection 3 60-80 lbs 61.00-70.00. Nannies; Selection 2 50-70 lbs 46.00- 00, pigmies 43.00-46 00; 70-100 lbs 56.00-66.00; 100-150 lbs 60.00-75.00. Selection 3 50-70 lbs 35.00-53.00; 70-100 lbs 45.00-57.00; 100-150 lbs 58.00. Billies: Selection 1 70-100 lbs 88.00- 100-150 lbs 102.00-120.00; 100-150 lbs 13200-137.00, individual 150.00 Selection 2 70-80 lb 76.00-86.00, few pigmies 48.00-60.00; 100-150 lbs 89.00- 150-250 lbs 108.00-122.00. Se lection 3 70-100 lbs 65 00-77.00; 100-150 lbs 74.00-80.00; 150-250 lbs 79.00-99.00. Wethers; 50-70 lbs 66.00-80.00, weaker 55.00- few pigmies 46.00- 50.00, 70-100 lbs 74.00-7900; 100-150 lbs 83 00-86.00. Lancaster County Weekly Cattle New Holland, Pa. Report Supplied By USDA Friday, Nov. 7,2003 CATTLE CALVES 2567 1853 2871 2027 THIS WEEK LAST WEEK This week in Lancaster County, slaugh ter steers kicked off the week trading mostly steady to firm. However, by Thurs day the finished market took another no ticeable swing as prices were a full 3.00- higher in New Holland on Thursday. The direct feedlots in Nebraska moved their black-hided steers 1.00- 4.00 higher, from 105.00-106.00 this week. Their dressed sales were 5.00 higher, from 165.00- However, cutout values have not been overly affected by the high er finished trade, as Choice cuts have been around 169.00. The Merc took note though, as it will take a few days of limit up gains to align the spot November con tract (currently at 99.90) with the current cash trade. Back in the County, the num ber of finished cattle is remaining light Finished, there is a word that is being used more and more loosely. It used to be local producers would hold cattle until they weighed from 1350-1450 lbs., they were high Choice and Prime, with a Yield Grade of 3 or 4 Now, they are coming through the sale ring weighing much less, most are average to low Choice, some are Select, with Yield Grades moving down to 1 to 3 Although, who could blame pro ducers for putting them on a truck when they are selling them at a live price that they were getting for them dressed over the past years That's not to say that there are not some reputation feeders that are holding them until they are ready, how ever, most kosher buyers would pay a pretty penny for a map to these producers farms. Holstein steers were in light supply this week, and were never trended. Slaughter heifers sold mostly 2 00-4 00 higher late in the week. Slaughter cows sold fully 1.00-3 00 lower early in the week, with late week prices feeding off of the higher steer market, with bids 2.00- 00 higher Slaughter bulls sold steady to 1.00 lower early in the week, trending steady to 2.00 higher late in the week. The cattle supply this week in Lan caster County included 601 slaughter steers, 127 slaughter heifers, 1159 slaugh ter cows, 201 slaughter bulls, and 479 head of feeder cattle Slaughter Steers High Choice and Prime 2-4 1175-1455 lbs 108.00-115 00, mostly 110.00-112.00; early in the week 104.00- Choice 2-3 1025-1495 lbs 102.00- mostly 105.00-106.00, fan cier 108 00-110.75, few full 100 00- 103.00; early in the week 100.00-104.50. High yielding Choice 1-2 1200-1490 lbs 105.00- includes Charolais-crosses, mostly 107.00-109.00, early in the week 104.75- 10.00. High Select and low Choice 2-3 1015-1405 lbs 99.50-104.00, mostly 102.00- high dressing 103.50- early in the week 9600- 100.50. Select 1-2 1050-1455 lbs 93.00- mostly 95.00-97.00; early m the week 90.00-96.75. Holstein Steers: Choice 2-3 1175-1595 lbs 90.75-93.00, indiv 95.00. High Select and low Choice 2-3 1335-1580 lbs 84.00- Select 1-2 1250-1580 lbs 80.00- Standard 1-2 1180-1470 lbs 68.00- poorer quality 56.50- 62.00. Slaughter Heifers; Few high Choice and Prime 2-3 1295-1395 lbs 113.00- 114.00. Choice 2-3 1085-1410 lbs 101.75-106.00, couple fancier 108 75-112.00. High Select and low Choice 2-3 1020-1305 lbs 98.00- mostly 99.00-100.50. Slaughter Cows: Percent Lean, Weight, Bulk, Low Dressing. Premium White, 65-70, Over 1600 lbs, 51.00-58.75, 45.75- High dressing 59.50-62.50. Breakers, 75-80, Over 1400 lbs, 46.75- 41.00-45.75, High dressing 52.00- Boners, 80-85, Over 1200 lbs, 39.00- 35.00-43.50, High dressing 49.50- Lean (Hi-Yield), 85-88, Over 1200 lbs, 41.25-45.00, 37.75-40.00. Lean, 88-90, Over 1000 lbs, 35.50-43.00, 32.25-36.25. Lean (Light-Wt), 85-90, 750-1000 lbs, 33.50-41.50,27.25-37.00. Slaughter Bulls; Yield Grade 1 1185-2065 lbs 49.50-57.50, high dressing 57.00- couple very fancy 72.00- low dressing 46.50-49.50. Calf Summary; This week in Lancaster County, slaughter calves sold steady to firm. Holstein bull calves sold steady to 1000 higher. Holstein heifer calves sold steady to weak on a good test Tuesday, with the heifer runs light on Monday and Thursday. Northeast hide-off dressed prices continue to trend lower, with prices from 208.00-235.00 by Thursday. The PA Department of Agriculture graded 1329 head of bulls and heifers at the two graded sales this week in Lancaster County, com pared to 1417 the prior week. Slaughter Calves: Number 3, and Utili ty 60-125 lbs 40.00-88.00, weaker 10.00- Calves Going Into Special-fed Veal Bams; Monday- Holstein Bulls 90-125 lbs 130.00- 80-90 lbs 100.00-140.00. Plainer-type Holstein Bulls 90-125 lbs 100.00- 80-90 lbs 90.00-110.00. Weaker Holstein Bulls 90-125 lbs 70.00- Tuesday- Graded Number 1 Holstein bulls 121-122 lbs 137.00; 103-112 lbs 155.00- 167.00; 102-103 lbs 170.00-172.00; 95-101 lbs 150.00-157.00; 85-90 lbs 100.00- 130.00. Graded Number 2 Holstein bulls 115 lbs 135.00; 101-112 lbs 140.00-145.00; 95 lbs 132.00-135.00; 90 lbs 115.00-120.00; 74-84 lbs 70.00-95.00. Graded Number 3 Holstein bulls 81-113 lbs 77.00-85.00. Graded Number 1 Holstein heifers 92-113 lbs 425.00-480.00; 84 lbs 230.00; few 75 lbs 175.00. Graded Number 2 Holstein heifeis 92-105 lbs 300.00-310.00; 83 lbs 210.00- 63-72 lbs 130.00-140.00. Thursday- Graded Number 1 Holstein bulls 120-124 lbs 142.00; 90-118 lbs 155.00- 172.00; 80-88 lbs 122.00-131.00. Graded Number 2 Holstein bulls 120-124 lbs 140.00; 94-118 lbs ISS.OO-16S.00; 88-92 lbs 120.00; 80-86 lbs 90.00-95.00. Graded Number 3 Holstein bulls 105-130 lbs one package 87.00, one package 93.00; 90-100 lbs 98.00-101.00; 75-85 lbs 80.00. Holstein heifers 90-100 lbs 420.00- 500.00; 80 lbs 370.00- Plainer heifers 90-120 lbs 300.00- 80-85 lbs 200.00-350.00. Weaker heifers 85-95 lbs 140.00-200.00; 65-75 lbs 120.00-180.00. Jersey Shore Livestock Market, Inc. Jersey Shore, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Thursday, Nov. 6,2003 RETURN TO FARM CALF. 100-500 GOOD VEAL. 70 00-99 00 COMMON VEAL 2000-69.00 CHOICE STEERS; 90.00- SELECT STEERS. 7000-89.00. COMMON STEERS; 55.00-69.00. COMMERCIAL COWS; 45.00-55.00. CANN E R S / CUTTERS: 35.00- SHELLS. 2600-34.00. CHOICE HEIF ERS NONE SELECT HEIF ERS. 70.00-88.00. COMMON HEIF ERS. 52.00-6900. GOOD FEEDERS: 70.00- COMMON FEED ERS: 40 00-69 00 BULLS; 38.00-60.00. Indiana Livestock Auction Homer City, Pa. Thursday, Nov. 6,2003 Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE: 121. COWS STEADY TO 4.00 HIGHER. STEERS & HEIFERS; STEADY TO 4.00 HIGHER. STEERS; HIGH CHOICE & PRIME 2-3 1140/1350 LBS. 99.00-110.00. CHOICE 1-3 1185/1280 LBS. 90.00-97.00. COUPLE SELECT 1-2 83.00 & 84.00. COUPLE STANDARD 1-2 67.50. HOLSTEIN STEERS: STANDARD 1-2 59.00-61,50. HEIFERS; CHOICE 1-3 980/1320 LBS. 90.00- COWS- BREAKERS 75-80% LEAN 53.00- COUPLE TO 62.00. BONE RS 80-85% LEAN 45.00-52.50. LEAN 85-90% LEAN 35.50-44.00. SHELLS 35.00 AND DOWN. BULLS: ONE YIELD GRADE 1 1598 LBS. 56.00. YIELD GRADE 2 1090/1400 LBS 45.00-53.00. FEEDER CATTLE: FEW STEERS: 350/500 LBS. 82.50-91.00. HEIFERS: M-l 330/490 LBS. 76.00-85.00, M-2 335/788 LBS. 50.00-61.00. CALVES; 60. VEALERS: STANDARD & GOOD 70/90 LBS. 30.00-60.00. UTILI TY 65/100 LBS. 10.00-25.00. FARM CALVES: HOLSTEIN BULLS: STEADY TO 15.00 LOWER. NO. 1 BULLS 90/120 LBS. 120.00-155.00. NO. 2 BULLS 80/125 LBS. 75.00-117.50. HOLSTEIN HEIF ERS; ONE NO. 1 114 LBS. 350.00. ONE BEEF CROSS BULLS AND HEIFERS 118 LBS. 145.00. HOGS: 10. BARROWS AND GILTS: 40-45% LEAN 280/305 LBS. 34.75-36.75. SOWS: US 1-3 465/588 LBS. 30.50-34.00. BOARS; 390/635 LBS. 10.50-12.00. FEEDER PIGS: 8. FOUR 1-3 40 LBS. 18.00.1-3 65/90 LBS. 35.00-38.00. SHEEP: 15. HIGH CHOICE & PRIME 108/124 LBS. 98.00-105.00. CHOICE 80/90 LBS. 106.00-107.00. GOATS: NO MARKET TEST. Robert Fulton Fire Co. Hay Market Wakefield, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Thursday, November 6,2003 9 LOADS. ALFALFA HAY: 130.00-182.00. TIMOTHY HAY: 130.00-165.00. ORCHARDGRASS. 120.00-170.00. CORN FODDER. 65.00. GROCERY EQUIPMENT EXCEPTIONAL WALK IN COOLERS SARA’S COUNTRY STORE 14 E. FRANKLIN ST. NEW FREEDOM, PA. NOV. 17,2003 MON. -10 AM Exceptional coolers are great for produce or dairy operation. These will be pictured in next week’s Lancaster Farmer Ad. Late model 10 door walk in display cooler: B’x2l’ with 10’ high ceiling - single phase, and late model 7 door walk in cooler 8’ x 18’ with 10’ high ceiling - 3 phase. 36’ Hussman Modem deli case (3xl2’ sections); (2) 2 Door freezer display boxes; Hobart 5 hp grinder - 3 ph; Hobart meat saw 3 ph; (3) Hobart meat slicers including auto matics; SS sinks and boning tables; Retail shelv ing; Carts; Check outs. Full list next week. TERMS: No buyer’s premium, 48 hour removal. Located in Southern York County, use Shrews bury exit of 1-83. MARK BARANOWSKI - AU 2570 (717) 657-2317 STRAW -103.00. SALE EVERY THURS., 10 A.M. Pennsylvania Livestock Auction Waynesburg, Pa. Thursday, Nov. 6,2003 Report Supplied By Auction CATTLE. STOCK COWS: 45.00-51.50. SLAUGHTER COWS; Utility & Com mercial 46.00-53.50; Boner & Boning Util ity 40.00-44.00; Cutter & Boning Utility 35.00- Canner & Low Cutter 30.00- Shells 30.00 & down. BULLS: YIELD GRADE 1 15004-2000# 52.00-61.00; YIELD GRADE 2 10004-1400# 38.00-60.00. FEEDER STEERS: M & L 1 300-500# 80.00-117.00. 250-280# 80.00-107.00; M 600-900# 70.00-103.00. HEIFERS: M 1 & L 1 300-500# 78.00-91.00; L 1400-650# 60.00-94.00. BULLS: M & L 1 300-620# 70.00-102.00. CALVES: Veal Prime 70.00-85.00; Choice 60.00-84.00; Good 35.00-70.00; Farm Calves #1 Holstein Bulls 90-120# Few 35.00-95.00; #2 Holstein Bulls 80-100# Few 10.00-50.00; Beef Bull * HfrsiHd. 35.00-90.00. HOGS; Barrows & GUIs #l-2 210-255# 42.00- #2-3 255-280# 40.00-50.00; Sows #l-3 300-500# 24.50-35.00; Feeder Pigs 1-3 15-20# 5.00-22.00/Hd. 1-3 25-35# 10.00- LAMBS; High Choice 80-100# 80.00- Choice 40-75# 85.00-130.00; Feeder Lambs Good 65.00-96.00; Sheep 35.00- Fat Sheep 35.00 and down. GOATS: Large 45.00-110.00/Hd.; Medi um 30.00-71.00/Hd.; Small 10.00-30.00/ Hd. HORSES; Horses 19.00-51.50; Ponies 20.00-48.00. TIONEERS!! coming... r the :h issue is MBER 21 St M .ate! Lancaster Farming Check out our Website! www.lancasterfarmina.com PUBLIC AUCTION Moving must sell real estate and equipment, located 6 mile south of Cambridge Springs, PA or 10 mile north of Townville, PA on Rt. 408, just west of 408 to 28071 Henry Rd (next to the game farm). FRL, NOVEMBER 28th 10:00 A.M. “Real Estate” (noon) this farm has been in the Henry family for over 60 years. This is an ideal beef or horse farm with lots of wildlife. The home is a four bedroom vinyl sided remodeled two story with attached garage, basement with baseboard propane or wood heat and full bath, the bam is a two story 54’ x 50’ with a 32’ x 60’ pole bam. There is 75 total acres of which 44 are tillable, balance woods and pasture. Terms are $10,000.00 down balance at closing (30-45 days) sold with confirmation. Complete equipment and household list later. Check web site for photos & list. MR. AND MRS. DONALD HENRY Owners Doug Chesley Auctioneer, AU-000146-L Chesley Auctioneering 9530 Rt. 89 North East, PA 16428 Ph. 814-725-8238, or toll free 888-361-4610 www.dchesleyauctioneering.com HOME IMPROVEMENT AUCTION Sat., NOV. 15th @ 10:00AM BLOOMSBURG CO. FAIRGROUNDS 620 West Third Street • Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Directions: From Rt 80E exit #232 towards Bloomsburg/Shenandoan, take US-11 north towards Bloomsburg to auction site. Watch for auction signs. LUMBER • m & EXT DOORS • HARDWOOD FLOORING TRIM • CERAMIC TILE • HOT TUB • KITCHEN CABINET SETS TOOLS & MORE!! EXTERIOR DOORS: Pre-hung entrance doors including solid oak and mahogany entrance systems, half and full view, leaded glass, sidelights, sliding & patio door units. INTERIOR DOORS: Pre-hung raised 6 panel interior doors, flush, raised panel bi folds and French interior door units KITCHEN & BATH: Corian® style kitchen sinks, Formica kitchen counter tops, kitchen cabinet sets, designer kitchen and bath faucets, tub and shower faucets, jetted tubs, pedestal sinks and toilets. HARDWARE: lock sets, lever style bed, bath and closet door sets. LIGHTING: recessed lights, chandeliers, ceiling, pendant & outdoor light fix tures. SPECIAL INTEREST: electrical supplies, recessed lights, Kassell Grandfather, mantle and wall clocks with cherry cabinets. New Hot Tubs w/warranty, mattress and box spring sets, slot machines. NAME BRAND TOOLS: framing, finishing, brad & flooring nailers, air compres sors, table, scroll & miter saws, tile and glass saws, saw blades, I air hoses, router bit sets and I more. FLOORING: Carpet Rolls in residential, commer- li|| 1 f‘r‘3 1 m "■ lif i • .11 ‘lf I I r Jd JJ_ •ggSgjb * ~3jjl V, I I^l il?* us^ es casements, circle tops and fixed. MOULDING: Casing, baseboard, crown moulding, chair rail, spin dles, hand rails, stair parts. NO MINIMUMS NO RESERVES Watch website for updates: www.pbauctions.com TERMS: Drivers license to regis • fll JjfO*. ter. Cash, Check or Credit Card. 5% fIM/uUIJVh ® u y ers Premium Inventory subject t p iiw J .inTJi>T««iifl Auctioneer: Tom Paranzmo jOTCTIONEBHb , I.»» Trvn ~- . 330-849-3133 * IC #AU003736